path: root/trunk/sample
diff options
authoryugui <yugui@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2008-08-25 15:02:05 +0000
committeryugui <yugui@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2008-08-25 15:02:05 +0000
commit0dc342de848a642ecce8db697b8fecd83a63e117 (patch)
tree2b7ed4724aff1f86073e4740134bda9c4aac1a39 /trunk/sample
parentef70cf7138ab8034b5b806f466e4b484b24f0f88 (diff)
added tag v1_9_0_4
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/sample')
127 files changed, 7611 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/sample/README b/trunk/sample/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9187a9df2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/README
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+README this file
+biorhythm.rb biorhythm calculator
+cal.rb cal(1) clone
+cbreak.rb no echo done by ioctl
+clnt.rb socket client
+dir.rb directory access
+dualstack-fetch.rb IPv6 demo
+dualstack-httpd.rb IPv6 demo
+dstore.rb object database on dbm
+eval.rb simple evaluator
+export.rb method access example
+exyacc.rb extrace BNF from yacc file
+fact.rb factorial calculator
+fib.awk Fibonacci number (AWK) Fibonacci number (Perl) Fibonacci number (Python)
+fib.rb Fibonacci number (Ruby)
+fib.scm Fibonacci number (Scheme)
+freq.rb count word occurrence
+from.rb scan mail spool
+fullpath.rb convert ls -lR to fullpath format
+io.rb io test
+irb.rb interactive ruby
+less.rb front end for less
+list.rb stupid object sample
+list2.rb stupid object sample
+list3.rb stupid object sample
+mine.rb simple mine sweeper
+mkproto.rb extract prototype from C
+mpart.rb split file int multi part
+observ.rb observer design pattern sample count word occurrence (Perl)
+occur.rb count word occurrence (Ruby)
+occur2.rb count word occurrence - another style
+philos.rb famous dining philosophers
+pi.rb calculate PI
+rcs.awk random character stereogram (AWK)
+rcs.rb random character stereogram (Ruby)
+rcs.dat data for random character stereogram
+rd2html.rb rd (Ruby Document) to HTML translator
+sieve.rb sieve of Eratosthenes
+svr.rb socket server
+test.rb test suite used by `make test'
+time.rb /usr/bin/time clone
+trojan.rb simple tool to find file that may be trojan horse.
+tsvr.rb socket server using thread
+uumerge.rb merge files and uudecode them
diff --git a/trunk/sample/biorhythm.rb b/trunk/sample/biorhythm.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6465daa29f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/biorhythm.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# biorhythm.rb -
+# $Release Version: $
+# $Revision$
+# by Yasuo OHBA(STAFS Development Room)
+# --
+# probably based on:
+# Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc,de.comp.sources.os9
+# From: (Frank Kaefer)
+# Subject: v41i126: br - Biorhythm v3.0, Part01/01
+# Message-ID: <>
+# Sender: (Kent Landfield)
+# Organization: Sterling Software
+# Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 07:06:16 GMT
+# Posting-number: Volume 41, Issue 126
+# Archive-name: br/part01
+# Environment: basic, dos, os9
+include Math
+require "date.rb"
+require "optparse"
+require "optparse/date"
+def printHeader(y, m, d, p, w)
+ print "\n>>> Biorhythm <<<\n"
+ printf "The birthday %04d.%02d.%02d is a %s\n", y, m, d, w
+ printf "Age in days: [%d]\n\n", p
+def getPosition(z)
+ pi = Math::PI
+ z = Integer(z)
+ phys = (50.0 * (1.0 + sin((z / 23.0 - (z / 23)) * 360.0 * pi / 180.0))).to_i
+ emot = (50.0 * (1.0 + sin((z / 28.0 - (z / 28)) * 360.0 * pi / 180.0))).to_i
+ geist =(50.0 * (1.0 + sin((z / 33.0 - (z / 33)) * 360.0 * pi / 180.0))).to_i
+ return phys, emot, geist
+def prompt(msg)
+ $stderr.print msg
+ return gets.chomp
+# main program
+options = {
+ :graph => true,
+ :date =>,
+ :days => 9,
+ARGV.options do |opts|
+ opts.on("-b", "--birthday=DATE", Date, "specify your birthday"){|v|
+ options[:birthday] = v
+ }
+ opts.on("--date=DATE", Date, "specify date to show"){|v|
+ options[:date] = v
+ }
+ opts.on("-g", "--show-graph", TrueClass, "show graph (default)"){|v|
+ options[:graph] = v
+ }
+ opts.on("-v", "--show-values", TrueClass, "show values"){|v|
+ options[:graph] = !v
+ }
+ opts.on("--days=DAYS", Integer, "graph range (only in effect for graph)"){|v|
+ options[:days] = v - 1
+ }
+ opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "show this message"){puts opts; exit}
+ begin
+ opts.parse!
+ rescue => ex
+ puts "Error: #{ex.message}"
+ puts opts
+ exit
+ end
+bd = options[:birthday] || Date.parse(prompt("Your birthday (YYYYMMDD): "))
+dd = options[:date] ||
+ausgabeart = options[:graph] ? "g" : "v"
+display_period = options[:days]
+if ausgabeart == "v"
+ printHeader(bd.year, bd.month,, dd - bd, bd.strftime("%a"))
+ print "\n"
+ phys, emot, geist = getPosition(dd - bd)
+ printf "Biorhythm: %04d.%02d.%02d\n", dd.year, dd.month,
+ printf "Physical: %d%%\n", phys
+ printf "Emotional: %d%%\n", emot
+ printf "Mental: %d%%\n", geist
+ print "\n"
+ printHeader(bd.year, bd.month,, dd - bd, bd.strftime("%a"))
+ print " P=physical, E=emotional, M=mental\n"
+ print " -------------------------+-------------------------\n"
+ print " Bad Condition | Good Condition\n"
+ print " -------------------------+-------------------------\n"
+ (dd - bd).step(dd - bd + display_period) do |z|
+ phys, emot, geist = getPosition(z)
+ printf "%04d.%02d.%02d : ", dd.year, dd.month,
+ p = (phys / 2.0 + 0.5).to_i
+ e = (emot / 2.0 + 0.5).to_i
+ g = (geist / 2.0 + 0.5).to_i
+ graph = "." * 51
+ graph[25] = ?|
+ graph[p] = ?P
+ graph[e] = ?E
+ graph[g] = ?M
+ print graph, "\n"
+ dd = dd + 1
+ end
+ print " -------------------------+-------------------------\n\n"
diff --git a/trunk/sample/cal.rb b/trunk/sample/cal.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..387657490f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/cal.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env ruby
+# cal.rb: Written by Tadayoshi Funaba 1998-2004,2006,2008
+# $Id: cal.rb,v 2.11 2008-01-06 08:42:17+09 tadf Exp $
+require 'date'
+class Cal
+ {
+ 'cn' => Date::GREGORIAN, # China
+ 'de' => 2342032, # Germany (protestant states)
+ 'dk' => 2342032, # Denmark
+ 'es' => 2299161, # Spain
+ 'fi' => 2361390, # Finland
+ 'fr' => 2299227, # France
+ 'gb' => 2361222, # United Kingdom
+ 'gr' => 2423868, # Greece
+ 'hu' => 2301004, # Hungary
+ 'it' => 2299161, # Italy
+ 'jp' => Date::GREGORIAN, # Japan
+ 'no' => 2342032, # Norway
+ 'pl' => 2299161, # Poland
+ 'pt' => 2299161, # Portugal
+ 'ru' => 2421639, # Russia
+ 'se' => 2361390, # Sweden
+ 'us' => 2361222, # United States
+ 'os' => Date::JULIAN, # (old style)
+ 'ns' => Date::GREGORIAN # (new style)
+ }
+ def initialize
+ opt_j; opt_m; opt_t; opt_y; opt_c
+ end
+ def opt_j(flag=false) @opt_j = flag end
+ def opt_m(flag=false) @opt_m = flag end
+ def opt_t(flag=false) @opt_t = flag end
+ def opt_y(flag=false) @opt_y = flag end
+ def opt_c(arg=DEFAULT_START) @start = START[arg] end
+ def set_params
+ @dw = if @opt_j then 3 else 2 end
+ @mw = (@dw + 1) * 7 - 1
+ @mn = if @opt_j then 2 else 3 end
+ @tw = (@mw + 2) * @mn - 2
+ @k = if @opt_m then 1 else 0 end
+ @da = if @opt_j then :yday else :mday end
+ end
+ def pict(y, m)
+ d = (1..31).detect{|x| Date.valid_date?(y, m, x, @start)}
+ fi =, m, d, @start)
+ fi -= (fi.jd - @k + 1) % 7
+ ve = ( + 6).collect{|cu|
+ %w(S M Tu W Th F S)[cu.wday]
+ }
+ ve += ( + 41).collect{|cu|
+ if cu.mon == m then cu.send(@da) end.to_s
+ }
+ ve = ve.collect{|e| e.rjust(@dw)}
+ gr = group(ve, 7)
+ gr = trans(gr) if @opt_t
+ ta = gr.collect{|xs| xs.join(' ')}
+ ca = %w(January February March April May June July
+ August September October November December)[m - 1]
+ ca = ca + ' ' + y.to_s if !@opt_y
+ ca =
+ ta.unshift(ca)
+ end
+ def group(xs, n)
+ (0..xs.size / n - 1).collect{|i| xs[i * n, n]}
+ end
+ def trans(xs)
+ (0..xs[0].size - 1).collect{|i| xs.collect{|x| x[i]}}
+ end
+ def stack(xs)
+ if xs.empty? then [] else xs[0] + stack(xs[1..-1]) end
+ end
+ def block(xs, n)
+ stack(group(xs, n).collect{|ys| trans(ys).collect{|zs| zs.join(' ')}})
+ end
+ def unlines(xs)
+ xs.collect{|x| x + "\n"}.join
+ end
+ def monthly(y, m)
+ unlines(pict(y, m))
+ end
+ def addmon(y, m, n)
+ y, m = (y * 12 + (m - 1) + n).divmod(12)
+ return y, m + 1
+ end
+ def yearly(y)
+ + "\n\n" +
+ unlines(block((0..11).collect{|n| pict(*addmon(y, 1, n))}, @mn)) + "\n"
+ end
+ def print(y, m)
+ set_params
+ if @opt_y then yearly(y) else monthly(y, m) end
+ end
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ require 'getoptlong'
+ def usage
+ warn 'usage: cal [-c iso3166] [-jmty] [[month] year]'
+ exit 1
+ end
+ cal =
+ begin
+['-c', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
+ ['-j', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
+ ['-m', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
+ ['-t', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
+ ['-y', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT]).
+ each do |opt, arg|
+ case opt
+ when '-c'; cal.opt_c(arg) || raise
+ when '-j'; cal.opt_j(true)
+ when '-m'; cal.opt_m(true)
+ when '-t'; cal.opt_t(true)
+ when '-y'; cal.opt_y(true)
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ usage
+ end
+ y, m = ARGV.values_at(1, 0).compact.collect{|x| x.to_i}
+ cal.opt_y(true) if y && !m
+ to =
+ y ||= to.year
+ m ||= to.mon
+ usage unless m >= 1 && m <= 12
+ usage unless y >= -4712
+ print cal.print(y, m)
+# See Bird & Wadler's Introduction to functional programming 4.5.
diff --git a/trunk/sample/cbreak.rb b/trunk/sample/cbreak.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76b534a76a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/cbreak.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# ioctl example works on Sun
+CBREAK = 0x00000002
+ECHO = 0x00000008
+TIOCGETP = 0x40067408
+TIOCSETP = 0x80067409
+def cbreak ()
+ set_cbreak(true)
+def cooked ()
+ set_cbreak(false)
+def set_cbreak (on)
+ tty = "\0" * 256
+ STDIN.ioctl(TIOCGETP, tty)
+ ttys = tty.unpack("C4 S")
+ if on
+ ttys[4] |= CBREAK
+ ttys[4] &= ~ECHO
+ else
+ ttys[4] &= ~CBREAK
+ ttys[4] |= ECHO
+ end
+ tty = ttys.pack("C4 S")
+ STDIN.ioctl(TIOCSETP, tty)
+print("this is no-echo line: ");
+print("this is echo line: ");
diff --git a/trunk/sample/clnt.rb b/trunk/sample/clnt.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f3d17bf19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/clnt.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# socket example - client side
+# usage: ruby clnt.rb [host] port
+require "socket"
+if ARGV.length >= 2
+ host = ARGV.shift
+ host = "localhost"
+print("Trying ", host, " ...")
+s =, ARGV.shift)
+print(" done\n")
+print("addr: ", s.addr.join(":"), "\n")
+print("peer: ", s.peeraddr.join(":"), "\n")
+while line = gets()
+ s.write(line)
+ print(s.readline)
diff --git a/trunk/sample/coverage.rb b/trunk/sample/coverage.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f45e9fc98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/coverage.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+require ""
+ext = ENV["COVERUBY_EXT"] || ".cov"
+accum = !accum || accum == "" || !(%w(f n 0).include?(accum[0]))
+pwd = Dir.pwd
+at_exit do
+ Dir.chdir(pwd) do
+ Coverage.result.each do |sfile, covs|
+ cfile = sfile + ext
+ writable = proc do |f|
+ File.writable?(f) || File.writable?(File.dirname(f))
+ end
+ unless writable[cfile]
+ cfile = cfile.gsub(File.PATH_SEPARATOR, "#")
+ next unless writable[cfile]
+ end
+ readlines = proc do |f|
+ end
+ sources = (readlines[sfile] rescue [])
+ pcovs = []
+ if accum
+ pcovs = (readlines[cfile] rescue []).map.with_index do |line, idx|
+ if line[/^\s*(?:(#####)|(\d+)|-):\s*\d+:(.*)$/n]
+ cov, line = $1 ? 0 : ($2 ? $2.to_i : nil), $3
+ if !sources[idx] || sources[idx].chomp != line.chomp
+ warn("source file changed, ignoring: `#{ cfile }'")
+ break []
+ end
+ cov
+ else
+ p line
+ warn("coverage file corrupted, ignoring: #{ cfile }")
+ break []
+ end
+ end
+ unless pcovs.empty? || pcovs.size == covs.size
+ warn("coverage file changed, ignoring: `#{ cfile }'")
+ pcovs = []
+ end
+ end
+ open(cfile, "w") do |out|
+, pcovs).each_with_index do |(cov, line, pcov), idx|
+ cov += pcov || 0 if cov
+ cov = (cov ? (cov == 0 ? "#####" : cov.to_s) : "-").rjust(9)
+ out.puts("%s:% 5d:%s" % [cov, idx + 1, line])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/dir.rb b/trunk/sample/dir.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b627383946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/dir.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# directory access
+# list all files but .*/*~/*.o
+dirp =".")
+for f in dirp
+ case f
+ when /^\./, /~$/, /\.o/
+ # do not print
+ else
+ print f, "\n"
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/README.rd b/trunk/sample/drb/README.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5cf1f51913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/README.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+= Sample scripts
+* array and iteretor
+ * darray.rb --- server
+ * darrayc.rb --- client
+* simple chat
+ * dchats.rb --- server
+ * dchatc.rb --- client
+* distributed chasen (for Japanese)
+ * dhasen.rb --- server
+ * dhasenc.rb --- client
+* simple log server
+ * dlogd.rb --- server
+ * dlogc.rb --- client
+* Queue server, and DRbUnknown demo
+ * dqueue.rb --- server
+ * dqin.rb --- client. push DQEntry objects.
+ * dqout.rb --- client. pop DQEntry objects.
+ * dqlib.rb --- define DQEntry
+* IdConv customize demo: reference by name
+ * name.rb --- server
+ * namec.rb --- client
+* extserv
+ * extserv_test.rb
+* IdConv customize demo 2: using TimerIdConv
+ * holders.rb --- server
+ * holderc.rb --- client
+* rinda, remote tuplespace
+ * rinda_ts.rb --- TupleSpace server.
+ * rindas.rb --- provide simple service via TupleSpace.
+ * rindac.rb --- service user
+* observer
+ cdbiff - ((<URI:>))
+ * dbiff.rb --- dcdbiff server
+ * dcdbiff.rb --- dcdbiff client
+* drbssl
+ * drbssl_s.rb
+ * drbssl_c.rb
+* add DRbProtocl
+ * http0.rb
+ * http0serv.rb
+* Rinda::Ring
+ * ring_place.rb
+ * ring_echo.rb
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/README.rd.ja b/trunk/sample/drb/README.rd.ja
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04143b9ad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/README.rd.ja
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+= ¥µ¥ó¥×¥ë¥¹¥¯¥ê¥×¥È
+* Array¤ò¥ê¥â¡¼¥È¤«¤éÍøÍѤ·¤Æ¥¤¥Æ¥ì¡¼¥¿¤ò»î¤¹¡£
+ * darray.rb --- server
+ * darrayc.rb --- client
+* ´Ê°×¥Á¥ã¥Ã¥È
+ * dchats.rb --- server
+ * dchatc.rb --- client
+* ʬ»¶chasen
+ * dhasen.rb --- server
+ * dhasenc.rb --- client
+* ´Ê°×¥í¥°¥µ¡¼¥Ð
+ * dlogd.rb --- server
+ * dlogc.rb --- client
+* Queue¥µ¡¼¥Ð¡£
+ ¥¯¥é¥¤¥¢¥ó¥Èdqin.rb¤ÏQueue¥µ¡¼¥Ð¤ÎÃΤé¤Ê¤¤¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È(DQEntry)¤ò
+ push¤¹¤ë¤¬DRbUnknown¤Ë¤è¤ê¥¯¥é¥¤¥¢¥ó¥Èdqout.rb¤¬pop¤Ç¤­¤ë¡£
+ * dqueue.rb --- server
+ * dqin.rb --- client¡£DQEntry¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¤òpush¤¹¤ë
+ * dqout.rb --- client¡£DQEntry¥ª¥Ö¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¤òpop¤¹¤ë
+ * dqlib.rb --- DQEntry¤òÄêµÁ¤·¤¿¥é¥¤¥Ö¥é¥ê
+* ̾Á°¤Ë¤è¤ë»²¾È
+ IdConv¤ò¥«¥¹¥¿¥Þ¥¤¥º¤·¤Æid¤Ç¤Ê¤¯Ì¾Á°¤Ç»²¾È¤¹¤ëÎã
+ * name.rb --- server
+ * namec.rb --- client
+* extserv¤Î¥µ¥ó¥×¥ë
+ * extserv_test.rb
+* TimerIdConv¤Î»ÈÍÑÎã
+ * holders.rb --- server¡£ruby -d hodlers.rb¤È¤¹¤ë¤ÈTimerIdConv¤ò»ÈÍѤ¹¤ë¡£
+ * holderc.rb --- client
+* rinda.rb¤Î»ÈÍÑÎã
+ * rinda_ts.rb --- TupleSpace¥µ¡¼¥Ð¡£
+ * rindac.rb --- TupleSpace¤Îclient¤Ç¥¢¥×¥ê¥±¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó¤Îclient
+ * rindas.rb --- TupleSpace¤Îclient¤Ç¥¢¥×¥ê¥±¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó¤Îserver
+* observer¤Î»ÈÍÑÎã
+ cdbiff - ((<URI:>))
+ * dbiff.rb --- dcdbiff server
+ * dcdbiff.rb --- dcdbiff client
+* drbssl¤Î»ÈÍÑÎã
+ * drbssl_s.rb
+ * drbssl_c.rb
+* DRbProtocl¤ÎÄɲÃÎã
+ * http0.rb
+ * http0serv.rb
+* ring¤Î»ÈÍÑÎã
+ * ring_place.rb
+ * ring_echo.rb
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/darray.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/darray.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95ee01ff03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/darray.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ distributed Ruby --- Array
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Masatoshi SEKI
+require 'drb/drb'
+here = ARGV.shift
+DRb.start_service(here, [1, 2, "III", 4, "five", 6])
+puts DRb.uri
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/darrayc.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/darrayc.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b181d22699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/darrayc.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ distributed Ruby --- Array client
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Masatoshi SEKI
+require 'drb/drb'
+there = ARGV.shift || raise("usage: #{$0} <server_uri>")
+DRb.start_service(nil, nil)
+ro =, there)
+p ro.size
+puts "# collect"
+a = ro.collect { |x|
+ x + x
+p a
+puts "# find"
+p ro.find { |x| x.kind_of? String }
+puts "# each, break"
+ro.each do |x|
+ next if x == "five"
+ puts x
+puts "# each, break"
+ro.each do |x|
+ break if x == "five"
+ puts x
+puts "# each, next"
+ro.each do |x|
+ next if x == "five"
+ puts x
+puts "# each, redo"
+count = 0
+ro.each do |x|
+ count += 1
+ puts count
+ redo if count == 3
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/dbiff.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/dbiff.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8faef50b07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/dbiff.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# dbiff.rb - distributed cdbiff (server)
+# * original: cdbiff by Satoru Takabayashi <>
+require 'drb/drb'
+require 'drb/eq'
+require 'drb/observer'
+class Biff
+ include DRb::DRbObservable
+ def initialize(filename, interval)
+ super()
+ @filename = filename
+ @interval = interval
+ end
+ def run
+ last =
+ while true
+ begin
+ sleep(@interval)
+ current = File::mtime(@filename)
+ if current > last
+ changed
+ begin
+ notify_observers(@filename, current)
+ rescue Error
+ end
+ last = current
+ end
+ rescue
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ end
+def main
+ filename = "/var/mail/#{ENV['USER']}"
+ interval = 15
+ uri = 'druby://:19903'
+ biff =, interval)
+ DRb.start_service(uri, biff)
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/dcdbiff.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/dcdbiff.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a24680c33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/dcdbiff.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# dcdbiff.rb - distributed cdbiff (client)
+# * original: cdbiff by Satoru Takabayashi <>
+require 'drb/drb'
+require 'drb/eq'
+class Notify
+ include DRbUndumped
+ def initialize(biff, command)
+ @biff = biff
+ @command = command
+ @biff.add_observer(self)
+ end
+ def update(filename, time)
+ p [filename, time] if $DEBUG
+ system(@command)
+ end
+ def done
+ begin
+ @biff.delete_observer(self)
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+def main
+ command = 'eject'
+ uri = 'druby://localhost:19903'
+ DRb.start_service
+ biff =, uri)
+ notify =, command)
+ trap("INT"){ notify.done }
+ DRb.thread.join
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/dchatc.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/dchatc.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b506f5bbba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/dchatc.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ distributed Ruby --- chat client
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Masatoshi SEKI
+require 'drb/drb'
+class ChatClient
+ include DRbUndumped
+ def initialize(name)
+ @name = name
+ @key = nil
+ end
+ attr_reader(:name)
+ attr_accessor(:key)
+ def message(there, str)
+ raise 'invalid key' unless @key == there
+ puts str
+ end
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ begin
+ there = ARGV.shift
+ name = ARGV.shift
+ raise "usage" unless (there and name)
+ rescue
+ $stderr.puts("usage: #{$0} <server_uri> <your_name>")
+ exit 1
+ end
+ DRb.start_service
+ ro =, there)
+ chat =
+ entry = ro.add_member(chat)
+ while gets
+ entry.say($_)
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/dchats.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/dchats.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..012dfeeebe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/dchats.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ distributed Ruby --- chat server
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Masatoshi SEKI
+require 'thread'
+require 'drb/drb'
+class ChatEntry
+ include DRbUndumped
+ def initialize(server, there)
+ @server = server
+ @there = there
+ @name =
+ @key = there.key =
+ end
+ attr :name, true
+ attr :there
+ def say(str)
+ @server.distribute(@there, str)
+ end
+ def listen(str)
+ @there.message(@key, str)
+ end
+class ChatServer
+ def initialize
+ @mutex =
+ @members = {}
+ end
+ def add_member(there)
+ client =, there)
+ @mutex.synchronize do
+ @members[there] = client
+ end
+ client
+ end
+ def distribute(there, str)
+ name = @members[there].name
+ msg = "<#{name}> #{str}"
+ msg2 = ">#{name}< #{str}"
+ @mutex.synchronize do
+ for m in @members.keys
+ begin
+ if m == there
+ @members[m].listen(msg2)
+ else
+ @members[m].listen(msg)
+ end
+ rescue
+ p $!
