path: root/ruby_1_8_6/ext/tk/sample/tkmulticolumnlist.rb
diff options
authorshyouhei <shyouhei@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2008-07-07 07:38:25 +0000
committershyouhei <shyouhei@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2008-07-07 07:38:25 +0000
commit9ff1e787f915539b1980654e3d3d2013ff5c81d2 (patch)
tree8d0fc9ca5b4dbfa9885dc56862292d55091bcaac /ruby_1_8_6/ext/tk/sample/tkmulticolumnlist.rb
parent441546edcfbb1b346c87b69c5f578d1a0e522e06 (diff)
wrong commit; sorryv1_8_6_269
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_8_6/ext/tk/sample/tkmulticolumnlist.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 743 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_8_6/ext/tk/sample/tkmulticolumnlist.rb b/ruby_1_8_6/ext/tk/sample/tkmulticolumnlist.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 255eb691e5..0000000000
--- a/ruby_1_8_6/ext/tk/sample/tkmulticolumnlist.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,743 +0,0 @@
-# tkmulticolumnlist.rb : multiple column list widget on scrollable frame
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (
-require 'tk'
-class TkMultiColumnList < TkText
- include TkComposite
- # lbox_height : height of listboxes (pixel)
- # title_info : array [ [<title_string>,<init_width>], ... ]
- # keys : hash {<option>=><value>, ... }
- def initialize_composite(lbox_height, title_info, keys={})
- # argument check
- if (! title_info.kind_of? Array) or (title_info.size < 2)
- raise
- end
- # mode
- @keep_minsize = true
- @show_each_hscr = true
- @show_win_hscr = true
- # init arrays
- @base_list = []
- @rel_list = []
- @title_list = []
- @title_cmd = []
- @lbox_list = []
- @hscr_list = []
- # decide total width
- @lbox_total = title_info.size
- @width_total = 0
- title_info.each{|title, width, cmd|
- @width_total += width.to_f
- @title_cmd << cmd
- }
- # rel-table of label=>index
- @name_index = {}
- # size definition
- @window_width = @width_total
- @sash = 5
- @scrbar_width = 15
- @scrbar_border = 3
- @lbox_border = 1
- @title_border = 3
- @h_l_thick = 0
- # init status
- @mode = :title
- @command = nil
- # virtical scrollbar
- @v_scroll =, 'highlightthickness'=>@h_l_thick,
- 'borderwidth'=>@scrbar_border,
- 'width'=>@scrbar_width)
- # horizontal scrollbar
- @h_scroll =, 'highlightthickness'=>@h_l_thick,
- 'borderwidth'=>@scrbar_border,
- 'width'=>@scrbar_width)
- # create base flames
- @c_title =, 'highlightthickness'=>@h_l_thick,
- 'width'=>@window_width)
- @f_title =, 'width'=>@width_total)
- @w_title =, 0, 0,
- 'window'=>@f_title, 'anchor'=>'nw')
- @c_lbox =, 'highlightthickness'=>@h_l_thick,
- 'width'=>@window_width)
- @f_lbox =, 'width'=>@width_total)
- @w_lbox =, 0, 0, 'window'=>@f_lbox, 'anchor'=>'nw')
- @c_hscr =, 'highlightthickness'=>@h_l_thick,
- 'width'=>@window_width)
- @f_hscr =, 'width'=>@width_total)
- @w_hscr =, 0, 0, 'window'=>@f_hscr, 'anchor'=>'nw')
- # create each listbox
- sum = 0.0
- @rel_list << sum/@width_total
- title_info.each_with_index{|(label, width), idx|
- # set relation between label and index
- if @name_index.include?(label)
