path: root/trunk/test/rdoc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/test/rdoc')
13 files changed, 2810 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_info_formatting.rb b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_info_formatting.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c024f7454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_info_formatting.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'tmpdir'
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'rdoc/generator/texinfo'
+# From chapter 18 of the Pickaxe 3rd ed. and the TexInfo manual.
+class TestRdocInfoFormatting < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @output_dir = File.join Dir.tmpdir, "test_rdoc_info_formatting_#{$$}"
+ @output_file = File.join @output_dir, 'rdoc.texinfo'
+['--fmt=texinfo', '--quiet',
+ File.expand_path(__FILE__),
+ "--op=#{@output_dir}"])
+ @text = @output_file
+ #'rdoc.texinfo', 'w') { |f| f.puts @text }
+ end
+ def teardown
+ FileUtils.rm_rf @output_dir
+ end
+ # Make sure tags like *this* do not make HTML
+ def test_descriptions_are_not_html
+ assert_no_match"\<b\>this\<\/b\>"), @text, "We had some HTML; icky!"
+ end
+ # Ensure we get a reasonable amount
+ #
+ # of space in between paragraphs.
+ def test_paragraphs_are_spaced
+ assert_match(/amount\n\n\nof space/, @text)
+ end
+ # @ and {} should be at-sign-prefixed
+ def test_escaping
+ assert_match(/@@ and @\{@\} should be at-sign-prefixed/)
+ end
+ # This tests that *bold* and <b>bold me</b> become @strong{bolded}
+ def test_bold
+ # Seems like a limitation of the Info format: @strong{bold}
+ # becomes *bold* when read in Info or M-x info. highly lame!
+ assert_match(/@strong\{bold\}/)
+ assert_match(/@strong\{bold me\}/)
+ end
+ # Test that _italics_ and <em>italicize me</em> becomes @emph{italicized}
+ def test_italics
+ assert_match(/@emph\{italics\}/)
+ assert_match(/@emph\{italicize me\}/)
+ end
+ # And that typewriter +text+ and <tt>typewriter me</tt> becomes @code{typewriter}
+ def test_tt
+ assert_match(/@code\{text\}/)
+ assert_match(/@code\{typewriter me\}/)
+ end
+ # Check that
+ # anything indented is
+ # verbatim @verb{|foo bar baz|}
+ def test_literal_code
+ assert_match("@verb{| anything indented is
+ verbatim @@verb@{|foo bar baz|@}
+ end
+ # = Huge heading should be a @majorheading
+ # == There is also @chapheading
+ # === Everything deeper becomes a regular @heading
+ # ====== Regardless of its nesting level
+ def test_headings
+ assert_match(/@majorheading\{Huge heading should be a @@majorheading\}/)
+ assert_match(/@chapheading\{There is also @@chapheading\}/)
+ assert_match(/@heading\{Everything deeper becomes a regular @@heading\}/)
+ assert_match(/@heading\{Regardless of its nesting level\}/)
+ end
+ # * list item
+ # * list item2
+ #
+ # with a paragraph in between
+ #
+ # - hyphen lists
+ # - are also allowed
+ # and items may flow over lines
+ def test_bullet_lists
+ assert_match("@itemize @bullet
+list item
+list item2
+@end itemize")
+ assert_match("@itemize @bullet
+hyphen lists
+are also allowed and items may flow over lines
+@end itemize")
+ end
+ # 2. numbered lists
+ # 8. are made by
+ # 9. a digit followed by a period
+ def test_numbered_lists
+ end
+ # a. alpha lists
+ # b. should be parsed too
+ def test_alpha_lists
+ end
+ # [cat] small domestic animal
+ # [+cat+] command to copy standard input
+ # to standard output
+ def test_labelled_lists
+ end
+ # * First item.
+ # * Inner item.
+ # * Second inner item.
+ # * Second outer item.
+ def test_nested_lists
+ assert_match("@itemize @bullet
+First item.
+@itemize @bullet
+Inner item.
+Second inner item.
+@end itemize
+Second outer item.
+@end itemize")
+ end
+ def test_internal_hyperlinks
+ # be sure to test multi-word hyperlinks as well.
+ end
+ def test_hyperlink_targets
+ end
+ def test_web_links
+ # An example of the two-argument form: The official
+ # @uref{, GNU ftp site} holds programs and texts.
+ # produces:
+ # The official GNU ftp site (
+ # holds programs and texts.
+ # and the HTML output is this:
+ # The official <a href="">GNU ftp site</a>
+ # holds programs and texts.
+ end
+ # three or more hyphens
+ # ----
+ # should produce a horizontal rule
+ def test_horizontal_rule
+ # gah; not sure texinfo supports horizontal rules
+ end
+ private
+ # We don't want the whole string inspected if we pass our own
+ # message in.
+ def assert_match(regex, string = @text,
+ message = "Didn't find #{regex.inspect} in #{string}.")
+ assert string[regex] #, message
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_info_sections.rb b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_info_sections.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cceba186c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_info_sections.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'tempfile'
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'tmpdir'
+require 'rdoc/generator/texinfo'
+# give us access to check this stuff before it's rendered
+class RDoc::Generator::Texinfo; attr_reader :files, :classes; end
+class RDoc::RDoc; attr_reader :options; attr_reader :gen; end
+class TestRdocInfoSections < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @output_dir = File.join Dir.tmpdir, "test_rdoc_info_sections_#{$$}"
+ @output_file = File.join @output_dir, 'rdoc.texinfo'
+ @input_file = 'my_file.rb'
+ open @input_file.path, 'w' do |io|
+ io.write TEST_DOC
+ end
+ RDoc::Parser.alias_extension '.rb', File.extname(@input_file.path)
+ @rdoc =
+ @rdoc.document(['--fmt=texinfo', '--quiet', @input_file.path,
+ "--op=#{@output_dir}"])
+ @text = @output_file
+ end
+ def teardown
+ @input_file.close
+ FileUtils.rm_rf @output_dir
+ end
+ def test_output_exists
+ assert ! @text.empty?
+ end
+ def test_each_class_has_a_chapter
+ assert_section "Class MyClass", '@chapter'
+ end
+ def test_class_descriptions_are_given
+ assert_match(/Documentation for my class/, @text.gsub("\n", ' '))
+ end
+ def test_included_modules_are_given
+ assert_match(/Includes.* MyModule/m, @text)
+ end
+ def test_class_methods_are_given
+ assert_match(/my_class_method\(my_first_argument\)/, @text)
+ end
+ def test_classes_instance_methods_are_given
+ assert_section 'Class MyClass#my_method'
+ assert_match(/my_method\(my_first_argument\)/, @text)
+ end
+ def test_each_module_has_a_chapter
+ assert_section 'MyModule', '@chapter'
+ end
+ def test_methods_are_shown_only_once
+ methods = do |c|
+ do |m|
+ + '#' +
+ end
+ end.flatten
+ assert_equal methods, methods.uniq
+ end
+# if system "makeinfo --version > /dev/null"
+# def test_compiles_to_info
+# makeinfo_output = `cd #{@output_dir} && makeinfo rdoc.texinfo`
+# assert(File.exist?(File.join(@output_dir, '')),
+# "Info file was not compiled: #{makeinfo_output}")
+# end
+# end
+# def test_constants_are_documented_somehow
+# assert_section 'DEFAULT_FILENAME' # what kind of section?
