diff options
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/lib/csv.rb b/lib/csv.rb
index 522dc206be..4ffffe4056 100644
--- a/lib/csv.rb
+++ b/lib/csv.rb
@@ -107,6 +107,9 @@ using CSV::MatchP if CSV.const_defined?(:MatchP)
# tools to enable you to read and write to and from Strings or IO objects, as
# needed.
+# All examples here assume prior execution of:
+# require 'csv'
# The most generic interface of the library is:
# csv =, **options)
@@ -752,20 +755,78 @@ class CSV
- # This method is intended as the primary interface for reading CSV files. You
- # pass a +path+ and any +options+ you wish to set for the read. Each row of
- # file will be passed to the provided +block+ in turn.
+ # :call-seq:
+ # foreach(path, mode='r', **options) {|row| ... ) -> integer or nil
+ # foreach(io, mode='r', **options {|row| ... ) -> integer or nil
+ # foreach(path, mode='r', **options) -> new_enumerator
+ # foreach(io, mode='r', **options -> new_enumerator
- # See {Options for Parsing}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Parsing].
+ # Calls the block with each row read from source +path+ or +io+.
+ # Returns an integer, or, if there were no rows, +nil+.
- # The +options+ parameter can be anything CSV::new() understands. This method
- # also understands an additional <tt>:encoding</tt> parameter that you can use
- # to specify the Encoding of the data in the file to be read. You must provide
- # this unless your data is in Encoding::default_external(). CSV will use this
- # to determine how to parse the data. You may provide a second Encoding to
- # have the data transcoded as it is read. For example,
- # <tt>encoding: "UTF-32BE:UTF-8"</tt> would read UTF-32BE data from the file
- # but transcode it to UTF-8 before CSV parses it.
+ # * Argument +path+, if given, must be the path to a file.
+ # * Argument +io+, if given, must be an \IO object opened for reading.
+ # * Argument +mode+, if given, must be a \File mode
+ # See {Open Mode}[IO.html#method-c-new-label-Open+Mode].
+ # * Arguments <tt>**options</tt> must be keyword options.
+ # See {Options for Parsing}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Parsing].
+ # * This method optionally accepts an additional <tt>:encoding</tt> option
+ # that you can use to specify the Encoding of the data read from +path+ or +io+.
+ # You must provide this unless your data is in the encoding
+ # given by <tt>Encoding::default_external</tt>.
+ # Parsing will use this to determine how to parse the data.
+ # You may provide a second Encoding to
+ # have the data transcoded as it is read. For example,
+ # encoding: 'UTF-32BE:UTF-8'
+ # would read +UTF-32BE+ data from the file
+ # but transcode it to +UTF-8+ before parsing.
+ #
+ # ---
+ #
+ # These examples assume prior execution of:
+ # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # path = 't.csv'
+ # File.write(path, string)
+ # io =
+ #
+ # Read rows from a file at +path+:
+ # CSV.foreach(path) {|row| p row } # => 21
+ # Output:
+ # ["foo", "0"]
+ # ["bar", "1"]
+ # ["baz", "2"]
+ #
+ # Read rows from an \IO object:
+ # CSV.foreach(io) {|row| p row } # => 21
+ # Output:
+ # ["foo", "0"]
+ # ["bar", "1"]
+ # ["baz", "2"]
+ #
+ # Returns a new \Enumerator if no block given:
+ # CSV.foreach(path) # => #<Enumerator: CSV:foreach("t.csv", "r")>
+ # CSV.foreach(io) # => #<Enumerator: CSV:foreach(#<File:t.csv>, "r")>
+ #
+ # Issues a warning if an encoding is unsupported:
+ # CSV.foreach(io, encoding: 'foo:bar') {|row| } # => 21
+ # Output:
+ # warning: Unsupported encoding foo ignored
+ # warning: Unsupported encoding bar ignored
+ #
+ # ---
+ #
+ # Raises an exception if +path+ is a \String, but not the path to a readable file:
+ # # Raises Errno::ENOENT (No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - nosuch.csv):
+ # CSV.foreach('nosuch.csv') {|row| }
+ #
+ # Raises an exception if +io+ is an \IO object, but not open for reading:
+ # io =, 'w') {|row| }
+ # # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of nil into String):
+ # CSV.foreach(io) {|row| }
+ #
+ # Raises an exception if +mode+ is invalid:
+ # # Raises IOError (not opened for reading):
+ # CSV.foreach(path, 'w') {|row| }
def foreach(path, mode="r", **options, &block)
return to_enum(__method__, path, mode, **options) unless block_given?
@@ -776,23 +837,63 @@ class CSV
# :call-seq:
- # generate( str, **options ) { |csv| ... }
- # generate( **options ) { |csv| ... }
+ # generate(csv_string, **options) {|csv| ... }
+ # generate(**options) {|csv| ... }
- # This method wraps a String you provide, or an empty default String, in a
- # CSV object which is passed to the provided block. You can use the block to
- # append CSV rows to the String and when the block exits, the final String
- # will be returned.
+ # * Argument +csv_string+, if given, must be a \String object;
+ # defaults to a new empty \String.
+ # * Arguments +options+, if given, should be parsing options.
+ # See {Options for Parsing}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Parsing].
- # Note that a passed String *is* modified by this method. Call dup() before
- # passing if you need a new String.
+ # ---
- # See {Options for Generating}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Generating].
+ # Creates a new \CSV object via <tt>, **options)</tt>;
+ # calls the block with the \CSV object, which the block may modify;
+ # returns the \String generated from the \CSV object.
+ #
+ # Note that a passed \String *is* modified by this method.
+ # Pass <tt>csv_string</tt>.dup if the \String must be preserved.
# This method has one additional option: <tt>:encoding</tt>,
# which sets the base Encoding for the output if no no +str+ is specified.
# CSV needs this hint if you plan to output non-ASCII compatible data.
+ # ---
+ #
+ # Add lines:
+ # input_string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # output_string = CSV.generate(input_string) do |csv|
+ # csv << ['bat', 3]
+ # csv << ['bam', 4]
+ # end
+ # output_string # => "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\nbat,3\nbam,4\n"
+ # input_string # => "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\nbat,3\nbam,4\n"
+ # output_string.equal?(input_string) # => true # Same string, modified
+ #
+ # Add lines into new string, preserving old string:
+ # input_string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # output_string = CSV.generate(input_string.dup) do |csv|
+ # csv << ['bat', 3]
+ # csv << ['bam', 4]
+ # end
+ # output_string # => "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\nbat,3\nbam,4\n"
+ # input_string # => "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # output_string.equal?(input_string) # => false # Different strings
+ #
+ # Create lines from nothing:
+ # output_string = CSV.generate do |csv|
+ # csv << ['foo', 0]
+ # csv << ['bar', 1]
+ # csv << ['baz', 2]
+ # end
+ # output_string # => "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ #
+ # ---
+ #
+ # Raises an exception if +csv_string+ is not a \String object:
+ # # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Integer into String)
+ # CSV.generate(0)
+ #
def generate(str=nil, **options)
encoding = options[:encoding]
# add a default empty String, if none was given
@@ -865,7 +966,7 @@ class CSV
# You must pass a +filename+ and may optionally add a +mode+ for Ruby's
# open().
- # See {Options for Generating}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Generating].
+ # See {Options for Parsing}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Parsing].
# This method works like Ruby's open() call, in that it will pass a CSV object
# to a provided block and close it when the block terminates, or it will