path: root/.github
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.github')
32 files changed, 2888 insertions, 794 deletions
diff --git a/.github/actions/launchable/setup/action.yml b/.github/actions/launchable/setup/action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d50318ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/actions/launchable/setup/action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+name: Set up Launchable
+description: >-
+ Install the required dependencies and execute the necessary Launchable commands for test recording
+ report-path:
+ default: launchable_reports.json
+ required: true
+ description: The file path of the test report for uploading to Launchable
+ os:
+ required: true
+ description: The operating system that CI runs on. This value is used in Launchable flavor.
+ test-opts:
+ default: none
+ required: false
+ description: >-
+ Test options that determine how tests are run.
+ This value is used in the Launchable flavor.
+ launchable-token:
+ required: false
+ description: >-
+ Launchable token is needed if you want to run Launchable on your forked repository.
+ See for details.
+ builddir:
+ required: false
+ default: ${{ github.workspace }}
+ description: >-
+ Directory to create Launchable report file.
+ srcdir:
+ required: false
+ default: ${{ github.workspace }}
+ description: >-
+ Directory to (re-)checkout source codes. Launchable retrives the commit information
+ from the directory.
+ using: composite
+ steps:
+ - name: Enable Launchable conditionally
+ id: enable-launchable
+ run: echo "enable-launchable=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ shell: bash
+ if: >-
+ ${{
+ (github.repository == 'ruby/ruby' ||
+ (github.repository != 'ruby/ruby' && env.LAUNCHABLE_TOKEN)) &&
+ (matrix.test_task == 'check' || matrix.test_task == 'test-all')
+ }}
+ # Launchable CLI requires Python and Java.
+ #
+ - name: Set up Python
+ uses: actions/setup-python@871daa956ca9ea99f3c3e30acb424b7960676734 # v5.0.0
+ with:
+ python-version: "3.x"
+ if: steps.enable-launchable.outputs.enable-launchable
+ - name: Set up Java
+ uses: actions/setup-java@7a445ee88d4e23b52c33fdc7601e40278616c7f8 # v4.0.0
+ with:
+ distribution: 'temurin'
+ java-version: '17'
+ if: steps.enable-launchable.outputs.enable-launchable
+ - name: Set environment variables for Launchable
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ : # GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_URL are used for commenting test reports in Launchable Github App.
+ : #
+ echo "GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_URL=${{ github.event.pull_request.html_url }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ : # The following envs are necessary in Launchable tokenless authentication.
+ : #
+ echo "LAUNCHABLE_ORGANIZATION=${{ github.repository_owner }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ : #
+ echo "GITHUB_PR_HEAD_SHA=${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha || github.sha }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ echo "LAUNCHABLE_TOKEN=${{ inputs.launchable-token }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ if: steps.enable-launchable.outputs.enable-launchable
+ - name: Set up Launchable
+ shell: bash
+ working-directory: ${{ inputs.srcdir }}
+ run: |
+ set -x
+ PATH=$PATH:$(python -msite --user-base)/bin
+ echo "PATH=$PATH" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ pip install --user launchable
+ launchable verify || true
+ : # The build name cannot include a slash, so we replace the string here.
+ github_ref="${{ github.ref }}"
+ github_ref="${github_ref//\//_}"
+ : # With the --name option, we need to configure a unique identifier for this build.
+ : # To avoid setting the same build name as the CI which runs on other branches, we use the branch name here.
+ : #
+ : # FIXME: Need to fix `WARNING: Failed to process a change to a file`.
+ : #
+ launchable record build --name ${github_ref}_${GITHUB_PR_HEAD_SHA}
+ echo "TESTS=${TESTS} --launchable-test-reports=${{ }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ if: steps.enable-launchable.outputs.enable-launchable
+ - name: Variables to report Launchable
+ id: variables
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ set -x
+ : # flavor
+ test_opts="${{ inputs.test-opts }}"
+ test_opts="${test_opts// /}"
+ test_opts="${test_opts//=/:}"
+ echo test-opts="$test_opts" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ : # report-path from srcdir
+ if [ "${srcdir}" = "${{ github.workspace }}" ]; then
+ dir=
+ else
+ # srcdir must be equal to or under workspace
+ dir=$(echo ${srcdir:+${srcdir}/} | sed 's:[^/][^/]*/:../:g')
+ fi
+ report_path="${dir}${builddir:+${builddir}/}${report_path}"
+ echo report-path="${report_path}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ if: steps.enable-launchable.outputs.enable-launchable
+ env:
+ srcdir: ${{ inputs.srcdir }}
+ builddir: ${{ inputs.builddir }}
+ report_path: ${{ }}
+ - name: Record test results in Launchable
+ uses: gacts/run-and-post-run@674528335da98a7afc80915ff2b4b860a0b3553a # v1.4.0
+ with:
+ shell: bash
+ working-directory: ${{ inputs.srcdir }}
+ post: |
+ : # record
+ launchable record tests --flavor os=${{ inputs.os }} --flavor test_task=${{ matrix.test_task }} --flavor test_opts=${test_opts} raw ${report_path}
+ rm -f ${report_path}
+ if: ${{ always() && steps.enable-launchable.outputs.enable-launchable }}
+ env:
+ test_opts: ${{ steps.variables.outputs.test-opts }}
+ report_path: ${{ }}
diff --git a/.github/actions/setup/directories/action.yml b/.github/actions/setup/directories/action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a59f575c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/actions/setup/directories/action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+name: Setup directories etc.
+description: >-
+ Set up the source code and build directories (plus some
+ environmental tweaks)
+ srcdir:
+ required: false
+ default: ${{ github.workspace }}
+ description: >-
+ Directory to (re-)checkout source codes. This will be created
+ if absent. If there is no `configure` file that is also
+ generated inside.
+ builddir:
+ required: false
+ default: ${{ github.workspace }}
+ description: >-
+ Where binaries and other generated contents go. This will be
+ created if absent.
+ makeup:
+ required: false
+ type: boolean
+ # Note that `default: false` evaluates to a string constant
+ # `'false'`, which is a truthy value :sigh:
+ #
+ default: ''
+ description: >-
+ If set to true, additionally runs `make up`.
+ checkout:
+ required: false
+ type: boolean
+ default: true
+ description: >-
+ If set to '' (false), skip running actions/checkout. This is useful when
+ you don't want to overwrite a GitHub token that is already set up.
+ dummy-files:
+ required: false
+ type: boolean
+ default: ''
+ description: >-
+ If set to true, creates dummy files in build dir.
+ fetch-depth:
+ required: false
+ default: '1'
+ description: The depth of commit history fetched from the remote repository
+ clean:
+ required: false
+ type: boolean
+ default: ''
+ description: >-
+ If set to true, clean build directory.
+outputs: {} # nothing?
+ using: composite
+ steps:
+ # Note that `shell: bash` works on both Windows and Linux, but not
+ # `shell: sh`. This is because GitHub hosted Windows runners have
+ # their bash manually installed.
+ - shell: bash
+ run: |
+ mkdir -p ${{ inputs.srcdir }}
+ mkdir -p ${{ inputs.builddir }}
+ # Did you know that actions/checkout works without git(1)? We are
+ # checking that here.
+ - id: which
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ echo "git=`command -v git`" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
+ echo "sudo=`command -v sudo`" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
+ echo "autoreconf=`command -v autoreconf`" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
+ - if: steps.which.outputs.git
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ git config --global core.autocrlf false
+ git config --global core.eol lf
+ git config --global advice.detachedHead 0
+ git config --global init.defaultBranch garbage
+ - if: inputs.checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ with:
+ path: ${{ inputs.srcdir }}
+ fetch-depth: ${{ inputs.fetch-depth }}
+ - uses: actions/cache@0c45773b623bea8c8e75f6c82b208c3cf94ea4f9 # v4.0.2
+ with:
+ path: ${{ inputs.srcdir }}/.downloaded-cache
+ key: downloaded-cache
+ - if: steps.which.outputs.autoreconf
+ shell: bash
+ working-directory: ${{ inputs.srcdir }}
+ run: ./
+ # This is for MinGW.
+ - if: runner.os == 'Windows'
+ shell: bash
+ - if: runner.os == 'Linux'
+ shell: bash
+ run: echo "GNUMAKEFLAGS=-sj$((1 + $(nproc --all)))" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
+ # macOS' GNU make is so old that they doesn't understand `GNUMAKEFLAGS`.
+ - if: runner.os == 'macOS'
+ shell: bash
+ run: echo "MAKEFLAGS=-j$((1 + $(sysctl -n hw.activecpu)))" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
+ - if:
+ shell: bash
+ working-directory: ${{ inputs.srcdir }}
+ run: |
+ touch config.status
+ touch .rbconfig.time
+ sed -f tool/prereq.status template/ > Makefile
+ sed -f tool/prereq.status template/ > GNUmakefile
+ make up
+ # Cleanup, runs even on failure
+ - if: always() &&
+ shell: bash
+ working-directory: ${{ inputs.srcdir }}
+ run: rm -f config.status Makefile rbconfig.rb .rbconfig.time
+ - if: steps.which.outputs.sudo
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ sudo chmod -R go-w /usr/share
+ chmod -v go-w $HOME $HOME/.config || :
+ sudo bash -c 'IFS=:; for d in '"$PATH"'; do chmod -v go-w $d; done' || :
+ - if: inputs.dummy-files == 'true'
+ shell: bash
+ id: dummy-files
+ working-directory: ${{ inputs.builddir }}
+ run: |
+ : Create dummy files in build dir
+ set {{a..z},{A..Z},{0..9},foo,bar,test,zzz}.rb
+ for file; do \
+ echo > $file "raise 'do not load $file'"; \
+ done
+ # drop {a..z}.rb if case-insensitive filesystem
+ grep -F A.rb a.rb > /dev/null && set "${@:27}"
+ echo clean="cd ${{ inputs.builddir }} && rm $*" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ - if: inputs.clean == 'true'
+ shell: bash
+ id: clean
+ run: |
+ echo distclean='make -C ${{ inputs.builddir }} distclean' >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ echo remained-files='find ${{ inputs.builddir }} -ls' >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ [ "${{ inputs.builddir }}" = "${{ inputs.srcdir }}" ] ||
+ echo final='rmdir ${{ inputs.builddir }}' >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ - name: clean
+ uses: gacts/run-and-post-run@7aec950f3b114c4fcf6012070c3709ecff0eb6f8 # v1.4.0
+ with:
+ working-directory:
+ post: |
+ ${{ steps.dummy-files.outputs.clean }}
+ ${{ steps.clean.outputs.distclean }}
+ ${{ steps.clean.outputs.remained-files }}
+ ${{ }}
diff --git a/.github/actions/setup/macos/action.yml b/.github/actions/setup/macos/action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..896930de84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/actions/setup/macos/action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+name: Setup macOS environment
+description: >-
+ Installs necessary packages via Homebrew.
+inputs: {} # nothing?
+outputs: {} # nothing?
+ using: composite
+ steps:
+ - name: brew
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ brew install --quiet gmp libffi openssl@1.1 zlib autoconf automake libtool
+ - name: Set ENV
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ for lib in openssl@1.1 gmp; do
+ CONFIGURE_ARGS="${CONFIGURE_ARGS:+$CONFIGURE_ARGS }--with-${lib%@*}-dir=$(brew --prefix $lib)"
+ done
diff --git a/.github/actions/setup/ubuntu/action.yml b/.github/actions/setup/ubuntu/action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9e5b41951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/actions/setup/ubuntu/action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+name: Setup ubuntu environment
+description: >-
+ At the beginning there was no way but to copy & paste `apt-get`
+ everywhere. But now that we have composite actions, it seems better
+ merge them into one.
+ arch:
+ required: false
+ default: ''
+ description: >-
+ Architecture. Because we run this on a GitHub-hosted runner
+ acceptable value for this input is very limited.
+ arch:
+ value: ${{ steps.uname.outputs.uname }}
+ description: >-
+ Actual architecture. This could be different from the one
+ passed to the `inputs.arch`. For instance giving `i386` to this
+ action yields `i686`.
+ using: composite
+ steps:
+ - name: set SETARCH
+ shell: bash
+ run: echo "SETARCH=${setarch}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
+ env:
+ setarch: ${{ inputs.arch && format('setarch {0} --', inputs.arch) }}
+ - id: uname
+ name: uname
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ echo uname=`${SETARCH} uname -m` >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
+ echo dpkg=`${SETARCH} uname -m | sed s/686/386/` >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
+ - name: apt-get
+ shell: bash
+ env:
+ arch: ${{ inputs.arch && format(':{0}', steps.uname.outputs.dpkg) || '' }}
+ run: |
+ set -x
+ ${arch:+sudo dpkg --add-architecture ${arch#:}}
+ sudo apt-get update -qq || :
+ sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -qq -y -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 \
+ ${arch:+cross}build-essential${arch/:/-} \
+ libssl-dev${arch} libyaml-dev${arch} libreadline6-dev${arch} \
+ zlib1g-dev${arch} libncurses5-dev${arch} libffi-dev${arch} \
+ autoconf ruby
+ sudo apt-get install -qq -y pkg-config${arch} || :
diff --git a/.github/actions/slack/action.yml b/.github/actions/slack/action.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c98be085a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/actions/slack/action.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+name: Post a message to slack
+description: >-
+ We have our ruby/action-slack webhook. However its arguments are
+ bit verbose to be listed in every workflow files. Better merge them
+ into one.
+ required: true
+ description: >-
+ The URL to post the payload. This is an input because it tends
+ to be stored in a secrets valut and a composite action cannot
+ look into one.
+ label:
+ required: false
+ description: >-
+ Human-readable description of the run, something like "DEBUG=1".
+ This need not be unique among runs.
+outputs: {} # Nothing?
+ using: composite
+ steps:
+ - uses: ruby/action-slack@0bd85c72233cdbb6a0fe01d37aaeff1d21b5fce1 # v3.2.1
+ with:
+ payload: |
+ {
+ "ci": "GitHub Actions",
+ "env": "${{ github.workflow }}${{ inputs.label && format(' / {0}', inputs.label) }}",
+ "url": "${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}",
+ "commit": "${{ github.sha }}",
+ "branch": "${{ github.ref_name }}"
+ }
+ env:
+ if: ${{github.event_name == 'push' && startsWith(github.repository, 'ruby/')}}
diff --git a/.github/auto_request_review.yml b/.github/auto_request_review.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8726df577d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/auto_request_review.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ 'yjit*': [team:yjit]
+ 'yjit/**/*': [team:yjit]
+ 'yjit/src/': []
+ 'doc/yjit/*': [team:yjit]
+ 'bootstraptest/test_yjit*': [team:yjit]
+ 'test/ruby/test_yjit*': [team:yjit]
+ ignore_draft: true
+ # This currently doesn't work as intended. We want to skip reviews when only
+ # is modified, but this skips reviews even when other
+ # yjit files are modified as well. To be enabled after fixing the behavior.
+ #last_files_match_only: true
diff --git a/.github/codeql/codeql-config.yml b/.github/codeql/codeql-config.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 91f82b842b..0000000000
--- a/.github/codeql/codeql-config.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-name: "CodeQL config for the Ruby language"
-languages: cpp
diff --git a/.github/dependabot.yml b/.github/dependabot.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..426893be2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/dependabot.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+version: 2
+ - package-ecosystem: 'github-actions'
+ directory: '/'
+ schedule:
+ interval: 'daily'
+ - package-ecosystem: 'github-actions'
+ directory: '/.github/actions/slack'
+ schedule:
+ interval: 'daily'
+ - package-ecosystem: 'github-actions'
+ directory: '/.github/actions/setup/directories'
+ schedule:
+ interval: 'daily'
+ - package-ecosystem: 'cargo'
+ directory: '/yjit'
+ schedule:
+ interval: 'daily'
diff --git a/.github/workflows/annocheck.yml b/.github/workflows/annocheck.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..589672b4bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/annocheck.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+name: Annocheck
+ push:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ pull_request:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ merge_group:
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') && github.ref_name || github.sha }}
+ cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') }}
+ contents: read
+ compile:
+ name: test-annocheck
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ container:
+ image:
+ options: --user root
+ if: >-
+ ${{!(false
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Document')
+ || (github.event_name == 'push' && == 'dependabot[bot]')
+ )}}
+ env:
+ GITPULLOPTIONS: --no-tags origin ${{ github.ref }}
+ RUBY_DEBUG: ci rgengc
+ -q
+ --color=always
+ --tty=no
+ # FIXME: Drop skipping options
+ #
+ #
+ TEST_ANNOCHECK_OPTS: '--skip-pie --skip-gaps'
+ steps:
+ - run: id
+ working-directory:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ with:
+ sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
+ sparse-checkout: /.github
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/directories
+ with:
+ srcdir: src
+ builddir: build
+ makeup: true
+ - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@70da3bbf44ac06db1b0547ce2acc9380a5270d1e # v1.175.0
+ with:
+ ruby-version: '3.0'
+ bundler: none
+ # Minimal flags to pass the check.
