path: root/lib/bundler/source
diff options
authorhsbt <hsbt@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2017-12-22 23:08:05 +0000
committerhsbt <hsbt@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2017-12-22 23:08:05 +0000
commit7825e8363d4b2ccad8e2d3f5eeba9e26f6656911 (patch)
tree83cbcf419e0feeb2ab0fd063ed85e0776eb0081b /lib/bundler/source
parent73bed0312895322e0fd18310e840356c8e6af812 (diff)
Postponing the Bundler merge.
I faced a big issue about Bundler with ruby core. I have no time to resolve it issue before 2.5 final release. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bundler/source')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 1585 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bundler/source/gemspec.rb b/lib/bundler/source/gemspec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e3447e776..0000000000
--- a/lib/bundler/source/gemspec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module Bundler
- class Source
- class Gemspec < Path
- attr_reader :gemspec
- def initialize(options)
- super
- @gemspec = options["gemspec"]
- end
- def as_path_source
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/source/git.rb b/lib/bundler/source/git.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a1a59ddce5..0000000000
--- a/lib/bundler/source/git.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require "bundler/vendored_fileutils"
-require "uri"
-module Bundler
- class Source
- class Git < Path
- autoload :GitProxy, "bundler/source/git/git_proxy"
- attr_reader :uri, :ref, :branch, :options, :submodules
- def initialize(options)
- @options = options
- @glob = options["glob"] || DEFAULT_GLOB
- @allow_cached = false
- @allow_remote = false
- # Stringify options that could be set as symbols
- %w[ref branch tag revision].each {|k| options[k] = options[k].to_s if options[k] }
- @uri = options["uri"] || ""
- @branch = options["branch"]
- @ref = options["ref"] || options["branch"] || options["tag"] || "master"
- @submodules = options["submodules"]
- @name = options["name"]
- @version = options["version"].to_s.strip.gsub("-", ".pre.")
- @copied = false
- @local = false
- end
- def self.from_lock(options)
- new(options.merge("uri" => options.delete("remote")))
- end
- def to_lock
- out ="GIT\n")
- out << " remote: #{@uri}\n"
- out << " revision: #{revision}\n"
- %w[ref branch tag submodules].each do |opt|
- out << " #{opt}: #{options[opt]}\n" if options[opt]
- end
- out << " glob: #{@glob}\n" unless @glob == DEFAULT_GLOB
- out << " specs:\n"
- end
- def hash
- [self.class, uri, ref, branch, name, version, submodules].hash
- end
- def eql?(other)
- other.is_a?(Git) && uri == other.uri && ref == other.ref &&
- branch == other.branch && name == &&
- version == other.version && submodules == other.submodules
- end
- alias_method :==, :eql?
- def to_s
- at = if local?
- path
- elsif user_ref = options["ref"]
- if ref =~ /\A[a-z0-9]{4,}\z/i
- shortref_for_display(user_ref)
- else
- user_ref
- end
- else
- ref
- end
- rev = begin
- "@#{shortref_for_display(revision)}"
- rescue GitError
- nil
- end
- "#{uri} (at #{at}#{rev})"
- end
- def name
- File.basename(@uri, ".git")
- end
- # This is the path which is going to contain a specific
- # checkout of the git repository. When using local git
- # repos, this is set to the local repo.
- def install_path
- @install_path ||= begin
- git_scope = "#{base_name}-#{shortref_for_path(revision)}"
- path = Bundler.install_path.join(git_scope)
- if !path.exist? && Bundler.requires_sudo?
- Bundler.user_bundle_path.join(Bundler.ruby_scope).join(git_scope)
- else
- path
- end
- end
- end
- alias_method :path, :install_path
- def extension_dir_name
- "#{base_name}-#{shortref_for_path(revision)}"
- end
- def unlock!
- git_proxy.revision = nil
- options["revision"] = nil
- @unlocked = true
- end
- def local_override!(path)
- return false if local?
- path =
- path = path.expand_path(Bundler.root) unless path.relative?
- unless options["branch"] || Bundler.settings[:disable_local_branch_check]
- raise GitError, "Cannot use local override for #{name} at #{path} because " \
- ":branch is not specified in Gemfile. Specify a branch or use " \
- "`bundle config --delete` to remove the local override"
- end
- unless path.exist?
- raise GitError, "Cannot use local override for #{name} because #{path} " \
- "does not exist. Check `bundle config --delete` to remove the local override"
- end
- set_local!(path)
- # Create a new git proxy without the cached revision
- # so the Gemfile.lock always picks up the new revision.
- @git_proxy =, uri, ref)
- if git_proxy.branch != options["branch"] && !Bundler.settings[:disable_local_branch_check]
- raise GitError, "Local override for #{name} at #{path} is using branch " \
- "#{git_proxy.branch} but Gemfile specifies #{options["branch"]}"
- end
- changed = cached_revision && cached_revision != git_proxy.revision
- if changed && !@unlocked && !git_proxy.contains?(cached_revision)
- raise GitError, "The Gemfile lock is pointing to revision #{shortref_for_display(cached_revision)} " \
- "but the current branch in your local override for #{name} does not contain such commit. " \
- "Please make sure your branch is up to date."
- end
- changed
- end
- def specs(*)
- set_local!(app_cache_path) if has_app_cache? && !local?
