path: root/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/lib/rdoc/ri')
9 files changed, 2139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/cache.rb b/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/cache.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e267d95fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/cache.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+require 'rdoc/ri'
+class RDoc::RI::ClassEntry
+ attr_reader :name
+ attr_reader :path_names
+ def initialize(path_name, name, in_class)
+ @path_names = [ path_name ]
+ @name = name
+ @in_class = in_class
+ @class_methods = []
+ @instance_methods = []
+ @inferior_classes = []
+ end
+ # We found this class in more tha one place, so add
+ # in the name from there.
+ def add_path(path)
+ @path_names << path
+ end
+ # read in our methods and any classes
+ # and modules in our namespace. Methods are
+ # stored in files called name-c|i.yaml,
+ # where the 'name' portion is the external
+ # form of the method name and the c|i is a class|instance
+ # flag
+ def load_from(dir)
+ Dir.foreach(dir) do |name|
+ next if name =~ /^\./
+ # convert from external to internal form, and
+ # extract the instance/class flag
+ if name =~ /^(.*?)-(c|i).yaml$/
+ external_name = $1
+ is_class_method = $2 == "c"
+ internal_name = RiWriter.external_to_internal(external_name)
+ list = is_class_method ? @class_methods : @instance_methods
+ path = File.join(dir, name)
+ list <<, internal_name, is_class_method, self)
+ else
+ full_name = File.join(dir, name)
+ if
+ inf_class = @inferior_classes.find {|c| == name }
+ if inf_class
+ inf_class.add_path(full_name)
+ else
+ inf_class =, name, self)
+ @inferior_classes << inf_class
+ end
+ inf_class.load_from(full_name)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Return a list of any classes or modules that we contain
+ # that match a given string
+ def contained_modules_matching(name)
+ @inferior_classes.find_all {|c|[name]}
+ end
+ def classes_and_modules
+ @inferior_classes
+ end
+ # Return an exact match to a particular name
+ def contained_class_named(name)
+ @inferior_classes.find {|c| == name}
+ end
+ # return the list of local methods matching name
+ # We're split into two because we need distinct behavior
+ # when called from the _toplevel_
+ def methods_matching(name, is_class_method)
+ local_methods_matching(name, is_class_method)
+ end
+ # Find methods matching 'name' in ourselves and in
+ # any classes we contain
+ def recursively_find_methods_matching(name, is_class_method)
+ res = local_methods_matching(name, is_class_method)
+ @inferior_classes.each do |c|
+ res.concat(c.recursively_find_methods_matching(name, is_class_method))
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ # Return our full name
+ def full_name
+ res = @in_class.full_name
+ res << "::" unless res.empty?
+ res << @name
+ end
+ # Return a list of all out method names
+ def all_method_names
+ res = {|m| m.full_name }
+ @instance_methods.each {|m| res << m.full_name}
+ res
+ end
+ private
+ # Return a list of all our methods matching a given string.
+ # Is +is_class_methods+ if 'nil', we don't care if the method
+ # is a class method or not, otherwise we only return
+ # those methods that match
+ def local_methods_matching(name, is_class_method)
+ list = case is_class_method
+ when nil then @class_methods + @instance_methods
+ when true then @class_methods
+ when false then @instance_methods
+ else fail "Unknown is_class_method: #{is_class_method.inspect}"
+ end
+ list.find_all {|m|;[name]}
+ end
+# A TopLevelEntry is like a class entry, but when asked to search for methods
+# searches all classes, not just itself
+class RDoc::RI::TopLevelEntry < RDoc::RI::ClassEntry
+ def methods_matching(name, is_class_method)
+ res = recursively_find_methods_matching(name, is_class_method)
+ end
+ def full_name
+ ""
+ end
+ def module_named(name)
+ end
+class RDoc::RI::MethodEntry
+ attr_reader :name
+ attr_reader :path_name
+ def initialize(path_name, name, is_class_method, in_class)
+ @path_name = path_name
+ @name = name
+ @is_class_method = is_class_method
+ @in_class = in_class
+ end
+ def full_name
+ res = @in_class.full_name
+ unless res.empty?
+ if @is_class_method
+ res << "::"
+ else
+ res << "#"
+ end
+ end
+ res << @name
+ end
+# We represent everything know about all 'ri' files accessible to this program
+class RDoc::RI::Cache
+ attr_reader :toplevel
+ def initialize(dirs)
+ # At the top level we have a dummy module holding the
+ # overall namespace
+ @toplevel ='', '::', nil)
+ dirs.each do |dir|
+ @toplevel.load_from(dir)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/descriptions.rb b/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/descriptions.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d8560323a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/descriptions.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+require 'yaml'
+require 'rdoc/markup/fragments'
+require 'rdoc/ri'
+# Descriptions are created by RDoc (in ri_generator) and written out in
+# serialized form into the documentation tree. ri then reads these to generate
+# the documentation
+class RDoc::RI::NamedThing
+ attr_reader :name
+ def initialize(name)
+ @name = name
+ end
+ def <=>(other)
+ @name <=>
+ end
+ def hash
+ @name.hash
+ end
+ def eql?(other)
+ @name.eql?(other)
+ end
+class RDoc::RI::AliasName < RDoc::RI::NamedThing; end
+class RDoc::RI::Attribute < RDoc::RI::NamedThing
+ attr_reader :rw, :comment
+ def initialize(name, rw, comment)
+ super(name)
+ @rw = rw
+ @comment = comment
+ end
+class RDoc::RI::Constant < RDoc::RI::NamedThing
+ attr_reader :value, :comment
+ def initialize(name, value, comment)
+ super(name)
+ @value = value
+ @comment = comment
+ end
+class RDoc::RI::IncludedModule < RDoc::RI::NamedThing; end
+class RDoc::RI::MethodSummary < RDoc::RI::NamedThing
+ def initialize(name="")
+ super
+ end
+class RDoc::RI::Description
+ attr_accessor :name
+ attr_accessor :full_name
+ attr_accessor :comment
+ def serialize
+ self.to_yaml
+ end
+ def self.deserialize(from)
+ YAML.load(from)
+ end
+ def <=>(other)
+ @name <=>
+ end
+class RDoc::RI::ModuleDescription < RDoc::RI::Description
+ attr_accessor :class_methods
+ attr_accessor :instance_methods
+ attr_accessor :attributes
+ attr_accessor :constants
+ attr_accessor :includes
+ # merge in another class description into this one
+ def merge_in(old)
+ merge(@class_methods, old.class_methods)
+ merge(@instance_methods, old.instance_methods)
+ merge(@attributes, old.attributes)
+ merge(@constants, old.constants)
+ merge(@includes, old.includes)
+ if @comment.nil? || @comment.empty?
