path: root/ruby_2_2/lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb
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-# httpresponse.rb -- HTTPResponse Class
-# Author: IPR -- Internet Programming with Ruby -- writers
-# Copyright (c) 2000, 2001 TAKAHASHI Masayoshi, GOTOU Yuuzou
-# Copyright (c) 2002 Internet Programming with Ruby writers. All rights
-# reserved.
-# $IPR: httpresponse.rb,v 1.45 2003/07/11 11:02:25 gotoyuzo Exp $
-require 'time'
-require 'webrick/httpversion'
-require 'webrick/htmlutils'
-require 'webrick/httputils'
-require 'webrick/httpstatus'
-module WEBrick
- ##
- # An HTTP response. This is filled in by the service or do_* methods of a
- # WEBrick HTTP Servlet.
- class HTTPResponse
- ##
- # HTTP Response version
- attr_reader :http_version
- ##
- # Response status code (200)
- attr_reader :status
- ##
- # Response header
- attr_reader :header
- ##
- # Response cookies
- attr_reader :cookies
- ##
- # Response reason phrase ("OK")
- attr_accessor :reason_phrase
- ##
- # Body may be a String or IO-like object that responds to #read and
- # #readpartial.
- attr_accessor :body
- ##
- # Request method for this response
- attr_accessor :request_method
- ##
- # Request URI for this response
- attr_accessor :request_uri
- ##
- # Request HTTP version for this response
- attr_accessor :request_http_version
- ##
- # Filename of the static file in this response. Only used by the
- # FileHandler servlet.
- attr_accessor :filename
- ##
- # Is this a keep-alive response?
- attr_accessor :keep_alive
- ##
- # Configuration for this response
- attr_reader :config
- ##
- # Bytes sent in this response
- attr_reader :sent_size
- ##
- # Creates a new HTTP response object. WEBrick::Config::HTTP is the
- # default configuration.
- def initialize(config)
- @config = config
- @buffer_size = config[:OutputBufferSize]
- @logger = config[:Logger]
- @header =
- @status = HTTPStatus::RC_OK
- @reason_phrase = nil
- @http_version = HTTPVersion::convert(@config[:HTTPVersion])
- @body = ''
- @keep_alive = true
- @cookies = []
- @request_method = nil
- @request_uri = nil
- @request_http_version = @http_version # temporary
- @chunked = false
- @filename = nil
- @sent_size = 0
- end
- ##
- # The response's HTTP status line
- def status_line
- "HTTP/#@http_version #@status #@reason_phrase #{CRLF}"
- end
- ##
- # Sets the response's status to the +status+ code
- def status=(status)
- @status = status
- @reason_phrase = HTTPStatus::reason_phrase(status)
- end
- ##
- # Retrieves the response header +field+
- def [](field)
- @header[field.downcase]
- end
- ##
- # Sets the response header +field+ to +value+
- def []=(field, value)
- @header[field.downcase] = value.to_s
- end
- ##
- # The content-length header
- def content_length
- if len = self['content-length']
- return Integer(len)
- end
- end
- ##
- # Sets the content-length header to +len+
- def content_length=(len)
- self['content-length'] = len.to_s
- end
- ##
- # The content-type header
- def content_type
- self['content-type']
- end
- ##
- # Sets the content-type header to +type+
- def content_type=(type)
- self['content-type'] = type
- end
- ##
- # Iterates over each header in the response
- def each
- @header.each{|field, value| yield(field, value) }
- end
- ##
- # Will this response body be returned using chunked transfer-encoding?
- def chunked?
- @chunked
- end
- ##
- # Enables chunked transfer encoding.
- def chunked=(val)
- @chunked = val ? true : false
- end
- ##
- # Will this response's connection be kept alive?
- def keep_alive?
- @keep_alive
- end
- ##
- # Sends the response on +socket+
- def send_response(socket) # :nodoc:
- begin
- setup_header()
- send_header(socket)
- send_body(socket)
- rescue Errno::EPIPE, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::ENOTCONN => ex
- @logger.debug(ex)
- @keep_alive = false
- rescue Exception => ex
- @logger.error(ex)
- @keep_alive = false
- end
- end
- ##
- # Sets up the headers for sending
- def setup_header() # :nodoc:
- @reason_phrase ||= HTTPStatus::reason_phrase(@status)
- @header['server'] ||= @config[:ServerSoftware]
- @header['date'] ||=
- # HTTP/0.9 features
- if @request_http_version < "1.0"
- @http_version ="0.9")
- @keep_alive = false
- end
- # HTTP/1.0 features
- if @request_http_version < "1.1"
- if chunked?
- @chunked = false
- ver = @request_http_version.to_s
- msg = "chunked is set for an HTTP/#{ver} request. (ignored)"
- @logger.warn(msg)
- end
- end
- # Determine the message length (RFC2616 -- 4.4 Message Length)
- if @status == 304 || @status == 204 || HTTPStatus::info?(@status)
- @header.delete('content-length')
- @body = ""
- elsif chunked?
- @header["transfer-encoding"] = "chunked"
- @header.delete('content-length')
- elsif %r{^multipart/byteranges} =~ @header['content-type']
- @header.delete('content-length')
- elsif @header['content-length'].nil?
- unless @body.is_a?(IO)
- @header['content-length'] = @body ? @body.bytesize : 0
- end
- end
- # Keep-Alive connection.
- if @header['connection'] == "close"
- @keep_alive = false
- elsif keep_alive?
- if chunked? || @header['content-length'] || @status == 304 || @status == 204 ||
- @header['connection'] = "Keep-Alive"
- else
- msg = "Could not determine content-length of response body. Set content-length of the response or set Response#chunked = true"
- @logger.warn(msg)
- @header['connection'] = "close"
- @keep_alive = false
- end
- else
- @header['connection'] = "close"
- end
- # Location is a single absoluteURI.
- if location = @header['location']
- if @request_uri
- @header['location'] = @request_uri.merge(location)
- end
- end
- end
- ##
- # Sends the headers on +socket+
- def send_header(socket) # :nodoc:
- if @http_version.major > 0
- data = status_line()
- @header.each{|key, value|
- tmp = key.gsub(/\bwww|^te$|\b\w/){ $&.upcase }
- data << "#{tmp}: #{value}" << CRLF
- }
- @cookies.each{|cookie|
- data << "Set-Cookie: " << cookie.to_s << CRLF
- }
- data << CRLF
- _write_data(socket, data)
- end
- end
- ##
- # Sends the body on +socket+
- def send_body(socket) # :nodoc:
- if @body.respond_to? :readpartial then
- send_body_io(socket)
- else
- send_body_string(socket)
- end
- end
- def to_s # :nodoc:
- ret = ""
- send_response(ret)
- ret
- end
- ##
- # Redirects to +url+ with a WEBrick::HTTPStatus::Redirect +status+.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # res.set_redirect WEBrick::HTTPStatus::TemporaryRedirect
- def set_redirect(status, url)
- @body = "<HTML><A HREF=\"#{url}\">#{url}</A>.</HTML>\n"
- @header['location'] = url.to_s
- raise status
- end
- ##
- # Creates an error page for exception +ex+ with an optional +backtrace+
- def set_error(ex, backtrace=false)
- case ex
- when HTTPStatus::Status
- @keep_alive = false if HTTPStatus::error?(ex.code)
- self.status = ex.code
- else
- @keep_alive = false
- self.status = HTTPStatus::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
- end
- @header['content-type'] = "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
- if respond_to?(:create_error_page)
- create_error_page()
- return
- end
- if @request_uri
- host, port =, @request_uri.port
- else
- host, port = @config[:ServerName], @config[:Port]
- end
- @body = ''
- @body << <<-_end_of_html_
- <HEAD><TITLE>#{HTMLUtils::escape(@reason_phrase)}</TITLE></HEAD>
- <BODY>
- <H1>#{HTMLUtils::escape(@reason_phrase)}</H1>
- #{HTMLUtils::escape(ex.message)}
- <HR>
- _end_of_html_
- if backtrace && $DEBUG
- @body << "backtrace of `#{HTMLUtils::escape(ex.class.to_s)}' "
- @body << "#{HTMLUtils::escape(ex.message)}"
- @body << "<PRE>"
- ex.backtrace.each{|line| @body << "\t#{line}\n"}
- @body << "</PRE><HR>"
- end
- @body << <<-_end_of_html_
- #{HTMLUtils::escape(@config[:ServerSoftware])} at
- #{host}:#{port}
- </BODY>
- _end_of_html_
- end
- private
- # :stopdoc:
- def send_body_io(socket)
- begin
- if @request_method == "HEAD"
- # do nothing
- elsif chunked?
- begin
- buf = ''
- data = ''
- while true
- @body.readpartial( @buffer_size, buf ) # there is no need to clear buf?
- data << format("%x", buf.bytesize) << CRLF
- data << buf << CRLF
- _write_data(socket, data)
- data.clear
- @sent_size += buf.bytesize
- end
- rescue EOFError # do nothing
- end
- _write_data(socket, "0#{CRLF}#{CRLF}")
- else
- size = @header['content-length'].to_i
- _send_file(socket, @body, 0, size)
- @sent_size = size
- end
- ensure
- @body.close
- end
- end
- def send_body_string(socket)
- if @request_method == "HEAD"
- # do nothing
- elsif chunked?
- body ? @body.bytesize : 0
- while buf = @body[@sent_size, @buffer_size]
- break if buf.empty?
- data = ""
- data << format("%x", buf.bytesize) << CRLF
- data << buf << CRLF
- _write_data(socket, data)
- @sent_size += buf.bytesize
- end
- _write_data(socket, "0#{CRLF}#{CRLF}")
- else
- if @body && @body.bytesize > 0
- _write_data(socket, @body)
- @sent_size = @body.bytesize
- end
- end
- end
- def _send_file(output, input, offset, size)
- while offset > 0
- sz = @buffer_size < size ? @buffer_size : size
- buf =
- offset -= buf.bytesize
- end
- if size == 0
- while buf =
- _write_data(output, buf)
- end
- else
- while size > 0
- sz = @buffer_size < size ? @buffer_size : size
- buf =
- _write_data(output, buf)
- size -= buf.bytesize
- end
- end
- end
- def _write_data(socket, data)
- socket << data
- end
- # :startdoc:
- end