+ # -g0 disables backtraces when SEGV. Do not set that.
+ - name: Run configure
+ run: >
+ ../src/configure -C
+ --enable-debug-env
+ --disable-install-doc
+ --with-ext=-test-/cxxanyargs,+
+ --without-valgrind
+ --without-jemalloc
+ --without-gmp
+ --with-gcc="gcc-11 -fcf-protection -Wa,--generate-missing-build-notes=yes"
+ --enable-shared
+ debugflags=-ggdb3
+ optflags=-O2
+ LDFLAGS=-Wl,-z,now
+ - run: make showflags
+ - run: make
+ - run: make test-annocheck
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/slack
+ with:
+ SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SIMPLER_ALERTS_URL }} # ruby-lang slack: ruby/simpler-alerts-bot
+ if: ${{ failure() }}
+ run:
+ working-directory: build
diff --git a/.github/workflows/auto_request_review.yml b/.github/workflows/auto_request_review.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca27244b46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/auto_request_review.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+name: Auto Request Review
+ pull_request_target:
+ types: [opened, ready_for_review, reopened]
+ contents: read
+ auto-request-review:
+ name: Auto Request Review
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ if: ${{ github.repository == 'ruby/ruby' && github.base_ref == 'master' }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Request review based on files changes and/or groups the author belongs to
+ uses: necojackarc/auto-request-review@e89da1a8cd7c8c16d9de9c6e763290b6b0e3d424 # v0.13.0
+ with:
+ # scope: public_repo
+ token: ${{ secrets.MATZBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/baseruby.yml b/.github/workflows/baseruby.yml
index 788ca8f474..ac0d5f967f 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/baseruby.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/baseruby.yml
@@ -1,46 +1,77 @@
name: BASERUBY Check
-on: [push, pull_request]
+ push:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ pull_request:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ merge_group:
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') && github.ref_name || github.sha }}
+ cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') }}
+ contents: read
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ if: >-
+ ${{!(false
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Document')
+ || (github.event_name == 'push' && == 'dependabot[bot]')
+ )}}
- - ruby-2.2
-# - ruby-2.3
-# - ruby-2.4
-# - ruby-2.5
-# - ruby-2.6
- - ruby-2.7
- ruby-3.0
+ - ruby-3.1
+ - ruby-3.2
+ - ruby-3.3
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
+ - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@70da3bbf44ac06db1b0547ce2acc9380a5270d1e # v1.175.0
ruby-version: ${{ matrix.ruby }}
bundler: none
- - run: echo "make=make -sj$((1 + $(nproc --all)))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- - run: sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf bison
- - run: ./
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/ubuntu
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/directories
+ with:
+ makeup: true
- run: ./configure --disable-install-doc
- - run: $make common-srcs
- - run: $make incs
- - run: $make all
- - run: $make test
- - uses: k0kubun/action-slack@v2.0.0
+ - run: make all
+ - run: make test
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/slack
- payload: |
- {
- "ci": "GitHub Actions",
- "env": "${{ github.workflow }} / BASERUBY @ ${{ matrix.ruby }}",
- "url": "${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}",
- "commit": "${{ github.sha }}",
- "branch": "${{ github.ref }}".split('/').reverse()[0]
- }
- env:
+ label: ${{ matrix.ruby }}
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SIMPLER_ALERTS_URL }} # ruby-lang slack: ruby/simpler-alerts-bot
- if: ${{ failure() && github.event_name == 'push' }}
+ if: ${{ failure() }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/bundled_gems.yml b/.github/workflows/bundled_gems.yml
index d46c0704cd..fcc005239b 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/bundled_gems.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/bundled_gems.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,135 @@
name: bundled_gems
+ push:
+ branches: ['master']
+ paths:
+ - '.github/workflows/bundled_gems.yml'
+ - 'gems/bundled_gems'
+ pull_request:
+ branches: ['master']
+ paths:
+ - '.github/workflows/bundled_gems.yml'
+ - 'gems/bundled_gems'
+ merge_group:
- cron: '45 6 * * *'
+ workflow_dispatch:
+permissions: # added using
+ contents: read
- if: ${{ github.repository == 'ruby/ruby' }}
+ permissions:
+ contents: write # for Git to git push
+ if: ${{ github.event_name != 'schedule' || github.repository == 'ruby/ruby' }}
name: update ${{ github.workflow }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- - name: git config
- run: |
- git config --global advice.detachedHead 0
- git config --global init.defaultBranch garbage
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ with:
+ token: ${{ (github.repository == 'ruby/ruby' && !startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull')) && secrets.MATZBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN || secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/directories
+ with:
+ # Skip overwriting MATZBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN
+ checkout: '' # false (ref:
- name: Set ENV
run: |
- echo "JOBS=-j$((1 + $(nproc --all)))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ echo "TODAY=$(date +%F)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ - name: Download previous gems list
+ run: |
+ data=bundled_gems.json
+ mkdir -p .downloaded-cache
+ ln -s .downloaded-cache/$data .
+ curl -O -R -z ./$data$data
+ - name: Update bundled gems list
+ id: bundled_gems
+ run: |
+ ruby -i~ tool/update-bundled_gems.rb gems/bundled_gems >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - name: Update spec/bundler/support/builders.rb
+ run: |
+ #!ruby
+ rake_version ="gems/bundled_gems")[/^rake\s+(\S+)/, 1]
+ print^ *def rake_version\s*\K".*?"/) {rake_version.dump}
+ shell: ruby -i~ {0} spec/bundler/support/builders.rb
- - name: Update ${{ github.workflow }}
+ - name: Maintain updated gems list in NEWS
run: |
- ruby -i~ tool/update-bundled_gems.rb gems/${{ github.workflow }}
+ ruby tool/update-NEWS-gemlist.rb bundled
- name: Check diffs
id: diff
run: |
- git diff --no-ext-diff --ignore-submodules --exit-code
- continue-on-error: true
+ news= gems=
+ git diff --color --no-ext-diff --ignore-submodules --exit-code -- ||
+ news=true
+ git diff --color --no-ext-diff --ignore-submodules --exit-code -- gems/bundled_gems ||
+ gems=true
+ git add -- gems/bundled_gems
+ git add -- spec/bundler/support/builders.rb
+ echo news=$news >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ echo gems=$gems >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ echo update=${news:-$gems} >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Install libraries
- run: |
- set -x
- sudo apt-get update -q || :
- sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -q -y build-essential libssl-dev libyaml-dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libffi-dev bison autoconf ruby
- if: ${{ steps.diff.outcome == 'failure' }}
+ uses: ./.github/actions/setup/ubuntu
+ if: ${{ steps.diff.outputs.gems }}
- name: Build
run: |
./configure -C --disable-install-doc
- make $JOBS
- if: ${{ steps.diff.outcome == 'failure' }}
+ make
+ if: ${{ steps.diff.outputs.gems }}
+ - name: Prepare bundled gems
+ run: |
+ make -s prepare-gems
+ if: ${{ steps.diff.outputs.gems }}
- name: Test bundled gems
run: |
- make $JOBS -s test-bundled-gems
+ make -s test-bundled-gems
timeout-minutes: 30
- RUBY_TESTOPTS: "-q --tty=no"
- if: ${{ steps.diff.outcome == 'failure' }}
+ RUBY_TESTOPTS: '-q --tty=no'
+ if: ${{ steps.diff.outputs.gems }}
- name: Commit
run: |
- git commit --message="Update ${{ github.workflow }} at $(date +%F)" gems/${{ github.workflow }}
git pull --ff-only origin ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/}
+ message="Update bundled gems list"
+ if [ -z "${gems}" ]; then
+ git commit --message="${message} at ${GITHUB_SHA:0:30} [ci skip]"
+ else
+ git commit --message="${message} as of ${TODAY}"
+ fi
git push origin ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/}
+ TODAY: ${{ steps.bundled_gems.outputs.latest_date || env.TODAY }}
- if: ${{ steps.diff.outcome == 'failure' }}
+ gems: ${{ steps.diff.outputs.gems }}
+ if: >-
+ ${{
+ github.repository == 'ruby/ruby' &&
+ !startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') &&
+ steps.diff.outputs.update
+ }}
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/slack
+ with:
+ SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SIMPLER_ALERTS_URL }} # ruby-lang slack: ruby/simpler-alerts-bot
+ if: ${{ failure() }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/check_dependencies.yml b/.github/workflows/check_dependencies.yml
index e6b4abbe98..076af08aed 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/check_dependencies.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/check_dependencies.yml
@@ -1,45 +1,76 @@
name: Check Dependencies
-on: [push, pull_request]
+ push:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ pull_request:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ merge_group:
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') && github.ref_name || github.sha }}
+ cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') }}
+ contents: read
- os: [ubuntu-20.04, macos-11]
+ os: [ubuntu-20.04]
fail-fast: true
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
+ if: >-
+ ${{!(false
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Document')
+ || (github.event_name == 'push' && == 'dependabot[bot]')
+ )}}
- - name: Install libraries
- run: |
- set -x
- sudo apt-get update -q || :
- sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -q -y build-essential libssl-dev libyaml-dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libffi-dev bison autoconf ruby
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/ubuntu
if: ${{ contains(matrix.os, 'ubuntu') }}
- - name: Install libraries
- run: |
- brew upgrade
- brew install gmp libffi openssl@1.1 zlib autoconf automake libtool readline
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/macos
if: ${{ contains(matrix.os, 'macos') }}
- - name: git config
- run: |
- git config --global advice.detachedHead 0
- git config --global init.defaultBranch garbage
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - run: ./
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/directories
+ - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@70da3bbf44ac06db1b0547ce2acc9380a5270d1e # v1.175.0
+ with:
+ ruby-version: '3.0'
+ bundler: none
- name: Run configure
run: ./configure -C --disable-install-doc --disable-rubygems --with-gcc 'optflags=-O0' 'debugflags=-save-temps=obj -g'
- run: make all golf
- run: ruby tool/update-deps --fix
- run: git diff --no-ext-diff --ignore-submodules --exit-code
- - uses: k0kubun/action-slack@v2.0.0
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/slack
- payload: |
- {
- "ci": "GitHub Actions",
- "env": "${{ matrix.os }} / Dependencies need to update",
- "url": "${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}",
- "commit": "${{ github.sha }}",
- "branch": "${{ github.ref }}".split('/').reverse()[0]
- }
- env:
+ label: ${{ matrix.os }} / Dependencies need to update
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SIMPLER_ALERTS_URL }} # ruby-lang slack: ruby/simpler-alerts-bot
- if: ${{ failure() && github.event_name == 'push' }}
+ if: ${{ failure() }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/check_misc.yml b/.github/workflows/check_misc.yml
index c116011d86..48434a47a9 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/check_misc.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/check_misc.yml
@@ -1,20 +1,117 @@
-name: Miscellaneous checks
-on: [push, pull_request]
+name: Misc
+on: [push, pull_request, merge_group]
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') && github.ref_name || github.sha }}
+ cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') }}
+ contents: read
+ name: Miscellaneous checks
+ permissions:
+ contents: write # for Git to git push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ with:
+ token: ${{ (github.repository == 'ruby/ruby' && !startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull')) && secrets.MATZBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN || secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/directories
+ with:
+ makeup: true
+ # Skip overwriting MATZBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN
+ checkout: '' # false (ref:
- name: Check if C-sources are US-ASCII
run: |
- ! grep -r -n '[^ -~]' *.[chy] include internal win32/*.[ch]
+ grep -r -n --include='*.[chyS]' --include='*.asm' $'[^\t-~]' -- . && exit 1 || :
- name: Check for trailing spaces
run: |
- ! git grep -n '[ ]$' '*.rb' '*.[chy]'
+ git grep -I -n $'[\t ]$' -- '*.rb' '*.[chy]' '*.rs' '*.yml' && exit 1 || :
+ git grep -n $'^[\t ][\t ]*$' -- '*.md' && exit 1 || :
+ - name: Check for bash specific substitution in
+ run: |
+ git grep -n '\${[A-Za-z_0-9]*/' -- && exit 1 || :
- name: Check for header macros
run: |
- ! for header in ruby/*.h; do \
- git grep -l -F -e $header -e HAVE_`echo $header | tr a-z./ A-Z__` -- . > /dev/null || echo $header
- done | grep -F .
+ fail=
+ for header in ruby/*.h; do
+ git grep -l -F -e $header -e HAVE_`echo $header | tr a-z./ A-Z__` -- . > /dev/null && continue
+ fail=1
+ echo $header
+ done
+ exit $fail
working-directory: include
+ - id: gems
+ run: true
+ if: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }}
+ - name: Download previous gems list
+ run: |
+ data=default_gems.json
+ mkdir -p .downloaded-cache
+ ln -s .downloaded-cache/$data .
+ curl -O -R -z ./$data$data
+ if: ${{ steps.gems.outcome == 'success' }}
+ - name: Make default gems list
+ run: |
+ #!ruby
+ require 'rubygems'
+ $:.unshift "lib"
+ rgver = File.foreach("lib/rubygems.rb") do |line|
+ break $1 if /^\s*VERSION\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"/ =~ line
+ end
+ gems = Dir.glob("{ext,lib}/**/*.gemspec").map do |f|
+ spec = Gem::Specification.load(f)
+ "#{} #{spec.version}"
+ end.sort
+"gems/default_gems", "w") do |f|
+ f.puts "RubyGems #{rgver}"
+ f.puts gems
+ end
+ shell: ruby --disable=gems {0}
+ if: ${{ steps.gems.outcome == 'success' }}
+ - name: Maintain updated gems list in NEWS
+ run: |
+ ruby tool/update-NEWS-gemlist.rb default
+ if: ${{ steps.gems.outcome == 'success' }}
+ - name: Check diffs
+ id: diff
+ run: |
+ git diff --color --no-ext-diff --ignore-submodules --exit-code ||
+ echo update=true >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ if: ${{ steps.gems.outcome == 'success' }}
+ - name: Commit
+ run: |
+ git pull --ff-only origin ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/}
+ git commit --message="Update default gems list at ${GITHUB_SHA:0:30} [ci skip]"
+ git push origin ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/}
+ env:
+ if: >-
+ ${{
+ github.repository == 'ruby/ruby' &&
+ !startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') &&
+ steps.diff.outputs.update
+ }}
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/slack
+ with:
+ SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SIMPLER_ALERTS_URL }} # ruby-lang slack: ruby/simpler-alerts-bot
+ if: ${{ failure() }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml b/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml
index 5897c5d37e..c7d0def7ae 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml
@@ -1,43 +1,124 @@
-name: "Code scanning - action"
+name: 'CodeQL'
+ branches: ['master']
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
- - cron: '0 12 * * 4'
+ - cron: '0 12 * * *'
+ workflow_dispatch:
- CodeQL-Build:
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') && github.ref_name || github.sha }}
+ cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') }}
+permissions: # added using
+ contents: read
- # CodeQL runs on ubuntu-latest and windows-latest
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ analyze:
+ name: Analyze
+ runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
+ permissions:
+ actions: read # for github/codeql-action/init to get workflow details
+ contents: read # for actions/checkout to fetch code
+ security-events: write # for github/codeql-action/autobuild to send a status report
+ # CodeQL fails to run pull requests from dependabot due to missing write access to upload results.
