path: root/ext/openssl/lib
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diff --git a/ext/openssl/lib/openssl/pkey.rb b/ext/openssl/lib/openssl/pkey.rb
index e587109694..f6bf5892b0 100644
--- a/ext/openssl/lib/openssl/pkey.rb
+++ b/ext/openssl/lib/openssl/pkey.rb
@@ -158,6 +158,60 @@ module OpenSSL::PKey
+ # :call-seq:
+ # dsa.syssign(string) -> string
+ #
+ # Computes and returns the \DSA signature of +string+, where +string+ is
+ # expected to be an already-computed message digest of the original input
+ # data. The signature is issued using the private key of this DSA instance.
+ #
+ # <b>Deprecated in version 3.0</b>.
+ # Consider using PKey::PKey#sign_raw and PKey::PKey#verify_raw instead.
+ #
+ # +string+::
+ # A message digest of the original input data to be signed.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ # dsa =
+ # doc = "Sign me"
+ # digest = OpenSSL::Digest.digest('SHA1', doc)
+ #
+ # # With legacy #syssign and #sysverify:
+ # sig = dsa.syssign(digest)
+ # p dsa.sysverify(digest, sig) #=> true
+ #
+ # # With #sign_raw and #verify_raw:
+ # sig = dsa.sign_raw(nil, digest)
+ # p dsa.verify_raw(nil, sig, digest) #=> true
+ def syssign(string)
+ q or raise OpenSSL::PKey::DSAError, "incomplete DSA"
+ private? or raise OpenSSL::PKey::DSAError, "Private DSA key needed!"
+ begin
+ sign_raw(nil, string)
+ rescue OpenSSL::PKey::PKeyError
+ raise OpenSSL::PKey::DSAError, $!.message
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # dsa.sysverify(digest, sig) -> true | false
+ #
+ # Verifies whether the signature is valid given the message digest input.
+ # It does so by validating +sig+ using the public key of this DSA instance.
+ #
+ # <b>Deprecated in version 3.0</b>.
+ # Consider using PKey::PKey#sign_raw and PKey::PKey#verify_raw instead.
+ #
+ # +digest+::
+ # A message digest of the original input data to be signed.
+ # +sig+::
+ # A \DSA signature value.
+ def sysverify(digest, sig)
+ verify_raw(nil, sig, digest)
+ rescue OpenSSL::PKey::PKeyError
+ raise OpenSSL::PKey::DSAError, $!.message
+ end
if defined?(EC)