+ @members.delete(m)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ here = ARGV.shift
+ DRb.start_service(here,
+ puts DRb.uri
+ DRb.thread.join
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/dhasen.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/dhasen.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb1724afa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/dhasen.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ distributed Ruby --- dRuby Sample Server --- chasen server
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Masatoshi SEKI
+ How to play.
+ Terminal 1
+ | % ruby dhasen.rb
+ | druby://yourhost:7640
+ Terminal 2
+ | % ruby dhasenc.rb druby://yourhost:7640
+require 'drb/drb'
+require 'chasen'
+require 'thread'
+class Dhasen
+ include DRbUndumped
+ def initialize
+ @mutex =
+ end
+ def sparse(str, *arg)
+ @mutex.synchronize do
+ Chasen.getopt(*arg)
+ Chasen.sparse(str)
+ end
+ end
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ DRb.start_service(nil,
+ puts DRb.uri
+ DRb.thread.join
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/dhasenc.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/dhasenc.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8114e9228d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/dhasenc.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ distributed Ruby --- dRuby Sample Client -- chasen client
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Masatoshi SEKI
+require 'drb/drb'
+there = ARGV.shift || raise("usage: #{$0} <server_uri>")
+dhasen =, there)
+print dhasen.sparse("ËÜÆü¤Ï¡¢À²Å·¤Ê¤ê¡£", "-F", '(%BB %m %M)\n', "-j")
+print dhasen.sparse("ËÜÆü¤Ï¡¢À²Å·¤Ê¤ê¡£", "-F", '(%m %M)\n')
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/dlogc.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/dlogc.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c75bc7b520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/dlogc.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ distributed Ruby --- Log test
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Masatoshi SEKI
+require 'drb/drb'
+there = ARGV.shift || raise("usage: #{$0} <server_uri>")
+ro =, there)
+sleep 2
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/dlogd.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/dlogd.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f9aa2fd56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/dlogd.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ distributed Ruby --- Log server
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Masatoshi SEKI
+require 'drb/drb'
+require 'thread'
+class Logger
+ def initialize(fname)
+ @fname = fname.to_s
+ @fp =, "a+")
+ @queue =
+ @th = { self.flush }
+ end
+ def log(str)
+ @queue.push("#{}\t" + str.to_s)
+ end
+ def flush
+ begin
+ while(1)
+ @fp.puts(@queue.pop)
+ @fp.flush
+ end
+ ensure
+ @fp.close
+ end
+ end
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ here = ARGV.shift
+ DRb.start_service(here,'/usr/tmp/dlogd.log'))
+ puts DRb.uri
+ DRb.thread.join
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/dqin.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/dqin.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ba1caa80c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/dqin.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ distributed Ruby --- store
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Masatoshi SEKI
+require 'drb/drb'
+require 'dqlib'
+there = ARGV.shift || raise("usage: #{$0} <server_uri>")
+queue =, there)
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/dqlib.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/dqlib.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75f2e6115b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/dqlib.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+class DQEntry
+ def initialize(name)
+ @name = name
+ end
+ def greeting
+ "Hello, This is #{@name}."
+ end
+ alias to_s greeting
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ puts'DQEntry')
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/dqout.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/dqout.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4700e55cf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/dqout.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ distributed Ruby --- fetch
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Masatoshi SEKI
+require 'drb/drb'
+require 'dqlib'
+there = ARGV.shift || raise("usage: #{$0} <server_uri>")
+queue =, there)
+entry = queue.pop
+puts entry.greeting
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/dqueue.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/dqueue.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5a43655fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/dqueue.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ distributed Ruby --- Queue
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Masatoshi SEKI
+require 'thread'
+require 'drb/drb'
+puts DRb.uri
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/drbc.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/drbc.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00132b46c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/drbc.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ distributed Ruby --- dRuby Sample Client
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Masatoshi SEKI
+require 'drb/drb'
+class DRbEx2
+ include DRbUndumped
+ def initialize(n)
+ @n = n
+ end
+ def to_i
+ @n.to_i
+ end
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ there = ARGV.shift
+ unless there
+ $stderr.puts("usage: #{$0} <server_uri>")
+ exit 1
+ end
+ DRb.start_service()
+ ro = DRbObject.new_with_uri(there)
+ puts ro
+ p ro.to_a
+ puts ro.hello
+ p ro.hello
+ puts ro.sample(, 2, 3)
+ puts ro.sample(1, ro.sample(, 2, 3),
+ begin
+ ro.err
+ rescue DRb::DRbUnknownError
+ p $!
+ p $!.unknown
+ rescue RuntimeError
+ p $!
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/drbch.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/drbch.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..495ff1c346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/drbch.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ distributed Ruby --- dRuby Sample Client
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Masatoshi SEKI
+require 'drb/drb'
+require 'drb/http'
+class DRbEx2
+ include DRbUndumped
+ def initialize(n)
+ @n = n
+ end
+ def to_i
+ @n.to_i
+ end
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ there = ARGV.shift
+ unless there
+ $stderr.puts("usage: #{$0} <server_uri>")
+ exit 1
+ end
+ DRb::DRbConn.proxy_map['x68k'] = 'http://x68k/~mas/http_cgi.rb'
+ DRb.start_service()
+ ro =, there)
+ puts ro
+ p ro.to_a
+ puts ro.hello
+ p ro.hello
+ puts ro.sample(, 2, 3)
+ puts ro.sample(1, ro.sample(, 2, 3),
+ begin
+ ro.err
+ rescue DRb::DRbUnknownError
+ p $!
+ p $!.unknown
+ rescue RuntimeError
+ p $!
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/drbm.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/drbm.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74a15a4696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/drbm.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ multiple DRbServer
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Masatoshi SEKI
+ How to play.
+ Terminal 1
+ | % ruby drbm.rb
+ | druby://yourhost:7640 druby://yourhost:7641
+ Terminal 2
+ | % ruby drbmc.rb druby://yourhost:7640 druby://yourhost:7641
+ | [#<DRb::DRbObject .... @uri="druby://yourhost:7640">, "FOO"]
+ | [#<DRb::DRbObject .... @uri="druby://yourhost:7641">, "FOO"]
+require 'drb/drb'
+class Hoge
+ include DRbUndumped
+ def initialize(s)
+ @str = s
+ end
+ def to_s
+ @str
+ end
+class Foo
+ def initialize(s='FOO')
+ @hoge =
+ end
+ def hello
+ @hoge
+ end
+class Bar < Foo
+ def initialize(foo)
+ @hoge = foo.hello
+ end
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ foo =
+ s1 ='druby://:7640', foo)
+ s2 ='druby://:7641',
+ puts "#{s1.uri} #{s2.uri}"
+ s1.thread.join
+ s2.thread.join
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/drbmc.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/drbmc.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c654fcea05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/drbmc.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ multiple DRbServer client
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Masatoshi SEKI
+require 'drb/drb'
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ s1 = ARGV.shift
+ s2 = ARGV.shift
+ unless s1 && s2
+ $stderr.puts("usage: #{$0} <server_uri1> <server_uri2>")
+ exit 1
+ end
+ DRb.start_service()
+ r1 =, s1)
+ r2 =, s2)
+ p [r1.hello, r1.hello.to_s]
+ p [r2.hello, r2.hello.to_s]
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/drbs-acl.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/drbs-acl.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..151dd945d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/drbs-acl.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ distributed Ruby --- dRuby Sample Server
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Masatoshi SEKI
+ How to play.
+ Terminal 1
+ | % ruby drbs.rb
+ | druby://yourhost:7640
+ Terminal 2
+ | % ruby drbc.rb druby://yourhost:7640
+ | "hello"
+ | 6
+ | 10
+require 'drb/drb'
+require 'acl'
+class DRbEx
+ def initialize
+ @hello = 'hello'
+ end
+ def hello
+ info = Thread.current['DRb']
+ p info['socket'].peeraddr if info
+ @hello
+ end
+ def sample(a, b, c)
+ a.to_i + b.to_i + c.to_i
+ end
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ acl = all
+ allow 192.168.1.*
+ allow localhost))
+ DRb.install_acl(acl)
+ DRb.start_service(nil,
+ puts DRb.uri
+ DRb.thread.join
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/drbs.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/drbs.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b76e283c80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/drbs.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ distributed Ruby --- dRuby Sample Server
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2000,2002 Masatoshi SEKI
+ How to play.
+ Terminal 1
+ | % ruby drbs.rb
+ | druby://yourhost:7640
+ Terminal 2
+ | % ruby drbc.rb druby://yourhost:7640
+ | "hello"
+ | ....
+require 'drb/drb'
+class DRbEx
+ include DRbUndumped
+ def initialize
+ @hello = 'hello'
+ end
+ def hello
+ cntxt = Thread.current['DRb']
+ if cntxt
+ p cntxt['server'].uri
+ p cntxt['client'].peeraddr
+ end
+ end
+ def err
+ raise FooError
+ end
+ def sample(a, b, c)
+ a.to_i + b.to_i + c.to_i
+ end
+class Foo
+ class Unknown
+ end
+class FooError < RuntimeError
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ DRb.start_service(ARGV.shift || 'druby://:7640',
+ puts DRb.uri
+ do
+ sleep 10
+ DRb.stop_service
+ end
+ DRb.thread.join
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/drbssl_c.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/drbssl_c.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65112f6e78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/drbssl_c.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'drb'
+require 'drb/ssl'
+there = ARGV.shift || "drbssl://localhost:3456"
+config =
+config[:SSLVerifyMode] = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
+config[:SSLVerifyCallback] = lambda{|ok,x509_store|
+ p [ok, x509_store.error_string]
+ true
+h =, there)
+while line = gets
+ p h.hello(line.chomp)
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/drbssl_s.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/drbssl_s.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d96f591d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/drbssl_s.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'drb'
+require 'drb/ssl'
+here = ARGV.shift || "drbssl://localhost:3456"
+class HelloWorld
+ include DRbUndumped
+ def hello(name)
+ "Hello, #{name}."
+ end
+config =
+config[:verbose] = true
+ data = open("sample.key"){|io| }
+ config[:SSLPrivateKey] =
+ data = open("sample.crt"){|io| }
+ config[:SSLCertificate] =
+ $stderr.puts "Switching to use self-signed certificate"
+ config[:SSLCertName] =
+ [ ["C","JP"], ["O","Foo.DRuby.Org"], ["CN", "Sample"] ]
+DRb.start_service(here,, config)
+puts DRb.uri
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/extserv_test.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/extserv_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83d871a6a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/extserv_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ dRuby sample
+ Copyright (c) 2000 Masatoshi SEKI
+= How to play
+* Terminal 1
+ % ruby -I. extserv_test.rb server
+ druby://yourhost:12345
+* Terminal 2
+ % ruby -I. extserv_test.rb druby://yourhost:12345
+ ...
+require 'drb/drb'
+def ARGV.shift
+ it = super()
+ raise "usage:\nserver: #{$0} server [<uri>]\nclient: #{$0} [quit] <uri>" unless it
+ it
+class Foo
+ include DRbUndumped
+ def initialize(str)
+ @str = str
+ end
+ def hello(it)
+ "#{it}: #{self}"
+ end
+ def to_s
+ @str
+ end
+cmd = ARGV.shift
+case cmd
+when 'itest1', 'itest2'
+ require 'drb/extserv'
+ front =
+ server =, front)
+ es =, ARGV.shift, server)
+ server.thread.join
+when 'server'
+ require 'drb/extservm'
+ DRb::ExtServManager.command['itest1'] = "ruby -I. #{$0} itest1"
+ DRb::ExtServManager.command['itest2'] = "ruby -I. #{$0} itest2"
+ s =
+ DRb.start_service(ARGV.shift, s)
+ puts DRb.uri
+ DRb.thread.join
+ uri = (cmd == 'quit') ? ARGV.shift : cmd
+ DRb.start_service
+ s =, uri)
+ t1 = s.service('itest1').front
+ puts t1
+ t2 = s.service('itest2').front
+ puts t2
+ puts t1.hello(t2)
+ if (cmd == 'quit')
+ s.service('itest1').stop_service
+ s.service('itest2').stop_service
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/gw_ct.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/gw_ct.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0622784018
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/gw_ct.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+require 'drb/drb'
+class Foo
+ include DRbUndumped
+ def foo(n)
+ n + n
+ end
+ def bar(n)
+ yield(n) + yield(n)
+ end
+puts DRb.uri
+ro =, ARGV.shift)
+ro[:tcp] =
+it = ro[:unix]
+p [it,]
+p'2') {|n| n * 3}
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/gw_cu.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/gw_cu.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e5ed36b8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/gw_cu.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+require 'drb/drb'
+require 'drb/unix'
+class Foo
+ include DRbUndumped
+ def foo(n)
+ n + n
+ end
+ def bar(n)
+ yield(n) + yield(n)
+ end
+DRb.start_service('drubyunix:', nil)
+puts DRb.uri
+ro =, ARGV.shift)
+ro[:unix] =
+it = ro[:tcp]
+p [it,]
+p'2') {|n| n * 3}
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/gw_s.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/gw_s.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2bea0baad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/gw_s.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+require 'drb/drb'
+require 'drb/unix'
+require 'drb/gw'
+gw =
+s1 =, gw)
+s2 =, gw)
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/holderc.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/holderc.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8dd72ebd11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/holderc.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+require 'drb/drb'
+ there = ARGV.shift || raise
+ $stderr.puts("usage: #{$0} <server_uri>")
+ exit 1
+ro =, there)
+ary = []
+10.times do
+ ary.push(ro.gen)
+sleep 5 if $DEBUG
+ary.each do |e|
+ p e.sample([1])
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/holders.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/holders.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d9974f3fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/holders.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+= How to play.
+== with timeridconv:
+ % ruby -d holders.rb
+ druby://yourhost:1234
+ % ruby holderc.rb druby://yourhost:1234
+== without timeridconv:
+ % ruby holders.rb
+ druby://yourhost:1234
+ % ruby holderc.rb druby://yourhost:1234
+require 'drb/drb'
+class DRbEx3
+ include DRbUndumped
+ def initialize(n)
+ @v = n
+ end
+ def sample(list)
+ sum = 0
+ list.each do |e|
+ sum += e.to_i
+ end
+ @v * sum
+ end
+class DRbEx4
+ include DRbUndumped
+ def initialize
+ @curr = 1
+ end
+ def gen
+ begin
+ @curr += 1
+ ensure
+ GC.start
+ end
+ end
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ if $DEBUG
+ require 'drb/timeridconv'
+ DRb.install_id_conv(
+ end
+ DRb.start_service(nil,
+ puts DRb.uri
+ DRb.thread.join
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/http0.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/http0.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7649925282
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/http0.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+require 'drb/drb'
+require 'net/http'
+require 'uri'
+module DRb
+ module HTTP0
+ class StrStream
+ def initialize(str='')
+ @buf = str
+ end
+ attr_reader :buf
+ def read(n)
+ begin
+ return @buf[0,n]
+ ensure
+ @buf[0,n] = ''
+ end
+ end
+ def write(s)
+ @buf.concat s
+ end
+ end
+ def self.uri_option(uri, config)
+ return uri, nil
+ end
+ def, config)
+ unless /^http:/ =~ uri
+ raise(DRbBadScheme, uri) unless uri =~ /^http:/
+ raise(DRbBadURI, 'can\'t parse uri:' + uri)
+ end
+, config)
+ end
+ class ClientSide
+ def initialize(uri, config)
+ @uri = uri
+ @res = nil
+ @config = config
+ @msg =
+ @proxy = ENV['HTTP_PROXY']
+ end
+ def close; end
+ def alive?; false; end
+ def send_request(ref, msg_id, *arg, &b)
+ stream =
+ @msg.send_request(stream, ref, msg_id, *arg, &b)
+ @reply_stream =
+ post(@uri, stream.buf)
+ end
+ def recv_reply
+ @msg.recv_reply(@reply_stream)
+ end
+ def post(url, data)
+ it = URI.parse(url)
+ path = [(it.path=='' ? '/' : it.path), it.query].compact.join('?')
+ http =, it.port)
+ sio =
+, data, {'Content-Type'=>'application/octetstream;'}) do |str|
+ sio.write(str)
+ if @config[:load_limit] < sio.buf.size
+ raise TypeError, 'too large packet'
+ end
+ end
+ @reply_stream = sio
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ DRbProtocol.add_protocol(HTTP0)
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/http0serv.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/http0serv.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..100d126b8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/http0serv.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+require 'webrick'
+require 'drb/drb'
+require 'drb/http0'
+require 'thread'
+module DRb
+ module HTTP0
+ def self.open_server(uri, config)
+ unless /^http:/ =~ uri
+ raise(DRbBadScheme, uri) unless uri =~ /^http:/
+ raise(DRbBadURI, 'can\'t parse uri:' + uri)
+ end
+, config)
+ end
+ class Callback < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
+ def initialize(config, drb)
+ @config = config
+ @drb = drb
+ @queue =
+ end
+ def do_POST(req, res)
+ @req = req
+ @res = res
+ @drb.push(self)
+ @res.body = @queue.pop
+ @res['content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream;'
+ end
+ def req_body
+ @req.body
+ end
+ def reply(body)
+ @queue.push(body)
+ end
+ def close
+ @queue.push('')
+ end
+ end
+ class Server
+ def initialize(uri, config)
+ @uri = uri
+ @config = config
+ @queue =
+ setup_webrick(uri)
+ end
+ attr_reader :uri
+ def close
+ @server.shutdown if @server
+ @server = nil
+ end
+ def push(callback)
+ @queue.push(callback)
+ end
+ def accept
+ client = @queue.pop
+, @config)
+ end
+ def setup_webrick(uri)
+ logger = WEBrick::Log::new($stderr, WEBrick::Log::FATAL)
+ u = URI.parse(uri)
+ s = => u.port,
+ :AddressFamily => Socket::AF_INET,
+ :BindAddress =>,
+ :Logger => logger,
+ :ServerType => Thread)
+ s.mount(u.path, Callback, self)
+ @server = s
+ s.start
+ end
+ end
+ class ServerSide
+ def initialize(callback, config)
+ @callback = callback
+ @config = config
+ @msg =
+ @req_stream =
+ end
+ def close
+ @callback.close if @callback
+ @callback = nil
+ end
+ def alive?; false; end
+ def recv_request
+ begin
+ @msg.recv_request(@req_stream)
+ rescue
+ close
+ raise $!
+ end
+ end
+ def send_reply(succ, result)
+ begin
+ return unless @callback
+ stream =
+ @msg.send_reply(stream, succ, result)
+ @callback.reply(stream.buf)
+ rescue
+ close
+ raise $!
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/name.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/name.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86b478fbec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/name.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ distributed Ruby --- NamedObject Sample
+ Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Masatoshi SEKI
+How to play.
+* start server
+ Terminal 1
+ | % ruby name.rb druby://yourhost:7640
+ | druby://yourhost:7640
+ | [return] to exit
+* start client
+ Terminal 2
+ | % ruby namec.rb druby://yourhost:7640
+ | #<DRb::DRbObject:0x40164174 @uri="druby://yourhost:7640", @ref="seq">
+ | #<DRb::DRbObject:0x40163c9c @uri="druby://yourhost:7640", @ref="mutex">
+ | 1
+ | 2
+ | [return] to continue
+* restart server
+ Terminal 1
+ type [return]
+ | % ruby name.rb druby://yourhost:7640
+ | druby://yourhost:7640
+ | [return] to exit
+* continue client
+ Terminal 2
+ type [return]
+ | 1
+ | 2
+require 'thread.rb'
+require 'drb/drb'
+module DRbNamedObject
+ attr_reader(:drb_name)
+ def drb_name=(name)
+ @drb_name = name
+ Thread.exclusive do
+ raise(IndexError, name) if DRbNAMEDICT[name]
+ DRbNAMEDICT[name] = self
+ end
+ end
+class DRbNamedIdConv < DRb::DRbIdConv
+ def initialize
+ @dict = DRbNamedObject::DRbNAMEDICT
+ end
+ def to_obj(ref)
+ @dict.fetch(ref) do super end
+ end
+ def to_id(obj)
+ if obj.kind_of? DRbNamedObject
+ return obj.drb_name
+ else
+ return super
+ end
+ end
+class Seq
+ include DRbUndumped
+ include DRbNamedObject
+ def initialize(v, name)
+ @counter = v
+ @mutex =
+ self.drb_name = name
+ end
+ def next_value
+ @mutex.synchronize do
+ @counter += 1
+ return @counter
+ end
+ end
+class Front
+ def initialize
+ seq =, 'seq')
+ mutex =
+ mutex.extend(DRbUndumped)
+ mutex.extend(DRbNamedObject)
+ mutex.drb_name = 'mutex'
+ @name = {}
+ @name['seq'] = seq
+ @name['mutex'] = mutex
+ end
+ def [](k)
+ @name[k]
+ end
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ uri = ARGV.shift
+ name_conv =
+ DRb.install_id_conv(name_conv)
+ DRb.start_service(uri,
+ puts DRb.uri
+ DRb.thread.join
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/namec.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/namec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6db6f3022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/namec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ distributed Ruby --- NamedObject Sample Client
+ Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Masatoshi SEKI
+require 'drb/drb'
+ there = ARGV.shift || raise
+ puts "usage: #{$0} <server_uri>"
+ exit 1
+ro =, there)
+seq = ro["seq"]
+mutex = ro["mutex"]
+p seq
+p mutex
+mutex.synchronize do
+ p seq.next_value
+ p seq.next_value
+puts '[return] to continue'
+mutex.synchronize do
+ p seq.next_value
+ p seq.next_value
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/old_tuplespace.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/old_tuplespace.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e13b92ee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/old_tuplespace.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+# TupleSpace
+# Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Masatoshi SEKI
+# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Ruby.
+require 'thread'
+class TupleSpace
+ class Template
+ def initialize(list)
+ @list = list
+ @check_idx = []
+ @list.each_with_index do |x, i|
+ @check_idx.push i if x
+ end
+ @size = @list.size
+ end
+ attr :size
+ alias length size
+ def match(tuple)
+ return nil if tuple.size != self.size
+ @check_idx.each do |i|
+ unless @list[i] === tuple[i]
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize
+ @que = {}
+ @waiting = {}
+ @que.taint # enable tainted comunication
+ @waiting.taint
+ self.taint
+ end
+ def wakeup_waiting(tuple)
+ sz = tuple.length
+ return nil unless @waiting[sz]
+ x = nil
+ i = -1
+ found = false
+ @waiting[sz] = @waiting[sz].find_all { |x|
+ if x[0].match(tuple)
+ begin
+ x[1].wakeup
+ rescue ThreadError
+ end
+ false
+ else
+ true
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def put_waiting(template, thread)
+ sz = template.length
+ @waiting[sz] = [] unless @waiting[sz]
+ @waiting[sz].push([, thread])
+ end
+ private :wakeup_waiting
+ private :put_waiting
+ def get_que(template)
+ sz = template.length
+ return nil unless @que[sz]
+ template =
+ x = nil
+ i = -1
+ found = false
+ @que[sz].each_with_index do |x, i|
+ if template.match(x)
+ found = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return nil unless found
+ @que[sz].delete_at(i)
+ return x
+ end
+ def put_que(tuple)
+ sz = tuple.length
+ @que[sz] = [] unless @que[sz]
+ @que[sz].push tuple
+ end
+ private :get_que
+ private :put_que
+ def out(*tuples)
+ tuples.each do |tuple|
+ Thread.critical = true
+ put_que(tuple)
+ wakeup_waiting(tuple)
+ Thread.critical = false
+ end
+ end
+ alias put out
+ alias write out
+ def in(template, non_block=false)
+ begin
+ loop do
+ Thread.critical = true
+ tuple = get_que(template)
+ unless tuple
+ if non_block
+ raise ThreadError, "queue empty"
+ end
+ put_waiting(template, Thread.current)
+ Thread.stop
+ else
+ return tuple
+ end
+ end
+ ensure
+ Thread.critical = false
+ end
+ end
+ alias get in
+ alias take in
+ def rd(template, non_block=false)
+ tuple =, non_block)
+ out(tuple)
+ tuple
+ end
+ alias read rd
+ def mv(dest, template, non_block=false)
+ tuple =, non_block)
+ begin
+ dest.out(tuple)
+ rescue
+ self.out(tuple)
+ end
+ end
+ alias move mv
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ ts =
+ clients = []
+ servers = []
+ def server(ts, id)
+ Thread.start {
+ loop do
+ req =['req', nil, nil])
+ ac = req[1]
+ num = req[2]
+ sleep id
+ ts.out([ac, id, num, num * num])
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def client(ts, n)
+ Thread.start {
+ ac =
+ tuples = (1..10).collect { |i|
+ ['req', ac, i * 10 + n]
+ }
+ ts.out(*tuples)
+ ts.out(tuples[0])
+ puts "out: #{n}"
+ 11.times do |i|
+ ans =[ac, nil, nil, nil])
+ puts "client(#{n}) server(#{ans[1]}) #{ans[2]} #{ans[3]}"
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def watcher(ts)
+ Thread.start {
+ loop do
+ begin
+ sleep 1
+ p ts.rd(['req', nil, nil], true)
+ rescue ThreadError
+ puts "'req' not found."
