path: root/lib
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-10-24Revert "Fixed the require path for e2mmap version file."Hiroshi SHIBATA
This reverts commit ff953a003e03f5f070112ececefab4c07ff4cb0e.
2019-10-24Fixed the require path for e2mmap version file.Hiroshi SHIBATA
2019-10-24Treat only left alt key as meta-key on Windowsaycabta
On German keyboard, right alt key acts as like shift key. Ex. right-alt-8 is just "[". This input doesn't have meta-key statement.
2019-10-24Support forced enter insertion by Ctrl+Enter on Windowsaycabta
2019-10-23Suppress duplicated "require 'reline'"aycabta
2019-10-23Fix indent...aycabta
2019-10-21Fallback to TCP in resolv if UDP bind raises EACCESJeremy Evans
Original patch from Andy Grimm. Fixes [Bug #10747] Notes: Merged:
2019-10-21Make suggestions order stable [Bug #16263]Nobuyoshi Nakada
As the result order of `DidYouMean::SpellChecker#correct` is undefined, keep the order of the original candidates.
2019-10-20make for performance. (#2576)Koichi Sasada
Recent monitor.rb has performance problem because of interrupt handlers. 'Monitor#synchronize' is frequently used primitive so the performance of this method is important. This patch rewrite 'monitor.rb' with '' (C-extension) and make it faster. See [Feature #16255] for details. Monitor class objects are normal object which include MonitorMixin. This patch introduce a Monitor class which is implemented on C and MonitorMixin uses Monitor object as re-entrant (recursive) Mutex. This technique improve performance because we don't need to care atomicity and we don't need accesses to instance variables any more on Monitor class. Notes: Merged-By: ko1 <>
2019-10-18Support DidYouMean by AmbiguousOption tooNobuyoshi Nakada
2019-10-18Defer adding additional info until getting the message of an errorNobuyoshi Nakada
2019-10-18Use DidYouMean.formatterNobuyoshi Nakada
Instead of building messages separately.
2019-10-18lib/optparse.rb: Show a did_you_mean hint for unknown optionYusuke Endoh
``` require 'optparse' do |opts| opts.on("-f", "--foo", "foo") {|v| } opts.on("-b", "--bar", "bar") {|v| } opts.on("-c", "--baz", "baz") {|v| } end.parse! ``` ``` $ ruby test.rb --baa Traceback (most recent call last): test.rb:7:in `<main>': invalid option: --baa (OptionParser::InvalidOption) Did you mean? baz bar ``` Notes: Merged:
2019-10-17Fix warning of generated parser for nested moduleSeiei Miyagi
Notes: Merged:
2019-10-18Treat key sequences from getwch() that start from 0 or 0xE0 correctlyaycabta
2019-10-18Add numeric keypad key sequences on Windowsaycabta
2019-10-18Remove freezeaycabta
2019-10-18Ignore the input method key sequence from getwch() correctlyaycabta
The function getwch() returns some key sequences which start from 0 or 0xE0 with a following key code. Alt+` that is on/off key for input methods gives 0 and 41 so Reline was always ignoring 0 and following keys but numeric keypad keys give 0 and following actual keys. This commit changes the behavior to be ignoring only the 0 and 41 sequence.
2019-10-18Insert multiline incremental search result correctlyaycabta
2019-10-17Remove unused variableaycabta
2019-10-17Refactor prompt generation logicaycabta
2019-10-17Use `\&` instead of `\1` with captureKazuhiro NISHIYAMA
2019-10-16Fix DRbServer#any_to_sJeremy Evans
My previous fix in d0ed935d5bf8c3fce9800742a36e44fb7f63dda4 was not correct, as pointed out by cremno on GitHub. This simplifies things by just using Kernel#to_s. Also switch to bind_call(obj) instead of bind(obj).call for better performance. Notes: Merged:
2019-10-16Do not raise an exception on a closed DRb socketJeremy Evans
This rescues some exceptions that could happen with a closed or shutdown DRb socket. This can prevent the server from exiting if an client socket is closed directly after it is accepted. Fixes [Bug #8039] Notes: Merged:
2019-10-16Handle subclasses of Exception in drbJeremy Evans
This makes it so that client instances that call a method on a server-side object that raise a subclass of Exception are handled similarly to those that raise a subclass of StandardError. Only reraise exceptions that we are fairly sure we don't want to rescue. Fixes [Bug #5618] Notes: Merged:
2019-10-17Calculate prompt width correctlyaycabta
2019-10-17Collect multiline prompt logic into a methodaycabta
2019-10-16Support multiline history in incremental searchaycabta
2019-10-16Support backspace in incremental searchaycabta
2019-10-16C-r is incremental history search in vi insert modeaycabta
2019-10-15Fixed the key to delete [Bug #16250]Nobuyoshi Nakada Co-Authored-By: Ary Borenszweig <>
2019-10-15[rubygems/rubygems] Bump version to 3.1.0.pre2Hiroshi SHIBATA
2019-10-15Use compare_by_identity hash [Bug #16250]Nobuyoshi Nakada
2019-10-14Simplify circular reference check of IRB::ColorTakashi Kokubun
2019-10-14IRB colorize: take into account recursive arrays and hashes (#2555)Ary Borenszweig
[Bug #16250]
2019-10-14add require "monitor"Masatoshi SEKI
2019-10-14Automatically close fds on fork (and GC). The connection pools are ↵Masatoshi SEKI
maintained at thread scope.
2019-10-14Fix some DRb issues (#2552)Jeremy Evans
* Handle BasicObject in drb Also fix a bug in rescue clause of any_to_s because sprintf does not handle the %l modifier. Fixes [Bug #7833] * Do not send a reply to the client if there is a connection error This allows for normal TCP shutdown (fin-ack-fin-ack instead of fin-ack-push-rst). Patch from (Pierre-Alexandre Meyer). Fixes [Bug #2339] * Detect fork and do not reuse forked connections in drb This associates each DRbConn with a pid, and if the pid changes, it closes any DRbConns in the pool with a pid that no longer matches. This fixes DRb servers from sending messages intended for one client to another client after forking. Fixes [Bug #2718] Fixes [Bug #14471]
2019-10-12Import CSV 3.1.2 (#2547)Sutou Kouhei
Notes: Merged-By: kou <>
2019-10-12Import REXML 3.2.3 (#2548)Sutou Kouhei
Notes: Merged-By: kou <>
2019-10-11Use `bind_call` instead of `bind` and `call`Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA
2019-10-11set real path to __FILE__ and __dir__ in Binding#irbtakkanm
When reading Binding#irb, the file of the calling source is reflected in __FILE__ and __dir__. Notes: Merged:
2019-10-10Support delegates for BasicObjectJeremy Evans
For BasicObject, bind the Kernel respond_to? instance method to the object and call it instead of calling the method directly. Also, use bind_call(recv, ...) for better performance. Fixes [Bug #16127] Notes: Merged:
2019-10-10[rubygems/rubygems] Optimize Gem::Package::TarReader#eachJean Boussier
2019-10-09Remove uselsess shebangPavel Valena
as the file is not executable anyway. Notes: Merged:
2019-10-09Update required_ruby_version to 2.4.0aycabta
2019-10-08Check for invalid hex escapes in URI#query=Jeremy Evans
Fixes [Bug #11275] Notes: Merged:
2019-10-07Version 0.0.3aycabta
2019-10-07Flush console just after printingaycabta
2019-10-07Use built-in Win32API on JRubyaycabta
It's fixed for JRuby dedicatedly.