path: root/ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb
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diff --git a/ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb b/ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b9d0648bb..0000000000
--- a/ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require 'bigdecimal'
-# Contents:
-# sqrt(x, prec)
-# sin (x, prec)
-# cos (x, prec)
-# atan(x, prec) Note: |x|<1, x=0.9999 may not converge.
-# PI (prec)
-# E (prec) == exp(1.0,prec)
-# where:
-# x ... BigDecimal number to be computed.
-# |x| must be small enough to get convergence.
-# prec ... Number of digits to be obtained.
-# Provides mathematical functions.
-# Example:
-# require "bigdecimal/math"
-# include BigMath
-# a = BigDecimal((PI(100)/2).to_s)
-# puts sin(a,100) # => 0.99999999999999999999......e0
-module BigMath
- module_function
- # call-seq:
- # sqrt(decimal, numeric) -> BigDecimal
- #
- # Computes the square root of +decimal+ to the specified number of digits of
- # precision, +numeric+.
- #
- # BigMath.sqrt(BigDecimal('2'), 16).to_s
- # #=> "0.1414213562373095048801688724e1"
- #
- def sqrt(x, prec)
- x.sqrt(prec)
- end
- # call-seq:
- # sin(decimal, numeric) -> BigDecimal
- #
- # Computes the sine of +decimal+ to the specified number of digits of
- # precision, +numeric+.
- #
- # If +decimal+ is Infinity or NaN, returns NaN.
- #
- # BigMath.sin(BigMath.PI(5)/4, 5).to_s
- # #=> "0.70710678118654752440082036563292800375e0"
- #
- def sin(x, prec)
- raise ArgumentError, "Zero or negative precision for sin" if prec <= 0
- return BigDecimal("NaN") if x.infinite? || x.nan?
- n = prec + BigDecimal.double_fig
- one = BigDecimal("1")
- two = BigDecimal("2")
- x = -x if neg = x < 0
- if x > (twopi = two * BigMath.PI(prec))
- if x > 30
- x %= twopi
- else
- x -= twopi while x > twopi
- end
- end
- x1 = x
- x2 = x.mult(x,n)
- sign = 1
- y = x
- d = y
- i = one
- z = one
- while d.nonzero? && ((m = n - (y.exponent - d.exponent).abs) > 0)
- m = BigDecimal.double_fig if m < BigDecimal.double_fig
- sign = -sign
- x1 = x2.mult(x1,n)
- i += two
- z *= (i-one) * i
- d = sign * x1.div(z,m)
- y += d
- end
- neg ? -y : y
- end
- # call-seq:
- # cos(decimal, numeric) -> BigDecimal
- #
- # Computes the cosine of +decimal+ to the specified number of digits of
- # precision, +numeric+.
- #
- # If +decimal+ is Infinity or NaN, returns NaN.
- #
- # BigMath.cos(BigMath.PI(4), 16).to_s
- # #=> "-0.999999999999999999999999999999856613163740061349e0"
- #
- def cos(x, prec)
- raise ArgumentError, "Zero or negative precision for cos" if prec <= 0
- return BigDecimal("NaN") if x.infinite? || x.nan?
- n = prec + BigDecimal.double_fig
- one = BigDecimal("1")
- two = BigDecimal("2")
- x = -x if x < 0
- if x > (twopi = two * BigMath.PI(prec))
- if x > 30
- x %= twopi
- else
- x -= twopi while x > twopi
- end
- end
- x1 = one
- x2 = x.mult(x,n)
- sign = 1
- y = one
- d = y
- i = BigDecimal("0")
- z = one
- while d.nonzero? && ((m = n - (y.exponent - d.exponent).abs) > 0)
- m = BigDecimal.double_fig if m < BigDecimal.double_fig
- sign = -sign
- x1 = x2.mult(x1,n)
- i += two
- z *= (i-one) * i
- d = sign * x1.div(z,m)
- y += d
- end
- y
- end
- # call-seq:
- # atan(decimal, numeric) -> BigDecimal
- #
- # Computes the arctangent of +decimal+ to the specified number of digits of
- # precision, +numeric+.
- #
- # If +decimal+ is NaN, returns NaN.
- #
- # BigMath.atan(BigDecimal('-1'), 16).to_s
- # #=> "-0.785398163397448309615660845819878471907514682065e0"
- #
- def atan(x, prec)
- raise ArgumentError, "Zero or negative precision for atan" if prec <= 0
- return BigDecimal("NaN") if x.nan?
- pi = PI(prec)
- x = -x if neg = x < 0
- return pi.div(neg ? -2 : 2, prec) if x.infinite?
- return pi / (neg ? -4 : 4) if x.round(prec) == 1
- x = BigDecimal("1").div(x, prec) if inv = x > 1
- x = (-1 + sqrt(1 + x**2, prec))/x if dbl = x > 0.5
- n = prec + BigDecimal.double_fig
- y = x
- d = y
- t = x
- r = BigDecimal("3")
- x2 = x.mult(x,n)
- while d.nonzero? && ((m = n - (y.exponent - d.exponent).abs) > 0)
- m = BigDecimal.double_fig if m < BigDecimal.double_fig
- t = -t.mult(x2,n)
- d = t.div(r,m)
- y += d
- r += 2
- end
- y *= 2 if dbl
- y = pi / 2 - y if inv
- y = -y if neg
- y
- end
- # call-seq:
- # PI(numeric) -> BigDecimal
- #
- # Computes the value of pi to the specified number of digits of precision,
- # +numeric+.
- #
- # BigMath.PI(10).to_s
- # #=> "0.3141592653589793238462643388813853786957412e1"
- #
- def PI(prec)
- raise ArgumentError, "Zero or negative precision for PI" if prec <= 0
- n = prec + BigDecimal.double_fig
- zero = BigDecimal("0")
- one = BigDecimal("1")
- two = BigDecimal("2")
- m25 = BigDecimal("-0.04")
- m57121 = BigDecimal("-57121")
- pi = zero
- d = one
- k = one
- t = BigDecimal("-80")
- while d.nonzero? && ((m = n - (pi.exponent - d.exponent).abs) > 0)
- m = BigDecimal.double_fig if m < BigDecimal.double_fig
- t = t*m25
- d = t.div(k,m)
- k = k+two
- pi = pi + d
- end
- d = one
- k = one
- t = BigDecimal("956")
- while d.nonzero? && ((m = n - (pi.exponent - d.exponent).abs) > 0)
- m = BigDecimal.double_fig if m < BigDecimal.double_fig
- t = t.div(m57121,n)
- d = t.div(k,m)
- pi = pi + d
- k = k+two
- end
- pi
- end
- # call-seq:
- # E(numeric) -> BigDecimal
- #
- # Computes e (the base of natural logarithms) to the specified number of
- # digits of precision, +numeric+.
- #
- # BigMath.E(10).to_s
- # #=> "0.271828182845904523536028752390026306410273e1"
- #
- def E(prec)
- raise ArgumentError, "Zero or negative precision for E" if prec <= 0
- BigMath.exp(1, prec)
- end