- if requires_checkout? && !@copied
- fetch
- git_proxy.copy_to(install_path, submodules)
- serialize_gemspecs_in(install_path)
- @copied = true
- end
- local_specs
- end
- def install(spec, options = {})
- force = options[:force]
- print_using_message "Using #{version_message(spec)} from #{self}"
- if (requires_checkout? && !@copied) || force
- Bundler.ui.debug " * Checking out revision: #{ref}"
- git_proxy.copy_to(install_path, submodules)
- serialize_gemspecs_in(install_path)
- @copied = true
- end
- generate_bin_options = { :disable_extensions => !Bundler.rubygems.spec_missing_extensions?(spec), :build_args => options[:build_args] }
- generate_bin(spec, generate_bin_options)
- requires_checkout? ? spec.post_install_message : nil
- end
- def cache(spec, custom_path = nil)
- app_cache_path = app_cache_path(custom_path)
- return unless Bundler.feature_flag.cache_all?
- return if path == app_cache_path
- cached!
- FileUtils.rm_rf(app_cache_path)
- git_proxy.checkout if requires_checkout?
- git_proxy.copy_to(app_cache_path, @submodules)
- serialize_gemspecs_in(app_cache_path)
- end
- def load_spec_files
- super
- rescue PathError => e
- Bundler.ui.trace e
- raise GitError, "#{self} is not yet checked out. Run `bundle install` first."
- end
- # This is the path which is going to contain a cache
- # of the git repository. When using the same git repository
- # across different projects, this cache will be shared.
- # When using local git repos, this is set to the local repo.
- def cache_path
- @cache_path ||= begin
- if Bundler.requires_sudo? || Bundler.feature_flag.global_gem_cache?
- Bundler.user_cache
- else
- Bundler.bundle_path.join("cache", "bundler")
- end.join("git", git_scope)
- end
- end
- def app_cache_dirname
- "#{base_name}-#{shortref_for_path(cached_revision || revision)}"
- end
- def revision
- git_proxy.revision
- end
- def allow_git_ops?
- @allow_remote || @allow_cached
- end
- private
- def serialize_gemspecs_in(destination)
- destination = destination.expand_path(Bundler.root) if destination.relative?
- Dir["#{destination}/#{@glob}"].each do |spec_path|
- # Evaluate gemspecs and cache the result. Gemspecs
- # in git might require git or other dependencies.
- # The gemspecs we cache should already be evaluated.
- spec = Bundler.load_gemspec(spec_path)
- next unless spec
- Bundler.rubygems.set_installed_by_version(spec)
- Bundler.rubygems.validate(spec)
-, "wb") {|file| file.write(spec.to_ruby) }
- end
- end
- def set_local!(path)
- @local = true
- @local_specs = @git_proxy = nil
- @cache_path = @install_path = path
- end
- def has_app_cache?
- cached_revision && super
- end
- def local?
- @local
- end
- def requires_checkout?
- allow_git_ops? && !local?
- end
- def base_name
- File.basename(uri.sub(%r{^(\w+://)?([^/:]+:)?(//\w*/)?(\w*/)*}, ""), ".git")
- end
- def shortref_for_display(ref)
- ref[0..6]
- end
- def shortref_for_path(ref)
- ref[0..11]
- end
- def uri_hash
- if uri =~ %r{^\w+://(\w+@)?}
- # Downcase the domain component of the URI
- # and strip off a trailing slash, if one is present
- input = URI.parse(uri).normalize.to_s.sub(%r{/$}, "")
- else
- # If there is no URI scheme, assume it is an ssh/git URI
- input = uri
- end
- SharedHelpers.digest(:SHA1).hexdigest(input)
- end
- def cached_revision
- options["revision"]
- end
- def cached?
- cache_path.exist?
- end
- def git_proxy
- @git_proxy ||=, uri, ref, cached_revision, self)
- end
- def fetch
- git_proxy.checkout
- rescue GitError => e
- raise unless Bundler.feature_flag.allow_offline_install?
- Bundler.ui.warn "Using cached git data because of network errors:\n#{e}"
- end
- # no-op, since we validate when re-serializing the gemspec
- def validate_spec(_spec); end
- if Bundler.rubygems.stubs_provide_full_functionality?
- def load_gemspec(file)
- stub = Gem::StubSpecification.gemspec_stub(file, install_path.parent, install_path.parent)
- stub.full_gem_path =
- StubSpecification.from_stub(stub)
- end
- end
- def git_scope
- "#{base_name}-#{uri_hash}"
- end
- def extension_cache_slug(_)
- extension_dir_name
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/source/git/git_proxy.rb b/lib/bundler/source/git/git_proxy.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c56dda66ea..0000000000
--- a/lib/bundler/source/git/git_proxy.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require "shellwords"
-require "tempfile"
-module Bundler
- class Source
- class Git
- class GitNotInstalledError < GitError
- def initialize
- msg =
- msg << "You need to install git to be able to use gems from git repositories. "
- msg << "For help installing git, please refer to GitHub's tutorial at"
- super msg
- end
- end
- class GitNotAllowedError < GitError
- def initialize(command)
- msg =
- msg << "Bundler is trying to run a `git #{command}` at runtime. You probably need to run `bundle install`. However, "
- msg << "this error message could probably be more useful. Please submit a ticket at "
- msg << "with steps to reproduce as well as the following\n\nCALLER: #{caller.join("\n")}"
- super msg
- end
- end
- class GitCommandError < GitError
- def initialize(command, path = nil, extra_info = nil)
- msg =
- msg << "Git error: command `git #{command}` in directory #{SharedHelpers.pwd} has failed."
- msg << "\n#{extra_info}" if extra_info
- msg << "\nIf this error persists you could try removing the cache directory '#{path}'" if path && path.exist?
