path: root/tool/lib
diff options
authorHiroshi SHIBATA <>2021-09-08 10:00:41 +0900
committerHiroshi SHIBATA <>2021-09-11 08:48:03 +0900
commitc18e9539373a1e90e36e503a51ce5cebb7372e23 (patch)
tree207b8f08dba17b7ee6958d3f481c8c51c9b2740f /tool/lib
parent78ec066347cd5e59957ef6f98d4f40fd00aa667a (diff)
Move MiniTest::Unit to under Test::Unit::Runner
Notes: Merged:
Diffstat (limited to 'tool/lib')
2 files changed, 396 insertions, 398 deletions
diff --git a/tool/lib/minitest/unit.rb b/tool/lib/minitest/unit.rb
index 6a446d3c11..6c72362c52 100644
--- a/tool/lib/minitest/unit.rb
+++ b/tool/lib/minitest/unit.rb
@@ -69,401 +69,4 @@ module MiniTest
backtrace_filter.filter bt
- class Unit # :nodoc:
- VERSION = "4.7.5" # :nodoc:
- attr_accessor :report, :failures, :errors, :skips # :nodoc:
- attr_accessor :assertion_count # :nodoc:
- attr_writer :test_count # :nodoc:
- attr_accessor :start_time # :nodoc:
- attr_accessor :help # :nodoc:
- attr_accessor :verbose # :nodoc:
- attr_writer :options # :nodoc:
- ##
- # :attr:
- #
- # if true, installs an "INFO" signal handler (only available to BSD and
- # OS X users) which prints diagnostic information about the test run.
- #
- # This is auto-detected by default but may be overridden by custom
- # runners.
- attr_accessor :info_signal
- ##
- # Lazy accessor for options.
- def options
- @options ||= {seed: 42}
- end
- @@installed_at_exit ||= false
- @@out = $stdout
- @@after_tests = []
- @@current_repeat_count = 0
- ##
- # A simple hook allowing you to run a block of code after _all_ of
- # the tests are done. Eg:
- #
- # MiniTest::Unit.after_tests { p $debugging_info }
- def self.after_tests &block
- @@after_tests << block
- end
- ##
- # Registers MiniTest::Unit to run tests at process exit
- def self.autorun
- at_exit {
- # don't run if there was a non-exit exception
- next if $! and not $!.kind_of? SystemExit
- # the order here is important. The at_exit handler must be
- # installed before anyone else gets a chance to install their
- # own, that way we can be assured that our exit will be last
- # to run (at_exit stacks).
- exit_code = nil
- at_exit {
- @@after_tests.reverse_each(&:call)
- exit false if exit_code && exit_code != 0
- }
- exit_code = ARGV
- } unless @@installed_at_exit
- @@installed_at_exit = true
- end
- ##
- # Returns the stream to use for output.
- def self.output
- @@out
- end
- ##
- # Sets MiniTest::Unit to write output to +stream+. $stdout is the default
- # output
- def self.output= stream
- @@out = stream
- end
- ##
- # Tells MiniTest::Unit to delegate to +runner+, an instance of a
- # MiniTest::Unit subclass, when MiniTest::Unit#run is called.
- def self.runner= runner
- @@runner = runner
- end
- ##
- # Returns the MiniTest::Unit subclass instance that will be used
- # to run the tests. A MiniTest::Unit instance is the default
- # runner.
- def self.runner
- @@runner ||=
- end
- ##
- # Return all plugins' run methods (methods that start with "run_").
- def self.plugins
- @@plugins ||= (["run_tests"] +
- public_instance_methods(false).
- grep(/^run_/).map { |s| s.to_s }).uniq
- end
- ##
- # Return the IO for output.
- def output
- self.class.output
- end
- def puts *a # :nodoc:
- output.puts(*a)
- end
- def print *a # :nodoc:
- output.print(*a)
- end
- def test_count # :nodoc:
- @test_count ||= 0
- end
- ##
- # Runner for a given +type+ (eg, test vs bench).
- def self.current_repeat_count
- @@current_repeat_count
- end
- def _run_anything type
- suites = Test::Unit::TestCase.send "#{type}_suites"
- return if suites.empty?
