path: root/doc/documentation_guide.rdoc
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 281 deletions
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-= Documentation Guide
-This guide discusses recommendations for documenting
-classes, modules, and methods
-in the Ruby core and in the Ruby standard library.
-== Goal
-The goal of Ruby documentation is to impart the most important
-and relevant in the shortest time.
-The reader should be able to quickly understand the usefulness
-of the subject code and how to use it.
-Providing too little information is bad, but providing unimportant
-information or unnecessary examples is not good either.
-Use your judgment about what the user needs to know.
-== General Guidelines
-- Keep in mind that the reader may not be fluent in \English.
-- Write short declarative or imperative sentences.
-- Group sentences into (ideally short) paragraphs,
- each covering a single topic.
-- Organize material with
- {headers}[].
-- Refer to authoritative and relevant sources using
- {links}[].
-- Use simple verb tenses: simple present, simple past, simple future.
-- Use simple sentence structure, not compound or complex structure.
-- Avoid:
- - Excessive comma-separated phrases;
- consider a {list}[].
- - Idioms and culture-specific references.
- - Overuse of headers.
-=== \RDoc
-Ruby is documented using RDoc.
-For information on \RDoc syntax and features, see the
-{RDoc Markup Reference}[].
-=== Output from <tt>irb</tt>
-For code examples, consider using interactive Ruby,
-For a code example that includes +irb+ output,
-consider aligning <tt># => ...</tt> in successive lines.
-Alignment may sometimes aid readability:
- a = [1, 2, 3] #=> [1, 2, 3]
- a.shuffle! #=> [2, 3, 1]
- a #=> [2, 3, 1]
-=== Headers
-Organize a long discussion with
-=== Blank Lines
-A blank line begins a new paragraph.
-A {code block}[]
-or {list}[]
-should be preceded by and followed by a blank line.
-This is unnecessary for the HTML output, but helps in the +ri+ output.
-=== Auto-Linking
-In general, \RDoc's auto-linking should not be suppressed.
-For example, we should write +Array+, not <tt>\Array</tt>.
-We might consider whether to suppress when:
-- The word in question does not refer to a Ruby entity
- (e.g., some uses of _Class_ or _English_).
-- The reference is to the current class document
- (e.g., _Array_ in the documentation for class +Array+).
-- The same reference is repeated many times
- (e.g., _RDoc_ on this page).
-== Documenting Classes and Modules
-The general structure of the class or module documentation should be:
-* Synopsis
-* Common uses, with examples
-* "What's Here" summary (optional)
-=== Synopsis
-The synopsis is a short description of what the class or module does
-and why the reader might want to use it.
-Avoid details in the synopsis.
-=== Common Uses
-Show common uses of the class or module.
-Depending on the class or module, this section may vary greatly
-in both length and complexity.
-=== What's Here Summary
-The documentation for a class or module may include a "What's Here" section.
-- The section title is <tt>What's Here</tt>.
-- Consider listing the parent class and any included modules; consider
- {links}[]
- to their "What's Here" sections if those exist.
-- List methods as a {labeled list}[].
-- Each list entry's label is a method name;
- if the method has aliases, include those with the "base" method method,
- and do not list them separately.
-- Check the rendered documentation to determine whether \RDoc has recognized
- the method and linked to it; if not, manually insert a
- {link}[].
-- Each entry's description is a 1-line synopsis for the method.
-- Keep the description short.
-- If there are more entries, consider gouping them into subsections with headers.
-- If there are more than a few such subsections,
- consider adding a table of contents just below the main section title.
-== Documenting Methods
-=== General Structure
-The general structure of the method documentation should be:
-* Calling sequence (for methods written in C).
-* Synopsis (short description).
-* Details and examples.
-* Argument description (if necessary).
-* Corner cases and exceptions.
-* Aliases.
-* Related methods (optional).
-=== Calling Sequence (for methods written in C)
-For methods written in Ruby, \RDoc documents the calling sequence automatically.
-For methods written in C, \RDoc cannot determine what arguments
-the method accepts, so those need to be documented using \RDoc directive
- * call-seq:
- * array.count -> integer
- * array.count(obj) -> integer
- * array.count {|element| ... } -> integer
-When creating the <tt>call-seq</tt>, use the form
- receiver_type.method_name(arguments) {|block_arguments|} -> return_type
-Omit the parentheses for cases where the method does not accept arguments,
-and omit the block for cases where a block is not accepted.