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ (0..3).each do |n|
+ servers.push(server(ts, n))
+ end
+ (1..6).each do |n|
+ clients.push(client(ts, n))
+ end
+ (1..3).each do
+ watcher(ts)
+ end
+ clients.each do |t|
+ t.join
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/rinda_ts.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/rinda_ts.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f2fae5c0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/rinda_ts.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+require 'drb/drb'
+require 'rinda/tuplespace'
+uri = ARGV.shift
+puts DRb.uri
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/rindac.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/rindac.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72be09deaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/rindac.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+require 'drb/drb'
+require 'rinda/rinda'
+uri = ARGV.shift || raise("usage: #{$0} <server_uri>")
+ts =, uri))
+(1..10).each do |n|
+ ts.write(['sum', DRb.uri, n])
+(1..10).each do |n|
+ ans = ts.take(['ans', DRb.uri, n, nil])
+ p [ans[2], ans[3]]
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/rindas.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/rindas.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9fd9ada2d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/rindas.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+require 'drb/drb'
+require 'rinda/rinda'
+def do_it(v)
+ puts "do_it(#{v})"
+ v + v
+uri = ARGV.shift || raise("usage: #{$0} <server_uri>")
+ts =, uri))
+while true
+ r = ts.take(['sum', nil, nil])
+ v = do_it(r[2])
+ ts.write(['ans', r[1], r[2], v])
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/ring_echo.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/ring_echo.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0633aa839a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/ring_echo.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+require 'drb/drb'
+require 'drb/eq'
+require 'rinda/ring'
+require 'thread'
+class RingEcho
+ include DRbUndumped
+ def initialize(name)
+ @name = name
+ end
+ def echo(str)
+ "#{@name}: #{str}"
+ end
+renewer =
+finder =
+ts = finder.lookup_ring_any
+ts.read_all([:name, :RingEcho, nil, nil]).each do |tuple|
+ p tuple[2]
+ puts tuple[2].echo('Hello, World') rescue nil
+ts.write([:name, :RingEcho,, ''], renewer)
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/ring_inspect.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/ring_inspect.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c096cd7034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/ring_inspect.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+require 'rinda/ring'
+require 'drb/drb'
+class Inspector
+ def initialize
+ end
+ def primary
+ Rinda::RingFinger.primary
+ end
+ def list_place
+ Rinda::RingFinger.to_a
+ end
+ def list(idx = -1)
+ if idx < 0
+ ts = primary
+ else
+ ts = list_place[idx]
+ raise "RingNotFound" unless ts
+ end
+ ts.read_all([:name, nil, nil, nil])
+ end
+def main
+ DRb.start_service
+ r =
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/ring_place.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/ring_place.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ceef7c65a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/ring_place.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+require 'drb/drb'
+require 'rinda/ring'
+require 'rinda/tuplespace'
+unless $DEBUG
+ # Run as a daemon...
+ exit!( 0 ) if fork
+ Process.setsid
+ exit!( 0 ) if fork
+ts =
+place =
+if $DEBUG
+ puts DRb.uri
+ DRb.thread.join
+ STDIN.reopen('/dev/null')
+ STDOUT.reopen('/dev/null', 'w')
+ STDERR.reopen('/dev/null', 'w')
+ DRb.thread.join
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/simpletuple.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/simpletuple.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ae9208c79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/simpletuple.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# SimpleTupleSpace
+# Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Masatoshi SEKI
+# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Ruby.
+require 'thread'
+class SimpleTupleSpace
+ def initialize
+ @hash = {}
+ @waiting = {}
+ @hash.taint
+ @waiting.taint
+ self.taint
+ end
+ def out(key, obj)
+ Thread.critical = true
+ @hash[key] ||= []
+ @waiting[key] ||= []
+ @hash[key].push obj
+ begin
+ t = @waiting[key].shift
+ @waiting.delete(key) if @waiting[key].length == 0
+ t.wakeup if t
+ rescue ThreadError
+ retry
+ ensure
+ Thread.critical = false
+ end
+ end
+ def in(key)
+ Thread.critical = true
+ @hash[key] ||= []
+ @waiting[key] ||= []
+ begin
+ loop do
+ if @hash[key].length == 0
+ @waiting[key].push Thread.current
+ Thread.stop
+ else
+ return @hash[key].shift
+ end
+ end
+ ensure
+ @hash.delete(key) if @hash[key].length == 0
+ Thread.critical = false
+ end
+ end
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ ts =
+ clients = []
+ servers = []
+ def server(ts)
+ Thread.start {
+ loop do
+ req ='req')
+ ac = req[0]
+ num = req[1]
+ ts.out(ac, num * num)
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def client(ts, n)
+ Thread.start {
+ ac =
+ ts.out('req', [ac, n])
+ ans =
+ puts "#{n}: #{ans}"
+ }
+ end
+ 3.times do
+ servers.push(server(ts))
+ end
+ (1..6).each do |n|
+ clients.push(client(ts, n))
+ end
+ clients.each do |t|
+ t.join
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/speedc.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/speedc.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14d526d48d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/speedc.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+uri = ARGV.shift || raise("usage: #{$0} URI")
+N = (ARGV.shift || 100).to_i
+case uri
+when /^tcpromp:/, /^unixromp:/
+ require 'romp'
+ client =, false)
+ foo = client.resolve("foo")
+when /^druby:/
+ require 'drb/drb'
+ DRb.start_service
+ foo =, uri)
+N.times do |n|
diff --git a/trunk/sample/drb/speeds.rb b/trunk/sample/drb/speeds.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76b4b29dba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/drb/speeds.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+class Foo
+ attr_reader :i
+ def initialize
+ @i = 0
+ end
+ def foo(i)
+ @i = i
+ i + i
+ end
+# server ='tcpromp://localhost:4242', nil, true)
+uri = ARGV.shift || raise("usage: #{$0} URI")
+foo =
+case uri
+when /^tcpromp:/, /^unixromp:/
+ require 'romp'
+ server =, nil, true)
+ server.bind(foo, "foo")
+when /^druby:/
+ require 'drb/drb'
+ DRb.start_service(uri,
diff --git a/trunk/sample/dualstack-fetch.rb b/trunk/sample/dualstack-fetch.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1897a3d8e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/dualstack-fetch.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# simple webpage fetcher
+# The code demonstrates how a multi-protocol client should be written.
+# TCPSocket is using getaddrinfo() internally, so there should be no problem.
+require "socket"
+if ARGV.size != 1
+ STDERR.print "requires URL\n"
+ exit
+url = ARGV[0]
+if url !~ /^http:\/\/([^\/]+)(\/.*)$/
+ STDERR.print "only http with full hostname is supported\n"
+ exit
+# split URL into host, port and path
+hostport = $1
+path = $2
+if (hostport =~ /^(.*):([0-9]+)$/)
+ host = $1
+ port = $2
+ host = hostport
+ port = 80
+if host =~ /^\[(.*)\]$/
+ host = $1
+#STDERR.print "url=<#{ARGV[0]}>\n"
+#STDERR.print "host=<#{host}>\n"
+#STDERR.print "port=<#{port}>\n"
+#STDERR.print "path=<#{path}>\n"
+STDERR.print "conntecting to #{host} port #{port}\n"
+c =, port)
+dest = Socket.getnameinfo(c.getpeername,
+STDERR.print "conntected to #{dest[0]} port #{dest[1]}\n"
+c.print "GET #{path} HTTP/1.0\n"
+c.print "Host: #{host}\n"
+c.print "\n"
+while c.gets
+ print
diff --git a/trunk/sample/dualstack-httpd.rb b/trunk/sample/dualstack-httpd.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69e3181863
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/dualstack-httpd.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# simple httpd
+# The code demonstrates how a multi-protocol daemon should be written.
+require "socket"
+require "thread"
+port = 8888
+res = Socket.getaddrinfo(nil, port, nil, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, nil, Socket::AI_PASSIVE)
+sockpool = []
+names = []
+threads = []
+res.each do |i|
+ s =[3], i[1])
+ n = Socket.getnameinfo(s.getsockname, Socket::NI_NUMERICHOST|Socket::NI_NUMERICSERV).join(" port ")
+ sockpool.push s
+ names.push n
+(0 .. sockpool.size - 1).each do |i|
+ mysock = sockpool[i]
+ myname = names[i]
+ STDERR.print "socket #{mysock} started, address #{myname}\n"
+ threads[i] = Thread.start do # Thread.start cannot be used here!
+ ls = mysock # copy to dynamic variable
+ t = Thread.current
+ STDERR.print "socket #{myname} listener started, pid #{$$} thread #{t}\n"
+ while true
+ as = ls.accept
+ Thread.start do
+ STDERR.print "socket #{myname} accepted, thread ", Thread.current, "\n"
+ s = as # copy to dynamic variable
+ str = ''
+ while line = s.gets
+ break if line == "\r\n" or line == "\n"
+ str << line
+ end
+ STDERR.print "socket #{myname} got string\n"
+ s.write("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n")
+ s.write("Content-type: text/plain\n\n")
+ s.write("this is test: my name is #{myname}, you sent:\n")
+ s.write("---start\n")
+ s.write(str)
+ s.write("---end\n")
+ s.close
+ STDERR.print "socket #{myname} processed, thread ", Thread.current, " terminating\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+for t in threads
+ t.join
diff --git a/trunk/sample/eval.rb b/trunk/sample/eval.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed4b7c3de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/eval.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+line = ''
+indent = 0
+$stdout.sync = true
+print "ruby> "
+loop do
+ l = gets
+ if l.nil?
+ break if line.empty?
+ else
+ line += l
+ if l =~ /,\s*$/
+ print "ruby| "
+ next
+ end
+ if l =~ /^\s*(class|module|def|if|unless|case|while|until|for|begin)\b[^_]/
+ indent += 1
+ end
+ if l =~ /^\s*end\b[^_]/
+ indent -= 1
+ end
+ if l =~ /\{\s*(\|.*\|)?\s*$/
+ indent += 1
+ end
+ if l =~ /^\s*\}/
+ indent -= 1
+ end
+ if indent > 0
+ print "ruby| "
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ print eval(line).inspect, "\n"
+ rescue ScriptError, StandardError
+ printf "ERR: %s\n", $! || 'exception raised'
+ end
+ break if l.nil?
+ line = ''
+ print "ruby> "
+print "\n"
diff --git a/trunk/sample/export.rb b/trunk/sample/export.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..949e5b10bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/export.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# method access permission
+# output:
+# foobar
+# Foo
+class Foo
+ public :printf
+ def baz
+ print "baz\n"
+ end
+ private :baz
+ def quux
+ print "in QUUX "
+ baz()
+ end
+def foobar
+ print "foobar\n"
+f =
+#Foo.private :printf
+class Foo # redefines foobar's scope
+ public :foobar
+f.printf "%s\n", Foo
+class Bar<Foo
+ def quux
+ super
+ baz()
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/exyacc.rb b/trunk/sample/exyacc.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c96ebfd676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/exyacc.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/ruby -Kn
+# usage: exyacc.rb [yaccfiles]
+# this is coverted from in the camel book
+ARGF.each(nil) do |source|
+ sbeg = source.index("\n%%") + 1
+ send = source.rindex("\n%%") + 1
+ grammer = source[sbeg, send-sbeg]
+ grammer.sub!(/.*\n/, "")
+ grammer.gsub!(/'\{'/, "'\001'")
+ grammer.gsub!(/'\}'/, "'\002'")
+ grammer.gsub!(%r{\*/}, "\003\003")
+ grammer.gsub!(%r{/\*[^\003]*\003\003}, '')
+ while grammer.gsub!(/\{[^{}]*\}/, ''); end
+ grammer.gsub!(/'\001'/, "'{'")
+ grammer.gsub!(/'\002'/, "'}'")
+ while grammer.gsub!(/^[ \t]*\n(\s)/, '\1'); end
+ grammer.gsub!(/([:|])[ \t\n]+(\w)/, '\1 \2')
+ print grammer
diff --git a/trunk/sample/fact.rb b/trunk/sample/fact.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8147a40f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/fact.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+def fact(n)
+ return 1 if n == 0
+ f = 1
+ n.downto(1) do |i|
+ f *= i
+ end
+ return f
+print fact(ARGV[0].to_i), "\n"
diff --git a/trunk/sample/fib.awk b/trunk/sample/fib.awk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ebe8930f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/fib.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ function fib(n) {
+ if ( n<2 ) return n; else return fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)
+ }
+ BEGIN { print fib(20); }
diff --git a/trunk/sample/ b/trunk/sample/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..945a4929a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+sub fib {
+ my($n)=@_;
+ if ($n<2) {
+ return $n;
+ }
+ else {
+ return fib($n-2)+fib($n-1);
+ }
+print fib(20), "\n";
diff --git a/trunk/sample/ b/trunk/sample/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8318021d24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# calculate Fibonacci(20)
+# for benchmark
+def fib(n):
+ if n<2:
+ return n
+ else:
+ return fib(n-2)+fib(n-1)
+print fib(20)
diff --git a/trunk/sample/fib.rb b/trunk/sample/fib.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cde4fba082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/fib.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# calculate Fibonacci(20)
+# for benchmark
+def fib(n)
+ if n<2
+ n
+ else
+ fib(n-2)+fib(n-1)
+ end
+print(fib(20), "\n");
diff --git a/trunk/sample/fib.scm b/trunk/sample/fib.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b246ca50ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/fib.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+(define (fib n)
+ (if (< n 2)
+ n
+ (+ (fib (- n 2)) (fib (- n 1)))))
+(display (fib 20))
diff --git a/trunk/sample/freq.rb b/trunk/sample/freq.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..362753f71f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/freq.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# word occurrence listing
+# usege: ruby freq.rb file..
+freq =
+while line = gets()
+ line.scan(/\w+/) do |word|
+ freq[word] += 1
+ end
+for word in freq.keys.sort!
+ print word, " -- ", freq[word], "\n"
diff --git a/trunk/sample/from.rb b/trunk/sample/from.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa93e6726a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/from.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/ruby
+require "time"
+require "kconv"
+class String
+ def kjust(len)
+ res = ''
+ rlen = 0
+ self.each_char do |char|
+ delta = char.bytesize > 1 ? 2 : 1
+ break if rlen + delta > len
+ rlen += delta
+ res += char
+ end
+ res += ' ' * (len - rlen) if rlen < len
+ res
+ end
+def fromout(date, from, subj)
+ return 0 if !date
+ y, m, d = Time.parse(date).to_a.reverse[4, 3] if date
+ y ||= 0; m ||= 0; d ||= 0
+ from ||= "sombody@somewhere"
+ from.delete!("\r\n")
+ from = from.kconv(Encoding.default_external).kjust(28)
+ subj ||= "(nil)"
+ subj.delete!("\r\n")
+ subj = subj.kconv(Encoding.default_external).kjust(40)
+ printf "%02d/%02d/%02d [%s] %s\n", y%100, m, d, from, subj
+ return 1
+def get_mailfile(user)
+ file = user
+ unless user
+ file = ENV['MAIL']
+ user = ENV['USER'] || ENV['USERNAME'] || ENV['LOGNAME']
+ end
+ if file == nil or !File.exist?(file)
+ [ENV['SPOOLDIR'], '/usr/spool', '/var/spool', '/usr', '/var'].each do |m|
+ path = "#{m}/mail/#{user}"
+ if File.exist?(path)
+ file = path
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ file
+def from_main
+ if ARGV[0] == '-w'
+ wait = true
+ ARGV.shift
+ end
+ file = get_mailfile(ARGV[0])
+ outcount = 0
+ if File.exist?(file)
+ atime = File.atime(file)
+ mtime = File.mtime(file)
+ open(file, "r") do |f|
+ until f.eof?
+ header = {}
+ f.each_line do |line|
+ next if /^From / =~ line # skip From-line
+ break if /^$/ =~ line # end of header
+ if /^(?<attr>\S+?):\s*(?<value>.*)/ =~ line
+ attr.capitalize!
+ header[attr] = value
+ elsif attr
+ header[attr] += "\n" + line.lstrip
+ end
+ end
+ f.each_line do |line|
+ break if /^From / =~ line
+ end
+ outcount += fromout(header['Date'], header['From'], header['Subject'])
+ end
+ end
+ File.utime(atime, mtime, file)
+ end
+ if outcount == 0
+ print "You have no mail.\n"
+ sleep 2 if wait
+ elsif wait
+ system "stty cbreak -echo"
+ $stdin.getc
+ system "stty cooked echo"
+ end
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ from_main
+= from.rb
+ruby from.rb [-w] [username_or_filename]
diff --git a/trunk/sample/fullpath.rb b/trunk/sample/fullpath.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8472e5d8f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/fullpath.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/ruby
+# convert ls-lR filename into fullpath.
+if ARGV[0] =~ /-p/
+ ARGV.shift
+ path = ARGV.shift
+if path == nil
+ path = ""
+elsif path !~ %r|/$|
+ path += "/"
+while line = gets()
+ case line
+ when /:$/
+ path = line.chop.chop + "/"
+ when /^total/, /^d/
+ when /^(.*\d )(.+)$/
+ print($1, path, $2, "\n")
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/less.rb b/trunk/sample/less.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8be359108f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/less.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/ruby
+ZCAT = "/usr/local/bin/zcat"
+LESS = "/usr/local/bin/less"
+FILE = ARGV.pop
+OPTION = (if ARGV.length == 0; "" else ARGV.join(" "); end)
+if FILE =~ /\.(Z|gz)$/
+ exec(format("%s %s | %s %s", ZCAT, FILE, LESS, OPTION))
+elsif FILE == nil
+ exec(format("%s %s", LESS, OPTION))
+ print(format("%s %s %s", LESS, OPTION, FILE), "\n")
+ exec(format("%s %s %s", LESS, OPTION, FILE))
diff --git a/trunk/sample/list.rb b/trunk/sample/list.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..221f7edb16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/list.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Linked list example
+class MyElem
+ # object initializer called from Class#new
+ def initialize(item)
+ # @variables are instance variable, no declaration needed
+ @data = item
+ @succ = nil
+ end
+ def data
+ @data
+ end
+ def succ
+ @succ
+ end
+ # the method invoked by `` = val''
+ def succ=(new)
+ @succ = new
+ end
+class MyList
+ def add_to_list(obj)
+ elt =
+ if @head
+ @tail.succ = elt
+ else
+ @head = elt
+ end
+ @tail = elt
+ end
+ def each
+ elt = @head
+ while elt
+ yield elt
+ elt = elt.succ
+ end
+ end
+ # the method to convert object into string.
+ # redefining this will affect print.
+ def to_s
+ str = "<MyList:\n";
+ for elt in self
+ # short form of ``str = str + + "\n"''
+ str += + "\n"
+ end
+ str += ">"
+ str
+ end
+class Point
+ def initialize(x, y)
+ @x = x; @y = y
+ self
+ end
+ def to_s
+ sprintf("%d@%d", @x, @y)
+ end
+# global variable name starts with `$'.
+$list1 =
+$list1.add_to_list(, 3))
+$list1.add_to_list(, 5))
+$list2 =
+$list2.add_to_list(, 5))
+# parenthesises around method arguments can be ommitted unless ambiguous.
+print "list1:\n", $list1, "\n"
+print "list2:\n", $list2, "\n"
diff --git a/trunk/sample/list2.rb b/trunk/sample/list2.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..914cb8996e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/list2.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Linked list example -- short version
+class Point
+ def initialize(x, y)
+ @x = x; @y = y
+ self
+ end
+ def to_s
+ sprintf("%d@%d", @x, @y)
+ end
+list1 = [10, 20,, 3),, 5)]
+list2 = [20,, 5), list1]
+print("list1:\n", list1.join("\n"), "\n")
+print("list2:\n", list2.join("\n"), "\n")
diff --git a/trunk/sample/list3.rb b/trunk/sample/list3.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d756fdff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/list3.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Linked list example -- short version
+# using inspect
+class Point
+ def initialize(x, y)
+ @x = x; @y = y
+ self
+ end
+ def to_s
+ sprintf("%d@%d", @x, @y)
+ end
+list1 = [10, 20,, 3),, 5)]
+list2 = [20,, 5), list1]
+print("list1: ", list1.inspect, "\n")
+print("list2: ", list2.inspect, "\n")
diff --git a/trunk/sample/logger/app.rb b/trunk/sample/logger/app.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..924bcba4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/logger/app.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'logger'
+class MyApp < Logger::Application
+ def initialize(a, b, c)
+ super('MyApp')
+ # Set logDevice here.
+ logfile = 'app.log'
+ self.log = logfile
+ self.level = INFO
+ # Initialize your application...
+ @a = a
+ @b = b
+ @c = c
+ end
+ def run
+ { 'Started.' }
+ { "This block isn't evaled because 'debug' is not severe here." }
+ @log.debug { "Result = " << foo(0) }
+ { "So nothing is dumped." }
+ { "This block is evaled because 'info' is enough severe here." }
+ { "Result = " << foo(0) }
+ { "Above causes exception, so not reached here." }
+ { 'Finished.' }
+ end
+ def foo(var)
+ 1 / var
+ end
+status =, 2, 3).start
+if status != 0
+ puts 'Some error(s) occured.'
+ puts 'See "app.log".'
diff --git a/trunk/sample/logger/log.rb b/trunk/sample/logger/log.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aab80e462e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/logger/log.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'logger'
+log =
+def do_log(log)
+ log.debug('do_log1') { "debug" }
+'do_log2') { "info" }
+ log.warn('do_log3') { "warn" }
+ log.error('do_log4') { "error" }
+ log.fatal('do_log6') { "fatal" }
+ log.unknown('do_log7') { "unknown" }
+log.level = Logger::DEBUG # Default.
+puts "Set severity threshold 'WARN'."
+log.level = Logger::WARN
+puts "Change datetime format. Thanks to Daniel Berger."
+log.datetime_format = "%d-%b-%Y@%H:%M:%S"
diff --git a/trunk/sample/logger/shifting.rb b/trunk/sample/logger/shifting.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd8852a4ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/logger/shifting.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'logger'
+logfile = 'shifting.log'
+# Max 3 age ... logShifting.log, logShifting.log.0, and logShifting.log.1
+shift_age = 3
+# Shift log file about for each 1024 bytes.
+shift_size = 1024
+log =, shift_age, shift_size)
+def do_log(log)
+ log.debug('do_log1') { 'd' * rand(100) }
+'do_log2') { 'i' * rand(100) }
+ log.warn('do_log3') { 'w' * rand(100) }
+ log.error('do_log4') { 'e' * rand(100) }
+ log.fatal('do_log5') { 'f' * rand(100) }
+ log.unknown('do_log6') { 'u' * rand(100) }
+(1..10).each do
+ do_log(log)
+puts 'See shifting.log and shifting.log.[01].'
diff --git a/trunk/sample/mine.rb b/trunk/sample/mine.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fc27e0c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/mine.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#! /usr/bin/ruby -Ke
+class Board
+ def clr
+ print "\e[2J"
+ end
+ def pos(x,y)
+ printf "\e[%d;%dH", y+1, x*2+1
+ end
+ def colorstr(id,s)
+ printf "\e[%dm%s\e[0m", id, s
+ end
+ def put(x, y, col, str)
+ pos(x,y); colorstr(43,str)
+ pos(0,@hi); print "»Ä¤ê:",@mc,"/",@total," "
+ pos(x,y)
+ end
+ private :clr, :pos, :colorstr, :put
+ CHR=["¡¦","£±","£²","£³","£´","£µ","£¶","£·","£¸","¡ú","¡ü","@@"]
+ COL=[46,43,45] # default,opened,over
+ def initialize(h,w,m)
+ # ¥²¡¼¥àÈפÎÀ¸À®(h:½Ä¡¤w:²£¡¤m:ÇúÃƤοô)
+ @hi=h; @wi=w; @m=m
+ reset
+ end
+ def reset
+ # ¥²¡¼¥àÈפò(ºÆ)½é´ü²½¤¹¤ë
+ srand()
+ @cx=0; @cy=0; @mc=@m
+ @over=false
+ @total=@hi*@wi
+ @total.times {|i| @data[i]=0}
+ @m.times do
+ loop do
+ j=rand(@total-1)
+ if @data[j] == 0 then
+ @data[j]=1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ clr; pos(0,0)
+ @hi.times{|y| pos(0,y); colorstr(COL[0],CHR[0]*@wi)}
+ pos(@cx,@cy)
+ end
+ def mark
+ # ¸½ºß¤Î¥«¡¼¥½¥ë°ÌÃ֤˥ޡ¼¥¯¤ò¤Ä¤±¤ë
+ if @state[@wi*@cy+@cx] != nil then return end
+ @state[@wi*@cy+@cx] = "MARK"
+ @mc=@mc-1;
+ @total=@total-1;
+ put(@cx, @cy, COL[1], CHR[9])
+ end
+ def open(x=@cx,y=@cy)
+ # ¸½ºß¤Î¥«¡¼¥½¥ë°ÌÃÖ¤ò¥ª¡¼¥×¥ó¤Ë¤¹¤ë
+ # ÇúÃƤ¬¤¢¤ì¤Ð¥²¡¼¥à¥ª¡¼¥Ð¡¼
+ if @state[@wi*y+x] =="OPEN" then return 0 end
+ if @state[@wi*y+x] == nil then @total=@total-1 end
+ if @state[@wi*y+x] =="MARK" then @mc=@mc+1 end
+ @state[@wi*y+x]="OPEN"
+ if fetch(x,y) == 1 then @over = 1; return end
+ c = count(x,y)
+ put(x, y, COL[1], CHR[c])
+ return 0 if c != 0
+ if x > 0 && y > 0 then open(x-1,y-1) end
+ if y > 0 then open(x, y-1) end
+ if x < @wi-1 && y > 0 then open(x+1,y-1) end
+ if x > 0 then open(x-1,y) end
+ if x < @wi-1 then open(x+1,y) end
+ if x > 0 && y < @hi-1 then open(x-1,y+1) end
+ if y < @hi -1 then open(x,y+1) end
+ if x < @wi-1 && y < @hi-1 then open(x+1,y+1) end
+ pos(@cx,@cy)
+ end
+ def fetch(x,y)
+ # (x,y)¤Î°ÌÃÖ¤ÎÇúÃƤοô(0 or 1)¤òÊÖ¤¹
+ if x < 0 then 0
+ elsif x >= @wi then 0
+ elsif y < 0 then 0
+ elsif y >= @hi then 0
+ else
+ @data[y*@wi+x]
+ end
+ end
+ def count(x,y)
+ # (x,y)¤ËÎÙÀܤ¹¤ëÇúÃƤοô¤òÊÖ¤¹
+ fetch(x-1,y-1)+fetch(x,y-1)+fetch(x+1,y-1)+
+ fetch(x-1,y) + fetch(x+1,y)+
+ fetch(x-1,y+1)+fetch(x,y+1)+fetch(x+1,y+1)
+ end
+ def over(win)
+ # ¥²¡¼¥à¤Î½ªÎ»
+ quit
+ unless win
+ pos(@cx,@cy); print CHR[11]
+ end
+ pos(0,@hi)
+ if win then print "*** YOU WIN !! ***"
+ else print "*** GAME OVER ***"
+ end
+ end
+ def over?
+ # ¥²¡¼¥à¤Î½ªÎ»¥Á¥§¥Ã¥¯
+ # ½ªÎ»½èÍý¤â¸Æ¤Ó½Ð¤¹
+ remain = (@mc+@total == 0)
+ if @over || remain
+ over(remain)
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ def quit
+ # ¥²¡¼¥à¤ÎÃæÃÇ(¤Þ¤¿¤Ï½ªÎ»)
+ # È×Ì̤òÁ´¤Æ¸«¤»¤ë
+ @hi.times do|y|
+ pos(0,y)
+ @wi.times do|x|
+ colorstr(if @state[y*@wi+x] == "MARK" then COL[1] else COL[2] end,
+ if fetch(x,y)==1 then CHR[10] else CHR[count(x,y)] end)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def down
+ # ¥«¡¼¥½¥ë¤ò²¼¤Ë
+ if @cy < @hi-1 then @cy=@cy+1; pos(@cx, @cy) end
+ end
+ def up
+ # ¥«¡¼¥½¥ë¤ò¾å¤Ë
+ if @cy > 0 then @cy=@cy-1; pos(@cx, @cy) end
+ end
+ def left
+ # ¥«¡¼¥½¥ë¤òº¸¤Ë
+ if @cx > 0 then @cx=@cx-1; pos(@cx, @cy) end
+ end
+ def right
+ # ¥«¡¼¥½¥ë¤ò±¦¤Ë
+ if @cx < @wi-1 then @cx=@cx+1; pos(@cx, @cy) end
+ end
+system("stty raw -echo")
+ loop do
+ case STDIN.getc
+ when ?n # new game
+ bd.reset
+ when ?m # mark
+ bd.mark
+ when ?j
+ bd.down
+ when ?k
+ bd.up
+ when ?h
+ bd.left
+ when ?l
+ bd.right
+ when ?\s
+ when ?q,?\C-c # quit game
+ bd.quit
+ break
+ end
+ if bd.over?
+ if STDIN.getc == ?q then break end
+ bd.reset
+ end
+ end
+ system("stty -raw echo")
+print "\n"
diff --git a/trunk/sample/mkproto.rb b/trunk/sample/mkproto.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..754ca2dff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/mkproto.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+$/ = nil
+while line = gets()
+ if /^((void|VALUE|int|char *\*|ID|struct [\w_]+ *\*|st_table *\*) *)?\n([\w\d_]+)\(.*\)\n\s*((.+;\n)*)\{/ =~ line
+ line = $'
+ printf "%s %s(", $2, $3
+ args = []
+ for arg in $4.split(/;\n\s*/)
+ arg.gsub!(/ +/, ' ')
+ if arg =~ /,/
+ if arg =~ /(([^*]+) *\** *[\w\d_]+),/
+ type = $2.strip
+ args.push $1.strip
+ arg = $'
+ else
+ type = ""
+ end
+ while arg.sub!(/(\** *[\w\d_]+)(,|$)/, "") && $~
+ args.push type + " " + $1.strip
+ end
+ else
+ args.push arg.strip
+ end
+ end
+ printf "%s);\n", args.join(', ')
+ redo
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/mpart.rb b/trunk/sample/mpart.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a88eba0ef6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/mpart.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#! ./ruby
+# split into multi part
+# usage: mpart.rb [-nnn] file..
+lines = 1000
+if (ARGV[0] =~ /^-(\d+)$/ )
+ lines = $1.to_i;
+ ARGV.shift;
+basename = ARGV[0]
+extname = "part"
+part = 1
+line = 0
+fline = 0
+for i in ifp = open(basename)
+ fline = fline + 1
+parts = fline / lines + 1
+for i in ifp = open(basename)
+ if line == 0
+ ofp = open(sprintf("%s.%s%02d", basename, extname, part), "w")
+ printf(ofp, "%s part%02d/%02d\n", basename, part, parts)
+ ofp.write("BEGIN--cut here--cut here\n")
+ end
+ ofp.write(i)
+ line = line + 1
+ if line >= lines and !ifp.eof?
+ ofp.write("END--cut here--cut here\n")
+ ofp.close
+ part = part + 1
+ line = 0
+ end
+ofp.write("END--cut here--cut here\n")
diff --git a/trunk/sample/observ.rb b/trunk/sample/observ.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72e5178b38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/observ.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/ruby
+require "thread"
+require "observer"
+class Tick
+ include Observable
+ def initialize
+ Thread.start do
+ loop do
+ sleep 0.999
+ now =
+ changed
+ notify_observers(now.hour, now.min, now.sec)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+class Clock
+ def initialize(tick)
+ @tick = tick
+ @tick.add_observer(self)
+ end
+ def update(h, m, s)
+ printf "\e[8D%02d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s
+ STDOUT.flush
+ end
+clock =
diff --git a/trunk/sample/ b/trunk/sample/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f5fcf27a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+while (<>) {
+ for (split(/\W+/)) {
+ $freq{$_}++;
+ }
+for (sort keys %freq) {
+ print "$_ -- $freq{$_}\n";
diff --git a/trunk/sample/occur.rb b/trunk/sample/occur.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ec6ae479b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/occur.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# word occurrence listing
+# usege: ruby occur.rb file..
+freq =
+while line = gets()
+ for word in line.split(/\W+/)
+ freq[word] += 1
+ end
+for word in freq.keys.sort!
+ print word, " -- ", freq[word], "\n"
diff --git a/trunk/sample/occur2.rb b/trunk/sample/occur2.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53885c0ba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/occur2.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# word occurrence listing
+# usege: ruby occur2.rb file..
+freq = {}
+while gets()
+ for word in split(/\W+/)
+ begin
+ freq[word] += 1
+ rescue NameError
+ freq[word] = 1
+ end
+ end
+for word in freq.keys.sort
+ printf("%s -- %d\n", word, freq[word])
diff --git a/trunk/sample/openssl/c_rehash.rb b/trunk/sample/openssl/c_rehash.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afbb654517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/openssl/c_rehash.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'openssl'
+require 'digest/md5'
+class CHashDir
+ include Enumerable
+ def initialize(dirpath)
+ @dirpath = dirpath
+ @fingerprint_cache = @cert_cache = @crl_cache = nil
+ end
+ def hash_dir(silent = false)
+ # ToDo: Should lock the directory...
+ @silent = silent
+ @fingerprint_cache =
+ @cert_cache =
+ @crl_cache =
+ do_hash_dir
+ end
+ def get_certs(name = nil)
+ if name
+ @cert_cache[hash_name(name)]
+ else
+ @cert_cache.values.flatten
+ end
+ end
+ def get_crls(name = nil)
+ if name
+ @crl_cache[hash_name(name)]
+ else
+ @crl_cache.values.flatten
+ end
+ end
+ def delete_crl(crl)
+ File.unlink(crl_filename(crl))
+ hash_dir(true)
+ end
+ def add_crl(crl)
+, "w") do |f|
+ f << crl.to_pem
+ end
+ hash_dir(true)
+ end
+ def load_pem_file(filepath)
+ str =
+ begin
+ rescue
+ begin
+ rescue
+ begin
+ rescue
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def crl_filename(crl)
+ path(hash_name(crl.issuer)) + '.pem'
+ end
+ def do_hash_dir
+ Dir.chdir(@dirpath) do
+ delete_symlink
+ Dir.glob('*.pem') do |pemfile|
+ cert = load_pem_file(pemfile)
+ case cert
+ when OpenSSL::X509::Certificate
+ link_hash_cert(pemfile, cert)
+ when OpenSSL::X509::CRL
+ link_hash_crl(pemfile, cert)
+ else
+ STDERR.puts("WARNING: #{pemfile} does not contain a certificate or CRL: skipping") unless @silent
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def delete_symlink
+ Dir.entries(".").each do |entry|
+ next unless /^[\da-f]+\.r{0,1}\d+$/ =~ entry
+ File.unlink(entry) if FileTest.symlink?(entry)
+ end
+ end
+ def link_hash_cert(org_filename, cert)
+ name_hash = hash_name(cert.subject)
+ fingerprint = fingerprint(cert.to_der)
+ filepath = link_hash(org_filename, name_hash, fingerprint) { |idx|
+ "#{name_hash}.#{idx}"
+ }
+ unless filepath
+ unless @silent
+ STDERR.puts("WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate #{org_filename}")
+ end
+ else
+ (@cert_cache[name_hash] ||= []) << path(filepath)
+ end
+ end
+ def link_hash_crl(org_filename, crl)
+ name_hash = hash_name(crl.issuer)
+ fingerprint = fingerprint(crl.to_der)
+ filepath = link_hash(org_filename, name_hash, fingerprint) { |idx|
+ "#{name_hash}.r#{idx}"
+ }
+ unless filepath
+ unless @silent
+ STDERR.puts("WARNING: Skipping duplicate CRL #{org_filename}")
+ end
+ else
+ (@crl_cache[name_hash] ||= []) << path(filepath)
+ end
+ end
+ def link_hash(org_filename, name, fingerprint)
+ idx = 0
+ filepath = nil
+ while true
+ filepath = yield(idx)
+ break unless FileTest.symlink?(filepath) or FileTest.exist?(filepath)
+ if @fingerprint_cache[filepath] == fingerprint
+ return false
+ end
+ idx += 1
+ end
+ STDOUT.puts("#{org_filename} => #{filepath}") unless @silent
+ symlink(org_filename, filepath)
+ @fingerprint_cache[filepath] = fingerprint
+ filepath
+ end
+ def symlink(from, to)
+ begin
+ File.symlink(from, to)
+ rescue
+, "w") do |f|
+ f <<
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def path(filename)
+ File.join(@dirpath, filename)
+ end
+ def hash_name(name)
+ sprintf("%x", name.hash)
+ end
+ def fingerprint(der)
+ Digest::MD5.hexdigest(der).upcase
+ end
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ dirlist = ARGV
+ dirlist << '/usr/ssl/certs' if dirlist.empty?
+ dirlist.each do |dir|
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/openssl/cert2text.rb b/trunk/sample/openssl/cert2text.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50da224e76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/openssl/cert2text.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'openssl'
+include OpenSSL::X509
+def cert2text(cert_str)
+ [Certificate, CRL, Request].each do |klass|
+ begin
+ puts
+ return
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ raise'Unknown format.')
+if ARGV.empty?
+ cert2text(
+ ARGV.each do |file|
+ cert2text(
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/openssl/certstore.rb b/trunk/sample/openssl/certstore.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbc637f668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/openssl/certstore.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+require 'c_rehash'
+require 'crlstore'
+class CertStore
+ include OpenSSL
+ include X509
+ attr_reader :self_signed_ca
+ attr_reader :other_ca
+ attr_reader :ee
+ attr_reader :crl
+ attr_reader :request
+ def initialize(certs_dir)
+ @certs_dir = certs_dir
+ @c_store =
+ @c_store.hash_dir(true)
+ @crl_store =
+ @x509store =
+ @self_signed_ca = @other_ca = @ee = @crl = nil
+ # Uncomment this line to let OpenSSL to check CRL for each certs.
+ # @x509store.flags = V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK | V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK_ALL
+ add_path
+ scan_certs
+ end
+ def generate_cert(filename)
+ @c_store.load_pem_file(filename)
+ end
+ def verify(cert)
+ error, crl_map = do_verify(cert)
+ if error
+ [[false, cert, crl_map[cert.subject], error]]
+ else
+ @x509store.chain.collect { |c| [true, c, crl_map[c.subject], nil] }
+ end
+ end
+ def match_cert(cert1, cert2)
+ (cert1.issuer.cmp(cert2.issuer) == 0) and cert1.serial == cert2.serial
+ end
+ def is_ca?(cert)
+ case guess_cert_type(cert)
+ true
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ def scan_certs
+ @self_signed_ca = []
+ @other_ca = []
+ @ee = []
+ @crl = []
+ @request = []
+ load_certs
+ end
+ def add_path
+ @x509store.add_path(@certs_dir)
+ end
+ def do_verify(cert)
+ error_map = {}
+ crl_map = {}
+ result = @x509store.verify(cert) do |ok, ctx|
+ cert = ctx.current_cert
+ if ctx.current_crl
+ crl_map[cert.subject] = true
+ end
+ if ok
+ if !ctx.current_crl
+ if crl = @crl_store.find_crl(cert)
+ crl_map[cert.subject] = true
+ if crl.revoked.find { |revoked| revoked.serial == cert.serial }
+ ok = false
+ error_string = 'certification revoked'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ error_map[cert.subject] = error_string if error_string
+ ok
+ end
+ error = if result
+ nil
+ else
+ error_map[cert.subject] || @x509store.error_string
+ end
+ return error, crl_map
+ end
+ def load_certs
+ @c_store.get_certs.each do |certfile|
+ cert = generate_cert(certfile)
+ case guess_cert_type(cert)
+ @self_signed_ca << cert
+ @other_ca << cert
+ @ee << cert
+ else
+ raise "Unknown cert type."
+ end
+ end
+ @c_store.get_crls.each do |crlfile|
+ @crl << generate_cert(crlfile)
+ end
+ end
+ def guess_cert_type(cert)
+ ca = self_signed = is_cert_self_signed(cert)
+ cert.extensions.each do |ext|
+ # Ignores criticality of extensions. It's 'guess'ing.
+ case ext.oid
+ when 'basicConstraints'
+ /CA:(TRUE|FALSE), pathlen:(\d+)/ =~ ext.value
+ ca = ($1 == 'TRUE') unless ca
+ when 'keyUsage'
+ usage = ext.value.split(/\s*,\s*/)
+ ca = usage.include?('Certificate Sign') unless ca
+ when 'nsCertType'
+ usage = ext.value.split(/\s*,\s*/)
+ ca = usage.include?('SSL CA') unless ca
+ end
+ end
+ if ca
+ if self_signed
+ else
+ end
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ def is_cert_self_signed(cert)
+ # cert.subject.cmp(cert.issuer) == 0
+ cert.subject.to_s == cert.issuer.to_s
+ end
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ c ="trust_certs")
diff --git a/trunk/sample/openssl/cipher.rb b/trunk/sample/openssl/cipher.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58b10d6046
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/openssl/cipher.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'openssl'
+def crypt_by_password(alg, pass, salt, text)
+ puts "--Setup--"
+ puts %(cipher alg: "#{alg}")
+ puts %(plain text: "#{text}")
+ puts %(password: "#{pass}")
+ puts %(salt: "#{salt}")
+ puts
+ puts "--Encrypting--"
+ enc =
+ enc.encrypt
+ enc.pkcs5_keyivgen(pass, salt)
+ cipher = enc.update(text)
+ cipher <<
+ puts %(encrypted text: #{cipher.inspect})
+ puts
+ puts "--Decrypting--"
+ dec =
+ dec.decrypt
+ dec.pkcs5_keyivgen(pass, salt)
+ plain = dec.update(cipher)
+ plain <<
+ puts %(decrypted text: "#{plain}")
+ puts
+def ciphers
+ ciphers = OpenSSL::Cipher.ciphers.sort
+ ciphers.each{|i|
+ if i.upcase != i && ciphers.include?(i.upcase)
+ ciphers.delete(i)
+ end
+ }
+ return ciphers
+puts "Supported ciphers in #{OpenSSL::OPENSSL_VERSION}:"
+ciphers.each_with_index{|name, i|
+ printf("%-15s", name)
+ puts if (i + 1) % 5 == 0
+alg = ARGV.shift || ciphers.first
+pass = "secret password"
+salt = "8 octets" # or nil
+text = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+crypt_by_password(alg, pass, salt, text)
diff --git a/trunk/sample/openssl/crlstore.rb b/trunk/sample/openssl/crlstore.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b305913eb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/openssl/crlstore.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ require 'http-access2'
+rescue LoadError
+ STDERR.puts("Cannot load http-access2. CRL might not be fetched.")
+require 'c_rehash'
+class CrlStore
+ def initialize(c_store)
+ @c_store = c_store
+ @c_store.hash_dir(true)
+ end
+ def find_crl(cert)
+ do_find_crl(cert)
+ end
+ def do_find_crl(cert)
+ unless ca = find_ca(cert)
+ return nil
+ end
+ unless crlfiles = @c_store.get_crls(ca.subject)
+ if crl = renew_crl(cert, ca)
+ @c_store.add_crl(crl)
+ return crl
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ crlfiles.each do |crlfile|
+ next unless crl = load_crl(crlfile)
+ if crl.next_update <
+ if new_crl = renew_crl(cert, ca)
+ @c_store.delete_crl(crl)
+ @c_store.add_crl(new_crl)
+ crl = new_crl
+ end
+ end
+ if check_valid(crl, ca)
+ return crl
+ end
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ def find_ca(cert)
+ @c_store.get_certs(cert.issuer).each do |cafile|
+ ca = load_cert(cafile)
+ if cert.verify(ca.public_key)
+ return ca
+ end
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ def fetch(location)
+ if /\AURI:(.*)\z/ =~ location
+ begin
+ c =['http_proxy'] || ENV['HTTP_PROXY'])
+ c.get_content($1)
+ rescue NameError, StandardError
+ nil
+ end
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ def load_cert(certfile)
+ load_cert_str(
+ end
+ def load_crl(crlfile)
+ load_crl_str(
+ end
+ def load_cert_str(cert_str)
+ end
+ def load_crl_str(crl_str)
+ end
+ def check_valid(crl, ca)
+ unless crl.verify(ca.public_key)
+ return false
+ end
+ crl.last_update <=
+ end
+ RE_CDP = /\AcrlDistributionPoints\z/
+ def get_cdp(cert)
+ if cdp_ext = cert.extensions.find { |ext| RE_CDP =~ ext.oid }
+ cdp_ext.value.chomp
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ def renew_crl(cert, ca)
+ if cdp = get_cdp(cert)
+ if new_crl_str = fetch(cdp)
+ new_crl = load_crl_str(new_crl_str)
+ if check_valid(new_crl, ca)
+ return new_crl
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ false
+ end
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ dir = "trust_certs"
+ c_store =
+ s =
+ c ="cert_store/google_codesign.pem"))
+ p s.find_crl(c)
diff --git a/trunk/sample/openssl/echo_cli.rb b/trunk/sample/openssl/echo_cli.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..069a21ec94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/openssl/echo_cli.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'socket'
+require 'openssl'
+require 'optparse'
+options = ARGV.getopts("p:c:k:C:")
+host = ARGV[0] || "localhost"
+port = options["p"] || "2000"
+cert_file = options["c"]
+key_file = options["k"]
+ca_path = options["C"]
+ctx =
+if cert_file && key_file
+ ctx.cert =
+ ctx.key =
+if ca_path
+ ctx.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
+ ctx.ca_path = ca_path
+s =, port)
+ssl =, ctx)
+ssl.connect # start SSL session
+p ssl.peer_cert
+errors =
+OpenSSL::X509.constants.grep(/^V_(ERR_|OK)/).each do |name|
+ errors[OpenSSL::X509.const_get(name)] = name
+p errors[ssl.verify_result]
+ssl.sync_close = true # if true the underlying socket will be
+ # closed in SSLSocket#close. (default: false)
+while line = $stdin.gets
+ ssl.write line
+ puts ssl.gets.inspect
diff --git a/trunk/sample/openssl/echo_svr.rb b/trunk/sample/openssl/echo_svr.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..719de6be84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/openssl/echo_svr.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'socket'
+require 'openssl'
+require 'optparse'
+options = ARGV.getopts("p:c:k:C:")
+port = options["p"] || "2000"
+cert_file = options["c"]
+key_file = options["k"]
+ca_path = options["C"]
+if cert_file && key_file
+ cert =
+ key =
+ key ={ print "." }
+ puts
+ cert =
+ cert.version = 2
+ cert.serial = 0
+ name =[["C","JP"],["O","TEST"],["CN","localhost"]])
+ cert.subject = name
+ cert.issuer = name
+ cert.not_before =
+ cert.not_after = + 3600
+ cert.public_key = key.public_key
+ ef =,cert)
+ cert.extensions = [
+ ef.create_extension("basicConstraints","CA:FALSE"),
+ ef.create_extension("subjectKeyIdentifier","hash"),
+ ef.create_extension("extendedKeyUsage","serverAuth"),
+ ef.create_extension("keyUsage",
+ "keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment,digitalSignature")
+ ]
+ ef.issuer_certificate = cert
+ cert.add_extension ef.create_extension("authorityKeyIdentifier",
+ "keyid:always,issuer:always")
+ cert.sign(key,
+ctx =
+ctx.key = key
+ctx.cert = cert
+if ca_path
+ ctx.verify_mode =
+ ctx.ca_path = ca_path
+tcps =
+ssls =, ctx)
+loop do
+ ns = ssls.accept
+ puts "connected from #{ns.peeraddr}"
+ while line = ns.gets
+ puts line.inspect
+ ns.write line
+ end
+ puts "connection closed"
+ ns.close
diff --git a/trunk/sample/openssl/gen_csr.rb b/trunk/sample/openssl/gen_csr.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4228707fdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/openssl/gen_csr.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'optparse'
+require 'openssl'
+include OpenSSL
+def usage
+ myname = File::basename($0)
+ $stderr.puts <<EOS
+Usage: #{myname} [--key keypair_file] name
+ name ... ex. /C=JP/O=RRR/OU=CA/CN=NaHi/
+ exit
+options = ARGV.getopts(nil, "key:", "csrout:", "keyout:")
+keypair_file = options["key"]
+csrout = options["csrout"] || "csr.pem"
+keyout = options["keyout"] || "keypair.pem"
+$stdout.sync = true
+name_str = ARGV.shift or usage()
+name = X509::Name.parse(name_str)
+keypair = nil
+if keypair_file
+ keypair =
+ keypair = { putc "." }
+ puts
+ puts "Writing #{keyout}..."
+, "w", 0400) do |f|
+ f << keypair.to_pem
+ end
+puts "Generating CSR for #{name_str}"
+req =
+req.version = 0
+req.subject = name
+req.public_key = keypair.public_key
+puts "Writing #{csrout}...", "w") do |f|
+ f << req.to_pem
+puts req.to_text
+puts req.to_pem
diff --git a/trunk/sample/openssl/smime_read.rb b/trunk/sample/openssl/smime_read.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17394f9b8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/openssl/smime_read.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+require 'optparse'
+require 'openssl'
+include OpenSSL
+options = ARGV.getopts("c:k:C:")
+cert_file = options["c"]
+key_file = options["k"]
+ca_path = options["C"]
+data = $
+cert =
+key =
+p7enc = PKCS7::read_smime(data)
+data = p7enc.decrypt(key, cert)
+store =
+p7sig = PKCS7::read_smime(data)
+if p7sig.verify([], store)
+ puts
diff --git a/trunk/sample/openssl/smime_write.rb b/trunk/sample/openssl/smime_write.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..535b3d6685
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/openssl/smime_write.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+require 'openssl'
+require 'optparse'
+include OpenSSL
+options = ARGV.getopts("c:k:r:")
+cert_file = options["c"]
+key_file = options["k"]
+rcpt_file = options["r"]
+cert =
+key =
+data = "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"
+data << "\r\n"
+data << "This is a clear-signed message.\r\n"
+p7sig = PKCS7::sign(cert, key, data, [], PKCS7::DETACHED)
+smime0 = PKCS7::write_smime(p7sig)
+rcpt =
+p7enc = PKCS7::encrypt([rcpt], smime0)
+print PKCS7::write_smime(p7enc)
diff --git a/trunk/sample/openssl/wget.rb b/trunk/sample/openssl/wget.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee637204db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/openssl/wget.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'net/https'
+require 'optparse'
+options = ARGV.getopts('C:')
+cert_store = options["C"]
+uri = URI.parse(ARGV[0])
+if proxy = ENV['HTTP_PROXY']
+ prx_uri = URI.parse(proxy)
+ prx_host =
+ prx_port = prx_uri.port
+h =, uri.port, prx_host, prx_port)
+h.set_debug_output($stderr) if $DEBUG
+if uri.scheme == "https"
+ h.use_ssl = true
+ if cert_store
+ if
+ h.ca_path = cert_store
+ else
+ h.ca_file = cert_store
+ end
+ end
+path = uri.path.empty? ? "/" : uri.path
+ STDERR.puts h.peer_cert.inspect if h.peer_cert
+ print resp.body
diff --git a/trunk/sample/optparse/opttest.rb b/trunk/sample/optparse/opttest.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2c6d1e048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/optparse/opttest.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -I.
+require 'optparse'
+require 'optparse/time'
+require 'pp'
+# keywords
+CODES = %w[iso-2022-jp shift_jis euc-jp utf8 binary]
+CODE_ALIASES = {"jis" => "iso-2022-jp", "sjis" => "shift_jis"}
+POSSIBLE_CODES = "(#{(CODES+CODE_ALIASES.keys).join(',')})"
+ARGV.options do
+ |opts|
+ opts.banner << " argv..."
+ # separater
+ opts.on_tail
+ opts.on_tail("common options:")
+ # no argument, shows at tail
+ opts.on_tail("--help", "show this message") {puts opts; exit}
+ # mandatory argument
+ opts.on("-r", "--require=LIBRARY", String,
+ "require the LIBRARY, before",
+ "executing your script") {|lib|@library=lib}
+ # optional argument
+ opts.on("-i", "--inplace=[EXTENSION]",
+ "edit ARGV files in place", # multiline description
+ "(make backup if EXTENSION supplied)") {|inplace| @inplace = inplace || ''}
+ opts.on("-N=[NUM]", Integer) {|num|@number=num}
+ # additional class
+ opts.on("-t", "--[no-]time[=TIME]", Time, "it's the time") {|time|@time=time}
+ # limit argument syntax
+ opts.on("-[0-7]", "-F", "--irs=[OCTAL]", OptionParser::OctalInteger,
+ "specify record separator", "(\\0, if no argument)") {|irs|@irs=irs}
+ # boolean switch(default true)
+ @exec = true
+ opts.on("-n", "--no-exec[=FLAG]", TrueClass, "not really execute") {|exec|@exec=exec}
+ # array
+ opts.on("-a", "--list[=LIST,LIST]", Array, "list") {|list|@list=list}
+ # fixed size array
+ opts.on("--pair[=car,cdr]", Array, "pair") {|x,y|@x=x; @y=y}
+ # keyword completion
+ opts.on("--code=CODE", CODES, CODE_ALIASES, "select coding system",
+ "("+CODES.join(",")+",", " "+CODE_ALIASES.keys.join(",")+")") {|c|@code=c}
+ # optional argument with keyword completion
+ opts.on("--type[=TYPE]", [:text, :binary], "select type(text, binary)") {|t|@type=t}
+ # boolean switch with optional argument(default false)
+ opts.on("-v", "--[no-]verbose=[FLAG]", "run verbosely") {|v|@verbose=v}
+ # easy way, set local variable
+ opts.on("-q", "--quit", "quit when ARGV is empty") {|q|@quit=q}
+ # adding on the fly
+ opts.on("--add=SWITCH=[ARG]", "add option on the fly", /\A(\w+)(?:=.+)?\Z/) do
+ |opt, var|
+ opts.on("--#{opt}", "added in runtime", &eval("proc {|x|@#{var}=x}"))
+ end
+ opts.on_head("specific options:")
+ # no argument
+ opts.on_tail("--version", "show version") do
+ puts OptionParser::Version.join('.')
+ exit
+ end
+ opts.parse!
+pp self
+begin print ARGV.options; exit end if @quit
+ARGV.options = nil # no more parse
+puts "ARGV = #{ARGV.join(' ')}" if !ARGV.empty?
+#opts.variable.each {|sym| puts "#{sym} = #{opts.send(sym).inspect}"}
diff --git a/trunk/sample/optparse/subcommand.rb b/trunk/sample/optparse/subcommand.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..21c42dd60a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/optparse/subcommand.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#! /usr/bin/ruby
+# contributed by Minero Aoki.
+require 'optparse'
+parser =
+parser.on('-i') { puts "-i" }
+parser.on('-o') { puts '-o' }
+subparsers = {|h,k|
+ $stderr.puts "no such subcommand: #{k}"
+ exit 1
+subparsers['add'] ='-i') { puts "add -i" }
+subparsers['del'] ='-i') { puts "del -i" }
+subparsers['list'] ='-i') { puts "list -i" }
+subparsers[ARGV.shift].parse!(ARGV) unless ARGV.empty?
diff --git a/trunk/sample/philos.rb b/trunk/sample/philos.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c8f43c819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/philos.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# The Dining Philosophers - thread example
+require "thread"
+N=9 # number of philosophers
+$forks = []
+for i in 0..N-1
+ $forks[i] =
+$state = "-o"*N
+def wait
+ sleep rand(20)/10.0
+def think(n)
+ wait
+def eat(n)
+ wait
+def philosopher(n)
+ while true
+ think n
+ $forks[n].lock
+ if not $forks[(n+1)%N].try_lock
+ $forks[n].unlock # avoid deadlock
+ next
+ end
+ $state[n*2] = ?|;
+ $state[(n+1)%N*2] = ?|;
+ $state[n*2+1] = ?*;
+ print $state, "\n"
+ eat(n)
+ $state[n*2] = ?-;
+ $state[(n+1)%N*2] = ?-;
+ $state[n*2+1] = ?o;
+ print $state, "\n"
+ $forks[n].unlock
+ $forks[(n+1)%N].unlock
+ end
+for n in 0..N-1
+ Thread.start(n){|i| philosopher(i)}
+ sleep 0.1
diff --git a/trunk/sample/pi.rb b/trunk/sample/pi.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63be974285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/pi.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+k, a, b, a1, b1 = 2, 4, 1, 12, 4
+loop do
+ # Next approximation
+ p, q, k = k*k, 2*k+1, k+1
+ a, b, a1, b1 = a1, b1, p*a+q*a1, p*b+q*b1
+ # Print common digits
+ d = a / b
+ d1 = a1 / b1
+ while d == d1
+ print d
+ $stdout.flush
+ a, a1 = 10*(a%b), 10*(a1%b1)
+ d, d1 = a/b, a1/b1
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/rcs.awk b/trunk/sample/rcs.awk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08979285c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/rcs.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ sw = 40.0;
+ dw = 78.0;
+ hdw = dw / 2.0;
+ w = 20.0;
+ h =1.0;
+ d = 0.2;
+ ss="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!#$%^&*()-=\\[];'`,./";
+ rnd = srand();
+ xr = -hdw; y = h * 1.0; maxxl = -999;
+ s = "";
+ while (xr < hdw) {
+ x = xr * (1 + y) - y * w / 2;
+ i = (x / (1 + h) + sw /2);
+ c = (0 < i && i < length($0)) ? substr($0, i, 1) : "0";
+ y = h - d * c;
+ xl = xr - w * y / (1 + y);
+ if (xl < -hdw || xl >= hdw || xl <= maxxl) {
+ t = rand() * length(ss);
+ c = substr(ss, t, 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ c = substr(s, xl + hdw, 1);
+ maxxl = xl;
+ }
+ s = s c;
+ xr = xr + 1;
+ }
+ print s;
diff --git a/trunk/sample/rcs.dat b/trunk/sample/rcs.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61c88bff89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/rcs.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
diff --git a/trunk/sample/rcs.rb b/trunk/sample/rcs.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0bdf81c45d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/rcs.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# random dot steraogram
+# usage: rcs.rb rcs.dat
+sw = 40.0 # width of original pattern
+dw = 78.0 # width of generating Random Character Streogram
+hdw = dw / 2.0
+w = 20.0 # distance between eyes
+h =1.0 # distance from screen and base plane
+d = 0.2 # z value unit
+rnd = srand() # You don't actually need this in ruby - srand() is called
+ # on the first call of rand().
+while gets()
+# print($_)
+ xr = -hdw; y = h * 1.0; maxxl = -999
+ s = ""
+ while xr < hdw
+ x = xr * (1 + y) - y * w / 2
+ i = (x / (1 + h) + sw / 2)
+ if (1 < i && i < $_.length)
+ c = $_[i, 1].to_i
+ else
+ c = 0
+ end
+ y = h - d * c
+ xl = xr - w * y / (1 + y)
+ if xl < -hdw || xl >= hdw || xl <= maxxl
+ tt = rand(ss.length)
+ c = ss[tt, 1]
+ else
+ c = s[xl + hdw, 1]
+ maxxl = xl
+ end
+ s += c
+ xr += 1
+ end
+ print(s, "\n")
diff --git a/trunk/sample/rdoc/markup/rdoc2latex.rb b/trunk/sample/rdoc/markup/rdoc2latex.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa8079eb90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/rdoc/markup/rdoc2latex.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Illustration of a script to convert an RDoc-style file to a LaTeX document
+require 'rdoc/markup'
+require 'rdoc/markup/to_latex'
+p =
+h =
+#puts "\\documentclass{report}"
+#puts "\\usepackage{tabularx}"
+#puts "\\usepackage{parskip}"
+#puts "\\begin{document}"
+puts p.convert(, h)
+#puts "\\end{document}"
diff --git a/trunk/sample/rdoc/markup/sample.rb b/trunk/sample/rdoc/markup/sample.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db5d88d150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/rdoc/markup/sample.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# This program illustrates the basic use of the SimpleMarkup
+# class. It extracts the first comment block from the
+# simple_markup.rb file and converts it into HTML on
+# standard output. Run it using
+# % ruby sample.rb
+# You should be in the sample/rdoc/markup/ directory when you do this,
+# as it hardwires the path to the files it needs to require.
+# This isn't necessary in the code you write once you've
+# installed the package.
+# For a better way of formatting code comment blocks (and more)
+# see the rdoc package.
+require 'rdoc/markup/simple_markup'
+require 'rdoc/markup/simple_markup/to_html'
+# Extract the comment block from the source file
+input_string = ""
+File.foreach("../../../lib/rdoc/markup/simple_markup.rb") do |line|
+ break unless line.gsub!(/^\# ?/, '')
+ input_string << line
+# Create a markup object
+markup =
+# Attach it to an HTML formatter
+h =
+# And convert out comment block to html. Wrap it a body
+# tag pair to let browsers view it
+puts "<html><body>"
+puts markup.convert(input_string, h)
+puts "</body></html>"
diff --git a/trunk/sample/ripper/ruby2html.rb b/trunk/sample/ripper/ruby2html.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f64f5a713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/ripper/ruby2html.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# $originalId: ruby2html.rb,v 1.2 2005/09/23 22:53:47 aamine Exp $
+TEMPLATE = <<-EndTemplate
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<%= encoding %>">
+<% if css %>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<%= css %>">
+<% end %>
+ <title><%= File.basename(f.path) %></title>
+ if print_line_number
+ Ruby2HTML.compile(f).each_with_index do |line, idx|
+%><%= sprintf('%4d %s', idx+1, line) %><%
+ end
+ else
+%><%= Ruby2HTML.compile(f) %><%
+ end
+require 'ripper'
+require 'stringio'
+require 'cgi'
+require 'erb'
+require 'optparse'
+def main
+ encoding = 'us-ascii'
+ css = nil
+ print_line_number = false
+ parser =
+ parser.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [-l] [<file>...]"
+ parser.on('--encoding=NAME', 'Character encoding [us-ascii].') {|name|
+ encoding = name
+ }
+ parser.on('--css=URL', 'Set a link to CSS.') {|url|
+ css = url
+ }
+ parser.on('-l', '--line-number', 'Show line number.') {
+ print_line_number = true
+ }
+ parser.on('--help', 'Prints this message and quit.') {
+ puts
+ exit 0
+ }
+ begin
+ parser.parse!
+ rescue OptionParser::ParseError => err
+ $stderr.puts err
+ $stderr.puts
+ exit 1
+ end
+ puts ruby2html(ARGF, encoding, css, print_line_number)
+class ERB
+ attr_accessor :lineno
+ remove_method :result
+ def result(b)
+ eval(@src, b, (@filename || '(erb)'), (@lineno || 1))
+ end
+def ruby2html(f, encoding, css, print_line_number)
+ erb =, nil, '>')
+ erb.filename = __FILE__
+ erb.lineno = TEMPLATE_LINE
+ erb.result(binding())
+class Ruby2HTML < Ripper::Filter
+ def Ruby2HTML.compile(f)
+ buf =
+ buf.string
+ end
+ def on_default(event, tok, f)
+ f << CGI.escapeHTML(tok)
+ end
+ def on_kw(tok, f)
+ f << %Q[<span class="resword">#{CGI.escapeHTML(tok)}</span>]
+ end
+ def on_comment(tok, f)
+ f << %Q[<span class="comment">#{CGI.escapeHTML(tok.rstrip)}</span>\n]
+ end
+ def on_tstring_beg(tok, f)
+ f << %Q[<span class="string">#{CGI.escapeHTML(tok)}]
+ end
+ def on_tstring_end(tok, f)
+ f << %Q[#{CGI.escapeHTML(tok)}</span>]
+ end
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ main
diff --git a/trunk/sample/ripper/strip-comment.rb b/trunk/sample/ripper/strip-comment.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd26b6a377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/ripper/strip-comment.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# $Id$
+require 'ripper/filter'
+class CommentStripper < Ripper::Filter
+ def CommentStripper.strip(src)
+ new(src).parse(nil)
+ end
+ def on_default(event, token, data)
+ print token
+ end
+ def on_comment(token, data)
+ puts
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/rss/blend.rb b/trunk/sample/rss/blend.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..351f6f373f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/rss/blend.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "rss"
+feeds = []
+verbose = false
+encoding = "UTF-8"
+def error(exception)
+ mark = "=" * 20
+ mark = "#{mark} error #{mark}"
+ STDERR.puts mark
+ STDERR.puts exception.class
+ STDERR.puts exception.message
+ STDERR.puts exception.backtrace
+ STDERR.puts mark
+before_time =
+ARGV.each do |fname|
+ if fname == '-v'
+ verbose = true
+ next
+ end
+ rss = nil
+ f =
+ begin
+ ## do validate parse
+ rss = RSS::Parser.parse(f)
+ rescue RSS::InvalidRSSError
+ error($!) if verbose
+ ## do non validate parse for invalid RSS 1.0
+ begin
+ rss = RSS::Parser.parse(f, false)
+ rescue RSS::Error
+ ## invalid RSS.
+ error($!) if verbose
+ end
+ rescue RSS::Error
+ error($!) if verbose
+ end
+ if rss.nil?
+ STDERR.puts "#{fname} does not include RSS 1.0 or 0.9x/2.0"
+ else
+ begin
+ rss.output_encoding = encoding
+ rescue RSS::UnknownConversionMethodError
+ error($!) if verbose
+ end
+ feeds << rss
+ end
+processing_time = - before_time
+rss = RSS::Maker.make("1.0") do |maker|
+ maker.encoding = encoding
+ = ""
+ = "blended feeds"
+ = ""
+ = "blended feeds generated by RSS Parser"
+ feeds.each do |feed|
+ feed.items.each do |item|
+ item.setup_maker(maker.items)
+ end
+ end
+ maker.items.each do |item|
+ item.title ||= "UNKNOWN"
+ ||= "UNKNOWN"
+ end
+ maker.items.do_sort = true
+ maker.items.max_size = 15
+puts rss
+STDERR.puts "Used XML parser: #{RSS::Parser.default_parser}"
+STDERR.puts "Processing time: #{processing_time}s"
diff --git a/trunk/sample/rss/convert.rb b/trunk/sample/rss/convert.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e6bff4c623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/rss/convert.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "rss"
+feeds = []
+verbose = false
+encoding = "UTF-8"
+to_version = "1.0"
+def error(exception)
+ mark = "=" * 20
+ mark = "#{mark} error #{mark}"
+ STDERR.puts mark
+ STDERR.puts exception.class
+ STDERR.puts exception.message
+ STDERR.puts exception.backtrace
+ STDERR.puts mark
+before_time =
+ARGV.each do |fname|
+ case fname
+ when '-v'
+ verbose = true
+ next
+ when /^-t(0\.91|1\.0|2\.0|atom)$/
+ to_version = $1
+ next
+ end
+ rss = nil
+ f =
+ begin
+ ## do validate parse
+ rss = RSS::Parser.parse(f)
+ rescue RSS::InvalidRSSError
+ error($!) if verbose
+ ## do non validate parse for invalid RSS 1.0
+ begin
+ rss = RSS::Parser.parse(f, false)
+ rescue RSS::Error
+ ## invalid RSS.
+ error($!) if verbose
+ end
+ rescue RSS::Error
+ error($!) if verbose
+ end
+ if rss.nil?
+ STDERR.puts "#{fname} does not include RSS 1.0 or 0.9x/2.0"
+ else
+ begin
+ rss.output_encoding = encoding
+ rescue RSS::UnknownConversionMethodError
+ error($!) if verbose
+ end
+ feeds << [fname, rss]
+ end
+processing_time = - before_time
+feeds.each do |fname, rss|
+ converted_rss = rss.to_xml(to_version)
+ output_name = fname.sub(/(\.[^\.]+)$/, "-#{to_version}\\1")
+, "w") do |output|
+ output.print(converted_rss)
+ end
+STDERR.puts "Used XML parser: #{RSS::Parser.default_parser}"
+STDERR.puts "Processing time: #{processing_time}s"
diff --git a/trunk/sample/rss/list_description.rb b/trunk/sample/rss/list_description.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..d4b98a9ac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/rss/list_description.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "nkf"
+class String
+ # From tdiary.rb
+ def shorten( len = 120 )
+ lines = NKF::nkf( "-e -m0 -f#{len}", self.gsub( /\n/, ' ' ) ).split( /\n/ )
+ lines[0].concat( '...' ) if lines[0] and lines[1]
+ lines[0]
+ end
+require "rss"
+channels = {}
+verbose = false
+def error(exception)
+ mark = "=" * 20
+ mark = "#{mark} error #{mark}"
+ puts mark
+ puts exception.class
+ puts exception.message
+ puts exception.backtrace
+ puts mark
+before_time =
+ARGV.each do |fname|
+ if fname == '-v'
+ verbose = true
+ next
+ end
+ rss = nil
+ f =
+ begin
+ ## do validate parse
+ rss = RSS::Parser.parse(f)
+ rescue RSS::InvalidRSSError
+ error($!) if verbose
+ ## do non validate parse for invalid RSS 1.0
+ begin
+ rss = RSS::Parser.parse(f, false)
+ rescue RSS::Error
+ ## invalid RSS.
+ error($!) if verbose
+ end
+ rescue RSS::Error
+ error($!) if verbose
+ end
+ if rss.nil?
+ puts "#{fname} does not include RSS 1.0 or 0.9x/2.0"
+ else
+ begin
+ rss.output_encoding = "euc-jp"
+ rescue RSS::UnknownConversionMethodError
+ error($!) if verbose
+ end
+ rss = rss.to_rss("1.0") do |maker|
+ ||=
+ ||= "No description"
+ maker.items.each do |item|
+ item.title ||= "No title"
+ ||= "UNKNOWN"
+ end
+ end
+ next if rss.nil?
+ rss.items.each do |item|
+ channels[] ||= []
+ channels[] << item if item.description
+ end
+ end
+processing_time = - before_time
+channels.sort do |x, y|
+ x[0] <=> y[0]
+end[0..20].each do |title, items|
+ puts "Channel: #{title}" unless items.empty?
+ items.sort do |x, y|
+ x.title <=> y.title
+ end[0..10].each do |item|
+ puts " Item: #{item.title.shorten(50)}"
+ puts " Description: #{item.description.shorten(50)}"
+ end
+puts "Used XML parser: #{RSS::Parser.default_parser}"
+puts "Processing time: #{processing_time}s"
diff --git a/trunk/sample/rss/re_read.rb b/trunk/sample/rss/re_read.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..ee54a18a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/rss/re_read.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "rss"
+def error(exception)
+ mark = "=" * 20
+ mark = "#{mark} error #{mark}"
+ puts mark
+ puts exception.class
+ puts exception.message
+ puts exception.backtrace
+ puts mark
+verbose = false
+before_time =
+ARGV.each do |fname|
+ if fname == '-v'
+ verbose = true
+ next
+ end
+ source = nil
+ do |f|
+ source =
+ end
+ rss = nil
+ read = false
+ begin
+ rss = RSS::Parser.parse(source)
+ puts "Re-read valid feed: #{fname}"
+ RSS::Parser.parse(rss.to_s)
+ read = true
+ rescue RSS::InvalidRSSError
+ error($!) if verbose
+ ## do non validate parse for invalid feed
+ begin
+ rss = RSS::Parser.parse(source, false)
+ rescue RSS::Error
+ ## invalid feed
+ error($!) if verbose
+ end
+ rescue RSS::Error
+ error($!) if verbose
+ end
+ if rss.nil?