+ if: >-
+ ${{!(false
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Document')
+ || (github.event_name == 'push' && == 'dependabot[bot]')
+ )}}
enable_install_doc: no
+ strategy:
+ fail-fast: false
+ matrix:
+ include:
+ - language: cpp
+ os: ubuntu-latest
+ # ruby analysis used large memory. We need to use a larger runner.
+ - language: ruby
+ os: ${{ github.repository == 'ruby/ruby' && 'macos-arm-oss' || 'ubuntu-latest' }}
- - name: Install libraries
- run: |
- set -x
- sudo apt-get update -q || :
- sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -q -y build-essential libssl-dev libyaml-dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libffi-dev bison autoconf ruby
+ - name: Checkout repository
+ uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ - name: Install libraries
+ if: ${{ contains(matrix.os, 'macos') }}
+ uses: ./.github/actions/setup/macos
+ - name: Install libraries
+ if : ${{ matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' }}
+ uses: ./.github/actions/setup/ubuntu
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/directories
- - name: Checkout repository
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - name: Remove an obsolete rubygems vendored file
+ if: ${{ matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' }}
+ run: sudo rm /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/rubygems/defaults/operating_system.rb
- - name: Remove an obsolete rubygems vendored file
- run: sudo rm /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/rubygems/defaults/operating_system.rb
+ - name: Initialize CodeQL
+ uses: github/codeql-action/init@d39d31e687223d841ef683f52467bd88e9b21c14 # v3.25.3
+ with:
+ languages: ${{ matrix.language }}
- - name: Initialize CodeQL
- uses: github/codeql-action/init@v1
- with:
- config-file: ./.github/codeql/codeql-config.yml
+ - name: Autobuild
+ uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@d39d31e687223d841ef683f52467bd88e9b21c14 # v3.25.3
- - name: Set ENV
- run: echo "GNUMAKEFLAGS=-j$((1 + $(nproc --all)))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ - name: Perform CodeQL Analysis
+ uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@d39d31e687223d841ef683f52467bd88e9b21c14 # v3.25.3
+ with:
+ category: '/language:${{ matrix.language }}'
+ upload: False
+ output: sarif-results
- - name: Autobuild
- uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v1
+ - name: filter-sarif
+ uses: advanced-security/filter-sarif@f3b8118a9349d88f7b1c0c488476411145b6270d # v1.0.1
+ with:
+ patterns: |
+ +**/*.rb
+ -lib/uri/mailto.rb:rb/overly-large-range
+ -lib/uri/rfc3986_parser.rb:rb/overly-large-range
+ -lib/bundler/vendor/uri/lib/uri/mailto.rb:rb/overly-large-range
+ -lib/bundler/vendor/uri/lib/uri/rfc3986_parser.rb:rb/overly-large-range
+ -test/ruby/test_io.rb:rb/non-constant-kernel-open
+ -test/open-uri/test_open-uri.rb:rb/non-constant-kernel-open
+ -test/open-uri/test_ssl.rb:rb/non-constant-kernel-open
+ -spec/ruby/core/io/binread_spec.rb:rb/non-constant-kernel-open
+ -spec/ruby/core/io/readlines_spec.rb:rb/non-constant-kernel-open
+ -spec/ruby/core/io/foreach_spec.rb:rb/non-constant-kernel-open
+ -spec/ruby/core/io/write_spec.rb:rb/non-constant-kernel-open
+ -spec/ruby/core/io/read_spec.rb:rb/non-constant-kernel-open
+ -spec/ruby/core/kernel/open_spec.rb:rb/non-constant-kernel-open
+ input: sarif-results/${{ matrix.language }}.sarif
+ output: sarif-results/${{ matrix.language }}.sarif
+ if: ${{ matrix.language == 'ruby' }}
+ continue-on-error: true
- - name: Perform CodeQL Analysis
- uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v1
+ - name: Upload SARIF
+ uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@d39d31e687223d841ef683f52467bd88e9b21c14 # v3.25.3
+ with:
+ sarif_file: sarif-results/${{ matrix.language }}.sarif
+ continue-on-error: true
diff --git a/.github/workflows/compilers.yml b/.github/workflows/compilers.yml
index e6ad9db6e2..5e5eb69b6f 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/compilers.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/compilers.yml
@@ -1,17 +1,37 @@
name: Compilations
-on: [push, pull_request]
+ push:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ pull_request:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ merge_group:
-# Github actions does not support YAML anchors. This creative use of
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') && github.ref_name || github.sha }}
+ cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') }}
+# GitHub actions does not support YAML anchors. This creative use of
# environment variables (plus the "echo $GITHUB_ENV" hack) is to reroute that
# restriction.
- default_cc: clang-14
+ default_cc: clang-18
append_cc: ''
- crosshost: ''
# -O1 is faster than -O3 in our tests... Majority of time are consumed trying
- # to optimize binaries. Also Github Actions run on relatively modern CPUs
+ # to optimize binaries. Also GitHub Actions run on relatively modern CPUs
# compared to, say, GCC 4 or Clang 3. We don't specify `-march=native`
# because compilers tend not understand what the CPU is.
optflags: '-O1'
@@ -28,200 +48,256 @@ env:
- GITPULLOPTIONS: --no-tags origin ${{github.ref}}
+ GITPULLOPTIONS: --no-tags origin ${{ github.ref }}
RUBY_DEBUG: ci rgengc
+ contents: read
fail-fast: false
+ env:
+ - {}
- - { key: default_cc, name: gcc-11, value: gcc-11, container: gcc-11 }
- - { key: default_cc, name: gcc-10, value: gcc-10, container: gcc-10 }
- - { key: default_cc, name: gcc-9, value: gcc-9, container: gcc-9 }
- - { key: default_cc, name: gcc-8, value: gcc-8, container: gcc-8 }
- - { key: default_cc, name: gcc-7, value: gcc-7, container: gcc-7 }
- - { key: default_cc, name: gcc-6, value: gcc-6, container: gcc-6 }
- - { key: default_cc, name: gcc-5, value: gcc-5, container: gcc-5 }
- - { key: default_cc, name: gcc-4.8, value: gcc-4.8, container: gcc-4.8 }
- - key: default_cc
- name: 'gcc-11 LTO'
- value: 'gcc-11 -O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects'
- container: gcc-11
- shared: '--disable-shared'
+ - { name: gcc-13, env: { default_cc: gcc-13 } }
+ - { name: gcc-12, env: { default_cc: gcc-12 } }
+ - { name: gcc-11, env: { default_cc: gcc-11 } }
+ - { name: gcc-10, env: { default_cc: gcc-10 } }
+ - { name: gcc-9, env: { default_cc: gcc-9 } }
+ - { name: gcc-8, env: { default_cc: gcc-8 } }
+ - { name: gcc-7, env: { default_cc: gcc-7 } }
+ - name: 'gcc-13 LTO'
+ container: gcc-13
+ env:
+ default_cc: 'gcc-13 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -Werror=lto-type-mismatch'
+ optflags: '-O2'
+ shared: disable
# check: true
- - { key: default_cc, name: clang-14, value: clang-14, container: clang-14 }
- - { key: default_cc, name: clang-13, value: clang-13, container: clang-13 }
- - { key: default_cc, name: clang-12, value: clang-12, container: clang-12 }
- - { key: default_cc, name: clang-11, value: clang-11, container: clang-11 }
- - { key: default_cc, name: clang-10, value: clang-10, container: clang-10 }
- - { key: default_cc, name: clang-9, value: clang-9, container: clang-9 }
- - { key: default_cc, name: clang-8, value: clang-8, container: clang-8 }
- - { key: default_cc, name: clang-7, value: clang-7, container: clang-7 }
- - { key: default_cc, name: clang-6.0, value: clang-6.0, container: clang-6.0 }
- - { key: default_cc, name: clang-5.0, value: clang-5.0, container: clang-5.0 }
- - { key: default_cc, name: clang-4.0, value: clang-4.0, container: clang-4.0 }
- - { key: default_cc, name: clang-3.9, value: clang-3.9, container: clang-3.9 }
- - key: default_cc
- name: 'clang-14 LTO'
- value: 'clang-14 -O2 -flto=auto'
- container: clang-14
- shared: '--disable-shared'
+ - { name: clang-19, env: { default_cc: clang-19 } }
+ - { name: clang-18, env: { default_cc: clang-18 } }
+ - { name: clang-17, env: { default_cc: clang-17 } }
+ - { name: clang-16, env: { default_cc: clang-16 } }
+ - { name: clang-15, env: { default_cc: clang-15 } }
+ - { name: clang-14, env: { default_cc: clang-14 } }
+ - { name: clang-13, env: { default_cc: clang-13 } }
+ - { name: clang-12, env: { default_cc: clang-12 } }
+ - { name: clang-11, env: { default_cc: clang-11 } }
+ - { name: clang-10, env: { default_cc: clang-10 } }
+ # llvm-objcopy<=9 doesn't have --wildcard. It compiles, but leaves Rust symbols in libyjit.o.
+ - { name: clang-9, env: { default_cc: clang-9, append_configure: '--disable-yjit' } }
+ - { name: clang-8, env: { default_cc: clang-8, append_configure: '--disable-yjit' } }
+ - { name: clang-7, env: { default_cc: clang-7, append_configure: '--disable-yjit' } }
+ - { name: clang-6.0, env: { default_cc: clang-6.0, append_configure: '--disable-yjit' } }
+ - name: 'clang-16 LTO'
+ container: clang-16
+ env:
+ default_cc: 'clang-16 -flto=auto'
+ optflags: '-O2'
+ shared: disable
# check: true
- - { key: crosshost, name: aarch64-linux-gnu, value: aarch64-linux-gnu, container: crossbuild-essential-arm64 }
-# - { key: crosshost, name: arm-linux-gnueabi, value: arm-linux-gnueabi }
-# - { key: crosshost, name: arm-linux-gnueabihf, value: arm-linux-gnueabihf }
-# - { key: crosshost, name: i686-w64-mingw32, value: i686-w64-mingw32 }
-# - { key: crosshost, name: powerpc-linux-gnu, value: powerpc-linux-gnu }
- - { key: crosshost, name: powerpc64le-linux-gnu, value: powerpc64le-linux-gnu, container: crossbuild-essential-ppc64el }
- - { key: crosshost, name: s390x-linux-gnu, value: s390x-linux-gnu, container: crossbuild-essential-s390x }
- - { key: crosshost, name: x86_64-w64-mingw32, value: x86_64-w64-mingw32, container: mingw-w64 }
- - { key: append_cc, name: c99, value: '-std=c99 -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors' }
-# - { key: append_cc, name: c11, value: '-std=c11 -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors' }
-# - { key: append_cc, name: c17, value: '-std=c17 -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors' }
- - { key: append_cc, name: c2x, value: '-std=c2x -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors' }
- - { key: CXXFLAGS, name: c++98, value: '-std=c++98 -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wno-c++11-long-long' }
-# - { key: CXXFLAGS, name: c++11, value: '-std=c++11 -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wno-c++11-long-long' }
-# - { key: CXXFLAGS, name: c++14, value: '-std=c++14 -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wno-c++11-long-long' }
-# - { key: CXXFLAGS, name: c++17, value: '-std=c++17 -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wno-c++11-long-long' }
- - { key: CXXFLAGS, name: c++2a, value: '-std=c++2a -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wno-c++11-long-long' }
- - { key: optflags, name: '-O0', value: '-O0 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic' }
-# - { key: optflags, name: '-O3', value: '-O3 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic', check: true }
- - { key: append_configure, name: gmp, value: '--with-gmp' }
- - { key: append_configure, name: jemalloc, value: '--with-jemalloc' }
- - { key: append_configure, name: valgrind, value: '--with-valgrind' }
- - { key: append_configure, name: 'coroutine=ucontext', value: '--with-coroutine=ucontext' }
- - { key: append_configure, name: 'coroutine=pthread', value: '--with-coroutine=pthread' }
- - { key: append_configure, name: disable-jit-support, value: '--disable-jit-support' }
- - { key: append_configure, name: disable-dln, value: '--disable-dln' }
- - { key: append_configure, name: disable-rubygems, value: '--disable-rubygems' }
- - { key: cppflags, name: OPT_THREADED_CODE=1, value: '-DOPT_THREADED_CODE=1' }
- - { key: cppflags, name: OPT_THREADED_CODE=2, value: '-DOPT_THREADED_CODE=2' }
- - { key: cppflags, name: OPT_THREADED_CODE=3, value: '-DOPT_THREADED_CODE=3' }
- - { key: cppflags, name: NDEBUG, value: '-DNDEBUG' }
- - { key: cppflags, name: RUBY_DEBUG, value: '-DRUBY_DEBUG' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: ARRAY_DEBUG, value: '-DARRAY_DEBUG' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: BIGNUM_DEBUG, value: '-DBIGNUM_DEBUG' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: CCAN_LIST_DEBUG, value: '-DCCAN_LIST_DEBUG' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: CPDEBUG=-1, value: '-DCPDEBUG=-1' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: ENC_DEBUG, value: '-DENC_DEBUG' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: GC_DEBUG, value: '-DGC_DEBUG' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: HASH_DEBUG, value: '-DHASH_DEBUG' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: ID_TABLE_DEBUG, value: '-DID_TABLE_DEBUG' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: RGENGC_DEBUG=-1, value: '-DRGENGC_DEBUG=-1' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: SYMBOL_DEBUG, value: '-DSYMBOL_DEBUG' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: THREAD_DEBUG=-1, value: '-DTHREAD_DEBUG=-1' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: RGENGC_CHECK_MODE, value: '-DRGENGC_CHECK_MODE' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: TRANSIENT_HEAP_CHECK_MODE, value: '-DTRANSIENT_HEAP_CHECK_MODE' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: VM_CHECK_MODE, value: '-DVM_CHECK_MODE' }
- - { key: cppflags, name: USE_EMBED_CI=0, value: '-DUSE_EMBED_CI=0' }
- - { key: cppflags, name: USE_FLONUM=0, value: '-DUSE_FLONUM=0' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: USE_GC_MALLOC_OBJ_INFO_DETAILS, value: '-DUSE_GC_MALLOC_OBJ_INFO_DETAILS' }
- - { key: cppflags, name: USE_LAZY_LOAD, value: '-DUSE_LAZY_LOAD' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: USE_RINCGC=0, value: '-DUSE_RINCGC=0' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: USE_SYMBOL_GC=0, value: '-DUSE_SYMBOL_GC=0' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: USE_THREAD_CACHE=0, value: '-DUSE_THREAD_CACHE=0' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: USE_TRANSIENT_HEAP=0, value: '-DUSE_TRANSIENT_HEAP=0' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: USE_RUBY_DEBUG_LOG=1, value: '-DUSE_RUBY_DEBUG_LOG=1' }
- - { key: cppflags, name: DEBUG_FIND_TIME_NUMGUESS, value: '-DDEBUG_FIND_TIME_NUMGUESS' }
- - { key: cppflags, name: DEBUG_INTEGER_PACK, value: '-DDEBUG_INTEGER_PACK' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: ENABLE_PATH_CHECK, value: '-DENABLE_PATH_CHECK' }
- - { key: cppflags, name: GC_DEBUG_STRESS_TO_CLASS, value: '-DGC_DEBUG_STRESS_TO_CLASS' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: GC_ENABLE_LAZY_SWEEP=0, value: '-DGC_ENABLE_LAZY_SWEEP=0' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: GC_PROFILE_DETAIL_MEMOTY, value: '-DGC_PROFILE_DETAIL_MEMOTY' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: GC_PROFILE_MORE_DETAIL, value: '-DGC_PROFILE_MORE_DETAIL' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: CALC_EXACT_MALLOC_SIZE, value: '-DCALC_EXACT_MALLOC_SIZE' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: IBF_ISEQ_ENABLE_LOCAL_BUFFER, value: '-DIBF_ISEQ_ENABLE_LOCAL_BUFFER' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: RGENGC_FORCE_MAJOR_GC, value: '-DRGENGC_FORCE_MAJOR_GC' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: RGENGC_OBJ_INFO, value: '-DRGENGC_OBJ_INFO' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: RGENGC_OLD_NEWOBJ_CHECK, value: '-DRGENGC_OLD_NEWOBJ_CHECK' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: RGENGC_PROFILE, value: '-DRGENGC_PROFILE' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: VM_DEBUG_BP_CHECK, value: '-DVM_DEBUG_BP_CHECK' }
-# - { key: cppflags, name: VM_DEBUG_VERIFY_METHOD_CACHE, value: '-DVM_DEBUG_VERIFY_METHOD_CACHE' }
- - { key: cppflags, name: MJIT_FORCE_ENABLE, value: '-DMJIT_FORCE_ENABLE' }
- - { key: cppflags, name: YJIT_FORCE_ENABLE, value: '-DYJIT_FORCE_ENABLE' }
+ - { name: ext/Setup, static-exts: 'etc,json/*,*/escape' }
+# - { name: aarch64-linux-gnu, crosshost: aarch64-linux-gnu, container: crossbuild-essential-arm64 }
+# - { name: arm-linux-gnueabi, crosshost: arm-linux-gnueabi }
+# - { name: arm-linux-gnueabihf, crosshost: arm-linux-gnueabihf }
+# - { name: i686-w64-mingw32, crosshost: i686-w64-mingw32 }
+# - { name: powerpc-linux-gnu, crosshost: powerpc-linux-gnu }
+# - { name: powerpc64le-linux-gnu, crosshost: powerpc64le-linux-gnu, container: crossbuild-essential-ppc64el }
+# - { name: s390x-linux-gnu, crosshost: s390x-linux-gnu, container: crossbuild-essential-s390x }
+# - { name: x86_64-w64-mingw32, crosshost: x86_64-w64-mingw32, container: mingw-w64 }
+ # -Wno-strict-prototypes is necessary with current clang-15 since
+ # older autoconf generate functions without prototype and -pedantic
+ # now implies strict-prototypes. Disabling the error but leaving the
+ # warning generates a lot of noise from use of ANYARGS in
+ # rb_define_method() and friends.
+ # See:
+ - { name: c99, env: { CFLAGS: '-std=c99 -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wno-strict-prototypes' } }
+# - { name: c11, env: { CFLAGS: '-std=c11 -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wno-strict-prototypes' } }
+# - { name: c17, env: { CFLAGS: '-std=c17 -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wno-strict-prototypes' } }
+ - { name: c23, env: { CFLAGS: '-std=c2x -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wno-strict-prototypes' } }
+ - { name: c++98, env: { CXXFLAGS: '-std=c++98 -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wno-c++11-long-long' } }
+# - { name: c++11, env: { CXXFLAGS: '-std=c++11 -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wno-c++11-long-long' } }
+# - { name: c++14, env: { CXXFLAGS: '-std=c++14 -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wno-c++11-long-long' } }
+# - { name: c++17, env: { CXXFLAGS: '-std=c++17 -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wno-c++11-long-long' } }
+# - { name: c++20, env: { CXXFLAGS: '-std=c++20 -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wno-c++11-long-long' } }
+# - { name: c++23, env: { CXXFLAGS: '-std=c++23 -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wno-c++11-long-long' } }
+ - { name: c++26, env: { CXXFLAGS: '-std=c++26 -Werror=pedantic -pedantic-errors -Wno-c++11-long-long' } }
+ - { name: '-O0', env: { optflags: '-O0 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic' } }
+# - { name: '-O3', env: { optflags: '-O3 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic' }, check: true }
+ - { name: gmp, env: { append_configure: '--with-gmp' } }
+ - { name: jemalloc, env: { append_configure: '--with-jemalloc' } }
+ - { name: valgrind, env: { append_configure: '--with-valgrind' } }
+ - { name: 'coroutine=ucontext', env: { append_configure: '--with-coroutine=ucontext' } }
+ - { name: 'coroutine=pthread', env: { append_configure: '--with-coroutine=pthread' } }
+ - { name: disable-jit, env: { append_configure: '--disable-yjit --disable-rjit' } }
+ - { name: disable-dln, env: { append_configure: '--disable-dln' } }
+ - { name: enable-mkmf-verbose, env: { append_configure: '--enable-mkmf-verbose' } }
+ - { name: disable-rubygems, env: { append_configure: '--disable-rubygems' } }
+ - { name: RUBY_DEVEL, env: { append_configure: '--enable-devel' } }
+ - { name: OPT_THREADED_CODE=0, env: { cppflags: '-DOPT_THREADED_CODE=0' } }
+ - { name: OPT_THREADED_CODE=1, env: { cppflags: '-DOPT_THREADED_CODE=1' } }
+ - { name: OPT_THREADED_CODE=2, env: { cppflags: '-DOPT_THREADED_CODE=2' } }
+ - { name: NDEBUG, env: { cppflags: '-DNDEBUG' } }
+ - { name: RUBY_DEBUG, env: { cppflags: '-DRUBY_DEBUG' } }
+# - { name: ARRAY_DEBUG, env: { cppflags: '-DARRAY_DEBUG' } }
+# - { name: BIGNUM_DEBUG, env: { cppflags: '-DBIGNUM_DEBUG' } }
+# - { name: CCAN_LIST_DEBUG, env: { cppflags: '-DCCAN_LIST_DEBUG' } }
+# - { name: CPDEBUG=-1, env: { cppflags: '-DCPDEBUG=-1' } }
+# - { name: ENC_DEBUG, env: { cppflags: '-DENC_DEBUG' } }
+# - { name: GC_DEBUG, env: { cppflags: '-DGC_DEBUG' } }
+# - { name: HASH_DEBUG, env: { cppflags: '-DHASH_DEBUG' } }
+# - { name: ID_TABLE_DEBUG, env: { cppflags: '-DID_TABLE_DEBUG' } }
+# - { name: RGENGC_DEBUG=-1, env: { cppflags: '-DRGENGC_DEBUG=-1' } }
+# - { name: SYMBOL_DEBUG, env: { cppflags: '-DSYMBOL_DEBUG' } }
+# - { name: RGENGC_CHECK_MODE, env: { cppflags: '-DRGENGC_CHECK_MODE' } }
+# - { name: VM_CHECK_MODE, env: { cppflags: '-DVM_CHECK_MODE' } }
+# - { name: USE_EMBED_CI=0, env: { cppflags: '-DUSE_EMBED_CI=0' } }
+ - name: USE_FLONUM=0
+ env:
+ cppflags: '-DUSE_FLONUM=0'
+ # yjit requires FLONUM for the pointer tagging scheme
+ append_configure: '--disable-yjit'
+# - { name: USE_LAZY_LOAD, env: { cppflags: '-DUSE_LAZY_LOAD' } }
+# - { name: USE_SYMBOL_GC=0, env: { cppflags: '-DUSE_SYMBOL_GC=0' } }
+# - { name: USE_THREAD_CACHE=0, env: { cppflags: '-DUSE_THREAD_CACHE=0' } }
+ - { name: USE_RUBY_DEBUG_LOG=1, env: { cppflags: '-DUSE_RUBY_DEBUG_LOG=1' } }
+# - { name: USE_DEBUG_COUNTER, env: { cppflags: '-DUSE_DEBUG_COUNTER=1', RUBY_DEBUG_COUNTER_DISABLE: '1' } }
+# - { name: DEBUG_FIND_TIME_NUMGUESS, env: { cppflags: '-DDEBUG_FIND_TIME_NUMGUESS' } }
+# - { name: DEBUG_INTEGER_PACK, env: { cppflags: '-DDEBUG_INTEGER_PACK' } }
+# - { name: ENABLE_PATH_CHECK, env: { cppflags: '-DENABLE_PATH_CHECK' } }
+# - { name: GC_DEBUG_STRESS_TO_CLASS, env: { cppflags: '-DGC_DEBUG_STRESS_TO_CLASS' } }
+# - { name: GC_ENABLE_LAZY_SWEEP=0, env: { cppflags: '-DGC_ENABLE_LAZY_SWEEP=0' } }
+# - { name: GC_PROFILE_DETAIL_MEMOTY, env: { cppflags: '-DGC_PROFILE_DETAIL_MEMOTY' } }
+# - { name: GC_PROFILE_MORE_DETAIL, env: { cppflags: '-DGC_PROFILE_MORE_DETAIL' } }
+# - { name: CALC_EXACT_MALLOC_SIZE, env: { cppflags: '-DCALC_EXACT_MALLOC_SIZE' } }
+# - { name: RGENGC_FORCE_MAJOR_GC, env: { cppflags: '-DRGENGC_FORCE_MAJOR_GC' } }
+# - { name: RGENGC_OBJ_INFO, env: { cppflags: '-DRGENGC_OBJ_INFO' } }
+# - { name: RGENGC_PROFILE, env: { cppflags: '-DRGENGC_PROFILE' } }
+# - { name: VM_DEBUG_BP_CHECK, env: { cppflags: '-DVM_DEBUG_BP_CHECK' } }
+ - { name: enable-yjit, env: { append_configure: '--enable-yjit --disable-rjit' } }
+ - { name: enable-rjit, env: { append_configure: '--enable-rjit --disable-yjit' } }
+ - { name: YJIT_FORCE_ENABLE, env: { cppflags: '-DYJIT_FORCE_ENABLE' } }
+# - { name: RJIT_FORCE_ENABLE, env: { cppflags: '-DRJIT_FORCE_ENABLE' } }
+ - { name: UNIVERSAL_PARSER, env: { cppflags: '-DUNIVERSAL_PARSER' } }
name: ${{ }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- image:${{ matrix.entry.container || 'clang-14' }}
+ image:${{ matrix.entry.container || matrix.entry.env.default_cc || 'clang-18' }}
options: --user root
+ if: >-
+ ${{!(false
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Document')
+ || (github.event_name == 'push' && == 'dependabot[bot]')
+ )}}
+ env: ${{ matrix.entry.env || matrix.env }}
- run: id
- - run: mkdir build
- working-directory:
- - name: setenv
- run: |
- echo "${{ matrix.entry.key }}=${{ matrix.entry.value }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- echo "GNUMAKEFLAGS=-sj$((1 + $(nproc --all)))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ with:
+ sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
+ sparse-checkout: /.github
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/directories
- path: src
- - run: ./
- working-directory: src
+ srcdir: src
+ builddir: build
+ makeup: true
+ clean: true
- name: Run configure
run: >
../src/configure -C ${default_configure} ${append_configure}
- ${{ matrix.entry.key == 'crosshost' && '--host="${crosshost}"' || '--with-gcc="${default_cc} ${append_cc}"' }}
- ${{ matrix.entry.shared || '--enable-shared' }}
- - run: make extract-extlibs
- - run: make incs
+ --${{
+ matrix.entry.crosshost && 'host' || 'with-gcc'
+ }}=${{
+ matrix.entry.crosshost || '"${default_cc}${append_cc:+ $append_cc}"'
+ }}
+ --${{ matrix.entry.shared || 'enable' }}-shared
+ - name: Add to ext/Setup
+ id: ext-setup
+ run: |
+ mkdir ext
+ cd ext
+ for ext in {${{ matrix.entry.static-exts }}}; do
+ echo "${ext}"
+ done >> Setup
+ if: ${{ (matrix.entry.static-exts || '') != '' }}
+ - name: Clean up ext/Setup
+ uses: gacts/run-and-post-run@7aec950f3b114c4fcf6012070c3709ecff0eb6f8 # v1.4.0
+ with:
+ shell: bash
+ working-directory: build
+ post: rm ext/Setup
+ if: ${{ steps.ext-setup.outcome == 'success' }}
+ - run: make showflags
- run: make
- - run: make leaked-globals
- run: make test
- run: make install
if: ${{ matrix.entry.check }}
- - run: /usr/local/bin/gem install --no-doc timezone tzinfo
- if: ${{ matrix.entry.check }}
- run: make test-tool
if: ${{ matrix.entry.check }}
- run: make test-all TESTS='-- ruby -ext-'
if: ${{ matrix.entry.check }}
- run: make test-spec
+ env:
if: ${{ matrix.entry.check }}
- - uses: k0kubun/action-slack@v2.0.0
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/slack
- payload: |
- {
- "ci": "GitHub Actions",
- "env": "${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ }}",
- "url": "${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}",
- "commit": "${{ github.sha }}",
- "branch": "${{ github.ref }}".split('/').reverse()[0]
- }
- env:
+ label: ${{ }}
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SIMPLER_ALERTS_URL }} # ruby-lang slack: ruby/simpler-alerts-bot
- if: ${{ failure() && github.event_name == 'push' }}
+ if: ${{ failure() }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/dependabot_automerge.yml b/.github/workflows/dependabot_automerge.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..80112a0af3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/dependabot_automerge.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# from
+name: Dependabot auto-merge
+ pull_request_target:
+ automerge:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ if: ${{ == 'dependabot[bot]' }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Dependabot metadata
+ uses: dependabot/fetch-metadata@5e5f99653a5b510e8555840e80cbf1514ad4af38 # v2.1.0
+ id: metadata
+ - name: Wait for status checks
+ uses: lewagon/wait-on-check-action@ccfb013c15c8afb7bf2b7c028fb74dc5a068cccc # v1.3.4
+ with:
+ repo-token: ${{ secrets.MATZBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha || github.sha }}
+ check-regexp: 'make \(check, .*\)'
+ wait-interval: 30
+ - name: Auto-merge for Dependabot PRs
+ if: ${{ steps.metadata.outputs.update-type == 'version-update:semver-minor' || steps.metadata.outputs.update-type == 'version-update:semver-patch' }}
+ run: gh pr merge --auto --rebase "$PR_URL"
+ env:
+ PR_URL: ${{ github.event.pull_request.html_url }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/macos.yml b/.github/workflows/macos.yml
index 7c3f19f55b..54e30129e4 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/macos.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/macos.yml
@@ -1,61 +1,138 @@
name: macOS
-on: [push, pull_request]
+ push:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ pull_request:
+ # Do not use paths-ignore for required status checks
+ #
+ merge_group:
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') && github.ref_name || github.sha }}
+ cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') }}
+ contents: read
- os: [macos-10.15, macos-11]
- test_task: [ "check", "test-bundler-parallel" ] #, "test-bundled-gems" ] matrix tests has unknown issues
+ include:
+ - test_task: check
+ - test_task: test-all
+ test_opts: --repeat-count=2
+ - test_task: test-bundler-parallel
+ - test_task: test-bundled-gems
+ - test_task: check
+ os: macos-12
+ - test_task: check
+ os: macos-13
fail-fast: false
- GITPULLOPTIONS: --no-tags origin ${{github.ref}}
- runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
+ GITPULLOPTIONS: --no-tags origin ${{ github.ref }}
+ runs-on: ${{ matrix.os || (github.repository == 'ruby/ruby' && 'macos-arm-oss' || 'macos-14')}}
+ if: >-
+ ${{!(false
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Document')
+ || (github.event_name == 'push' && == 'dependabot[bot]')
+ )}}
- - run: mkdir build
- working-directory:
- - name: git config
- run: |
- git config --global advice.detachedHead 0
- git config --global init.defaultBranch garbage
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
- path: src
+ sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
+ sparse-checkout: /.github
- name: Install libraries
- run: |
- brew upgrade
- brew install gmp libffi openssl@1.1 zlib autoconf automake libtool readline
- working-directory: src
- - name: Set ENV
- run: |
- echo "JOBS=-j$((1 + $(sysctl -n hw.activecpu)))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- - run: ./
- working-directory: src
+ uses: ./.github/actions/setup/macos
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/directories
+ with:
+ srcdir: src
+ builddir: build
+ makeup: true
+ clean: true
+ dummy-files: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' }}
+ # Set fetch-depth: 0 so that Launchable can receive commits information.
