path: root/trunk/test/ruby/sentence.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/test/ruby/sentence.rb')
1 files changed, 668 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/test/ruby/sentence.rb b/trunk/test/ruby/sentence.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50f42d6885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/test/ruby/sentence.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
+# == sentence library
+# = Features
+# * syntax based sentences generation
+# * sentence operations such as substitution.
+# = Example
+# Some arithmetic expressions using "+", "-", "*" and "/" are generated as follows.
+# require 'sentence'
+# Sentence.each({
+# :exp => [["num"],
+# [:exp, "+", :exp],
+# [:exp, "-", :exp],
+# [:exp, "*", :exp],
+# [:exp, "/", :exp]]
+# }, :exp, 2) {|sent| p sent }
+# #=>
+# #<Sentence: "num">
+# #<Sentence: ("num") "+" ("num")>
+# #<Sentence: ("num") "+" (("num") "+" ("num"))>
+# #<Sentence: ("num") "+" (("num") "-" ("num"))>
+# #<Sentence: ("num") "+" (("num") "*" ("num"))>
+# #<Sentence: ("num") "+" (("num") "/" ("num"))>
+# #<Sentence: (("num") "+" ("num")) "+" ("num")>
+# ...
+# Sentence.each takes 3 arguments.
+# The first argument is the syntax for the expressions.
+# The second argument, :exp, is a generating nonterminal.
+# The third argument, 2, limits derivation to restrict results finitely.
+# Some arithmetic expressions including parenthesis can be generated as follows.
+# syntax = {
+# :factor => [["n"],
+# ["(", :exp, ")"]],
+# :term => [[:factor],
+# [:term, "*", :factor],
+# [:term, "/", :factor]],
+# :exp => [[:term],
+# [:exp, "+", :term],
+# [:exp, "-", :term]]
+# }
+# Sentence.each(syntax, :exp, 2) {|sent| p sent }
+# #=>
+# #<Sentence: (("n"))>
+# #<Sentence: (("(" ((("n"))) ")"))>
+# #<Sentence: (("(" ((("(" ((("n"))) ")"))) ")"))>
+# #<Sentence: (("(" (((("n")) "*" ("n"))) ")"))>
+# #<Sentence: (("(" (((("n")) "/" ("n"))) ")"))>
+# #<Sentence: (("(" (((("n"))) "+" (("n"))) ")"))>
+# #<Sentence: (("(" (((("n"))) "-" (("n"))) ")"))>
+# #<Sentence: ((("n")) "*" ("n"))>
+# #<Sentence: ((("n")) "*" ("(" ((("n"))) ")"))>
+# ...
+# Sentence#to_s can be used to concatenate strings
+# in a sentence:
+# Sentence.each(syntax, :exp, 2) {|sent| p sent.to_s }
+# #=>
+# "n"
+# "(n)"
+# "((n))"
+# "(n*n)"
+# "(n/n)"
+# "(n+n)"
+# "(n-n)"
+# "n*n"
+# "n*(n)"
+# ...
+# Sentence() instantiates a sentence object.
+# Sentence("foo", "bar")
+# #=> #<Sentence: "foo" "bar">
+# Sentence("foo", ["bar", "baz"])
+# #=> #<Sentence: "foo" ("bar" "baz")>
+def Sentence(*ary)
+# Sentence class represents a tree with string leaves.
+class Sentence
+ # _ary_ represents a tree.
+ # It should be a possibly nested array which contains strings.
+ #
+ # Note that _ary_ is not copied.
+ # Don't modify _ary_ after the sentence object is instantiated.
+ #
+ #["a", "pen"])
+ # #<Sentence: "a" "pen">
+ #
+ #["I", "have", ["a", "pen"]])
+ # #<Sentence: "I" "have" ("a" "pen")>
+ #
+ def initialize(ary)
+ @sent = ary
+ end
+ # returns a string which is concatenation of all strings.
+ # No separator is used.
+ #
+ # Sentence("2", "+", "3").to_s
+ # "2+3"
+ #
+ # Sentence("2", "+", ["3", "*", "5"]).to_s
+ # "2+3*5"
+ #
+ def to_s
+ @sent.join('')
+ end
+ # returns a string which is concatenation of all strings separated by _sep_.