+# assert_section 'DEFAULT_INFO_FILENAME'
+# end
+# def test_oh_yeah_dont_forget_files
+# end
+ def assert_section(name, command = '@section')
+ assert_match"^#{command}.*#{Regexp.escape name}"), @text, "Could not find a #{command} #{name}"
+ end
+# Documentation for my module
+module MyModule
+ ##
+ # Documentation for my included method
+ def my_included_method() end
+# Documentation for my class
+class MyClass
+ include MyModule
+ ##
+ # Documentation for my constant
+ MY_CONSTANT = 'my value'
+ ##
+ # Documentation for my class method
+ def self.my_class_method(my_first_argument) end
+ ##
+ # Documentation for my method
+ def my_method(my_first_argument) end
diff --git a/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup.rb b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d88743858a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'rdoc/markup'
+require 'rdoc/markup/to_test'
+class TestRDocMarkup < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def basic_conv(str)
+ sm =
+ mock =
+ sm.convert(str, mock)
+ sm.content
+ end
+ def line_groups(str, expected)
+ m =
+ mock =
+ block = m.convert(str, mock)
+ if block != expected
+ rows = (0...([expected.size, block.size].max)).collect{|i|
+ [expected[i]||"nil", block[i]||"nil"]
+ }
+ printf "\n\n%35s %35s\n", "Expected", "Got"
+ rows.each {|e,g| printf "%35s %35s\n", e.dump, g.dump }
+ end
+ assert_equal(expected, block)
+ end
+ def line_types(str, expected)
+ m =
+ mock =
+ m.convert(str, mock)
+ assert_equal(expected,{|type| type.to_s[0,1]}.join(''))
+ end
+ def test_groups
+ str = "now is the time"
+ line_groups(str, ["L0: Paragraph\nnow is the time"] )
+ str = "now is the time\nfor all good men"
+ line_groups(str, ["L0: Paragraph\nnow is the time for all good men"] )
+ str = %{\
+ now is the time
+ code _line_ here
+ for all good men}
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is the time",
+ "L0: Verbatim\n code _line_ here\n",
+ "L0: Paragraph\nfor all good men"
+ ] )
+ str = "now is the time\n code\n more code\nfor all good men"
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is the time",
+ "L0: Verbatim\n code\n more code\n",
+ "L0: Paragraph\nfor all good men"
+ ] )
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ * l1
+ * l2
+ the time}
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
+ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl1",
+ "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl2",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n",
+ "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
+ ])
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ * l1
+ l1+
+ * l2
+ the time}
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
+ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl1 l1+",
+ "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl2",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n",
+ "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
+ ])
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ * l1
+ * l1.1
+ * l2
+ the time}
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
+ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl1",
+ "L2: ListStart\n",
+ "L2: BULLET ListItem\nl1.1",
+ "L2: ListEnd\n",
+ "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl2",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n",
+ "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
+ ])
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ * l1
+ * l1.1
+ text
+ code
+ code
+ text
+ * l2
+ the time}
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
+ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl1",
+ "L2: ListStart\n",
+ "L2: BULLET ListItem\nl1.1 text",
+ "L2: Verbatim\n code\n code\n",
+ "L2: Paragraph\ntext",
+ "L2: ListEnd\n",
+ "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl2",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n",
+ "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
+ ])
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ 1. l1
+ * l1.1
+ 2. l2
+ the time}
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
+ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: NUMBER ListItem\nl1",
+ "L2: ListStart\n",
+ "L2: BULLET ListItem\nl1.1",
+ "L2: ListEnd\n",
+ "L1: NUMBER ListItem\nl2",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n",
+ "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
+ ])
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ [cat] l1
+ * l1.1
+ [dog] l2
+ the time}
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
+ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: LABELED ListItem\ncat: l1",
+ "L2: ListStart\n",
+ "L2: BULLET ListItem\nl1.1",
+ "L2: ListEnd\n",
+ "L1: LABELED ListItem\ndog: l2",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n",
+ "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
+ ])
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ [cat] l1
+ continuation
+ [dog] l2
+ the time}
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
+ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: LABELED ListItem\ncat: l1 continuation",
+ "L1: LABELED ListItem\ndog: l2",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n",
+ "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
+ ])
+ end
+ def test_headings
+ str = "= heading one"
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Heading\nheading one"
+ ])
+ str = "=== heading three"
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Heading\nheading three"
+ ])
+ str = "text\n === heading three"
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Paragraph\ntext",
+ "L0: Verbatim\n === heading three\n"
+ ])
+ str = "text\n code\n === heading three"
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Paragraph\ntext",
+ "L0: Verbatim\n code\n === heading three\n"
+ ])
+ str = "text\n code\n=== heading three"
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Paragraph\ntext",
+ "L0: Verbatim\n code\n",
+ "L0: Heading\nheading three"
+ ])
+ end
+ def test_list_alpha
+ str = "a. alpha\nb. baker\nB. ALPHA\nA. BAKER"
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: LOWERALPHA ListItem\nalpha",
+ "L1: LOWERALPHA ListItem\nbaker",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n",
+ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
+ end
+ def test_list_bullet_dash
+ str = "- one\n- two\n"
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: BULLET ListItem\none",
+ "L1: BULLET ListItem\ntwo",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
+ end
+ def test_list_bullet_star
+ str = "* one\n* two\n"
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: BULLET ListItem\none",
+ "L1: BULLET ListItem\ntwo",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
+ end
+ def test_list_labeled_bracket
+ str = "[one] item one\n[two] item two"
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: LABELED ListItem\none: item one",
+ "L1: LABELED ListItem\ntwo: item two",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
+ end
+ def test_list_labeled_bracket_continued
+ str = "[one]\n item one\n[two]\n item two"
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: LABELED ListItem\none: item one",
+ "L1: LABELED ListItem\ntwo: item two",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
+ end
+ def test_list_labeled_colon
+ str = "one:: item one\ntwo:: item two"
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: NOTE ListItem\none:: item one",
+ "L1: NOTE ListItem\ntwo:: item two",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
+ end
+ def test_list_labeled_colon_continued
+ str = "one::\n item one\ntwo::\n item two"
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: NOTE ListItem\none:: item one",
+ "L1: NOTE ListItem\ntwo:: item two",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
+ end
+ def test_list_nested_bullet_bullet
+ str = "* one\n* two\n * cat\n * dog"
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: BULLET ListItem\none",
+ "L1: BULLET ListItem\ntwo",
+ "L2: ListStart\n",
+ "L2: BULLET ListItem\ncat",
+ "L2: BULLET ListItem\ndog",
+ "L2: ListEnd\n",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
+ end
+ def test_list_nested_labeled_bullet
+ str = "[one]\n * cat\n * dog"
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: LABELED ListItem\none: ",
+ "L2: ListStart\n",
+ "L2: BULLET ListItem\ncat",
+ "L2: BULLET ListItem\ndog",
+ "L2: ListEnd\n",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
+ end
+ def test_list_nested_labeled_bullet_bullet
+ str = "[one]\n * cat\n * dog"
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: LABELED ListItem\none: ",
+ "L2: ListStart\n",
+ "L2: BULLET ListItem\ncat",
+ "L3: ListStart\n",
+ "L3: BULLET ListItem\ndog",
+ "L3: ListEnd\n",
+ "L2: ListEnd\n",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
+ end
+ def test_list_nested_number_number
+ str = "1. one\n1. two\n 1. cat\n 1. dog"
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: NUMBER ListItem\none",
+ "L1: NUMBER ListItem\ntwo",
+ "L2: ListStart\n",
+ "L2: NUMBER ListItem\ncat",
+ "L2: NUMBER ListItem\ndog",
+ "L2: ListEnd\n",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
+ end
+ def test_list_number
+ str = "1. one\n2. two\n1. three"
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: NUMBER ListItem\none",
+ "L1: NUMBER ListItem\ntwo",
+ "L1: NUMBER ListItem\nthree",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n" ])
+ end
+ def test_list_split
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ * l1
+ 1. n1
+ 2. n2
+ * l2
+ the time}
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
+ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl1",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n",
+ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: NUMBER ListItem\nn1",
+ "L1: NUMBER ListItem\nn2",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n",
+ "L1: ListStart\n",
+ "L1: BULLET ListItem\nl2",
+ "L1: ListEnd\n",
+ "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
+ ])
+ end
+ def test_paragraph
+ str = "paragraph\n\n*bold* paragraph\n"
+ line_groups str, [
+ "L0: Paragraph\nparagraph",
+ "L0: BlankLine\n",
+ "L0: Paragraph\n*bold* paragraph"
+ ]
+ end
+ def test_tabs
+ str = "hello\n dave"
+ assert_equal(str, basic_conv(str))
+ str = "hello\n\tdave"
+ assert_equal("hello\n dave", basic_conv(str))
+ str = "hello\n \tdave"
+ assert_equal("hello\n dave", basic_conv(str))
+ str = "hello\n \tdave"
+ assert_equal("hello\n dave", basic_conv(str))
+ str = "hello\n \tdave"
+ assert_equal("hello\n dave", basic_conv(str))
+ str = "hello\n \tdave"
+ assert_equal("hello\n dave", basic_conv(str))
+ str = "hello\n \tdave"
+ assert_equal("hello\n dave", basic_conv(str))
+ str = "hello\n \tdave"
+ assert_equal("hello\n dave", basic_conv(str))
+ str = "hello\n \tdave"
+ assert_equal("hello\n dave", basic_conv(str))
+ str = "hello\n \tdave"
+ assert_equal("hello\n dave", basic_conv(str))
+ str = ".\t\t."
