path: root/bootstraptest/test_yjit.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'bootstraptest/test_yjit.rb')
1 files changed, 2173 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/bootstraptest/test_yjit.rb b/bootstraptest/test_yjit.rb
index d124d180d1..8b8f7d1e39 100644
--- a/bootstraptest/test_yjit.rb
+++ b/bootstraptest/test_yjit.rb
@@ -1,32 +1,318 @@
-assert_equal '2022', %q{
- def contrivance(hash, key)
- # Expect this to compile to an `opt_aref`.
- hash[key]
+# To run the tests in this file only, with YJIT enabled:
+# make btest BTESTS=bootstraptest/test_yjit.rb RUN_OPTS="--yjit-call-threshold=1"
- # The [] call above tracks that the `hash` local has a VALUE that
- # is a heap pointer and the guard for the Kernel#itself call below
- # doesn't check that it's a heap pointer VALUE.
- #
- # As you can see from the crash, the call to rb_hash_aref() can set the
- # `hash` local, making eliding the heap object guard unsound.
- hash.itself
+# regression test for popping before side exit
+assert_equal "ok", %q{
+ def foo(a, *) = a
+ def call(args, &)
+ foo(1) # spill at where the block arg will be
+ foo(*args, &)
+ end
+ call([1, 2])
+ begin
+ call([])
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ :ok
+ end
+# regression test for send processing before side exit
+assert_equal "ok", %q{
+ def foo(a, *) = :foo
+ def call(args)
+ send(:foo, *args)
+ end
+ call([1, 2])
+ begin
+ call([])
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ :ok
+ end
+# test discarding extra yield arguments
+assert_equal "2210150001501015", %q{
+ def splat_kw(ary) = yield *ary, a: 1
+ def splat(ary) = yield *ary
+ def kw = yield 1, 2, a: 0
+ def simple = yield 0, 1
+ def calls
+ [
+ splat([1, 1, 2]) { |x, y| x + y },
+ splat([1, 1, 2]) { |y, opt = raise| opt + y},
+ splat_kw([0, 1]) { |a:| a },
+ kw { |a:| a },
+ kw { |a| a },
+ simple { 5.itself },
+ simple { |a| a },
+ simple { |opt = raise| opt },
+ simple { |*rest| rest },
+ simple { |opt_kw: 5| opt_kw },
+ # autosplat ineractions
+ [0, 1, 2].yield_self { |a, b| [a, b] },
+ [0, 1, 2].yield_self { |a, opt = raise| [a, opt] },
+ [1].yield_self { |a, opt = 4| a + opt },
+ ]
+ end
+ calls.join
+# test autosplat with empty splat
+assert_equal "ok", %q{
+ def m(pos, splat) = yield pos, *splat
+ m([:ok], []) {|v0,| v0 }
+# regression test for send stack shifting
+assert_normal_exit %q{
+ def foo(a, b)
+ a.singleton_methods(b)
+ end
+ def call_foo
+ [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, send(:foo, 1, 1)]
+ end
+ call_foo
+# regression test for keyword splat with yield
+assert_equal 'nil', %q{
+ def splat_kw(kwargs) = yield(**kwargs)
+ splat_kw({}) { _1 }.inspect
+# regression test for arity check with splat
+assert_equal '[:ae, :ae]', %q{
+ def req_one(a_, b_ = 1) = raise
+ def test(args)
+ req_one *args
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ :ae
+ end
+ [test( 5), test([])]
+} unless rjit_enabled? # Not yet working on RJIT
+# regression test for arity check with splat and send
+assert_equal '[:ae, :ae]', %q{
+ def two_reqs(a, b_, _ = 1) = a.gsub(a, a)
+ def test(name, args)
+ send(name, *args)
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ :ae
+ end
+ [test(:two_reqs, ["g", nil, nil, nil]), test(:two_reqs, ["g"])]
+# regression test for GC marking stubs in invalidated code
+assert_normal_exit %q{
+ garbage = { [] } # create garbage to cause iseq movement
+ eval(<<~RUBY)
+ def foo(n, garbage)
+ if n == 2
+ # 1.times.each to create a cfunc frame to preserve the JIT frame
+ # which will return to a stub housed in an invalidated block
+ return 1.times.each do
+ Object.define_method(:foo) {}
+ garbage.clear
+ GC.verify_compaction_references(toward: :empty, expand_heap: true)
+ end
+ end
+ foo(n + 1, garbage)
+ end
+ foo(1, garbage)
+# regression test for callee block handler overlapping with arguments
+assert_equal '3', %q{
+ def foo(_req, *args) = args.last
+ def call_foo = foo(0, 1, 2, 3, &->{})
+ call_foo
+# call leaf builtin with a block argument
+assert_equal '0', "0.abs(&nil)"
+# regression test for invokeblock iseq guard
+assert_equal 'ok', %q{
+ return :ok unless defined?(GC.compact)
+ def foo = yield
+ 10.times do |i|
+ ret = eval("foo { #{i} }")
+ raise "failed at #{i}" unless ret == i
+ GC.compact
+ end
+ :ok
+} unless rjit_enabled? # Not yet working on RJIT
+# regression test for overly generous guard elision
+assert_equal '[0, :sum, 0, :sum]', %q{
+ # In faulty versions, the following happens:
+ # 1. YJIT puts object on the temp stack with type knowledge
+ # (CArray or CString) about RBASIC_CLASS(object).
+ # 2. In iter=0, due to the type knowledge, YJIT generates
+ # a call to sum() without any guard on RBASIC_CLASS(object).
+ # 3. In iter=1, a singleton class is added to the object,
+ # changing RBASIC_CLASS(object), falsifying the type knowledge.
+ # 4. Because the code from (1) has no class guard, it is incorrectly
+ # reused and the wrong method is invoked.
+ # Putting a literal is important for gaining type knowledge.
+ def carray(iter)
+ array = []
+ array.sum(iter.times { def array.sum(_) = :sum })
+ end
+ def cstring(iter)
+ string = "".dup
+ string.sum(iter.times { def string.sum(_) = :sum })
+ end
+ [carray(0), carray(1), cstring(0), cstring(1)]
+# regression test for return type of Integer#/
+# It can return a T_BIGNUM when inputs are T_FIXNUM.