+ puts "Invalid feed: #{fname}"
+ elsif !read
+ puts "Re-read invalid feed: #{fname}"
+ begin
+ RSS::Parser.parse(rss.to_s)
+ rescue RSS::Error
+ puts " Error occurred: #{fname}"
+ error($!) if verbose
+ end
+ end
+processing_time = - before_time
+puts "Used XML parser: #{RSS::Parser.default_parser}"
+puts "Processing time: #{processing_time}s"
diff --git a/trunk/sample/rss/rss_recent.rb b/trunk/sample/rss/rss_recent.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..38b57c37fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/rss/rss_recent.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "nkf"
+class String
+ # From tdiary.rb
+ def shorten( len = 120 )
+ lines = NKF::nkf( "-e -m0 -f#{len}", self.gsub( /\n/, ' ' ) ).split( /\n/ )
+ lines[0].concat( '...' ) if lines[0] and lines[1]
+ lines[0]
+ end
+require "rss"
+items = []
+verbose = false
+def error(exception)
+ mark = "=" * 20
+ mark = "#{mark} error #{mark}"
+ puts mark
+ puts exception.class
+ puts exception.message
+ puts exception.backtrace
+ puts mark
+before_time =
+ARGV.each do |fname|
+ if fname == '-v'
+ verbose = true
+ next
+ end
+ rss = nil
+ f =
+ begin
+ ## do validate parse
+ rss = RSS::Parser.parse(f)
+ rescue RSS::InvalidRSSError
+ error($!) if verbose
+ ## do non validate parse for invalid RSS 1.0
+ begin
+ rss = RSS::Parser.parse(f, false)
+ rescue RSS::Error
+ ## invalid RSS.
+ error($!) if verbose
+ end
+ rescue RSS::Error
+ error($!) if verbose
+ end
+ if rss.nil?
+ puts "#{fname} does not include RSS 1.0 or 0.9x/2.0"
+ else
+ begin
+ rss.output_encoding = "euc-jp"
+ rescue RSS::UnknownConversionMethodError
+ error($!) if verbose
+ end
+ rss = rss.to_rss("1.0") do |maker|
+ ||=
+ ||= "No description"
+ maker.items.each do |item|
+ item.title ||= "UNKNOWN"
+ ||= "UNKNOWN"
+ end
+ end
+ next if rss.nil?
+ rss.items.each do |item|
+ items << [, item] if item.dc_date
+ end
+ end
+processing_time = - before_time
+items.sort do |x, y|
+ y[1].dc_date <=> x[1].dc_date
+end[0..20].each do |channel, item|
+ puts "#{item.dc_date.localtime.iso8601}: " <<
+ "#{channel.title}: #{item.title}"
+ puts " Description: #{item.description.shorten(50)}" if item.description
+puts "Used XML parser: #{RSS::Parser.default_parser}"
+puts "Processing time: #{processing_time}s"
diff --git a/trunk/sample/sieve.rb b/trunk/sample/sieve.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0bb21d640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/sieve.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# sieve of Eratosthenes
+max = Integer(ARGV.shift || 100)
+sieve = []
+for i in 2 .. max
+ sieve[i] = i
+for i in 2 .. Math.sqrt(max)
+ next unless sieve[i]
+ (i*i).step(max, i) do |j|
+ sieve[j] = nil
+ end
+puts sieve.compact.join(", ")
diff --git a/trunk/sample/svr.rb b/trunk/sample/svr.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11cfc5fbfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/svr.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# socket example - server side
+# usage: ruby svr.rb
+# this server might be blocked by an ill-behaved client.
+# see tsvr.rb which is safe from client blocking.
+require "socket"
+gs =
+addr = gs.addr
+printf("server is on %s\n", addr.join(":"))
+socks = [gs]
+loop do
+ nsock = select(socks);
+ next if nsock == nil
+ for s in nsock[0]
+ if s == gs
+ ns = s.accept
+ socks.push(ns)
+ print(s, " is accepted\n")
+ else
+ if s.eof?
+ print(s, " is gone\n")
+ s.close
+ socks.delete(s)
+ # single thread gets may block whole service
+ elsif str = s.gets
+ s.write(str)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/test.rb b/trunk/sample/test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f24bd071a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,2232 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env ruby
+$failed = 0
+def test_check(what)
+ STDERR.print "\nsample/test.rb:#{what} "
+ $what = what
+ $testnum = 0
+def test_ok(cond,n=1)
+ $testnum+=1
+ $ntest+=1
+ where = (st = caller(n)) ? st[0] : "caller error! (n=#{n}, trace=#{caller(0).join(', ')}"
+ if cond
+ STDERR.print "."
+ printf "ok %d (%s)\n", $testnum, where
+ else
+ STDERR.print "F"
+ printf "not ok %s %d -- %s\n", $what, $testnum, where
+ $failed+=1
+ end
+ STDOUT.flush
+ STDERR.flush
+# make sure conditional operators work
+test_check "assignment"
+a=[]; a[0] ||= "bar";
+test_ok(a[0] == "bar")
+h={}; h["foo"] ||= "bar";
+test_ok(h["foo"] == "bar")
+aa = 5
+aa ||= 25
+test_ok(aa == 5)
+bb ||= 25
+test_ok(bb == 25)
+cc &&=33
+test_ok(cc == nil)
+cc = 5
+cc &&=44
+test_ok(cc == 44)
+a = nil; test_ok(a == nil)
+a = 1; test_ok(a == 1)
+a = []; test_ok(a == [])
+a = [1]; test_ok(a == [1])
+a = [nil]; test_ok(a == [nil])
+a = [[]]; test_ok(a == [[]])
+a = [1,2]; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+a = [*[]]; test_ok(a == [])
+a = [*[1]]; test_ok(a == [1])
+a = [*[1,2]]; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+a = *[]; test_ok(a == [])
+a = *[1]; test_ok(a == [1])
+a = *[nil]; test_ok(a == [nil])
+a = *[[]]; test_ok(a == [[]])
+a = *[1,2]; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+a = *[*[]]; test_ok(a == [])
+a = *[*[1]]; test_ok(a == [1])
+a = *[*[1,2]]; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+a, = nil; test_ok(a == nil)
+a, = 1; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = []; test_ok(a == nil)
+a, = [1]; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = [nil]; test_ok(a == nil)
+a, = [[]]; test_ok(a == [])
+a, = 1,2; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = [1,2]; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = [*[]]; test_ok(a == nil)
+a, = [*[1]]; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = *[1,2]; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = [*[1,2]]; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = *[]; test_ok(a == nil)
+a, = *[1]; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = *[nil]; test_ok(a == nil)
+a, = *[[]]; test_ok(a == [])
+a, = *[1,2]; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = *[*[]]; test_ok(a == nil)
+a, = *[*[1]]; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = *[*[1,2]]; test_ok(a == 1)
+*a = nil; test_ok(a == [nil])
+*a = 1; test_ok(a == [1])
+*a = []; test_ok(a == [])
+*a = [1]; test_ok(a == [1])
+*a = [nil]; test_ok(a == [nil])
+*a = [[]]; test_ok(a == [[]])
+*a = [1,2]; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+*a = [*[]]; test_ok(a == [])
+*a = [*[1]]; test_ok(a == [1])
+*a = [*[1,2]]; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+*a = *[]; test_ok(a == [])
+*a = *[1]; test_ok(a == [1])
+*a = *[nil]; test_ok(a == [nil])
+*a = *[[]]; test_ok(a == [[]])
+*a = *[1,2]; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+*a = *[*[]]; test_ok(a == [])
+*a = *[*[1]]; test_ok(a == [1])
+*a = *[*[1,2]]; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+a,b,*c = nil; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = 1; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = []; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = [1]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = [nil]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = [[]]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [[],nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = [1,2]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+a,b,*c = [*[]]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = [*[1]]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = [*[1,2]]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+a,b,*c = *[]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = *[1]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = *[nil]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = *[[]]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [[],nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = *[1,2]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+a,b,*c = *[*[]]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = *[*[1]]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = *[*[1,2]]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+def f; yield nil; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield 1; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield []; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == [])}
+def f; yield [1]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == [1])}
+def f; yield [nil]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == [nil])}
+def f; yield [[]]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == [[]])}
+def f; yield [*[]]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == [])}
+def f; yield [*[1]]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == [1])}
+def f; yield [*[1,2]]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == [1,2])}
+def f; yield *[]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield *[1]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield *[nil]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield *[[]]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == [])}
+def f; yield *[*[]]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield *[*[1]]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield *[*[1,2]]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield nil; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield 1; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield []; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield [1]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield [nil]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield [[]]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == [])}
+def f; yield [*[]]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield [*[1]]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield [*[1,2]]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield *[]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield *[1]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield *[nil]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield *[[]]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield *[*[]]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield *[*[1]]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield *[*[1,2]]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [])}
+def f; yield nil; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [nil])}
+def f; yield 1; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [1])}
+def f; yield []; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [[]])}
+def f; yield [1]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [[1]])}
+def f; yield [nil]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [[nil]])}
+def f; yield [[]]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [[[]]])}
+def f; yield [1,2]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [[1,2]])}
+def f; yield [*[]]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [[]])}
+def f; yield [*[1]]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [[1]])}
+def f; yield [*[1,2]]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [[1,2]])}
+def f; yield *[]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [])}
+def f; yield *[1]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [1])}
+def f; yield *[nil]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [nil])}
+def f; yield *[[]]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [[]])}
+def f; yield *[*[]]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [])}
+def f; yield *[*[1]]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [1])}
+def f; yield *[*[1,2]]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [1,2])}
+def f; yield; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield nil; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield 1; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield []; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield [1]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield [nil]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield [[]]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [[],nil,[]])}
+def f; yield [*[]]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield [*[1]]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield [*[1,2]]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])}
+def f; yield *[]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield *[1]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield *[nil]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield *[[]]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield *[*[]]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield *[*[1]]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield *[*[1,2]]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])}
+def r; return; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == nil)
+def r; return nil; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == nil)
+def r; return 1; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == 1)
+def r; return []; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [])
+def r; return [1]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [1])
+def r; return [nil]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [nil])
+def r; return [[]]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [[]])
+def r; return [*[]]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [])
+def r; return [*[1]]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [1])
+def r; return [*[1,2]]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [1,2])
+def r; return *[]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [])
+def r; return *[1]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [1])
+def r; return *[nil]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [nil])
+def r; return *[[]]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [[]])
+def r; return *[*[]]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [])
+def r; return *[*[1]]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [1])
+def r; return *[*[1,2]]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [1,2])
+def r; return *[[]]; end; a = *r(); test_ok(a == [[]])
+def r; return *[*[1,2]]; end; a = *r(); test_ok(a == [1,2])
+def r; return; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [nil])
+def r; return nil; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [nil])
+def r; return 1; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [1])
+def r; return []; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [])
+def r; return [1]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [1])
+def r; return [nil]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [nil])
+def r; return [[]]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [[]])
+def r; return [1,2]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [1,2])
+def r; return [*[]]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [])
+def r; return [*[1]]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [1])
+def r; return [*[1,2]]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [1,2])
+def r; return *[]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [])
+def r; return *[1]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [1])
+def r; return *[nil]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [nil])
+def r; return *[[]]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [[]])
+def r; return *[1,2]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [1,2])
+def r; return *[*[]]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [])
+def r; return *[*[1]]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [1])
+def r; return *[*[1,2]]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [1,2])
+def r; return *[[]]; end; *a = *r(); test_ok(a == [[]])
+def r; return *[1,2]; end; *a = *r(); test_ok(a == [1,2])
+def r; return *[*[1,2]]; end; *a = *r(); test_ok(a == [1,2])
+def r; return; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+def r; return nil; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+def r; return 1; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+def r; return []; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+def r; return [1]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+def r; return [nil]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+def r; return [[]]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [[],nil,[]])
+def r; return [1,2]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+def r; return [*[]]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+def r; return [*[1]]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+def r; return [*[1,2]]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+def r; return *[]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+def r; return *[1]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+def r; return *[nil]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+def r; return *[[]]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [[],nil,[]])
+def r; return *[1,2]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+def r; return *[*[]]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+def r; return *[*[1]]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+def r; return *[*[1,2]]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+f = lambda {|r,| test_ok([] == r)}[], *[])
+f = lambda {|r,*l| test_ok([] == r); test_ok([1] == l)}[], *[1])
+f = lambda{|x| x}
+test_ok( == 42)
+test_ok([42]) == [42])
+test_ok([[42]]) == [[42]])
+test_ok([42,55]) == [42,55])
+f = lambda{|x,| x}
+test_ok( == 42)
+test_ok([42]) == [42])
+test_ok([[42]]) == [[42]])
+test_ok([42,55]) == [42,55])
+f = lambda{|*x| x}
+test_ok( == [42])
+test_ok([42]) == [[42]])
+test_ok([[42]]) == [[[42]]])
+test_ok([42,55]) == [[42,55]])
+test_ok(,55) == [42,55])
+test_ok(a == 1)
+test_ok(a == [1])
+test_ok(a == [[1]])
+x, (y, z) = 1, 2, 3
+test_ok([1,2,nil] == [x,y,z])
+x, (y, z) = 1, [2,3]
+test_ok([1,2,3] == [x,y,z])
+x, (y, z) = 1, [2]
+test_ok([1,2,nil] == [x,y,z])
+a = loop do break; end; test_ok(a == nil)
+a = loop do break nil; end; test_ok(a == nil)
+a = loop do break 1; end; test_ok(a == 1)
+a = loop do break []; end; test_ok(a == [])
+a = loop do break [1]; end; test_ok(a == [1])
+a = loop do break [nil]; end; test_ok(a == [nil])
+a = loop do break [[]]; end; test_ok(a == [[]])
+a = loop do break [*[]]; end; test_ok(a == [])
+a = loop do break [*[1]]; end; test_ok(a == [1])
+a = loop do break [*[1,2]]; end; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+a = loop do break *[]; end; test_ok(a == [])
+a = loop do break *[1]; end; test_ok(a == [1])
+a = loop do break *[nil]; end; test_ok(a == [nil])
+a = loop do break *[[]]; end; test_ok(a == [[]])
+a = loop do break *[*[]]; end; test_ok(a == [])
+a = loop do break *[*[1]]; end; test_ok(a == [1])
+a = loop do break *[*[1,2]]; end; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+*a = loop do break; end; test_ok(a == [nil])
+*a = loop do break nil; end; test_ok(a == [nil])
+*a = loop do break 1; end; test_ok(a == [1])
+*a = loop do break []; end; test_ok(a == [])
+*a = loop do break [1]; end; test_ok(a == [1])
+*a = loop do break [nil]; end; test_ok(a == [nil])
+*a = loop do break [[]]; end; test_ok(a == [[]])
+*a = loop do break [1,2]; end; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+*a = loop do break [*[]]; end; test_ok(a == [])
+*a = loop do break [*[1]]; end; test_ok(a == [1])
+*a = loop do break [*[1,2]]; end; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+*a = loop do break *[]; end; test_ok(a == [])
+*a = loop do break *[1]; end; test_ok(a == [1])
+*a = loop do break *[nil]; end; test_ok(a == [nil])
+*a = loop do break *[[]]; end; test_ok(a == [[]])
+*a = loop do break *[1,2]; end; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+*a = loop do break *[*[]]; end; test_ok(a == [])
+*a = loop do break *[*[1]]; end; test_ok(a == [1])
+*a = loop do break *[*[1,2]]; end; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+*a = *loop do break *[[]]; end; test_ok(a == [[]])
+*a = *loop do break *[1,2]; end; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+*a = *loop do break *[*[1,2]]; end; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+a,b,*c = loop do break; end; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = loop do break nil; end; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = loop do break 1; end; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = loop do break []; end; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = loop do break [1]; end; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = loop do break [nil]; end; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = loop do break [[]]; end; test_ok([a,b,c] == [[],nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = loop do break [1,2]; end; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+a,b,*c = loop do break [*[]]; end; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = loop do break [*[1]]; end; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = loop do break [*[1,2]]; end; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+a,b,*c = loop do break *[]; end; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = loop do break *[1]; end; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = loop do break *[nil]; end; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = loop do break *[[]]; end; test_ok([a,b,c] == [[],nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = loop do break *[1,2]; end; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+a,b,*c = loop do break *[*[]]; end; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = loop do break *[*[1]]; end; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = loop do break *[*[1,2]]; end; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+def r(val); a = yield(); test_ok(a == val, 2); end
+r(nil){next nil}
+r(1){next 1}
+r([]){next []}
+r([1]){next [1]}
+r([nil]){next [nil]}
+r([[]]){next [[]]}
+r([]){next [*[]]}
+r([1]){next [*[1]]}
+r([1,2]){next [*[1,2]]}
+r([]){next *[]}
+r([1]){next *[1]}
+r([nil]){next *[nil]}
+r([[]]){next *[[]]}
+r([]){next *[*[]]}
+r([1]){next *[*[1]]}
+r([1,2]){next *[*[1,2]]}
+def r(val); *a = yield(); test_ok(a == val, 2); end
+r([nil]){next nil}
+r([1]){next 1}
+r([]){next []}
+r([1]){next [1]}
+r([nil]){next [nil]}
+r([[]]){next [[]]}
+r([1,2]){next [1,2]}
+r([]){next [*[]]}
+r([1]){next [*[1]]}
+r([1,2]){next [*[1,2]]}
+def r(val); *a = *yield(); test_ok(a == val, 2); end
+r([[]]){next *[[]]}
+r([1,2]){next *[1,2]}
+r([1,2]){next *[*[1,2]]}
+def r(val); a,b,*c = yield(); test_ok([a,b,c] == val, 2); end
+r([nil,nil,[]]){next nil}
+r([1,nil,[]]){next 1}
+r([nil,nil,[]]){next []}
+r([1,nil,[]]){next [1]}
+r([nil,nil,[]]){next [nil]}
+r([[],nil,[]]){next [[]]}
+r([1,2,[]]){next [1,2]}
+r([nil,nil,[]]){next [*[]]}
+r([1,nil,[]]){next [*[1]]}
+r([1,2,[]]){next [*[1,2]]}
+def r(val); a,b,*c = *yield(); test_ok([a,b,c] == val, 2); end
+r([[],nil,[]]){next *[[]]}
+r([1,2,[]]){next *[1,2]}
+r([1,2,[]]){next *[*[1,2]]}
+test_check "condition"
+$x = '0';
+$x == $x && test_ok(true)
+$x != $x && test_ok(false)
+$x == $x || test_ok(false)
+$x != $x || test_ok(true)
+# first test to see if we can run the tests.
+test_check "if/unless";
+$x = 'test';
+test_ok(if $x == $x then true else false end)
+$bad = false
+unless $x == $x
+ $bad = true
+test_ok(unless $x != $x then true else false end)
+test_check "case"
+case 5
+when 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
+ test_ok(false)
+when 5
+ test_ok(true)
+case 5
+when 5
+ test_ok(true)
+when 1..10
+ test_ok(false)
+case 5
+when 1..10
+ test_ok(true)
+ test_ok(false)
+case 5
+when 5
+ test_ok(true)
+ test_ok(false)
+case "foobar"
+when /^f.*r$/
+ test_ok(true)
+ test_ok(false)
+test_check "while/until";
+tmp = open("while_tmp", "w")
+tmp.print "tvi925\n";
+tmp.print "tvi920\n";
+tmp.print "vt100\n";
+tmp.print "Amiga\n";
+tmp.print "paper\n";
+# test break
+tmp = open("while_tmp", "r")
+while line = tmp.gets()
+ break if /vt100/ =~ line
+test_ok(!tmp.eof? && /vt100/ =~ line)
+# test next
+$bad = false
+tmp = open("while_tmp", "r")
+while line = tmp.gets()
+ next if /vt100/ =~ line
+ $bad = 1 if /vt100/ =~ line
+test_ok(!(!tmp.eof? || /vt100/ =~ line || $bad))
+# test redo
+$bad = false
+tmp = open("while_tmp", "r")
+while line = tmp.gets()
+ lastline = line
+ line = line.gsub(/vt100/, 'VT100')
+ if lastline != line
+ line.gsub!('VT100', 'Vt100')
+ redo
+ end
+ $bad = 1 if /vt100/ =~ line
+ $bad = 1 if /VT100/ =~ line
+test_ok(tmp.eof? && !$bad)
+for i in 1..10
+ sum += i
+ i -= 1
+ if i > 0
+ redo
+ end
+test_ok(sum == 220)
+# test interval
+$bad = false
+tmp = open("while_tmp", "r")
+while line = tmp.gets()
+ break if 3
+ case line
+ when /vt100/, /Amiga/, /paper/
+ $bad = true
+ end
+File.unlink "while_tmp" or `/bin/rm -f "while_tmp"`
+i = 0
+until i>4
+ i+=1
+# exception handling
+test_check "exception";
+ raise "this must be handled"
+ test_ok(false)
+ test_ok(true)
+$bad = true
+ raise "this must be handled no.2"
+ if $bad
+ $bad = false
+ retry
+ test_ok(false)
+ end
+# exception in rescue clause
+$string = "this must be handled no.3"
+ begin
+ raise "exception in rescue clause"
+ rescue
+ raise $string
+ end
+ test_ok(false)
+ test_ok(true) if $! == $string
+# exception in ensure clause
+ begin
+ raise "this must be handled no.4"
+ ensure
+ raise "exception in ensure clause"
+ end
+ test_ok(false)
+ test_ok(true)
+$bad = true
+ begin
+ raise "this must be handled no.5"
+ ensure
+ $bad = false
+ end
+$bad = true
+ begin
+ raise "this must be handled no.6"
+ ensure
+ $bad = false
+ end
+$bad = true
+while true
+ begin
+ break
+ ensure
+ $bad = false
+ end
+test_ok(catch(:foo) {
+ loop do
+ loop do
+ throw :foo, true
+ break
+ end
+ break
+ test_ok(false) # should no reach here
+ end
+ false
+ })
+test_check "array"
+test_ok([1, 2] + [3, 4] == [1, 2, 3, 4])
+test_ok([1, 2] * 2 == [1, 2, 1, 2])
+test_ok([1, 2] * ":" == "1:2")
+test_ok([1, 2].hash == [1, 2].hash)
+test_ok([1,2,3] & [2,3,4] == [2,3])
+test_ok([1,2,3] | [2,3,4] == [1,2,3,4])
+test_ok([1,2,3] - [2,3] == [1])
+$x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+test_ok($x[2] == 2)
+test_ok($x[1..3] == [1, 2, 3])
+test_ok($x[1,3] == [1, 2, 3])
+$x[0, 2] = 10
+test_ok($x[0] == 10 && $x[1] == 2)
+$x[0, 0] = -1
+test_ok($x[0] == -1 && $x[1] == 10)
+$x[-1, 1] = 20
+test_ok($x[-1] == 20 && $x.pop == 20)
+# array and/or
+test_ok(([1,2,3]&[2,4,6]) == [2])
+test_ok(([1,2,3]|[2,4,6]) == [1,2,3,4,6])
+# compact
+$x = [nil, 1, nil, nil, 5, nil, nil]
+test_ok($x == [1, 5])
+# uniq
+$x = [1, 1, 4, 2, 5, 4, 5, 1, 2]
+test_ok($x == [1, 4, 2, 5])
+# empty?
+$x = []
+# sort
+$x = ["it", "came", "to", "pass", "that", "..."]