- puts
- puts "# Running #{type}s:"
- puts
- @test_count, @assertion_count = 0, 0
- test_count = assertion_count = 0
- sync = output.respond_to? :"sync=" # stupid emacs
- old_sync, output.sync = output.sync, true if sync
- @@current_repeat_count = 0
- begin
- start =
- results = _run_suites suites, type
- @test_count = results.inject(0) { |sum, (tc, _)| sum + tc }
- @assertion_count = results.inject(0) { |sum, (_, ac)| sum + ac }
- test_count += @test_count
- assertion_count += @assertion_count
- t = - start
- @@current_repeat_count += 1
- unless @repeat_count
- puts
- puts
- end
- puts "Finished%s %ss in %.6fs, %.4f tests/s, %.4f assertions/s.\n" %
- [(@repeat_count ? "(#{@@current_repeat_count}/#{@repeat_count}) " : ""), type,
- t, @test_count.fdiv(t), @assertion_count.fdiv(t)]
- end while @repeat_count && @@current_repeat_count < @repeat_count &&
- report.empty? && &&
- output.sync = old_sync if sync
- report.each_with_index do |msg, i|
- puts "\n%3d) %s" % [i + 1, msg]
- end
- puts
- @test_count = test_count
- @assertion_count = assertion_count
- status
- end
- ##
- # Runs all the +suites+ for a given +type+.
- #
- def _run_suites suites, type
- { |suite| _run_suite suite, type }
- end
- ##
- # Run a single +suite+ for a given +type+.
- def _run_suite suite, type
- header = "#{type}_suite_header"
- puts send(header, suite) if respond_to? header
- filter = options[:filter] || '/./'
- filter = $1 if filter =~ /\/(.*)\//
- all_test_methods = suite.send "#{type}_methods"
- filtered_test_methods = all_test_methods.find_all { |m|
- filter === m || filter === "#{suite}##{m}"
- }
- leakchecker =
- require "objspace"
- trace = true
- end
- assertions = { |method|
- inst = method
- inst._assertions = 0
- print "#{suite}##{method} = " if @verbose
- start_time = if @verbose
- result =
- if trace
- ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations { self}
- else
- self
- end
- print "%.2f s = " % ( - start_time) if @verbose
- print result
- puts if @verbose
- $stdout.flush
- unless defined?(RubyVM::JIT) && RubyVM::JIT.enabled? # compiler process is wrongly considered as leak
- leakchecker.check("#{inst.class}\##{inst.__name__}")
- end
- inst._assertions
- }
- return assertions.size, assertions.inject(0) { |sum, n| sum + n }
- end
- ##
- # Record the result of a single test. Makes it very easy to gather
- # information. Eg:
- #
- # class StatisticsRecorder < MiniTest::Unit
- # def record suite, method, assertions, time, error
- # # ... record the results somewhere ...
- # end
- # end
- #
- # MiniTest::Unit.runner =
- #
- # NOTE: record might be sent more than once per test. It will be
- # sent once with the results from the test itself. If there is a
- # failure or error in teardown, it will be sent again with the
- # error or failure.
- def record suite, method, assertions, time, error
- end
- def location e # :nodoc:
- last_before_assertion = ""
- return '<empty>' unless e.backtrace # SystemStackError can return nil.
- e.backtrace.reverse_each do |s|
- break if s =~ /in .(assert|refute|flunk|pass|fail|raise|must|wont)/
- last_before_assertion = s
- end
- last_before_assertion.sub(/:in .*$/, '')
- end
- ##
- # Writes status for failed test +meth+ in +klass+ which finished with
- # exception +e+
- def puke klass, meth, e
- e = case e
- when MiniTest::Skip then
- @skips += 1
- return "S" unless @verbose
- "Skipped:\n#{klass}##{meth} [#{location e}]:\n#{e.message}\n"
- when MiniTest::Assertion then
- @failures += 1
- "Failure:\n#{klass}##{meth} [#{location e}]:\n#{e.message}\n"
- else
- @errors += 1
- bt = MiniTest::filter_backtrace(e.backtrace).join "\n "
- "Error:\n#{klass}##{meth}:\n#{e.class}: #{e.message.b}\n #{bt}\n"
- end
- @report << e
- e[0, 1]
- end
- def initialize # :nodoc:
- @report = []
- @errors = @failures = @skips = 0
- @verbose = false
- @mutex =
- @info_signal = Signal.list['INFO']
- @repeat_count = nil
- end
- def synchronize # :nodoc:
- if @mutex then
- @mutex.synchronize { yield }
- else
- yield
- end
- end
- def process_args args = [] # :nodoc:
- options = {}
- orig_args = args.dup
- do |opts|
- opts.banner = 'minitest options:'
- opts.version = MiniTest::Unit::VERSION
- opts.on '-h', '--help', 'Display this help.' do
- puts opts
- exit
- end
- opts.on '-s', '--seed SEED', Integer, "Sets random seed" do |m|
- options[:seed] = m.to_i
- end
- opts.on '-v', '--verbose', "Verbose. Show progress processing files." do
- options[:verbose] = true
- end
- opts.on '-n', '--name PATTERN', "Filter test names on pattern (e.g. /foo/)" do |a|
- options[:filter] = a
- end
- opts.parse! args
- orig_args -= args
- end
- unless options[:seed] then
- srand
- options[:seed] = srand % 0xFFFF
- orig_args << "--seed" << options[:seed].to_s
- end
- srand options[:seed]
- self.verbose = options[:verbose]
- @help = { |s| s =~ /[\s|&<>$()]/ ? s.inspect : s }.join " "
- options
- end
- ##
- # Begins the full test run. Delegates to +runner+'s #_run method.
- def run args = []
- self.class.runner._run(args)
- end
- ##
- # Top level driver, controls all output and filtering.
- def _run args = []
- args = process_args args # ARGH!! blame test/unit process_args
- self.options.merge! args
- puts "Run options: #{help}"
- self.class.plugins.each do |plugin|
- send plugin
- break unless report.empty?
- end
- return failures + errors if self.test_count > 0 # or return nil...
- rescue Interrupt
- abort 'Interrupted'
- end
- ##
- # Runs test suites matching +filter+.
- def run_tests
- _run_anything :test
- end
- ##
- # Writes status to +io+
- def status io = self.output
- format = "%d tests, %d assertions, %d failures, %d errors, %d skips"
- io.puts format % [test_count, assertion_count, failures, errors, skips]
- end
- end # class Unit
end # module MiniTest
diff --git a/tool/lib/test/unit.rb b/tool/lib/test/unit.rb
index 27751d0005..356911150d 100644
--- a/tool/lib/test/unit.rb
+++ b/tool/lib/test/unit.rb
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ module Test
# Test::Unit has been left in the standard library to support legacy test
# suites.
module Unit
+ VERSION = "4.7.5" # :nodoc:
TEST_UNIT_IMPLEMENTATION = 'test/unit compatibility layer using minitest' # :nodoc:
module RunCount # :nodoc: all
@@ -1158,7 +1159,401 @@ module Test
- class Runner < MiniTest::Unit # :nodoc: all
+ class Runner # :nodoc: all
+ attr_accessor :report, :failures, :errors, :skips # :nodoc:
+ attr_accessor :assertion_count # :nodoc:
+ attr_writer :test_count # :nodoc:
+ attr_accessor :start_time # :nodoc:
+ attr_accessor :help # :nodoc:
+ attr_accessor :verbose # :nodoc:
+ attr_writer :options # :nodoc:
+ ##
+ # :attr:
+ #
+ # if true, installs an "INFO" signal handler (only available to BSD and
+ # OS X users) which prints diagnostic information about the test run.
+ #
+ # This is auto-detected by default but may be overridden by custom
+ # runners.
+ attr_accessor :info_signal
+ ##
+ # Lazy accessor for options.
+ def options
+ @options ||= {seed: 42}
+ end
+ @@installed_at_exit ||= false
+ @@out = $stdout
+ @@after_tests = []
+ @@current_repeat_count = 0
+ ##
+ # A simple hook allowing you to run a block of code after _all_ of
+ # the tests are done. Eg:
+ #
+ # MiniTest::Unit.after_tests { p $debugging_info }
+ def self.after_tests &block
+ @@after_tests << block
+ end
+ ##
+ # Registers MiniTest::Unit to run tests at process exit
+ def self.autorun
+ at_exit {
+ # don't run if there was a non-exit exception
+ next if $! and not $!.kind_of? SystemExit
+ # the order here is important. The at_exit handler must be
+ # installed before anyone else gets a chance to install their
+ # own, that way we can be assured that our exit will be last
+ # to run (at_exit stacks).
