path: root/doc/NEWS/
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+# NEWS for Ruby 3.3.0
+This document is a list of user-visible feature changes
+since the **3.2.0** release, except for bug fixes.
+Note that each entry is kept to a minimum, see links for details.
+## Command line options
+* A new `performance` warning category was introduced.
+ They are not displayed by default even in verbose mode.
+ Turn them on with `-W:performance` or `Warning[:performance] = true`. [[Feature #19538]]
+* A new `RUBY_CRASH_REPORT` environment variable was introduced to allow
+ redirecting Ruby crash reports to a file or sub command. See the `BUG REPORT ENVIRONMENT`
+ section of the ruby manpage for further details. [[Feature #19790]]
+## Core classes updates
+Note: We're only listing outstanding class updates.
+* Array
+ * Array#pack now raises ArgumentError for unknown directives. [[Bug #19150]]
+* Dir
+ * Dir.for_fd added for returning a Dir object for the directory specified
+ by the provided directory file descriptor. [[Feature #19347]]
+ * Dir.fchdir added for changing the directory to the directory specified
+ by the provided directory file descriptor. [[Feature #19347]]
+ * Dir#chdir added for changing the directory to the directory specified by
+ the provided `Dir` object. [[Feature #19347]]
+* Encoding
+ * `Encoding#replicate` has been removed, it was already deprecated. [[Feature #18949]]
+* Fiber
+ * Introduce Fiber#kill. [[Bug #595]]
+ ```ruby
+ fiber = do
+ while true
+ puts "Yielding..."
+ Fiber.yield
+ end
+ ensure
+ puts "Exiting..."
+ end
+ fiber.resume
+ # Yielding...
+ fiber.kill
+ # Exiting...
+ ```
+* MatchData
+ * MatchData#named_captures now accepts optional `symbolize_names`
+ keyword. [[Feature #19591]]
+* Module
+ * Module#set_temporary_name added for setting a temporary name for a
+ module. [[Feature #19521]]
+* ObjectSpace::WeakKeyMap
+ * New core class to build collections with weak references.
+ The class use equality semantic to lookup keys like a regular hash,
+ but it doesn't hold strong references on the keys. [[Feature #18498]]
+* ObjectSpace::WeakMap
+ * ObjectSpace::WeakMap#delete was added to eagerly clear weak map
+ entries. [[Feature #19561]]
+* Proc
+ * Now Proc#dup and Proc#clone call `#initialize_dup` and `#initialize_clone`
+ hooks respectively. [[Feature #19362]]
+* Process
+ * New Process.warmup method that notify the Ruby virtual machine that the boot sequence is finished,
+ and that now is a good time to optimize the application. This is useful
+ for long-running applications. The actual optimizations performed are entirely
+ implementation-specific and may change in the future without notice. [[Feature #18885]]
+* Process::Status
+ * Process::Status#& and Process::Status#>> are deprecated. [[Bug #19868]]
+* Range
+ * Range#reverse_each can now process beginless ranges with an Integer endpoint. [[Feature #18515]]
+ * Range#reverse_each now raises TypeError for endless ranges. [[Feature #18551]]
+ * Range#overlap? added for checking if two ranges overlap. [[Feature #19839]]
+* Refinement
+ * Add Refinement#target as an alternative of Refinement#refined_class.
+ Refinement#refined_class is deprecated and will be removed in Ruby
+ 3.4. [[Feature #19714]]
+* Regexp
+ * The cache-based optimization now supports lookarounds and atomic groupings. That is, match
+ for Regexp containing these extensions can now also be performed in linear time to the length
+ of the input string. However, these cannot contain captures and cannot be nested. [[Feature #19725]]
+* String
+ * String#unpack now raises ArgumentError for unknown directives. [[Bug #19150]]
+ * String#bytesplice now accepts new arguments index/length or range of the
+ source string to be copied. [[Feature #19314]]
+* Thread::Queue
+ * Thread::Queue#freeze now raises TypeError. [[Bug #17146]]
+* Thread::SizedQueue
+ * Thread::SizedQueue#freeze now raises TypeError. [[Bug #17146]]
+* Time
+ * with a string argument became stricter. [[Bug #19293]]
+ ```ruby
+ # no time information (ArgumentError)
+ ```
+* TracePoint
+ * TracePoint supports `rescue` event. When the raised exception was rescued,
+ the TracePoint will fire the hook. `rescue` event only supports Ruby-level
+ `rescue`. [[Feature #19572]]
+## Stdlib updates
+* RubyGems and Bundler warn if users do `require` the following gems without adding them to Gemfile or gemspec.