+ # If _sep_ is not given, single space is used.
+ #
+ # Sentence("I", "have", ["a", "pen"]).join
+ # "I have a pen"
+ #
+ # Sentence("I", "have", ["a", "pen"]).join("/")
+ # "I/have/a/pen"
+ #
+ # Sentence("a", [], "b").join("/")
+ # "a/b"
+ #
+ def join(sep=' ')
+ @sent.flatten.join(sep)
+ end
+ # returns a tree as a nested array.
+ #
+ # Note that the result is not copied.
+ # Don't modify the result.
+ #
+ # Sentence(["foo", "bar"], "baz").to_a
+ # #=> [["foo", "bar"], "baz"]
+ #
+ def to_a
+ @sent
+ end
+ # returns <i>i</i>th element as a sentence or string.
+ #
+ # s = Sentence(["foo", "bar"], "baz")
+ # s #=> #<Sentence: ("foo" "bar") "baz">
+ # s[0] #=> #<Sentence: "foo" "bar">
+ # s[1] #=> "baz"
+ #
+ def [](i)
+ e = @sent[i]
+ e.respond_to?(:to_ary) ? : e
+ end
+ # returns the number of top level elements.
+ #
+ #[foo bar]).length
+ # #=> 2
+ #
+ # Sentence(%w[2 * 7], "+", %w[3 * 5]).length
+ # #=> 3
+ #
+ def length
+ @sent.length
+ end
+ # iterates over children.
+ #
+ # Sentence(%w[2 * 7], "+", %w[3 * 5]).each {|v| p v }
+ # #=>
+ # #<Sentence: "2" "*" "7">
+ # "+"
+ # #<Sentence: "3" "*" "5">
+ #
+ def each # :yield: element
+ @sent.each_index {|i|
+ yield self[i]
+ }
+ end
+ include Enumerable
+ def inspect
+ "#<#{self.class}: #{inner_inspect(@sent, '')}>"
+ end
+ # :stopdoc:
+ def inner_inspect(ary, r)
+ first = true
+ ary.each {|obj|
+ r << ' ' if !first
+ first = false
+ if obj.respond_to? :to_ary
+ r << '('
+ inner_inspect(obj, r)
+ r << ')'
+ else
+ r << obj.inspect
+ end
+ }
+ r
+ end
+ # :startdoc:
+ # returns new sentence object which
+ # _target_ is substituted by the block.
+ #
+ # Sentence#subst invokes <tt>_target_ === _string_</tt> for each
+ # string in the sentence.
+ # The strings which === returns true are substituted by the block.
+ # The block is invoked with the substituting string.
+ #
+ #[2 + 3]).subst("+") { "*" }
+ # #<Sentence: "2" "*" "3">
+ #
+ #[2 + 3]).subst(/\A\d+\z/) {|s| ((s.to_i)*2).to_s }
+ # #=> #<Sentence: "4" "+" "6">
+ #
+ def subst(target, &b) # :yield: string
+, target, &b))
+ end
+ # :stopdoc:
+ def subst_rec(obj, target, &b)
+ if obj.respond_to? :to_ary
+ a = []
+ obj.each {|e| a << subst_rec(e, target, &b) }
+ a
+ elsif target === obj
+ yield obj
+ else
+ obj
+ end
+ end
+ # :startdoc:
+ # find a subsentence and return it.
+ # The block is invoked for each subsentence in preorder manner.
+ # The first subsentence which the block returns true is returned.
+ #
+ # Sentence(%w[2 * 7], "+", %w[3 * 5]).find_subtree {|s| s[1] == "*" }
+ # #=> #<Sentence: "2" "*" "7">
+ #
+ def find_subtree(&b) # :yield: sentence
+ find_subtree_rec(@sent, &b)
+ end
+ # :stopdoc:
+ def find_subtree_rec(obj, &b)
+ if obj.respond_to? :to_ary
+ s =
+ if s
+ return s
+ else
+ obj.each {|e|
+ r = find_subtree_rec(e, &b)
+ return r if r
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ # :startdoc:
+ # returns a new sentence object which expands according to the condition
+ # given by the block.
+ #
+ # The block is invoked for each subsentence.
+ # The subsentences which the block returns true are
+ # expanded into parent.
+ #
+ # s = Sentence(%w[2 * 7], "+", %w[3 * 5])
+ # #=> #<Sentence: ("2" "*" "7") "+" ("3" "*" "5")>
+ #
+ # s.expand { true }
+ # #=> #<Sentence: "2" "*" "7" "+" "3" "*" "5">
+ #
+ # s.expand {|s| s[0] == "3" }
+ # #=> #<Sentence: (("2" "*" "7") "+" "3" "*" "5")>
+ #
+ def expand(&b) # :yield: sentence
+, &b))
+ end
+ # :stopdoc:
+ def expand_rec(obj, r=[], &b)
+ if obj.respond_to? :to_ary
+ obj.each {|o|
+ s =
+ if s
+ expand_rec(o, r, &b)
+ else
+ a = []
+ expand_rec(o, a, &b)
+ r << a
+ end
+ }
+ else
+ r << obj
+ end
+ r
+ end
+ # :startdoc:
+ # Sentence.each generates sentences
+ # by deriving the start symbol _sym_ using _syntax_.
+ # The derivation is restricted by an positive integer _limit_ to
+ # avoid infinite generation.
+ #
+ # Sentence.each yields the block with a generated sentence.
+ #
+ # Sentence.each({
+ # :exp => [["n"],
+ # [:exp, "+", :exp],
+ # [:exp, "*", :exp]]
+ # }, :exp, 1) {|sent| p sent }
+ # #=>
+ # #<Sentence: "n">
+ # #<Sentence: ("n") "+" ("n")>
+ # #<Sentence: ("n") "*" ("n")>
+ #
+ # Sentence.each({
+ # :exp => [["n"],
+ # [:exp, "+", :exp],
+ # [:exp, "*", :exp]]
+ # }, :exp, 2) {|sent| p sent }
+ # #=>
+ # #<Sentence: "n">
+ # #<Sentence: ("n") "+" ("n")>
+ # #<Sentence: ("n") "+" (("n") "+" ("n"))>
+ # #<Sentence: ("n") "+" (("n") "*" ("n"))>
+ # #<Sentence: (("n") "+" ("n")) "+" ("n")>
+ # #<Sentence: (("n") "*" ("n")) "+" ("n")>
+ # #<Sentence: ("n") "*" ("n")>
+ # #<Sentence: ("n") "*" (("n") "+" ("n"))>
+ # #<Sentence: ("n") "*" (("n") "*" ("n"))>
+ # #<Sentence: (("n") "+" ("n")) "*" ("n")>
+ # #<Sentence: (("n") "*" ("n")) "*" ("n")>
+ #
+ def Sentence.each(syntax, sym, limit)
+, limit) {|tree|
+ yield
+ }
+ end
+ # Sentence.expand_syntax returns an expanded syntax:
+ # * No rule derives to empty sequence
+ # * Underivable rule simplified
+ # * No channel rule
+ # * Symbols which has zero or one choices are not appered in rhs.
+ #
+ # Note that the rules which can derive empty and non-empty
+ # sequences are modified to derive only non-empty sequences.
+ #
+ # Sentence.expand_syntax({
+ # :underivable1 => [],
+ # :underivable2 => [[:underivable1]],
+ # :underivable3 => [[:underivable3]],
+ # :empty_only1 => [[]],
+ # :empty_only2 => [[:just_empty1, :just_empty1]],
+ # :empty_or_not => [[], ["foo"]],
+ # :empty_or_not_2 => [[:empty_or_not, :empty_or_not]],
+ # :empty_or_not_3 => [[:empty_or_not, :empty_or_not, :empty_or_not]],
+ # :empty_or_not_4 => [[:empty_or_not_2, :empty_or_not_2]],
+ # :channel1 => [[:channeled_data]],
+ # :channeled_data => [["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]],
+ # :single_choice => [["single", "choice"]],
+ # :single_choice_2 => [[:single_choice, :single_choice]],
+ # })
+ # #=>
+ # {
+ # :underivable1=>[], # underivable rules are simplified to [].
