path: root/lib/bundler/checksum.rb
diff options
authorMartin Emde <>2023-08-30 15:15:52 -0700
committerHiroshi SHIBATA <>2023-10-23 13:59:01 +0900
commit92f23a48e3bb7555ca99fc49e15b250a70f9d086 (patch)
treebd583abe4555696c8b68d141f7f51d8755b2e96e /lib/bundler/checksum.rb
parentc5fd94073ff2e22b6eea29c242c7e4a12ed7c865 (diff)
[rubygems/rubygems] Refactor Checksum classes and methods to reduce
code. (
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bundler/checksum.rb')
1 files changed, 121 insertions, 204 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bundler/checksum.rb b/lib/bundler/checksum.rb
index 3b03935b57..fe8e73e727 100644
--- a/lib/bundler/checksum.rb
+++ b/lib/bundler/checksum.rb
@@ -2,258 +2,175 @@
module Bundler
class Checksum
- class Store
- attr_reader :store
- protected :store
+ private_constant :DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE
- def initialize
- @store = {}
- end
+ class << self
+ def from_gem_source(source, digest_algorithms: %w[sha256])
+ raise ArgumentError, "not a valid gem source: #{source}" unless source.respond_to?(:with_read_io)
- def initialize_copy(o)
- @store = {}
- do |k, v|
- @store[k] = v.dup
+ source.with_read_io do |io|
+ checksums = from_io(io, "#{source.path || source.inspect} gem source hexdigest", :digest_algorithms => digest_algorithms)
+ io.rewind
+ return checksums
- def [](spec)
- sums = @store[spec.full_name]
-, spec.version, spec.platform, sums&.transform_values(&:digest))
- end
- def register(spec, checksums)
- register_full_name(spec.full_name, checksums)
- end
- def register_triple(name, version, platform, checksums)
- register_full_name(GemHelpers.spec_full_name(name, version, platform), checksums)
- end
- def delete_full_name(full_name)
- @store.delete(full_name)
- end
- def register_full_name(full_name, checksums)
- sums = (@store[full_name] ||= {})
- checksums.each do |checksum|
- algo = checksum.algo
- if multi = sums[algo]
- multi.merge(checksum)
- else
- sums[algo] = [checksum]
- end
+ def from_io(io, source, digest_algorithms: %w[sha256])
+ digests = digest_algorithms.to_h do |algo|
+ [algo.to_s, Bundler::SharedHelpers.digest(algo.upcase).new]
- rescue SecurityError => e
- raise e.exception(<<~MESSAGE)
- Bundler found multiple different checksums for #{full_name}.
- This means that there are multiple different `#{full_name}.gem` files.
- This is a potential security issue, since Bundler could be attempting \
- to install a different gem than what you expect.
- #{e.message}
- To resolve this issue:
- 1. delete any downloaded gems referenced above
- 2. run `bundle install`
- If you are sure that the new checksum is correct, you can \
- remove the `#{full_name}` entry under the lockfile `CHECKSUMS` \
- section and rerun `bundle install`.
- If you wish to continue installing the downloaded gem, and are certain it does not pose a \
- security issue despite the mismatching checksum, do the following:
- 1. run `bundle config set --local disable_checksum_validation true` to turn off checksum verification
- 2. run `bundle install`
- end
+ until io.eof?
+ digests.each_value {|digest| digest << ret }
+ end
- def use(other)
- do |k, v|
- register_full_name k, v.values
+ do |algo, digest|
+, digest.hexdigest!, source)
- class Single
- attr_reader :algo, :digest, :source
- def initialize(algo, digest, source)
- @algo = algo
- @digest = digest
- @source = source
- end
- def ==(other)
- other.is_a?(Single) && other.digest == digest && other.algo == algo && source == other.source
- end
+ attr_reader :algo, :digest, :sources
+ def initialize(algo, digest, source)
+ @algo = algo
+ @digest = digest
+ @sources = [source]
+ end
- def hash
- digest.hash
- end
+ def ==(other)
+ match?(other) && other.sources == sources
+ end
- alias_method :eql?, :==
+ alias_method :eql?, :==
- def to_s
- "#{algo}-#{digest} (from #{source})"
- end
+ def match?(other)
+ other.is_a?(self.class) && other.digest == digest && other.algo == algo
- class Multi
- attr_reader :algo, :digest, :checksums
- protected :checksums
+ def hash
+ digest.hash
+ end
- def initialize(checksums)
- @checksums = checksums
+ def to_s
+ "#{to_lock} (from #{sources.first}#{", ..." if sources.size > 1})"
+ end
- unless checksums && checksums.size > 0
- raise ArgumentError, "must provide at least one checksum"
- end
+ def to_lock
+ "#{algo}-#{digest}"
+ end
- first = checksums.first
- @algo = first.algo
- @digest = first.digest
- end
+ def merge!(other)
+ raise ArgumentError, "cannot merge checksums of different algorithms" unless algo == other.algo
- def initialize_copy(o)
- @checksums = o.checksums.dup
- @algo = o.algo
- @digest = o.digest
+ unless digest == other.digest
+ raise SecurityError, <<~MESSAGE
+ #{other}
+ #{to_lock} from:
+ * #{sources.join("\n* ")}
- def merge(other)
- raise ArgumentError, "cannot merge checksums of different algorithms" unless algo == other.algo
- unless digest == other.digest
- raise SecurityError, <<~MESSAGE
- #{other}
- #{self} from:
- * #{sources.join("\n* ")}
- end
- case other
- when Single
- @checksums << other
- when Multi
- @checksums.concat(other.checksums)
- else
- raise ArgumentError
- end
- @checksums.uniq!
+ @sources.concat(other.sources).uniq!
+ self
+ end
- self
- end
+ class Store
+ attr_reader :store
+ protected :store
- def sources
+ def initialize
+ @store = {}
- def to_s
- "#{algo}-#{digest}"
+ def initialize_copy(other)
+ @store = {}
+ do |full_name, checksums|
+ store[full_name] = checksums.dup
+ end
- end
- attr_reader :name, :version, :platform, :checksums
- SHA256 = %r{\Asha256-([a-z0-9]{64}|[A-Za-z0-9+\/=]{44})\z}.freeze
- private_constant :SHA256
- def initialize(name, version, platform, checksums = {})
- @name = name
- @version = version
- @platform = platform || Gem::Platform::RUBY
- @checksums = checksums || {}
- # can expand this validation when we support more hashing algos later
- if !@checksums.is_a?(::Hash) || (@checksums.any? && !@checksums.key?("sha256"))
- raise ArgumentError, "invalid checksums (#{@checksums.inspect})"
- end
- if @checksums.any? {|_, checksum| !checksum.is_a?(String) }
- raise ArgumentError, "invalid checksums (#{@checksums})"
+ def checksums(full_name)
+ store[full_name]
- end
- def self.digests_from_file_source(file_source, digest_algorithms: %w[sha256])
- raise ArgumentError, "not a valid file source: #{file_source}" unless file_source.respond_to?(:with_read_io)
- digests = do |digest_algorithm|
- [digest_algorithm.to_s, Bundler::SharedHelpers.digest(digest_algorithm.upcase).new]
- end.to_h
- file_source.with_read_io do |io|
- until io.eof?
- block =
- digests.each_value {|digest| digest << block }
+ def register_gem_package(spec, source)
+ new_checksums = Checksum.from_gem_source(source)
+ new_checksums.each do |checksum|
+ register spec.full_name, checksum
+ rescue SecurityError
+ expected = checksums(spec.full_name)
+ gem_lock_name = GemHelpers.lock_name(, spec.version, spec.platform)
+ raise SecurityError, <<~MESSAGE
+ Bundler cannot continue installing #{gem_lock_name}.
+ The checksum for the downloaded `#{spec.full_name}.gem` does not match \
+ the known checksum for the gem.
+ This means the contents of the downloaded \
+ gem is different from what was uploaded to the server \
+ or first used by your teammates, and could be a potential security issue.
- io.rewind
- end
+ To resolve this issue:
+ 1. delete the downloaded gem located at: `#{source.path}`
+ 2. run `bundle install`
- digests
- end
+ If you are sure that the new checksum is correct, you can \
+ remove the `#{gem_lock_name}` entry under the lockfile `CHECKSUMS` \
+ section and rerun `bundle install`.
- def full_name
- GemHelpers.spec_full_name(@name, @version, @platform)
- end
+ If you wish to continue installing the downloaded gem, and are certain it does not pose a \
+ security issue despite the mismatching checksum, do the following:
+ 1. run `bundle config set --local disable_checksum_validation true` to turn off checksum verification
+ 2. run `bundle install`
- def match_spec?(spec)
- name == &&
- version == spec.version &&
- platform.to_s == spec.platform.to_s
- end
+ #{ do |checksum|
+ next unless actual = new_checksums.find {|c| c.algo == checksum.algo }
+ next if actual.digest == checksum.digest
- def to_lock
- out =
- out << " #{GemHelpers.lock_name(name, version, platform)}"
- checksums.sort_by(&:first).each_with_index do |(algo, checksum), idx|
- out << ( ? " " : ",")
- out << algo << "-" << checksum
+ "(More info: The expected #{checksum.algo.upcase} checksum was #{checksum.digest.inspect}, but the " \
+ "checksum for the downloaded gem was #{actual.digest.inspect}. The expected checksum came from: #{checksum.sources.join(", ")})"
+ end.compact.join("\n")}
- out << "\n"
- out
- end
+ def register(full_name, checksum)
+ return unless checksum
- def match?(other)
- return false unless match_spec?(other)
- match_digests?(other.checksums)
- end
+ sums = (store[full_name] ||= [])
+ sums.find {|c| c.algo == checksum.algo }&.merge!(checksum) || sums << checksum
+ rescue SecurityError => e
+ raise e.exception(<<~MESSAGE)
+ Bundler found multiple different checksums for #{full_name}.
+ This means that there are multiple different `#{full_name}.gem` files.
+ This is a potential security issue, since Bundler could be attempting \
+ to install a different gem than what you expect.
- def match_digests?(digests)
- return true if checksums.empty? && digests.empty?
+ #{e.message}
+ To resolve this issue:
+ 1. delete any downloaded gems referenced above
+ 2. run `bundle install`
- common_algos = checksums.keys & digests.keys
- return true if common_algos.empty?
+ If you are sure that the new checksum is correct, you can \
+ remove the `#{full_name}` entry under the lockfile `CHECKSUMS` \
+ section and rerun `bundle install`.
- common_algos.all? do |algo|
- checksums[algo] == digests[algo]
+ If you wish to continue installing the downloaded gem, and are certain it does not pose a \
+ security issue despite the mismatching checksum, do the following:
+ 1. run `bundle config set --local disable_checksum_validation true` to turn off checksum verification
+ 2. run `bundle install`
- end
- def merge!(other)
- raise ArgumentError, "can't merge checksums for different specs" unless match_spec?(other)
- merge_digests!(other.checksums)
- end
- def merge_digests!(digests)
- if digests.any? {|_, checksum| !checksum.is_a?(String) }
- raise ArgumentError, "invalid checksums (#{digests})"
+ def replace(full_name, checksum)
+ store[full_name] = checksum ? [checksum] : nil
- @checksums = @checksums.merge(digests) do |algo, ours, theirs|
- if ours != theirs
- raise ArgumentError, "Digest mismatch for #{algo}:\n\t* #{ours.inspect}\n\t* #{theirs.inspect}"
+ def register_store(other)
+ do |full_name, checksums|
+ checksums.each {|checksum| register(full_name, checksum) }
- ours
- self
- end
- private
- def sha256
- @checksums.find {|c| c =~ SHA256 }