+ This is because they will become the bundled gems in the future version of Ruby. This warning is suppressed
+ if you use bootsnap gem. We recommend to run your application with `DISABLE_BOOTSNAP=1` environmental variable
+ at least once. This is limitation of this version.
+ [[Feature #19351]] [[Feature #19776]] [[Feature #19843]]
+ * abbrev
+ * base64
+ * bigdecimal
+ * csv
+ * drb
+ * getoptlong
+ * mutex_m
+ * nkf
+ * observer
+ * racc
+ * resolv-replace
+ * rinda
+ * syslog
+* Socket#recv and Socket#recv_nonblock returns `nil` instead of an empty string on closed
+ connections. Socket#recvmsg and Socket#recvmsg_nonblock returns `nil` instead of an empty packet on closed
+ connections. [[Bug #19012]]
+* Name resolution such as Socket.getaddrinfo, Socket.getnameinfo, Addrinfo.getaddrinfo, etc.
+ can now be interrupted. [[Feature #19965]]
+* Random::Formatter#alphanumeric is extended to accept optional `chars`
+ keyword argument. [[Feature #18183]]
+The following default gem is added.
+* prism 0.19.0
+The following default gems are updated.
+* RubyGems 3.5.3
+* abbrev 0.1.2
+* base64 0.2.0
+* benchmark 0.3.0
+* bigdecimal 3.1.5
+* bundler 2.5.3
+* cgi 0.4.1
+* csv 3.2.8
+* date 3.3.4
+* delegate 0.3.1
+* drb 2.2.0
+* english 0.8.0
+* erb 4.0.3
+* error_highlight 0.6.0
+* etc 1.4.3
+* fcntl 1.1.0
+* fiddle 1.1.2
+* fileutils 1.7.2
+* find 0.2.0
+* getoptlong 0.2.1
+* io-console 0.7.1
+* io-nonblock 0.3.0
+* io-wait 0.3.1
+* ipaddr 1.2.6
+* irb 1.11.0
+* json 2.7.1
+* logger 1.6.0
+* mutex_m 0.2.0
+* net-http 0.4.0
+* net-protocol 0.2.2
+* nkf 0.1.3
+* observer 0.1.2
+* open-uri 0.4.1
+* open3 0.2.1
+* openssl 3.2.0
+* optparse 0.4.0
+* ostruct 0.6.0
+* pathname 0.3.0
+* pp 0.5.0
+* prettyprint 0.2.0
+* pstore 0.1.3
+* psych 5.1.2
+* rdoc 6.6.2
+* readline 0.0.4
+* reline 0.4.1
+* resolv 0.3.0
+* rinda 0.2.0
+* securerandom 0.3.1
+* set 1.1.0
+* shellwords 0.2.0
+* singleton 0.2.0
+* stringio 3.1.0
+* strscan 3.0.7
+* syntax_suggest 2.0.0
+* syslog 0.1.2
+* tempfile 0.2.1
+* time 0.3.0
+* timeout 0.4.1
+* tmpdir 0.2.0
+* tsort 0.2.0
+* un 0.3.0
+* uri 0.13.0
+* weakref 0.1.3
+* win32ole 1.8.10
+* yaml 0.3.0
+* zlib 3.1.0
+The following bundled gem is promoted from default gems.
+* racc 1.7.3
+The following bundled gems are updated.
+* minitest 5.20.0
+* rake 13.1.0
+* test-unit 3.6.1
+* rexml 3.2.6
+* rss 0.3.0
+* net-ftp 0.3.3
+* net-imap 0.4.9
+* net-smtp 0.4.0
+* rbs 3.4.0
+* typeprof 0.21.9
+* debug 1.9.1
+See GitHub releases like [Logger]( or
+changelog for details of the default gems or bundled gems.