+ exit_code = nil
+ at_exit {
+ @@after_tests.reverse_each(&:call)
+ exit false if exit_code && exit_code != 0
+ }
+ exit_code = ARGV
+ } unless @@installed_at_exit
+ @@installed_at_exit = true
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the stream to use for output.
+ def self.output
+ @@out
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sets MiniTest::Unit to write output to +stream+. $stdout is the default
+ # output
+ def self.output= stream
+ @@out = stream
+ end
+ ##
+ # Tells MiniTest::Unit to delegate to +runner+, an instance of a
+ # MiniTest::Unit subclass, when MiniTest::Unit#run is called.
+ def self.runner= runner
+ @@runner = runner
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the MiniTest::Unit subclass instance that will be used
+ # to run the tests. A MiniTest::Unit instance is the default
+ # runner.
+ def self.runner
+ @@runner ||=
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return all plugins' run methods (methods that start with "run_").
+ def self.plugins
+ @@plugins ||= (["run_tests"] +
+ public_instance_methods(false).
+ grep(/^run_/).map { |s| s.to_s }).uniq
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return the IO for output.
+ def output
+ self.class.output
+ end
+ def puts *a # :nodoc:
+ output.puts(*a)
+ end
+ def print *a # :nodoc:
+ output.print(*a)
+ end
+ def test_count # :nodoc:
+ @test_count ||= 0
+ end
+ ##
+ # Runner for a given +type+ (eg, test vs bench).
+ def self.current_repeat_count
+ @@current_repeat_count
+ end
+ def _run_anything type
+ suites = Test::Unit::TestCase.send "#{type}_suites"
+ return if suites.empty?
+ puts
+ puts "# Running #{type}s:"
+ puts
+ @test_count, @assertion_count = 0, 0
+ test_count = assertion_count = 0
+ sync = output.respond_to? :"sync=" # stupid emacs
+ old_sync, output.sync = output.sync, true if sync
+ @@current_repeat_count = 0
+ begin
+ start =
+ results = _run_suites suites, type
+ @test_count = results.inject(0) { |sum, (tc, _)| sum + tc }
+ @assertion_count = results.inject(0) { |sum, (_, ac)| sum + ac }
+ test_count += @test_count
+ assertion_count += @assertion_count
+ t = - start
+ @@current_repeat_count += 1
+ unless @repeat_count
+ puts
+ puts
+ end
+ puts "Finished%s %ss in %.6fs, %.4f tests/s, %.4f assertions/s.\n" %
+ [(@repeat_count ? "(#{@@current_repeat_count}/#{@repeat_count}) " : ""), type,
+ t, @test_count.fdiv(t), @assertion_count.fdiv(t)]
+ end while @repeat_count && @@current_repeat_count < @repeat_count &&
+ report.empty? && &&
+ output.sync = old_sync if sync
+ report.each_with_index do |msg, i|
+ puts "\n%3d) %s" % [i + 1, msg]
+ end
+ puts
+ @test_count = test_count
+ @assertion_count = assertion_count
+ status
+ end
+ ##
+ # Runs all the +suites+ for a given +type+.
+ #
+ def _run_suites suites, type
+ { |suite| _run_suite suite, type }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Run a single +suite+ for a given +type+.
+ def _run_suite suite, type
+ header = "#{type}_suite_header"
+ puts send(header, suite) if respond_to? header
+ filter = options[:filter] || '/./'
+ filter = $1 if filter =~ /\/(.*)\//
+ all_test_methods = suite.send "#{type}_methods"
+ filtered_test_methods = all_test_methods.find_all { |m|
+ filter === m || filter === "#{suite}##{m}"
+ }
+ leakchecker =
+ require "objspace"
+ trace = true
+ end
+ assertions = { |method|
+ inst = method
+ inst._assertions = 0
+ print "#{suite}##{method} = " if @verbose
+ start_time = if @verbose
+ result =
+ if trace
+ ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations { self}
+ else
+ self
+ end
+ print "%.2f s = " % ( - start_time) if @verbose
+ print result
+ puts if @verbose
+ $stdout.flush
+ unless defined?(RubyVM::JIT) && RubyVM::JIT.enabled? # compiler process is wrongly considered as leak
+ leakchecker.check("#{inst.class}\##{inst.__name__}")
+ end
+ inst._assertions
+ }
+ return assertions.size, assertions.inject(0) { |sum, n| sum + n }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Record the result of a single test. Makes it very easy to gather
+ # information. Eg:
+ #
+ # class StatisticsRecorder < MiniTest::Unit
+ # def record suite, method, assertions, time, error
+ # # ... record the results somewhere ...