+assert_equal 0x3fffffffffffffff.to_s, %q{
+ def call(fixnum_min)
+ (fixnum_min / -1) - 1
+ end
+ call(-(2**62))
+# regression test for return type of String#<<
+assert_equal 'Sub', %q{
+ def call(sub) = (sub << sub).itself
+ class Sub < String; end
+ call('o')).class
+# test splat filling required and feeding rest
+assert_equal '[0, 1, 2, [3, 4]]', %q{
+ public def lead_rest(a, b, *rest)
+ [self, a, b, rest]
+ end
+ def call(args) = 0.lead_rest(*args)
+ call([1, 2, 3, 4])
+# test missing opts are nil initialized
+assert_equal '[[0, 1, nil, 3], [0, 1, nil, 3], [0, 1, nil, 3, []], [0, 1, nil, 3, []]]', %q{
+ public def lead_opts(a, b=binding.local_variable_get(:c), c=3)
+ [self, a, b, c]
+ end
+ public def opts_rest(a=raise, b=binding.local_variable_get(:c), c=3, *rest)
+ [self, a, b, c, rest]
+ end
+ def call(args)
+ [
+ 0.lead_opts(1),
+ 0.lead_opts(*args),
+ 0.opts_rest(1),
+ 0.opts_rest(*args),
+ ]
+ end
+ call([1])
+# test filled optionals with unspecified keyword param
+assert_equal 'ok', %q{
+ def opt_rest_opt_kw(_=1, *, k: :ok) = k
+ def call = opt_rest_opt_kw(0)
+ call
+# test splat empty array with rest param
+assert_equal '[0, 1, 2, []]', %q{
+ public def foo(a=1, b=2, *rest)
+ [self, a, b, rest]
+ end
+ def call(args) =*args)
+ call([])
+# Regression test for yielding with autosplat to block with
+# optional parameters.
+assert_equal '[:a, :b, :a, :b]', %q{
+ def yielder(arg) = yield(arg) + yield(arg)
+ yielder([:a, :b]) do |c = :c, d = :d|
+ [c, d]
+ end
+# Regression test for GC mishap while doing shape transition
+assert_equal '[:ok]', %q{
+ # [Bug #19601]
+ class RegressionTest
+ def initialize
+ @a = @b = @fourth_ivar_does_shape_transition = nil
+ end
+ def extender
+ @first_extended_ivar = [:ok]
+ end
- # This is similar to ->(recv, mid) { send(recv, mid).local_variable_set(...) }.
- # By composing we avoid creating new Ruby frames and so sending :binding
- # captures the environment of the frame that does the missing key lookup.
- # We use it to capture the environment inside of `contrivance`.
- cap_then_set =
- Kernel.instance_method(:send).method(:bind_call).to_proc >>
- ->(binding) { binding.local_variable_set(:hash, 2022) }
- special_missing =
+ GC.stress = true
+ # Used to crash due to GC run in rb_ensure_iv_list_size()
+ # not marking the newly allocated [:ok].
+} unless rjit_enabled? # Skip on RJIT since this uncovers a crash
+assert_equal 'true', %q{
+ # regression test for tracking type of locals for too long
+ def local_setting_cmp(five)
+ victim = 5
+ five.define_singleton_method(:respond_to?) do |_, _|
+ victim = nil
+ end
- # Make YJIT speculate that it's a hash and generate code
- # that calls rb_hash_aref().
- contrivance({}, :warmup)
- contrivance({}, :warmup)
+ # +1 makes YJIT track that victim is a number and
+ # defined? calls respond_to? from above indirectly
+ unless (victim + 1) && defined?(five.something)
+ # Would return wrong result if we still think `five` is a number
+ victim.nil?
+ end
+ end
- contrivance(special_missing, :binding)
+ local_setting_cmp(
+ local_setting_cmp(
assert_equal '18374962167983112447', %q{
@@ -45,7 +331,7 @@ assert_equal '18374962167983112447', %q{
assert_normal_exit %q{
- # regression test for a leak caught by an asert on --yjit-call-threshold=2
+ # regression test for a leak caught by an assert on --yjit-call-threshold=2
Foo = 1
eval("def foo = [#{(['Foo,']*256).join}]")
@@ -56,6 +342,29 @@ assert_normal_exit %q{
Object.send(:remove_const, :Foo)
+assert_normal_exit %q{
+ # Test to ensure send on overridden c functions
+ # doesn't corrupt the stack
+ class Bar
+ def bar(x)
+ x
+ end
+ end
+ class Foo
+ def bar
+ end
+ end
+ foo =
+ # before this change, this line would error
+ # because "s" would still be on the stack
+ # String.to_s is the overridden method here
+ p"s".__send__(:to_s))
assert_equal '[nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]', %q{
[NilClass, TrueClass, FalseClass, Integer, Float, Symbol].each do |klass|
klass.class_eval("def foo = @foo")
@@ -67,6 +376,80 @@ assert_equal '[nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]', %q{
+assert_equal '[nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]', %q{
+ # Tests defined? on non-heap objects
+ [NilClass, TrueClass, FalseClass, Integer, Float, Symbol].each do |klass|
+ klass.class_eval("def foo = defined?(@foo)")
+ end
+ [nil, true, false, 0xFABCAFE, 0.42, :cake].map do |instance|
+ end
+assert_equal '[nil, "instance-variable", nil, "instance-variable"]', %q{
+ # defined? on object that changes shape between calls
+ class Foo
+ def foo
+ defined?(@foo)
+ end
+ def add
+ @foo = 1
+ end
+ def remove
+ self.remove_instance_variable(:@foo)
+ end
+ end
+ obj =
+ [, (obj.add;, (obj.remove;, (obj.add;]
+assert_equal '["instance-variable", 5]', %q{
+ # defined? on object too complex for shape information
+ class Foo
+ def initialize
+ 100.times { |i| instance_variable_set("@foo#{i}", i) }
+ end
+ def foo
+ [defined?(@foo5), @foo5]
+ end
+ end
+# getinstancevariable with shape too complex
+assert_normal_exit %q{
+ class Foo
+ def initialize
+ @a = 1
+ end
+ def getter
+ @foobar
+ end
+ end
+ # Initialize ivars in changing order, making the Foo
+ # class have shape too complex
+ 100.times do |x|
+ foo =
+ foo.instance_variable_set(:"@a#{x}", 1)
+ foo.instance_variable_set(:"@foobar", 777)
+ # The getter method eventually sees shape too complex