-In the cases where method can return multiple different types, separate the
-types with "or". If the method can return any type, use "object". If the
-method returns the receiver, use "self".
-In cases where the method accepts optional arguments, use a <tt>call-seq</tt>
-with an optional argument if the method has the same behavior when an argument
-is omitted as when the argument is passed with the default value. For example,
- * obj.respond_to?(symbol, include_all=false) -> true or false
-Instead of:
- * obj.respond_to?(symbol) -> true or false
- * obj.respond_to?(symbol, include_all) -> true or false
-However, as shown above for <tt>Array#count</tt>, use separate lines if the
-behavior is different if the argument is omitted.
-Omit aliases from the call-seq, but mention them near the end (see below).
-A +call-seq+ block should have <tt>{|x| ... }</tt>, not <tt>{|x| block }</tt> or <tt>{|x| code }</tt>.
-A +call-seq+ output should:
-- Have +self+, not +receiver+ or +array+.
-- Begin with +new_+ if and only if the output object is a new instance
- of the receiver's class, to emphasize that the output object is not +self+.
-=== Synopsis
-The synopsis comes next, and is a short description of what the
-method does and why you would want to use it. Ideally, this
-is a single sentence, but for more complex methods it may require
-an entire paragraph.
-For <tt>Array#count</tt>, the synopsis is:
- Returns a count of specified elements.
-This is great as it is short and descriptive. Avoid documenting
-too much in the synopsis, stick to the most important information
-for the benefit of the reader.
-=== Details and Examples
-Most non-trivial methods benefit from examples, as well as details
-beyond what is given in the synopsis. In the details and examples
-section, you can document how the method handles different types
-of arguments, and provides examples on proper usage. In this
-section, focus on how to use the method properly, not on how the
-method handles improper arguments or corner cases.
-Not every behavior of a method requires an example. If the method
-is documented to return +self+, you don't need to provide an example
-showing the return value is the same as the receiver. If the method
-is documented to return +nil+, you don't need to provide an example
-showing that it returns +nil+. If the details mention that for a
-certain argument type, an empty array is returned, you don't need
-to provide an example for that.
-Only add an example if it provides the user additional information,
-do not add an example if it provides the same information given
-in the synopsis or details. The purpose of examples is not to prove
-what the details are stating.
-=== Argument Description (if necessary)
-For methods that require arguments, if not obvious and not explicitly
-mentioned in the details or implicitly shown in the examples, you can
-provide details about the types of arguments supported. When discussing
-the types of arguments, use simple language even if less-precise, such
-as "level must be an integer", not "level must be an Integer-convertible
-object". The vast majority of use will be with the expected type, not an
-argument that is explicitly convertible to the expected type, and
-documenting the difference is not important.
-For methods that take blocks, it can be useful to document the type of
-argument passed if it is not obvious, not explicitly mentioned in the
-details, and not implicitly shown in the examples.
-If there is more than one argument or block argument, use a
-{labeled list}[]}
-=== Corner Cases and Exceptions
-For corner cases of methods, such as atypical usage, briefly mention
-the behavior, but do not provide any examples.
-Only document exceptions raised if they are not obvious. For example,
-if you have stated earlier than an argument type must be an integer,
-you do not need to document that a \TypeError is raised if a non-integer
-is passed. Do not provide examples of exceptions being raised unless
-that is a common case, such as \Hash#fetch raising a \KeyError.
-=== Aliases
-Mention aliases in the form
- Array#find_index is an alias for Array#index.
-=== Related Methods (optional)
-In some cases, it is useful to document which methods are related to
-the current method. For example, documentation for \Hash#[] might
-mention \Hash#fetch as a related method, and \Hash#merge might mention
-\Hash#merge! as a related method. Consider which methods may be related
-to the current method, and if you think the reader would benefit it,
-at the end of the method documentation, add a line starting with
-"Related: " (e.g. "Related: #fetch"). Don't list more than three
-related methods. If you think more than three methods are related,
-pick the three you think are most important and list those three.
-=== Methods Accepting Multiple Argument Types
-For methods that accept multiple argument types, in some cases it can
-be useful to document the different argument types separately. It's
-best to use a separate paragraph for each case you are discussing.