+$x = $x.sort.join(" ")
+test_ok($x == "... came it pass that to")
+$x = [2,5,3,1,7]
+$x.sort!{|a,b| a<=>b} # sort with condition
+test_ok($x == [1,2,3,5,7])
+$x.sort!{|a,b| b-a} # reverse sort
+test_ok($x == [7,5,3,2,1])
+# split test
+$x = "The Book of Mormon"
+test_ok($x.split(//).reverse!.join == $x.reverse)
+test_ok($x.reverse == $x.reverse!)
+test_ok("1 byte string".split(//).reverse.join(":") == "g:n:i:r:t:s: :e:t:y:b: :1")
+$x = "a b c d"
+test_ok($x.split == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
+test_ok($x.split(' ') == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
+test_ok(defined? "a".chomp)
+test_ok("abc".scan(/./) == ["a", "b", "c"])
+test_ok("1a2b3c".scan(/(\d.)/) == [["1a"], ["2b"], ["3c"]])
+# non-greedy match
+test_ok("a=12;b=22".scan(/(.*?)=(\d*);?/) == [["a", "12"], ["b", "22"]])
+$x = [1]
+test_ok(($x * 5).join(":") == '1:1:1:1:1')
+test_ok(($x * 1).join(":") == '1')
+test_ok(($x * 0).join(":") == '')
+*$x = *(1..7).to_a
+test_ok($x.size == 7)
+test_ok($x == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
+$x = [1,2,3]
+$x[1,0] = $x
+test_ok($x == [1,1,2,3,2,3])
+$x = [1,2,3]
+$x[-1,0] = $x
+test_ok($x == [1,2,1,2,3,3])
+$x = [1,2,3]
+test_ok($x == [1,2,3,1,2,3])
+test_check "hash"
+$x = {1=>2, 2=>4, 3=>6}
+test_ok($x[1] == 2)
+ for k,v in $x
+ raise if k*2 != v
+ end
+ true
+ rescue
+ false
+ end)
+test_ok($x.length == 3)
+test_ok($x.values_at(2,3) == [4,6])
+test_ok($x == {1=>2, 2=>4, 3=>6})
+$z = $x.keys.sort.join(":")
+test_ok($z == "1:2:3")
+$z = $x.values.sort.join(":")
+test_ok($z == "2:4:6")
+test_ok($x == $x)
+test_ok($x.length == 2)
+$z = [1,2]
+$x[$z] = 256
+test_ok($x[$z] == 256)
+$x =
+$x[1] = 1
+test_ok($x[1] == 1)
+test_ok($x[2] == 0)
+$x =[])
+test_ok($x[22] == [])
+$x ={[]}
+test_ok($x[22] == [])
+$x ={|h,k| $z = k; h[k] = k*2}
+$z = 0
+test_ok($x[22] == 44)
+test_ok($z == 22)
+$z = 0
+test_ok($x[22] == 44)
+test_ok($z == 0)
+$x.default = 5
+test_ok($x[23] == 5)
+$x =
+def $x.default(k)
+ $z = k
+ self[k] = k*2
+$z = 0
+test_ok($x[22] == 44)
+test_ok($z == 22)
+$z = 0
+test_ok($x[22] == 44)
+test_ok($z == 0)
+test_check "iterator"
+def ttt
+ test_ok(iterator?)
+# yield at top level
+$x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+$y = []
+# iterator over array
+for i in $x
+ $y.push i
+test_ok($x == $y)
+# nested iterator
+def tt
+ 1.upto(10) {|i|
+ yield i
+ }
+tt{|i| break if i == 5}
+test_ok(i == 0)
+def tt2(dummy)
+ yield 1
+def tt3(&block)
+ tt2(raise(ArgumentError,""),&block)
+$x = false
+ tt3{}
+rescue ArgumentError
+ $x = true
+rescue Exception
+def tt4 &block
+ tt2(raise(ArgumentError,""),&block)
+$x = false
+ tt4{}
+rescue ArgumentError
+ $x = true
+rescue Exception
+# iterator break/redo/next/retry
+done = true
+ break
+ done = false # should not reach here
+done = false
+$bad = false
+loop {
+ break if done
+ done = true
+ next
+ $bad = true # should not reach here
+done = false
+$bad = false
+loop {
+ break if done
+ done = true
+ redo
+ $bad = true # should not reach here
+$x = []
+for i in 1 .. 7
+ $x.push i
+test_ok($x.size == 7)
+test_ok($x == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
+# append method to built-in class
+class Array
+ def iter_test1
+ collect{|e| [e, yield(e)]}.sort{|a,b|a[1]<=>b[1]}
+ end
+ def iter_test2
+ a = collect{|e| [e, yield(e)]}
+ a.sort{|a,b|a[1]<=>b[1]}
+ end
+$x = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
+test_ok($x.iter_test1{|x|x} == $x.iter_test2{|x|x})
+class IterTest
+ def initialize(e); @body = e; end
+ def each0(&block); @body.each(&block); end
+ def each1(&block); @body.each {|*x|*x) } end
+ def each2(&block); @body.each {|*x| } end
+ def each3(&block); @body.each {|x|*x) } end
+ def each4(&block); @body.each {|x| } end
+ def each5; @body.each {|*x| yield(*x) } end
+ def each6; @body.each {|*x| yield(x) } end
+ def each7; @body.each {|x| yield(*x) } end
+ def each8; @body.each {|x| yield(x) } end
+ def f(a)
+ a
+ end
+test_ok([1]) == [1])
+m = /\w+/.match("abc")
+test_ok([m]) == [m])
+[0]).each0 {|x| test_ok(x == 0)}[1]).each1 {|x| test_ok(x == 1)}[2]).each2 {|x| test_ok(x == [2])}[3]).each3 {|x| test_ok(x == 3)}[4]).each4 {|x| test_ok(x == 4)}[5]).each5 {|x| test_ok(x == 5)}[6]).each6 {|x| test_ok(x == [6])}[7]).each7 {|x| test_ok(x == 7)}[8]).each8 {|x| test_ok(x == 8)}
+[[0]]).each0 {|x| test_ok(x == [0])}[[1]]).each1 {|x| test_ok(x == [1])}[[2]]).each2 {|x| test_ok(x == [[2]])}[[3]]).each3 {|x| test_ok(x == 3)}[[4]]).each4 {|x| test_ok(x == [4])}[[5]]).each5 {|x| test_ok(x == [5])}[[6]]).each6 {|x| test_ok(x == [[6]])}[[7]]).each7 {|x| test_ok(x == 7)}[[8]]).each8 {|x| test_ok(x == [8])}
+[[0,0]]).each0 {|*x| test_ok(x == [[0,0]])}[[8,8]]).each8 {|*x| test_ok(x == [[8,8]])}
+def m0(v)
+ v
+def m1
+ m0(block_given?)
+test_ok(m1{p 'test'})
+def m
+ m0(block_given?,&{})
+test_ok(m1{p 'test'})
+class C
+ include Enumerable
+ def initialize
+ @a = [1,2,3]
+ end
+ def each(&block)
+ @a.each(&block)
+ end
+test_ok({|n| n} == [1,2,3])
+test_ok(Proc == lambda{}.class)
+test_ok(Proc =={}.class)
+def block_test(klass, &block)
+ test_ok(klass === block)
+def call_argument_test(state, proc, *args)
+ x = state
+ begin
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ x = !x
+ end
+ test_ok(x,2)
+call_argument_test(true, lambda{||})
+call_argument_test(false, lambda{||}, 1)
+call_argument_test(true, lambda{|a,|}, 1)
+call_argument_test(false, lambda{|a,|})
+call_argument_test(false, lambda{|a,|}, 1,2)
+call_argument_test(true,{||}, 1)
+call_argument_test(true,{|a,|}, 1)
+call_argument_test(true,{|a,|}, 1,2)
+def block_get(&block)
+ block
+test_ok(Proc == block_get{}.class)
+call_argument_test(true, block_get{||})
+call_argument_test(true, block_get{||}, 1)
+call_argument_test(true, block_get{|a,|}, 1)
+call_argument_test(true, block_get{|a,|})
+call_argument_test(true, block_get{|a,|}, 1,2)
+call_argument_test(true, block_get(&lambda{||}))
+call_argument_test(false, block_get(&lambda{||}),1)
+call_argument_test(true, block_get(&lambda{|a,|}),1)
+call_argument_test(false, block_get(&lambda{|a,|}),1,2)
+blk = block_get{11}
+test_ok(blk.class == Proc)
+test_ok(blk.to_proc.class == Proc)
+test_ok( == 11)
+test_ok(block_get(&blk).class == Proc)
+lmd = lambda{44}
+test_ok(lmd.class == Proc)
+test_ok(lmd.to_proc.class == Proc)
+test_ok( == 44)
+test_ok(block_get(&lmd).class == Proc)
+test_ok({|a,| a}.yield(1,2,3) == 1)
+call_argument_test(true,{|a,|}, 1,2)
+test_ok({|&b|}.call {|x| x} == 10)
+test_ok({|a,&b|}.call(12) {|x| x} == 12)
+def test_return1
+ {
+ return 55
+ }.yield + 5
+test_ok(test_return1() == 55)
+def test_return2
+ lambda {
+ return 55
+ }.call + 5
+test_ok(test_return2() == 60)
+def proc_call(&b)
+def proc_yield()
+ yield
+def proc_return1
+ lambda{return 42}.call+1
+test_ok(proc_return1() == 43)
+def proc_return2
+ ->{return 42}.call+1
+test_ok(proc_return2() == 43)
+def proc_return3
+ proc_call{return 42}+1
+test_ok(proc_return3() == 42)
+def proc_return4
+ proc_yield{return 42}+1
+test_ok(proc_return4() == 42)
+def ljump_test(state, proc, *args)
+ x = state
+ begin
+ rescue LocalJumpError
+ x = !x
+ end
+ test_ok(x,2)
+ljump_test(false, block_get{break})
+ljump_test(true, lambda{break})
+def exit_value_test(&block)
+rescue LocalJumpError
+ $!.exit_value
+test_ok(45 == exit_value_test{break 45})
+test_ok(55 == begin
+ block_get{break 55}.call
+ rescue LocalJumpError
+ $!.exit_value
+ end)
+def block_call(&block)
+def test_b1
+ block_call{break 11}
+test_ok(test_b1() == 11)
+def ljump_rescue(r)
+ begin
+ yield
+ rescue LocalJumpError => e
+ r if /from proc-closure/ =~ e.message
+ end
+def test_b2
+ ljump_rescue(22) do
+ block_get{break 21}.call
+ end
+test_ok(test_b2() == 22)
+def test_b3
+ ljump_rescue(33) do
+{break 31}.yield
+ end
+test_ok(test_b3() == 33)
+def test_b4
+ lambda{break 44}.call
+test_ok(test_b4() == 44)
+def test_b5
+ ljump_rescue(55) do
+ b = block_get{break 54}
+ block_call(&b)
+ end
+test_ok(test_b5() == 55)
+def test_b6
+ b = lambda{break 67}
+ block_call(&b)
+ 66
+test_ok(test_b6() == 66)
+def util_r7
+ block_get{break 78}
+def test_b7
+ b = util_r7()
+ ljump_rescue(77) do
+ block_call(&b)
+ end
+test_ok(test_b7() == 77)
+def util_b8(&block)
+ block_call(&block)
+def test_b8
+ util_b8{break 88}
+test_ok(test_b8() == 88)
+def util_b9(&block)
+ lambda{; 98}.call
+def test_b9
+ util_b9{break 99}
+test_ok(test_b9() == 99)
+def util_b10
+ util_b9{break 100}
+def test_b10
+ util_b10()
+test_ok(test_b10() == 100)
+def test_b11
+ ljump_rescue(111) do
+ loop do
+{break 110}.yield
+ break 112
+ end
+ end
+test_ok(test_b11() == 111)
+def test_b12
+ loop do
+ break lambda{break 122}.call
+ break 121
+ end
+test_ok(test_b12() == 122)
+def test_b13
+ ljump_rescue(133) do
+ while true
+{break 130}.yield
+ break 131
+ end
+ end
+test_ok(test_b13() == 133)
+def test_b14
+ while true
+ break lambda{break 144}.call
+ break 143
+ end
+test_ok(test_b14() == 144)
+def test_b15
+ [0].each {|c| yield 1 }
+ 156
+test_ok(test_b15{|e| break 155 } == 155)
+def marity_test(m)
+ method = method(m)
+ test_ok(method.arity == method.to_proc.arity, 2)
+lambda(&block_get{|a,n| test_ok(a,n)}).call(true, 2)
+class ITER_TEST1
+ def a
+ block_given?
+ end
+ def a
+ test_ok(super)
+ super
+ end
+test_ok( {})
+class ITER_TEST3
+ def foo x
+ return yield if block_given?
+ x
+ end
+ def foo x
+ test_ok(super == yield)
+ test_ok(super(x, &nil) == x)
+ end
+class ITER_TEST5
+ def tt(aa)
+ aa
+ end
+ def uu(a)
+ class << self
+ define_method(:tt) do |sym|
+ super(sym)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def xx(*x)
+ x.size
+ end
+a =
+test_ok( == 1)
+ def xx(*a)
+ a << 12
+ super
+ end
+test_ok([24]) == 2)
+test_check "float"
+test_ok(2.6.floor == 2)
+test_ok((-2.6).floor == -3)
+test_ok(2.6.ceil == 3)
+test_ok((-2.6).ceil == -2)
+test_ok(2.6.truncate == 2)
+test_ok((-2.6).truncate == -2)
+test_ok(2.6.round == 3)
+test_ok((-2.4).truncate == -2)
+test_ok((13.4 % 1 - 0.4).abs < 0.0001)
+nan = 0.0/0
+def nan_test(x,y)
+ test_ok(x != y)
+ test_ok((x < y) == false)
+ test_ok((x > y) == false)
+ test_ok((x <= y) == false)
+ test_ok((x >= y) == false)
+nan_test(nan, nan)
+nan_test(nan, 0)
+nan_test(nan, 1)
+nan_test(nan, -1)
+nan_test(nan, 1000)
+nan_test(nan, -1000)
+nan_test(nan, 1_000_000_000_000)
+nan_test(nan, -1_000_000_000_000)
+nan_test(nan, 100.0);
+nan_test(nan, -100.0);
+nan_test(nan, 0.001);
+nan_test(nan, -0.001);
+nan_test(nan, 1.0/0);
+nan_test(nan, -1.0/0);
+#s = "3.7517675036461267e+17"
+#test_ok(s == sprintf("%.16e", s.to_f))
+f = 3.7517675036461267e+17
+test_ok(f == sprintf("%.16e", f).to_f)
+test_check "bignum"
+def fact(n)
+ return 1 if n == 0
+ f = 1
+ while n>0
+ f *= n
+ n -= 1
+ end
+ return f
+$x = fact(40)
+test_ok($x == $x)
+test_ok($x == fact(40))
+test_ok($x < $x+2)
+test_ok($x > $x-2)
+test_ok($x == 815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000000)
+test_ok($x != 815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000001)
+test_ok($x+1 == 815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000001)
+test_ok($x/fact(20) == 335367096786357081410764800000)
+$x = -$x
+test_ok($x == -815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000000)
+test_ok(2-(2**32) == -(2**32-2))
+test_ok(2**32 - 5 == (2**32-3)-2)
+$good = true;
+for i in 1000..1014
+ $good = false if ((1 << i) != (2**i))
+$good = true;
+n1= 1 << 1000
+for i in 1000..1014
+ $good = false if ((1 << i) != n1)
+ n1 *= 2
+$good = true;
+for i in 1..10
+ n1 = n1 / 2
+ n2 = n2 >> 1
+ $good = false if (n1 != n2)
+$good = true;
+for i in 4000..4096
+ n1 = 1 << i;
+ if (n1**2-1) / (n1+1) != (n1-1)
+ $good = false
+ end
+b = 10**80
+a = b * 9 + 7
+test_ok(7 == a.modulo(b))
+test_ok(-b + 7 == a.modulo(-b))
+test_ok(b + -7 == (-a).modulo(b))
+test_ok(-7 == (-a).modulo(-b))
+test_ok(7 == a.remainder(b))
+test_ok(7 == a.remainder(-b))
+test_ok(-7 == (-a).remainder(b))
+test_ok(-7 == (-a).remainder(-b))
+test_ok(10**40+10**20 == 10000000000000000000100000000000000000000)
+test_ok(10**40/10**20 == 100000000000000000000)
+a = 677330545177305025495135714080
+b = 14269972710765292560
+test_ok(a % b == 0)
+test_ok(-a % b == 0)
+def shift_test(a)
+ b = a / (2 ** 32)
+ c = a >> 32
+ test_ok(b == c)
+ b = a * (2 ** 32)
+ c = a << 32
+ test_ok(b == c)
+test_check "string & char"
+test_ok("abcd" == "abcd")
+test_ok("abcd" =~ /abcd/)
+test_ok("abcd" === "abcd")
+# compile time string concatenation
+test_ok("ab" "cd" == "abcd")
+test_ok("#{22}aa" "cd#{44}" == "22aacd44")
+test_ok("#{22}aa" "cd#{44}" "55" "#{66}" == "22aacd445566")
+test_ok("abc" !~ /^$/)
+test_ok("abc\n" !~ /^$/)
+test_ok("abc" !~ /^d*$/)
+test_ok(("abc" =~ /d*$/) == 3)
+test_ok("" =~ /^$/)
+test_ok("\n" =~ /^$/)
+test_ok("a\n\n" =~ /^$/)
+test_ok("abcabc" =~ /.*a/ && $& == "abca")
+test_ok("abcabc" =~ /.*c/ && $& == "abcabc")
+test_ok("abcabc" =~ /.*?a/ && $& == "a")
+test_ok("abcabc" =~ /.*?c/ && $& == "abc")
+test_ok(/(.|\n)*?\n(b|\n)/ =~ "a\nb\n\n" && $& == "a\nb")
+test_ok(/^(ab+)+b/ =~ "ababb" && $& == "ababb")
+test_ok(/^(?:ab+)+b/ =~ "ababb" && $& == "ababb")
+test_ok(/^(ab+)+/ =~ "ababb" && $& == "ababb")
+test_ok(/^(?:ab+)+/ =~ "ababb" && $& == "ababb")
+test_ok(/(\s+\d+){2}/ =~ " 1 2" && $& == " 1 2")
+test_ok(/(?:\s+\d+){2}/ =~ " 1 2" && $& == " 1 2")
+$x = <<END;
+$x.gsub!(/((.|\n)*?)B((.|\n)*?)D/, '\1\3')
+test_ok($x == "AC\nAC\n")
+test_ok("foobar" =~ /foo(?=(bar)|(baz))/)
+test_ok("foobaz" =~ /foo(?=(bar)|(baz))/)
+$foo = "abc"
+test_ok("#$foo = abc" == "abc = abc")
+test_ok("#{$foo} = abc" == "abc = abc")
+foo = "abc"
+test_ok("#{foo} = abc" == "abc = abc")
+test_ok('-' * 5 == '-----')
+test_ok('-' * 1 == '-')
+test_ok('-' * 0 == '')
+foo = '-'
+test_ok(foo * 5 == '-----')
+test_ok(foo * 1 == '-')
+test_ok(foo * 0 == '')
+$x = "a.gif"
+test_ok($x.sub(/.*\.([^\.]+)$/, '\1') == "gif")
+test_ok($x.sub(/.*\.([^\.]+)$/, 'b.\1') == "b.gif")
+test_ok($x.sub(/.*\.([^\.]+)$/, '\2') == "")
+test_ok($x.sub(/.*\.([^\.]+)$/, 'a\2b') == "ab")
+test_ok($x.sub(/.*\.([^\.]+)$/, '<\&>') == "<a.gif>")
+# character constants(assumes ASCII)
+test_ok("a"[0] == ?a)
+test_ok(?a == ?a)
+test_ok(?\C-a == "\1")
+test_ok(?\M-a == "\341")
+test_ok(?\M-\C-a == "\201")
+test_ok("a".upcase![0] == ?A)
+test_ok("A".downcase![0] == ?a)
+test_ok("abc".tr!("a-z", "A-Z") == "ABC")
+test_ok("aabbcccc".tr_s!("a-z", "A-Z") == "ABC")
+test_ok("abcc".squeeze!("a-z") == "abc")
+test_ok("abcd".delete!("bc") == "ad")
+$x = "abcdef"
+$y = [ ?a, ?b, ?c, ?d, ?e, ?f ]
+$bad = false
+$x.each_byte {|i|
+ if i.chr != $y.shift
+ $bad = true
+ break
+ end
+s = "a string"
+s[0..s.size]="another string"
+test_ok(s == "another string")
+s = <<EOS
+test_ok(s == "1,2,3\n")
+test_ok("Just".to_i(36) == 926381)
+test_ok("-another".to_i(36) == -23200231779)
+test_ok(1299022.to_s(36) == "ruby")
+test_ok(-1045307475.to_s(36) == "-hacker")
+test_ok("Just_another_Ruby_hacker".to_i(36) == 265419172580680477752431643787347)
+test_ok(-265419172580680477752431643787347.to_s(36) == "-justanotherrubyhacker")
+a = []
+(0..255).each {|n|
+ ch = [n].pack("C")
+ a.push ch if /a#{Regexp.quote ch}b/x =~ "ab"
+test_ok(a.size == 0)
+test_check "assignment"
+a = nil
+test_ok(a == nil)
+# multiple asignment
+a, b = 1, 2
+test_ok(a == 1 && b == 2)
+a, b = b, a
+test_ok(a == 2 && b == 1)
+a, = 1,2
+test_ok(a == 1)
+a, *b = 1, 2, 3
+test_ok(a == 1 && b == [2, 3])
+a, (b, c), d = 1, [2, 3], 4
+test_ok(a == 1 && b == 2 && c == 3 && d == 4)
+*a = 1, 2, 3
+test_ok(a == [1, 2, 3])
+*a = 4
+test_ok(a == [4])
+*a = nil
+test_ok(a == [nil])
+test_check "call"
+def aaa(a, b=100, *rest)
+ res = [a, b]
+ res += rest if rest
+ return res
+# not enough argument
+ aaa() # need at least 1 arg
+ test_ok(false)
+ test_ok(true)
+ aaa # no arg given (exception raised)
+ test_ok(false)
+ test_ok(true)
+test_ok(aaa(1) == [1, 100])
+test_ok(aaa(1, 2) == [1, 2])
+test_ok(aaa(1, 2, 3, 4) == [1, 2, 3, 4])
+test_ok(aaa(1, *[2, 3, 4]) == [1, 2, 3, 4])
+test_check "proc"
+$proc ={|i| i}
+test_ok($ == 2)
+test_ok($ == 3)
+$proc ={|i| i*2}
+test_ok($ == 4)
+test_ok($ == 6)
+ iii=5 # nested local variable
+ $proc ={|i|
+ iii = i
+ }
+ $proc2 = {
+ $x = iii # nested variables shared by procs
+ }
+ # scope of nested variables
+ test_ok(defined?(iii))
+test_ok(!defined?(iii)) # out of scope
+loop{iii=5; test_ok(eval("defined? iii")); break}
+loop {
+ iii = 10
+ def dyna_var_check
+ loop {
+ test_ok(!defined?(iii))
+ break
+ }
+ end
+ dyna_var_check
+ break
+test_ok($x == 5)
+if defined? Process.kill
+ test_check "signal"
+ $x = 0
+ trap "SIGINT",{|sig| $x = 2}
+ Process.kill "SIGINT", $$
+ 100.times {
+ sleep 0.1
+ break if $x != 0
+ }
+ test_ok($x == 2)
+ trap "SIGINT",{raise "Interrupt"}
+ x = false
+ begin
+ Process.kill "SIGINT", $$
+ sleep 0.1
+ rescue
+ x = $!