+ r = foo.getter
+ if r != 777
+ raise "error"
+ end
+ end
assert_equal '0', %q{
# This is a regression test for incomplete invalidation from
# opt_setinlinecache. This test might be brittle, so
@@ -362,6 +745,45 @@ assert_equal 'false', %q{
less_than 2
+# BOP redefinition works on Integer#<=
+assert_equal 'false', %q{
+ def le(x, y) = x <= y
+ le(2, 2)
+ class Integer
+ def <=(_) = false
+ end
+ le(2, 2)
+# BOP redefinition works on Integer#>
+assert_equal 'false', %q{
+ def gt(x, y) = x > y
+ gt(3, 2)
+ class Integer
+ def >(_) = false
+ end
+ gt(3, 2)
+# BOP redefinition works on Integer#>=
+assert_equal 'false', %q{
+ def ge(x, y) = x >= y
+ ge(2, 2)
+ class Integer
+ def >=(_) = false
+ end
+ ge(2, 2)
# Putobject, less-than operator, fixnums
assert_equal '2', %q{
def check_index(index)
@@ -817,7 +1239,7 @@ assert_equal "good", %q{
- GC.verify_compaction_references(double_heap: true, toward: :empty)
+ GC.verify_compaction_references(expand_heap: true, toward: :empty)
rescue NotImplementedError
# in case compaction isn't supported
@@ -828,7 +1250,7 @@ assert_equal "good", %q{
# Test polymorphic getinstancevariable. T_OBJECT -> T_STRING
assert_equal 'ok', %q{
@hello = @h1 = @h2 = @h3 = @h4 = 'ok'
- str = ""
+ str = +""
str.instance_variable_set(:@hello, 'ok')
public def get
@@ -972,6 +1394,18 @@ assert_equal '[42, :default]', %q{
+# Test default value block for Hash with opt_aref_with
+assert_equal "false", <<~RUBY, frozen_string_literal: false
+ def index_with_string(h)
+ h["foo"]
+ end
+ h = { |h, k| k.frozen? }
+ index_with_string(h)
+ index_with_string(h)
# A regression test for making sure cfp->sp is proper when
# hitting stubs. See :stub-sp-flush:
assert_equal 'ok', %q{
@@ -1129,6 +1563,38 @@ assert_equal '42', %q{
+# splatting an empty array on a specialized method
+assert_equal 'ok', %q{
+ def run
+ "ok".to_s(*[])
+ end
+ run
+ run
+# splatting an single element array on a specialized method
+assert_equal '[1]', %q{
+ def run
+ [].<<(*[1])
+ end
+ run
+ run
+# specialized method with wrong args
+assert_equal 'ok', %q{
+ def run(x)
+ "bad".to_s(123) if x
+ rescue
+ :ok
+ end
+ run(false)
+ run(true)
# getinstancevariable on Symbol
assert_equal '[nil, nil]', %q{
# @foo to exercise the getinstancevariable instruction
@@ -1235,6 +1701,19 @@ assert_equal '[1, 2, 42]', %q{
[foo {1}, foo {2}, foo {42}]
+# test calling without block param
+assert_equal '[1, false, 2, false]', %q{
+ def bar
+ block_given? && yield
+ end
+ def foo(&block)
+ bar(&block)
+ end
+ [foo { 1 }, foo, foo { 2 }, foo]
# test calling block param failing
assert_equal '42', %q{
def foo(&block)
@@ -1368,6 +1847,46 @@ assert_equal 'foo123', %q{
make_str("foo", 123)
+# test that invalidation of String#to_s doesn't crash
+assert_equal 'meh', %q{
+ def inval_method
+ "".to_s
+ end
+ inval_method
+ class String
+ def to_s
+ "meh"
+ end
+ end
+ inval_method
+# test that overriding to_s on a String subclass works consistently
+assert_equal 'meh', %q{
+ class MyString < String
+ def to_s
+ "meh"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_to_s(obj)
+ obj.to_s
+ end
+ OBJ =
+ # Should return '' both times
+ test_to_s("")
+ test_to_s("")
+ # Can return '' if YJIT optimises String#to_s too aggressively
+ test_to_s(OBJ)
+ test_to_s(OBJ)
# test string interpolation with overridden to_s
assert_equal 'foo', %q{
class String
@@ -1384,6 +1903,228 @@ assert_equal 'foo', %q{
+# Test that String unary plus returns the same object ID for an unfrozen string.
+assert_equal 'true', <<~RUBY, frozen_string_literal: false
+ def jittable_method
+ str = "bar"
+ old_obj_id = str.object_id
+ uplus_str = +str
+ uplus_str.object_id == old_obj_id
+ end
+ jittable_method
+# Test that String unary plus returns a different unfrozen string when given a frozen string
+assert_equal 'false', %q{
+ # Logic needs to be inside an ISEQ, such as a method, for YJIT to compile it
+ def jittable_method
+ frozen_str = "foo".freeze
+ old_obj_id = frozen_str.object_id
+ uplus_str = +frozen_str
+ uplus_str.object_id == old_obj_id || uplus_str.frozen?
+ end
+ jittable_method
+# String-subclass objects should behave as expected inside string-interpolation via concatstrings
+assert_equal 'monkeys / monkeys, yo!', %q{
+ class MyString < String
+ # This is a terrible idea in production code, but we'd like YJIT to match CRuby
+ def to_s
+ super + ", yo!"
+ end
+ end
+ def jittable_method
+ m ='monkeys')
+ "#{m} / #{m.to_s}"
+ end
+ jittable_method
+# String-subclass objects should behave as expected for string equality
+assert_equal 'false', %q{
+ class MyString < String
+ # This is a terrible idea in production code, but we'd like YJIT to match CRuby
+ def ==(b)
+ "#{self}_" == b
+ end
+ end
+ def jittable_method
+ ma ="a")
+ # Check equality with string-subclass receiver
+ ma == "a" || ma != "a_" ||
+ # Check equality with string receiver
+ "a_" == ma || "a" != ma ||
+ # Check equality between string subclasses
+ ma !="a_") ||
+ # Make sure "string always equals itself" check isn't used with overridden equality
+ ma == ma
+ end
+ jittable_method
+# Test to_s duplicates a string subclass object but not a string
+assert_equal 'false', %q{
+ class MyString < String; end
+ def jittable_method
+ a = "a"
+ ma ="a")
+ a.object_id != a.to_s.object_id ||
+ ma.object_id == ma.to_s.object_id
+ end
+ jittable_method
+# Test freeze on string subclass
