path: root/spec/bundler/bundler/shared_helpers_spec.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/bundler/bundler/shared_helpers_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 504 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/bundler/bundler/shared_helpers_spec.rb b/spec/bundler/bundler/shared_helpers_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b66c43fd92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/bundler/bundler/shared_helpers_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+RSpec.describe Bundler::SharedHelpers do
+ let(:ext_lock_double) { double(:ext_lock) }
+ before do
+ allow(Bundler.rubygems).to receive(:ext_lock).and_return(ext_lock_double)
+ allow(ext_lock_double).to receive(:synchronize) {|&block| }
+ end
+ subject { Bundler::SharedHelpers }
+ describe "#default_gemfile" do
+ before { ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = "/path/Gemfile" }
+ context "Gemfile is present" do
+ let(:expected_gemfile_path) {"/path/Gemfile") }
+ it "returns the Gemfile path" do
+ expect(subject.default_gemfile).to eq(expected_gemfile_path)
+ end
+ end
+ context "Gemfile is not present" do
+ before { ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = nil }
+ it "raises a GemfileNotFound error" do
+ expect { subject.default_gemfile }.to raise_error(
+ Bundler::GemfileNotFound, "Could not locate Gemfile"
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context "Gemfile is not an absolute path" do
+ before { ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = "Gemfile" }
+ let(:expected_gemfile_path) {"Gemfile").expand_path }
+ it "returns the Gemfile path" do
+ expect(subject.default_gemfile).to eq(expected_gemfile_path)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#default_lockfile" do
+ context "gemfile is gems.rb" do
+ let(:gemfile_path) {"/path/gems.rb") }
+ let(:expected_lockfile_path) {"/path/gems.locked") }
+ before { allow(subject).to receive(:default_gemfile).and_return(gemfile_path) }
+ it "returns the gems.locked path" do
+ expect(subject.default_lockfile).to eq(expected_lockfile_path)
+ end
+ end
+ context "is a regular Gemfile" do
+ let(:gemfile_path) {"/path/Gemfile") }
+ let(:expected_lockfile_path) {"/path/Gemfile.lock") }
+ before { allow(subject).to receive(:default_gemfile).and_return(gemfile_path) }
+ it "returns the lock file path" do
+ expect(subject.default_lockfile).to eq(expected_lockfile_path)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#default_bundle_dir" do
+ context ".bundle does not exist" do
+ it "returns nil" do
+ expect(subject.default_bundle_dir).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ context ".bundle is global .bundle" do
+ let(:global_rubygems_dir) {"#{bundled_app}") }
+ before do
+ Dir.mkdir ".bundle"
+ allow(Bundler.rubygems).to receive(:user_home).and_return(global_rubygems_dir)
+ end
+ it "returns nil" do
+ expect(subject.default_bundle_dir).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ context ".bundle is not global .bundle" do
+ let(:global_rubygems_dir) {"/path/rubygems") }
+ let(:expected_bundle_dir_path) {"#{bundled_app}/.bundle") }
+ before do
+ Dir.mkdir ".bundle"
+ allow(Bundler.rubygems).to receive(:user_home).and_return(global_rubygems_dir)
+ end
+ it "returns the .bundle path" do
+ expect(subject.default_bundle_dir).to eq(expected_bundle_dir_path)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#in_bundle?" do
+ it "calls the find_gemfile method" do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:find_gemfile)
+ subject.in_bundle?
+ end
+ shared_examples_for "correctly determines whether to return a Gemfile path" do
+ context "currently in directory with a Gemfile" do
+ before {"Gemfile", "w") }
+ it "returns path of the bundle Gemfile" do
+ expect(subject.in_bundle?).to eq("#{bundled_app}/Gemfile")
+ end
+ end
+ context "currently in directory without a Gemfile" do
+ it "returns nil" do
+ expect(subject.in_bundle?).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] set" do
+ before { ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = "/path/Gemfile" }
+ it "returns ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE']" do
+ expect(subject.in_bundle?).to eq("/path/Gemfile")
+ end
+ end
+ context "ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] not set" do
+ before { ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = nil }
+ it_behaves_like "correctly determines whether to return a Gemfile path"
+ end
+ context "ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] is blank" do
+ before { ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = "" }
+ it_behaves_like "correctly determines whether to return a Gemfile path"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#chdir" do
+ let(:op_block) { proc { Dir.mkdir "nested_dir" } }
+ before { Dir.mkdir "chdir_test_dir" }
+ it "executes the passed block while in the specified directory" do
+ subject.chdir("chdir_test_dir", &op_block)
+ expect("chdir_test_dir/nested_dir")).to exist
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#pwd" do
+ it "returns the current absolute path" do
+ expect(subject.pwd).to eq(bundled_app)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#with_clean_git_env" do
+ let(:with_clean_git_env_block) { proc { Dir.mkdir "with_clean_git_env_test_dir" } }
+ before do
+ end
+ it "executes the passed block" do
+ subject.with_clean_git_env(&with_clean_git_env_block)
+ expect("with_clean_git_env_test_dir")).to exist
+ end
+ context "when a block is passed" do
+ let(:with_clean_git_env_block) do
+ proc do
+ Dir.mkdir "git_dir_test_dir" unless ENV["GIT_DIR"].nil?
+ Dir.mkdir "git_work_tree_test_dir" unless ENV["GIT_WORK_TREE"].nil?
+ end end
+ it "uses a fresh git env for execution" do
+ subject.with_clean_git_env(&with_clean_git_env_block)
+ expect("git_dir_test_dir")).to_not exist
+ expect("git_work_tree_test_dir")).to_not exist
+ end
+ end
+ context "passed block does not throw errors" do
+ let(:with_clean_git_env_block) do
+ proc do
+ end end
+ it "restores the git env after" do
+ subject.with_clean_git_env(&with_clean_git_env_block)
+ expect(ENV["GIT_DIR"]).to eq("ORIGINAL_ENV_GIT_DIR")
+ end
+ end
+ context "passed block throws errors" do
+ let(:with_clean_git_env_block) do
+ proc do
+ raise
+ end end
+ it "restores the git env after" do
+ expect { subject.with_clean_git_env(&with_clean_git_env_block) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError)
+ expect(ENV["GIT_DIR"]).to eq("ORIGINAL_ENV_GIT_DIR")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#set_bundle_environment" do
+ before do
+ ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = "Gemfile"
+ end
+ shared_examples_for "ENV['PATH'] gets set correctly" do
+ before { Dir.mkdir ".bundle" }
+ it "ensures bundle bin path is in ENV['PATH']" do
+ subject.set_bundle_environment
+ paths = ENV["PATH"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+ expect(paths).to include("#{Bundler.bundle_path}/bin")
+ end
+ end
+ shared_examples_for "ENV['RUBYOPT'] gets set correctly" do
+ it "ensures -rbundler/setup is at the beginning of ENV['RUBYOPT']" do
+ subject.set_bundle_environment
+ expect(ENV["RUBYOPT"].split(" ")).to start_with("-rbundler/setup")
+ end
+ end
+ shared_examples_for "ENV['RUBYLIB'] gets set correctly" do
+ let(:ruby_lib_path) { "stubbed_ruby_lib_dir" }
+ before do
+ allow(Bundler::SharedHelpers).to receive(:bundler_ruby_lib).and_return(ruby_lib_path)
+ end
+ it "ensures bundler's ruby version lib path is in ENV['RUBYLIB']" do
+ subject.set_bundle_environment
+ paths = (ENV["RUBYLIB"]).split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+ expect(paths).to include(ruby_lib_path)
+ end
+ end
+ it "calls the appropriate set methods" do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:set_path)
+ expect(subject).to receive(:set_rubyopt)
+ expect(subject).to receive(:set_rubylib)
+ subject.set_bundle_environment
+ end
+ it "exits if bundle path contains the unix-like path separator" do
+ if Gem.respond_to?(:path_separator)
+ allow(Gem).to receive(:path_separator).and_return(":")
+ else
+ stub_const("File::PATH_SEPARATOR", ":".freeze)
+ end
+ allow(Bundler).to receive(:bundle_path) {"so:me/dir/bin") }
+ expect { subject.send(:validate_bundle_path) }.to raise_error(
+ Bundler::PathError,
+ "Your bundle path contains text matching \":\", which is the " \
+ "path separator for your system. Bundler cannot " \
+ "function correctly when the Bundle path contains the " \
+ "system's PATH separator. Please change your " \
+ "bundle path to not match \":\".\nYour current bundle " \
+ "path is '#{Bundler.bundle_path}'."