+ assert_equal(". .", basic_conv(str))
+ end
+ def test_types
+ str = "now is the time"
+ line_types(str, 'P')
+ str = "now is the time\nfor all good men"
+ line_types(str, 'PP')
+ str = "now is the time\n code\nfor all good men"
+ line_types(str, 'PVP')
+ str = "now is the time\n code\n more code\nfor all good men"
+ line_types(str, 'PVVP')
+ str = "now is\n---\nthe time"
+ line_types(str, 'PRP')
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ * l1
+ * l2
+ the time}
+ line_types(str, 'PLLP')
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ * l1
+ l1+
+ * l2
+ the time}
+ line_types(str, 'PLPLP')
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ * l1
+ * l1.1
+ * l2
+ the time}
+ line_types(str, 'PLLLP')
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ * l1
+ * l1.1
+ text
+ code
+ code
+ text
+ * l2
+ the time}
+ line_types(str, 'PLLPVVBPLP')
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ 1. l1
+ * l1.1
+ 2. l2
+ the time}
+ line_types(str, 'PLLLP')
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ [cat] l1
+ * l1.1
+ [dog] l2
+ the time}
+ line_types(str, 'PLLLP')
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ [cat] l1
+ continuation
+ [dog] l2
+ the time}
+ line_types(str, 'PLPLP')
+ end
+ def test_verbatim
+ str = "paragraph\n *bold* verbatim\n"
+ line_groups str, [
+ "L0: Paragraph\nparagraph",
+ "L0: Verbatim\n *bold* verbatim\n"
+ ]
+ end
+ def test_verbatim_merge
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ code
+ the time}
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
+ "L0: Verbatim\n code\n",
+ "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
+ ])
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ code
+ code1
+ the time}
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
+ "L0: Verbatim\n code\n code1\n",
+ "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
+ ])
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ code
+ code1
+ the time}
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
+ "L0: Verbatim\n code\n\n code1\n",
+ "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
+ ])
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ code
+ code1
+ the time}
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
+ "L0: Verbatim\n code\n\n code1\n",
+ "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
+ ])
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ code
+ code1
+ code2
+ the time}
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
+ "L0: Verbatim\n code\n\n code1\n\n code2\n",
+ "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
+ ])
+ # Folds multiple blank lines
+ str = %{\
+ now is
+ code
+ code1
+ the time}
+ line_groups(str,
+ [ "L0: Paragraph\nnow is",
+ "L0: Verbatim\n code\n\n code1\n",
+ "L0: Paragraph\nthe time"
+ ])
+ end
+ def test_whitespace
+ assert_equal("hello", basic_conv("hello"))
+ assert_equal("hello", basic_conv(" hello "))
+ assert_equal("hello", basic_conv(" \t \t hello\t\t"))
+ assert_equal("1\n 2\n 3", basic_conv("1\n 2\n 3"))
+ assert_equal("1\n 2\n 3", basic_conv(" 1\n 2\n 3"))
+ assert_equal("1\n 2\n 3\n1\n 2", basic_conv("1\n 2\n 3\n1\n 2"))
+ assert_equal("1\n 2\n 3\n1\n 2", basic_conv(" 1\n 2\n 3\n 1\n 2"))
+ assert_equal("1\n 2\n\n 3", basic_conv(" 1\n 2\n\n 3"))
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_attribute_manager.rb b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_attribute_manager.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ba9d7440a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_attribute_manager.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+require "test/unit"
+require "rdoc/markup/inline"
+class TestRDocMarkupAttributeManager < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @am =
+ @bold_on = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([], [:BOLD])
+ @bold_off = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([:BOLD], [])
+ @tt_on = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([], [:TT])
+ @tt_off = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([:TT], [])
+ @em_on = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([], [:EM])
+ @em_off = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([:EM], [])
+ @bold_em_on = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([], [:BOLD] | [:EM])
+ @bold_em_off = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([:BOLD] | [:EM], [])
+ @em_then_bold = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([:EM], [:EM] | [:BOLD])
+ @em_to_bold = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([:EM], [:BOLD])
+ @am.add_word_pair("{", "}", :WOMBAT)
+ @wombat_on = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([], [:WOMBAT])
+ @wombat_off = @am.changed_attribute_by_name([:WOMBAT], [])
+ end
+ def crossref(text)
+ crossref_bitmap = RDoc::Markup::Attribute.bitmap_for(:_SPECIAL_) |
+ RDoc::Markup::Attribute.bitmap_for(:CROSSREF)
+ [ @am.changed_attribute_by_name([], [:CROSSREF, :_SPECIAL_]),
+, text),
+ @am.changed_attribute_by_name([:CROSSREF, :_SPECIAL_], [])
+ ]
+ end
+ def test_adding
+ assert_equal(["cat ", @wombat_on, "and", @wombat_off, " dog" ],
+ @am.flow("cat {and} dog"))
+ #assert_equal(["cat {and} dog" ], @am.flow("cat \\{and} dog"))
+ end
+ def test_add_word_pair
+ @am.add_word_pair '%', '&', 'percent and'
+ assert RDoc::Markup::AttributeManager::WORD_PAIR_MAP.include?(/(%)(\S+)(&)/)
+ assert RDoc::Markup::AttributeManager::PROTECTABLE.include?('%')
+ assert !RDoc::Markup::AttributeManager::PROTECTABLE.include?('&')
+ end
+ def test_add_word_pair_angle
+ e = assert_raise ArgumentError do
+ @am.add_word_pair '<', '>', 'angles'
+ end
+ assert_equal "Word flags may not start with '<'", e.message
+ end
+ def test_add_word_pair_matching
+ @am.add_word_pair '^', '^', 'caret'
+ assert RDoc::Markup::AttributeManager::MATCHING_WORD_PAIRS.include?('^')
+ assert RDoc::Markup::AttributeManager::PROTECTABLE.include?('^')
+ end
+ def test_basic
+ assert_equal(["cat"], @am.flow("cat"))
+ assert_equal(["cat ", @bold_on, "and", @bold_off, " dog"],
+ @am.flow("cat *and* dog"))
+ assert_equal(["cat ", @bold_on, "AND", @bold_off, " dog"],
+ @am.flow("cat *AND* dog"))
+ assert_equal(["cat ", @em_on, "And", @em_off, " dog"],
+ @am.flow("cat _And_ dog"))
+ assert_equal(["cat *and dog*"], @am.flow("cat *and dog*"))
+ assert_equal(["*cat and* dog"], @am.flow("*cat and* dog"))
+ assert_equal(["cat *and ", @bold_on, "dog", @bold_off],
+ @am.flow("cat *and *dog*"))
+ assert_equal(["cat ", @em_on, "and", @em_off, " dog"],
+ @am.flow("cat _and_ dog"))
+ assert_equal(["cat_and_dog"],
+ @am.flow("cat_and_dog"))
+ assert_equal(["cat ", @tt_on, "and", @tt_off, " dog"],
+ @am.flow("cat +and+ dog"))
+ assert_equal(["cat ", @bold_on, "a_b_c", @bold_off, " dog"],
+ @am.flow("cat *a_b_c* dog"))
+ assert_equal(["cat __ dog"],
+ @am.flow("cat __ dog"))
+ assert_equal(["cat ", @em_on, "_", @em_off, " dog"],
+ @am.flow("cat ___ dog"))
+ end
+ def test_bold
+ assert_equal [@bold_on, 'bold', @bold_off],
+ @am.flow("*bold*")
+ assert_equal [@bold_on, 'Bold:', @bold_off],
+ @am.flow("*Bold:*")
+ assert_equal [@bold_on, '\\bold', @bold_off],
+ @am.flow("*\\bold*")
+ end
+ def test_combined
+ assert_equal(["cat ", @em_on, "and", @em_off, " ", @bold_on, "dog", @bold_off],
+ @am.flow("cat _and_ *dog*"))
+ assert_equal(["cat ", @em_on, "a__nd", @em_off, " ", @bold_on, "dog", @bold_off],
+ @am.flow("cat _a__nd_ *dog*"))
+ end
+ def test_convert_attrs
+ str = '+foo+'
+ attrs = str.length
+ @am.convert_attrs str, attrs
+ assert_equal "\000foo\000", str
+ str = '+:foo:+'
+ attrs = str.length
+ @am.convert_attrs str, attrs
+ assert_equal "\000:foo:\000", str
+ str = '+x-y+'
+ attrs = str.length
+ @am.convert_attrs str, attrs
+ assert_equal "\000x-y\000", str
+ end
+ def test_html_like_em_bold
+ assert_equal ["cat ", @em_on, "and ", @em_to_bold, "dog", @bold_off],
+ @am.flow("cat <i>and </i><b>dog</b>")
+ end
+ def test_html_like_em_bold_SGML
+ assert_equal ["cat ", @em_on, "and ", @em_to_bold, "dog", @bold_off],
+ @am.flow("cat <i>and <b></i>dog</b>")
+ end
+ def test_html_like_em_bold_nested_1
+ assert_equal(["cat ", @bold_em_on, "and", @bold_em_off, " dog"],
+ @am.flow("cat <i><b>and</b></i> dog"))
+ end
+ def test_html_like_em_bold_nested_2
+ assert_equal ["cat ", @em_on, "and ", @em_then_bold, "dog", @bold_em_off],
+ @am.flow("cat <i>and <b>dog</b></i>")
+ end
+ def test_html_like_em_bold_nested_mixed_case
+ assert_equal ["cat ", @em_on, "and ", @em_then_bold, "dog", @bold_em_off],
+ @am.flow("cat <i>and <B>dog</B></I>")
+ end
+ def test_html_like_em_bold_mixed_case
+ assert_equal ["cat ", @em_on, "and", @em_off, " ", @bold_on, "dog", @bold_off],
+ @am.flow("cat <i>and</i> <B>dog</b>")
+ end
+ def test_html_like_teletype
+ assert_equal ["cat ", @tt_on, "dog", @tt_off],
+ @am.flow("cat <tt>dog</Tt>")
+ end
+ def test_html_like_teletype_em_bold_SGML
+ assert_equal [@tt_on, "cat", @tt_off, " ", @em_on, "and ", @em_to_bold, "dog", @bold_off],
+ @am.flow("<tt>cat</tt> <i>and <b></i>dog</b>")
+ end
+ def test_protect
+ assert_equal(['cat \\ dog'], @am.flow('cat \\ dog'))
+ assert_equal(["cat <tt>dog</Tt>"], @am.flow("cat \\<tt>dog</Tt>"))
+ assert_equal(["cat ", @em_on, "and", @em_off, " <B>dog</b>"],
+ @am.flow("cat <i>and</i> \\<B>dog</b>"))
+ assert_equal(["*word* or <b>text</b>"], @am.flow("\\*word* or \\<b>text</b>"))
+ assert_equal(["_cat_", @em_on, "dog", @em_off],
+ @am.flow("\\_cat_<i>dog</i>"))
+ end
+ def test_special
+ # class names, variable names, file names, or instance variables
+ @am.add_special(/(
+ \b([A-Z]\w+(::\w+)*)
+ | \#\w+[!?=]?