+assert_equal 'true', %q{
+ class MyString < String; end
+ def jittable_method
+ fma ="a").freeze
+ # Freezing a string subclass should not duplicate it
+ fma.object_id == fma.freeze.object_id
+ end
+ jittable_method
+# Test unary minus on string subclass
+assert_equal 'true', %q{
+ class MyString < String; end
+ def jittable_method
+ ma ="a")
+ fma ="a").freeze
+ # Unary minus on frozen string subclass should not duplicate it
+ fma.object_id == (-fma).object_id &&
+ # Unary minus on unfrozen string subclass should duplicate it
+ ma.object_id != (-ma).object_id
+ end
+ jittable_method
+# Test unary plus on string subclass
+assert_equal 'true', %q{
+ class MyString < String; end
+ def jittable_method
+ fma ="a").freeze
+ # Unary plus on frozen string subclass should not duplicate it
+ fma.object_id != (+fma).object_id
+ end
+ jittable_method
+# test getbyte on string class
+assert_equal '[97, :nil, 97, :nil, :raised]', %q{
+ def getbyte(s, i)
+ byte = begin
+ s.getbyte(i)
+ rescue TypeError
+ :raised
+ end
+ byte || :nil
+ end
+ getbyte("a", 0)
+ getbyte("a", 0)
+ [getbyte("a", 0), getbyte("a", 1), getbyte("a", -1), getbyte("a", -2), getbyte("a", "a")]
+} unless rjit_enabled? # Not yet working on RJIT
+# Basic test for String#setbyte
+assert_equal 'AoZ', %q{
+ s = +"foo"
+ s.setbyte(0, 65)
+ s.setbyte(-1, 90)
+ s
+# String#setbyte IndexError
+assert_equal 'String#setbyte', %q{
+ def ccall = "".setbyte(1, 0)
+ begin
+ ccall
+ rescue => e
+ e.backtrace.first.split("'").last
+ end
+# String#setbyte TypeError
+assert_equal 'String#setbyte', %q{
+ def ccall = "".setbyte(nil, 0)
+ begin
+ ccall
+ rescue => e
+ e.backtrace.first.split("'").last
+ end
+# String#setbyte FrozenError
+assert_equal 'String#setbyte', %q{
+ def ccall = "a".freeze.setbyte(0, 0)
+ begin
+ ccall
+ rescue => e
+ e.backtrace.first.split("'").last
+ end
+# non-leaf String#setbyte
+assert_equal 'String#setbyte', %q{
+ def to_int
+ @caller = caller
+ 0
+ end
+ def ccall = "a".dup.setbyte(self, 98)
+ ccall
+ @caller.first.split("'").last
+# non-leaf String#byteslice
+assert_equal 'TypeError', %q{
+ def ccall = "".byteslice(nil, nil)
+ begin
+ ccall
+ rescue => e
+ e.class
+ end
+# Test << operator on string subclass
+assert_equal 'abab', %q{
+ class MyString < String; end
+ def jittable_method
+ a = -"a"
+ mb ="b")
+ buf =
+ mbuf =
+ buf << a << mb
+ mbuf << a << mb
+ buf + mbuf
+ end
+ jittable_method
# test invokebuiltin as used in struct assignment
assert_equal '123', %q{
@@ -1576,6 +2317,19 @@ assert_equal '123', %q{
+# Test EP == BP invalidation with moving ISEQs
+assert_equal 'ok', %q{
+ def entry
+ ok = proc { :ok } # set #entry as an EP-escaping ISEQ
+ [nil].reverse_each do # avoid exiting the JIT frame on the constant
+ GC.compact # move #entry ISEQ
+ end
+ ok # should be read off of escaped EP
+ end
# invokesuper edge case
assert_equal '[:A, [:A, :B]]', %q{
class B
@@ -1732,6 +2486,50 @@ assert_equal '[:A, :Btwo]', %q{
+# invokesuper with a block
+assert_equal 'true', %q{
+ class A
+ def foo = block_given?
+ end
+ class B < A
+ def foo = super()
+ end
+ { }
+ { }
+# invokesuper in a block
+assert_equal '[0, 2]', %q{
+ class A
+ def foo(x) = x * 2
+ end
+ class B < A
+ def foo
+ do |x|
+ super(x)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# invokesuper zsuper in a bmethod
+assert_equal 'ok', %q{
+ class Foo
+ define_method(:itself) { super }
+ end
+ begin
+ rescue RuntimeError
+ :ok
+ end
# Call to fixnum
assert_equal '[true, false]', %q{
def is_odd(obj)
@@ -1772,6 +2570,16 @@ assert_equal '[true, false, true, false]', %q{
[is_odd(123), is_odd(456), is_odd(bignum), is_odd(bignum+1)]
+# Flonum and Flonum
+assert_equal '[2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 4.0]', %q{
+ [1.0 + 1.0, 1.0 - 1.0, 1.0 * 1.0, 8.0 / 2.0]
+# Flonum and Fixnum
+assert_equal '[2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 4.0]', %q{
+ [1.0 + 1, 1.0 - 1, 1.0 * 1, 8.0 / 2]
# Call to static and dynamic symbol
assert_equal 'bar', %q{
def to_string(obj)
@@ -1812,6 +2620,30 @@ assert_equal '[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]', %q{
+# splatkw
+assert_equal '[1, 2]', %q{
+ def foo(a:) = [a, yield]
+ def entry(&block)
+ a = { a: 1 }
+ foo(**a, &block)
+ end
+ entry { 2 }
+assert_equal '[1, 2]', %q{
+ def foo(a:) = [a, yield]
+ def entry(obj, &block)
+ foo(**obj, &block)
+ end
+ entry({ a: 3 }) { 2 }
+ obj =
+ def obj.to_hash = { a: 1 }
+ entry(obj) { 2 }
assert_equal '[1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3]', %q{
def expandarray
arr = [1, 2, 3]
@@ -1866,6 +2698,23 @@ assert_equal '[:not_array, nil, nil]', %q{
+assert_equal '[1, 2]', %q{
+ class NilClass
+ private
+ def to_ary
+ [1, 2]
+ end
+ end
+ def expandarray_redefined_nilclass
+ a, b = nil
+ [a, b]
+ end
+ expandarray_redefined_nilclass
+ expandarray_redefined_nilclass
+} unless rjit_enabled?
assert_equal '[1, 2, nil]', %q{
def expandarray_rhs_too_small
a, b, c = [1, 2]
@@ -1876,6 +2725,17 @@ assert_equal '[1, 2, nil]', %q{
+assert_equal '[nil, 2, nil]', %q{
+ def foo(arr)
+ a, b, c = arr
+ end
+ a, b, c1 = foo([0, 1])
+ a, b, c2 = foo([0, 1, 2])
+ a, b, c3 = foo([0, 1])
+ [c1, c2, c3]
assert_equal '[1, [2]]', %q{
def expandarray_splat
a, *b = [1, 2]
@@ -1965,7 +2825,7 @@ assert_equal '[[:c_return, :String, :string_alias, "events_to_str"]]', %q{
+} unless rjit_enabled? # RJIT calls extra Ruby methods