+ fetch-depth: 10
- name: Run configure
- run: ../src/configure -C --disable-install-doc --with-openssl-dir=$(brew --prefix openssl@1.1) --with-readline-dir=$(brew --prefix readline)
- - run: make $JOBS incs
- - run: make $JOBS
- - run: make leaked-globals
- if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' }}
+ run: ../src/configure -C --disable-install-doc
- run: make prepare-gems
- if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' }}
- - run: make $JOBS -s ${{ matrix.test_task }}
- timeout-minutes: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' && 15 || 40 }}
- env:
- RUBY_TESTOPTS: "-q --tty=no"
- - uses: k0kubun/action-slack@v2.0.0
+ if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'test-bundled-gems' }}
+ - run: make
+ - name: Set test options for skipped tests
+ run: |
+ set -x
+ TESTS="$(echo "${{ matrix.skipped_tests }}" | sed 's| |$$/ -n!/|g;s|^|-n!/|;s|$|$$/|')"
+ echo "TESTS=${TESTS}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' && matrix.skipped_tests }}
+ - name: Set up Launchable
+ uses: ./.github/actions/launchable/setup
- payload: |
- {
- "ci": "GitHub Actions",
- "env": "${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ matrix.test_task }}",
- "url": "${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}",
- "commit": "${{ github.sha }}",
- "branch": "${{ github.ref }}".split('/').reverse()[0]
- }
+ os: ${{ matrix.os || (github.repository == 'ruby/ruby' && 'macos-arm-oss' || 'macos-14')}}
+ test-opts: ${{ matrix.test_opts }}
+ launchable-token: ${{ secrets.LAUNCHABLE_TOKEN }}
+ builddir: build
+ srcdir: src
+ continue-on-error: true
+ - name: Set extra test options
+ run: echo "TESTS=$TESTS ${{ matrix.test_opts }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ if: matrix.test_opts
+ - name: make ${{ matrix.test_task }}
+ run: |
+ make -s ${{ matrix.test_task }} ${TESTS:+TESTS="$TESTS"}
+ timeout-minutes: 60
+ RUBY_TESTOPTS: '-q --tty=no'
+ - name: make skipped tests
+ run: |
+ make -s test-all TESTS="${TESTS//-n!\//-n/}"
+ env:
+ RUBY_TESTOPTS: '-v --tty=no'
+ if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' && matrix.skipped_tests }}
+ continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.continue-on-skipped_tests || false }}
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/slack
+ with:
+ label: ${{ matrix.os }} / ${{ matrix.test_task }}
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SIMPLER_ALERTS_URL }} # ruby-lang slack: ruby/simpler-alerts-bot
- if: ${{ failure() && github.event_name == 'push' }}
+ if: ${{ failure() }}
+ result:
+ if: ${{ always() }}
+ name: ${{ github.workflow }} result
+ runs-on: macos-latest
+ needs: [make]
+ steps:
+ - run: exit 1
+ working-directory:
+ if: ${{ contains(needs.*.result, 'failure') || contains(needs.*.result, 'cancelled') }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/mingw.yml b/.github/workflows/mingw.yml
index 7ccf5f0b61..75cdfbab65 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/mingw.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/mingw.yml
@@ -1,149 +1,160 @@
name: MinGW
-on: [push, pull_request]
+ push:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ pull_request:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ merge_group:
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') && github.ref_name || github.sha }}
+ cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') }}
+ contents: read
# Notes:
# Actions console encoding causes issues, see test-all & test-spec steps
- runs-on: windows-2019
+ runs-on: windows-2022
+ name: ${{ github.workflow }} (${{ matrix.msystem }})
MSYSTEM: ${{ matrix.msystem }}
MSYS2_ARCH: x86_64
- CHOST: "x86_64-w64-mingw32"
- CFLAGS: "-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O3 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong"
- CXXFLAGS: "-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O3 -pipe"
- LDFLAGS: "-pipe -fstack-protector-strong"
- GITPULLOPTIONS: --no-tags origin ${{github.ref}}
+ CHOST: 'x86_64-w64-mingw32'
+ CFLAGS: '-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O3 -pipe'
+ CXXFLAGS: '-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O3 -pipe'
+ LDFLAGS: '-pipe'
+ GITPULLOPTIONS: --no-tags origin ${{ github.ref }}
- - msystem: "MINGW64"
- base_ruby: 2.6
- test_task: [ "check" ] # to make job names consistent
- - msystem: "UCRT64"
- base_ruby: head
- test_task: [ "check" ] # to make job names consistent
+ # To mitigate flakiness of MinGW CI, we test only one runtime that newer MSYS2 uses.
+ - msystem: 'UCRT64'
+ baseruby: '3.0'
+ test_task: 'check'
+ test-all-opts: '--name=!/TestObjSpace#test_reachable_objects_during_iteration/'
fail-fast: false
+ if: >-
+ ${{!(false
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Document')
+ || (github.event_name == 'push' && == 'dependabot[bot]')
+ )}}
- - run: mkdir build
- working-directory:
- - name: git config
- run: |
- git config --global core.autocrlf false
- git config --global core.eol lf
- git config --global advice.detachedHead 0
- git config --global init.defaultBranch garbage
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- with:
- path: src
- name: Set up Ruby & MSYS2
- uses: MSP-Greg/setup-ruby-pkgs@ucrt
+ uses: ruby/setup-ruby@70da3bbf44ac06db1b0547ce2acc9380a5270d1e # v1.175.0
- ruby-version: ${{ matrix.base_ruby }}
- setup-ruby-ref: MSP-Greg/ruby-setup-ruby/00-win-ucrt
- mingw: _upgrade_ gmp libffi libyaml openssl ragel readline gcc
- msys2: automake1.16 bison
+ ruby-version: ${{ matrix.baseruby }}
- name: where check
run: |
# show where
- Write-Host
- $where = 'gcc.exe', 'ragel.exe', 'make.exe', 'bison.exe', 'libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll', 'libssl-1_1-x64.dll'
- foreach ($e in $where) {
- $rslt = where.exe $e 2>&1 | Out-String
- if ($rslt.contains($e)) { Write-Host $rslt }
- else { Write-Host "`nCan't find $e" }
- }
- - name: misc setup, autoreconf
- run: |
- mkdir install
- mkdir temp
- cd src
- sh -c "autoreconf -fi"
+ mv /c/Windows/System32/libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll /c/Windows/System32/libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll_
+ mv /c/Windows/System32/libssl-1_1-x64.dll /c/Windows/System32/libssl-1_1-x64.dll_
+ result=true
+ for e in gcc.exe ragel.exe make.exe libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll libssl-1_1-x64.dll; do
+ echo ::group::$'\033[93m'$e$'\033[m'
+ where $e || result=false
+ echo ::endgroup::
+ done
+ $result
- - name: configure
- run: |
- # Actions uses UTF8, causes test failures, similar to normal OS setup
- $PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Encoding'] = 'utf8'
- [Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("IBM437")
- [Console]::InputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("IBM437")
- $config_args = "--build=$env:CHOST --host=$env:CHOST --target=$env:CHOST"
- Write-Host $config_args
- sh -c "../src/configure --disable-install-doc --prefix=/install $config_args"
- # Write-Host "-------------------------------------- config.log"
- # Get-Content ./config.log | foreach {Write-Output $_}
- - name: update
+ - name: version check
run: |
- $jobs = [int](2 * $env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS)
- make -j $jobs incs
+ # show version
+ result=true
+ for e in gcc ragel make "openssl version"; do
+ case "$e" in *" "*) ;; *) e="$e --version";; esac
+ echo ::group::$'\033[93m'$e$'\033[m'
+ $e || result=false
+ echo ::endgroup::
+ done
+ $result
+ working-directory:
- - name: download gems
- run: |
- $jobs = [int](2 * $env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS)
- make -j $jobs update-gems
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ with:
+ sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
+ sparse-checkout: /.github
- - name: make all
- timeout-minutes: 20
- run: |
- $jobs = [int](2 * $env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS)
- make -j $jobs
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/directories
+ with:
+ srcdir: src
+ builddir: build
+ makeup: true
- - run: make leaked-globals
+ - name: configure
+ run: >
+ ../src/configure --disable-install-doc --prefix=/.
+ --build=$CHOST --host=$CHOST --target=$CHOST
+ - name: make all
+ timeout-minutes: 30
+ run: make
- name: make install
- run: |
- # Actions uses UTF8, causes test failures, similar to normal OS setup
- $PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Encoding'] = 'utf8'
- [Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("IBM437")
- [Console]::InputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("IBM437")
- make DESTDIR=.. install-nodoc
+ run: make DESTDIR=../install install-nodoc
- name: test
- timeout-minutes: 5
- run: |
- make test
+ timeout-minutes: 30
+ run: make test
+ shell: cmd
+ env:
+ RUBY_TESTOPTS: '-v --tty=no'
+ if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' || matrix.test_task == 'test' }}
- name: test-all
- timeout-minutes: 30
+ timeout-minutes: 45
+ shell: cmd
run: |
- # Actions uses UTF8, causes test failures, similar to normal OS setup
- $PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Encoding'] = 'utf8'
- [Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("IBM437")
- [Console]::InputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("IBM437")
- $jobs = [int](1.5 * $env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS)
- if ($env:BUNDLER_VERSION) { Remove-Item env:\BUNDLER_VERSION }
- make test-all TESTOPTS="-j $jobs --retry --job-status=normal --show-skip --timeout-scale=1.5"
+ make ${{ StartsWith(matrix.test_task, 'test/') && matrix.test_task || 'test-all' }}
+ env:
+ --retry --job-status=normal --show-skip --timeout-scale=1.5
+ ${{ matrix.test-all-opts }}
+ if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' || matrix.test_task == 'test-all' || StartsWith(matrix.test_task, 'test/') }}
- name: test-spec
timeout-minutes: 10
- working-directory: src/spec/ruby
run: |
- $env:Path = "$pwd/../../../install/bin;$env:Path"
- # Actions uses UTF8, causes test failures, similar to normal OS setup
- $PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Encoding'] = 'utf8'
- [Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("IBM437")
- [Console]::InputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("IBM437")
- ruby -v
- ruby ../mspec/bin/mspec -I../../tool/lib -j --timeout 60
- - uses: k0kubun/action-slack@v2.0.0
+ make ${{ StartsWith(matrix.test_task, 'spec/') && matrix.test_task || 'test-spec' }}
+ shell: cmd
+ if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' || matrix.test_task == 'test-spec' || StartsWith(matrix.test_task, 'spec/') }}
+ - uses: ./src/.github/actions/slack
- payload: |
- {
- "ci": "GitHub Actions",
- "env": "${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ matrix.test_task }}",
- "url": "${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}",
- "commit": "${{ github.sha }}",
- "branch": "${{ github.ref }}".split('/').reverse()[0]
- }
- env:
+ label: ${{ matrix.msystem }} / ${{ matrix.test_task }}
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SIMPLER_ALERTS_URL }} # ruby-lang slack: ruby/simpler-alerts-bot
- if: ${{ failure() && github.event_name == 'push' }}
+ if: ${{ failure() }}
working-directory: build
+ shell: sh
diff --git a/.github/workflows/mjit.yml b/.github/workflows/mjit.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 63011e78d0..0000000000
--- a/.github/workflows/mjit.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-name: MJIT
-on: [push, pull_request]
- make:
- strategy:
- matrix:
- test_task: [ "check" ] # to make job names consistent
- jit_opts: [ "--jit", "--jit-wait" ]
- fail-fast: false
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- env:
- TESTOPTS: '-q --tty=no'
- RUN_OPTS: '--disable-gems ${{ matrix.jit_opts }} --jit-debug=-ggdb3'
- GITPULLOPTIONS: --no-tags origin ${{github.ref}}
- steps:
- - run: mkdir build
- working-directory:
- - name: Install libraries
- run: |
- set -x
- sudo apt-get update -q || :
- sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -q -y build-essential libssl-dev libyaml-dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libffi-dev bison autoconf ruby
- - name: git config
- run: |
- git config --global advice.detachedHead 0
- git config --global init.defaultBranch garbage
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- with:
- path: src
- - name: Fixed world writable dirs
- run: |
- chmod -v go-w $HOME $HOME/.config
- sudo chmod -R go-w /usr/share
- sudo bash -c 'IFS=:; for d in '"$PATH"'; do chmod -v go-w $d; done' || :
- - name: Set ENV
- run: |
- echo "JOBS=-j$((1 + $(nproc --all)))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- - run: ./
- working-directory: src
- - name: Run configure
- run: ../src/configure -C --disable-install-doc cppflags=-DVM_CHECK_MODE
- - run: make $JOBS incs
- - run: make $JOBS
- - run: sudo make $JOBS -s install
- - run: sudo apt-get install gdb # used by test / test-all failure
- - name: Run test
- run: |
- ulimit -c unlimited
- make $JOBS -s test RUN_OPTS="$RUN_OPTS"
- timeout-minutes: 60
- - name: Run test-all
- run: |
- ulimit -c unlimited
- make $JOBS -s test-all RUN_OPTS="$RUN_OPTS"
- timeout-minutes: 60
- - name: Run test-spec
- run: |
- ulimit -c unlimited
- make $JOBS -s test-spec RUN_OPTS="$RUN_OPTS"
- timeout-minutes: 60
- - uses: k0kubun/action-slack@v2.0.0
- with:
- payload: |
- {
- "ci": "GitHub Actions",
- "env": "${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ matrix.test_task }} ${{ matrix.jit_opts }}",
- "url": "${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}",
- "commit": "${{ github.sha }}",
- "branch": "${{ github.ref }}".split('/').reverse()[0]
- }
- env:
- SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SIMPLER_ALERTS_URL }} # ruby-lang slack: ruby/simpler-alerts-bot
- if: ${{ failure() && github.event_name == 'push' }}
- run:
- working-directory: build
diff --git a/.github/workflows/pr-playground.yml b/.github/workflows/pr-playground.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc06006142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/pr-playground.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+name: Post Playground link to PR
+ pull_request_target:
+ types: [labeled]
+ workflow_run:
+ workflows: ["WebAssembly"]
+ types: [completed]
+ post-summary:
+ name: Post Playground link
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ permissions:
+ pull-requests: write
+ # Post a comment only if the PR status check is passed and the PR is labeled with `Playground`.
+ # Triggered twice: when the PR is labeled and when PR build is passed.
+ if: >-
+ ${{ false
+ || (true
+ && github.event_name == 'pull_request_target'
+ && contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Playground'))
+ || (true
+ && github.event_name == 'workflow_run'
+ && github.event.workflow_run.conclusion == 'success'
+ && github.event.workflow_run.event == 'pull_request')
+ }}
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/github-script@60a0d83039c74a4aee543508d2ffcb1c3799cdea # v7.0.1
+ with:
+ github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ script: |
+ const fs = require('fs/promises');
+ const buildWorkflowPath = '.github/workflows/wasm.yml';
+ const findSuccessfuBuildRun = async (pr) => {
+ const opts ={
+ owner: context.repo.owner,
+ repo: context.repo.repo,
+ status: 'success',
+ branch: pr.head.ref,
+ });
+ const runs = await github.paginate(opts);
+ const buildRun = runs.find(run => run.path == buildWorkflowPath);
+ return buildRun;
+ }
+ const postComment = async (body, pr) => {
+ const { data: comments } = await{
+ owner: context.repo.owner,
+ repo: context.repo.repo,
+ issue_number: pr.number,
+ });
+ const commentOpts = { owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, body: comment };
+ const existingComment = comments.find(comment => comment.body.startsWith(magicComment));
+ if (existingComment) {
+`Updating existing comment: ${existingComment.html_url}`);
+ await{
+ ...commentOpts, comment_id:
+ });
+ } else {
+ await{
+ ...commentOpts, issue_number: pr.number
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ const derivePRNumber = async () => {
+ if (context.payload.pull_request) {
+ return context.payload.pull_request.number;
+ }
+ // Workaround for
+ const { data: { artifacts } } = await{
+ owner: context.repo.owner,
+ repo: context.repo.repo,
+ run_id:,
+ });
+ const artifact = artifacts.find(artifact => == 'github-pr-info');
+ if (!artifact) {
+ throw new Error('Cannot find github-pr-info.txt artifact');
+ }
+ const { data } = await{
+ owner: context.repo.owner,
+ repo: context.repo.repo,
+ artifact_id:,
+ archive_format: 'zip',
+ });
+ await fs.writeFile('', Buffer.from(data));
+ await exec.exec('unzip', ['']);
+ return await fs.readFile('github-pr-info.txt', 'utf8');
+ }
+ const prNumber = await derivePRNumber();
+ const { data: pr } = await{
+ owner: context.repo.owner,
+ repo: context.repo.repo,
+ pull_number: prNumber,
+ });
+`Checking if the PR ${prNumber} is labeled with Playground...`);
+ if (!pr.labels.some(label => == 'Playground')) {
+`The PR is not labeled with Playground.`);
+ return;
+ }
+`Checking if the build is successful for ${pr.head.ref} in ${pr.head.repo.owner.login}/${}...`);
+ const buildRun = await findSuccessfuBuildRun(pr);
+ if (!buildRun) {
+`No successful build run found for ${buildWorkflowPath} on ${pr.head.ref} yet.`);
+ return;
+ }
+`Found a successful build run: ${buildRun.html_url}`);
+ const runLink = `${process.env.GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/${process.env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/actions/runs/${process.env.GITHUB_RUN_ID}`;
+ const magicComment = `<!-- AUTO-GENERATED-COMMENT-PR-PLAYGROUND -->`;
+ const comment = `${magicComment}
+ **Try on Playground**:${}
+ This is an automated comment by [\`pr-playground.yml\`](${runLink}) workflow.