- super msg
- end
- end
- class MissingGitRevisionError < GitError
- def initialize(ref, repo)
- msg = "Revision #{ref} does not exist in the repository #{repo}. Maybe you misspelled it?"
- super msg
- end
- end
- # The GitProxy is responsible to interact with git repositories.
- # All actions required by the Git source is encapsulated in this
- # object.
- class GitProxy
- attr_accessor :path, :uri, :ref
- attr_writer :revision
- def initialize(path, uri, ref, revision = nil, git = nil)
- @path = path
- @uri = uri
- @ref = ref
- @revision = revision
- @git = git
- raise if allow? && !Bundler.git_present?
- end
- def revision
- return @revision if @revision
- begin
- @revision ||= find_local_revision
- rescue GitCommandError
- raise, URICredentialsFilter.credential_filtered_uri(uri))
- end
- @revision
- end
- def branch
- @branch ||= allowed_in_path do
- git("rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD").strip
- end
- end
- def contains?(commit)
- allowed_in_path do
- result = git_null("branch --contains #{commit}")
- $? == 0 && result =~ /^\* (.*)$/
- end
- end
- def version
- git("--version").match(/(git version\s*)?((\.?\d+)+).*/)[2]
- end
- def full_version
- git("--version").sub("git version", "").strip
- end
- def checkout
- return if path.exist? && has_revision_cached?
- extra_ref = "#{Shellwords.shellescape(ref)}:#{Shellwords.shellescape(ref)}" if ref && ref.start_with?("refs/")
- "Fetching #{URICredentialsFilter.credential_filtered_uri(uri)}"
- unless path.exist?
- SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(path.dirname) do |p|
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(p)
- end
- git_retry %(clone #{uri_escaped_with_configured_credentials} "#{path}" --bare --no-hardlinks --quiet)
- return unless extra_ref
- end
- in_path do
- git_retry %(fetch --force --quiet --tags #{uri_escaped_with_configured_credentials} "refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" #{extra_ref})
- end
- end
- def copy_to(destination, submodules = false)
- # method 1
- unless File.exist?(destination.join(".git"))
- begin
- SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(destination.dirname) do |p|
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(p)
- end
- SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(destination) do |p|
- FileUtils.rm_rf(p)
- end
- git_retry %(clone --no-checkout --quiet "#{path}" "#{destination}")
- File.chmod(((File.stat(destination).mode | 0o777) & ~File.umask), destination)
- rescue Errno::EEXIST => e
- file_path = e.message[%r{.*?(/.*)}, 1]
- raise GitError, "Bundler could not install a gem because it needs to " \
- "create a directory, but a file exists - #{file_path}. Please delete " \
- "this file and try again."
- end
- end
- # method 2
- SharedHelpers.chdir(destination) do
- git_retry %(fetch --force --quiet --tags "#{path}")
- git "reset --hard #{@revision}"
- if submodules
- git_retry "submodule update --init --recursive"
- elsif Gem::Version.create(version) >= Gem::Version.create("2.9.0")
- git_retry "submodule deinit --all --force"
- end
- end
- end
- private
- # TODO: Do not rely on /dev/null.
- # Given that open3 is not cross platform until Ruby 1.9.3,
- # the best solution is to pipe to /dev/null if it exists.
- # If it doesn't, everything will work fine, but the user
- # will get the $stderr messages as well.
- def git_null(command)
- git("#{command} 2>#{Bundler::NULL}", false)
- end
- def git_retry(command)
-"`git #{URICredentialsFilter.credential_filtered_string(command, uri)}`", GitNotAllowedError).attempts do
- git(command)
- end
- end
- def git(command, check_errors = true, error_msg = nil)
- command_with_no_credentials = URICredentialsFilter.credential_filtered_string(command, uri)
- raise unless allow?
- out = SharedHelpers.with_clean_git_env do
- capture_and_filter_stderr(uri) { `git #{command}` }
- end
- stdout_with_no_credentials = URICredentialsFilter.credential_filtered_string(out, uri)
- raise, path, error_msg) if check_errors && !$?.success?
- stdout_with_no_credentials
- end
- def has_revision_cached?
- return unless @revision
- in_path { git("cat-file -e #{@revision}") }
- true
- rescue GitError
- false
- end
- def remove_cache
- FileUtils.rm_rf(path)
- end
- def find_local_revision
- allowed_in_path do
- git("rev-parse --verify #{Shellwords.shellescape(ref)}", true).strip
- end
- end
- # Escape the URI for git commands
- def uri_escaped_with_configured_credentials
- remote = configured_uri_for(uri)
- if Bundler::WINDOWS
- # Windows quoting requires double quotes only, with double quotes
- # inside the string escaped by being doubled.
- '"' + remote.gsub('"') { '""' } + '"'
- else
- # Bash requires single quoted strings, with the single quotes escaped
- # by ending the string, escaping the quote, and restarting the string.
- "'" + remote.gsub("'") { "'\\''" } + "'"
- end
- end
- # Adds credentials to the URI as Fetcher#configured_uri_for does
- def configured_uri_for(uri)
- if /https?:/ =~ uri
- remote = URI(uri)
- config_auth = Bundler.settings[remote.to_s] || Bundler.settings[]
- remote.userinfo ||= config_auth
- remote.to_s
- else
- uri
- end
- end
- def allow?
- @git ? @git.allow_git_ops? : true
- end
- def in_path(&blk)
- checkout unless path.exist?