# test enabling a TracePoint that targets a particular line in a C method call
assert_equal '[true]', %q{
@@ -2047,7 +2907,7 @@ assert_equal '[[:c_call, :itself]]', %q{
tp.enable { shouldnt_compile }
+} unless rjit_enabled? # RJIT calls extra Ruby methods
# test enabling c_return tracing before compiling
assert_equal '[[:c_return, :itself, main]]', %q{
@@ -2062,6 +2922,26 @@ assert_equal '[[:c_return, :itself, main]]', %q{
tp.enable { shouldnt_compile }
+} unless rjit_enabled? # RJIT calls extra Ruby methods
+# test c_call invalidation
+assert_equal '[[:c_call, :itself]]', %q{
+ # enable the event once to make sure invalidation
+ # happens the second time we enable it
+ {}.enable{}
+ def compiled
+ itself
+ end
+ # assume first call compiles
+ compiled
+ events = []
+ tp = { |tp| events << [tp.event, tp.method_id] }
+ tp.enable { compiled }
+ events
# test enabling tracing for a suspended fiber
@@ -2088,7 +2968,6 @@ assert_equal '[:itself]', %q{
tracing_ractor = do
# 1: start tracing
events = []
@@ -2717,11 +3596,20 @@ assert_equal 'new', %q{
+ def bar
+ :bar
+ end
RubyVM::YJIT.simulate_oom! if defined?(RubyVM::YJIT)
+ # Old simulat_omm! leaves one byte of space and this fills it up
+ bar
+ bar
def foo
@@ -2837,3 +3725,1258 @@ assert_equal '', %q{
+# Make sure we're correctly reading RStruct's as.ary union for embedded RStructs
+assert_equal '3,12', %q{
+ pt_struct =, :y)
+ p =, 12)
+ def pt_inspect(pt)
+ "#{pt.x},#{pt.y}"
+ end
+ # Make sure pt_inspect is JITted
+ 10.times { pt_inspect(p) }
+ # Make sure it's returning '3,12' instead of e.g. '3,false'
+ pt_inspect(p)
+# Regression test for deadlock between branch_stub_hit and ractor_receive_if
+assert_equal '10', %q{
+ r = Ractor.current do |main|
+ main << 1
+ main << 2
+ main << 3
+ main << 4
+ main << 5
+ main << 6
+ main << 7
+ main << 8
+ main << 9
+ main << 10
+ end
+ a = []
+ a << Ractor.receive_if{|msg| msg == 10}
+ a << Ractor.receive_if{|msg| msg == 9}
+ a << Ractor.receive_if{|msg| msg == 8}
+ a << Ractor.receive_if{|msg| msg == 7}
+ a << Ractor.receive_if{|msg| msg == 6}
+ a << Ractor.receive_if{|msg| msg == 5}
+ a << Ractor.receive_if{|msg| msg == 4}
+ a << Ractor.receive_if{|msg| msg == 3}
+ a << Ractor.receive_if{|msg| msg == 2}
+ a << Ractor.receive_if{|msg| msg == 1}
+ a.length
+# checktype
+assert_equal 'false', %q{
+ def function()
+ [1, 2] in [Integer, String]
+ end
+ function()
+# opt_send_without_block (VM_METHOD_TYPE_ATTRSET)
+assert_equal 'foo', %q{
+ class Foo
+ attr_writer :foo
+ def foo()
+ = "foo"
+ end
+ end
+ foo =
+# anytostring, intern
+assert_equal 'true', %q{
+ def foo()
+ :"#{true}"
+ end
+ foo()
+# toregexp, objtostring
+assert_equal '/true/', %q{
+ def foo()
+ /#{true}/
+ end
+ foo().inspect
+# concatstrings, objtostring
+assert_equal '9001', %q{
+ def foo()
+ "#{9001}"
+ end
+ foo()
+# opt_send_without_block (VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC)
+assert_equal 'nil', %q{
+ def foo
+ nil.inspect # argc: 0
+ end
+ foo
+assert_equal '4', %q{
+ def foo
+ 2.pow(2) # argc: 1
+ end
+ foo
+assert_equal 'aba', %q{
+ def foo
+ "abc".tr("c", "a") # argc: 2
+ end
+ foo
+assert_equal 'true', %q{
+ def foo
+ respond_to?(:inspect) # argc: -1
+ end
+ foo
+assert_equal '["a", "b"]', %q{
+ def foo
+ "a\nb".lines(chomp: true) # kwargs
+ end
+ foo
+# invokebuiltin
+assert_equal '123', %q{
+ def foo(obj)
+ = 123
+ end
+ struct =
+ obj =
+ foo(obj)
+# invokebuiltin_delegate
+assert_equal '.', %q{
+ def foo(path)
+ end
+ foo(".")
+# opt_invokebuiltin_delegate_leave
+assert_equal '[0]', %q{"\x00".unpack("c")}
+# opt_send_without_block (VM_METHOD_TYPE_ISEQ)
+assert_equal '1', %q{
+ def foo = 1
+ def bar = foo
+ bar
+assert_equal '[1, 2, 3]', %q{
+ def foo(a, b) = [1, a, b]
+ def bar = foo(2, 3)
+ bar
+assert_equal '[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]', %q{
+ def foo(a, b, c:, d:, e: 0, f: 6) = [a, b, c, d, e, f]
+ def bar = foo(1, 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5)
+ bar
+assert_equal '[1, 2, 3, 4]', %q{
+ def foo(a, b = 2) = [a, b]
+ def bar = foo(1) + foo(3, 4)
+ bar
+assert_equal '1', %q{
+ def foo(a) = a
+ def bar = foo(1) { 2 }
+ bar
+assert_equal '[1, 2]', %q{
+ def foo(a, &block) = [a,]
+ def bar = foo(1) { 2 }
+ bar
+# opt_send_without_block (VM_METHOD_TYPE_IVAR)
+assert_equal 'foo', %q{
+ class Foo
+ attr_reader :foo
+ def initialize
+ @foo = "foo"
+ end
+ end
+# opt_send_without_block (VM_METHOD_TYPE_OPTIMIZED)
+assert_equal 'foo', %q{
+ Foo =
+"bar").bar = "foo"
+assert_equal 'foo', %q{
+ Foo =
+# getblockparamproxy
+assert_equal 'foo', %q{
+ def foo(&block)
+ end
+ foo { "foo" }
+# getblockparam
+assert_equal 'foo', %q{
+ def foo(&block)
+ block
+ end
+ foo { "foo" }.call
+assert_equal '[1, 2]', %q{
+ def foo
+ x = [2]
+ [1, *x]
+ end
+ foo
+ foo
+# respond_to? with changing symbol
+assert_equal 'false', %q{
+ def foo(name)
+ :sym.respond_to?(name)
+ end
+ foo(:to_s)
+ foo(:to_s)
+ foo(:not_exist)
+# respond_to? with method being defined
+assert_equal 'true', %q{
+ def foo
+ :sym.respond_to?(:not_yet_defined)
+ end
+ foo
+ foo
+ module Kernel
+ def not_yet_defined = true
+ end
+ foo
+# respond_to? with undef method
+assert_equal 'false', %q{
+ module Kernel
+ def to_be_removed = true
+ end
+ def foo
+ :sym.respond_to?(:to_be_removed)
+ end
+ foo
+ foo
+ class Object
+ undef_method :to_be_removed
+ end
+ foo
+# respond_to? with respond_to_missing?
+assert_equal 'true', %q{
+ class Foo
+ end
+ def foo(x)
+ x.respond_to?(:bar)
+ end
+ foo(
+ foo(
+ class Foo
+ def respond_to_missing?(*) = true
+ end
+ foo(
+# bmethod
+assert_equal '[1, 2, 3]', %q{
+ one = 1
+ define_method(:foo) do
+ one
+ end
+ { |i| foo + i }
+# return inside bmethod
+assert_equal 'ok', %q{
+ define_method(:foo) do
+ 1.tap { return :ok }
+ end
+ foo
+# bmethod optional and keywords
+assert_equal '[[1, nil, 2]]', %q{
+ define_method(:opt_and_kwargs) do |a = {}, b: nil, c: nil|
+ [a, b, c]
+ end
+ { opt_and_kwargs(1, c: 2) }.uniq
+# bmethod with forwarded block
+assert_equal '2', %q{
+ define_method(:foo) do |&block|
+ end
+ def bar(&block)
+ foo(&block)
+ end
+ bar { 1 }
+ bar { 2 }
+# bmethod with forwarded block and arguments
+assert_equal '5', %q{
+ define_method(:foo) do |n, &block|
+ n +
+ end
+ def bar(n, &block)
+ foo(n, &block)
+ end
+ bar(0) { 1 }
+ bar(3) { 2 }
+# bmethod with forwarded unwanted block
+assert_equal '1', %q{
+ one = 1
+ define_method(:foo) do
+ one
+ end
+ def bar(&block)
+ foo(&block)
+ end
+ bar { }
+ bar { }
+# test for return stub lifetime issue
+assert_equal '1', %q{
+ def foo(n)
+ if n == 2
+ return 1.times { Object.define_method(:foo) {} }
+ end
+ foo(n + 1)
+ end
+ foo(1)
+# case-when with redefined ===
+assert_equal 'ok', %q{
+ class Symbol
+ def ===(a)
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ def cw(arg)
+ case arg
+ when :b
+ :ok
+ when 4
+ :ng
+ end
+ end
+ cw(4)
+assert_equal 'threw', %q{
+ def foo(args)
+ wrap(*args)
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ 'threw'
+ end
+ def wrap(a)
+ [a]
+ end
+ foo([Hash.ruby2_keywords_hash({})])
+assert_equal 'threw', %q{
+ # C call
+ def bar(args)
+ Array(*args)
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ 'threw'
+ end
+ bar([Hash.ruby2_keywords_hash({})])
+# Test instance_of? and is_a?
+assert_equal 'true', %q{
+ 1.instance_of?(Integer) && 1.is_a?(Integer)
+# Test instance_of? and is_a? for singleton classes
+assert_equal 'true', %q{
+ a = []
+ def a.test = :test
+ a.instance_of?(Array) && a.is_a?(Array)
+# Test instance_of? for singleton_class
+# Yes this does really return false
+assert_equal 'false', %q{
+ a = []
+ def a.test = :test
+ a.instance_of?(a.singleton_class)
+# Test is_a? for singleton_class
+assert_equal 'true', %q{
+ a = []
+ def a.test = :test
+ a.is_a?(a.singleton_class)
+# Test send with splat to a cfunc
+assert_equal 'true', %q{
+ 1.send(:==, 1, *[])
+# Test empty splat with cfunc
+assert_equal '2', %q{
+ def foo
+ Integer.sqrt(4, *[])
+ end
+ # call twice to deal with constant exiting
+ foo
+ foo
+# Test non-empty splat with cfunc
+assert_equal 'Hello World', %q{
+ def bar
+ args = ["Hello "]
+ greeting = +"World"
+ greeting.insert(0, *args)
+ greeting
+ end
+ bar
+# Regression: this creates a temp stack with > 127 elements
+assert_normal_exit %q{
+ def foo(a)
+ [
+ a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
+ a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
+ a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
+ a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
+ a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
+ a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
+ a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
+ a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
+ a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
+ a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
+ a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
+ a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
+ a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
+ ]
+ end
+ def entry
+ foo(1)
+ end
+ entry
+# Test that splat and rest combined
+# properly dupe the array
+assert_equal "[]", %q{
+ def foo(*rest)
+ rest << 1
+ end
+ def test(splat)
+ foo(*splat)
+ end
+ EMPTY = []
+ custom =
+ def custom.to_a
+ end
+ test(custom)
+ test(custom)
+# Rest with send
+assert_equal '[1, 2, 3]', %q{
+ def bar(x, *rest)
+ rest.insert(0, x)
+ end
+ send(:bar, 1, 2, 3)
+# Fix splat block arg bad compilation
+assert_equal "foo", %q{
+ def literal(*args, &block)
+ s = ''.dup
+ literal_append(s, *args, &block)
+ s
+ end
+ def literal_append(sql, v)
+ sql << v
+ end
+ literal("foo")
+# regression test for accidentally having a parameter truncated
+# due to Rust/C signature mismatch. Used to crash with
+# > [BUG] rb_vm_insn_addr2insn: invalid insn address ...
+# or
+# > ... `Err` value: TryFromIntError(())'
+assert_normal_exit %q{
+ n = 16384
+ eval(
+ "def foo(arg); " + "_=arg;" * n + '_=1;' + "Object; end"
+ )
+ foo 1
+# Regression test for CantCompile not using starting_ctx
+assert_normal_exit %q{
+ class Integer
+ def ===(other)
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ def my_func(x)
+ case x
+ when 1
+ 1
+ when 2
+ 2
+ else
+ 3
+ end
+ end
+ my_func(1)
+# Regression test for CantCompile not using starting_ctx
+assert_equal "ArgumentError", %q{
+ def literal(*args, &block)
+ s = ''.dup
+ args = [1, 2, 3]
+ literal_append(s, *args, &block)
+ s
+ end
+ def literal_append(sql, v)
+ [sql.inspect, v.inspect]
+ end
+ begin
+ literal("foo")
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ "ArgumentError"
+ end
+# Rest with block
+# Simplified code from railsbench
+assert_equal '[{"/a"=>"b", :as=>:c, :via=>:post}, [], nil]', %q{
+ def match(path, *rest, &block)
+ [path, rest, block]
+ end
+ def map_method(method, args, &block)
+ options = args.last
+ args.pop
+ options[:via] = method
+ match(*args, options, &block)
+ end
+ def post(*args, &block)
+ map_method(:post, args, &block)
+ end
+ post "/a" => "b", as: :c
+# Test rest and kw_args
+assert_equal '[true, true, true, true]', %q{
+ def my_func(*args, base: nil, sort: true)
+ [args, base, sort]
+ end
+ def calling_my_func
+ results = []
+ results << (my_func("test") == [["test"], nil, true])
+ results << (my_func("test", base: :base) == [["test"], :base, true])
+ results << (my_func("test", sort: false) == [["test"], nil, false])
+ results << (my_func("test", "other", base: :base) == [["test", "other"], :base, true])
+ results
+ end
+ calling_my_func
+# Test Integer#[] with 2 args
+assert_equal '0', %q{
+ 3[0, 0]
+# unspecified_bits + checkkeyword
+assert_equal '2', %q{
+ def callee = 1
+ # checkkeyword should see unspecified_bits=0 (use bar), not Integer 1 (set bar = foo).
+ def foo(foo, bar: foo) = bar
+ def entry(&block)
+ # write 1 at stack[3]. Calling #callee spills stack[3].
+ 1 + (1 + (1 + (1 + callee)))
+ # &block is written to a register instead of stack[3]. When &block is popped and
+ # unspecified_bits is pushed, it must be written to stack[3], not to a register.