+ | \b\w+([_\/\.]+\w+)+[!?=]?
+ )/x,
+ assert_equal(["cat"], @am.flow("cat"))
+ assert_equal(["cat ", crossref("#fred"), " dog"].flatten,
+ @am.flow("cat #fred dog"))
+ assert_equal([crossref("#fred"), " dog"].flatten,
+ @am.flow("#fred dog"))
+ assert_equal(["cat ", crossref("#fred")].flatten, @am.flow("cat #fred"))
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_to_html.rb b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_to_html.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..463228cc4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_to_html.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'rdoc/markup'
+require 'rdoc/markup/to_html'
+class TestRdocMarkupToHtml < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @am =
+ @th =
+ end
+ def test_tt_formatting
+ assert_equal "<p>\n<tt>--</tt> &#8212; <tt>(c)</tt> &#169;\n</p>\n",
+ util_format("<tt>--</tt> -- <tt>(c)</tt> (c)")
+ assert_equal "<p>\n<b>&#8212;</b>\n</p>\n", util_format("<b>--</b>")
+ end
+ def util_fragment(text)
+ 0, nil, nil, text
+ end
+ def util_format(text)
+ fragment = util_fragment text
+ @th.start_accepting
+ @th.accept_paragraph @am, fragment
+ @th.end_accepting
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_to_html_crossref.rb b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_to_html_crossref.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab4c3e7e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_to_html_crossref.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'rdoc/generator'
+require 'rdoc/markup/to_html_crossref'
+class TestRdocMarkupToHtmlCrossref < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @xref = 'from_path', nil, nil
+ end
+ def test_handle_special_CROSSREF_no_underscore
+ out = @xref.convert 'foo'
+ assert_equal "<p>\nfoo\n</p>\n", out
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser_c.rb b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser_c.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd750070d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser_c.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+require 'stringio'
+require 'tempfile'
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'rdoc/options'
+require 'rdoc/parser/c'
+class RDoc::Parser::C
+ attr_accessor :classes
+ public :do_classes, :do_constants
+class TestRdocParserC < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @tempfile =
+ filename = @tempfile.path
+ @top_level = filename
+ @fn = filename
+ @options =
+ @stats = 0
+ end
+ def teardown
+ @tempfile.close
+ end
+ def test_do_classes_boot_class
+ content = <<-EOF
+/* Document-class: Foo
+ * this is the Foo boot class
+ */
+VALUE cFoo = boot_defclass("Foo", 0);
+ klass = util_get_class content, 'cFoo'
+ assert_equal " this is the Foo boot class\n ", klass.comment
+ end
+ def test_do_classes_class
+ content = <<-EOF
+/* Document-class: Foo
+ * this is the Foo class
+ */
+VALUE cFoo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject);
+ klass = util_get_class content, 'cFoo'
+ assert_equal " this is the Foo class\n ", klass.comment
+ end
+ def test_do_classes_class_under
+ content = <<-EOF
+/* Document-class: Kernel::Foo
+ * this is the Foo class under Kernel
+ */
+VALUE cFoo = rb_define_class_under(rb_mKernel, "Foo", rb_cObject);
+ klass = util_get_class content, 'cFoo'
+ assert_equal " this is the Foo class under Kernel\n ", klass.comment
+ end
+ def test_do_classes_module
+ content = <<-EOF
+/* Document-module: Foo
+ * this is the Foo module
+ */
+VALUE mFoo = rb_define_module("Foo");
+ klass = util_get_class content, 'mFoo'
+ assert_equal " this is the Foo module\n ", klass.comment
+ end
+ def test_do_classes_module_under
+ content = <<-EOF
+/* Document-module: Kernel::Foo
+ * this is the Foo module under Kernel
+ */
+VALUE mFoo = rb_define_module_under(rb_mKernel, "Foo");
+ klass = util_get_class content, 'mFoo'
+ assert_equal " this is the Foo module under Kernel\n ", klass.comment
+ end
+ def test_do_constants
+ content = <<-EOF
+#include <ruby.h>
+void Init_foo(){
+ VALUE cFoo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject);
+ /* 300: The highest possible score in bowling */
+ rb_define_const(cFoo, "PERFECT", INT2FIX(300));
+ /* Huzzah!: What you cheer when you roll a perfect game */
+ rb_define_const(cFoo, "CHEER", rb_str_new2("Huzzah!"));
+ /* TEST\:TEST: Checking to see if escaped semicolon works */
+ rb_define_const(cFoo, "TEST", rb_str_new2("TEST:TEST"));
+ /* \\: The file separator on MS Windows */
+ rb_define_const(cFoo, "MSEPARATOR", rb_str_new2("\\"));
+ /* /: The file separator on Unix */
+ rb_define_const(cFoo, "SEPARATOR", rb_str_new2("/"));
+ /* C:\\Program Files\\Stuff: A directory on MS Windows */
+ rb_define_const(cFoo, "STUFF", rb_str_new2("C:\\Program Files\\Stuff"));
+ /* Default definition */
+ rb_define_const(cFoo, "NOSEMI", INT2FIX(99));
+ rb_define_const(cFoo, "NOCOMMENT", rb_str_new2("No comment"));
+ /*
+ * Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines.
+ * Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines.
+ */
+ rb_define_const(cFoo, "MULTILINE", INT2FIX(1));
+ /*
+ * 1: Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines.
+ * Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines.
+ */
+ rb_define_const(cFoo, "MULTILINE_VALUE", INT2FIX(1));
+ /* Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines.
+ * Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines.
+ */
+ rb_define_const(cFoo, "MULTILINE_NOT_EMPTY", INT2FIX(1));
+ parser = util_parser content
+ parser.do_classes
+ parser.do_constants
+ klass = parser.classes['cFoo']
+ assert klass
+ constants = klass.constants
+ assert !klass.constants.empty?
+ constants = { |c| [, c.value, c.comment] }
+ assert_equal ['PERFECT', '300',
+ "\n The highest possible score in bowling \n "],
+ constants.shift
+ assert_equal ['CHEER', 'Huzzah!',
+ "\n What you cheer when you roll a perfect game \n "],
+ constants.shift
+ assert_equal ['TEST', 'TEST:TEST',
+ "\n Checking to see if escaped semicolon works \n "],
+ constants.shift
+ assert_equal ['MSEPARATOR', '\\',
+ "\n The file separator on MS Windows \n "],
+ constants.shift
+ assert_equal ['SEPARATOR', '/',
+ "\n The file separator on Unix \n "],
+ constants.shift
+ assert_equal ['STUFF', 'C:\\Program Files\\Stuff',
+ "\n A directory on MS Windows \n "],
+ constants.shift
+ assert_equal ['NOSEMI', 'INT2FIX(99)',
+ "\n Default definition \n "],
+ constants.shift
+ assert_equal ['NOCOMMENT', 'rb_str_new2("No comment")', nil],
+ constants.shift
+ comment = <<-EOF.chomp
+ Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines.
+ Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines.
+ assert_equal ['MULTILINE', 'INT2FIX(1)', comment], constants.shift
+ assert_equal ['MULTILINE_VALUE', '1', comment], constants.shift
+ comment = <<-EOF.chomp
+ Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines.
+ Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines.
+ assert_equal ['MULTILINE_NOT_EMPTY', 'INT2FIX(1)', comment], constants.shift
+ assert constants.empty?, constants.inspect
+ end
+ def test_find_class_comment_init
+ content = <<-EOF
+ * a comment for class Foo
+ */
+Init_Foo(void) {
+ VALUE foo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject);
+ klass = util_get_class content, 'foo'
+ assert_equal " \n a comment for class Foo\n \n", klass.comment
+ end
+ def test_find_class_comment_define_class
+ content = <<-EOF
+ * a comment for class Foo
+ */
+VALUE foo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject);
+ klass = util_get_class content, 'foo'
+ assert_equal " \n a comment for class Foo\n ", klass.comment
+ end
+ def test_find_class_comment_define_class_Init_Foo
+ content = <<-EOF
+ * a comment for class Foo on Init
+ */
+Init_Foo(void) {
+ /*
+ * a comment for class Foo on rb_define_class
+ */
+ VALUE foo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject);
+ klass = util_get_class content, 'foo'
+ assert_equal " \n a comment for class Foo on Init\n \n", klass.comment
+ end
+ def util_get_class(content, name)
+ parser = util_parser content
+ parser.do_classes
+ parser.classes[name]
+ end
+ def util_parser(content)
+ @top_level, @fn, content, @options, @stats
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser_ruby.rb b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser_ruby.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77d8bd24fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser_ruby.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
+require 'stringio'
+require 'tempfile'
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'rdoc/options'
+require 'rdoc/parser/ruby'
+require 'rdoc/stats'
+class TestRdocParserRuby < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @tempfile =
+ @filename = @tempfile.path
+ util_toplevel
+ @options =
+ @options.quiet = true
+ @stats = 0
+ end
+ def teardown
+ @tempfile.close
+ end
+ def test_look_for_directives_in_commented
+ util_parser ""
+ comment = "# how to make a section:\n# # :section: new section\n"
+ @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, comment
+ section = @top_level.current_section
+ assert_equal nil, section.title
+ assert_equal nil, section.comment
+ assert_equal "# how to make a section:\n# # :section: new section\n",
+ comment
+ end
+ def test_look_for_directives_in_enddoc
+ util_parser ""
+ assert_throws :enddoc do
+ @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, "# :enddoc:\n"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_look_for_directives_in_main
+ util_parser ""
+ @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, "# :main: new main page\n"
+ assert_equal 'new main page', @options.main_page
+ end
+ def test_look_for_directives_in_method
+ util_parser ""
+ comment = "# :method: my_method\n"
+ @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, comment
+ assert_equal "# :method: my_method\n", comment
+ comment = "# :singleton-method: my_method\n"
+ @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, comment
+ assert_equal "# :singleton-method: my_method\n", comment
+ end
+ def test_look_for_directives_in_startdoc
+ util_parser ""
+ @top_level.stop_doc
+ assert !@top_level.document_self
+ assert !@top_level.document_children
+ assert !@top_level.force_documentation
+ @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, "# :startdoc:\n"
+ assert @top_level.document_self
+ assert @top_level.document_children
+ assert @top_level.force_documentation
+ end
+ def test_look_for_directives_in_stopdoc
+ util_parser ""
+ assert @top_level.document_self
+ assert @top_level.document_children
+ @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, "# :stopdoc:\n"
+ assert !@top_level.document_self
+ assert !@top_level.document_children
+ end
+ def test_look_for_directives_in_section
+ util_parser ""
+ comment = "# :section: new section\n# woo stuff\n"
+ @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, comment
+ section = @top_level.current_section
+ assert_equal 'new section', section.title
+ assert_equal "# woo stuff\n", section.comment
+ assert_equal '', comment
+ end
+ def test_look_for_directives_in_title
+ util_parser ""
+ @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, "# :title: new title\n"
+ assert_equal 'new title', @options.title
+ end
+ def test_look_for_directives_in_unhandled
+ util_parser ""
+ comment = "# :unhandled: \n# :title: hi\n"
+ @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, comment
+ assert_equal "# :unhandled: \n", comment
+ assert_equal 'hi', @options.title
+ end
+ def test_parse_class
+ comment = "##\n# my method\n"
+ util_parser 'class Foo; end'
+ tk = @parser.get_tk
+ @parser.parse_class @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment
+ foo = @top_level.classes.first
+ assert_equal 'Foo', foo.full_name
+ assert_equal comment, foo.comment
+ end
+ def test_parse_class_nested_superclass
+ foo = 'Foo'
+ foo.parent = @top_level
+ util_parser "class Bar < Super\nend"
+ tk = @parser.get_tk
+ @parser.parse_class foo, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, ''
+ bar = foo.classes.first
+ assert_equal 'Super', bar.superclass
+ end
+ def test_parse_comment
+ content = <<-EOF
+class Foo
+ ##
+ # :method: my_method
+ # my method comment
+ klass = 'Foo'
+ klass.parent = @top_level
+ comment = "##\n# :method: foo\n# my method\n"
+ util_parser "\n"
+ tk = @parser.get_tk
+ @parser.parse_comment klass, tk, comment
+ foo = klass.method_list.first
+ assert_equal 'foo',
+ assert_equal comment, foo.comment
+ assert_equal [], foo.aliases
+ assert_equal nil, foo.block_params
+ assert_equal nil, foo.call_seq
+ assert_equal nil, foo.is_alias_for
+ assert_equal nil, foo.viewer
+ assert_equal true, foo.document_children
+ assert_equal true, foo.document_self
+ assert_equal '', foo.params
+ assert_equal false, foo.done_documenting
+ assert_equal false, foo.dont_rename_initialize
+ assert_equal false, foo.force_documentation
+ assert_equal klass, foo.parent
+ assert_equal false, foo.singleton
+ assert_equal :public, foo.visibility
+ assert_equal "\n", foo.text
+ assert_equal klass.current_section, foo.section
+ stream = [
+ tk(:COMMENT, 1, 1, nil, "# File #{@top_level.file_absolute_name}, line 1"),
+ RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NEWLINE_TOKEN,
+ tk(:SPACE, 1, 1, nil, ''),
+ ]
+ assert_equal stream, foo.token_stream
+ end
+ def test_parse_meta_method
+ klass = 'Foo'
+ klass.parent = @top_level
+ comment = "##\n# my method\n"
+ util_parser "add_my_method :foo, :bar\nadd_my_method :baz"
+ tk = @parser.get_tk
+ @parser.parse_meta_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment
+ foo = klass.method_list.first
+ assert_equal 'foo',
+ assert_equal comment, foo.comment
+ assert_equal [], foo.aliases
+ assert_equal nil, foo.block_params
+ assert_equal nil, foo.call_seq
+ assert_equal true, foo.document_children
+ assert_equal true, foo.document_self
+ assert_equal false, foo.done_documenting
+ assert_equal false, foo.dont_rename_initialize
+ assert_equal false, foo.force_documentation
+ assert_equal nil, foo.is_alias_for
+ assert_equal '', foo.params
+ assert_equal klass, foo.parent
+ assert_equal false, foo.singleton
+ assert_equal 'add_my_method :foo', foo.text
+ assert_equal nil, foo.viewer
+ assert_equal :public, foo.visibility
+ assert_equal klass.current_section, foo.section
+ stream = [
+ tk(:COMMENT, 1, 1, nil, "# File #{@top_level.file_absolute_name}, line 1"),
+ RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NEWLINE_TOKEN,
+ tk(:SPACE, 1, 1, nil, ''),
+ tk(:IDENTIFIER, 1, 0, 'add_my_method', 'add_my_method'),
+ tk(:SPACE, 1, 13, nil, ' '),
+ tk(:SYMBOL, 1, 14, nil, ':foo'),
+ tk(:COMMA, 1, 18, nil, ','),
+ tk(:SPACE, 1, 19, nil, ' '),
+ tk(:SYMBOL, 1, 20, nil, ':bar'),
+ tk(:NL, 1, 24, nil, "\n"),
+ ]
+ assert_equal stream, foo.token_stream
+ end
+ def test_parse_meta_method_name
+ klass = 'Foo'
+ klass.parent = @top_level
+ comment = "##\n# :method: woo_hoo!\n# my method\n"
+ util_parser "add_my_method :foo, :bar\nadd_my_method :baz"
+ tk = @parser.get_tk
+ @parser.parse_meta_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment
+ foo = klass.method_list.first
+ assert_equal 'woo_hoo!',
+ assert_equal "##\n# my method\n", foo.comment
+ end
+ def test_parse_meta_method_singleton
+ klass = 'Foo'
+ klass.parent = @top_level
+ comment = "##\n# :singleton-method:\n# my method\n"
+ util_parser "add_my_method :foo, :bar\nadd_my_method :baz"
+ tk = @parser.get_tk
+ @parser.parse_meta_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment
+ foo = klass.method_list.first
+ assert_equal 'foo',
+ assert_equal true, foo.singleton, 'singleton method'
+ assert_equal "##\n# my method\n", foo.comment
+ end
+ def test_parse_meta_method_singleton_name
+ klass = 'Foo'
+ klass.parent = @top_level
+ comment = "##\n# :singleton-method: woo_hoo!\n# my method\n"
+ util_parser "add_my_method :foo, :bar\nadd_my_method :baz"
+ tk = @parser.get_tk
+ @parser.parse_meta_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment
+ foo = klass.method_list.first
+ assert_equal 'woo_hoo!',
+ assert_equal true, foo.singleton, 'singleton method'
+ assert_equal "##\n# my method\n", foo.comment
+ end
+ def test_parse_meta_method_string_name
+ klass = 'Foo'
+ comment = "##\n# my method\n"
+ util_parser "add_my_method 'foo'"
+ tk = @parser.get_tk
+ @parser.parse_meta_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment
+ foo = klass.method_list.first
+ assert_equal 'foo',
+ assert_equal comment, foo.comment
+ end
+ def test_parse_method
+ klass = 'Foo'
+ klass.parent = @top_level
+ comment = "##\n# my method\n"
+ util_parser "def foo() :bar end"
+ tk = @parser.get_tk
+ @parser.parse_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment
+ foo = klass.method_list.first
+ assert_equal 'foo',
+ assert_equal comment, foo.comment
+ assert_equal [], foo.aliases
+ assert_equal nil, foo.block_params
+ assert_equal nil, foo.call_seq
+ assert_equal nil, foo.is_alias_for
+ assert_equal nil, foo.viewer
+ assert_equal true, foo.document_children
+ assert_equal true, foo.document_self
+ assert_equal '()', foo.params
+ assert_equal false, foo.done_documenting
+ assert_equal false, foo.dont_rename_initialize
+ assert_equal false, foo.force_documentation
+ assert_equal klass, foo.parent
+ assert_equal false, foo.singleton
+ assert_equal :public, foo.visibility
+ assert_equal 'def foo', foo.text
+ assert_equal klass.current_section, foo.section
+ stream = [
+ tk(:COMMENT, 1, 1, nil, "# File #{@top_level.file_absolute_name}, line 1"),
+ RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NEWLINE_TOKEN,
+ tk(:SPACE, 1, 1, nil, ''),
+ tk(:DEF, 1, 0, 'def', 'def'),
+ tk(:SPACE, 1, 3, nil, ' '),
+ tk(:IDENTIFIER, 1, 4, 'foo', 'foo'),
+ tk(:LPAREN, 1, 7, nil, '('),
+ tk(:RPAREN, 1, 8, nil, ')'),
+ tk(:SPACE, 1, 9, nil, ' '),
+ tk(:COLON, 1, 10, nil, ':'),
+ tk(:IDENTIFIER, 1, 11, 'bar', 'bar'),
+ tk(:SPACE, 1, 14, nil, ' '),
+ tk(:END, 1, 15, 'end', 'end'),
+ ]
+ assert_equal stream, foo.token_stream
+ end
+ def test_parse_statements_class_nested
+ comment = "##\n# my method\n"
+ util_parser "module Foo\n#{comment}class Bar\nend\nend"
+ @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, ''
+ foo = @top_level.modules.first
+ assert_equal 'Foo', foo.full_name, 'module Foo'
+ bar = foo.classes.first
+ assert_equal 'Foo::Bar', bar.full_name, 'class Foo::Bar'
+ assert_equal comment, bar.comment
+ end
+ def test_parse_statements_identifier_meta_method
+ content = <<-EOF
+class Foo
+ ##
+ # this is my method
+ add_my_method :foo
+ util_parser content
+ @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, ''
+ foo = @top_level.classes.first.method_list.first
+ assert_equal 'foo',
+ end
+ def test_parse_statements_identifier_alias_method
+ content = "class Foo def foo() end; alias_method :foo2, :foo end"
+ util_parser content
+ @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, ''
+ foo2 = @top_level.classes.first.method_list.last
+ assert_equal 'foo2',
+ assert_equal 'foo',
+ end
+ def test_parse_statements_identifier_attr
+ content = "class Foo; attr :foo; end"
+ util_parser content
+ @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, ''
+ foo = @top_level.classes.first.attributes.first
+ assert_equal 'foo',
+ assert_equal 'R',
+ end
+ def test_parse_statements_identifier_attr_accessor
+ content = "class Foo; attr_accessor :foo; end"
+ util_parser content
+ @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, ''
+ foo = @top_level.classes.first.attributes.first
+ assert_equal 'foo',
+ assert_equal 'RW',
+ end
+ def test_parse_statements_identifier_extra_accessors
+ @options.extra_accessors = /^my_accessor$/
+ content = "class Foo; my_accessor :foo; end"
+ util_parser content
+ @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, ''
+ foo = @top_level.classes.first.attributes.first
+ assert_equal 'foo',
+ assert_equal '?',
+ end
+ def test_parse_statements_identifier_include
+ content = "class Foo; include Bar; end"
+ util_parser content
+ @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, ''
+ foo = @top_level.classes.first
+ assert_equal 'Foo',
+ assert_equal 1, foo.includes.length
+ end
+ def test_parse_statements_identifier_module_function
+ content = "module Foo def foo() end; module_function :foo; end"
+ util_parser content
+ @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, ''
+ foo, s_foo = @top_level.modules.first.method_list
+ assert_equal 'foo',, 'instance method name'
+ assert_equal :private, foo.visibility, 'instance method visibility'
+ assert_equal false, foo.singleton, 'instance method singleton'
+ assert_equal 'foo',, 'module function name'
+ assert_equal :public, s_foo.visibility, 'module function visibility'
+ assert_equal true, s_foo.singleton, 'module function singleton'
+ end
+ def test_parse_statements_identifier_private
+ content = "class Foo private; def foo() end end"
+ util_parser content
+ @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, ''
+ foo = @top_level.classes.first.method_list.first
+ assert_equal 'foo',
+ assert_equal :private, foo.visibility
+ end
+ def test_parse_statements_identifier_require
+ content = "require 'bar'"
+ util_parser content
+ @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, ''
+ assert_equal 1, @top_level.requires.length
+ end
+ def tk(klass, line, char, name, text)
+ klass = RDoc::RubyToken.const_get "Tk#{klass.to_s.upcase}"
+ token = if klass.instance_method(:initialize).arity == 2 then
+ raise ArgumentError, "name not used for #{klass}" unless name.nil?
+ line, char
+ else
+ line, char, name
+ end
+ token.set_text text
+ token
+ end
+ def util_parser(content)
+ @parser = @top_level, @filename, content, @options,
+ @stats
+ end
+ def util_toplevel
+ RDoc::TopLevel.reset
+ @top_level = @filename
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_attribute_formatter.rb b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_attribute_formatter.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d61a6f5cbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_attribute_formatter.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+require 'stringio'
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'rdoc/ri/formatter'
+class TestRDocRIAttributeFormatter < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @output =
+ @width = 78
+ @indent = ' '
+ @f = @output, @width, @indent
+ end
+ def test_wrap_empty
+ @f.wrap ''
+ assert_equal '', @output.string
+ end
+ def test_wrap_long
+ @f.wrap 'a ' * (@width / 2)
+ assert_equal " a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a \n a \n",
+ @output.string
+ end
+ def test_wrap_markup
+ @f.wrap 'a <tt>b</tt> c'
+ assert_equal " a b c\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_wrap_nil
+ @f.wrap nil
+ assert_equal '', @output.string
+ end
+ def test_wrap_short
+ @f.wrap 'a b c'
+ assert_equal " a b c\n", @output.string
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_default_display.rb b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_default_display.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97fa6c94ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_default_display.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+require 'stringio'
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'rdoc/ri/formatter'
+require 'rdoc/ri/display'
+require 'rdoc/ri/driver'
+class TestRdocRiDefaultDisplay < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @output =
+ @width = 78
+ @indent = ' '
+ @dd = RDoc::RI::Formatter, @width, true,
+ @output
+ @some_method = h \
+ 'aliases' => [{'name' => 'some_method_alias'}],
+ 'block_params' => 'block_param',
+ 'comment' => ['some comment')],
+ 'full_name' => 'SomeClass#some_method',
+ 'is_singleton' => false,
+ 'name' => 'some_method',
+ 'params' => '(arg1, arg2) {|block_param| ...}',
+ 'source_path' => '/nonexistent',
+ 'visibility' => 'public'
+ end
+ def test_display_class_info
+ ri_reader = nil
+ klass = h \
+ 'attributes' => [
+ { 'name' => 'attribute', 'rw' => 'RW',
+ 'comment' => ['attribute comment')] },
+ { 'name' => 'attribute_no_comment', 'rw' => 'RW',
+ 'comment' => nil },
+ ],
+ 'class_methods' => [
+ { 'name' => 'class_method' },
+ ],
+ 'class_method_extensions' => [
+ { 'name' => 'class_method_extension' },
+ ],
+ 'comment' => ['SomeClass comment')],
+ 'constants' => [
+ { 'name' => 'CONSTANT', 'value' => '"value"',
+ 'comment' => ['CONSTANT value')] },
+ { 'name' => 'CONSTANT_NOCOMMENT', 'value' => '"value"',
+ 'comment' => nil },
+ ],
+ 'display_name' => 'Class',
+ 'full_name' => 'SomeClass',
+ 'includes' => [],
+ 'instance_methods' => [
+ { 'name' => 'instance_method' },
+ ],
+ 'instance_method_extensions' => [
+ { 'name' => 'instance_method_extension' },
+ ],
+ 'superclass_string' => 'Object'
+ @dd.display_class_info klass, ri_reader
+ expected = <<-EOF
+---------------------------------------------------- Class: SomeClass < Object
+ SomeClass comment
+ CONSTANT value
+Class methods:
+ class_method
+Class method extensions:
+ class_method_extension
+Instance methods:
+ instance_method
+Instance method extensions:
+ instance_method_extension
+ attribute (RW):
+ attribute comment
+ attribute_no_comment (RW)
+ assert_equal expected, @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_flow
+ flow = ['flow')]
+ @dd.display_flow flow
+ assert_equal " flow\n\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_flow_empty
+ @dd.display_flow []
+ assert_equal " [no description]\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_flow_nil
+ @dd.display_flow nil
+ assert_equal " [no description]\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_method_info
+ @dd.display_method_info @some_method
+ expected = <<-EOF
+-------------------------------------------------------- SomeClass#some_method
+ some_method(arg1, arg2) {|block_param| ...}
+ Extension from /nonexistent
+ some comment
+ (also known as some_method_alias)
+ assert_equal expected, @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_method_info_singleton
+ method = \
+ 'aliases' => [],
+ 'block_params' => nil,
+ 'comment' => nil,
+ 'full_name' => 'SomeClass::some_method',
+ 'is_singleton' => true,
+ 'name' => 'some_method',
+ 'params' => '(arg1, arg2)',
+ 'visibility' => 'public'
+ @dd.display_method_info method
+ expected = <<-EOF
+------------------------------------------------------- SomeClass::some_method
+ SomeClass::some_method(arg1, arg2)
+ [no description]
+ assert_equal expected, @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_method_list
+ methods = [
+ "aliases" => [],
+ "block_params" => nil,
+ "comment" => nil,
+ "full_name" => "SomeClass#some_method",
+ "is_singleton" => false,
+ "name" => "some_method",
+ "params" => "()",
+ "visibility" => "public"
+ ),
+ "aliases" => [],
+ "block_params" => nil,
+ "comment" => nil,
+ "full_name" => "SomeClass#some_other_method",
+ "is_singleton" => false,
+ "name" => "some_other_method",
+ "params" => "()",
+ "visibility" => "public"
+ ),
+ ]
+ @dd.display_method_list methods
+ expected = <<-EOF
+ More than one method matched your request. You can refine your search by
+ asking for information on one of:
+ SomeClass#some_method, SomeClass#some_other_method
+ assert_equal expected, @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_params
+ @dd.display_params @some_method
+ expected = <<-EOF
+ some_method(arg1, arg2) {|block_param| ...}
+ Extension from /nonexistent
+ assert_equal expected, @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_params_multiple
+ @some_method['params'] = <<-EOF
+some_method(start, length)
+ @dd.display_params @some_method
+ expected = <<-EOF
+ some_method(index)
+ some_method(start, length)
+ Extension from /nonexistent
+ assert_equal expected, @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_params_singleton
+ @some_method['is_singleton'] = true
+ @some_method['full_name'] = 'SomeClass::some_method'
+ @dd.display_params @some_method
+ expected = <<-EOF
+ SomeClass::some_method(arg1, arg2) {|block_param| ...}
+ Extension from /nonexistent
+ assert_equal expected, @output.string
+ end
+ def test_list_known_classes
+ klasses = %w[SomeClass SomeModule]
+ @dd.list_known_classes klasses
+ expected = <<-EOF
+---------------------------------------------------- Known classes and modules
+ SomeClass, SomeModule
+ assert_equal expected, @output.string
+ end
+ def test_list_known_classes_empty
+ @dd.list_known_classes []
+ expected = <<-EOF
+No ri data found
+If you've installed Ruby yourself, you need to generate documentation using:
+ make install-doc
+from the same place you ran `make` to build ruby.
+If you installed Ruby from a packaging system, then you may need to
+install an additional package, or ask the packager to enable ri generation.