+ @comment = old.comment
+ else
+ unless old.comment.nil? or old.comment.empty? then
+ if @comment.nil? or @comment.empty? then
+ @comment = old.comment
+ else
+ @comment <<
+ @comment.concat old.comment
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def display_name
+ "Module"
+ end
+ # the 'ClassDescription' subclass overrides this
+ # to format up the name of a parent
+ def superclass_string
+ nil
+ end
+ private
+ def merge(into, from)
+ names = {}
+ into.each {|i| names[] = i }
+ from.each {|i| names[] = i }
+ into.replace( {|n| names[n]})
+ end
+class RDoc::RI::ClassDescription < RDoc::RI::ModuleDescription
+ attr_accessor :superclass
+ def display_name
+ "Class"
+ end
+ def superclass_string
+ if @superclass && @superclass != "Object"
+ @superclass
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+class RDoc::RI::MethodDescription < RDoc::RI::Description
+ attr_accessor :is_class_method
+ attr_accessor :visibility
+ attr_accessor :block_params
+ attr_accessor :is_singleton
+ attr_accessor :aliases
+ attr_accessor :is_alias_for
+ attr_accessor :params
diff --git a/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/display.rb b/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/display.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..379cef11b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/display.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+require 'rdoc/ri'
+# This is a kind of 'flag' module. If you want to write your own 'ri' display
+# module (perhaps because you're writing an IDE), you write a class which
+# implements the various 'display' methods in RDoc::RI::DefaultDisplay, and
+# include the RDoc::RI::Display module in that class.
+# To access your class from the command line, you can do
+# ruby -r <your source file> ../ri ....
+module RDoc::RI::Display
+ @@display_class = nil
+ def self.append_features(display_class)
+ @@display_class = display_class
+ end
+ def*args)
+ end
+# A paging display module. Uses the RDoc::RI::Formatter class to do the actual
+# presentation.
+class RDoc::RI::DefaultDisplay
+ include RDoc::RI::Display
+ def initialize(formatter, width, use_stdout, output = $stdout)
+ @use_stdout = use_stdout
+ @formatter = output, width, " "
+ end
+ ##
+ # Display information about +klass+. Fetches additional information from
+ # +ri_reader+ as necessary.
+ def display_class_info(klass, ri_reader)
+ page do
+ superclass = klass.superclass_string
+ if superclass
+ superclass = " < " + superclass
+ else
+ superclass = ""
+ end
+ @formatter.draw_line(klass.display_name + ": " +
+ klass.full_name + superclass)
+ display_flow(klass.comment)
+ @formatter.draw_line
+ unless klass.includes.empty?
+ @formatter.blankline
+ @formatter.display_heading("Includes:", 2, "")
+ incs = []
+ klass.includes.each do |inc|
+ inc_desc = ri_reader.find_class_by_name(
+ if inc_desc
+ str = + "("
+ str <<{|m|}.join(", ")
+ str << ")"
+ incs << str
+ else
+ incs <<
+ end
+ end
+ @formatter.wrap(incs.sort.join(', '))
+ end
+ unless klass.constants.empty?
+ @formatter.blankline
+ @formatter.display_heading("Constants:", 2, "")
+ constants = klass.constants.sort_by { |constant| }
+ constants.each do |constant|
+ if constant.comment then
+ @formatter.wrap "#{}:"
+ @formatter.indent do
+ @formatter.display_flow constant.comment
+ end
+ else
+ @formatter.wrap
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class_data = [
+ :class_methods,
+ :class_method_extensions,
+ :instance_methods,
+ :instance_method_extensions,
+ ]
+ class_data.each do |data_type|
+ data = klass.send data_type
+ unless data.empty? then
+ @formatter.blankline
+ heading = data_type.to_s.split('_').join(' ').capitalize << ':'
+ @formatter.display_heading heading, 2, ''
+ data = { |item| }.sort.join ', '
+ @formatter.wrap data
+ end
+ end
+ unless klass.attributes.empty? then
+ @formatter.blankline
+ @formatter.display_heading 'Attributes:', 2, ''
+ attributes = klass.attributes.sort_by { |attribute| }
+ attributes.each do |attribute|
+ if attribute.comment then
+ @formatter.wrap "#{} (#{}):"
+ @formatter.indent do
+ @formatter.display_flow attribute.comment
+ end
+ else
+ @formatter.wrap "#{} (#{})"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Display an Array of RDoc::Markup::Flow objects, +flow+.
+ def display_flow(flow)
+ if flow and not flow.empty? then
+ @formatter.display_flow flow
+ else
+ @formatter.wrap '[no description]'
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Display information about +method+.
+ def display_method_info(method)
+ page do
+ @formatter.draw_line(method.full_name)
+ display_params(method)
+ @formatter.draw_line
+ display_flow(method.comment)
+ if method.aliases and not method.aliases.empty? then
+ @formatter.blankline
+ aka = "(also known as #{ { |a| }.join(', ')})"
+ @formatter.wrap aka
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Display the list of +methods+.
+ def display_method_list(methods)
+ page do
+ @formatter.wrap "More than one method matched your request. You can refine your search by asking for information on one of:"
+ @formatter.blankline
+ @formatter.wrap { |m| m.full_name }.join(", ")
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Display the params for +method+.
+ def display_params(method)
+ params = method.params
+ if params[0,1] == "(" then
+ if method.is_singleton
+ params = method.full_name + params
+ else
+ params = + params
+ end
+ end
+ params.split(/\n/).each do |param|
+ @formatter.wrap param
+ @formatter.break_to_newline
+ end
+ if method.source_path then
+ @formatter.blankline
+ @formatter.wrap("Extension from #{method.source_path}")
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # List the classes in +classes+.
+ def list_known_classes(classes)
+ if classes.empty?
+ warn_no_database
+ else
+ page do
+ @formatter.draw_line "Known classes and modules"
+ @formatter.blankline
+ @formatter.wrap classes.sort.join(', ')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Paginates output through a pager program.
