path: root/lib/bundler/vendor/pub_grub/lib/pub_grub/failure_writer.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bundler/vendor/pub_grub/lib/pub_grub/failure_writer.rb')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/pub_grub/lib/pub_grub/failure_writer.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/pub_grub/lib/pub_grub/failure_writer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee099b23f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/vendor/pub_grub/lib/pub_grub/failure_writer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+module Bundler::PubGrub
+ class FailureWriter
+ def initialize(root)
+ @root = root
+ # { Incompatibility => Integer }
+ @derivations = {}
+ # [ [ String, Integer or nil ] ]
+ @lines = []
+ # { Incompatibility => Integer }
+ @line_numbers = {}
+ count_derivations(root)
+ end
+ def write
+ return @root.to_s unless @root.conflict?
+ visit(@root)
+ padding = @line_numbers.empty? ? 0 : "(#{@line_numbers.values.last}) ".length
+ do |message, number|
+ next "" if message.empty?
+ lead = number ? "(#{number}) " : ""
+ lead = lead.ljust(padding)
+ message = message.gsub("\n", "\n" + " " * (padding + 2))
+ "#{lead}#{message}"
+ end.join("\n")
+ end
+ private
+ def write_line(incompatibility, message, numbered:)
+ if numbered
+ number = @line_numbers.length + 1
+ @line_numbers[incompatibility] = number
+ end
+ @lines << [message, number]
+ end
+ def visit(incompatibility, conclusion: false)
+ raise unless incompatibility.conflict?
+ numbered = conclusion || @derivations[incompatibility] > 1;
+ conjunction = conclusion || incompatibility == @root ? "So," : "And"
+ cause = incompatibility.cause
+ if cause.conflict.conflict? && cause.other.conflict?
+ conflict_line = @line_numbers[cause.conflict]
+ other_line = @line_numbers[cause.other]
+ if conflict_line && other_line
+ write_line(
+ incompatibility,
+ "Because #{cause.conflict} (#{conflict_line})\nand #{cause.other} (#{other_line}),\n#{incompatibility}.",
+ numbered: numbered
+ )
+ elsif conflict_line || other_line
+ with_line = conflict_line ? cause.conflict : cause.other
+ without_line = conflict_line ? cause.other : cause.conflict
+ line = @line_numbers[with_line]
+ visit(without_line);
+ write_line(
+ incompatibility,
+ "#{conjunction} because #{with_line} (#{line}),\n#{incompatibility}.",
+ numbered: numbered
+ )
+ else
+ single_line_conflict = single_line?(cause.conflict.cause)
+ single_line_other = single_line?(cause.other.cause)
+ if single_line_conflict || single_line_other
+ first = single_line_other ? cause.conflict : cause.other
+ second = single_line_other ? cause.other : cause.conflict
+ visit(first)
+ visit(second)
+ write_line(
+ incompatibility,
+ "Thus, #{incompatibility}.",
+ numbered: numbered
+ )
+ else
+ visit(cause.conflict, conclusion: true)
+ @lines << ["", nil]
+ visit(cause.other)
+ write_line(
+ incompatibility,
+ "#{conjunction} because #{cause.conflict} (#{@line_numbers[cause.conflict]}),\n#{incompatibility}.",
+ numbered: numbered
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ elsif cause.conflict.conflict? || cause.other.conflict?
+ derived = cause.conflict.conflict? ? cause.conflict : cause.other
+ ext = cause.conflict.conflict? ? cause.other : cause.conflict
+ derived_line = @line_numbers[derived]
+ if derived_line
+ write_line(
+ incompatibility,
+ "Because #{ext}\nand #{derived} (#{derived_line}),\n#{incompatibility}.",
+ numbered: numbered
+ )
+ elsif collapsible?(derived)
+ derived_cause = derived.cause
+ if derived_cause.conflict.conflict?
+ collapsed_derived = derived_cause.conflict
+ collapsed_ext = derived_cause.other
+ else
+ collapsed_derived = derived_cause.other
+ collapsed_ext = derived_cause.conflict
+ end
+ visit(collapsed_derived)
+ write_line(
+ incompatibility,
+ "#{conjunction} because #{collapsed_ext}\nand #{ext},\n#{incompatibility}.",
+ numbered: numbered
+ )
+ else
+ visit(derived)
+ write_line(
+ incompatibility,
+ "#{conjunction} because #{ext},\n#{incompatibility}.",
+ numbered: numbered
+ )
+ end
+ else
+ write_line(
+ incompatibility,
+ "Because #{cause.conflict}\nand #{cause.other},\n#{incompatibility}.",
+ numbered: numbered
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ def single_line?(cause)
+ !cause.conflict.conflict? && !cause.other.conflict?
+ end
+ def collapsible?(incompatibility)
+ return false if @derivations[incompatibility] > 1
+ cause = incompatibility.cause
+ # If incompatibility is derived from two derived incompatibilities,
+ # there are too many transitive causes to display concisely.
+ return false if cause.conflict.conflict? && cause.other.conflict?
+ # If incompatibility is derived from two external incompatibilities, it
+ # tends to be confusing to collapse it.
+ return false unless cause.conflict.conflict? || cause.other.conflict?
+ # If incompatibility's internal cause is numbered, collapsing it would
+ # get too noisy.
+ complex = cause.conflict.conflict? ? cause.conflict : cause.other
+ !@line_numbers.has_key?(complex)
+ end
+ def count_derivations(incompatibility)
+ if @derivations.has_key?(incompatibility)
+ @derivations[incompatibility] += 1
+ else
+ @derivations[incompatibility] = 1
+ if incompatibility.conflict?
+ cause = incompatibility.cause
+ count_derivations(cause.conflict)
+ count_derivations(cause.other)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end