+ )
+ end
+ context "with a jruby path_separator regex", :ruby => "1.9" do
+ # In versions of jruby that supported ruby 1.8, the path separator was the standard File::PATH_SEPARATOR
+ let(:regex) {"(?<!jar:file|jar|file|classpath|uri:classloader|uri|http|https):") }
+ it "does not exit if bundle path is the standard uri path" do
+ allow(Bundler.rubygems).to receive(:path_separator).and_return(regex)
+ allow(Bundler).to receive(:bundle_path) {"uri:classloader:/WEB-INF/gems") }
+ expect { subject.send(:validate_bundle_path) }.not_to raise_error
+ end
+ it "exits if bundle path contains another directory" do
+ allow(Bundler.rubygems).to receive(:path_separator).and_return(regex)
+ allow(Bundler).to receive(:bundle_path) {
+ }
+ expect { subject.send(:validate_bundle_path) }.to raise_error(
+ Bundler::PathError,
+ "Your bundle path contains text matching " \
+ "/(?<!jar:file|jar|file|classpath|uri:classloader|uri|http|https):/, which is the " \
+ "path separator for your system. Bundler cannot " \
+ "function correctly when the Bundle path contains the " \
+ "system's PATH separator. Please change your " \
+ "bundle path to not match " \
+ "/(?<!jar:file|jar|file|classpath|uri:classloader|uri|http|https):/." \
+ "\nYour current bundle path is '#{Bundler.bundle_path}'."
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context "ENV['PATH'] does not exist" do
+ before { ENV.delete("PATH") }
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['PATH'] gets set correctly"
+ end
+ context "ENV['PATH'] is empty" do
+ before { ENV["PATH"] = "" }
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['PATH'] gets set correctly"
+ end
+ context "ENV['PATH'] exists" do
+ before { ENV["PATH"] = "/some_path/bin" }
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['PATH'] gets set correctly"
+ end
+ context "ENV['PATH'] already contains the bundle bin path" do
+ let(:bundle_path) { "#{Bundler.bundle_path}/bin" }
+ before do
+ ENV["PATH"] = bundle_path
+ end
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['PATH'] gets set correctly"
+ it "ENV['PATH'] should only contain one instance of bundle bin path" do
+ subject.set_bundle_environment
+ paths = (ENV["PATH"]).split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+ expect(paths.count(bundle_path)).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ context "ENV['RUBYOPT'] does not exist" do
+ before { ENV.delete("RUBYOPT") }
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['RUBYOPT'] gets set correctly"
+ end
+ context "ENV['RUBYOPT'] exists without -rbundler/setup" do
+ before { ENV["RUBYOPT"] = "-I/some_app_path/lib" }
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['RUBYOPT'] gets set correctly"
+ end
+ context "ENV['RUBYOPT'] exists and contains -rbundler/setup" do
+ before { ENV["RUBYOPT"] = "-rbundler/setup" }
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['RUBYOPT'] gets set correctly"
+ end
+ context "ENV['RUBYLIB'] does not exist" do
+ before { ENV.delete("RUBYLIB") }
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['RUBYLIB'] gets set correctly"
+ end
+ context "ENV['RUBYLIB'] is empty" do
+ before { ENV["PATH"] = "" }
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['RUBYLIB'] gets set correctly"
+ end
+ context "ENV['RUBYLIB'] exists" do
+ before { ENV["PATH"] = "/some_path/bin" }
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['RUBYLIB'] gets set correctly"
+ end
+ context "bundle executable in ENV['BUNDLE_BIN_PATH'] does not exist" do
+ before { ENV["BUNDLE_BIN_PATH"] = "/does/not/exist" }
+ before { Bundler.rubygems.replace_bin_path [], [] }
+ it "sets BUNDLE_BIN_PATH to the bundle executable file" do
+ subject.set_bundle_environment
