path: root/lib/bundler/fetcher
diff options
authorhsbt <hsbt@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2017-09-08 08:45:41 +0000
committerhsbt <hsbt@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2017-09-08 08:45:41 +0000
commit8598f8c2dc78c6d1ae87cb6ae19c34ba2cb29241 (patch)
tree0bbd28f684e745cb212761b7c74fe08668f85cc8 /lib/bundler/fetcher
parentf2e04b77aa8a363d7e36ce5a9cdb60714a537a3c (diff)
Merge bundler to standard libraries.
rubygems 2.7.x depends bundler-1.15.x. This is preparation for rubygems and bundler migration. * lib/bundler.rb, lib/bundler/*: files of bundler-1.15.4 * spec/bundler/*: rspec examples of bundler-1.15.4. I applied patches. * * Exclude not working examples on ruby repository. * Fake ruby interpriter instead of installed ruby. * Added test task named `test-bundler`. This task is only working macOS/linux yet. I'm going to support Windows environment later. * tool/sync_default_gems.rb: Added sync task for bundler. [Feature #12733][ruby-core:77172] git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bundler/fetcher')
5 files changed, 396 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bundler/fetcher/base.rb b/lib/bundler/fetcher/base.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..271729a534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/fetcher/base.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Bundler
+ class Fetcher
+ class Base
+ attr_reader :downloader
+ attr_reader :display_uri
+ attr_reader :remote
+ def initialize(downloader, remote, display_uri)
+ raise "Abstract class" if self.class == Base
+ @downloader = downloader
+ @remote = remote
+ @display_uri = display_uri
+ end
+ def remote_uri
+ @remote.uri
+ end
+ def fetch_uri
+ @fetch_uri ||= begin
+ if == ""
+ uri = remote_uri.dup
+ = ""
+ uri
+ else
+ remote_uri
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def available?
+ true
+ end
+ def api_fetcher?
+ false
+ end
+ private
+ def log_specs(debug_msg)
+ if Bundler.ui.debug?
+ Bundler.ui.debug debug_msg
+ else
+ ".", false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/fetcher/compact_index.rb b/lib/bundler/fetcher/compact_index.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97de88101b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/fetcher/compact_index.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "bundler/fetcher/base"
+require "bundler/worker"
+module Bundler
+ autoload :CompactIndexClient, "bundler/compact_index_client"
+ class Fetcher
+ class CompactIndex < Base
+ def self.compact_index_request(method_name)
+ method = instance_method(method_name)
+ undef_method(method_name)
+ define_method(method_name) do |*args, &blk|
+ begin
+ method.bind(self).call(*args, &blk)
+ rescue NetworkDownError, CompactIndexClient::Updater::MisMatchedChecksumError => e
+ raise HTTPError, e.message
+ rescue AuthenticationRequiredError
+ # Fail since we got a 401 from the server.
+ raise
+ rescue HTTPError => e
+ Bundler.ui.trace(e)
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def specs(gem_names)
+ specs_for_names(gem_names)
+ end
+ compact_index_request :specs
+ def specs_for_names(gem_names)
+ gem_info = []
+ complete_gems = []
+ remaining_gems = gem_names.dup
+ until remaining_gems.empty?
+ log_specs "Looking up gems #{remaining_gems.inspect}"
+ deps = compact_index_client.dependencies(remaining_gems)
+ next_gems = {|d| d[3].map(&:first).flatten(1) }.flatten(1).uniq
+ deps.each {|dep| gem_info << dep }
+ complete_gems.concat(!
+ remaining_gems = next_gems - complete_gems
+ end
+ @bundle_worker.stop if @bundle_worker
+ @bundle_worker = nil # reset it. Not sure if necessary
+ gem_info
+ end
+ def fetch_spec(spec)
+ spec -= [nil, "ruby", ""]
+ contents = compact_index_client.spec(*spec)
+ return nil if contents.nil?
+ contents.unshift(spec.first)
+ contents[3].map! {|d|*d) }
+ end
+ compact_index_request :fetch_spec
+ def available?
+ return nil unless md5_available?
+ user_home = Bundler.user_home
+ return nil unless && user_home.writable?
+ # Read info file checksums out of /versions, so we can know if gems are up to date
+ fetch_uri.scheme != "file" && compact_index_client.update_and_parse_checksums!
+ rescue CompactIndexClient::Updater::MisMatchedChecksumError => e
+ Bundler.ui.debug(e.message)
+ nil
+ end
+ compact_index_request :available?
+ def api_fetcher?
+ true
+ end
+ private
+ def compact_index_client
+ @compact_index_client ||= begin
+ SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(cache_path) do
+, client_fetcher)
+ end.tap do |client|
+ client.in_parallel = lambda do |inputs, &blk|
+ func = lambda {|object, _index| }
+ worker = bundle_worker(func)
+ inputs.each {|input| worker.enq(input) }
+ { worker.deq }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def bundle_worker(func = nil)
+ @bundle_worker ||= begin
+ worker_name = "Compact Index (#{})"
+ ? 1 : 25, worker_name, func)
+ end
+ @bundle_worker.tap do |worker|
+ worker.instance_variable_set(:@func, func) if func
+ end
+ end
+ def cache_path
+ Bundler.user_cache.join("compact_index", remote.cache_slug)
+ end
+ def client_fetcher
+, Bundler.ui)
+ end
+ ClientFetcher =, :ui) do
+ def call(path, headers)
+ fetcher.downloader.fetch(fetcher.fetch_uri + path, headers)
+ rescue NetworkDownError => e
+ raise unless Bundler.feature_flag.allow_offline_install? && headers["If-None-Match"]
+ ui.warn "Using the cached data for the new index because of a network error: #{e}"
+, nil, nil)
+ end
+ end
+ def md5_available?
+ require "openssl"
+ OpenSSL::Digest::MD5.digest("")
+ true
+ rescue LoadError
+ true
+ rescue OpenSSL::Digest::DigestError
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/fetcher/dependency.rb b/lib/bundler/fetcher/dependency.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..445b0f2332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/fetcher/dependency.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "bundler/fetcher/base"
+require "cgi"
+module Bundler
+ class Fetcher
+ class Dependency < Base
+ def available?
+ fetch_uri.scheme != "file" && downloader.fetch(dependency_api_uri)
+ rescue NetworkDownError => e
+ raise HTTPError, e.message
+ rescue AuthenticationRequiredError
+ # Fail since we got a 401 from the server.
+ raise
+ rescue HTTPError
+ false
+ end
+ def api_fetcher?
+ true
+ end
+ def specs(gem_names, full_dependency_list = [], last_spec_list = [])
+ query_list = gem_names.uniq - full_dependency_list
+ log_specs "Query List: #{query_list.inspect}"
+ return last_spec_list if query_list.empty?
+ spec_list, deps_list ="dependency api", FAIL_ERRORS).attempts do
+ dependency_specs(query_list)
+ end
+ returned_gems =
+ specs(deps_list, full_dependency_list + returned_gems, spec_list + last_spec_list)
+ rescue MarshalError
+ "" unless Bundler.ui.debug? # new line now that the dots are over
+ Bundler.ui.debug "could not fetch from the dependency API, trying the full index"
+ nil
+ rescue HTTPError, GemspecError
+ "" unless Bundler.ui.debug? # new line now that the dots are over
+ Bundler.ui.debug "could not fetch from the dependency API\nit's suggested to retry using the full index via `bundle install --full-index`"
+ nil
+ end
+ def dependency_specs(gem_names)
+ Bundler.ui.debug "Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: #{gem_names.join(",")}"
+ gem_list = unmarshalled_dep_gems(gem_names)
+ get_formatted_specs_and_deps(gem_list)
+ end
+ def unmarshalled_dep_gems(gem_names)
+ gem_list = []
+ gem_names.each_slice(Source::Rubygems::API_REQUEST_SIZE) do |names|
+ marshalled_deps = downloader.fetch(dependency_api_uri(names)).body
+ gem_list.concat(Bundler.load_marshal(marshalled_deps))
+ end
+ gem_list
+ end
+ def get_formatted_specs_and_deps(gem_list)
+ deps_list = []
+ spec_list = []
+ gem_list.each do |s|
+ deps_list.concat(s[:dependencies].map(&:first))
+ deps = s[:dependencies].map {|n, d| [n, d.split(", ")] }
+ spec_list.push([s[:name], s[:number], s[:platform], deps])
+ end
+ [spec_list, deps_list]
+ end
+ def dependency_api_uri(gem_names = [])
+ uri = fetch_uri + "api/v1/dependencies"
+ uri.query = "gems=#{CGI.escape(gem_names.sort.join(","))}" if gem_names.any?
+ uri
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/fetcher/downloader.rb b/lib/bundler/fetcher/downloader.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..453e4645eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/fetcher/downloader.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Bundler
+ class Fetcher
+ class Downloader
+ attr_reader :connection
+ attr_reader :redirect_limit
+ def initialize(connection, redirect_limit)
+ @connection = connection
+ @redirect_limit = redirect_limit
+ end
+ def fetch(uri, options = {}, counter = 0)
+ raise HTTPError, "Too many redirects" if counter >= redirect_limit
+ response = request(uri, options)
+ Bundler.ui.debug("HTTP #{response.code} #{response.message} #{uri}")
+ case response
+ when Net::HTTPSuccess, Net::HTTPNotModified
+ response
+ when Net::HTTPRedirection
+ new_uri = URI.parse(response["location"])
+ if ==
+ new_uri.user = uri.user
+ new_uri.password = uri.password
+ end
+ fetch(new_uri, options, counter + 1)
+ when Net::HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge
+ raise FallbackError, response.body
+ when Net::HTTPUnauthorized
+ raise AuthenticationRequiredError,
+ when Net::HTTPNotFound
+ raise FallbackError, "Net::HTTPNotFound"
+ else
+ raise HTTPError, "#{response.class}#{": #{response.body}" unless response.body.empty?}"
+ end
+ end
+ def request(uri, options)
+ validate_uri_scheme!(uri)
+ Bundler.ui.debug "HTTP GET #{uri}"
+ req = uri.request_uri, options
+ if uri.user
+ user = CGI.unescape(uri.user)
+ password = uri.password ? CGI.unescape(uri.password) : nil
+ req.basic_auth(user, password)
+ end
+ connection.request(uri, req)
+ rescue NoMethodError => e
+ raise unless ["undefined method", "use_ssl="].all? {|snippet| e.message.include? snippet }
+ raise"cannot load such file -- openssl")
+ rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError
+ raise
+ rescue *HTTP_ERRORS => e
+ Bundler.ui.trace e
+ case e.message
+ when /host down:/, /getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided/
+ raise NetworkDownError, "Could not reach host #{}. Check your network " \
+ "connection and try again."
+ else
+ raise HTTPError, "Network error while fetching #{URICredentialsFilter.credential_filtered_uri(uri)}" \
+ " (#{e})"
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def validate_uri_scheme!(uri)
+ return if uri.scheme =~ /\Ahttps?\z/
+ raise InvalidOption,
+ "The request uri `#{uri}` has an invalid scheme (`#{uri.scheme}`). " \
+ "Did you mean `http` or `https`?"
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bundler/fetcher/index.rb b/lib/bundler/fetcher/index.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8e212989e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/fetcher/index.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "bundler/fetcher/base"
+require "rubygems/remote_fetcher"
+module Bundler
+ class Fetcher
+ class Index < Base
+ def specs(_gem_names)
+ Bundler.rubygems.fetch_all_remote_specs(remote)
+ rescue Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, Net::HTTPFatalError => e
+ case e.message
+ when /certificate verify failed/
+ raise
+ when /401/
+ raise AuthenticationRequiredError, remote_uri
+ when /403/
+ raise BadAuthenticationError, remote_uri if remote_uri.userinfo
+ raise AuthenticationRequiredError, remote_uri
+ else
+ Bundler.ui.trace e
+ raise HTTPError, "Could not fetch specs from #{display_uri}"
+ end
+ end
+ def fetch_spec(spec)
+ spec -= [nil, "ruby", ""]
+ spec_file_name = "#{spec.join "-"}.gemspec"
+ uri = URI.parse("#{remote_uri}#{Gem::MARSHAL_SPEC_DIR}#{spec_file_name}.rz")
+ if uri.scheme == "file"
+ Bundler.load_marshal Gem.inflate(Gem.read_binary(uri.path))
+ elsif cached_spec_path = gemspec_cached_path(spec_file_name)
+ Bundler.load_gemspec(cached_spec_path)
+ else
+ Bundler.load_marshal Gem.inflate(downloader.fetch(uri).body)
+ end
+ rescue MarshalError
+ raise HTTPError, "Gemspec #{spec} contained invalid data.\n" \
+ "Your network or your gem server is probably having issues right now."
+ end
+ private
+ # cached gem specification path, if one exists
+ def gemspec_cached_path(spec_file_name)
+ paths = {|dir| File.join(dir, spec_file_name) }
+ paths.find {|path| File.file? path }
+ end
+ end
+ end