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diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 5264a76861..7a69e839de 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ end
Communication between Ractors is achieved by sending and receiving messages. There are two ways to communicate with each other.
* (1) Message sending/receiving
- * (1-1) push type send/receive (sender knows receiver). similar to the Actor model.
+ * (1-1) push type send/receive (sender knows receiver). Similar to the Actor model.
* (1-2) pull type yield/take (receiver knows sender).
* (2) Using shareable container objects
* Ractor::TVar gem ([ko1/ractor-tvar](
@@ -202,10 +202,10 @@ For message sending and receiving, there are two types of APIs: push type and pu
* If the incoming port is closed for a Ractor, you can't `send` to the Ractor. If `Ractor.receive` is blocked for the closed incoming port, then it will raise an exception.
* If the outgoing port is closed for a Ractor, you can't call `Ractor#take` and `Ractor.yield` on the Ractor. If ractors are blocking by `Ractor#take` or `Ractor.yield`, closing outgoing port will raise an exception on these blocking ractors.
* When a Ractor is terminated, the Ractor's ports are closed.
-* There are 3 way to send an object as a message
+* There are 3 ways to send an object as a message
* (1) Send a reference: Sending a shareable object, send only a reference to the object (fast)
- * (2) Copy an object: Sending an unshareable object by copying an object deeply (slow). Note that you can not send an object which does not support deep copy. Some `T_DATA` objects are not supported.
- * (3) Move an object: Sending an unshareable object reference with a membership. Sender Ractor can not access moved objects anymore (raise an exception) after moving it. Current implementation makes new object as a moved object for receiver Ractor and copies references of sending object to moved object.
+ * (2) Copy an object: Sending an unshareable object by copying an object deeply (slow). Note that you can not send an object which does not support deep copy. Some `T_DATA` objects (objects whose class is defined in a C extension, such as `StringIO`) are not supported.
+ * (3) Move an object: Sending an unshareable object reference with a membership. Sender Ractor can not access moved objects anymore (raise an exception) after moving it. Current implementation makes new object as a moved object for receiver Ractor and copies references of sending object to moved object. `T_DATA` objects are not supported.
* You can choose "Copy" and "Move" by the `move:` keyword, `Ractor#send(obj, move: true/false)` and `Ractor.yield(obj, move: true/false)` (default is `false` (COPY)).
### Sending/Receiving ports
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ TODO: `select` syntax of go-language uses round-robin technique to make fair sch
* `Ractor#close_incoming/outgoing` close incoming/outgoing ports (similar to `Queue#close`).
* `Ractor#close_incoming`
- * `r.send(obj) ` where `r`'s incoming port is closed, will raise an exception.
+ * `r.send(obj)` where `r`'s incoming port is closed, will raise an exception.
* When the incoming queue is empty and incoming port is closed, `Ractor.receive` raises an exception. If the incoming queue is not empty, it dequeues an object without exceptions.
* `Ractor#close_outgoing`
* `Ractor.yield` on a Ractor which closed the outgoing port, it will raise an exception.
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ The following objects are shareable.
Implementation: Now shareable objects (`RVALUE`) have `FL_SHAREABLE` flag. This flag can be added lazily.
-To make shareable objects, `Ractor.make_shareable(obj)` method is provided. In this case, try to make sharaeble by freezing `obj` and recursively travasible objects. This method accepts `copy:` keyword (default value is false).`Ractor.make_shareable(obj, copy: true)` tries to make a deep copy of `obj` and make the copied object shareable.
+To make shareable objects, `Ractor.make_shareable(obj)` method is provided. In this case, try to make sharaeble by freezing `obj` and recursively traversable objects. This method accepts `copy:` keyword (default value is false).`Ractor.make_shareable(obj, copy: true)` tries to make a deep copy of `obj` and make the copied object shareable.
## Language changes to isolate unshareable objects between Ractors
@@ -705,8 +705,8 @@ TABLE = {a: 'ko1', b: 'ko2', c: 'ko3'}
* none: Do nothing. Same as: `CONST = expr`
* literal:
- * if `expr` is consites of literals, replaced to `CONST = Ractor.make_shareable(expr)`.
- * otherwise: replaced to `CONST = expr.tap{|o| raise unless Ractor.shareable?}`.
+ * if `expr` consists of literals, replaced to `CONST = Ractor.make_shareable(expr)`.
+ * otherwise: replaced to `CONST = expr.tap{|o| raise unless Ractor.shareable?(o)}`.
* experimental_everything: replaced to `CONST = Ractor.make_shareable(expr)`.
* experimental_copy: replaced to `CONST = Ractor.make_shareable(expr, copy: true)`.