+ foo(1, bar: 2, &block)
+ end
+ entry # call branch_stub_hit (spill temps)
+ entry # doesn't call branch_stub_hit (not spill temps)
+# Test rest and optional_params
+assert_equal '[true, true, true, true]', %q{
+ def my_func(stuff, base=nil, sort=true, *args)
+ [stuff, base, sort, args]
+ end
+ def calling_my_func
+ results = []
+ results << (my_func("test") == ["test", nil, true, []])
+ results << (my_func("test", :base) == ["test", :base, true, []])
+ results << (my_func("test", :base, false) == ["test", :base, false, []])
+ results << (my_func("test", :base, false, "other", "other") == ["test", :base, false, ["other", "other"]])
+ results
+ end
+ calling_my_func
+# Test rest and optional_params and splat
+assert_equal '[true, true, true, true, true]', %q{
+ def my_func(stuff, base=nil, sort=true, *args)
+ [stuff, base, sort, args]
+ end
+ def calling_my_func
+ results = []
+ splat = ["test"]
+ results << (my_func(*splat) == ["test", nil, true, []])
+ splat = [:base]
+ results << (my_func("test", *splat) == ["test", :base, true, []])
+ splat = [:base, false]
+ results << (my_func("test", *splat) == ["test", :base, false, []])
+ splat = [:base, false, "other", "other"]
+ results << (my_func("test", *splat) == ["test", :base, false, ["other", "other"]])
+ splat = ["test", :base, false, "other", "other"]
+ results << (my_func(*splat) == ["test", :base, false, ["other", "other"]])
+ results
+ end
+ calling_my_func
+# Regression test: rest and optional and splat
+assert_equal 'true', %q{
+ def my_func(base=nil, *args)
+ [base, args]
+ end
+ def calling_my_func
+ array = []
+ my_func(:base, :rest1, *array) == [:base, [:rest1]]
+ end
+ calling_my_func
+# Fix failed case for large splat
+assert_equal 'true', %q{
+ def d(a, b=:b)
+ end
+ def calling_func
+ ary = 1380888.times;
+ d(*ary)
+ end
+ begin
+ calling_func
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ true
+ end
+} unless rjit_enabled? # Not yet working on RJIT
+# Regression test: register allocator on expandarray
+assert_equal '[]', %q{
+ func = proc { [] }
+ proc do
+ _x, _y =
+# Catch TAG_BREAK in a non-FINISH frame with JIT code
+assert_equal '1', %q{
+ def entry
+ catch_break
+ end
+ def catch_break
+ while_true do
+ break
+ end
+ 1
+ end
+ def while_true
+ while true
+ yield
+ end
+ end
+ entry
+assert_equal '6', %q{
+ class Base
+ def number = 1 + yield
+ end
+ class Sub < Base
+ def number = super + 2
+ end
+ { 3 }
+# Integer multiplication and overflow
+assert_equal '[6, -6, 9671406556917033397649408, -9671406556917033397649408, 21267647932558653966460912964485513216]', %q{
+ def foo(a, b)
+ a * b
+ end
+ r1 = foo(2, 3)
+ r2 = foo(2, -3)
+ r3 = foo(2 << 40, 2 << 41)
+ r4 = foo(2 << 40, -2 << 41)
+ r5 = foo(1 << 62, 1 << 62)
+ [r1, r2, r3, r4, r5]
+# Integer multiplication and overflow (minimized regression test from test-basic)
+assert_equal '8515157028618240000', %q{2128789257154560000 * 4}
+# Inlined method calls
+assert_equal 'nil', %q{
+ def putnil = nil
+ def entry = putnil
+ entry.inspect
+assert_equal '1', %q{
+ def putobject_1 = 1
+ def entry = putobject_1
+ entry
+assert_equal 'false', %q{
+ def putobject(_unused_arg1) = false
+ def entry = putobject(nil)
+ entry
+assert_equal 'true', %q{
+ def entry = yield
+ entry { true }
+assert_equal 'sym', %q{
+ def entry = :sym.to_sym
+ entry
+assert_normal_exit %q{
+ ivars = { |i| "@iv_#{i} = #{i}\n" }.join
+ Foo =
+ Foo.class_eval "def initialize() #{ivars} end"
+assert_equal '0', %q{
+ def spill
+ 1.to_i # not inlined
+ end
+ def inline(_stack1, _stack2, _stack3, _stack4, _stack5)
+ 0 # inlined
+ end
+ def entry
+ # RegTemps is 00111110 prior to the #inline call.
+ # Its return value goes to stack_idx=0, which conflicts with stack_idx=5.
+ inline(spill, 2, 3, 4, 5)
+ end
+ entry
+# Integer succ and overflow
+assert_equal '[2, 4611686018427387904]', %q{
+ [1.succ, 4611686018427387903.succ]
+# Integer right shift
+assert_equal '[0, 1, -4]', %q{
+ [0 >> 1, 2 >> 1, -7 >> 1]
+# Integer XOR
+assert_equal '[0, 0, 4]', %q{
+ [0 ^ 0, 1 ^ 1, 7 ^ 3]
+assert_equal '[nil, "yield"]', %q{
+ def defined_yield = defined?(yield)
+ [defined_yield, defined_yield {}]
+# splat with ruby2_keywords into rest parameter
+assert_equal '[[{:a=>1}], {}]', %q{
+ ruby2_keywords def foo(*args) = args
+ def bar(*args, **kw) = [args, kw]
+ def pass_bar(*args) = bar(*args)
+ def body
+ args = foo(a: 1)
+ pass_bar(*args)
+ end
+ body
+# concatarray
+assert_equal '[1, 2]', %q{
+ def foo(a, b) = [a, b]
+ arr = [2]
+ foo(*[1], *arr)
+# pushtoarray
+assert_equal '[1, 2]', %q{
+ def foo(a, b) = [a, b]
+ arr = [1]
+ foo(*arr, 2)
+# pop before fallback
+assert_normal_exit %q{
+ class Foo
+ attr_reader :foo
+ def try = foo(0, &nil)
+ end
+# a kwrest case
+assert_equal '[1, 2, {:complete=>false}]', %q{
+ def rest(foo: 1, bar: 2, **kwrest)
+ [foo, bar, kwrest]
+ end
+ def callsite = rest(complete: false)
+ callsite
+# splat+kw_splat+opt+rest
+assert_equal '[1, []]', %q{
+ def opt_rest(a = 0, *rest) = [a, rest]
+ def call_site(args) = opt_rest(*args, **nil)
+ call_site([1])
+# splat and nil kw_splat
+assert_equal 'ok', %q{
+ def identity(x) = x
+ def splat_nil_kw_splat(args) = identity(*args, **nil)
+ splat_nil_kw_splat([:ok])
+# empty splat and kwsplat into leaf builtins
+assert_equal '[1, 1, 1]', %q{
+ empty = []
+ [1.abs(*empty), 1.abs(**nil), 1.bit_length(*empty, **nil)]
+# splat into C methods with -1 arity
+assert_equal '[[1, 2, 3], [0, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [2, 2, 3], [], [], [{}]]', %q{
+ class Foo < Array
+ def push(args) = super(1, *args)
+ end
+ def test_cfunc_vargs_splat(sub_instance, array_class, empty_kw_hash)
+ splat = [2, 3]
+ kw_splat = [empty_kw_hash]
+ [
+ sub_instance.push(splat),
+ array_class[0, *splat, **nil],
+ array_class[1, *splat, &nil],
+ array_class[2, *splat, **nil, &nil],
+ array_class.send(:[], *kw_splat),
+ # kw_splat disables keywords hash handling
+ array_class[*kw_splat],
+ array_class[*kw_splat, **nil],
+ ]
+ end
+ test_cfunc_vargs_splat(, Array, Hash.ruby2_keywords_hash({}))
+# Class#new (arity=-1), splat, and ruby2_keywords
+assert_equal '[0, {1=>1}]', %q{
+ class KwInit
+ attr_reader :init_args
+ def initialize(x = 0, **kw)
+ @init_args = [x, kw]
+ end
+ end
+ def test(klass, args)
+ end
+ test(KwInit, [Hash.ruby2_keywords_hash({1 => 1})])
+# Chilled string setivar trigger warning
+assert_equal 'literal string will be frozen in the future', %q{
+ Warning[:deprecated] = true
+ $VERBOSE = true
+ $warning = "no-warning"
+ module ::Warning
+ def self.warn(message)
+ $warning = message.split("warning: ").last.strip
+ end
+ end
+ class String
+ def setivar!
+ @ivar = 42
+ end
+ end
+ def setivar!(str)
+ str.setivar!
+ end
+ 10.times { setivar!("mutable".dup) }
+ 10.times do
+ setivar!("frozen".freeze)
+ rescue FrozenError
+ end
+ setivar!("chilled") # Emit warning
+ $warning
+# arity=-2 cfuncs
+assert_equal '["", "1/2", [0, [:ok, 1]]]', %q{
+ def test_cases(file, chain)
+ new_chain = chain.allocate # to call initialize directly
+ new_chain.send(:initialize, [0], ok: 1)
+ [
+ file.join,
+ file.join("1", "2"),
+ new_chain.to_a,
+ ]
+ end
+ test_cases(File, Enumerator::Chain)
+# singleton class should invalidate Type::CString assumption
+assert_equal 'foo', %q{
+ def define_singleton(str, define)
+ if define
+ # Wrap a C method frame to avoid exiting JIT code on defineclass
+ [nil].reverse_each do
+ class << str
+ def +(_)
+ "foo"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ "bar"
+ end
+ def entry(define)
+ str = ""
+ # When `define` is false, #+ compiles to rb_str_plus() without a class guard.
+ # When the code is reused with `define` is true, the class of `str` is changed
+ # to a singleton class, so the block should be invalidated.
+ str + define_singleton(str, define)
+ end
+ entry(false)
+ entry(true)
+assert_equal '[:ok, :ok, :ok]', %q{
+ def identity(x) = x
+ def foo(x, _) = x
+ def bar(_, _, _, _, x) = x
+ def tests
+ [
+ identity(:ok),
+ foo(:ok, 2),
+ bar(1, 2, 3, 4, :ok),
+ ]
+ end
+ tests
+# regression test for invalidating an empty block
+assert_equal '0', %q{
+ def foo = (* = 1).pred
+ foo # compile it
+ class Integer
+ def to_ary = [] # invalidate
+ end
+ foo # try again
+} unless rjit_enabled? # doesn't work on RJIT
+# test integer left shift with constant rhs
+assert_equal [0x80000000000, 'a+', :ok].inspect, %q{
+ def shift(val) = val << 43
+ def tests
+ int = shift(1)
+ str = shift("a")
+ Integer.define_method(:<<) { |_| :ok }
+ redef = shift(1)
+ [int, str, redef]
+ end
+ tests
+# test String#stebyte with arguments that need conversion
+assert_equal "abc", %q{
+ str = +"a00"
+ def change_bytes(str, one, two)
+ str.setbyte(one, "b".ord)
+ str.setbyte(2, two)
+ end
+ to_int_1 =
+ to_int_99 =
+ def to_int_1.to_int = 1
+ def to_int_99.to_int = 99
+ change_bytes(str, to_int_1, to_int_99)
+ str
+# test --yjit-verify-ctx for arrays with a singleton class
+assert_equal "ok", %q{
+ class Array
+ def foo
+ self.singleton_class.define_method(:first) { :ok }
+ first
+ end
+ end
+ def test = [].foo
+ test
+assert_equal '["raised", "Module", "Object"]', %q{
+ def foo(obj)
+ end
+ ret = []
+ begin
+ foo(Class.allocate)
+ rescue TypeError
+ ret << 'raised'
+ end
+ ret += [foo(Class), foo(]
+# test TrueClass#=== before and after redefining TrueClass#==
+assert_equal '[[true, false, false], [true, true, false], [true, :error, :error]]', %q{
+ def true_eqq(x)
+ true === x
+ rescue NoMethodError
+ :error
+ end
+ def test
+ [
+ # first one is always true because rb_equal does object comparison before calling #==
+ true_eqq(true),
+ # these will use TrueClass#==
+ true_eqq(false),
+ true_eqq(:truthy),
+ ]
+ end
+ results = [test]
+ class TrueClass
+ def ==(x)
+ !x
+ end
+ end
+ results << test
+ class TrueClass
+ undef_method :==
+ end
+ results << test
+} unless rjit_enabled? # Not yet working on RJIT
+# test FalseClass#=== before and after redefining FalseClass#==
+assert_equal '[[true, false, false], [true, false, true], [true, :error, :error]]', %q{
+ def case_equal(x, y)
+ x === y
+ rescue NoMethodError
+ :error
+ end
+ def test
+ [
+ # first one is always true because rb_equal does object comparison before calling #==
+ case_equal(false, false),
+ # these will use #==
+ case_equal(false, true),
+ case_equal(false, nil),
+ ]
+ end
+ results = [test]
+ class FalseClass
+ def ==(x)
+ !x
+ end
+ end
+ results << test
+ class FalseClass
+ undef_method :==
+ end
+ results << test
+} unless rjit_enabled? # Not yet working on RJIT
+# test NilClass#=== before and after redefining NilClass#==
+assert_equal '[[true, false, false], [true, false, true], [true, :error, :error]]', %q{
+ def case_equal(x, y)
+ x === y
+ rescue NoMethodError
+ :error
+ end
+ def test
+ [
+ # first one is always true because rb_equal does object comparison before calling #==
+ case_equal(nil, nil),
+ # these will use #==
+ case_equal(nil, true),
+ case_equal(nil, false),
+ ]
+ end
+ results = [test]
+ class NilClass
+ def ==(x)
+ !x
+ end
+ end
+ results << test
+ class NilClass
+ undef_method :==
+ end
+ results << test
+} unless rjit_enabled? # Not yet working on RJIT
+# test struct accessors fire c_call events
+assert_equal '[[:c_call, :x=], [:c_call, :x]]', %q{
+ c =
+ obj =
+ events = []
+ do
+ events << [_1.event, _1.method_id]
+ end.enable do
+ obj.x = 100
+ obj.x
+ end
+ events