- @name_index[label] << idx
- else
- @name_index[label] = [idx]
- end
- # calculate relative positioning
- sum += width
- @rel_list << sum/@width_total
- # title field
- f =, 'width'=>width)
- base = [f]
- title =, 'text'=>label, 'borderwidth'=>@title_border,
- 'relief'=>'raised', 'highlightthickness'=>@h_l_thick)
- title_binding(title, idx)
- title.pack('fill'=>'x')
- @title_list << title
-'relx'=>@rel_list[idx], 'y'=>0, 'anchor'=>'nw', 'width'=>1,
- 'relheight'=>1.0,
- 'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx])
- # listbox field
- f =, 'width'=>width)
- base << f
- @lbox_list <<, 'highlightthickness'=>@h_l_thick,
- 'borderwidth'=>@lbox_border,
- 'takefocus'=>false,
- 'wrap'=>'none') {
- bindtags(bindtags - [TkText])
- @seltag =, 'background'=>'#b3b3b3',
- 'borderwidth'=>1, 'relief'=>'raised')
- def self.nearest(y)
- self.index("@1,#{y}").split('.')[0].to_i
- end
- def self.select_clear(first, last=nil)
- first = "#{first}.0" if first.kind_of?(Integer)
- first = self.index(first.to_s + ' linestart')
- last = first unless last
- last = "#{last}.0" if first.kind_of?(Integer)
- last = self.index(last.to_s + ' + 1 lines linestart')
- @seltag.remove(first, last)
- end
- def self.select_set(first, last=nil)
- first = "#{first}.0" if first.kind_of?(Integer)
- first = self.index(first.to_s + ' linestart')
- last = first unless last
- last = "#{last}.0" if first.kind_of?(Integer)
- last = self.index(last.to_s + ' + 1 lines linestart')
- @seltag.add(first, last)
- end
- def self.select_index
- self.index(@seltag.first).split('.')[0].to_i
- end
- pack('fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>true)
- }
-'relx'=>@rel_list[idx], 'y'=>0, 'anchor'=>'nw', 'width'=>1,
- 'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx], 'relheight'=>1.0)
- # scrollbar field
- f =, 'width'=>width)
- base << f
- @hscr_list <<, 'width'=>@scrbar_width,
- 'borderwidth'=>@scrbar_border,
- 'highlightthickness'=>@h_l_thick
- ).pack('fill'=>'x', 'anchor'=>'w')
-'relx'=>@rel_list[idx], 'y'=>0, 'anchor'=>'nw', 'width'=>1,
- 'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx])
- @lbox_list[idx].xscrollbar(@hscr_list[idx])
- # add new base
- @base_list << base
- }
- # pad
- @f_title_pad =, 'relief'=>'raised',
- 'borderwidth'=>@title_border,
- 'highlightthickness'=>@h_l_thick)
- @f_scr_pad =, 'relief'=>'sunken',
- 'borderwidth'=>1,
- 'highlightthickness'=>@h_l_thick)
- # height check
- title_height = 0
- @title_list.each{|w|
- h = w.winfo_reqheight
- title_height = h if title_height < h
- }
- hscr_height = 0
- @hscr_list.each{|w|
- h = w.winfo_reqheight
- hscr_height = h if hscr_height < h
- }
- @f_title.height title_height
- @f_lbox.height lbox_height
- @f_hscr.height hscr_height
- # set control procedure for virtical scroll
- @v_scroll.assign(*@lbox_list)
- # set control procedure for horizoncal scroll
- @h_scroll.assign(@c_title, @c_lbox, @c_hscr)
- # binding for listboxes
- @lbox_list.each_with_index{|l, idx|
- l.bind('Button-1', proc{|w, y|
- @frame.focus
- select_line(w, w.nearest(y))
- }, '%W %y')
- l.bind('B1-Motion', proc{|w, y|
- select_line(w, w.nearest(y))