+ def page
+ if pager = setup_pager then
+ begin
+ orig_output = @formatter.output
+ @formatter.output = pager
+ yield
+ ensure
+ @formatter.output = orig_output
+ pager.close
+ end
+ else
+ yield
+ end
+ rescue Errno::EPIPE
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sets up a pager program to pass output through.
+ def setup_pager
+ unless @use_stdout then
+ for pager in [ ENV['PAGER'], "less", "more", 'pager' ].compact.uniq
+ return IO.popen(pager, "w") rescue nil
+ end
+ @use_stdout = true
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Displays a message that describes how to build RI data.
+ def warn_no_database
+ output = @formatter.output
+ output.puts "No ri data found"
+ output.puts
+ output.puts "If you've installed Ruby yourself, you need to generate documentation using:"
+ output.puts
+ output.puts " make install-doc"
+ output.puts
+ output.puts "from the same place you ran `make` to build ruby."
+ output.puts
+ output.puts "If you installed Ruby from a packaging system, then you may need to"
+ output.puts "install an additional package, or ask the packager to enable ri generation."
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb b/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfc5f2f98a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+require 'optparse'
+require 'yaml'
+require 'rdoc/ri'
+require 'rdoc/ri/paths'
+require 'rdoc/ri/formatter'
+require 'rdoc/ri/display'
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'rdoc/markup'
+require 'rdoc/markup/to_flow'
+class RDoc::RI::Driver
+ class Hash < ::Hash
+ def self.convert(hash)
+ hash = new.update hash
+ hash.each do |key, value|
+ hash[key] = case value
+ when ::Hash then
+ convert value
+ when Array then
+ value = do |v|
+ ::Hash === v ? convert(v) : v
+ end
+ value
+ else
+ value
+ end
+ end
+ hash
+ end
+ def method_missing method, *args
+ self[method.to_s]
+ end
+ def merge_enums(other)
+ other.each do |k, v|
+ if self[k] then
+ case v
+ when Array then
+ # HACK dunno
+ if String === self[k] and self[k].empty? then
+ self[k] = v
+ else
+ self[k] += v
+ end
+ when Hash then
+ self[k].update v
+ else
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ else
+ self[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class Error < RDoc::RI::Error; end
+ class NotFoundError < Error
+ def message
+ "Nothing known about #{super}"
+ end
+ end
+ attr_accessor :homepath # :nodoc:
+ def self.process_args(argv)
+ options = {}
+ options[:use_stdout] = !$stdout.tty?
+ options[:width] = 72
+ options[:formatter] = RDoc::RI::Formatter.for 'plain'
+ options[:list_classes] = false
+ options[:list_names] = false
+ # By default all paths are used. If any of these are true, only those
+ # directories are used.
+ use_system = false
+ use_site = false
+ use_home = false
+ use_gems = false
+ doc_dirs = []
+ opts = do |opt|
+ opt.program_name = File.basename $0
+ opt.version = RDoc::VERSION
+ opt.summary_indent = ' ' * 4
+ directories = [
+ RDoc::RI::Paths::SYSDIR,
+ RDoc::RI::Paths::SITEDIR,
+ RDoc::RI::Paths::HOMEDIR
+ ]
+ if RDoc::RI::Paths::GEMDIRS then
+ Gem.path.each do |dir|
+ directories << "#{dir}/doc/*/ri"
+ end
+ end
+ opt.banner = <<-EOT
+Usage: #{opt.program_name} [options] [names...]
+Where name can be:
+ Class | Class::method | Class#method | Class.method | method
+All class names may be abbreviated to their minimum unambiguous form. If a name
+is ambiguous, all valid options will be listed.
+The form '.' method matches either class or instance methods, while #method
+matches only instance and ::method matches only class methods.
+For example:
+ #{opt.program_name} Fil
+ #{opt.program_name} File
+ #{opt.program_name}
+ #{opt.program_name} zip
+Note that shell quoting may be required for method names containing
+ #{opt.program_name} 'Array.[]'
+ #{opt.program_name} compact\\!
+By default ri searches for documentation in the following directories:
+ #{directories.join "\n "}
+Specifying the --system, --site, --home, --gems or --doc-dir options will
+limit ri to searching only the specified directories.
+Options may also be set in the 'RI' environment variable.
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.separator "Options:"
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--classes", "-c",
+ "Display the names of classes and modules we",
+ "know about.") do |value|
+ options[:list_classes] = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--doc-dir=DIRNAME", "-d", Array,
+ "List of directories to search for",
+ "documentation. If not specified, we search",
+ "the standard rdoc/ri directories. May be",
+ "repeated.") do |value|
+ value.each do |dir|
+ unless dir then
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "#{dir} is not a directory"
+ end
+ end
+ doc_dirs.concat value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--fmt=FORMAT", "--format=FORMAT", "-f",
+ RDoc::RI::Formatter::FORMATTERS.keys,
+ "Format to use when displaying output:",
+ " #{RDoc::RI::Formatter.list}",
+ "Use 'bs' (backspace) with most pager",
+ "programs. To use ANSI, either disable the",
+ "pager or tell the pager to allow control",
+ "characters.") do |value|
+ options[:formatter] = RDoc::RI::Formatter.for value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ unless RDoc::RI::Paths::GEMDIRS.empty? then
+ opt.on("--[no-]gems",
+ "Include documentation from RubyGems.") do |value|
+ use_gems = value
+ end
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--[no-]home",
+ "Include documentation stored in ~/.rdoc.") do |value|
+ use_home = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--[no-]list-names", "-l",
+ "List all the names known to RDoc, one per",
+ "line.") do |value|
+ options[:list_names] = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--no-pager", "-T",
+ "Send output directly to stdout.") do |value|
+ options[:use_stdout] = !value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--[no-]site",
+ "Include documentation from libraries",
+ "installed in site_lib.") do |value|
+ use_site = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--[no-]system",
+ "Include documentation from Ruby's standard",
+ "library.") do |value|
+ use_system = value
+ end
+ opt.separator nil
+ opt.on("--width=WIDTH", "-w", OptionParser::DecimalInteger,
+ "Set the width of the output.") do |value|
+ options[:width] = value
+ end
+ end
+ argv = ENV['RI'].to_s.split.concat argv
+ opts.parse! argv
+ options[:names] = argv
+ options[:path] = RDoc::RI::Paths.path(use_system, use_site, use_home,
+ use_gems, *doc_dirs)
+ options[:raw_path] = RDoc::RI::Paths.raw_path(use_system, use_site,
+ use_home, use_gems, *doc_dirs)
+ options
+ rescue OptionParser::InvalidArgument, OptionParser::InvalidOption => e
+ puts opts
+ puts
+ puts e
+ exit 1
+ end
+ def = ARGV)
+ options = process_args argv
+ ri = new options
+ end
+ def initialize(options={})
+ options[:formatter] ||= RDoc::RI::Formatter.for('plain')
+ options[:use_stdout] ||= !$stdout.tty?