+ # :underivable2=>[],
+ # :underivable3=>[],
+ # :empty_only1=>[], # derivation to empty sequence are removed.
+ # :empty_only2=>[],
+ # :empty_or_not=>[["foo"]], # empty sequences are removed too.
+ # :empty_or_not_2=>[["foo"], ["foo", "foo"]],
+ # :empty_or_not_3=>[["foo"], ["foo", "foo"], ["foo", "foo", "foo"]],
+ # :empty_or_not_4=> [["foo"], ["foo", "foo"], [:empty_or_not_2, :empty_or_not_2]],
+ # :channel1=>[["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]], # channel rules are removed.
+ # :channeled_data=>[["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]],
+ # :single_choice=>[["single", "choice"]], # single choice rules are expanded.
+ # :single_choice_2=>[["single", "choice", "single", "choice"]],
+ # }
+ #
+ # Sentence.expand_syntax({
+ # :factor => [["n"],
+ # ["(", :exp, ")"]],
+ # :term => [[:factor],
+ # [:term, "*", :factor],
+ # [:term, "/", :factor]],
+ # :exp => [[:term],
+ # [:exp, "+", :term],
+ # [:exp, "-", :term]]
+ # })
+ # #=>
+ # {:exp=> [["n"],
+ # ["(", :exp, ")"],
+ # [:exp, "+", :term],
+ # [:exp, "-", :term],
+ # [:term, "*", :factor],
+ # [:term, "/", :factor]],
+ # :factor=> [["n"],
+ # ["(", :exp, ")"]],
+ # :term=> [["n"],
+ # ["(", :exp, ")"],
+ # [:term, "*", :factor],
+ # [:term, "/", :factor]]
+ # }
+ #
+ def Sentence.expand_syntax(syntax)
+ Sentence::Gen.expand_syntax(syntax)
+ end
+ # :stopdoc:
+ class Gen
+ def Gen.each_tree(syntax, sym, limit, &b)
+, limit, &b)
+ end
+ def Gen.each_string(syntax, sym, limit, &b)
+, limit, &b)
+ end
+ def initialize(syntax)
+ @syntax = syntax
+ end
+ def self.expand_syntax(syntax)
+ syntax = simplify_underivable_rules(syntax)
+ syntax = simplify_emptyonly_rules(syntax)
+ syntax = make_rules_no_empseq(syntax)
+ syntax = expand_channel_rules(syntax)
+ syntax = expand_noalt_rules(syntax)
+ syntax = reorder_rules(syntax)
+ end
+ def self.simplify_underivable_rules(syntax)
+ deribable_syms = {}
+ changed = true
+ while changed
+ changed = false
+ syntax.each {|sym, rules|
+ next if deribable_syms[sym]
+ rules.each {|rhs|
+ if rhs.all? {|e| String === e || deribable_syms[e] }
+ deribable_syms[sym] = true
+ changed = true
+ break
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ result = {}
+ syntax.each {|sym, rules|
+ if deribable_syms[sym]
+ rules2 = []
+ rules.each {|rhs|
+ rules2 << rhs if rhs.all? {|e| String === e || deribable_syms[e] }
+ }
+ result[sym] = rules2.uniq
+ else
+ result[sym] = []
+ end
+ }
+ result
+ end
+ def self.simplify_emptyonly_rules(syntax)
+ justempty_syms = {}
+ changed = true
+ while changed
+ changed = false
+ syntax.each {|sym, rules|
+ next if justempty_syms[sym]
+ if !rules.empty? && rules.all? {|rhs| rhs.all? {|e| justempty_syms[e] } }
+ justempty_syms[sym] = true
+ changed = true
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ result = {}
+ syntax.each {|sym, rules|
+ result[sym] = {|rhs| rhs.reject {|e| justempty_syms[e] } }.uniq
+ }
+ result
+ end
+ def self.expand_emptyable_syms(rhs, emptyable_syms)
+ if rhs.empty?