- }, '%W %y')
- l.bind('Double-Button-1', proc{
- if @command
- })
- l.bind('Control-Home', proc{|w| select_line(w, 0)}, '%W')
- l.bind('Control-End', proc{|w| select_line(w, 'end')}, '%W')
- l.bind('Button-2', proc{|x, y|
- @lbox_mark_x = x
- @lbox_list.each{|lbox| lbox.scan_mark(x, y)}
- }, '%x %y')
- l.bind('B2-Motion', proc{|x, y|
- @lbox_list.each{|lbox| lbox.scan_dragto(@lbox_mark_x, y)}
- l.scan_dragto(x, y)
- }, '%x %y')
- }
- bbox = @w_title.bbox
- @c_title.height(bbox[3])
- @c_title.scrollregion(bbox)
- bbox = @w_lbox.bbox
- @c_lbox.height(bbox[3])
- @c_lbox.scrollregion(bbox)
- if @show_each_hscr
- bbox = @w_hscr.bbox
- @c_hscr.height(bbox[3])
- @c_hscr.scrollregion(bbox)
- end
- # binding
- @frame.takefocus(true)
- @frame.bind('Key-Up', proc{select_shift(@lbox_list[0], -1)})
- @frame.bind('Key-Down', proc{select_shift(@lbox_list[0], 1)})
- @frame.bind('Return', proc{ if @command})
- # alignment
- TkGrid.rowconfigure(@frame, 0, 'weight'=>0)
- TkGrid.rowconfigure(@frame, 1, 'weight'=>1)
- TkGrid.rowconfigure(@frame, 2, 'weight'=>0)
- TkGrid.rowconfigure(@frame, 3, 'weight'=>0)
- TkGrid.columnconfigure(@frame, 0, 'weight'=>1)
- TkGrid.columnconfigure(@frame, 1, 'weight'=>0)
- TkGrid.columnconfigure(@frame, 2, 'weight'=>0)
- @v_scroll.grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>2, 'sticky'=>'ns')
- @c_title.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>0, 'sticky'=>'news')
- @f_title_pad.grid('row'=>0, 'column'=>2, 'sticky'=>'news')
- @c_lbox.grid('row'=>1, 'column'=>0, 'sticky'=>'news')
- @c_hscr.grid('row'=>2, 'column'=>0, 'sticky'=>'ew') if @show_each_hscr
- @h_scroll.grid('row'=>3, 'column'=>0, 'sticky'=>'ew') if @show_win_hscr
- @f_scr_pad.grid('row'=>2, 'rowspan'=>2, 'column'=>2, 'sticky'=>'news')
- # binding for 'Configure' event
- @c_lbox.bind('Configure',
- proc{|height, width| reconstruct(height, width)},
- '%h %w')
- # set default receiver of method calls
- @path = @frame.path
- # configure options
- keys = {} unless keys
- keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
- # command
- cmd = keys.delete('command')
- command(cmd) if cmd
- # 'scrollbarwidth' option == 'width' option of scrollbars
- width = keys.delete('scrollbarwidth')
- scrollbarwidth(width) if width
- # options for listbox titles
- title_font = keys.delete('titlefont')
- titlefont(title_font) if title_font
- title_fg = keys.delete('titleforeground')
- titleforeground(title_fg) if title_fg
- title_bg = keys.delete('titlebackground')
- titlebackground(title_bg) if title_bg
- # set receivers for configure methods
- delegate('DEFAULT', *@lbox_list)
- delegate('activebackground', @v_scroll, @h_scroll, *@hscr_list)
- delegate('troughcolor', @v_scroll, @h_scroll, *@hscr_list)
- delegate('repeatdelay', @v_scroll, @h_scroll, *@hscr_list)
- delegate('repeatinterval', @v_scroll, @h_scroll, *@hscr_list)
- delegate('borderwidth', @frame)
- delegate('width', @c_lbox, @c_title, @c_hscr)
- delegate('relief', @frame)
- # configure
- configure(keys) if keys.size > 0
- end
- private :initialize_composite
- # keep_minsize?
- def keep_minsize?
- @keep_minsize
- end
- def keep_minsize(bool)
- @keep_minsize = bool
- end
- # each hscr
- def show_each_hscr
- @show_each_hscr = true
- @c_hscr.grid('row'=>2, 'column'=>0, 'sticky'=>'ew')
- end
- def hide_each_hscr
- @show_each_hscr = false
- @c_hscr.ungrid
- end
- # window hscroll
- def show_win_hscr
- @show_win_hscr = true
- @h_scroll.grid('row'=>3, 'column'=>0, 'sticky'=>'ew')
- end
- def hide_win_hscr
- @show_each_hscr = false
- @h_scroll.ungrid
- end
- # set command
- def command(cmd)
- @command = cmd
- self
- end
- # set scrollbar width
- def scrollbarwidth(width)
- @scrbar_width = width
- @v_scroll['width'] = @scrbar_width
- @h_scroll['width'] = @scrbar_width
- @hscr_list.each{|hscr| hscr['width'] = @scrbar_width}
- self
- end
- # set scrollbar border
- def scrollbarborder(width)
- @scrbar_border = width
- @v_scroll['border'] = @scrbar_border
- @h_scroll['border'] = @scrbar_border
- @hscr_list.each{|hscr| hscr['border'] = @scrbar_border}
- self
- end
- # set listbox borders
- def listboxborder(width)
- @lbox_border = width
- @lbox_list.each{|w| w['border'] = @lbox_border}
- self
- end
- # set listbox relief
- def listboxrelief(relief)
- @lbox_list.each{|w| w['relief'] = relief}
- self
- end
- # set title borders
- def titleborder(width)
- @title_border = width
- @f_title_pad['border'] = @title_border
- @title_list.each{|label| label['border'] = @title_border}
- self
- end
- # set title font
- def titlefont(font)
- @title_list.each{|label| label['font'] = font}
- title_height = 0
- @title_list.each{|w|
- h = w.winfo_reqheight
- title_height = h if title_height < h
- }
- @f_title.height title_height
- bbox = @w_title.bbox
- @c_title.height(bbox[3])
- @c_title.scrollregion(bbox)
- self
- end
- # set title foreground color
- def titleforeground(fg)
- @title_list.each{|label| label['foreground'] = fg}
- self
- end
- # set title background color
- def titlebackground(bg)
- @f_title_pad['background'] = bg
- @title_list.each{|label| label['background'] = bg}
- self
- end
- # set title cmds
- def titlecommand(idx,
- @title_cmd[idx] = cmd
- end
- # call title cmds
- def titleinvoke(idx)
- @title_cmd[idx].call if @title_cmd[idx]
- end
- # get label widgets of listbox titles
- def titlelabels(*indices)
- @title_list[*indices]
- end
- # get listbox widgets
- def columns(*indices)
- @lbox_list[*indices]
- end
- def delete(*idx)
- idx = idx.collect{|i|
- if i.kind_of?(Integer)
- "#{i}.0"
- else
- i.to_s
- end
- }
- @lbox_list.collect{|lbox| lbox.delete(*idx)}
- end
- def get(idx_s, idx_e=nil)
- unless idx_e
- if idx_s.kind_of?(Integer)
- idx_s = "#{idx_s}.0"
- idx_e = "#{idx_s} lineend"
- else
- idx_s = idx_s.to_s
- idx_e = "#{idx_s} lineend"
- end
- @lbox_list.collect{|lbox|
- lbox.get(idx_s, idx_e)
- }
- else
- if idx_s.kind_of?(Integer)
- idx_s = "#{idx_s}.0"
- else
- idx_s = idx_s.to_s
- end
- if idx_e.kind_of?(Integer)
- idx_e = "#{idx_e}.end"
- else
- idx_e = "#{idx_e} lineend"
- end
- list = @lbox_list.collect{|lbox| lbox.get(idx_s, idx_e).split(/\n/)}
- result = []
- list[0].each_with_index{|line, index|
- result << list.collect{|lines| lines[index]}
- }
- result
- end
- end
- def get_select
- get(@lbox_list[0].select_index)
- end
- def _line_array_to_hash(line)
- result = {}
- @name_index.each_pair{|label, indices|
- if indices.size == 1
- result[label] = line[indices[0]]
- else
- result[label] = indices.collect{|index| line[index]}
- end
- }
- result
- end
- private :_line_array_to_hash
- def get_by_hash(*idx)
- get_result = get(*idx)
- if idx.size == 1
- _line_array_to_hash(get_result)
- else
- get_result.collect{|line| _line_array_to_hash(line)}
- end
- end
- def insert(idx, *lines)
- lbox_ins = []
- (0..@lbox_list.size).each{lbox_ins << []}
- if idx.kind_of?(Integer)
- idx = "#{idx}.0"
- else
- idx = idx.to_s
- end
- if @lbox_list[0].index('1.0 + 1 char') == @lbox_list[0].index('end')
- cr = ""
- else
- cr = "\n"
- end
- lines.each{|line|
- if line.kind_of? Hash
- array = []
- @name_index.each_pair{|label, indices|
- if indices.size == 1
- array[indices[0]] = line[label]
- else
- if line[label].kind_of? Array
- indices.each_with_index{|index, num|
- array[index] = line[label][num]
- }
- else
- array[indices[0]] = line[label]
- end
- end
- }
- line = array
- end
- @name_index.each_pair{|label, indices|
- if indices.size == 1
- lbox_ins[indices[0]] << line[indices[0]]
- else
- indices.each{|index| lbox_ins[index] << line[index]}
- end
- }
- }
- @lbox_list.each_with_index{|lbox, index|
- lbox.insert(idx, cr + lbox_ins[index].join("\n")) if lbox_ins[index]
- }
- end
- def select_clear(first, last=None)
- @lbox_list.each{|lbox| lbox.sel_clear(first, last=None)}
- end
- def select_set(first, last=None)
- @lbox_list.each{|lbox| lbox.sel_set(first, last=None)}
- end
- ###########################################
- private
- def reconstruct(height, width)
- if @keep_minsize && width <= @width_total
- @f_title.width(@width_total)
- @f_lbox.width(@width_total)
- @f_hscr.width(@width_total) if @show_each_hscr
- @window_width = @width_total
- else
- @f_title.width(width)
- @f_lbox.width(width)
- @f_hscr.width(width) if @show_each_hscr
- @window_width = width
- end
- @f_lbox.height(height)
- @c_title.scrollregion(@w_title.bbox)
- @c_lbox.scrollregion(@w_lbox.bbox)
- @c_hscr.scrollregion(@w_hscr.bbox) if @show_each_hscr
- (0..(@rel_list.size - 2)).each{|idx|
- title, lbox, hscr = @base_list[idx]
-'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx])
-'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx],
- 'relheight'=>1.0)
-'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx])
- }
- end
- def resize(x)
- idx = @sel_sash
- return if idx == 0
- # adjustment of relative positioning
- delta = (x - @x) / @frame_width
- if delta < @rel_list[idx-1] - @rel_list[idx] + (2*@sash/@frame_width)
- delta = @rel_list[idx-1] - @rel_list[idx] + (2*@sash/@frame_width)
- elsif delta > @rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx] - (2*@sash/@frame_width)
- delta = @rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx] - (2*@sash/@frame_width)
- end
- @rel_list[idx] += delta
- # adjustment of leftside widget of the sash
- title, lbox, hscr = @base_list[idx - 1]
-'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx] - @rel_list[idx-1])
-'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx] - @rel_list[idx-1], 'relheight'=>1.0)
-'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx] - @rel_list[idx-1])
- # adjustment of rightside widget of the sash
- title, lbox, hscr = @base_list[idx]
-'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx],
- 'relx'=>@rel_list[idx])
-'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx],
- 'relx'=>@rel_list[idx], 'relheight'=>1.0)
-'relwidth'=>@rel_list[idx+1] - @rel_list[idx],
- 'relx'=>@rel_list[idx])
- # update reference position
- @x = x
- end
- def motion_cb(w, x, idx)
- if x <= @sash && idx > 0
- w.cursor 'sb_h_double_arrow'
- @mode = :sash
- @sel_sash = idx
- elsif x >= w.winfo_width - @sash && idx < @lbox_total - 1
- w.cursor 'sb_h_double_arrow'
- @mode = :sash
- @sel_sash = idx + 1
- else
- w.cursor ""
- @mode = :title
- @sel_sash = 0
- end
- end
- def title_binding(title, index)
- title.bind('Motion', proc{|w, x, idx| motion_cb(w, x, idx.to_i)},
- "%W %x #{index}")
- title.bind('Enter', proc{|w, x, idx| motion_cb(w, x, idx.to_i)},
- "%W %x #{index}")
- title.bind('Leave', proc{|w| w.cursor ""}, "%W")
- title.bind('Button-1',
- proc{|w, x|
- if @mode == :sash
- @x = x
- @frame_width = TkWinfo.width(@f_title).to_f
- else
- title.relief 'sunken'
- end
- },
- '%W %X')
- title.bind('ButtonRelease-1',
- proc{|w, x, idx|
- i = idx.to_i
- if @mode == :title && @title_cmd[i].kind_of?(Proc)
- @title_cmd[i].call
- end
- title.relief 'raised'
- motion_cb(w,x,i)
- },
- "%W %x #{index}")
- title.bind('B1-Motion', proc{|x| resize(x) if @mode == :sash}, "%X")
- end
- ########################
- def select_line(w, idx)
- @lbox_list.each{|l|
- l.select_clear(1, 'end')
- l.select_set(idx)
- }
- w.select_set(idx)
- end
- def select_shift(w, dir)
- head = w.index('@1,1').split('.')[0].to_i
- tail = w.index("@1,#{w.winfo_height - 1}").split('.')[0].to_i - 1
- idx = w.select_index + dir
- last = w.index('end - 1 char').split('.')[0].to_i
- if idx < 1
- idx = 1
- elsif idx > last
- idx = last
- end
- @lbox_list.each{|l|
- l.select_clear(1, 'end')
- l.select_set(idx)
- }
- if head > idx
- @lbox_list.each{|l| l.yview('scroll', -1, 'units')}
- elsif tail < idx
- @lbox_list.each{|l| l.yview('scroll', 1, 'units')}
- end
- end
- ########################
-# test
-if __FILE__ == $0
- l =, 200,
- [ ['L1', 200, proc{p 'click L1'}],
- ['L2', 100],
- ['L3', 200] ],
- 'width'=>350,
- #'titleforeground'=>'yellow',
- 'titleforeground'=>'white',
- #'titlebackground'=>'navy',
- 'titlebackground'=>'blue',
- 'titlefont'=>'courier'
- ).pack('fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>true)
- l.insert('end', [1,2,3])
- l.insert('end', [4,5,6])
- l.insert('end', [4,5,6], [4,5,6])
- l.insert('end', ['aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa',
- 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb',
- 'cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc'])
- l.insert('end', [1,2,3])
- l.insert('end', [4,5,6], [4,5,6])
- l.insert('end', ['aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa','bbbbbbbbbbbbbb','ccccccccccccccccc'])
- l.insert('end', [1,2,3])
- l.insert('end', [4,5,6], [4,5,6])
- l.insert('end', ['aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa','bbbbbbbbbbbbbb','ccccccccccccccccc'])
- l.insert('end', [1,2,3])
- l.insert('end', [4,5,6], [4,5,6])
- l.insert('end', ['aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa','bbbbbbbbbbbbbb','ccccccccccccccccc'])
- l.insert('end', [1,2,3])
- l.insert('end', [4,5,6], [4,5,6])
- p l.columns(1)
- p l.columns(1..3)
- p l.columns(1,2)
- l.command proc{|line_info| p line_info}
- Tk.mainloop