+### Prism
+* Introduced [the Prism parser]( as a default gem
+ * Prism is a portable, error tolerant, and maintainable recursive descent parser for the Ruby language
+* Prism is production ready and actively maintained, you can use it in place of Ripper
+ * There is [extensive documentation]( on how to use Prism
+ * Prism is both a C library that will be used internally by CRuby and a Ruby gem that can be used by any tooling which needs to parse Ruby code
+ * Notable methods in the Prism API are:
+ * `Prism.parse(source)` which returns the AST as part of a parse result object
+ * `Prism.parse_comments(source)` which returns the comments
+ * `Prism.parse_success?(source)` which returns true if there are no errors
+* You can make pull requests or issues directly on [the Prism repository]( if you are interested in contributing
+* You can now use `ruby --parser=prism` or `RUBYOPT="--parser=prism"` to experiment with the Prism compiler. Please note that this flag is for debugging only.
+## Compatibility issues
+* Subprocess creation/forking via the following file open methods is deprecated. [[Feature #19630]]
+ * Kernel#open
+ *
+ * IO.binread
+ * IO.foreach
+ * IO.readlines
+ *
+ * IO.write
+* When given a non-lambda, non-literal block, Kernel#lambda with now raises
+ ArgumentError instead of returning it unmodified. These usages have been
+ issuing warnings under the `Warning[:deprecated]` category since Ruby 3.0.0.
+ [[Feature #19777]]
+* The `RUBY_GC_HEAP_INIT_SLOTS` environment variable has been deprecated and
+ removed. Environment variables `RUBY_GC_HEAP_%d_INIT_SLOTS` should be
+ used instead. [[Feature #19785]]
+* `it` calls without arguments in a block with no ordinary parameters are
+ deprecated. `it` will be a reference to the first block parameter in Ruby 3.4.
+ [[Feature #18980]]
+* Error message for NoMethodError have changed to not use the target object's `#inspect`
+ for efficiency, and says "instance of ClassName" instead. [[Feature #18285]]
+ ```ruby
+ ([1] * 100).nonexisting
+ # undefined method `nonexisting' for an instance of Array (NoMethodError)
+ ```
+* Now anonymous parameters forwarding is disallowed inside a block
+ that uses anonymous parameters. [[Feature #19370]]
+## Stdlib compatibility issues
+* `racc` is promoted to bundled gems.
+ * You need to add `racc` to your `Gemfile` if you use `racc` under bundler environment.
+* `ext/readline` is retired
+ * We have `reline` that is pure Ruby implementation compatible with `ext/readline` API.
+ We rely on `reline` in the future. If you need to use `ext/readline`, you can install
+ `ext/readline` via with `gem install readline-ext`.
+ * We no longer need to install libraries like `libreadline` or `libedit`.
+## C API updates
+* `rb_postponed_job` updates
+ * New APIs and deprecated APIs (see comments for details)
+ * added: `rb_postponed_job_preregister()`
+ * added: `rb_postponed_job_trigger()`
+ * deprecated: `rb_postponed_job_register()` (and semantic change. see below)
+ * deprecated: `rb_postponed_job_register_one()`
+ * The postponed job APIs have been changed to address some rare crashes.
+ To solve the issue, we introduced new two APIs and deprecated current APIs.
+ The semantics of these functions have also changed slightly; `rb_postponed_job_register`
+ now behaves like the `once` variant in that multiple calls with the same
+ `func` might be coalesced into a single execution of the `func`
+ [[Feature #20057]]
+* Some updates for internal thread event hook APIs
+ * `rb_internal_thread_event_data_t` with a target Ruby thread (VALUE)
+ and callback functions (`rb_internal_thread_event_callback`) receive it.
+ * The following functions are introduced to manipulate Ruby thread local data
+ from internal thread event hook APIs (they are introduced since Ruby 3.2).