+ end
+ test_ok(x && /Interrupt/ =~ x.message)
+test_check "eval"
+test_ok(eval("") == nil)
+eval 'while false; $bad = true; print "foo\n" end'
+$foo = 'test_ok(true)'
+ eval $foo
+ test_ok(false)
+test_ok(eval("$foo") == 'test_ok(true)')
+test_ok(eval("true") == true)
+i = 5
+test_ok(eval("i == 5"))
+test_ok(eval("i") == 5)
+test_ok(eval("defined? i"))
+# eval with binding
+def test_ev
+ local1 = "local1"
+ lambda {
+ local2 = "local2"
+ return binding
+ }.call
+$x = test_ev
+test_ok(eval("local1", $x) == "local1") # normal local var
+test_ok(eval("local2", $x) == "local2") # nested local var
+$bad = true
+ p eval("local1")
+rescue NameError # must raise error
+ $bad = false
+module EvTest
+ EVTEST1 = 25
+ evtest2 = 125
+ $x = binding
+test_ok(eval("EVTEST1", $x) == 25) # constant in module
+test_ok(eval("evtest2", $x) == 125) # local var in module
+$bad = true
+ eval("EVTEST1")
+rescue NameError # must raise error
+ $bad = false
+x = binding #! YARV Limitation:{}
+eval "i4 = 1", x
+test_ok(eval("i4", x) == 1)
+x ={binding}.call #! YARV Limitation:{{}}.call
+eval "i4 = 22", x
+test_ok(eval("i4", x) == 22)
+$x = []
+x ={binding}.call #! YARV Limitation:{{}}.call
+eval "(0..9).each{|i5| $x[i5] ={i5*2}}", x
+test_ok($x[4].call == 8)
+x = binding
+eval "i = 1", x
+test_ok(eval("i", x) == 1)
+x ={binding}.call
+eval "i = 22", x
+test_ok(eval("i", x) == 22)
+$x = []
+x ={binding}.call
+eval "(0..9).each{|i5| $x[i5] ={i5*2}}", x
+test_ok($x[4].call == 8)
+x ={binding}.call
+eval "for i6 in 1..1; j6=i6; end", x
+test_ok(eval("defined? i6", x))
+test_ok(eval("defined? j6", x))
+ {
+ p = binding
+ eval "foo11 = 1", p
+ foo22 = 5
+ test_ok(eval("foo11", p) == eval("foo11"))
+ test_ok(eval("foo11") == 1)
+ test_ok(eval("foo22", p) == eval("foo22"))
+ test_ok(eval("foo22") == 55)
+}.call if false #! YARV Limitation
+#! YARV Limitation: p1 ={i7 = 0;{i7}}.call
+p1 ={i7 = 0; binding}.call
+#! YARV Limitation: test_ok( == 0)
+eval "i7=5", p1
+#! YARV Limitation: test_ok( == 5)
+if false #! YARV Limitation
+p1 ={i7 = 0;{i7}}.call
+i7 = nil
+test_ok( == 0)
+eval "i7=1", p1
+test_ok( == 1)
+eval "i7=5", p1
+test_ok( == 5)
+test_ok(i7 == nil)
+test_check "system"
+test_ok(`echo foobar` == "foobar\n")
+test_ok(`./miniruby -e 'print "foobar"'` == 'foobar')
+tmp = open("script_tmp", "w")
+tmp.print "print $zzz\n";
+test_ok(`./miniruby -s script_tmp -zzz` == 'true')
+test_ok(`./miniruby -s script_tmp -zzz=555` == '555')
+tmp = open("script_tmp", "w")
+tmp.print "#! /usr/local/bin/ruby -s\n";
+tmp.print "print $zzz\n";
+test_ok(`./miniruby script_tmp -zzz=678` == '678')
+tmp = open("script_tmp", "w")
+tmp.print "this is a leading junk\n";
+tmp.print "#! /usr/local/bin/ruby -s\n";
+tmp.print "print $zzz\n";
+tmp.print "__END__\n";
+tmp.print "this is a trailing junk\n";
+test_ok(`./miniruby -x script_tmp` == '')
+test_ok(`./miniruby -x script_tmp -zzz=555` == '555')
+tmp = open("script_tmp", "w")
+for i in 1..5
+ tmp.print i, "\n"
+`./miniruby -i.bak -pe '$_.sub!(/^[0-9]+$/){$&.to_i * 5}' script_tmp`
+done = true
+tmp = open("script_tmp", "r")
+while tmp.gets
+ if $_.to_i % 5 != 0
+ done = false
+ break
+ end
+File.unlink "script_tmp" or `/bin/rm -f "script_tmp"`
+File.unlink "script_tmp.bak" or `/bin/rm -f "script_tmp.bak"`
+$bad = false
+if (dir = File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) == '.'
+ dir = ""
+ dir << "/"
+def valid_syntax?(code, fname)
+ p fname
+ code.force_encoding("ascii-8bit")
+ code = code.sub(/\A(?:\s*\#.*$)*(\n)?/n) {
+ "#$&#{"\n" if $1 && !$2}BEGIN{return true}\n"
+ }
+ eval(code, nil, fname, 0)
+rescue Exception
+ STDERR.puts $!.message
+ false
+for script in Dir["#{dir}{lib,sample,ext,test}/**/*.rb"]
+ unless valid_syntax? IO::read(script), script
+ STDERR.puts script
+ $bad = true
+ end
+test_check "const"
+TEST1 = 1
+TEST2 = 2
+module Const
+ TEST3 = 3
+ TEST4 = 4
+module Const2
+ TEST3 = 6
+ TEST4 = 8
+include Const
+test_ok([TEST1,TEST2,TEST3,TEST4] == [1,2,3,4])
+include Const2
+STDERR.print "intentionally redefines TEST3, TEST4\n" if $VERBOSE
+test_ok([TEST1,TEST2,TEST3,TEST4] == [1,2,6,8])
+test_ok((String <=> Object) == -1)
+test_ok((Object <=> String) == 1)
+test_ok((Array <=> String) == nil)
+test_check "clone"
+foo =
+def foo.test
+ "test"
+bar = foo.clone
+def bar.test2
+ "test2"
+test_ok(bar.test2 == "test2")
+test_ok(bar.test == "test")
+test_ok(foo.test == "test")
+ foo.test2
+ test_ok false
+rescue NoMethodError
+ test_ok true
+module M001; end
+module M002; end
+module M003; include M002; end
+module M002; include M001; end
+module M003; include M002; end
+test_ok(M003.ancestors == [M003, M002, M001])
+test_check "marshal"
+$x = [1,2,3,[4,5,"foo"],{1=>"bar"},2.5,fact(30)]
+$y = Marshal.dump($x)
+test_ok($x == Marshal.load($y))
+test_ok(Marshal.load(Marshal.dump("abc"))).class == StrClone)
+[[1,2,3,4], [81, 2, 118, 3146]].each { |w,x,y,z|
+ a = (x.to_f + y.to_f / z.to_f) * Math.exp(w.to_f / (x.to_f + y.to_f / z.to_f))
+ ma = Marshal.dump(a)
+ b = Marshal.load(ma)
+ test_ok(a == b)
+test_check "pack"
+$format = "c2x5CCxsdils_l_a6";
+# Need the expression in here to force ary[5] to be numeric. This avoids
+# test2 failing because ary2 goes str->numeric->str and ary does not.
+ary = [1,-100,127,128,32767,987.654321098 / 100.0,12345,123456,-32767,-123456,"abcdef"]
+$x = ary.pack($format)
+ary2 = $x.unpack($format)
+test_ok(ary.length == ary2.length)
+test_ok(ary.join(':') == ary2.join(':'))
+test_ok($x =~ /def/)
+$x = [-1073741825]
+test_ok($x.pack("q").unpack("q") == $x)
+test_check "math"
+test_ok(Math.sqrt(4) == 2)
+include Math
+test_ok(sqrt(4) == 2)
+test_check "struct"
+struct_test ="Test", :foo, :bar)
+test_ok(struct_test == Struct::Test)
+test =, 2)
+test_ok( == 1 && == 2)
+test_ok(test[0] == 1 && test[1] == 2)
+a, b = test.to_a
+test_ok(a == 1 && b == 2)
+test[0] = 22
+test_ok( == 22)
+ = 47
+test_ok( == 47)
+test_check "variable"
+# read-only variable
+ $$ = 5
+ test_ok false
+rescue NameError
+ test_ok true
+foobar = "foobar"
+$_ = foobar
+test_ok($_ == foobar)
+class Gods
+ @@rule = "Uranus" # private to Gods
+ def ruler0
+ @@rule
+ end
+ def self.ruler1 # <= per method definition style
+ @@rule
+ end
+ class << self # <= multiple method definition style
+ def ruler2
+ @@rule
+ end
+ end
+module Olympians
+ @@rule ="Zeus"
+ def ruler3
+ @@rule
+ end
+class Titans < Gods
+ @@rule = "Cronus" # do not affect @@rule in Gods
+ include Olympians
+ def ruler4
+ @@rule
+ end
+test_ok( == "Cronus")
+test_ok(Gods.ruler1 == "Cronus")
+test_ok(Gods.ruler2 == "Cronus")
+test_ok(Titans.ruler1 == "Cronus")
+test_ok(Titans.ruler2 == "Cronus")
+atlas =
+test_ok(atlas.ruler0 == "Cronus")
+test_ok(atlas.ruler3 == "Zeus")
+test_ok(atlas.ruler4 == "Cronus")
+test_check "trace"
+$x = 1234
+$y = 0
+trace_var :$x,{$y = $x}
+$x = 40414
+test_ok($y == $x)
+untrace_var :$x
+$x = 19660208
+test_ok($y != $x)
+trace_var :$x,{$x *= 2}
+$x = 5
+test_ok($x == 10)
+untrace_var :$x
+test_check "defined?"
+test_ok(defined?($x)) # global variable
+test_ok(defined?($x) == 'global-variable')# returns description
+test_ok(defined?(foo)) # local variable
+test_ok(defined?(Array)) # constant
+test_ok(defined?( # method
+test_ok(!defined?(Object.print))# private method
+test_ok(defined?(1 == 2)) # operator expression
+class Foo
+ def foo
+ p :foo
+ end
+ protected :foo
+ def bar(f)
+ test_ok(defined?(
+ test_ok(defined?(
+ end
+f =
+test_ok(defined?( == nil)
+def defined_test
+ return !defined?(yield)
+test_ok(defined_test) # not iterator
+test_ok(!defined_test{}) # called as iterator
+test_check "alias"
+class Alias0
+ def foo; "foo" end
+class Alias1<Alias0
+ alias bar foo
+ def foo; "foo+" + super end
+class Alias2<Alias1
+ alias baz foo
+ undef foo
+x =
+test_ok( == "foo")
+test_ok(x.baz == "foo+foo")
+# test_check for cache
+test_ok(x.baz == "foo+foo")
+class Alias3<Alias2
+ def foo
+ defined? super
+ end
+ def bar
+ defined? super
+ end
+ def quux
+ defined? super
+ end
+x =
+test_check "path"
+test_ok(File.basename("a") == "a")
+test_ok(File.basename("a/b") == "b")
+test_ok(File.basename("a/b/") == "b")
+test_ok(File.basename("/") == "/")
+test_ok(File.basename("//") == "/")
+test_ok(File.basename("///") == "/")
+test_ok(File.basename("a/b////") == "b")
+test_ok(File.basename("a.rb", ".rb") == "a")
+test_ok(File.basename("a.rb///", ".rb") == "a")
+test_ok(File.basename("a.rb///", ".*") == "a")
+test_ok(File.basename("a.rb///", ".c") == "a.rb")
+test_ok(File.dirname("a") == ".")
+test_ok(File.dirname("/") == "/")
+test_ok(File.dirname("/a") == "/")
+test_ok(File.dirname("a/b") == "a")
+test_ok(File.dirname("a/b/c") == "a/b")
+test_ok(File.dirname("/a/b/c") == "/a/b")
+test_ok(File.dirname("/a/b/") == "/a")
+test_ok(File.dirname("/a/b///") == "/a")
+case Dir.pwd
+when %r'\A\w:'
+ test_ok(/\A\w:\/\z/ =~ File.expand_path(".", "/"))
+ test_ok(/\A\w:\/a\z/ =~ File.expand_path("a", "/"))
+ dosish = true
+when %r'\A//'
+ test_ok(%r'\A//[^/]+/[^/]+\z' =~ File.expand_path(".", "/"))
+ test_ok(%r'\A//[^/]+/[^/]+/a\z' =~ File.expand_path(".", "/"))
+ dosish = true
+ test_ok(File.expand_path(".", "/") == "/")
+ test_ok(File.expand_path("sub", "/") == "/sub")
+if dosish
+ test_ok(File.expand_path("/", "//machine/share/sub") == "//machine/share")
+ test_ok(File.expand_path("/dir", "//machine/share/sub") == "//machine/share/dir")
+ test_ok(File.expand_path("/", "z:/sub") == "z:/")
+ test_ok(File.expand_path("/dir", "z:/sub") == "z:/dir")
+test_ok(File.expand_path(".", "//") == "//")
+test_ok(File.expand_path("sub", "//") == "//sub")
+# test_check "Proc#binding"
+ begin
+ b = o.binding
+ eval 'self', b
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ end
+test_check "gc"
+ 1.upto(10000) {
+ tmp = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
+ }
+ tmp = nil
+ test_ok true
+ test_ok false
+class S
+ def initialize(a)
+ @a = a
+ end
+100000.times {
+ l =
+test_ok true # reach here or dumps core
+l = []
+100000.times {
+ l.push([l])
+test_ok true # reach here or dumps core
+test_ok true # reach here or dumps core
+if $failed > 0
+ printf "not ok/test: %d failed %d\n", $ntest, $failed
+ printf "end of test(test: %d)\n", $ntest
diff --git a/trunk/sample/testunit/adder.rb b/trunk/sample/testunit/adder.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa5c88cc7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/testunit/adder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
+# License:: Ruby license.
+class Adder
+ def initialize(number)
+ @number = number
+ end
+ def add(number)
+ return @number + number
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/testunit/subtracter.rb b/trunk/sample/testunit/subtracter.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c08247805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/testunit/subtracter.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
+# License:: Ruby license.
+class Subtracter
+ def initialize(number)
+ @number = number
+ end
+ def subtract(number)
+ return @number - number
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/testunit/tc_adder.rb b/trunk/sample/testunit/tc_adder.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8453beb20a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/testunit/tc_adder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
+# License:: Ruby license.
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'adder'
+class TC_Adder < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @adder =
+ end
+ def test_add
+ assert_equal(7, @adder.add(2), "Should have added correctly")
+ end
+ def teardown
+ @adder = nil
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/testunit/tc_subtracter.rb b/trunk/sample/testunit/tc_subtracter.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2c8313350
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/testunit/tc_subtracter.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
+# License:: Ruby license.
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'subtracter'
+class TC_Subtracter < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @subtracter =
+ end
+ def test_subtract
+ assert_equal(3, @subtracter.subtract(2), "Should have subtracted correctly")
+ end
+ def teardown
+ @subtracter = nil
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/testunit/ts_examples.rb b/trunk/sample/testunit/ts_examples.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d24dd6522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/testunit/ts_examples.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Author:: Nathaniel Talbott.
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Nathaniel Talbott. All rights reserved.
+# License:: Ruby license.
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'tc_adder'
+require 'tc_subtracter'
diff --git a/trunk/sample/time.rb b/trunk/sample/time.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e16912052e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/time.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env ruby
+b =
+e =
+tms = Process.times
+real = e - b
+user = tms.cutime
+sys = tms.cstime
+STDERR.printf("%11.1f real %11.1f user %11.1f sys\n", real, user, sys)
diff --git a/trunk/sample/trojan.rb b/trunk/sample/trojan.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a35ac21c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/trojan.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/ruby
+path = ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+for dir in path
+ if
+ for f in d =
+ fpath = File.join(dir, f)
+ if File.file?(fpath) && (File.stat(fpath).mode & 022) != 0
+ printf("file %s is writable from other users\n", fpath)
+ end
+ end
+ d.close
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/tsvr.rb b/trunk/sample/tsvr.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52cdd32dce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/tsvr.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# socket example - server side using thread
+# usage: ruby tsvr.rb
+require "socket"
+gs =
+addr = gs.addr
+printf("server is on %s\n", addr.join(":"))
+loop do
+ Thread.start(gs.accept) do |s|
+ print(s, " is accepted\n")
+ while line = s.gets
+ s.write(line)
+ end
+ print(s, " is gone\n")
+ s.close
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/uumerge.rb b/trunk/sample/uumerge.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2576bcb864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/uumerge.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+if ARGV[0] == "-c"
+ out_stdout = 1
+ ARGV.shift
+$sawbegin = 0
+$sawend = 0
+while line = gets()
+ if /^begin\s*(\d*)\s*(\S*)/ =~ line
+ $mode, $file = $1, $2
+ $sawbegin+=1
+ if out_stdout
+ out = STDOUT
+ else
+ out = open($file, "w") if $file != ""
+ end
+ out.binmode
+ break
+ end
+raise "missing begin" unless $sawbegin
+while line = gets()
+ if /^end/ =~ line
+ $sawend+=1
+ out.close unless out_stdout
+ File.chmod $mode.oct, $file unless out_stdout
+ next
+ end
+ line.sub!(/[a-z]+$/, "") # handle stupid trailing lowercase letters
+ next if /[a-z]/ =~ line
+ next if !(((($_[0] - 32) & 077) + 2) / 3 == $_.length / 4)
+ out << $_.unpack("u") if $sawbegin > $sawend
+raise "missing end" if $sawbegin > $sawend
+raise "missing begin" if ! $sawbegin
+exit 0
diff --git a/trunk/sample/webrick/demo-app.rb b/trunk/sample/webrick/demo-app.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7a2a0a6a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/webrick/demo-app.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+require "pp"
+module DemoApplication
+ def initialize(config, enctype)
+ super
+ @enctype = enctype
+ end
+ def do_GET(req, res)
+ if req.path_info != "/"
+ res.set_redirect(WEBrick::HTTPStatus::Found, req.script_name + "/")
+ end
+ res.body =<<-_end_of_html_
+ <HTML>
+ <FORM method="POST" enctype=#{@enctype}>
+ text: <INPUT type="text" name="text"><BR>
+ file: <INPUT type="file" name="file"><BR>
+ check:
+ <INPUT type="checkbox" name="check" value="a">a,
+ <INPUT type="checkbox" name="check" value="b">b,
+ <INPUT type="checkbox" name="check" value="c">c,
+ <BR>
+ <INPUT type="submit">
+ </FORM>
+ </HTML>
+ _end_of_html_
+ res['content-type'] = 'text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'
+ end
+ def do_POST(req, res)
+ if req["content-length"].to_i > 1024*10
+ raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::Forbidden, "file size too large"
+ end
+ res.body =<<-_end_of_html_
+ <HTML>
+ <H2>Query Parameters</H2>
+ #{display_query(req.query)}
+ <A href="#{req.path}">return</A>
+ <H2>Request</H2>
+ <PRE>#{WEBrick::HTMLUtils::escape(PP::pp(req, "", 80))}</PRE>
+ <H2>Response</H2>
+ <PRE>#{WEBrick::HTMLUtils::escape(PP::pp(res, "", 80))}</PRE>
+ </HTML>
+ _end_of_html_
+ res['content-type'] = 'text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'
+ end
+ private
+ def display_query(q)
+ ret = ""
+ q.each{|key, val|
+ ret << "<H3>#{WEBrick::HTMLUtils::escape(key)}</H3>"
+ ret << "<TABLE border=1>"
+ ret << make_tr("val", val.inspect)
+ ret << make_tr("val.to_a", val.to_a.inspect)
+ ret << make_tr("val.to_ary", val.to_ary.inspect)
+ ret << "</TABLE>"
+ }
+ ret
+ end
+ def make_tr(arg0, arg1)
+ "<TR><TD>#{arg0}</TD><TD>#{WEBrick::HTMLUtils::escape(arg1)}</TD></TR>"
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/webrick/demo-multipart.cgi b/trunk/sample/webrick/demo-multipart.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0893fadadf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/webrick/demo-multipart.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "webrick/cgi"
+require "webrick/https" # should load if it runs on HTTPS server
+require "./demo-app"
+class DemoCGI < WEBrick::CGI
+ include DemoApplication
+config = { :NPH => false }
+cgi =, "multipart/form-data")
diff --git a/trunk/sample/webrick/demo-servlet.rb b/trunk/sample/webrick/demo-servlet.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c18cc65d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/webrick/demo-servlet.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+require "webrick"
+require "./demo-app"
+class DemoServlet < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
+ include DemoApplication
diff --git a/trunk/sample/webrick/demo-urlencoded.cgi b/trunk/sample/webrick/demo-urlencoded.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4706f8b59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/webrick/demo-urlencoded.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "webrick/cgi"
+require "webrick/https" # should load if it runs on HTTPS server
+require "./demo-app"
+class DemoCGI < WEBrick::CGI
+ include DemoApplication
+config = { :NPH => false }
+cgi =, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
diff --git a/trunk/sample/webrick/hello.cgi b/trunk/sample/webrick/hello.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35d2240df0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/webrick/hello.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "webrick/cgi"
+class HelloCGI < WEBrick::CGI
+ def do_GET(req, res)
+ res["content-type"] = "text/plain"
+ res.body = "Hello, world.\n"
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/webrick/hello.rb b/trunk/sample/webrick/hello.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d02676818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/webrick/hello.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+require "webrick"
+class HelloServlet < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
+ def do_GET(req, res)
+ res["content-type"] = "text/plain"
+ res.body = "Hello, world.\n"
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/sample/webrick/httpd.rb b/trunk/sample/webrick/httpd.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0edf47582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/webrick/httpd.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+require "webrick"
+httpd =
+ :DocumentRoot => File::dirname(__FILE__),
+ :Port => 10080,
+ :Logger =>$stderr, WEBrick::Log::DEBUG),
+ :AccessLog => [
+ [ $stderr, WEBrick::AccessLog::COMMON_LOG_FORMAT ],
+ [ $stderr, WEBrick::AccessLog::REFERER_LOG_FORMAT ],
+ [ $stderr, WEBrick::AccessLog::AGENT_LOG_FORMAT ],
+ ],
+ :CGIPathEnv => ENV["PATH"] # PATH environment variable for CGI.
+require "./hello"
+httpd.mount("/hello", HelloServlet)
+require "./demo-servlet"
+httpd.mount("/urlencoded", DemoServlet, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
+httpd.mount("/multipart", DemoServlet, "multipart/form-data")
+trap(:INT){ httpd.shutdown }
diff --git a/trunk/sample/webrick/httpproxy.rb b/trunk/sample/webrick/httpproxy.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bca0cc4626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/webrick/httpproxy.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+require "webrick"
+require "webrick/httpproxy"
+# :ProxyContentHandler will be invoked before sending
+# response to User-Agenge. You can inspect the pair of
+# request and response messages (or can edit the response
+# message if necessary).
+pch ={|req, res|
+ p [ req.request_line, res.status_line ]
+def upstream_proxy
+ if prx = ENV["http_proxy"]
+ return URI.parse(prx)
+ end
+ return nil
+httpd =
+ :Port => 10080,
+ :ProxyContentHandler => pch,
+ :ProxyURI => upstream_proxy
+Signal.trap(:INT){ httpd.shutdown }
diff --git a/trunk/sample/webrick/httpsd.rb b/trunk/sample/webrick/httpsd.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a120782c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/sample/webrick/httpsd.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+require "webrick"
+require "webrick/https"
+hostname = WEBrick::Utils::getservername
+subject = [["O", ""], ["OU", "sample"], ["CN", hostname]]
+comment = "Comment for self-signed certificate"
+httpd =
+ :DocumentRoot => File::dirname(__FILE__),
+ :Port => 10443,
+ :SSLEnable => true,
+ # Specify key pair and server certificate.
+ # :SSLPrivateKey =>"server.key")),
+ # :SSLCertificate =>"server.crt")),
+ # specify the following SSL options if you want to use auto
+ # generated self-signed certificate.
+ :SSLCertName => subject,
+ :SSLComment => comment,
+ :CGIPathEnv => ENV["PATH"] # PATH environment variable for CGI.
+require "./hello"
+httpd.mount("/hello", HelloServlet)
+require "./demo-servlet"
+httpd.mount("/urlencoded", DemoServlet, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
+httpd.mount("/multipart", DemoServlet, "multipart/form-data")
+trap(:INT){ httpd.shutdown }