path: root/ruby_1_9_3/lib/shell.rb
diff options
authorusa <usa@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2013-05-14 11:39:21 +0000
committerusa <usa@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2013-05-14 11:39:21 +0000
commite76eb06feb024828034379797129d92522e28516 (patch)
tree1326c625c233ba2554043203a7697f5e3d4c49e5 /ruby_1_9_3/lib/shell.rb
parentaa6e98139c8e1ea442fb2182341aaa08ff55b529 (diff)
parentbede15ac5e701ed08f3fc64c2dba03d3f393c652 (diff)
add tag v1_9_3_426v1_9_3_426
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_9_3/lib/shell.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 300 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/shell.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/shell.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e409a1004..0000000000
--- a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/shell.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-# shell.rb -
-# $Release Version: 0.7 $
-# $Revision: 1.9 $
-# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(
-# --
-require "e2mmap"
-require "thread" unless defined?(Mutex)
-require "forwardable"
-require "shell/error"
-require "shell/command-processor"
-require "shell/process-controller"
-class Shell
- @RCS_ID='-$Id: shell.rb,v 1.9 2002/03/04 12:01:10 keiju Exp keiju $-'
- include Error
- extend Exception2MessageMapper
-# @cascade = true
- # debug: true -> normal debug
- # debug: 1 -> eval definition debug
- # debug: 2 -> detail inspect debug
- @debug = false
- @verbose = true
- @debug_display_process_id = false
- @debug_display_thread_id = true
- @debug_output_mutex =
- class << Shell
- extend Forwardable
- attr_accessor :cascade, :debug, :verbose
-# alias cascade? cascade
- alias debug? debug
- alias verbose? verbose
- @verbose = true
- def debug=(val)
- @debug = val
- @verbose = val if val
- end
- def cd(path)
- new(path)
- end
- def default_system_path
- if @default_system_path
- @default_system_path
- else
- ENV["PATH"].split(":")
- end
- end
- def default_system_path=(path)
- @default_system_path = path
- end
- def default_record_separator
- if @default_record_separator
- @default_record_separator
- else
- $/
- end
- end
- def default_record_separator=(rs)
- @default_record_separator = rs
- end
- # os resource mutex
- mutex_methods = ["unlock", "lock", "locked?", "synchronize", "try_lock", "exclusive_unlock"]
- for m in mutex_methods
- def_delegator("@debug_output_mutex", m, "debug_output_"+m.to_s)
- end
- end
- def initialize(pwd = Dir.pwd, umask = nil)
- @cwd = File.expand_path(pwd)
- @dir_stack = []
- @umask = umask
- @system_path = Shell.default_system_path
- @record_separator = Shell.default_record_separator
- @command_processor =
- @process_controller =
- @verbose = Shell.verbose
- @debug = Shell.debug
- end
- attr_reader :system_path
- def system_path=(path)
- @system_path = path
- rehash
- end
- attr_accessor :umask, :record_separator
- attr_accessor :verbose, :debug
- def debug=(val)
- @debug = val
- @verbose = val if val
- end
- alias verbose? verbose
- alias debug? debug
- attr_reader :command_processor
- attr_reader :process_controller
- def expand_path(path)
- File.expand_path(path, @cwd)
- end
- # Most Shell commands are defined via CommandProcessor
- #
- # Dir related methods
- #
- # Shell#cwd/dir/getwd/pwd
- # Shell#chdir/cd
- # Shell#pushdir/pushd
- # Shell#popdir/popd
- # Shell#mkdir
- # Shell#rmdir
- attr_reader :cwd
- alias dir cwd
- alias getwd cwd
- alias pwd cwd
- attr_reader :dir_stack
- alias dirs dir_stack
- # If called as iterator, it restores the current directory when the
- # block ends.
- def chdir(path = nil, verbose = @verbose)
- check_point
- if iterator?
- notify("chdir(with block) #{path}") if verbose
- cwd_old = @cwd
- begin
- chdir(path, nil)
- yield
- ensure
- chdir(cwd_old, nil)
- end
- else
- notify("chdir #{path}") if verbose
- path = "~" unless path
- @cwd = expand_path(path)
- notify "current dir: #{@cwd}"
- rehash
- end
- end
- alias cd chdir
- def pushdir(path = nil, verbose = @verbose)
- check_point
- if iterator?
- notify("pushdir(with block) #{path}") if verbose
- pushdir(path, nil)
- begin
- yield
- ensure
- popdir
- end
- elsif path
- notify("pushdir #{path}") if verbose
- @dir_stack.push @cwd
- chdir(path, nil)
- notify "dir stack: [#{@dir_stack.join ', '}]"
- self
- else
- notify("pushdir") if verbose
- if pop = @dir_stack.pop
- @dir_stack.push @cwd
- chdir pop
- notify "dir stack: [#{@dir_stack.join ', '}]"
- self
- else
- Shell.Fail DirStackEmpty
- end
- end
- end
- alias pushd pushdir
- def popdir
- check_point
- notify("popdir")
- if pop = @dir_stack.pop
- chdir pop
- notify "dir stack: [#{@dir_stack.join ', '}]"
- self
- else
- Shell.Fail DirStackEmpty
- end
- end
- alias popd popdir
- #
- # process management
- #
- def jobs
- end
- def kill(sig, command)
- @process_controller.kill_job(sig, command)
- end
- #
- # command definitions
- #
- def Shell.def_system_command(command, path = command)
- CommandProcessor.def_system_command(command, path)
- end
- def Shell.undef_system_command(command)
- CommandProcessor.undef_system_command(command)
- end
- def Shell.alias_command(ali, command, *opts, &block)
- CommandProcessor.alias_command(ali, command, *opts, &block)
- end
- def Shell.unalias_command(ali)
- CommandProcessor.unalias_command(ali)
- end
- def Shell.install_system_commands(pre = "sys_")
- CommandProcessor.install_system_commands(pre)
- end
- #
- def inspect
- if debug.kind_of?(Integer) && debug > 2
- super
- else
- to_s
- end
- end
- def self.notify(*opts, &block)
- Shell::debug_output_synchronize do
- if opts[-1].kind_of?(String)
- yorn = verbose?
- else
- yorn = opts.pop
- end
- return unless yorn
- if @debug_display_thread_id
- if @debug_display_process_id
- prefix = "shell(##{}:#{Thread.current.to_s.sub("Thread", "Th")}): "
- else
- prefix = "shell(#{Thread.current.to_s.sub("Thread", "Th")}): "
- end
- else
- prefix = "shell: "
- end
- _head = true
- STDERR.print opts.collect{|mes|
- mes = mes.dup
- yield mes if iterator?
- if _head
- _head = false
-# "shell" " + mes
- prefix + mes
- else
- " "* prefix.size + mes
- end
- }.join("\n")+"\n"
- end
- end
- CommandProcessor.initialize
- CommandProcessor.run_config