+ assert_equal expected, @output.string
+ end
+ def h(hash)
+ RDoc::RI::Driver::Hash.convert hash
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_driver.rb b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_driver.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cddd4e60d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_driver.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'tmpdir'
+require 'rdoc/ri/driver'
+class TestRDocRIDriver < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @tmpdir = File.join Dir.tmpdir, "test_rdoc_ri_driver_#{$$}"
+ @home_ri = File.join @tmpdir, 'dot_ri'
+ @cache_dir = File.join @home_ri, 'cache'
+ @class_cache = File.join @cache_dir, 'classes'
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p @tmpdir
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p @home_ri
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p @cache_dir
+ @driver =
+ @driver.homepath = @home_ri
+ end
+ def teardown
+ FileUtils.rm_rf @tmpdir
+ end
+ def test_lookup_method
+ def @driver.load_cache_for(klassname)
+ { 'Foo#bar' => :found }
+ end
+ assert @driver.lookup_method('Foo#bar', 'Foo')
+ end
+ def test_lookup_method_class_method
+ def @driver.load_cache_for(klassname)
+ { 'Foo::Bar' => :found }
+ end
+ assert @driver.lookup_method('Foo::Bar', 'Foo::Bar')
+ end
+ def test_lookup_method_class_missing
+ def @driver.load_cache_for(klassname) end
+ assert_nil @driver.lookup_method('Foo#bar', 'Foo')
+ end
+ def test_lookup_method_dot_instance
+ def @driver.load_cache_for(klassname)
+ { 'Foo#bar' => :instance, 'Foo::bar' => :klass }
+ end
+ assert_equal :instance, @driver.lookup_method('', 'Foo')
+ end
+ def test_lookup_method_dot_class
+ def @driver.load_cache_for(klassname)
+ { 'Foo::bar' => :found }
+ end
+ assert @driver.lookup_method('', 'Foo')
+ end
+ def test_lookup_method_method_missing
+ def @driver.load_cache_for(klassname) {} end
+ assert_nil @driver.lookup_method('Foo#bar', 'Foo')
+ end
+ def test_parse_name
+ klass, meth = @driver.parse_name 'Foo::Bar'
+ assert_equal 'Foo::Bar', klass, 'Foo::Bar class'
+ assert_equal nil, meth, 'Foo::Bar method'
+ klass, meth = @driver.parse_name 'Foo#Bar'
+ assert_equal 'Foo', klass, 'Foo#Bar class'
+ assert_equal 'Bar', meth, 'Foo#Bar method'
+ klass, meth = @driver.parse_name 'Foo.Bar'
+ assert_equal 'Foo', klass, 'Foo#Bar class'
+ assert_equal 'Bar', meth, 'Foo#Bar method'
+ klass, meth = @driver.parse_name 'Foo::bar'
+ assert_equal 'Foo', klass, 'Foo::bar class'
+ assert_equal 'bar', meth, 'Foo::bar method'
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_formatter.rb b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_formatter.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed2ccba22d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_formatter.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+require 'stringio'
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'rdoc/ri/formatter'
+require 'rdoc/markup/to_flow'
+class TestRDocRIFormatter < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @output =
+ @width = 78
+ @indent = ' '
+ @f = @output, @width, @indent
+ @markup =
+ @flow =
+ end
+ def test_blankline
+ @f.blankline
+ assert_equal "\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_bold_print
+ @f.bold_print 'a b c'
+ assert_equal 'a b c', @output.string
+ end
+ def test_break_to_newline
+ @f.break_to_newline
+ assert_equal '', @output.string
+ end
+ def test_conv_html
+ assert_equal '> < " &', @f.conv_html('&gt; &lt; &quot; &amp;')
+ end
+ def test_conv_markup
+ text = '<tt>a</tt> <code>b</code> <b>c</b> <em>d</em>'
+ expected = '+a+ +b+ *c* _d_'
+ assert_equal expected, @f.conv_markup(text)
+ end
+ def test_display_flow
+ flow = [
+, 'heading'),
+ ]
+ @f.display_flow flow
+ assert_equal "\nHEADING\n=======\n\n paragraph\n\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_flow_item_h
+ item = 1, 'heading'
+ @f.display_flow_item item
+ assert_equal "\nHEADING\n=======\n\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_flow_item_li
+ item = nil, 'paragraph'
+ @f.display_flow_item item
+ assert_equal " paragraph\n\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_flow_item_list
+ item = :NUMBER
+ @f.display_flow_item item
+ assert_equal "", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_flow_item_p
+ item = 'paragraph'
+ @f.display_flow_item item
+ assert_equal " paragraph\n\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_flow_item_rule
+ item = 1
+ @f.display_flow_item item
+ assert_equal "#{'-' * 78}\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_flow_item_unknown
+ e = assert_raise RDoc::Error do
+ @f.display_flow_item
+ end
+ assert_equal "Unknown flow element: Object", e.message
+ end
+ def test_display_flow_item_verb
+ item = 'a b c'
+ @f.display_flow_item item
+ assert_equal " a b c\n\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_heading_1
+ @f.display_heading 'heading', 1, ' '
+ assert_equal "\nHEADING\n=======\n\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_heading_2
+ @f.display_heading 'heading', 2, ' '
+ assert_equal "\nheading\n-------\n\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_heading_3
+ @f.display_heading 'heading', 3, ' '
+ assert_equal " heading\n\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_list
+ list = :NUMBER
+ list <<, 'a b c')
+ list <<, 'd e f')
+ @f.display_list list
+ assert_equal " 1. a b c\n\n 2. d e f\n\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_list_bullet
+ list = :BULLET
+ list <<, 'a b c')
+ @f.display_list list
+ assert_equal " * a b c\n\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_list_labeled
+ list = :LABELED
+ list <<'label', 'a b c')
+ @f.display_list list
+ assert_equal " label a b c\n\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_list_lower_alpha
+ list = :LOWERALPHA
+ list <<, 'a b c')
+ @f.display_list list
+ assert_equal " a. a b c\n\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_list_note
+ list = :NOTE
+ list <<'note:', 'a b c')
+ @f.display_list list
+ assert_equal " note: a b c\n\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_list_number
+ list = :NUMBER
+ list <<, 'a b c')
+ @f.display_list list
+ assert_equal " 1. a b c\n\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_list_unknown
+ list = :UNKNOWN
+ list <<, 'a b c')
+ e = assert_raise ArgumentError do
+ @f.display_list list
+ end
+ assert_equal 'unknown list type UNKNOWN', e.message
+ end
+ def test_display_list_upper_alpha
+ list = :UPPERALPHA
+ list <<, 'a b c')
+ @f.display_list list
+ assert_equal " A. a b c\n\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_verbatim_flow_item
+ verbatim = "a b c\nd e f"
+ @f.display_verbatim_flow_item verbatim
+ assert_equal " a b c\n d e f\n\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_display_verbatim_flow_item_bold
+ verbatim = "*a* b c"
+ @f.display_verbatim_flow_item verbatim
+ assert_equal " *a* b c\n\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_draw_line
+ @f.draw_line
+ expected = '-' * @width + "\n"
+ assert_equal expected, @output.string
+ end
+ def test_draw_line_label
+ @f.draw_line 'label'
+ expected = '-' * (@width - 6) + " label\n"
+ assert_equal expected, @output.string
+ end
+ def test_draw_line_label_long
+ @f.draw_line 'a' * @width
+ expected = '-' * @width + "\n" + ('a' * @width) + "\n"
+ assert_equal expected, @output.string
+ end
+ def test_raw_print_line
+ @f.raw_print_line 'a b c'
+ assert_equal "a b c\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_strip_attributes_b
+ text = @f.strip_attributes 'hello <b>world</b>'
+ expected = 'hello world'
+ assert_equal expected, text
+ end
+ def test_strip_attributes_code
+ text = @f.strip_attributes 'hello <code>world</code>'
+ expected = 'hello world'
+ assert_equal expected, text
+ end
+ def test_strip_attributes_em
+ text = @f.strip_attributes 'hello <em>world</em>'
+ expected = 'hello world'
+ assert_equal expected, text
+ end
+ def test_strip_attributes_i
+ text = @f.strip_attributes 'hello <i>world</i>'
+ expected = 'hello world'
+ assert_equal expected, text
+ end
+ def test_strip_attributes_tt
+ text = @f.strip_attributes 'hello <tt>world</tt>'
+ expected = 'hello world'
+ assert_equal expected, text
+ end
+ def test_wrap_empty
+ @f.wrap ''
+ assert_equal '', @output.string
+ end
+ def test_wrap_long
+ @f.wrap 'a ' * (@width / 2)
+ assert_equal " a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a\n a \n",
+ @output.string
+ end
+ def test_wrap_markup
+ @f.wrap 'a <tt>b</tt> c'
+ assert_equal " a +b+ c\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_wrap_nil
+ @f.wrap nil
+ assert_equal '', @output.string
+ end
+ def test_wrap_short
+ @f.wrap 'a b c'
+ assert_equal " a b c\n", @output.string
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_overstrike_formatter.rb b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_overstrike_formatter.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..050e92a4fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_overstrike_formatter.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+require 'stringio'
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'rdoc/ri/formatter'
+require 'rdoc/markup/fragments'
+require 'rdoc/markup/to_flow'
+class TestRDocRIOverstrikeFormatter < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @output =
+ @width = 78
+ @indent = ' '
+ @f = @output, @width, @indent
+ @markup =
+ @flow =
+ @af = RDoc::RI::AttributeFormatter
+ end
+ def test_display_verbatim_flow_item_bold
+ verbatim = "*a* b c"
+ @f.display_verbatim_flow_item verbatim
+ assert_equal " *a* b c\n\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_write_attribute_text_bold
+ line = ['b', @af::BOLD)]
+ @f.write_attribute_text ' ', line
+ assert_equal " b\bb\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_write_attribute_text_bold_italic
+ attr = @af::BOLD | @af::ITALIC
+ line = ['d', attr)]
+ @f.write_attribute_text ' ', line
+ assert_equal " _\bd\bd\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_write_attribute_text_code
+ line = ['c', @af::CODE)]
+ @f.write_attribute_text ' ', line
+ assert_equal " _\bc\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_write_attribute_text_italic
+ line = ['a', @af::ITALIC)]
+ @f.write_attribute_text ' ', line
+ assert_equal " _\ba\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_bold_print
+ @f.bold_print 'a b c'
+ assert_equal "a\ba \b b\bb \b c\bc", @output.string
+ end