path: root/lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 175 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fd790f4b7..0000000000
--- a/lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-class Bundler::Thor
- class Arguments #:nodoc: # rubocop:disable ClassLength
- NUMERIC = /[-+]?(\d*\.\d+|\d+)/
- # Receives an array of args and returns two arrays, one with arguments
- # and one with switches.
- #
- def self.split(args)
- arguments = []
- args.each do |item|
- break if item =~ /^-/
- arguments << item
- end
- [arguments, args[, -1)]]
- end
- def self.parse(*args)
- to_parse = args.pop
- new(*args).parse(to_parse)
- end
- # Takes an array of Bundler::Thor::Argument objects.
- #
- def initialize(arguments = [])
- @assigns = {}
- @non_assigned_required = []
- @switches = arguments
- arguments.each do |argument|
- if !argument.default.nil?
- @assigns[argument.human_name] = argument.default
- elsif argument.required?
- @non_assigned_required << argument
- end
- end
- end
- def parse(args)
- @pile = args.dup
- @switches.each do |argument|
- break unless peek
- @non_assigned_required.delete(argument)
- @assigns[argument.human_name] = send(:"parse_#{argument.type}", argument.human_name)
- end
- check_requirement!
- @assigns
- end
- def remaining
- @pile
- end
- private
- def no_or_skip?(arg)
- arg =~ /^--(no|skip)-([-\w]+)$/
- $2
- end
- def last?
- @pile.empty?
- end
- def peek
- @pile.first
- end
- def shift
- @pile.shift
- end
- def unshift(arg)
- if arg.is_a?(Array)
- @pile = arg + @pile
- else
- @pile.unshift(arg)
- end
- end
- def current_is_value?
- peek && peek.to_s !~ /^-/
- end
- # Runs through the argument array getting strings that contains ":" and
- # mark it as a hash:
- #
- # [ "name:string", "age:integer" ]
- #
- # Becomes:
- #
- # { "name" => "string", "age" => "integer" }
- #
- def parse_hash(name)
- return shift if peek.is_a?(Hash)
- hash = {}
- while current_is_value? && peek.include?(":")
- key, value = shift.split(":", 2)
- raise MalformattedArgumentError, "You can't specify '#{key}' more than once in option '#{name}'; got #{key}:#{hash[key]} and #{key}:#{value}" if hash.include? key
- hash[key] = value
- end
- hash
- end
- # Runs through the argument array getting all strings until no string is
- # found or a switch is found.
- #
- # ["a", "b", "c"]
- #
- # And returns it as an array:
- #
- # ["a", "b", "c"]
- #
- def parse_array(name)
- return shift if peek.is_a?(Array)
- array = []
- array << shift while current_is_value?
- array
- end
- # Check if the peek is numeric format and return a Float or Integer.
- # Check if the peek is included in enum if enum is provided.
- # Otherwise raises an error.
- #
- def parse_numeric(name)
- return shift if peek.is_a?(Numeric)
- unless peek =~ NUMERIC && $& == peek
- raise MalformattedArgumentError, "Expected numeric value for '#{name}'; got #{peek.inspect}"
- end
- value = $&.index(".") ? shift.to_f : shift.to_i
- if @switches.is_a?(Hash) && switch = @switches[name]
- if switch.enum && !switch.enum.include?(value)
- raise MalformattedArgumentError, "Expected '#{name}' to be one of #{switch.enum.join(', ')}; got #{value}"
- end
- end
- value
- end
- # Parse string:
- # for --string-arg, just return the current value in the pile
- # for --no-string-arg, nil
- # Check if the peek is included in enum if enum is provided. Otherwise raises an error.
- #
- def parse_string(name)
- if no_or_skip?(name)
- nil
- else
- value = shift
- if @switches.is_a?(Hash) && switch = @switches[name]
- if switch.enum && !switch.enum.include?(value)
- raise MalformattedArgumentError, "Expected '#{name}' to be one of #{switch.enum.join(', ')}; got #{value}"
- end
- end
- value
- end
- end
- # Raises an error if @non_assigned_required array is not empty.
- #
- def check_requirement!
- return if @non_assigned_required.empty?
- names = do |o|
- o.respond_to?(:switch_name) ? o.switch_name : o.human_name
- end.join("', '")
- class_name ="::").last.downcase
- raise RequiredArgumentMissingError, "No value provided for required #{class_name} '#{names}'"
- end
- end