- _ = URICredentialsFilter # load it before we chdir
- SharedHelpers.chdir(path, &blk)
- end
- def allowed_in_path
- return in_path { yield } if allow?
- raise GitError, "The git source #{uri} is not yet checked out. Please run `bundle install` before trying to start your application"
- end
- # TODO: Replace this with Open3 when upgrading to bundler 2
- # Similar to #git_null, as Open3 is not cross-platform,
- # a temporary way is to use Tempfile to capture the stderr.
- # When replacing this using Open3, make sure git_null is
- # also replaced by Open3, so stdout and stderr all got handled properly.
- def capture_and_filter_stderr(uri)
- return_value, captured_err = ""
- backup_stderr = STDERR.dup
- begin
-"captured_stderr") do |f|
- STDERR.reopen(f)
- return_value = yield
- f.rewind
- captured_err =
- end
- ensure
- STDERR.reopen backup_stderr
- end
- $stderr.puts URICredentialsFilter.credential_filtered_string(captured_err, uri) if uri && !captured_err.empty?
- return_value
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/source/metadata.rb b/lib/bundler/source/metadata.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 93909002c7..0000000000
--- a/lib/bundler/source/metadata.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module Bundler
- class Source
- class Metadata < Source
- def specs
- @specs ||= do |idx|
- idx <<"ruby\0", RubyVersion.system.to_gem_version_with_patchlevel)
- idx <<"rubygems\0", Gem::VERSION)
- idx << do |s|
- = "bundler"
- s.version = VERSION
- s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY
- s.source = self
- s.authors = ["bundler team"]
- s.bindir = "exe"
- s.executables = %w[bundle]
- # can't point to the actual gemspec or else the require paths will be wrong
- s.loaded_from = File.expand_path("..", __FILE__)
- end
- if loaded_spec = nil && Bundler.rubygems.loaded_specs("bundler")
- idx << loaded_spec # this has to come after the fake gemspec, to override it
- elsif local_spec = Bundler.rubygems.find_name("bundler").find {|s| s.version.to_s == VERSION }
- idx << local_spec
- end
- idx.each {|s| s.source = self }
- end
- end
- def cached!; end
- def remote!; end
- def options
- {}
- end
- def install(spec, _opts = {})
- print_using_message "Using #{version_message(spec)}"
- nil
- end
- def to_s
- "the local ruby installation"
- end
- def ==(other)
- self.class == other.class
- end
- alias_method :eql?, :==
- def hash
- self.class.hash
- end
- def version_message(spec)
- "#{} #{spec.version}"
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/source/path.rb b/lib/bundler/source/path.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ed734bf549..0000000000
--- a/lib/bundler/source/path.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module Bundler
- class Source
- class Path < Source
- autoload :Installer, "bundler/source/path/installer"
- attr_reader :path, :options, :root_path, :original_path
- attr_writer :name
- attr_accessor :version
- protected :original_path
- DEFAULT_GLOB = "{,*,*/*}.gemspec".freeze
- def initialize(options)
- @options = options.dup
- @glob = options["glob"] || DEFAULT_GLOB
- @allow_cached = false
- @allow_remote = false
- @root_path = options["root_path"] || Bundler.root
- if options["path"]
- @path =["path"])
- @path = expand(@path) unless @path.relative?
- end
- @name = options["name"]
- @version = options["version"]
- # Stores the original path. If at any point we move to the
- # cached directory, we still have the original path to copy from.
- @original_path = @path
- end
- def remote!
- @local_specs = nil
- @allow_remote = true
- end
- def cached!
- @local_specs = nil
- @allow_cached = true
- end
- def self.from_lock(options)
- new(options.merge("path" => options.delete("remote")))
- end
- def to_lock
- out ="PATH\n")
- out << " remote: #{lockfile_path}\n"
- out << " glob: #{@glob}\n" unless @glob == DEFAULT_GLOB
- out << " specs:\n"
- end
- def to_s
- "source at `#{@path}`"
- end
- def hash
- [self.class, expanded_path, version].hash
- end
- def eql?(other)
- return unless other.class == self.class
- expanded_original_path == other.expanded_original_path &&
- version == other.version
- end
- alias_method :==, :eql?
- def name
- File.basename(expanded_path.to_s)
- end
- def install(spec, options = {})
- print_using_message "Using #{version_message(spec)} from #{self}"
- generate_bin(spec, :disable_extensions => true)
- nil # no post-install message
- end
- def cache(spec, custom_path = nil)
- app_cache_path = app_cache_path(custom_path)
- return unless Bundler.feature_flag.cache_all?
- return if expand(@original_path).to_s.index(root_path.to_s + "/") == 0
- unless @original_path.exist?
- raise GemNotFound, "Can't cache gem #{version_message(spec)} because #{self} is missing!"
- end
- FileUtils.rm_rf(app_cache_path)
- FileUtils.cp_r("#{@original_path}/.", app_cache_path)
- FileUtils.touch(app_cache_path.join(".bundlecache"))
- end
- def local_specs(*)
- @local_specs ||= load_spec_files
- end
- def specs
- if has_app_cache?
- @path = app_cache_path
- @expanded_path = nil # Invalidate
- end
- local_specs
- end
- def app_cache_dirname
- name
- end
- def root
- Bundler.root
- end
- def expanded_original_path
- @expanded_original_path ||= expand(original_path)
- end
- private
- def expanded_path
- @expanded_path ||= expand(path)
- end
- def expand(somepath)
- somepath.expand_path(root_path)
- rescue ArgumentError => e
- Bundler.ui.debug(e)
- raise PathError, "There was an error while trying to use the path " \
- "`#{somepath}`.\nThe error message was: #{e.message}."
- end
- def lockfile_path
- return relative_path(original_path) if original_path.absolute?
- expand(original_path).relative_path_from(Bundler.root)
- end
- def app_cache_path(custom_path = nil)
- @app_cache_path ||= Bundler.app_cache(custom_path).join(app_cache_dirname)
- end
- def has_app_cache?
- SharedHelpers.in_bundle? && app_cache_path.exist?
- end
- def load_gemspec(file)
- return unless spec = Bundler.load_gemspec(file)
- Bundler.rubygems.set_installed_by_version(spec)
- spec
- end
- def validate_spec(spec)
- Bundler.rubygems.validate(spec)
- end
- def load_spec_files
- index =
- if
- # We sort depth-first since `<<` will override the earlier-found specs
- Dir["#{expanded_path}/#{@glob}"].sort_by {|p| -p.split(File::SEPARATOR).size }.each do |file|
- next unless spec = load_gemspec(file)
- spec.source = self
- # Validation causes extension_dir to be calculated, which depends
- # on #source, so we validate here instead of load_gemspec
- validate_spec(spec)
- index << spec
- end
- if index.empty? && @name && @version
- index << do |s|
- = @name
- s.source = self
- s.version =
- s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY
- s.summary = "Fake gemspec for #{@name}"
- s.relative_loaded_from = "#{@name}.gemspec"
- s.authors = ["no one"]
- if expanded_path.join("bin").exist?
- executables = expanded_path.join("bin").children
- executables.reject! {|p| }
- s.executables = {|c| c.basename.to_s }
- end
- end
- end
- else
- message ="The path `#{expanded_path}` ")
- message << if File.exist?(expanded_path)
- "is not a directory."
- else
- "does not exist."
- end
- raise PathError, message
- end
- index
- end
- def relative_path(path = self.path)
- if path.to_s.start_with?(root_path.to_s)
- return path.relative_path_from(root_path)
- end
- path
- end
- def generate_bin(spec, options = {})
- gem_dir =
- # Some gem authors put absolute paths in their gemspec
- # and we have to save them from themselves
- spec.files = do |p|
- next p unless p =~ /\A#{Pathname::SEPARATOR_PAT}/
- next if
- begin
- rescue ArgumentError
- p
- end
- end.compact
- installer =
- spec,
- :env_shebang => false,
- :disable_extensions => options[:disable_extensions],
- :build_args => options[:build_args],
- :bundler_extension_cache_path => extension_cache_path(spec)
- )
- installer.post_install
- rescue Gem::InvalidSpecificationException => e
- Bundler.ui.warn "\n#{} at #{spec.full_gem_path} did not have a valid gemspec.\n" \
- "This prevents bundler from installing bins or native extensions, but " \
- "that may not affect its functionality."
- if !spec.extensions.empty? && !
- Bundler.ui.warn "If you need to use this package without installing it from a gem " \
- "repository, please contact #{} and ask them " \
- "to modify their .gemspec so it can work with `gem build`."
- end
- Bundler.ui.warn "The validation message from RubyGems was:\n #{e.message}"
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/source/path/installer.rb b/lib/bundler/source/path/installer.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a0357ffa39..0000000000
--- a/lib/bundler/source/path/installer.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module Bundler
- class Source
- class Path
- class Installer < Bundler::RubyGemsGemInstaller
- attr_reader :spec
- def initialize(spec, options = {})
- @options = options
- @spec = spec
- @gem_dir = Bundler.rubygems.path(spec.full_gem_path)
- @wrappers = true
- @env_shebang = true
- @format_executable = options[:format_executable] || false
- @build_args = options[:build_args] || Bundler.rubygems.build_args
- @gem_bin_dir = "#{Bundler.rubygems.gem_dir}/bin"
- @disable_extensions = options[:disable_extensions]
- if Bundler.requires_sudo?
- @tmp_dir = Bundler.tmp(spec.full_name).to_s
- @bin_dir = "#{@tmp_dir}/bin"
- else
- @bin_dir = @gem_bin_dir
- end
- end
- def post_install
- SharedHelpers.chdir(@gem_dir) do
- run_hooks(:pre_install)
- unless @disable_extensions
- build_extensions
- run_hooks(:post_build)
- end
- generate_bin unless spec.executables.nil? || spec.executables.empty?
- run_hooks(:post_install)
- end
- ensure
- Bundler.rm_rf(@tmp_dir) if Bundler.requires_sudo?
- end
- private
- def generate_bin
- super
- if Bundler.requires_sudo?
- SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(@gem_bin_dir) do |p|
- Bundler.mkdir_p(p)
- end
- spec.executables.each do |exe|
- Bundler.sudo "cp -R #{@bin_dir}/#{exe} #{@gem_bin_dir}"
- end
- end
- end
- def run_hooks(type)
- hooks_meth = "#{type}_hooks"
- return unless Gem.respond_to?(hooks_meth)
- Gem.send(hooks_meth).each do |hook|
- result =
- next unless result == false
- location = " at #{$1}" if hook.inspect =~ /@(.*:\d+)/
- message = "#{type} hook#{location} failed for #{spec.full_name}"
- raise InstallHookError, message
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/source/rubygems.rb b/lib/bundler/source/rubygems.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cf22a50f1..0000000000
--- a/lib/bundler/source/rubygems.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require "uri"
-require "rubygems/user_interaction"
-module Bundler
- class Source
- class Rubygems < Source
- autoload :Remote, "bundler/source/rubygems/remote"
- # Use the API when installing less than X gems
- # Ask for X gems per API request
- attr_reader :remotes, :caches
- def initialize(options = {})
- @options = options
- @remotes = []
- @dependency_names = []
- @allow_remote = false
- @allow_cached = false
- @caches = [cache_path, *Bundler.rubygems.gem_cache]
- Array(options["remotes"] || []).reverse_each {|r| add_remote(r) }
- end
- def remote!
- @specs = nil
- @allow_remote = true
- end
- def cached!
- @specs = nil
- @allow_cached = true
- end
- def hash
- @remotes.hash
- end
- def eql?(other)
- other.is_a?(Rubygems) && other.credless_remotes == credless_remotes
- end
- alias_method :==, :eql?
- def include?(o)
- o.is_a?(Rubygems) && (o.credless_remotes - credless_remotes).empty?
- end
- def can_lock?(spec)
- return super if Bundler.feature_flag.lockfile_uses_separate_rubygems_sources?
- spec.source.is_a?(Rubygems)
- end
- def options
- { "remotes" => }
- end
- def self.from_lock(options)
- new(options)
- end
- def to_lock
- out ="GEM\n")
- remotes.reverse_each do |remote|
- out << " remote: #{suppress_configured_credentials remote}\n"
- end
- out << " specs:\n"
- end
- def to_s
- if remotes.empty?
- "locally installed gems"
- else
- remote_names =", ")
- "rubygems repository #{remote_names} or installed locally"
- end
- end
- alias_method :name, :to_s
- def specs
- @specs ||= begin
- # remote_specs usually generates a way larger Index than the other
- # sources, and large_idx.use small_idx is way faster than
- # small_idx.use large_idx.
- idx = @allow_remote ? remote_specs.dup :
- idx.use(cached_specs, :override_dupes) if @allow_cached || @allow_remote
- idx.use(installed_specs, :override_dupes)
- idx
- end
- end
- def install(spec, opts = {})
- force = opts[:force]
- ensure_builtin_gems_cached = opts[:ensure_builtin_gems_cached]
- if ensure_builtin_gems_cached && builtin_gem?(spec)
- if !cached_path(spec)
- cached_built_in_gem(spec) unless spec.remote
- force = true
- else
- spec.loaded_from = loaded_from(spec)
- end
- end
- if installed?(spec) && !force
- print_using_message "Using #{version_message(spec)}"
- return nil # no post-install message
- end
- # Download the gem to get the spec, because some specs that are returned
- # by are broken and wrong.
- if spec.remote
- # Check for this spec from other sources
- uris = [spec.remote.anonymized_uri]
- uris += remotes_for_spec(spec).map(&:anonymized_uri)
- uris.uniq!
- Installer.ambiguous_gems << [, *uris] if uris.length > 1
- s = Bundler.rubygems.spec_from_gem(fetch_gem(spec), Bundler.settings["trust-policy"])
- spec.__swap__(s)
- end
- unless Bundler.settings[:no_install]
- message = "Installing #{version_message(spec)}"
- message += " with native extensions" if spec.extensions.any?
- Bundler.ui.confirm message
- path = cached_gem(spec)
- if requires_sudo?
- install_path = Bundler.tmp(spec.full_name)
- bin_path = install_path.join("bin")
- else
- install_path = rubygems_dir
- bin_path = Bundler.system_bindir
- end
- installed_spec = nil
- Bundler.rubygems.preserve_paths do
- installed_spec =
- path,
- :install_dir => install_path.to_s,
- :bin_dir => bin_path.to_s,
- :ignore_dependencies => true,
- :wrappers => true,
- :env_shebang => true,
- :build_args => opts[:build_args],
- :bundler_expected_checksum => spec.respond_to?(:checksum) && spec.checksum,
- :bundler_extension_cache_path => extension_cache_path(spec)
- ).install
- end
- spec.full_gem_path = installed_spec.full_gem_path
- if requires_sudo?
- Bundler.rubygems.repository_subdirectories.each do |name|
- src = File.join(install_path, name, "*")
- dst = File.join(rubygems_dir, name)
- if name == "extensions" && Dir.glob(src).any?
- src = File.join(src, "*/*")
- ext_src = Dir.glob(src).first
- ext_src.gsub!(src[0..-6], "")
- dst = File.dirname(File.join(dst, ext_src))
- end
- SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(dst) do |p|
- Bundler.mkdir_p(p)
- end
- Bundler.sudo "cp -R #{src} #{dst}" if Dir[src].any?
- end
- spec.executables.each do |exe|
- SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(Bundler.system_bindir) do |p|
- Bundler.mkdir_p(p)
- end
- Bundler.sudo "cp -R #{install_path}/bin/#{exe} #{Bundler.system_bindir}/"
- end
- end
- installed_spec.loaded_from = loaded_from(spec)
- end
- spec.loaded_from = loaded_from(spec)
- spec.post_install_message
- ensure
- Bundler.rm_rf(install_path) if requires_sudo?
- end
- def cache(spec, custom_path = nil)
- if builtin_gem?(spec)
- cached_path = cached_built_in_gem(spec)
- else
- cached_path = cached_gem(spec)
- end
- raise GemNotFound, "Missing gem file '#{spec.full_name}.gem'." unless cached_path
- return if File.dirname(cached_path) == Bundler.app_cache.to_s
- " * #{File.basename(cached_path)}"
- FileUtils.cp(cached_path, Bundler.app_cache(custom_path))
- rescue Errno::EACCES => e
- Bundler.ui.debug(e)
- raise InstallError, e.message
- end
- def cached_built_in_gem(spec)
- cached_path = cached_path(spec)
- if cached_path.nil?
- remote_spec =
- if remote_spec
- cached_path = fetch_gem(remote_spec)
- else
- Bundler.ui.warn "#{spec.full_name} is built in to Ruby, and can't be cached because your Gemfile doesn't have any sources that contain it."
- end
- end
- cached_path
- end
- def add_remote(source)
- uri = normalize_uri(source)
- @remotes.unshift(uri) unless @remotes.include?(uri)
- end
- def equivalent_remotes?(other_remotes)
- ==
- end
- def replace_remotes(other_remotes, allow_equivalent = false)
- return false if other_remotes == @remotes
- equivalent = allow_equivalent && equivalent_remotes?(other_remotes)
- @remotes = []
- other_remotes.reverse_each do |r|
- add_remote r.to_s
- end
- !equivalent
- end
- def unmet_deps
- if @allow_remote && api_fetchers.any?
- remote_specs.unmet_dependency_names
- else
- []
- end
- end
- def fetchers
- @fetchers ||= do |uri|
- remote =
- end
- end
- def double_check_for(unmet_dependency_names)
- return unless @allow_remote
- return unless api_fetchers.any?
- unmet_dependency_names =
- unless unmet_dependency_names.nil?
- if api_fetchers.size <= 1
- # can't do this when there are multiple fetchers because then we might not fetch from _all_
- # of them
- unmet_dependency_names -= remote_specs.spec_names # avoid re-fetching things we've already gotten
- end
- return if unmet_dependency_names.empty?
- end
- Bundler.ui.debug "Double checking for #{unmet_dependency_names || "all specs (due to the size of the request)"} in #{self}"
- fetch_names(api_fetchers, unmet_dependency_names, specs, false)
- end
- def dependency_names_to_double_check
- names = []
- remote_specs.each do |spec|
- case spec
- when EndpointSpecification, Gem::Specification, StubSpecification, LazySpecification
- names.concat(spec.runtime_dependencies)
- when RemoteSpecification # from the full index
- return nil
- else
- raise "unhandled spec type (#{spec.inspect})"
- end
- end
-!(&:name) if names
- names
- end
- protected
- def credless_remotes
- end
- def remotes_for_spec(spec)
- specs.search_all([]) do |uris, s|
- uris << s.remote if s.remote
- uris
- end
- end
- def loaded_from(spec)
- "#{rubygems_dir}/specifications/#{spec.full_name}.gemspec"
- end
- def cached_gem(spec)
- cached_gem = cached_path(spec)
- unless cached_gem
- raise Bundler::GemNotFound, "Could not find #{spec.file_name} for installation"
- end
- cached_gem
- end
- def cached_path(spec)
- possibilities = {|p| "#{p}/#{spec.file_name}" }
- possibilities.find {|p| File.exist?(p) }
- end
- def normalize_uri(uri)
- uri = uri.to_s
- uri = "#{uri}/" unless uri =~ %r{/$}
- uri = URI(uri)
- raise ArgumentError, "The source must be an absolute URI. For example:\n" \
- "source ''" if !uri.absolute? || (uri.is_a?(URI::HTTP) &&
- uri
- end
- def suppress_configured_credentials(remote)
- remote_nouser = remove_auth(remote)
- if remote.userinfo && remote.userinfo == Bundler.settings[remote_nouser]
- remote_nouser
- else
- remote
- end
- end
- def remove_auth(remote)
- remote.dup.tap {|uri| uri.user = uri.password = nil }.to_s
- end
- def installed_specs
- @installed_specs ||= do |idx|
- Bundler.rubygems.all_specs.reverse_each do |spec|
- next if == "bundler"
- spec.source = self
- if Bundler.rubygems.spec_missing_extensions?(spec, false)
- Bundler.ui.debug "Source #{self} is ignoring #{spec} because it is missing extensions"
- next
- end
- idx << spec
- end
- end
- end
- def cached_specs
- @cached_specs ||= begin
- idx = installed_specs.dup
- Dir["#{cache_path}/*.gem"].each do |gemfile|
- next if gemfile =~ /^bundler\-[\d\.]+?\.gem/
- s ||= Bundler.rubygems.spec_from_gem(gemfile)
- s.source = self
- if Bundler.rubygems.spec_missing_extensions?(s, false)
- Bundler.ui.debug "Source #{self} is ignoring #{s} because it is missing extensions"
- next
- end
- idx << s
- end
- idx
- end
- end
- def api_fetchers
- {|f| f.use_api && f.fetchers.first.api_fetcher? }
- end
- def remote_specs
- @remote_specs ||= do |idx|
- index_fetchers = fetchers - api_fetchers
- # gather lists from non-api sites
- fetch_names(index_fetchers, nil, idx, false)
- # because ensuring we have all the gems we need involves downloading
- # the gemspecs of those gems, if the non-api sites contain more than
- # about 500 gems, we treat all sites as non-api for speed.
- allow_api = idx.size < API_REQUEST_LIMIT && dependency_names.size < API_REQUEST_LIMIT
- Bundler.ui.debug "Need to query more than #{API_REQUEST_LIMIT} gems." \
- " Downloading full index instead..." unless allow_api
- fetch_names(api_fetchers, allow_api && dependency_names, idx, false)
- end
- end
- def fetch_names(fetchers, dependency_names, index, override_dupes)
- fetchers.each do |f|
- if dependency_names
- "Fetching gem metadata from #{f.uri}", Bundler.ui.debug?
- index.use f.specs_with_retry(dependency_names, self), override_dupes
- "" unless Bundler.ui.debug? # new line now that the dots are over
- else
- "Fetching source index from #{f.uri}"
- index.use f.specs_with_retry(nil, self), override_dupes
- end
- end
- end
- def fetch_gem(spec)
- return false unless spec.remote
- spec.fetch_platform
- download_path = requires_sudo? ? Bundler.tmp(spec.full_name) : rubygems_dir
- gem_path = "#{rubygems_dir}/cache/#{spec.full_name}.gem"
- SharedHelpers.filesystem_access("#{download_path}/cache") do |p|
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(p)
- end
- download_gem(spec, download_path)
- if requires_sudo?
- SharedHelpers.filesystem_access("#{rubygems_dir}/cache") do |p|
- Bundler.mkdir_p(p)
- end
- Bundler.sudo "mv #{download_path}/cache/#{spec.full_name}.gem #{gem_path}"
- end
- gem_path
- ensure
- Bundler.rm_rf(download_path) if requires_sudo?
- end
- def builtin_gem?(spec)
- # Ruby 2.1, where all included gems have this summary
- return true if spec.summary =~ /is bundled with Ruby/
- # Ruby 2.0, where gemspecs are stored in specifications/default/
- spec.loaded_from && spec.loaded_from.include?("specifications/default/")
- end
- def installed?(spec)
- installed_specs[spec].any?
- end
- def requires_sudo?
- Bundler.requires_sudo?
- end
- def rubygems_dir
- Bundler.rubygems.gem_dir
- end
- def cache_path
- Bundler.app_cache
- end
- private
- # Checks if the requested spec exists in the global cache. If it does,
- # we copy it to the download path, and if it does not, we download it.
- #
- # @param [Specification] spec
- # the spec we want to download or retrieve from the cache.
- #
- # @param [String] download_path
- # the local directory the .gem will end up in.
- #
- def download_gem(spec, download_path)
- local_path = File.join(download_path, "cache/#{spec.full_name}.gem")
- if (cache_path = download_cache_path(spec)) && cache_path.file?
- SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(local_path) do
- FileUtils.cp(cache_path, local_path)
- end
- else
- uri = spec.remote.uri
- Bundler.ui.confirm("Fetching #{version_message(spec)}")
- Bundler.rubygems.download_gem(spec, uri, download_path)
- cache_globally(spec, local_path)
- end
- end
- # Checks if the requested spec exists in the global cache. If it does
- # not, we create the relevant global cache subdirectory if it does not
- # exist and copy the spec from the local cache to the global cache.
- #
- # @param [Specification] spec
- # the spec we want to copy to the global cache.
- #
- # @param [String] local_cache_path
- # the local directory from which we want to copy the .gem.
- #
- def cache_globally(spec, local_cache_path)
- return unless cache_path = download_cache_path(spec)
- return if cache_path.exist?
- SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(cache_path.dirname, &:mkpath)
- SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(cache_path) do
- FileUtils.cp(local_cache_path, cache_path)
- end
- end
- # Returns the global cache path of the calling Rubygems::Source object.
- #
- # Note that the Source determines the path's subdirectory. We use this
- # subdirectory in the global cache path so that gems with the same name
- # -- and possibly different versions -- from different sources are saved
- # to their respective subdirectories and do not override one another.
- #
- # @param [Gem::Specification] specification
- #
- # @return [Pathname] The global cache path.
- #
- def download_cache_path(spec)
- return unless Bundler.feature_flag.global_gem_cache?
- return unless remote = spec.remote
- return unless cache_slug = remote.cache_slug
- Bundler.user_cache.join("gems", cache_slug, spec.file_name)
- end
- def extension_cache_slug(spec)
- return unless remote = spec.remote
- remote.cache_slug
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/source/rubygems/remote.rb b/lib/bundler/source/rubygems/remote.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e73baaa992..0000000000
--- a/lib/bundler/source/rubygems/remote.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module Bundler
- class Source
- class Rubygems
- class Remote
- attr_reader :uri, :anonymized_uri, :original_uri
- def initialize(uri)
- orig_uri = uri
- uri = Bundler.settings.mirror_for(uri)
- @original_uri = orig_uri if orig_uri != uri
- fallback_auth = Bundler.settings.credentials_for(uri)
- @uri = apply_auth(uri, fallback_auth).freeze
- @anonymized_uri = remove_auth(@uri).freeze
- end
- # @return [String] A slug suitable for use as a cache key for this
- # remote.
- #
- def cache_slug
- @cache_slug ||= begin
- return nil unless SharedHelpers.md5_available?
- cache_uri = original_uri || uri
- uri_parts = [, cache_uri.user, cache_uri.port, cache_uri.path]
- uri_digest = SharedHelpers.digest(:MD5).hexdigest(uri_parts.compact.join("."))
- uri_parts[-1] = uri_digest
- uri_parts.compact.join(".")
- end
- end
- def to_s
- "rubygems remote at #{anonymized_uri}"
- end
- private
- def apply_auth(uri, auth)
- if auth && uri.userinfo.nil?
- uri = uri.dup
- uri.userinfo = auth
- end
- uri
- rescue URI::InvalidComponentError
- error_message = "Please CGI escape your usernames and passwords before " \
- "setting them for authentication."
- raise
- end
- def remove_auth(uri)
- if uri.userinfo
- uri = uri.dup
- uri.user = uri.password = nil
- end
- uri
- end
- end
- end
- end