+ options[:width] ||= 72
+ @names = options[:names]
+ @class_cache_name = 'classes'
+ @all_dirs = RDoc::RI::Paths.path(true, true, true, true)
+ @homepath = RDoc::RI::Paths.raw_path(false, false, true, false).first
+ @homepath = @homepath.sub(/\.rdoc/, '.ri')
+ @sys_dirs = RDoc::RI::Paths.raw_path(true, false, false, false)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p cache_file_path unless cache_file_path
+ @class_cache = nil
+ @display =[:formatter],
+ options[:width],
+ options[:use_stdout])
+ end
+ def class_cache
+ return @class_cache if @class_cache
+ newest = map_dirs('created.rid', :all) do |f|
+ File.mtime f if test ?f, f
+ end.max
+ up_to_date = (File.exist?(class_cache_file_path) and
+ newest and newest < File.mtime(class_cache_file_path))
+ @class_cache = if up_to_date then
+ load_cache_for @class_cache_name
+ else
+ class_cache =
+ classes = map_dirs('**/cdesc*.yaml', :sys) { |f| Dir[f] }
+ populate_class_cache class_cache, classes
+ classes = map_dirs('**/cdesc*.yaml') { |f| Dir[f] }
+ warn "Updating class cache with #{classes.size} classes..."
+ populate_class_cache class_cache, classes, true
+ write_cache class_cache, class_cache_file_path
+ end
+ @class_cache = RDoc::RI::Driver::Hash.convert @class_cache
+ @class_cache
+ end
+ def class_cache_file_path
+ File.join cache_file_path, @class_cache_name
+ end
+ def cache_file_for(klassname)
+ File.join cache_file_path, klassname.gsub(/:+/, "-")
+ end
+ def cache_file_path
+ File.join @homepath, 'cache'
+ end
+ def display_class(name)
+ klass = class_cache[name]
+ klass = RDoc::RI::Driver::Hash.convert klass
+ @display.display_class_info klass, class_cache
+ end
+ def get_info_for(arg)
+ @names = [arg]
+ run
+ end
+ def load_cache_for(klassname)
+ path = cache_file_for klassname
+ cache = nil
+ if File.exist? path and
+ File.mtime(path) >= File.mtime(class_cache_file_path) then
+ open path, 'rb' do |fp|
+ cache = Marshal.load
+ end
+ else
+ class_cache = nil
+ open class_cache_file_path, 'rb' do |fp|
+ class_cache = Marshal.load
+ end
+ klass = class_cache[klassname]
+ return nil unless klass
+ method_files = klass["sources"]
+ cache =
+ sys_dir = @sys_dirs.first
+ method_files.each do |f|
+ system_file = f.index(sys_dir) == 0
+ Dir[File.join(File.dirname(f), "*")].each do |yaml|
+ next unless yaml =~ /yaml$/
+ next if yaml =~ /cdesc-[^\/]+yaml$/
+ method = read_yaml yaml
+ name = method["full_name"]
+ ext_path = f
+ ext_path = "gem #{$1}" if f =~ %r%gems/[\d.]+/doc/([^/]+)%
+ method["source_path"] = ext_path unless system_file
+ cache[name] = RDoc::RI::Driver::Hash.convert method
+ end
+ end
+ write_cache cache, path
+ end
+ RDoc::RI::Driver::Hash.convert cache
+ end
+ ##
+ # Finds the next ancestor of +orig_klass+ after +klass+.
+ def lookup_ancestor(klass, orig_klass)
+ cache = class_cache[orig_klass]
+ return nil unless cache
+ ancestors = [orig_klass]
+ ancestors.push(* { |inc| inc['name'] })
+ ancestors << cache.superclass
+ ancestor = ancestors[ancestors.index(klass) + 1]
+ return ancestor if ancestor
+ lookup_ancestor klass, cache.superclass
+ end
+ ##
+ # Finds the method
+ def lookup_method(name, klass)
+ cache = load_cache_for klass
+ return nil unless cache
+ method = cache[name.gsub('.', '#')]
+ method = cache[name.gsub('.', '::')] unless method
+ method
+ end
+ def map_dirs(file_name, system=false)
+ dirs = if system == :all then
+ @all_dirs
+ else
+ if system then
+ @sys_dirs
+ else
+ @all_dirs - @sys_dirs
+ end
+ end
+ { |dir| yield File.join(dir, file_name) }.flatten.compact
+ end
+ ##
+ # Extract the class and method name parts from +name+ like Foo::Bar#baz
+ def parse_name(name)
+ parts = name.split(/(::|\#|\.)/)
+ if parts[-2] != '::' or parts.last !~ /^[A-Z]/ then
+ meth = parts.pop
+ parts.pop
+ end
+ klass = parts.join
+ [klass, meth]
+ end
+ def populate_class_cache(class_cache, classes, extension = false)
+ classes.each do |cdesc|
+ desc = read_yaml cdesc
+ klassname = desc["full_name"]
+ unless class_cache.has_key? klassname then
+ desc["display_name"] = "Class"
+ desc["sources"] = [cdesc]
+ desc["instance_method_extensions"] = []
+ desc["class_method_extensions"] = []
+ class_cache[klassname] = desc
+ else
+ klass = class_cache[klassname]
+ if extension then
+ desc["instance_method_extensions"] = desc.delete "instance_methods"
+ desc["class_method_extensions"] = desc.delete "class_methods"
+ end
+ klass = RDoc::RI::Driver::Hash.convert klass
+ klass.merge_enums desc
+ klass["sources"] << cdesc
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def read_yaml(path)
+ data = path
+ data = data.gsub(/ \!ruby\/(object|struct):(RDoc::RI|RI).*/, '')
+ data = data.gsub(/ \!ruby\/(object|struct):SM::(\S+)/,
+ ' !ruby/\1:RDoc::Markup::\2')
+ YAML.load data
+ end
+ def run
+ if @names.empty? then
+ @display.list_known_classes class_cache.keys.sort
+ else
+ @names.each do |name|
+ case name
+ when /::|\#|\./ then
+ if class_cache.key? name then
+ display_class name
+ else
+ klass, = parse_name name
+ orig_klass = klass
+ orig_name = name
+ until klass == 'Kernel' do
+ method = lookup_method name, klass
+ break method if method
+ ancestor = lookup_ancestor klass, orig_klass
+ break unless ancestor
+ name = name.sub klass, ancestor
+ klass = ancestor
+ end
+ raise NotFoundError, orig_name unless method
+ @display.display_method_info method
+ end
+ else
+ if class_cache.key? name then
+ display_class name
+ else