+ yield []
+ else
+ first = rhs[0]
+ rest = rhs[1..-1]
+ if emptyable_syms[first]
+ expand_emptyable_syms(rest, emptyable_syms) {|rhs2|
+ yield [first] + rhs2
+ yield rhs2
+ }
+ else
+ expand_emptyable_syms(rest, emptyable_syms) {|rhs2|
+ yield [first] + rhs2
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def self.make_rules_no_empseq(syntax)
+ emptyable_syms = {}
+ changed = true
+ while changed
+ changed = false
+ syntax.each {|sym, rules|
+ next if emptyable_syms[sym]
+ rules.each {|rhs|
+ if rhs.all? {|e| emptyable_syms[e] }
+ emptyable_syms[sym] = true
+ changed = true
+ break
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ result = {}
+ syntax.each {|sym, rules|
+ rules2 = []
+ rules.each {|rhs|
+ expand_emptyable_syms(rhs, emptyable_syms) {|rhs2|
+ next if rhs2.empty?
+ rules2 << rhs2
+ }
+ }
+ result[sym] = rules2.uniq
+ }
+ result
+ end
+ def self.expand_channel_rules(syntax)
+ channel_rules = {}
+ syntax.each {|sym, rules|
+ channel_rules[sym] = {sym=>true}
+ rules.each {|rhs|
+ if rhs.length == 1 && Symbol === rhs[0]
+ channel_rules[sym][rhs[0]] = true
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ changed = true
+ while changed
+ changed = false
+ channel_rules.each {|sym, set|
+ n1 = set.size
+ set.keys.each {|s|
+ set.update(channel_rules[s])
+ }
+ n2 = set.size
+ changed = true if n1 < n2
+ }
+ end
+ result = {}
+ syntax.each {|sym, rules|
+ rules2 = []
+ channel_rules[sym].each_key {|s|
+ syntax[s].each {|rhs|
+ unless rhs.length == 1 && Symbol === rhs[0]
+ rules2 << rhs
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ result[sym] = rules2.uniq
+ }
+ result
+ end
+ def self.expand_noalt_rules(syntax)
+ noalt_syms = {}
+ syntax.each {|sym, rules|
+ if rules.length == 1
+ noalt_syms[sym] = true
+ end
+ }
+ result = {}
+ syntax.each {|sym, rules|
+ rules2 = []
+ rules.each {|rhs|
+ rhs2 = []
+ rhs.each {|e|
+ if noalt_syms[e]
+ rhs2.concat syntax[e][0]
+ else
+ rhs2 << e
+ end
+ }
+ rules2 << rhs2
+ }
+ result[sym] = rules2.uniq
+ }
+ result
+ end
+ def self.reorder_rules(syntax)
+ result = {}
+ syntax.each {|sym, rules|
+ result[sym] = rules.sort_by {|rhs|
+ [rhs.find_all {|e| Symbol === e }.length, rhs.length]
+ }
+ }
+ result
+ end
+ def each_tree(sym, limit)
+ generate_from_sym(sym, limit) {|_, tree|
+ yield tree
+ }
+ nil
+ end
+ def each_string(sym, limit)
+ generate_from_sym(sym, limit) {|_, tree|
+ yield [tree].join('')
+ }
+ nil
+ end
+ def generate_from_sym(sym, limit, &b)
+ return if limit < 0
+ if String === sym
+ yield limit, sym
+ else
+ rules = @syntax[sym]
+ raise "undefined rule: #{sym}" if !rules
+ rules.each {|rhs|
+ if rhs.length == 1 || rules.length == 1
+ limit1 = limit
+ else
+ limit1 = limit-1
+ end
+ generate_from_rhs(rhs, limit1, &b)
+ }
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ def generate_from_rhs(rhs, limit)
+ return if limit < 0
+ if rhs.empty?
+ yield limit, []
+ else
+ generate_from_sym(rhs[0], limit) {|limit1, child|
+ generate_from_rhs(rhs[1..-1], limit1) {|limit2, arr|
+ yield limit2, [child, *arr]
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ # :startdoc: