path: root/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared
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Diffstat (limited to 'spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared')
10 files changed, 455 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/collect.rb b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/collect.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f66c539904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/collect.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+require File.expand_path('../enumerable_enumeratorized', __FILE__)
+describe :enumerable_collect, shared: true do
+ before :each do
+ ScratchPad.record []
+ end
+ it "returns a new array with the results of passing each element to block" do
+ entries = [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+ numerous =*entries)
+ numerous.send(@method) { |i| i % 2 }.should == [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0]
+ numerous.send(@method) { |i| i }.should == entries
+ end
+ it "passes through the values yielded by #each_with_index" do
+ [:a, :b].each_with_index.send(@method) { |x, i| ScratchPad << [x, i]; nil }
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == [[:a, 0], [:b, 1]]
+ end
+ it "gathers initial args as elements when each yields multiple" do
+ multi =
+ multi.send(@method) {|e| e}.should == [1,3,6]
+ end
+ it "returns an enumerator when no block given" do
+ enum =
+ enum.should be_an_instance_of(Enumerator)
+ enum.each { |i| -i }.should == [-2, -5, -3, -6, -1, -4]
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like :enumerable_enumeratorized_with_origin_size
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/collect_concat.rb b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/collect_concat.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54e10692eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/collect_concat.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+require File.expand_path('../enumerable_enumeratorized', __FILE__)
+describe :enumerable_collect_concat, shared: true do
+ it "yields elements to the block and flattens one level" do
+ numerous =, [2, 3], [4, [5, 6]], {foo: :bar})
+ numerous.send(@method) { |i| i }.should == [1, 2, 3, 4, [5, 6], {foo: :bar}]
+ end
+ it "appends non-Array elements that do not define #to_ary" do
+ obj = mock("to_ary undefined")
+ numerous =, obj, 2)
+ numerous.send(@method) { |i| i }.should == [1, obj, 2]
+ end
+ it "concatenates the result of calling #to_ary if it returns an Array" do
+ obj = mock("to_ary defined")
+ obj.should_receive(:to_ary).and_return([:a, :b])
+ numerous =, obj, 2)
+ numerous.send(@method) { |i| i }.should == [1, :a, :b, 2]
+ end
+ it "does not call #to_a" do
+ obj = mock("to_ary undefined")
+ obj.should_not_receive(:to_a)
+ numerous =, obj, 2)
+ numerous.send(@method) { |i| i }.should == [1, obj, 2]
+ end
+ it "appends an element that defines #to_ary that returns nil" do
+ obj = mock("to_ary defined")
+ obj.should_receive(:to_ary).and_return(nil)
+ numerous =, obj, 2)
+ numerous.send(@method) { |i| i }.should == [1, obj, 2]
+ end
+ it "raises a TypeError if an element defining #to_ary does not return an Array or nil" do
+ obj = mock("to_ary defined")
+ obj.should_receive(:to_ary).and_return("array")
+ lambda { [1, obj, 3].send(@method) { |i| i } }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ end
+ it "returns an enumerator when no block given" do
+ enum =, 2).send(@method)
+ enum.should be_an_instance_of(Enumerator)
+ enum.each{ |i| [i] * i }.should == [1, 2, 2]
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like :enumerable_enumeratorized_with_origin_size
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/entries.rb b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/entries.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f52844cb45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/entries.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+describe :enumerable_entries, shared: true do
+ it "returns an array containing the elements" do
+ numerous =, nil, 'a', 2, false, true)
+ numerous.send(@method).should == [1, nil, "a", 2, false, true]
+ end
+ it "passes through the values yielded by #each_with_index" do
+ [:a, :b].each_with_index.send(@method).should == [[:a, 0], [:b, 1]]
+ end
+ it "passes arguments to each" do
+ count =, 2, 3)
+ count.send(@method, :hello, "world").should == [1, 2, 3]
+ count.arguments_passed.should == [:hello, "world"]
+ end
+ it "returns a tainted array if self is tainted" do
+ be_true
+ end
+ it "returns an untrusted array if self is untrusted" do
+ be_true
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/enumerable_enumeratorized.rb b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/enumerable_enumeratorized.rb
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index 0000000000..b03ce9ed4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/enumerable_enumeratorized.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+require File.expand_path('../enumeratorized', __FILE__)
+describe :enumerable_enumeratorized_with_unknown_size, shared: true do
+ describe "Enumerable with size" do
+ before :all do
+ @object =, 2, 3, 4)
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like :enumeratorized_with_unknown_size
+ end
+ describe "Enumerable with no size" do
+ before :all do
+ @object =, 2, 3, 4)
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like :enumeratorized_with_unknown_size
+ end
+describe :enumerable_enumeratorized_with_origin_size, shared: true do
+ describe "Enumerable with size" do
+ before :all do
+ @object =, 2, 3, 4)
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like :enumeratorized_with_origin_size
+ end
+ describe "Enumerable with no size" do
+ before :all do
+ @object =, 2, 3, 4)
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like :enumeratorized_with_unknown_size
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/enumeratorized.rb b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/enumeratorized.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05d27b5783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/enumeratorized.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+describe :enumeratorized_with_unknown_size, shared: true do
+ describe "when no block is given" do
+ describe "returned Enumerator" do
+ it "size returns nil" do
+ @object.send(*@method).size.should == nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+describe :enumeratorized_with_origin_size, shared: true do
+ describe "when no block is given" do
+ describe "returned Enumerator" do
+ it "size returns the enumerable size" do
+ @object.send(*@method).size.should == @object.size
+ end
+ end
+ end
+describe :enumeratorized_with_cycle_size, shared: true do
+ describe "when no block is given" do
+ describe "returned Enumerator" do
+ describe "size" do
+ it "should be the result of multiplying the enumerable size by the argument passed" do
+ @object.cycle(2).size.should == @object.size * 2
+ @object.cycle(7).size.should == @object.size * 7
+ @object.cycle(0).size.should == 0
+ @empty_object.cycle(2).size.should == 0
+ end
+ it "should be zero when the argument passed is 0 or less" do
+ @object.cycle(-1).size.should == 0
+ end
+ it "should be Float::INFINITY when no argument is passed" do
+ @object.cycle.size.should == Float::INFINITY
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/find.rb b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/find.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cbbf07be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/find.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+require File.expand_path('../enumerable_enumeratorized', __FILE__)
+describe :enumerable_find, shared: true do
+ # #detect and #find are aliases, so we only need one function
+ before :each do
+ ScratchPad.record []
+ @elements = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
+ @numerous =*@elements)
+ @empty = []
+ end
+ it "passes each entry in enum to block while block when block is false" do
+ visited_elements = []
+ @numerous.send(@method) do |element|
+ visited_elements << element
+ false
+ end
+ visited_elements.should == @elements
+ end
+ it "returns nil when the block is false and there is no ifnone proc given" do
+ @numerous.send(@method) {|e| false }.should == nil
+ end
+ it "returns the first element for which the block is not false" do
+ @elements.each do |element|
+ @numerous.send(@method) {|e| e > element - 1 }.should == element
+ end
+ end
+ it "returns the value of the ifnone proc if the block is false" do
+ fail_proc = lambda { "cheeseburgers" }
+ @numerous.send(@method, fail_proc) {|e| false }.should == "cheeseburgers"
+ end
+ it "doesn't call the ifnone proc if an element is found" do
+ fail_proc = lambda { raise "This shouldn't have been called" }
+ @numerous.send(@method, fail_proc) {|e| e == @elements.first }.should == 2
+ end
+ it "calls the ifnone proc only once when the block is false" do
+ times = 0
+ fail_proc = lambda { times += 1; raise if times > 1; "cheeseburgers" }
+ @numerous.send(@method, fail_proc) {|e| false }.should == "cheeseburgers"
+ end
+ it "calls the ifnone proc when there are no elements" do
+ fail_proc = lambda { "yay" }
+ @empty.send(@method, fail_proc) {|e| true}.should == "yay"
+ end
+ it "passes through the values yielded by #each_with_index" do
+ [:a, :b].each_with_index.send(@method) { |x, i| ScratchPad << [x, i]; nil }
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == [[:a, 0], [:b, 1]]
+ end
+ it "returns an enumerator when no block given" do
+ @numerous.send(@method).should be_an_instance_of(Enumerator)
+ end
+ it "passes the ifnone proc to the enumerator" do
+ times = 0
+ fail_proc = lambda { times += 1; raise if times > 1; "cheeseburgers" }
+ @numerous.send(@method, fail_proc).each {|e| false }.should == "cheeseburgers"
+ end
+ it "gathers whole arrays as elements when each yields multiple" do
+ multi =
+ multi.send(@method) {|e| e == [1, 2] }.should == [1, 2]
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like :enumerable_enumeratorized_with_unknown_size
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/find_all.rb b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/find_all.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e15c68e9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/find_all.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+require File.expand_path('../enumerable_enumeratorized', __FILE__)
+describe :enumerable_find_all, shared: true do
+ before :each do
+ ScratchPad.record []
+ @elements = (1..10).to_a
+ @numerous =*@elements)
+ end
+ it "returns all elements for which the block is not false" do
+ @numerous.send(@method) {|i| i % 3 == 0 }.should == [3, 6, 9]
+ @numerous.send(@method) {|i| true }.should == @elements
+ @numerous.send(@method) {|i| false }.should == []
+ end
+ it "returns an enumerator when no block given" do
+ @numerous.send(@method).should be_an_instance_of(Enumerator)
+ end
+ it "passes through the values yielded by #each_with_index" do
+ [:a, :b].each_with_index.send(@method) { |x, i| ScratchPad << [x, i] }
+ ScratchPad.recorded.should == [[:a, 0], [:b, 1]]
+ end
+ it "gathers whole arrays as elements when each yields multiple" do
+ multi =
+ multi.send(@method) {|e| e == [3, 4, 5] }.should == [[3, 4, 5]]
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like :enumerable_enumeratorized_with_origin_size
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/include.rb b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/include.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..569f350fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/include.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+describe :enumerable_include, shared: true do
+ it "returns true if any element == argument for numbers" do
+ class EnumerableSpecIncludeP; def ==(obj) obj == 5; end; end
+ elements = (0..5).to_a
+*elements).send(@method,5).should == true
+*elements).send(@method,10).should == false
+*elements).send(@method, == true
+ end
+ it "returns true if any element == argument for other objects" do
+ class EnumerableSpecIncludeP11; def ==(obj); obj == '11'; end; end
+ elements = ('0'..'5').to_a + []
+*elements).send(@method,'5').should == true
+*elements).send(@method,'10').should == false
+*elements).send(@method, == true
+*elements).send(@method,'11').should == true
+ end
+ it "returns true if any member of enum equals obj when == compare different classes (legacy rubycon)" do
+ # equality is tested with ==
+,4,6,8,10).send(@method, 2.0).should == true
+,4,[6,8],10).send(@method, [6, 8]).should == true
+,4,[6,8],10).send(@method, [6.0, 8.0]).should == true
+ end
+ it "gathers whole arrays as elements when each yields multiple" do
+ multi =
+ multi.send(@method, [1,2]).should be_true
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/inject.rb b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/inject.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12e0665dda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/inject.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+describe :enumerable_inject, shared: true do
+ it "with argument takes a block with an accumulator (with argument as initial value) and the current element. Value of block becomes new accumulator" do
+ a = []
+, 0) { |memo, i| a << [memo, i]; i }
+ a.should == [[0, 2], [2, 5], [5, 3], [3, 6], [6, 1], [1, 4]]
+, true, true).send(@method, nil) {|result, i| i && result}.should == nil
+ end
+ it "produces an array of the accumulator and the argument when given a block with a *arg" do
+ a = []
+ [1,2].send(@method, 0) {|*args| a << args; args[0] + args[1]}
+ a.should == [[0, 1], [1, 2]]
+ end
+ it "can take two argument" do
+, 2, 3).send(@method, 10, :-).should == 4
+ end
+ it "ignores the block if two arguments" do
+, 2, 3).send(@method, 10, :-){ raise "we never get here"}.should == 4
+ end
+ it "can take a symbol argument" do
+, 1, 2, 3).send(@method, :-).should == 4
+ end
+ it "without argument takes a block with an accumulator (with first element as initial value) and the current element. Value of block becomes new accumulator" do
+ a = []
+ { |memo, i| a << [memo, i]; i }
+ a.should == [[2, 5], [5, 3], [3, 6], [6, 1], [1, 4]]
+ end
+ it "gathers whole arrays as elements when each yields multiple" do
+ multi =
+ multi.send(@method, []) {|acc, e| acc << e }.should == [[1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9]]
+ end
+ it "with inject arguments(legacy rubycon)" do
+ # with inject argument
+, 1) {|acc,x| 999 }.should == 1
+, 1) {|acc,x| 999 }.should == 999
+, 1) {|acc,x| acc }.should == 1
+, 1) {|acc,x| x }.should == 2
+,2,3,4).send(@method, 100) {|acc,x| acc + x }.should == 110
+,2,3,4).send(@method, 100) {|acc,x| acc * x }.should == 2400
+'a','b','c').send(@method, "z") {|result, i| i+result}.should == "cbaz"
+ end
+ it "without inject arguments(legacy rubycon)" do
+ # no inject argument
+ {|acc,x| 999 } .should == 2
+ {|acc,x| acc }.should == 2
+ {|acc,x| x }.should == 2
+,2,3,4).send(@method) {|acc,x| acc + x }.should == 10
+,2,3,4).send(@method) {|acc,x| acc * x }.should == 24
+'a','b','c').send(@method) {|result, i| i+result}.should == "cba"
+, 4, 5).send(@method) {|result, i| result*i}.should == 60
+[1], 2, 'a','b').send(@method){|r,i| r<<i}.should == [1, 2, 'a', 'b']
+ end
+ it "returns nil when fails(legacy rubycon)" do
+ {|acc,x| 999 }.should == nil
+ end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/take.rb b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/take.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf2536acda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/ruby/core/enumerable/shared/take.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+describe :enumerable_take, shared: true do
+ before :each do
+ @values = [4,3,2,1,0,-1]
+ @enum =*@values)
+ end
+ it "returns the first count elements if given a count" do
+ @enum.send(@method, 2).should == [4, 3]
+ @enum.send(@method, 4).should == [4, 3, 2, 1] # See redmine #1686 !
+ end
+ it "returns an empty array when passed count on an empty array" do
+ empty =
+ empty.send(@method, 0).should == []
+ empty.send(@method, 1).should == []
+ empty.send(@method, 2).should == []
+ end
+ it "returns an empty array when passed count == 0" do
+ @enum.send(@method, 0).should == []
+ end
+ it "returns an array containing the first element when passed count == 1" do
+ @enum.send(@method, 1).should == [4]
+ end
+ it "raises an ArgumentError when count is negative" do
+ lambda { @enum.send(@method, -1) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "returns the entire array when count > length" do
+ @enum.send(@method, 100).should == @values
+ @enum.send(@method, 8).should == @values # See redmine #1686 !
+ end
+ it "tries to convert the passed argument to an Integer using #to_int" do
+ obj = mock('to_int')
+ obj.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(3).at_most(:twice) # called twice, no apparent reason. See redmine #1554
+ @enum.send(@method, obj).should == [4, 3, 2]
+ end
+ it "raises a TypeError if the passed argument is not numeric" do
+ lambda { @enum.send(@method, nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ lambda { @enum.send(@method, "a") }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ obj = mock("nonnumeric")
+ lambda { @enum.send(@method, obj) }.should raise_error(TypeError)
+ end
+ it "gathers whole arrays as elements when each yields multiple" do
+ multi =
+ multi.send(@method, 1).should == [[1, 2]]
+ end
+ it "consumes only what is needed" do
+ thrower =
+ thrower.send(@method, 0).should == []
+ counter =,2,3,4)
+ counter.send(@method, 2).should == [1,2]
+ counter.times_called.should == 1
+ counter.times_yielded.should == 2
+ end