+ methods = select_methods(/^#{name}/)
+ if methods.size == 0
+ raise NotFoundError, name
+ elsif methods.size == 1
+ @display.display_method_info methods.first
+ else
+ @display.display_method_list methods
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ rescue NotFoundError => e
+ abort e.message
+ end
+ def select_methods(pattern)
+ methods = []
+ class_cache.keys.sort.each do |klass|
+ class_cache[klass]["instance_methods"].map{|h|h["name"]}.grep(pattern) do |name|
+ method = load_cache_for(klass)[klass+'#'+name]
+ methods << method if method
+ end
+ class_cache[klass]["class_methods"].map{|h|h["name"]}.grep(pattern) do |name|
+ method = load_cache_for(klass)[klass+'::'+name]
+ methods << method if method
+ end
+ end
+ methods
+ end
+ def write_cache(cache, path)
+ path, "wb" do |cache_file|
+ Marshal.dump cache, cache_file
+ end
+ cache
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/formatter.rb b/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/formatter.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a0c3f7380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/formatter.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+require 'rdoc/ri'
+require 'rdoc/markup'
+class RDoc::RI::Formatter
+ attr_writer :indent
+ attr_accessor :output
+ def self.for(name)
+ FORMATTERS[name.downcase]
+ end
+ def self.list
+ FORMATTERS.keys.sort.join ", "
+ end
+ def initialize(output, width, indent)
+ @output = output
+ @width = width
+ @indent = indent
+ @original_indent = indent.dup
+ end
+ def draw_line(label=nil)
+ len = @width
+ len -= (label.size + 1) if label
+ if len > 0 then
+ @output.print '-' * len
+ if label
+ @output.print ' '
+ bold_print label
+ end
+ @output.puts
+ else
+ @output.print '-' * @width
+ @output.puts
+ @output.puts label
+ end
+ end
+ def indent
+ return @indent unless block_given?
+ begin
+ indent = @indent.dup
+ @indent += @original_indent
+ yield
+ ensure
+ @indent = indent
+ end
+ end
+ def wrap(txt, prefix=@indent, linelen=@width)
+ return unless txt && !txt.empty?
+ work = conv_markup(txt)
+ textLen = linelen - prefix.length
+ patt ="^(.{0,#{textLen}})[ \n]")
+ next_prefix ="^ ", " ")
+ res = []
+ while work.length > textLen
+ if work =~ patt
+ res << $1
+ work.slice!(0, $&.length)
+ else
+ res << work.slice!(0, textLen)
+ end
+ end
+ res << work if work.length.nonzero?
+ @output.puts(prefix + res.join("\n" + next_prefix))
+ end
+ def blankline
+ @output.puts
+ end
+ ##
+ # Called when we want to ensure a new 'wrap' starts on a newline. Only
+ # needed for HtmlFormatter, because the rest do their own line breaking.
+ def break_to_newline
+ end
+ def bold_print(txt)
+ @output.print txt
+ end
+ def raw_print_line(txt)
+ @output.puts txt
+ end
+ ##
+ # Convert HTML entities back to ASCII
+ def conv_html(txt)
+ txt = txt.gsub(/&gt;/, '>')
+ txt.gsub!(/&lt;/, '<')
+ txt.gsub!(/&quot;/, '"')
+ txt.gsub!(/&amp;/, '&')
+ txt
+ end
+ ##
+ # Convert markup into display form
+ def conv_markup(txt)
+ txt = txt.gsub(%r{<tt>(.*?)</tt>}, '+\1+')
+ txt.gsub!(%r{<code>(.*?)</code>}, '+\1+')
+ txt.gsub!(%r{<b>(.*?)</b>}, '*\1*')
+ txt.gsub!(%r{<em>(.*?)</em>}, '_\1_')
+ txt
+ end
+ def display_list(list)
+ case list.type
+ when :BULLET
+ prefixer = proc { |ignored| @indent + "* " }
+ start = case list.type
+ when :NUMBER then 1
+ when :UPPERALPHA then 'A'
+ when :LOWERALPHA then 'a'
+ end
+ prefixer = proc do |ignored|
+ res = @indent + "#{start}.".ljust(4)
+ start = start.succ
+ res
+ end
+ when :LABELED, :NOTE then
+ longest = 0
+ list.contents.each do |item|
+ if RDoc::Markup::Flow::LI === item and item.label.length > longest then
+ longest = item.label.length
+ end
+ end
+ longest += 1
+ prefixer = proc { |li| @indent + li.label.ljust(longest) }
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "unknown list type #{list.type}"
+ end
+ list.contents.each do |item|
+ if RDoc::Markup::Flow::LI === item then
+ prefix = item
+ display_flow_item item, prefix
+ else
+ display_flow_item item
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def display_flow_item(item, prefix = @indent)
+ case item
+ when RDoc::Markup::Flow::P, RDoc::Markup::Flow::LI
+ wrap(conv_html(item.body), prefix)
+ blankline
+ when RDoc::Markup::Flow::LIST
+ display_list(item)
+ when RDoc::Markup::Flow::VERB
+ display_verbatim_flow_item(item, @indent)
+ when RDoc::Markup::Flow::H
+ display_heading(conv_html(item.text), item.level, @indent)
+ when RDoc::Markup::Flow::RULE
+ draw_line
+ else
+ raise RDoc::Error, "Unknown flow element: #{item.class}"
+ end
+ end
+ def display_verbatim_flow_item(item, prefix=@indent)
+ item.body.split(/\n/).each do |line|
+ @output.print @indent, conv_html(line), "\n"
+ end
+ blankline
+ end
+ def display_heading(text, level, indent)
+ text = strip_attributes text
+ case level
+ when 1 then
+ ul = "=" * text.length
+ @output.puts
+ @output.puts text.upcase
+ @output.puts ul
+ when 2 then
+ ul = "-" * text.length
+ @output.puts
+ @output.puts text
+ @output.puts ul
+ else
+ @output.print indent, text, "\n"
+ end
+ @output.puts
+ end
+ def display_flow(flow)
+ flow.each do |f|
+ display_flow_item(f)
+ end
+ end
+ def strip_attributes(text)
+ text.gsub(/(<\/?(?:b|code|em|i|tt)>)/, '')
+ end
+# Handle text with attributes. We're a base class: there are different
+# presentation classes (one, for example, uses overstrikes to handle bold and
+# underlining, while another using ANSI escape sequences.
+class RDoc::RI::AttributeFormatter < RDoc::RI::Formatter
+ BOLD = 1
+ ITALIC = 2
+ CODE = 4
+ ATTR_MAP = {
+ "b" => BOLD,
+ "code" => CODE,
+ "em" => ITALIC,
+ "i" => ITALIC,
+ "tt" => CODE
+ }
+ AttrChar = :char, :attr
+ class AttributeString
+ attr_reader :txt
+ def initialize
+ @txt = []
+ @optr = 0
+ end
+ def <<(char)
+ @txt << char
+ end
+ def empty?
+ @optr >= @txt.length
+ end
+ # accept non space, then all following spaces
+ def next_word
+ start = @optr
+ len = @txt.length
+ while @optr < len && @txt[@optr].char != " "
+ @optr += 1
+ end
+ while @optr < len && @txt[@optr].char == " "
+ @optr += 1
+ end
+ @txt[start...@optr]
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Overrides base class. Looks for <tt>...</tt> etc sequences and generates
+ # an array of AttrChars. This array is then used as the basis for the
+ # split.
+ def wrap(txt, prefix=@indent, linelen=@width)
+ return unless txt && !txt.empty?
+ txt = add_attributes_to(txt)
+ next_prefix ="^ ", " ")
+ linelen -= prefix.size
+ line = []
+ until txt.empty?
+ word = txt.next_word
+ if word.size + line.size > linelen
+ write_attribute_text(prefix, line)
+ prefix = next_prefix
+ line = []
+ end
+ line.concat(word)
+ end
+ write_attribute_text(prefix, line) if line.length > 0
+ end
+ protected
+ def write_attribute_text(prefix, line)
+ @output.print prefix
+ line.each do |achar|
+ @output.print achar.char
+ end
+ @output.puts
+ end
+ def bold_print(txt)
+ @output.print txt
+ end
+ private
+ def add_attributes_to(txt)
+ tokens = txt.split(%r{(</?(?:b|code|em|i|tt)>)})
+ text =
+ attributes = 0
+ tokens.each do |tok|
+ case tok
+ when %r{^</(\w+)>$} then attributes &= ~(ATTR_MAP[$1]||0)
+ when %r{^<(\w+)>$} then attributes |= (ATTR_MAP[$1]||0)
+ else
+ tok.split(//).each {|ch| text <<, attributes)}
+ end
+ end
+ text
+ end
+# This formatter generates overstrike-style formatting, which works with
+# pagers such as man and less.
+class RDoc::RI::OverstrikeFormatter < RDoc::RI::AttributeFormatter
+ BS = "\C-h"
+ def write_attribute_text(prefix, line)
+ @output.print prefix
+ line.each do |achar|
+ attr = achar.attr
+ @output.print "_", BS if (attr & (ITALIC + CODE)) != 0
+ @output.print achar.char, BS if (attr & BOLD) != 0
+ @output.print achar.char
+ end
+ @output.puts
+ end
+ ##
+ # Draw a string in bold
+ def bold_print(text)
+ text.split(//).each do |ch|
+ @output.print ch, BS, ch
+ end
+ end
+# This formatter uses ANSI escape sequences to colorize stuff works with
+# pagers such as man and less.
+class RDoc::RI::AnsiFormatter < RDoc::RI::AttributeFormatter
+ def initialize(*args)
+ super
+ @output.print "\033[0m"
+ end
+ def write_attribute_text(prefix, line)
+ @output.print prefix
+ curr_attr = 0
+ line.each do |achar|
+ attr = achar.attr
+ if achar.attr != curr_attr
+ update_attributes(achar.attr)
+ curr_attr = achar.attr
+ end
+ @output.print achar.char
+ end
+ update_attributes(0) unless
+ @output.puts
+ end
+ def bold_print(txt)
+ @output.print "\033[1m#{txt}\033[m"
+ end
+ 1 => ["\033[1;32m", "\033[m"],
+ 2 => ["\033[4;32m", "\033[m"],
+ 3 => ["\033[32m", "\033[m"],
+ }
+ def display_heading(text, level, indent)
+ level = 3 if level > 3
+ heading = HEADINGS[level]
+ @output.print indent
+ @output.print heading[0]
+ @output.print strip_attributes(text)
+ @output.puts heading[1]
+ end
+ private
+ ATTR_MAP = {
+ BOLD => "1",
+ ITALIC => "33",
+ CODE => "36"
+ }
+ def update_attributes(attr)
+ str = "\033["
+ for quality in [ BOLD, ITALIC, CODE]
+ unless (attr & quality).zero?
+ str << ATTR_MAP[quality]
+ end
+ end
+ @output.print str, "m"
+ end
+# This formatter uses HTML.
+class RDoc::RI::HtmlFormatter < RDoc::RI::AttributeFormatter
+ def write_attribute_text(prefix, line)
+ curr_attr = 0
+ line.each do |achar|
+ attr = achar.attr
+ if achar.attr != curr_attr
+ update_attributes(curr_attr, achar.attr)
+ curr_attr = achar.attr
+ end
+ @output.print(escape(achar.char))
+ end
+ update_attributes(curr_attr, 0) unless
+ end
+ def draw_line(label=nil)
+ if label != nil
+ bold_print(label)
+ end
+ @output.puts("<hr>")
+ end
+ def bold_print(txt)
+ tag("b") { txt }
+ end
+ def blankline()
+ @output.puts("<p>")
+ end
+ def break_to_newline
+ @output.puts("<br>")
+ end
+ def display_heading(text, level, indent)
+ level = 4 if level > 4
+ tag("h#{level}") { text }
+ @output.puts
+ end
+ def display_list(list)
+ case list.type
+ when :BULLET then
+ list_type = "ul"
+ prefixer = proc { |ignored| "<li>" }
+ list_type = "ol"
+ prefixer = proc { |ignored| "<li>" }
+ when :LABELED then
+ list_type = "dl"
+ prefixer = proc do |li|
+ "<dt><b>" + escape(li.label) + "</b><dd>"
+ end
+ when :NOTE then
+ list_type = "table"
+ prefixer = proc do |li|
+ %{<tr valign="top"><td>#{li.label.gsub(/ /, '&nbsp;')}</td><td>}
+ end
+ else
+ fail "unknown list type"
+ end
+ @output.print "<#{list_type}>"
+ list.contents.each do |item|
+ if item.kind_of? RDoc::Markup::Flow::LI
+ prefix =
+ @output.print prefix
+ display_flow_item(item, prefix)
+ else
+ display_flow_item(item)
+ end
+ end
+ @output.print "</#{list_type}>"
+ end
+ def display_verbatim_flow_item(item, prefix=@indent)
+ @output.print("<pre>")
+ item.body.split(/\n/).each do |line|
+ @output.puts conv_html(line)
+ end
+ @output.puts("</pre>")
+ end
+ private
+ ATTR_MAP = {
+ BOLD => "b>",
+ ITALIC => "i>",
+ CODE => "tt>"
+ }
+ def update_attributes(current, wanted)
+ str = ""
+ # first turn off unwanted ones
+ off = current & ~wanted
+ for quality in [ BOLD, ITALIC, CODE]
+ if (off & quality) > 0
+ str << "</" + ATTR_MAP[quality]
+ end
+ end
+ # now turn on wanted
+ for quality in [ BOLD, ITALIC, CODE]
+ unless (wanted & quality).zero?
+ str << "<" << ATTR_MAP[quality]
+ end
+ end
+ @output.print str
+ end
+ def tag(code)
+ @output.print("<#{code}>")
+ @output.print(yield)
+ @output.print("</#{code}>")
+ end
+ def escape(str)
+ str = str.gsub(/&/n, '&amp;')
+ str.gsub!(/\"/n, '&quot;')
+ str.gsub!(/>/n, '&gt;')
+ str.gsub!(/</n, '&lt;')
+ str
+ end
+# This formatter reduces extra lines for a simpler output. It improves way
+# output looks for tools like IRC bots.
+class RDoc::RI::SimpleFormatter < RDoc::RI::Formatter
+ ##
+ # No extra blank lines
+ def blankline
+ end
+ ##
+ # Display labels only, no lines
+ def draw_line(label=nil)
+ unless label.nil? then
+ bold_print(label)
+ @output.puts
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Place heading level indicators inline with heading.
+ def display_heading(text, level, indent)
+ text = strip_attributes(text)
+ case level
+ when 1
+ @output.puts "= " + text.upcase
+ when 2
+ @output.puts "-- " + text
+ else
+ @output.print indent, text, "\n"
+ end
+ end
+RDoc::RI::Formatter::FORMATTERS['plain'] = RDoc::RI::Formatter
+RDoc::RI::Formatter::FORMATTERS['simple'] = RDoc::RI::SimpleFormatter
+RDoc::RI::Formatter::FORMATTERS['bs'] = RDoc::RI::OverstrikeFormatter
+RDoc::RI::Formatter::FORMATTERS['ansi'] = RDoc::RI::AnsiFormatter
+RDoc::RI::Formatter::FORMATTERS['html'] = RDoc::RI::HtmlFormatter
diff --git a/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/paths.rb b/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/paths.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4b6c64925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/paths.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+require 'rdoc/ri'
+# Encapsulate all the strangeness to do with finding out where to find RDoc
+# files
+# We basically deal with three directories:
+# 1. The 'system' documentation directory, which holds the documentation
+# distributed with Ruby, and which is managed by the Ruby install process
+# 2. The 'site' directory, which contains site-wide documentation added
+# locally.
+# 3. The 'user' documentation directory, stored under the user's own home
+# directory.
+# There's contention about all this, but for now:
+# system:: $datadir/ri/<ver>/system/...
+# site:: $datadir/ri/<ver>/site/...
+# user:: ~/.rdoc
+module RDoc::RI::Paths
+ #:stopdoc:
+ require 'rbconfig'
+ DOC_DIR = "doc/rdoc"
+ version = RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version']
+ base = File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['datadir'], "ri", version)
+ SYSDIR = File.join(base, "system")
+ SITEDIR = File.join(base, "site")
+ homedir = ENV['HOME'] || ENV['USERPROFILE'] || ENV['HOMEPATH']
+ if homedir then
+ HOMEDIR = File.join(homedir, ".rdoc")
+ else
+ HOMEDIR = nil
+ end
+ # This is the search path for 'ri'
+ PATH = [ SYSDIR, SITEDIR, HOMEDIR ].find_all {|p| p &&}
+ begin
+ require 'rubygems' unless defined?(Gem) and defined?(Gem::Enable) and
+ Gem::Enable
+ # HACK dup'd from Gem.latest_partials and friends
+ all_paths = []
+ all_paths = do |dir|
+ Dir[File.join(dir, 'doc', '*', 'ri')]
+ end.flatten
+ ri_paths = {}
+ all_paths.each do |dir|
+ base = File.basename File.dirname(dir)
+ if base =~ /(.*)-((\d+\.)*\d+)/ then
+ name, version = $1, $2
+ ver = version
+ if ri_paths[name].nil? or ver > ri_paths[name][0] then
+ ri_paths[name] = [ver, dir]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ GEMDIRS = { |k,v| v.last }.sort
+ GEMDIRS.each { |dir| PATH << dir }
+ rescue LoadError
+ GEMDIRS = []
+ end
+ # Returns the selected documentation directories as an Array, or PATH if no
+ # overriding directories were given.
+ def self.path(use_system, use_site, use_home, use_gems, *extra_dirs)
+ path = raw_path(use_system, use_site, use_home, use_gems, *extra_dirs)
+ return { |directory| directory }
+ end
+ # Returns the selected documentation directories including nonexistent
+ # directories. Used to print out what paths were searched if no ri was
+ # found.
+ def self.raw_path(use_system, use_site, use_home, use_gems, *extra_dirs)
+ return PATH unless use_system or use_site or use_home or use_gems or
+ not extra_dirs.empty?
+ path = []
+ path << extra_dirs unless extra_dirs.empty?
+ path << SYSDIR if use_system
+ path << SITEDIR if use_site
+ path << HOMEDIR if use_home
+ path << GEMDIRS if use_gems
+ return path.flatten.compact
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/reader.rb b/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/reader.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..986bb75954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/reader.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+require 'rdoc/ri'
+require 'rdoc/ri/descriptions'
+require 'rdoc/ri/writer'
+require 'rdoc/markup/to_flow'
+class RDoc::RI::Reader
+ def initialize(ri_cache)
+ @cache = ri_cache
+ end
+ def top_level_namespace
+ [ @cache.toplevel ]
+ end
+ def lookup_namespace_in(target, namespaces)
+ result = []
+ for n in namespaces
+ result.concat(n.contained_modules_matching(target))
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ def find_class_by_name(full_name)
+ names = full_name.split(/::/)
+ ns = @cache.toplevel
+ for name in names
+ ns = ns.contained_class_named(name)
+ return nil if ns.nil?
+ end
+ get_class(ns)
+ end
+ def find_methods(name, is_class_method, namespaces)
+ result = []
+ namespaces.each do |ns|
+ result.concat ns.methods_matching(name, is_class_method)
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return the MethodDescription for a given MethodEntry by deserializing the
+ # YAML
+ def get_method(method_entry)
+ path = method_entry.path_name
+ { |f| RI::Description.deserialize(f) }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return a class description
+ def get_class(class_entry)
+ result = nil
+ for path in class_entry.path_names
+ path = RiWriter.class_desc_path(path, class_entry)
+ desc = {|f| RI::Description.deserialize(f) }
+ if result
+ result.merge_in(desc)
+ else
+ result = desc
+ end
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return the names of all classes and modules
+ def full_class_names
+ res = []
+ find_classes_in(res, @cache.toplevel)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return a list of all classes, modules, and methods
+ def all_names
+ res = []
+ find_names_in(res, @cache.toplevel)
+ end
+ private
+ def find_classes_in(res, klass)
+ classes = klass.classes_and_modules
+ for c in classes
+ res << c.full_name
+ find_classes_in(res, c)
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ def find_names_in(res, klass)
+ classes = klass.classes_and_modules
+ for c in classes
+ res << c.full_name
+ res.concat c.all_method_names
+ find_names_in(res, c)
+ end
+ res
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/util.rb b/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/util.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34277f2594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/util.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+require 'rdoc/ri'
+class RDoc::RI::Error < RuntimeError; end
+# Break argument into its constituent class or module names, an
+# optional method type, and a method name
+class RDoc::RI::NameDescriptor
+ attr_reader :class_names
+ attr_reader :method_name
+ ##
+ # true and false have the obvious meaning. nil means we don't care
+ attr_reader :is_class_method
+ ##
+ # +arg+ may be
+ #
+ # 1. A class or module name (optionally qualified with other class or module
+ # names (Kernel, File::Stat etc)
+ # 2. A method name
+ # 3. A method name qualified by a optionally fully qualified class or module
+ # name
+ #
+ # We're fairly casual about delimiters: folks can say Kernel::puts,
+ # Kernel.puts, or Kernel\#puts for example. There's one exception: if you
+ # say IO::read, we look for a class method, but if you say, we look
+ # for an instance method
+ def initialize(arg)
+ @class_names = []
+ separator = nil
+ tokens = arg.split(/(\.|::|#)/)
+ # Skip leading '::', '#' or '.', but remember it might
+ # be a method name qualifier
+ separator = tokens.shift if tokens[0] =~ /^(\.|::|#)/
+ # Skip leading '::', but remember we potentially have an inst
+ # leading stuff must be class names
+ while tokens[0] =~ /^[A-Z]/
+ @class_names << tokens.shift
+ unless tokens.empty?
+ separator = tokens.shift
+ break unless separator == "::"
+ end
+ end
+ # Now must have a single token, the method name, or an empty array
+ unless tokens.empty?
+ @method_name = tokens.shift
+ # We may now have a trailing !, ?, or = to roll into
+ # the method name
+ if !tokens.empty? && tokens[0] =~ /^[!?=]$/
+ @method_name << tokens.shift
+ end
+ if @method_name =~ /::|\.|#/ or !tokens.empty?
+ raise"Bad argument: #{arg}")
+ end
+ if separator && separator != '.'
+ @is_class_method = separator == "::"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Return the full class name (with '::' between the components) or "" if
+ # there's no class name
+ def full_class_name
+ @class_names.join("::")
+ end
diff --git a/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/writer.rb b/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/writer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92aaa1c2da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/lib/rdoc/ri/writer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'rdoc/ri'
+class RDoc::RI::Writer
+ def self.class_desc_path(dir, class_desc)
+ File.join(dir, "cdesc-" + + ".yaml")
+ end
+ ##
+ # Convert a name from internal form (containing punctuation) to an external
+ # form (where punctuation is replaced by %xx)
+ def self.internal_to_external(name)
+ if ''.respond_to? :ord then
+ name.gsub(/\W/) { "%%%02x" % $&[0].ord }
+ else
+ name.gsub(/\W/) { "%%%02x" % $&[0] }
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # And the reverse operation
+ def self.external_to_internal(name)
+ name.gsub(/%([0-9a-f]{2,2})/) { $1.to_i(16).chr }
+ end
+ def initialize(base_dir)
+ @base_dir = base_dir
+ end
+ def remove_class(class_desc)
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(path_to_dir(class_desc.full_name))
+ end
+ def add_class(class_desc)
+ dir = path_to_dir(class_desc.full_name)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir)
+ class_file_name = self.class.class_desc_path(dir, class_desc)
+, "w") do |f|
+ f.write(class_desc.serialize)
+ end
+ end
+ def add_method(class_desc, method_desc)
+ dir = path_to_dir(class_desc.full_name)
+ file_name = self.class.internal_to_external(
+ meth_file_name = File.join(dir, file_name)
+ if method_desc.is_singleton
+ meth_file_name += "-c.yaml"
+ else
+ meth_file_name += "-i.yaml"
+ end
+, "w") do |f|
+ f.write(method_desc.serialize)
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def path_to_dir(class_name)
+ File.join(@base_dir, *class_name.split('::'))
+ end