+ `;
+`Comment: ${comment}`);
+ await postComment(comment, pr);
diff --git a/.github/workflows/prism.yml b/.github/workflows/prism.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95a36f1634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/prism.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+name: Prism
+ push:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '**.[1-8]'
+ - '**.ronn'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ pull_request:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '**.[1-8]'
+ - '**.ronn'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ merge_group:
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') && github.ref_name || github.sha }}
+ cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') }}
+ contents: read
+ make:
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ # main variables included in the job name
+ test_task: [check]
+ run_opts: ['--parser=prism']
+ arch: ['']
+ fail-fast: false
+ env:
+ GITPULLOPTIONS: --no-tags origin ${{ github.ref }}
+ SETARCH: ${{ matrix.arch && format('setarch {0}', matrix.arch) }}
+ runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
+ if: >-
+ ${{!(false
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Document')
+ || (github.event_name == 'push' && == 'dependabot[bot]')
+ )}}
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ with:
+ sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
+ sparse-checkout: /.github
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/ubuntu
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/directories
+ with:
+ srcdir: src
+ builddir: build
+ makeup: true
+ - name: Run configure
+ env:
+ arch: ${{ matrix.arch }}
+ run: >-
+ $SETARCH ../src/configure -C --disable-install-doc cppflags=-DRUBY_DEBUG
+ ${arch:+--target=$arch-$OSTYPE --host=$arch-$OSTYPE}
+ - run: $SETARCH make
+ - name: make test
+ run: |
+ $SETARCH make -s test RUN_OPTS="$RUN_OPTS"
+ timeout-minutes: 30
+ env:
+ RUBY_TESTOPTS: '-v --tty=no'
+ RUN_OPTS: ${{ matrix.run_opts }}
+ - name: make test-all
+ run: |
+ $SETARCH make -s test-all RUN_OPTS="$RUN_OPTS"
+ timeout-minutes: 40
+ env:
+ RUBY_TESTOPTS: '-q --tty=no --excludes-dir="../src/test/.excludes-prism" --exclude="test_ast.rb" --exclude="error_highlight/test_error_highlight.rb" --exclude="prism/encoding_test.rb" --exclude="prism/locals_test.rb" --exclude="prism/newline_test.rb"'
+ RUN_OPTS: ${{ matrix.run_opts }}
+ - name: make test-prism-spec
+ run: |
+ $SETARCH make -s test-prism-spec SPECOPTS="$SPECOPTS"
+ timeout-minutes: 10
+ env:
+ SPECOPTS: "-T -W:no-experimental -T --parser=prism"
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/slack
+ with:
+ label: ${{ matrix.run_opts }}
+ SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SIMPLER_ALERTS_URL }} # ruby-lang slack: ruby/simpler-alerts-bot
+ if: ${{ failure() }}
+ run:
+ working-directory: build
diff --git a/.github/workflows/rjit-bindgen.yml b/.github/workflows/rjit-bindgen.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1263c20505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/rjit-bindgen.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+name: RJIT bindgen
+ push:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ pull_request:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ merge_group:
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') && github.ref_name || github.sha }}
+ cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') }}
+ contents: read
+ make:
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ include:
+ - task: rjit-bindgen
+ fail-fast: false
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ if: >-
+ ${{!(false
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Document')
+ || (github.event_name == 'push' && == 'dependabot[bot]')
+ )}}
+ steps:
+ - name: Set up Ruby
+ uses: ruby/setup-ruby@70da3bbf44ac06db1b0547ce2acc9380a5270d1e # v1.175.0
+ with:
+ ruby-version: '3.1'
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ with:
+ sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
+ sparse-checkout: /.github
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/ubuntu
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/directories
+ with:
+ srcdir: src
+ builddir: build
+ makeup: true
+ - name: Run configure
+ run: ../src/configure -C --disable-install-doc --prefix=$(pwd)/install --enable-yjit=dev_nodebug
+ - run: make
+ - run: make install
+ - run: make ${{ matrix.task }}
+ - run: git diff --exit-code
+ working-directory: src
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/slack
+ with:
+ SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SIMPLER_ALERTS_URL }} # ruby-lang slack: ruby/simpler-alerts-bot
+ if: ${{ failure() }}
+ run:
+ working-directory: build
diff --git a/.github/workflows/rjit.yml b/.github/workflows/rjit.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a5e6cf7c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/rjit.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+name: RJIT
+ push:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '**.[1-8]'
+ - '**.ronn'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ pull_request:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '**.[1-8]'
+ - '**.ronn'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ merge_group:
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') && github.ref_name || github.sha }}
+ cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') }}
+ contents: read
+ make:
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ # main variables included in the job name
+ test_task: [check]
+ run_opts: ['--rjit-call-threshold=1']
+ arch: ['']
+ fail-fast: false
+ env:
+ GITPULLOPTIONS: --no-tags origin ${{ github.ref }}
+ SETARCH: ${{ matrix.arch && format('setarch {0}', matrix.arch) }}
+ runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
+ if: >-
+ ${{!(false
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Document')
+ || (github.event_name == 'push' && == 'dependabot[bot]')
+ )}}
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ with:
+ sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
+ sparse-checkout: /.github
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/ubuntu
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/directories
+ with:
+ srcdir: src
+ builddir: build
+ makeup: true
+ - name: Run configure
+ env:
+ arch: ${{ matrix.arch }}
+ run: >-
+ $SETARCH ../src/configure -C --disable-install-doc cppflags=-DRUBY_DEBUG
+ ${arch:+--target=$arch-$OSTYPE --host=$arch-$OSTYPE}
+ - run: $SETARCH make
+ - name: make test
+ run: |
+ $SETARCH make -s test RUN_OPTS="$RUN_OPTS"
+ timeout-minutes: 30
+ env:
+ RUBY_TESTOPTS: '-v --tty=no'
+ RUN_OPTS: ${{ matrix.run_opts }}
+ - name: make test-all
+ run: |
+ $SETARCH make -s test-all RUN_OPTS="$RUN_OPTS"
+ timeout-minutes: 40
+ env:
+ RUBY_TESTOPTS: '-q --tty=no'
+ RUN_OPTS: ${{ matrix.run_opts }}
+ - name: make test-spec
+ run: |
+ $SETARCH make -s test-spec RUN_OPTS="$RUN_OPTS"
+ timeout-minutes: 10
+ env:
+ RUN_OPTS: ${{ matrix.run_opts }}
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/slack
+ with:
+ label: ${{ matrix.run_opts }}
+ SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SIMPLER_ALERTS_URL }} # ruby-lang slack: ruby/simpler-alerts-bot
+ if: ${{ failure() }}
+ run:
+ working-directory: build
diff --git a/.github/workflows/scorecards.yml b/.github/workflows/scorecards.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00a0638e96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/scorecards.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub. They are provided
+# by a third-party and are governed by separate terms of service, privacy
+# policy, and support documentation.
+name: Scorecards supply-chain security
+ # For Branch-Protection check. Only the default branch is supported. See
+ #
+ branch_protection_rule:
+ # To guarantee Maintained check is occasionally updated. See
+ #
+ schedule:
+ - cron: '22 4 * * 2'
+ # push:
+ # branches: [ "master" ]
+# Declare default permissions as read only.
+permissions: read-all
+ analysis:
+ name: Scorecards analysis
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ permissions:
+ # Needed to upload the results to code-scanning dashboard.
+ security-events: write
+ # Needed to publish results and get a badge (see publish_results below).
+ id-token: write
+ # Uncomment the permissions below if installing in a private repository.
+ # contents: read
+ # actions: read
+ steps:
+ - name: 'Checkout code'
+ uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ with:
+ persist-credentials: false
+ - name: 'Run analysis'
+ uses: ossf/scorecard-action@0864cf19026789058feabb7e87baa5f140aac736 # v2.3.1
+ with:
+ results_file: results.sarif
+ results_format: sarif
+ # (Optional) Read-only PAT token. Uncomment the `repo_token` line below if:
+ # - you want to enable the Branch-Protection check on a *public* repository, or
+ # - you are installing Scorecards on a *private* repository
+ # To create the PAT, follow the steps in
+ repo_token: ${{ secrets.SCORECARD_READ_TOKEN }}
+ # Public repositories:
+ # - Publish results to OpenSSF REST API for easy access by consumers
+ # - Allows the repository to include the Scorecard badge.
+ # - See
+ # For private repositories:
+ # - `publish_results` will always be set to `false`, regardless
+ # of the value entered here.
+ publish_results: true
+ # Upload the results as artifacts (optional). Commenting out will disable uploads of run results in SARIF
+ # format to the repository Actions tab.
+ # - name: "Upload artifact"
+ # uses: actions/upload-artifact@0b7f8abb1508181956e8e162db84b466c27e18ce # v3.1.2
+ # with:
+ # name: SARIF file
+ # path: results.sarif
+ # retention-days: 5
+ # Upload the results to GitHub's code scanning dashboard.
+ - name: 'Upload to code-scanning'
+ uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@d39d31e687223d841ef683f52467bd88e9b21c14 # v2.1.27
+ with:
+ sarif_file: results.sarif
diff --git a/.github/workflows/spec_guards.yml b/.github/workflows/spec_guards.yml
index 61ebeb33c1..165a0150b5 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/spec_guards.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/spec_guards.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,66 @@
name: Rubyspec Version Guards Check
-on: [push, pull_request]
+ push:
+ paths:
+ - 'spec/**'
+ - '!spec/*.md'
+ pull_request:
+ paths:
+ - 'spec/**'
+ - '!spec/*.md'
+ merge_group:
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') && github.ref_name || github.sha }}
+ cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') }}
+ contents: read
name: Rubyspec
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ if: >-
+ ${{!(false
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Document')
+ || (github.event_name == 'push' && == 'dependabot[bot]')
+ )}}
# Specs from ruby/spec should still run on all supported Ruby versions.
# This also ensures the needed ruby_version_is guards are there, see spec/
- - ruby-2.7
- ruby-3.0
+ - ruby-3.1
+ - ruby-3.2
+ - ruby-3.3
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@70da3bbf44ac06db1b0547ce2acc9380a5270d1e # v1.175.0
ruby-version: ${{ matrix.ruby }}
bundler: none
- run: gem install webrick
- run: ruby ../mspec/bin/mspec
working-directory: spec/ruby
- - uses: k0kubun/action-slack@v2.0.0
- with:
- payload: |
- {
- "ci": "GitHub Actions",
- "env": "${{ github.workflow }} / rubyspec @ ${{ matrix.ruby }}",
- "url": "${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}",
- "commit": "${{ github.sha }}",
- "branch": "${{ github.ref }}".split('/').reverse()[0]
- }
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/slack
+ with:
+ label: ${{ matrix.ruby }}
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SIMPLER_ALERTS_URL }} # ruby-lang slack: ruby/simpler-alerts-bot
- if: ${{ failure() && github.event_name == 'push' }}
+ if: ${{ failure() }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ubuntu.yml b/.github/workflows/ubuntu.yml
index e148b76cbe..b6f989a03d 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ubuntu.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ubuntu.yml
@@ -1,78 +1,152 @@
name: Ubuntu
-on: [push, pull_request]
+ push:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ pull_request:
+ # Do not use paths-ignore for required status checks
+ #
+ merge_group:
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') && github.ref_name || github.sha }}
+ cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') }}
+ contents: read
- test_task: ["check", "test-bundler-parallel", "test-bundled-gems"]
- os:
- - ubuntu-20.04
-# - ubuntu-18.04
- configure: ["", "cppflags=-DRUBY_DEBUG"]
- - test_task: "test-all TESTS=--repeat-count=2"
+ - test_task: check
+ configure: 'cppflags=-DVM_CHECK_MODE'
+ - test_task: check
+ arch: i686
+ - test_task: check
+ configure: '--disable-yjit'
+ - test_task: check
+ configure: '--enable-shared --enable-load-relative'
+ - test_task: check
+ configure: '--with-shared-gc'
+ - test_task: test-bundler-parallel
+ - test_task: test-bundled-gems
+ - test_task: check
os: ubuntu-20.04
- configure: ""
fail-fast: false
- GITPULLOPTIONS: --no-tags origin ${{github.ref}}
+ GITPULLOPTIONS: --no-tags origin ${{ github.ref }}
- runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
+ runs-on: ${{ matrix.os || 'ubuntu-22.04' }}
+ if: >-
+ ${{!(false
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Document')
+ || (github.event_name == 'push' && == 'dependabot[bot]')
+ )}}
- - run: mkdir build
- working-directory:
- - name: Install libraries
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ with:
+ sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
+ sparse-checkout: /.github
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/ubuntu
+ with:
+ arch: ${{ matrix.arch }}
+ - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@70da3bbf44ac06db1b0547ce2acc9380a5270d1e # v1.175.0
+ with:
+ ruby-version: '3.0'
+ bundler: none
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/directories
+ with:
+ srcdir: src
+ builddir: build
+ makeup: true
+ clean: true
+ dummy-files: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' }}
+ # Set fetch-depth: 10 so that Launchable can receive commits information.
+ fetch-depth: 10
+ - name: Run configure
+ env:
+ arch: ${{ matrix.arch }}
+ configure: ${{ matrix.configure }}
+ run: >-
+ $SETARCH ../src/configure -C --disable-install-doc ${configure:-cppflags=-DRUBY_DEBUG}
+ ${arch:+--target=$arch-$OSTYPE --host=$arch-$OSTYPE}
+ - run: $SETARCH make prepare-gems
+ if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'test-bundled-gems' }}
+ - run: $SETARCH make
+ - name: Set test options for skipped tests
run: |
set -x
- sudo apt-get update -q || :
- sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -q -y build-essential libssl-dev libyaml-dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libffi-dev bison autoconf ruby
- - name: git config
- run: |
- git config --global advice.detachedHead 0
- git config --global init.defaultBranch garbage
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ TESTS="$(echo "${{ matrix.skipped_tests }}" | sed 's| |$$/ -n!/|g;s|^|-n!/|;s|$|$$/|')"
+ echo "TESTS=${TESTS}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' && matrix.skipped_tests }}
+ - name: Set up Launchable
+ uses: ./.github/actions/launchable/setup
- path: src
- - name: Fixed world writable dirs
- run: |
- chmod -v go-w $HOME $HOME/.config
- sudo chmod -R go-w /usr/share
- sudo bash -c 'IFS=:; for d in '"$PATH"'; do chmod -v go-w $d; done' || :
- - name: Set ENV
- run: |
- echo "JOBS=-j$((1 + $(nproc --all)))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- - run: ./
- working-directory: src
- - name: Run configure
- run: ../src/configure -C --disable-install-doc ${{ matrix.configure }}
- - run: make $JOBS incs
- - run: make $JOBS
- - run: make leaked-globals
- if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' }}
- - run: make prepare-gems
- if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' }}
- - name: Create dummy files in build dir
+ os: ${{ matrix.os || 'ubuntu-22.04' }}
+ test-opts: ${{ matrix.configure }}
+ launchable-token: ${{ secrets.LAUNCHABLE_TOKEN }}
+ builddir: build
+ srcdir: src
+ continue-on-error: true
+ - name: make ${{ matrix.test_task }}
+ run: >-
+ $SETARCH make -s ${{ matrix.test_task }}
+ ${{ !contains(matrix.test_task, 'bundle') && 'RUBYOPT=-w' || '' }}
+ timeout-minutes: 40
+ env:
+ RUBY_TESTOPTS: '-q --tty=no'
+ - name: make skipped tests
run: |
- ./miniruby -e '(("a".."z").to_a+("A".."Z").to_a+("0".."9").to_a+%w[foo bar test zzz]).each{|basename|File.write("#{basename}.rb", "raise %(do not load #{basename}.rb)")}'
- if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' }}
- - run: make $JOBS -s ${{ matrix.test_task }}
- timeout-minutes: 30
+ $SETARCH make -s test-all TESTS="${TESTS//-n!\//-n/}"
- RUBY_TESTOPTS: "-q --tty=no"
- - uses: k0kubun/action-slack@v2.0.0
+ RUBY_TESTOPTS: '-v --tty=no'
+ if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' && matrix.skipped_tests }}
+ continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.continue-on-skipped_tests || false }}
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/slack
- payload: |
- {
- "ci": "GitHub Actions",
- "env": "${{ matrix.os }} / ${{ matrix.test_task }}${{ matrix.configure }}",
- "url": "${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}",
- "commit": "${{ github.sha }}",
- "branch": "${{ github.ref }}".split('/').reverse()[0]
- }
- env:
+ label: ${{ matrix.test_task }} ${{ matrix.configure }}${{ matrix.arch }}
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SIMPLER_ALERTS_URL }} # ruby-lang slack: ruby/simpler-alerts-bot
- if: ${{ failure() && github.event_name == 'push' }}
+ if: ${{ failure() }}
+ result:
+ if: ${{ always() }}
+ name: ${{ github.workflow }} result
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs: [make]
+ steps:
+ - run: exit 1
+ working-directory:
+ if: ${{ contains(needs.*.result, 'failure') || contains(needs.*.result, 'cancelled') }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/wasm.yml b/.github/workflows/wasm.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0b67496ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/wasm.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+name: WebAssembly
+ push:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ pull_request:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ merge_group:
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') && github.ref_name || github.sha }}
+ cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') }}
+permissions: # added using
+ contents: read
+ make:
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ entry:
+# # wasmtime can't compile non-optimized Asyncified binary due to locals explosion
+# - { name: O0-debuginfo, optflags: '-O0', debugflags: '-g', wasmoptflags: '-O1' }
+# - { name: O1, optflags: '-O1', debugflags: '' , wasmoptflags: '-O1' }
+ - { name: O2, optflags: '-O2', debugflags: '', wasmoptflags: '-O2' }
+# - { name: O3, optflags: '-O3', debugflags: '' , wasmoptflags: '-O3' }
+# # -O4 is equivalent to -O3 in clang, but it's different in wasm-opt
+# - { name: O4, optflags: '-O3', debugflags: '' , wasmoptflags: '-O4' }
+# - { name: Oz, optflags: '-Oz', debugflags: '' , wasmoptflags: '-Oz' }
+ fail-fast: false
+ env:
+ RUBY_TESTOPTS: '-q --tty=no'
+ GITPULLOPTIONS: --no-tags origin ${{ github.ref }}
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ if: >-
+ ${{!(false
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Document')
+ || (github.event_name == 'push' && == 'dependabot[bot]')
+ )}}
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ with:
+ sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
+ sparse-checkout: /.github
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/directories
+ with:
+ srcdir: src
+ builddir: build
+ makeup: true
+ - name: Install libraries
+ run: |
+ set -ex
+ sudo apt-get update -q || :
+ sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -q -y ruby make autoconf git wget
+ wasi_sdk_deb="wasi-sdk_${WASI_SDK_VERSION_MAJOR}.${WASI_SDK_VERSION_MINOR}_amd64.deb"
+ wget "${WASI_SDK_VERSION_MAJOR}/${wasi_sdk_deb}"
+ sudo dpkg -i "$wasi_sdk_deb"
+ rm -f "$wasi_sdk_deb"
+ mkdir build-sdk
+ pushd build-sdk
+ wasmtime_url="${WASMTIME_VERSION}/wasmtime-${WASMTIME_VERSION}-x86_64-linux.tar.xz"
+ wget -O - "$wasmtime_url" | tar xJf -
+ sudo ln -fs "$PWD/wasmtime-${WASMTIME_VERSION}-x86_64-linux/wasmtime" /usr/local/bin/wasmtime
+ binaryen_tarball="binaryen-version_${BINARYEN_VERSION}-x86_64-linux.tar.gz"
+ binaryen_url="${BINARYEN_VERSION}/${binaryen_tarball}"
+ wget -O - "$binaryen_url" | tar xfz -
+ sudo ln -fs "$PWD/binaryen-version_${BINARYEN_VERSION}/bin/wasm-opt" /usr/local/bin/wasm-opt
+ working-directory: src
+ - name: Set ENV
+ run: |
+ echo "WASI_SDK_PATH=/opt/wasi-sdk" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@70da3bbf44ac06db1b0547ce2acc9380a5270d1e # v1.175.0
+ with:
+ ruby-version: '3.0'
+ bundler: none
+ - name: Build baseruby
+ run: |
+ set -ex
+ mkdir ../baseruby
+ pushd ../baseruby
+ ../src/configure --prefix=$PWD/install
+ make
+ make install
+ - name: Run configure
+ run: |
+ ../src/configure \
+ --host wasm32-unknown-wasi \
+ --with-baseruby=$PWD/../baseruby/install/bin/ruby \
+ --with-static-linked-ext \
+ --with-ext=cgi/escape,continuation,coverage,date,digest/bubblebabble,digest,digest/md5,digest/rmd160,digest/sha1,digest/sha2,etc,fcntl,json,json/generator,json/parser,objspace,pathname,rbconfig/sizeof,ripper,stringio,strscan,monitor \
+ -Xlinker --stack-first \
+ -Xlinker -z -Xlinker stack-size=16777216 \
+ " \
+ optflags="${{ matrix.entry.optflags }}" \
+ debugflags="${{ matrix.entry.debugflags }}" \
+ wasmoptflags="${{ matrix.entry.wasmoptflags }} ${{ matrix.entry.debugflags }}"
+ # miniruby may not be built when cross-compling
+ - run: make mini ruby
+ - run: make install DESTDIR=$PWD/../install
+ - run: tar cfz ../install.tar.gz -C ../install .
+ - name: Upload artifacts
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@65462800fd760344b1a7b4382951275a0abb4808 # v4.3.3
+ with:
+ name: ruby-wasm-install
+ path: ${{ github.workspace }}/install.tar.gz
+ - name: Show Playground URL to try the build
+ run: |
+ echo "Try on Playground:$GITHUB_RUN_ID" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
+ - name: Run basictest
+ run: wasmtime run ./../build/miniruby --mapdir /::./ -- basictest/test.rb
+ working-directory: src
+ - name: Run bootstraptest (no thread)
+ run: |
+ NO_THREAD_TESTS="$(grep -L Thread -R ./bootstraptest | awk -F/ '{ print $NF }' | uniq | sed -n 's/test_\(.*\).rb/\1/p' | paste -s -d, -)"
+ ruby ./bootstraptest/runner.rb --ruby="$(which wasmtime) run $PWD/../build/ruby --mapdir /::./ -- " --verbose "--sets=$NO_THREAD_TESTS"
+ working-directory: src
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/slack
+ with:
+ label: ${{ }}
+ SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SIMPLER_ALERTS_URL }} # ruby-lang slack: ruby/simpler-alerts-bot
+ if: ${{ failure() }}
+ # Workaround for
+ - name: Save Pull Request number
+ if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
+ run: echo "${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}" >> ${{ github.workspace }}/github-pr-info.txt
+ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@65462800fd760344b1a7b4382951275a0abb4808 # v4.3.3
+ if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
+ with:
+ name: github-pr-info
+ path: ${{ github.workspace }}/github-pr-info.txt
+ run:
+ working-directory: build
diff --git a/.github/workflows/windows.yml b/.github/workflows/windows.yml
index 66b2992049..67cca44fa6 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/windows.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/windows.yml
@@ -1,122 +1,208 @@
name: Windows
-on: [push, pull_request]
+ push:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ pull_request:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ merge_group:
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') && github.ref_name || github.sha }}
+ cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') }}
+ contents: read
+ - vc: 2015
+ vs: 2019
+ vcvars: '10.0.14393.0 -vcvars_ver=14.0' # The oldest Windows 10 SDK w/ VC++ 2015 toolset (v140)
- vs: 2019
- os: windows-2019
- vcvars: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"'
- # - vs: 2022
- # os: windows-2022
- # vcvars: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Preview\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"'
+ - vs: 2022
fail-fast: false
- runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- name: VisualStudio ${{ matrix.vs }}
+ runs-on: windows-${{ matrix.vs < 2022 && '2019' || matrix.vs }}
+ if: >-
+ ${{!(false
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Document')
+ || (github.event_name == 'push' && == 'dependabot[bot]')
+ )}}
+ name: VisualStudio ${{ || matrix.vs }}
- GITPULLOPTIONS: --no-tags origin ${{github.ref}}
- VCVARS: ${{ matrix.vcvars }}
- PATCH: C:\msys64\usr\bin\patch.exe
+ GITPULLOPTIONS: --no-tags origin ${{ github.ref }}
+ OS_VER: windows-${{ matrix.vs < 2022 && '2019' || matrix.vs }}
+ # FIXME: This is a workaround for the vcpkg's issue present as of openssl 3.1.1
+ # where OpenSSL's default modules directory is incorrectly set to C:\vcpkg\packages\openssl_x64-windows\bin
+ # cf.
+ OPENSSL_MODULES: C:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\bin
- run: md build
- - uses: msys2/setup-msys2@v2
+ - name: find tools
+ id: find-tools
+ run: |
+ ::- find needed tools
+ set NEEDS=
+ for %%I in (%NEEDED_TOOLS%) do if "%%~$PATH:I" == "" (
+ call set NEEDS=%%NEEDS%% %%~nI
+ ) else (
+ echo %%I: %%~$PATH:I
+ )
+ echo.needs=%NEEDS%>>%GITHUB_OUTPUT%
+ if "%NEEDS%" == "" (
+ echo [debug] All needed tools found
+ ) else (
+ echo [warning^]Needs%NEEDS%
+ )
+ env:
+ patch.exe
+ - uses: msys2/setup-msys2@d40200dc2db4c351366b048a9565ad82919e1c24 # v2
id: setup-msys2
update: true
install: >-
- patch
- if: ${{ matrix.os != 'windows-2019' }}
- - name: patch path
- shell: msys2 {0}
- run: echo PATCH=$(cygpath -wa $(command -v patch)) >> $GITHUB_ENV
- if: ${{ steps.setup-msys2.outcome == 'success' }}
- - uses: actions/cache@v2
+ ${{ steps.find-tools.outputs.needs }}
+ if: ${{ steps.find-tools.outputs.needs != '' }}
+ - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@70da3bbf44ac06db1b0547ce2acc9380a5270d1e # v1.175.0
+ with:
+ ruby-version: '3.0'
+ bundler: none
+ windows-toolchain: none
+ - uses: actions/cache@0c45773b623bea8c8e75f6c82b208c3cf94ea4f9 # v4.0.2
path: C:\vcpkg\downloads
- key: ${{ runner.os }}-vcpkg-download-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ github.sha }}
+ key: ${{ runner.os }}-vcpkg-download-${{ env.OS_VER }}-${{ github.sha }}
restore-keys: |
- ${{ runner.os }}-vcpkg-download-${{ matrix.os }}-
+ ${{ runner.os }}-vcpkg-download-${{ env.OS_VER }}-
${{ runner.os }}-vcpkg-download-
- - name: Install libraries with vcpkg
- run: |
- vcpkg --triplet x64-windows install readline zlib
- - uses: actions/cache@v2
+ - uses: actions/cache@0c45773b623bea8c8e75f6c82b208c3cf94ea4f9 # v4.0.2
- path: C:\Users\runneradmin\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey
- key: ${{ runner.os }}-chocolatey-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ github.sha }}
+ path: C:\vcpkg\installed
+ key: ${{ runner.os }}-vcpkg-installed-${{ env.OS_VER }}-${{ github.sha }}
restore-keys: |
- ${{ runner.os }}-chocolatey-${{ matrix.os }}-
- ${{ runner.os }}-chocolatey-
- - name: Install libraries with chocolatey
+ ${{ runner.os }}-vcpkg-installed-${{ env.OS_VER }}-
+ ${{ runner.os }}-vcpkg-installed-
+ - name: Install libraries with vcpkg
run: |
- # Using Choco-Install for retries, but it doesn't detect failures properly
- # if you pass multiple package names in a single command.
- Choco-Install -PackageName openssl
- Choco-Install -PackageName winflexbison3
- shell: pwsh
- - name: git config
+ vcpkg --triplet x64-windows install libffi libyaml openssl readline zlib
+ - name: Install libraries with scoop
run: |
- git config --global core.autocrlf false
- git config --global core.eol lf
- git config --global advice.detachedHead 0
- git config --global init.defaultBranch garbage
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ iex "& {$(irm} -RunAsAdmin"
+ Join-Path (Resolve-Path ~).Path "scoop\shims" >> $Env:GITHUB_PATH
+ shell: pwsh
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
- path: src
+ sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
+ sparse-checkout: /.github
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/directories
+ with:
+ srcdir: src
+ builddir: build
- name: setup env
+ # Available Ruby versions:
# %TEMP% is inconsistent with %TMP% and test-all expects they are consistent.
run: |
+ set VS=${{ matrix.vs }}
+ set VCVARS="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\%VS%\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
+ if not exist %VCVARS% set VCVARS="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\%VS%\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
set | C:\msys64\usr\bin\sort > old.env
- call %VCVARS%
+ call %VCVARS% ${{ matrix.vcvars || '' }}
+ nmake -f nul
set TMP=%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp
set TEMP=%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp
+ set /a TEST_JOBS=(15 * %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% / 10) > nul
set | C:\msys64\usr\bin\sort > new.env
C:\msys64\usr\bin\comm -13 old.env new.env >> %GITHUB_ENV%
del *.env
- - name: Configure
+ - name: baseruby version
+ run: ruby -v
+ - name: compiler version
+ run: cl
+ - name: link libraries
run: |
- ../src/win32/configure.bat --disable-install-doc --enable-bundled-libffi --with-opt-dir=C:/vcpkg/installed/x64-windows --with-openssl-dir="C:/Program Files/OpenSSL-Win64"
- - name: nmake
+ for %%I in (C:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\bin\*.dll) do (
+ if not %%~nI == readline mklink %%~nxI %%I
+ )
+ # We use OpenSSL instealled by vcpkg instead
+ - name: disable system OpenSSL
run: |
- echo ^#^#[group]incs
- nmake incs
- echo ^#^#[endgroup]
- echo ^#^#[group]extract-extlibs
- nmake extract-extlibs
- echo ^#^#[endgroup]
- nmake
- env:
- YACC: win_bison
- - name: nmake test
+ for %%I in (libcrypto-1_1-x64 libssl-1_1-x64) do (
+ ren c:\Windows\System32\%%I.dll %%I.dll_
+ )
+ # windows-2019 image doesn't have OpenSSL as of 2023/9/14
+ if: ${{ matrix.vs != 2019 }}
+ - name: Configure
+ run: >-
+ ../src/win32/configure.bat --disable-install-doc
+ --with-opt-dir=C:/vcpkg/installed/x64-windows
+ - run: nmake incs
+ - run: nmake extract-extlibs
+ # On all other platforms, test-spec depending on extract-gems (in is enough.
+ # But not for this Visual Studio workflow. So here we extract gems before building.
+ - run: nmake extract-gems
+ - run: nmake
+ - run: nmake test
timeout-minutes: 5
- run: |
- nmake test
- - name: nmake test-all
- timeout-minutes: 60
- run: |
- nmake test-all TESTOPTS="-j%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% --job-status=normal"
- continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.continue-on-error || false }}
- - name: nmake test-spec
+ - run: nmake test-spec
timeout-minutes: 10
- run: |
- nmake test-spec
- continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.continue-on-error || false }}
- - uses: k0kubun/action-slack@v2.0.0
- with:
- payload: |
- {
- "ci": "GitHub Actions",
- "env": "VS${{ matrix.vs }} / ${{ matrix.test_task || 'check' }}",
- "url": "${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}",
- "commit": "${{ github.sha }}",
- "branch": "${{ github.ref }}".split('/').reverse()[0]
- }
+ - run: nmake test-all
+ RUBY_TESTOPTS: -j${{ env.TEST_JOBS || 4 }} --job-status=normal
+ timeout-minutes: 60
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/slack
+ with:
+ label: VS${{ || matrix.vs }} / ${{ matrix.test_task || 'check' }}
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SIMPLER_ALERTS_URL }} # ruby-lang slack: ruby/simpler-alerts-bot
- if: ${{ failure() && github.event_name == 'push' }}
+ if: ${{ failure() }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/yjit-macos.yml b/.github/workflows/yjit-macos.yml
index f91be50559..948644d06e 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/yjit-macos.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/yjit-macos.yml
@@ -1,68 +1,165 @@
-name: YJIT macOS
-on: [push, pull_request]
+name: YJIT macOS Arm64
+ push:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ pull_request:
+ # Do not use paths-ignore for required status checks
+ #
+ merge_group:
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') && github.ref_name || github.sha }}
+ cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') }}
+ contents: read
+ cargo:
+ name: cargo test
+ runs-on: ${{ github.repository == 'ruby/ruby' && 'macos-arm-oss' || 'macos-14' }}
+ if: >-
+ ${{!(false
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Document')
+ || (github.event_name == 'push' && == 'dependabot[bot]')
+ )}}
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ - run: RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo test
+ working-directory: yjit
+ # Also compile and test with all features enabled
+ - run: RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo test --all-features
+ working-directory: yjit
+ # Check that we can build in release mode too
+ - run: cargo build --release
+ working-directory: yjit
- runs-on: macos-latest
- test_task: [ "check" ] #, "test-bundler-parallel" ] #, "test-bundled-gems" ]
- yjit_opts: [
- "--yjit",
- "--yjit --yjit-call-threshold=1 --yjit-max-versions=1",
- # "--yjit --yjit-call-threshold=1",
- # "--yjit --yjit-call-threshold=2"
- ]
+ include:
+ - test_task: 'check'
+ configure: '--enable-yjit'
+ yjit_opts: '--yjit'
+ - test_task: 'check'
+ configure: '--enable-yjit=dev'
+ yjit_opts: '--yjit-call-threshold=1 --yjit-verify-ctx --yjit-code-gc'
fail-fast: false
- TESTOPTS: '-q --tty=no'
- RUN_OPTS: '--disable-gems ${{ matrix.yjit_opts }}'
- GITPULLOPTIONS: --no-tags origin ${{github.ref}}
+ GITPULLOPTIONS: --no-tags origin ${{ github.ref }}
+ RUN_OPTS: ${{ matrix.yjit_opts }}
+ runs-on: ${{ github.repository == 'ruby/ruby' && 'macos-arm-oss' || 'macos-14' }}
+ if: >-
+ ${{!(false
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Document')
+ || (github.event_name == 'push' && == 'dependabot[bot]')
+ )}}
- - run: mkdir build
- working-directory:
- - name: git config
- run: |
- git config --global advice.detachedHead 0
- git config --global init.defaultBranch garbage
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
- path: src
+ sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
+ sparse-checkout: /.github
- name: Install libraries
- run: |
- brew upgrade
- brew install gmp libffi openssl@1.1 zlib autoconf automake libtool readline
- working-directory: src
- - name: Set ENV
- run: |
- echo "JOBS=-j$((1 + $(sysctl -n hw.activecpu)))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- - run: ./
- working-directory: src
+ uses: ./.github/actions/setup/macos
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/directories
+ with:
+ srcdir: src
+ builddir: build
+ makeup: true
+ dummy-files: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' }}
+ # Set fetch-depth: 10 so that Launchable can receive commits information.
+ fetch-depth: 10
- name: Run configure
- run: ../src/configure -C --disable-install-doc --with-openssl-dir=$(brew --prefix openssl@1.1) --with-readline-dir=$(brew --prefix readline)
- - run: make $JOBS incs
- - run: make $JOBS
- - run: make leaked-globals
- if: matrix.test_task == 'check'
+ run: ../src/configure -C --disable-install-doc ${{ matrix.configure }}
- run: make prepare-gems
- if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' }}
- - run: make $JOBS -s ${{ matrix.test_task }} RUN_OPTS="$RUN_OPTS"
+ if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'test-bundled-gems' }}
+ - run: make
+ - name: Enable YJIT through ENV
+ run: echo "RUBY_YJIT_ENABLE=1" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ - name: Set test options for skipped tests
+ run: |
+ set -x
+ TESTS="$(echo "${{ matrix.skipped_tests }}" | sed 's| |$$/ -n!/|g;s|^|-n!/|;s|$|$$/|')"
+ echo "TESTS=${TESTS}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' && matrix.skipped_tests }}
+ - name: Set up Launchable
+ uses: ./.github/actions/launchable/setup
+ with:
+ os: ${{ github.repository == 'ruby/ruby' && 'macos-arm-oss' || 'macos-14' }}
+ test-opts: ${{ matrix.configure }}
+ launchable-token: ${{ secrets.LAUNCHABLE_TOKEN }}
+ builddir: build
+ srcdir: src
+ continue-on-error: true
+ - name: make ${{ matrix.test_task }}
+ run: >-
+ make -s ${{ matrix.test_task }} ${TESTS:+TESTS="$TESTS"}
timeout-minutes: 60
- RUBY_TESTOPTS: "-q --tty=no"
- - uses: k0kubun/action-slack@v2.0.0
- with:
- payload: |
- {
- "ci": "GitHub Actions",
- "env": "${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ matrix.test_task }}",
- "url": "${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}",
- "commit": "${{ github.sha }}",
- "branch": "${{ github.ref }}".split('/').reverse()[0]
- }
+ RUBY_TESTOPTS: '-q --tty=no'
+ continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.continue-on-test_task || false }}
+ - name: make skipped tests
+ run: |
+ make -s test-all TESTS="${TESTS//-n!\//-n/}"
+ RUBY_TESTOPTS: '-v --tty=no'
+ if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' && matrix.skipped_tests }}
+ continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.continue-on-skipped_tests || false }}
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/slack
+ with:
+ label: ${{ matrix.test_task }} ${{ matrix.configure }} ${{ matrix.yjit_opts }}
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SIMPLER_ALERTS_URL }} # ruby-lang slack: ruby/simpler-alerts-bot
- if: ${{ failure() && github.event_name == 'push' }}
+ if: ${{ failure() }}
+ result:
+ if: ${{ always() }}
+ name: ${{ github.workflow }} result
+ runs-on: ${{ github.repository == 'ruby/ruby' && 'macos-arm-oss' || 'macos-14' }}
+ needs: [make]
+ steps:
+ - run: exit 1
+ working-directory:
+ if: ${{ contains(needs.*.result, 'failure') || contains(needs.*.result, 'cancelled') }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/yjit-ubuntu.yml b/.github/workflows/yjit-ubuntu.yml
index 2507b02769..02d0ac7536 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/yjit-ubuntu.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/yjit-ubuntu.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,218 @@
name: YJIT Ubuntu
-on: [push, pull_request]
+ push:
+ paths-ignore:
+ - 'doc/**'
+ - '**/man'
+ - '**.md'
+ - '**.rdoc'
+ - '**/.document'
+ - '.*.yml'
+ pull_request:
+ # Do not use paths-ignore for required status checks
+ #
+ merge_group:
+ group: ${{ github.workflow }} / ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') && github.ref_name || github.sha }}
+ cancel-in-progress: ${{ startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') }}
+ contents: read
+ cargo:
+ name: cargo test
+ # GitHub Action's image seems to already contain a Rust 1.58.0.
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ if: >-
+ ${{!(false
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Document')
+ || (github.event_name == 'push' && == 'dependabot[bot]')
+ )}}
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ # For now we can't run cargo test --offline because it complains about the
+ # capstone dependency, even though the dependency is optional
+ #- run: cargo test --offline
+ - run: RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo test
+ working-directory: yjit
+ # Also compile and test with all features enabled
+ - run: RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo test --all-features
+ working-directory: yjit
+ # Check that we can build in release mode too
+ - run: cargo build --release
+ working-directory: yjit
+ lint:
+ name: cargo clippy
+ # GitHub Action's image seems to already contain a Rust 1.58.0.
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ if: >-
+ ${{!(false
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Document')
+ || (github.event_name == 'push' && == 'dependabot[bot]')
+ )}}
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ # Check that we don't have linting errors in release mode, too
+ - run: cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features
+ working-directory: yjit
+ fail-fast: false
- test_task: ["check"] # "test-bundler-parallel",
- os:
- - ubuntu-20.04
-# - ubuntu-18.04
- yjit_opts: [
- "--yjit",
- "--yjit --yjit-call-threshold=1 --yjit-max-versions=1",
- "--yjit --yjit-call-threshold=1",
- "--yjit --yjit-call-threshold=2"
- ]
- configure: ["", "cppflags=-DRUBY_DEBUG"]
- - test_task: "test-all TESTS=--repeat-count=2"
- os: ubuntu-20.04
- configure: ""
- yjit_enable_env: RUBY_YJIT_ENABLE
- - test_task: "test-bundled-gems"
- os: ubuntu-20.04
- configure: "cppflags=-DRUBY_DEBUG"
- yjit_enable_env: RUBY_YJIT_ENABLE
- fail-fast: false
+ - test_task: 'yjit-bindgen'
+ hint: 'To fix: use patch in logs'
+ configure: '--with-gcc=clang-12 --enable-yjit=dev'
+ - test_task: 'check'
+ # YJIT should be automatically built in release mode on x86-64 Linux with rustc present
+ #configure: "--enable-yjit RUSTC='rustc +1.58.0'"
+ configure: "RUSTC='rustc +1.58.0'"
+ rust_version: '1.58.0'
+ - test_task: 'check'
+ configure: '--enable-yjit=dev'
+ - test_task: 'check'
+ configure: '--enable-yjit=dev'
+ yjit_opts: '--yjit-call-threshold=1 --yjit-verify-ctx --yjit-code-gc'
+ - test_task: 'test-bundled-gems'
+ configure: '--enable-yjit=dev'
+ - test_task: 'yjit-bench'
+ configure: '--enable-yjit=dev'
+ yjit_bench_opts: '--yjit-stats'
+ continue-on-test_task: true
- GITPULLOPTIONS: --no-tags origin ${{github.ref}}
+ GITPULLOPTIONS: --no-tags origin ${{ github.ref }}
RUN_OPTS: ${{ matrix.yjit_opts }}
+ YJIT_BENCH_OPTS: ${{ matrix.yjit_bench_opts }}
- runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
+ BUNDLE_JOBS: 8 # for yjit-bench
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ if: >-
+ ${{!(false
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[DOC]')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.title, 'Document')
+ || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'Document')
+ || (github.event_name == 'push' && == 'dependabot[bot]')
+ )}}
- - run: mkdir build
- working-directory:
- - name: Install libraries
- run: |
- set -x
- sudo apt-get update -q || :
- sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -q -y build-essential libssl-dev libyaml-dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libffi-dev bison autoconf ruby
- - name: git config
- run: |
- git config --global advice.detachedHead 0
- git config --global init.defaultBranch garbage
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - uses: actions/checkout@0ad4b8fadaa221de15dcec353f45205ec38ea70b # v4.1.4
+ with:
+ sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
+ sparse-checkout: /.github
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/ubuntu
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/setup/directories
- path: src
- - name: Fixed world writable dirs
- run: |
- chmod -v go-w $HOME $HOME/.config
- sudo chmod -R go-w /usr/share
- sudo bash -c 'IFS=:; for d in '"$PATH"'; do chmod -v go-w $d; done' || :
- - name: Set ENV
- run: |
- echo "JOBS=-j$((1 + $(nproc --all)))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- - run: ./
- working-directory: src
+ srcdir: src
+ builddir: build
+ makeup: true
+ dummy-files: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' }}
+ # Set fetch-depth: 10 so that Launchable can receive commits information.
+ fetch-depth: 10
+ - name: Install Rust
+ if: ${{ matrix.rust_version }}
+ run: rustup install ${{ matrix.rust_version }} --profile minimal
+ - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@70da3bbf44ac06db1b0547ce2acc9380a5270d1e # v1.175.0
+ with:
+ ruby-version: '3.0'
+ bundler: none
- name: Run configure
- run: ../src/configure -C --disable-install-doc ${{ matrix.configure }}
- - run: make $JOBS incs
- - run: make $JOBS
- - run: make leaked-globals
- if: matrix.test_task == 'check'
+ run: ../src/configure -C --disable-install-doc --prefix=$(pwd)/install ${{ matrix.configure }}
+ - run: make incs
- run: make prepare-gems
- if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' }}
- - name: Create dummy files in build dir
- run: |
- ./miniruby -e '(("a".."z").to_a+("A".."Z").to_a+("0".."9").to_a+%w[foo bar test zzz]).each{|basename|File.write("#{basename}.rb", "raise %(do not load #{basename}.rb)")}'
- if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'check' }}
+ if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'test-bundled-gems' }}
+ - run: make
- name: Enable YJIT through ENV
- if: ${{ matrix.yjit_enable_env }}
- - run: make $JOBS -s ${{ matrix.test_task }} RUN_OPTS="$RUN_OPTS"
- timeout-minutes: 60
- env:
- RUBY_TESTOPTS: "-q --tty=no"
- - uses: k0kubun/action-slack@v2.0.0
+ # Check that the binary was built with YJIT
+ - name: Check YJIT enabled
+ run: ./miniruby --yjit -v | grep "+YJIT"
+ - name: Set up Launchable
+ uses: ./.github/actions/launchable/setup
- payload: |
- {
- "ci": "GitHub Actions",
- "env": "${{ matrix.os }} / ${{ matrix.test_task }}${{ matrix.configure }}",
- "url": "${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}",
- "commit": "${{ github.sha }}",
- "branch": "${{ github.ref }}".split('/').reverse()[0]
- }
+ os: ubuntu-20.04
+ test-opts: ${{ matrix.configure }}
+ launchable-token: ${{ secrets.LAUNCHABLE_TOKEN }}
+ builddir: build
+ srcdir: src
+ continue-on-error: true
+ - name: make ${{ matrix.test_task }}
+ run: >-
+ make -s ${{ matrix.test_task }} ${TESTS:+TESTS="$TESTS"}
+ timeout-minutes: 90
+ RUBY_TESTOPTS: '-q --tty=no'
+ YJIT_BINDGEN_DIFF_OPTS: '--exit-code'
+ continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.continue-on-test_task || false }}
+ - name: Show ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.ref }} GitHub URL for yjit-bench comparison
+ run: echo "${BASE_REPO}/commit/${BASE_SHA}"
+ env:
+ BASE_REPO: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.repo.full_name }}
+ BASE_SHA: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}
+ if: ${{ matrix.test_task == 'yjit-bench' && startsWith(github.event_name, 'pull') }}
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/slack
+ with:
+ label: ${{ matrix.test_task }} ${{ matrix.configure }}
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SIMPLER_ALERTS_URL }} # ruby-lang slack: ruby/simpler-alerts-bot
- if: ${{ failure() && github.event_name == 'push' }}
+ if: ${{ failure() }}
+ result:
+ if: ${{ always() }}
+ name: ${{ github.workflow }} result
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs: [make]
+ steps:
+ - run: exit 1
+ working-directory:
+ if: ${{ contains(needs.*.result, 'failure') || contains(needs.*.result, 'cancelled') }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/yjit_asm_tests.yml b/.github/workflows/yjit_asm_tests.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c4394e960..0000000000
--- a/.github/workflows/yjit_asm_tests.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-name: YJIT x86 assembler tests
-on: [push, pull_request]
- test:
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- steps:
- - name: Install dependencies
- run: |
- set -x
- sudo apt-get update -q || :
- sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -q -y build-essential
- - name: git config
- run: |
- git config --global advice.detachedHead 0
- git config --global init.defaultBranch garbage
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- with:
- path: src
- - name: Run ASM tests
- run: ./misc/
- working-directory: src