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # MiniTest::Unit.runner =
+ #
+ # NOTE: record might be sent more than once per test. It will be
+ # sent once with the results from the test itself. If there is a
+ # failure or error in teardown, it will be sent again with the
+ # error or failure.
+ def record suite, method, assertions, time, error
+ end
+ def location e # :nodoc:
+ last_before_assertion = ""
+ return '<empty>' unless e.backtrace # SystemStackError can return nil.
+ e.backtrace.reverse_each do |s|
+ break if s =~ /in .(assert|refute|flunk|pass|fail|raise|must|wont)/
+ last_before_assertion = s
+ end
+ last_before_assertion.sub(/:in .*$/, '')
+ end
+ ##
+ # Writes status for failed test +meth+ in +klass+ which finished with
+ # exception +e+
+ def puke klass, meth, e
+ e = case e
+ when MiniTest::Skip then
+ @skips += 1
+ return "S" unless @verbose
+ "Skipped:\n#{klass}##{meth} [#{location e}]:\n#{e.message}\n"
+ when MiniTest::Assertion then
+ @failures += 1
+ "Failure:\n#{klass}##{meth} [#{location e}]:\n#{e.message}\n"
+ else
+ @errors += 1
+ bt = MiniTest::filter_backtrace(e.backtrace).join "\n "
+ "Error:\n#{klass}##{meth}:\n#{e.class}: #{e.message.b}\n #{bt}\n"
+ end
+ @report << e
+ e[0, 1]
+ end
+ def initialize # :nodoc:
+ @report = []
+ @errors = @failures = @skips = 0
+ @verbose = false
+ @mutex =
+ @info_signal = Signal.list['INFO']
+ @repeat_count = nil
+ end
+ def synchronize # :nodoc:
+ if @mutex then
+ @mutex.synchronize { yield }
+ else
+ yield
+ end
+ end
+ def process_args args = [] # :nodoc:
+ options = {}
+ orig_args = args.dup
+ do |opts|
+ opts.banner = 'minitest options:'
+ opts.version = MiniTest::Unit::VERSION
+ opts.on '-h', '--help', 'Display this help.' do
+ puts opts
+ exit
+ end
+ opts.on '-s', '--seed SEED', Integer, "Sets random seed" do |m|
+ options[:seed] = m.to_i
+ end
+ opts.on '-v', '--verbose', "Verbose. Show progress processing files." do
+ options[:verbose] = true
+ end
+ opts.on '-n', '--name PATTERN', "Filter test names on pattern (e.g. /foo/)" do |a|
+ options[:filter] = a
+ end
+ opts.parse! args
+ orig_args -= args
+ end
+ unless options[:seed] then
+ srand
+ options[:seed] = srand % 0xFFFF
+ orig_args << "--seed" << options[:seed].to_s
+ end
+ srand options[:seed]
+ self.verbose = options[:verbose]
+ @help = { |s| s =~ /[\s|&<>$()]/ ? s.inspect : s }.join " "
+ options
+ end
+ ##
+ # Begins the full test run. Delegates to +runner+'s #_run method.
+ def run args = []
+ self.class.runner._run(args)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Top level driver, controls all output and filtering.
+ def _run args = []
+ args = process_args args # ARGH!! blame test/unit process_args
+ self.options.merge! args
+ puts "Run options: #{help}"
+ self.class.plugins.each do |plugin|
+ send plugin
+ break unless report.empty?
+ end
+ return failures + errors if self.test_count > 0 # or return nil...
+ rescue Interrupt
+ abort 'Interrupted'
+ end
+ ##
+ # Runs test suites matching +filter+.
+ def run_tests
+ _run_anything :test
+ end
+ ##
+ # Writes status to +io+
+ def status io = self.output
+ format = "%d tests, %d assertions, %d failures, %d errors, %d skips"
+ io.puts format % [test_count, assertion_count, failures, errors, skips]
+ end
include Test::Unit::Options
include Test::Unit::StatusLine
include Test::Unit::Parallel