path: root/trunk/lib/rubygems/user_interaction.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/lib/rubygems/user_interaction.rb')
1 files changed, 360 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/lib/rubygems/user_interaction.rb b/trunk/lib/rubygems/user_interaction.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30a728c597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/lib/rubygems/user_interaction.rb
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+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+module Gem
+ ##
+ # Module that defines the default UserInteraction. Any class including this
+ # module will have access to the +ui+ method that returns the default UI.
+ module DefaultUserInteraction
+ ##
+ # The default UI is a class variable of the singleton class for this
+ # module.
+ @ui = nil
+ ##
+ # Return the default UI.
+ def self.ui
+ @ui ||=
+ end
+ ##
+ # Set the default UI. If the default UI is never explicitly set, a simple
+ # console based UserInteraction will be used automatically.
+ def self.ui=(new_ui)
+ @ui = new_ui
+ end
+ ##
+ # Use +new_ui+ for the duration of +block+.
+ def self.use_ui(new_ui)
+ old_ui = @ui
+ @ui = new_ui
+ yield
+ ensure
+ @ui = old_ui
+ end
+ ##
+ # See DefaultUserInteraction::ui
+ def ui
+ DefaultUserInteraction.ui
+ end
+ ##
+ # See DefaultUserInteraction::ui=
+ def ui=(new_ui)
+ DefaultUserInteraction.ui = new_ui
+ end
+ ##
+ # See DefaultUserInteraction::use_ui
+ def use_ui(new_ui, &block)
+ DefaultUserInteraction.use_ui(new_ui, &block)
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Make the default UI accessable without the "ui." prefix. Classes
+ # including this module may use the interaction methods on the default UI
+ # directly. Classes may also reference the ui and ui= methods.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # class X
+ # include Gem::UserInteraction
+ #
+ # def get_answer
+ # n = ask("What is the meaning of life?")
+ # end
+ # end
+ module UserInteraction
+ include DefaultUserInteraction
+ [:alert,
+ :alert_error,
+ :alert_warning,
+ :ask,
+ :ask_yes_no,
+ :choose_from_list,
+ :say,
+ :terminate_interaction ].each do |methname|
+ class_eval %{
+ def #{methname}(*args)
+ ui.#{methname}(*args)
+ end
+ }, __FILE__, __LINE__
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # StreamUI implements a simple stream based user interface.
+ class StreamUI
+ attr_reader :ins, :outs, :errs
+ def initialize(in_stream, out_stream, err_stream=STDERR)
+ @ins = in_stream
+ @outs = out_stream
+ @errs = err_stream
+ end
+ ##
+ # Choose from a list of options. +question+ is a prompt displayed above
+ # the list. +list+ is a list of option strings. Returns the pair
+ # [option_name, option_index].
+ def choose_from_list(question, list)
+ @outs.puts question
+ list.each_with_index do |item, index|
+ @outs.puts " #{index+1}. #{item}"
+ end
+ @outs.print "> "
+ @outs.flush
+ result = @ins.gets
+ return nil, nil unless result
+ result = result.strip.to_i - 1
+ return list[result], result
+ end
+ ##
+ # Ask a question. Returns a true for yes, false for no. If not connected
+ # to a tty, raises an exception if default is nil, otherwise returns
+ # default.
+ def ask_yes_no(question, default=nil)
+ unless @ins.tty? then
+ if default.nil? then
+ raise Gem::OperationNotSupportedError,
+ "Not connected to a tty and no default specified"
+ else
+ return default
+ end
+ end
+ qstr = case default
+ when nil
+ 'yn'
+ when true
+ 'Yn'
+ else
+ 'yN'
+ end
+ result = nil
+ while result.nil?
+ result = ask("#{question} [#{qstr}]")
+ result = case result
+ when /^[Yy].*/
+ true
+ when /^[Nn].*/
+ false
+ when /^$/
+ default
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ return result
+ end
+ ##
+ # Ask a question. Returns an answer if connected to a tty, nil otherwise.
+ def ask(question)
+ return nil if not @ins.tty?
+ @outs.print(question + " ")
+ @outs.flush
+ result = @ins.gets
+ result.chomp! if result
+ result
+ end
+ ##
+ # Display a statement.
+ def say(statement="")
+ @outs.puts statement
+ end
+ ##
+ # Display an informational alert. Will ask +question+ if it is not nil.
+ def alert(statement, question=nil)
+ @outs.puts "INFO: #{statement}"
+ ask(question) if question
+ end
+ ##
+ # Display a warning in a location expected to get error messages. Will
+ # ask +question+ if it is not nil.
+ def alert_warning(statement, question=nil)
+ @errs.puts "WARNING: #{statement}"
+ ask(question) if question
+ end
+ ##
+ # Display an error message in a location expected to get error messages.
+ # Will ask +question+ if it is not nil.
+ def alert_error(statement, question=nil)
+ @errs.puts "ERROR: #{statement}"
+ ask(question) if question
+ end
+ ##
+ # Terminate the application with exit code +status+, running any exit
+ # handlers that might have been defined.
+ def terminate_interaction(status = 0)
+ raise Gem::SystemExitException, status
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return a progress reporter object chosen from the current verbosity.
+ def progress_reporter(*args)
+ case Gem.configuration.verbose
+ when nil, false
+, *args)
+ when true
+, *args)
+ else
+, *args)
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # An absolutely silent progress reporter.
+ class SilentProgressReporter
+ attr_reader :count
+ def initialize(out_stream, size, initial_message, terminal_message = nil)
+ end
+ def updated(message)
+ end
+ def done
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # A basic dotted progress reporter.
+ class SimpleProgressReporter
+ include DefaultUserInteraction
+ attr_reader :count
+ def initialize(out_stream, size, initial_message,
+ terminal_message = "complete")
+ @out = out_stream
+ @total = size
+ @count = 0
+ @terminal_message = terminal_message
+ @out.puts initial_message
+ end
+ ##
+ # Prints out a dot and ignores +message+.
+ def updated(message)
+ @count += 1
+ @out.print "."
+ @out.flush
+ end
+ ##
+ # Prints out the terminal message.
+ def done
+ @out.puts "\n#{@terminal_message}"
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # A progress reporter that prints out messages about the current progress.
+ class VerboseProgressReporter
+ include DefaultUserInteraction
+ attr_reader :count
+ def initialize(out_stream, size, initial_message,
+ terminal_message = 'complete')
+ @out = out_stream
+ @total = size
+ @count = 0
+ @terminal_message = terminal_message
+ @out.puts initial_message
+ end
+ ##
+ # Prints out the position relative to the total and the +message+.
+ def updated(message)
+ @count += 1
+ @out.puts "#{@count}/#{@total}: #{message}"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Prints out the terminal message.
+ def done
+ @out.puts @terminal_message
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Subclass of StreamUI that instantiates the user interaction using STDIN,
+ class ConsoleUI < StreamUI
+ def initialize
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # SilentUI is a UI choice that is absolutely silent.
+ class SilentUI
+ def method_missing(sym, *args, &block)
+ self
+ end
+ end