+ * `rb_internal_thread_specific_key_create()`
+ * `rb_internal_thread_specific_get()`
+ * `rb_internal_thread_specific_set()`
+* `rb_profile_thread_frames()` is introduced to get a frames from
+ a specific thread.
+ [[Feature #10602]]
+* `rb_data_define()` is introduced to define `Data`. [[Feature #19757]]
+* `rb_ext_resolve_symbol()` is introduced to search a function from
+ extension libraries. [[Feature #20005]]
+* IO related updates:
+ * The details of `rb_io_t` will be hidden and deprecated attributes
+ are added for each members. [[Feature #19057]]
+ * `rb_io_path(VALUE io)` is introduced to get a path of `io`.
+ * `rb_io_closed_p(VALUE io)` to get opening or closing of `io`.
+ * `rb_io_mode(VALUE io)` to get the mode of `io`.
+ * `rb_io_open_descriptor()` is introduced to make an IO object from a file
+ descriptor.
+## Implementation improvements
+### Parser
+* Replace Bison with [Lrama LALR parser generator](
+ No need to install Bison to build Ruby from source code anymore.
+ We will no longer suffer bison compatibility issues and we can use new features by just implementing it to Lrama. [[Feature #19637]]
+ * See [The future vision of Ruby Parser]( for detail.
+ * Lrama internal parser is a LR parser generated by Racc for maintainability.
+ * Parameterizing Rules `(?, *, +)` are supported, it will be used in Ruby parse.y.
+### GC / Memory management
+* Major performance improvements over Ruby 3.2
+ * Young objects referenced by old objects are no longer immediately
+ promoted to the old generation. This significantly reduces the frequency of
+ major GC collections. [[Feature #19678]]
+ introduced to control the number of unprotected objects cause a major GC
+ collection to trigger. The default is set to `0.01` (1%). This significantly
+ reduces the frequency of major GC collection. [[Feature #19571]]
+ * Write Barriers were implemented for many core types that were missing them,
+ notably `Time`, `Enumerator`, `MatchData`, `Method`, `File::Stat`, `BigDecimal`
+ and several others. This significantly reduces minor GC collection time and major
+ GC collection frequency.
+ * Most core classes are now using Variable Width Allocation, notably `Hash`, `Time`,
+ `Thread::Backtrace`, `Thread::Backtrace::Location`, `File::Stat`, `Method`.
+ This makes these classes faster to allocate and free, use less memory and reduce
+ heap fragmentation.
+* `defined?(@ivar)` is optimized with Object Shapes.
+### YJIT
+* Major performance improvements over Ruby 3.2
+ * Support for splat and rest arguments has been improved.
+ * Registers are allocated for stack operations of the virtual machine.
+ * More calls with optional arguments are compiled. Exception handlers are also compiled.
+ * Unsupported call types and megamorphic call sites no longer exit to the interpreter.
+ * Basic methods like Rails `#blank?` and
+ [specialized `#present?`]( are inlined.
+ * `Integer#*`, `Integer#!=`, `String#!=`, `String#getbyte`,
+ `Kernel#block_given?`, `Kernel#is_a?`, `Kernel#instance_of?`, and `Module#===`
+ are specially optimized.
+ * Compilation speed is now slightly faster than Ruby 3.2.
+ * Now more than 3x faster than the interpreter on Optcarrot!
+* Significantly improved memory usage over Ruby 3.2
+ * Metadata for compiled code uses a lot less memory.
+ * `--yjit-call-threshold` is automatically raised from 30 to 120
+ when the application has more than 40,000 ISEQs.
+ * `--yjit-cold-threshold` is added to skip compiling cold ISEQs.
+ * More compact code is generated on Arm64.
+* Code GC is now disabled by default
+ * `--yjit-exec-mem-size` is treated as a hard limit where compilation of new code stops.
+ * No sudden drops in performance due to code GC.
+ Better copy-on-write behavior on servers reforking with
+ [Pitchfork](
+ * You can still enable code GC if desired with `--yjit-code-gc`
+* Add `RubyVM::YJIT.enable` that can enable YJIT at run-time
+ * You can start YJIT without modifying command-line arguments or environment variables.
+ Rails 7.2 will [enable YJIT by default](
+ using this method.
+ * This can also be used to enable YJIT only once your application is
+ done booting. `--yjit-disable` can be used if you want to use other
+ YJIT options while disabling YJIT at boot.
+* More YJIT stats are available by default
+ * `yjit_alloc_size` and several more metadata-related stats are now available by default.
+ * `ratio_in_yjit` stat produced by `--yjit-stats` is now available in release builds,
+ a special stats or dev build is no longer required to access most stats.
+* Add more profiling capabilities
+ * `--yjit-perf` is added to facilitate profiling with Linux perf.
+ * `--yjit-trace-exits` now supports sampling with `--yjit-trace-exits-sample-rate=N`
+* More thorough testing and multiple bug fixes
+* `--yjit-stats=quiet` is added to avoid printing stats on exit.
+### MJIT
+* MJIT is removed.
+ * `--disable-jit-support` is removed. Consider using `--disable-yjit --disable-rjit` instead.
+### RJIT
+* Introduced a pure-Ruby JIT compiler RJIT.
+ * RJIT supports only x86\_64 architecture on Unix platforms.
+ * Unlike MJIT, it doesn't require a C compiler at runtime.
+* RJIT exists only for experimental purposes.
+ * You should keep using YJIT in production.
+### M:N Thread scheduler
+* M:N Thread scheduler is introduced. [[Feature #19842]]
+ * Background: Ruby 1.8 and before, M:1 thread scheduler (M Ruby threads
+ with 1 native thread. Called as User level threads or Green threads)
+ is used. Ruby 1.9 and later, 1:1 thread scheduler (1 Ruby thread with
+ 1 native thread). M:1 threads takes lower resources compare with 1:1
+ threads because it needs only 1 native threads. However it is difficult
+ to support context switching for all of blocking operation so 1:1
+ threads are employed from Ruby 1.9. M:N thread scheduler uses N native
+ threads for M Ruby threads (N is small number in general). It doesn't
+ need same number of native threads as Ruby threads (similar to the M:1
+ thread scheduler). Also our M:N threads supports blocking operations
+ well same as 1:1 threads. See the ticket for more details.
+ Our M:N thread scheduler refers on the goroutine scheduler in the
+ Go language.
+ * In a ractor, only 1 thread can run in a same time because of
+ implementation. Therefore, applications that use only one Ractor
+ (most applications) M:N thread scheduler works as M:1 thread scheduler
+ with further extension from Ruby 1.8.
+ * M:N thread scheduler can introduce incompatibility for C-extensions,
+ so it is disabled by default on the main Ractors.
+ `RUBY_MN_THREADS=1` environment variable will enable it.
+ On non-main Ractors, M:N thread scheduler is enabled (and can not
+ disable it now).
+ * `N` (the number of native threads) can be specified with `RUBY_MAX_CPU`
+ environment variable. The default is 8.
+ Note that more than `N` native threads are used to support many kind of
+ blocking operations.
+[Bug #595]:
+[Feature #10602]:
+[Bug #17146]:
+[Feature #18183]:
+[Feature #18285]:
+[Feature #18498]:
+[Feature #18515]:
+[Feature #18551]:
+[Feature #18885]:
+[Feature #18949]:
+[Feature #18980]:
+[Bug #19012]:
+[Feature #19057]:
+[Bug #19150]:
+[Bug #19293]:
+[Feature #19314]:
+[Feature #19347]:
+[Feature #19351]:
+[Feature #19362]:
+[Feature #19370]:
+[Feature #19521]:
+[Feature #19538]:
+[Feature #19561]:
+[Feature #19571]:
+[Feature #19572]:
+[Feature #19591]:
+[Feature #19630]:
+[Feature #19637]:
+[Feature #19678]:
+[Feature #19714]:
+[Feature #19725]:
+[Feature #19757]:
+[Feature #19776]:
+[Feature #19777]:
+[Feature #19785]:
+[Feature #19790]:
+[Feature #19839]:
+[Feature #19842]:
+[Feature #19843]:
+[Bug #19868]:
+[Feature #19965]:
+[Feature #20005]:
+[Feature #20057]: