path: root/variable.h
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-11-29fastpath for ivar read of FL_EXIVAR objects.Koichi Sasada
vm_getivar() provides fastpath for T_OBJECT by caching an index of ivar. This patch also provides fastpath for FL_EXIVAR objects. FL_EXIVAR objects have an each ivar array and index can be cached as T_OBJECT. To access this ivar array, generic_iv_tbl is exposed by rb_ivar_generic_ivtbl() (declared in variable.h which is newly introduced). Benchmark script: Benchmark.driver(repeat_count: 3){|x| x.executable name: 'clean', command: %w'../clean/miniruby' x.executable name: 'trunk', command: %w'./miniruby' objs = [, 'str', {a: 1, b: 2}, [1, 2]] objs.each.with_index{|obj, i| rep = obj.inspect rep = '' if /\#/ =~ rep x.prelude str = %Q{ v#{i} = #{rep} def v#{i}.foo @iv # ivar access method (attr_reader) end v#{i}.instance_variable_set(:@iv, :iv) } puts str %Q{ v#{i}.foo } } } Result: # T_OBJECT clean: 85387141.8 i/s trunk: 85249373.6 i/s - 1.00x slower # T_STRING trunk: 57894407.5 i/s clean: 39957178.6 i/s - 1.45x slower # T_HASH trunk: 56629413.2 i/s clean: 39227088.9 i/s - 1.44x slower # T_ARRAY trunk: 55797530.2 i/s clean: 38263572.9 i/s - 1.46x slower