+ bundle_exe = ruby_core? ? "../../../../exe/bundle" : "../../../exe/bundle"
+ expect(ENV["BUNDLE_BIN_PATH"]).to eq(File.expand_path(bundle_exe, __FILE__))
+ end
+ end
+ context "ENV['RUBYLIB'] already contains the bundler's ruby version lib path" do
+ let(:ruby_lib_path) { "stubbed_ruby_lib_dir" }
+ before do
+ ENV["RUBYLIB"] = ruby_lib_path
+ end
+ it_behaves_like "ENV['RUBYLIB'] gets set correctly"
+ it "ENV['RUBYLIB'] should only contain one instance of bundler's ruby version lib path" do
+ subject.set_bundle_environment
+ paths = (ENV["RUBYLIB"]).split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+ expect(paths.count(ruby_lib_path)).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#filesystem_access" do
+ context "system has proper permission access" do
+ let(:file_op_block) { proc {|path| FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) } }
+ it "performs the operation in the passed block" do
+ subject.filesystem_access("./test_dir", &file_op_block)
+ expect("test_dir")).to exist
+ end
+ end
+ context "system throws Errno::EACESS" do
+ let(:file_op_block) { proc {|_path| raise Errno::EACCES } }
+ it "raises a PermissionError" do
+ expect { subject.filesystem_access("/path", &file_op_block) }.to raise_error(
+ Bundler::PermissionError
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context "system throws Errno::EAGAIN" do
+ let(:file_op_block) { proc {|_path| raise Errno::EAGAIN } }
+ it "raises a TemporaryResourceError" do
+ expect { subject.filesystem_access("/path", &file_op_block) }.to raise_error(
+ Bundler::TemporaryResourceError
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context "system throws Errno::EPROTO" do
+ let(:file_op_block) { proc {|_path| raise Errno::EPROTO } }
+ it "raises a VirtualProtocolError" do
+ expect { subject.filesystem_access("/path", &file_op_block) }.to raise_error(
+ Bundler::VirtualProtocolError
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context "system throws Errno::ENOTSUP", :ruby => "1.9" do
+ let(:file_op_block) { proc {|_path| raise Errno::ENOTSUP } }
+ it "raises a OperationNotSupportedError" do
+ expect { subject.filesystem_access("/path", &file_op_block) }.to raise_error(
+ Bundler::OperationNotSupportedError
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context "system throws Errno::ENOSPC" do
+ let(:file_op_block) { proc {|_path| raise Errno::ENOSPC } }
+ it "raises a NoSpaceOnDeviceError" do
+ expect { subject.filesystem_access("/path", &file_op_block) }.to raise_error(
+ Bundler::NoSpaceOnDeviceError
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context "system throws an unhandled SystemCallError" do
+ let(:error) {"Shields down", 1337) }
+ let(:file_op_block) { proc {|_path| raise error } }
+ it "raises a GenericSystemCallError" do
+ expect { subject.filesystem_access("/path", &file_op_block) }.to raise_error(
+ Bundler::GenericSystemCallError, /error accessing.+underlying.+Shields down/m
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#const_get_safely" do
+ module TargetNamespace
+ end
+ context "when the namespace does have the requested constant" do
+ it "returns the value of the requested constant" do
+ expect(subject.const_get_safely(:VALID_CONSTANT, TargetNamespace)).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the requested constant is passed as a string" do
+ it "returns the value of the requested constant" do
+ expect(subject.const_get_safely("VALID_CONSTANT", TargetNamespace)).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the namespace does not have the requested constant" do
+ it "returns nil" do
+ expect(subject.const_get_safely("INVALID_CONSTANT", TargetNamespace)).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ end