path: root/ruby_2_2/lib/uri
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Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_2_2/lib/uri')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 3913 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/common.rb b/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/common.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index facca4b08b..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/common.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,720 +0,0 @@
-# = uri/common.rb
-# Author:: Akira Yamada <>
-# Revision:: $Id$
-# License::
-# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same term as Ruby.
-# See URI for general documentation
-require "uri/rfc2396_parser"
-require "uri/rfc3986_parser"
-module URI
- Parser = RFC2396_Parser
- RFC3986_PARSER =
- #
- DEFAULT_PARSER.pattern.each_pair do |sym, str|
- unless REGEXP::PATTERN.const_defined?(sym)
- REGEXP::PATTERN.const_set(sym, str)
- end
- end
- DEFAULT_PARSER.regexp.each_pair do |sym, str|
- const_set(sym, str)
- end
- module Util # :nodoc:
- def make_components_hash(klass, array_hash)
- tmp = {}
- if array_hash.kind_of?(Array) &&
- array_hash.size == klass.component.size - 1
- klass.component[1..-1].each_index do |i|
- begin
- tmp[klass.component[i + 1]] = array_hash[i].clone
- rescue TypeError
- tmp[klass.component[i + 1]] = array_hash[i]
- end
- end
- elsif array_hash.kind_of?(Hash)
- array_hash.each do |key, value|
- begin
- tmp[key] = value.clone
- rescue TypeError
- tmp[key] = value
- end
- end
- else
- raise ArgumentError,
- "expected Array of or Hash of components of #{klass} (#{klass.component[1..-1].join(', ')})"
- end
- tmp[:scheme] = klass.to_s.sub(/\A.*::/, '').downcase
- return tmp
- end
- module_function :make_components_hash
- end
- # module for escaping unsafe characters with codes.
- module Escape
- #
- # == Synopsis
- #
- # URI.escape(str [, unsafe])
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +str+::
- # String to replaces in.
- # +unsafe+::
- # Regexp that matches all symbols that must be replaced with codes.
- # By default uses <tt>REGEXP::UNSAFE</tt>.
- # When this argument is a String, it represents a character set.
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Escapes the string, replacing all unsafe characters with codes.
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # enc_uri = URI.escape("\11\15")
- # p enc_uri
- # # => ""
- #
- # p URI.unescape(enc_uri)
- # # => "\t\r"
- #
- # p URI.escape("@?@!", "!?")
- # # => "@%3F@%21"
- #
- def escape(*arg)
- warn "#{caller(1)[0]}: warning: URI.escape is obsolete" if $VERBOSE
- DEFAULT_PARSER.escape(*arg)
- end
- alias encode escape
- #
- # == Synopsis
- #
- # URI.unescape(str)
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +str+::
- # Unescapes the string.
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # enc_uri = URI.escape("\11\15")
- # p enc_uri
- # # => ""
- #
- # p URI.unescape(enc_uri)
- # # => "\t\r"
- #
- def unescape(*arg)
- warn "#{caller(1)[0]}: warning: URI.unescape is obsolete" if $VERBOSE
- DEFAULT_PARSER.unescape(*arg)
- end
- alias decode unescape
- end # module Escape
- extend Escape
- include REGEXP
- @@schemes = {}
- # Returns a Hash of the defined schemes
- def self.scheme_list
- @@schemes
- end
- #
- # Base class for all URI exceptions.
- #
- class Error < StandardError; end
- #
- # Not a URI.
- #
- class InvalidURIError < Error; end
- #
- # Not a URI component.
- #
- class InvalidComponentError < Error; end
- #
- # URI is valid, bad usage is not.
- #
- class BadURIError < Error; end
- #
- # == Synopsis
- #
- # URI::split(uri)
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +uri+::
- # String with URI.
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Splits the string on following parts and returns array with result:
- #
- # * Scheme
- # * Userinfo
- # * Host
- # * Port
- # * Registry
- # * Path
- # * Opaque
- # * Query
- # * Fragment
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # p URI.split("")
- # # => ["http", nil, "", nil, nil, "/", nil, nil, nil]
- #
- def self.split(uri)
- RFC3986_PARSER.split(uri)
- end
- #
- # == Synopsis
- #
- # URI::parse(uri_str)
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +uri_str+::
- # String with URI.
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Creates one of the URI's subclasses instance from the string.
- #
- # == Raises
- #
- # URI::InvalidURIError
- # Raised if URI given is not a correct one.
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # uri = URI.parse("")
- # p uri
- # # => #<URI::HTTP:0x202281be URL:>
- # p uri.scheme
- # # => "http"
- # p
- # # => ""
- #
- # It's recommended to first ::escape the provided +uri_str+ if there are any
- # invalid URI characters.
- #
- def self.parse(uri)
- RFC3986_PARSER.parse(uri)
- end
- #
- # == Synopsis
- #
- # URI::join(str[, str, ...])
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +str+::
- # String(s) to work with, will be converted to RFC3986 URIs before merging.
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Joins URIs.
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # p URI.join("","main.rbx")
- # # => #<URI::HTTP:0x2022ac02 URL:http://localhost/main.rbx>
- #
- # p URI.join('', 'foo')
- # # => #<URI::HTTP:0x01ab80a0 URL:>
- #
- # p URI.join('', '/foo', '/bar')
- # # => #<URI::HTTP:0x01aaf0b0 URL:>
- #
- # p URI.join('', '/foo', 'bar')
- # # => #<URI::HTTP:0x801a92af0 URL:>
- #
- # p URI.join('', '/foo/', 'bar')
- # # => #<URI::HTTP:0x80135a3a0 URL:>
- #
- #
- def self.join(*str)
- RFC3986_PARSER.join(*str)
- end
- #
- # == Synopsis
- #
- # URI::extract(str[, schemes][,&blk])
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +str+::
- # String to extract URIs from.
- # +schemes+::
- # Limit URI matching to a specific schemes.
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Extracts URIs from a string. If block given, iterates through all matched URIs.
- # Returns nil if block given or array with matches.
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require "uri"
- #
- # URI.extract("text here and here and here also.")
- # # => ["", ""]
- #
- def self.extract(str, schemes = nil, &block)
- warn "#{caller(1)[0]}: warning: URI.extract is obsolete" if $VERBOSE
- DEFAULT_PARSER.extract(str, schemes, &block)
- end
- #
- # == Synopsis
- #
- # URI::regexp([match_schemes])
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +match_schemes+::
- # Array of schemes. If given, resulting regexp matches to URIs
- # whose scheme is one of the match_schemes.
- #
- # == Description
- # Returns a Regexp object which matches to URI-like strings.
- # The Regexp object returned by this method includes arbitrary
- # number of capture group (parentheses). Never rely on it's number.
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # # extract first URI from html_string
- # html_string.slice(URI.regexp)
- #
- # # remove ftp URIs
- # html_string.sub(URI.regexp(['ftp'])
- #
- # # You should not rely on the number of parentheses
- # html_string.scan(URI.regexp) do |*matches|
- # p $&
- # end
- #
- def self.regexp(schemes = nil)
- warn "#{caller(1)[0]}: warning: URI.regexp is obsolete" if $VERBOSE
- DEFAULT_PARSER.make_regexp(schemes)
- end
- TBLENCWWWCOMP_ = {} # :nodoc:
- 256.times do |i|
- TBLENCWWWCOMP_[i.chr] = '%%%02X' % i
- end
- TBLENCWWWCOMP_[' '] = '+'
- TBLDECWWWCOMP_ = {} # :nodoc:
- 256.times do |i|
- h, l = i>>4, i&15
- TBLDECWWWCOMP_['%%%X%X' % [h, l]] = i.chr
- TBLDECWWWCOMP_['%%%x%X' % [h, l]] = i.chr
- TBLDECWWWCOMP_['%%%X%x' % [h, l]] = i.chr
- TBLDECWWWCOMP_['%%%x%x' % [h, l]] = i.chr
- end
- TBLDECWWWCOMP_['+'] = ' '
- HTML5ASCIIINCOMPAT = [Encoding::UTF_7, Encoding::UTF_16BE, Encoding::UTF_16LE,
- Encoding::UTF_32BE, Encoding::UTF_32LE] # :nodoc:
- # Encode given +str+ to URL-encoded form data.
- #
- # This method doesn't convert *, -, ., 0-9, A-Z, _, a-z, but does convert SP
- # (ASCII space) to + and converts others to %XX.
- #
- # If +enc+ is given, convert +str+ to the encoding before percent encoding.
- #
- # This is an implementation of
- #
- #
- # See URI.decode_www_form_component, URI.encode_www_form
- def self.encode_www_form_component(str, enc=nil)
- str = str.to_s.dup
- if str.encoding != Encoding::ASCII_8BIT
- if enc && enc != Encoding::ASCII_8BIT
- str.encode!(Encoding::UTF_8, invalid: :replace, undef: :replace)
- str.encode!(enc, fallback: ->(x){"&#{x.ord};"})
- end
- str.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
- end
- str.gsub!(/[^*\-.0-9A-Z_a-z]/, TBLENCWWWCOMP_)
- str.force_encoding(Encoding::US_ASCII)
- end
- # Decode given +str+ of URL-encoded form data.
- #
- # This decodes + to SP.
- #
- # See URI.encode_www_form_component, URI.decode_www_form
- def self.decode_www_form_component(str, enc=Encoding::UTF_8)
- raise ArgumentError, "invalid %-encoding (#{str})" if /%(?!\h\h)/ =~ str
- str.b.gsub(/\+|%\h\h/, TBLDECWWWCOMP_).force_encoding(enc)
- end
- # Generate URL-encoded form data from given +enum+.
- #
- # This generates application/x-www-form-urlencoded data defined in HTML5
- # from given an Enumerable object.
- #
- # This internally uses URI.encode_www_form_component(str).
- #
- # This method doesn't convert the encoding of given items, so convert them
- # before call this method if you want to send data as other than original
- # encoding or mixed encoding data. (Strings which are encoded in an HTML5
- # ASCII incompatible encoding are converted to UTF-8.)
- #
- # This method doesn't handle files. When you send a file, use
- # multipart/form-data.
- #
- # This refers
- #
- # URI.encode_www_form([["q", "ruby"], ["lang", "en"]])
- # #=> "q=ruby&lang=en"
- # URI.encode_www_form("q" => "ruby", "lang" => "en")
- # #=> "q=ruby&lang=en"
- # URI.encode_www_form("q" => ["ruby", "perl"], "lang" => "en")
- # #=> "q=ruby&q=perl&lang=en"
- # URI.encode_www_form([["q", "ruby"], ["q", "perl"], ["lang", "en"]])
- # #=> "q=ruby&q=perl&lang=en"
- #
- # See URI.encode_www_form_component, URI.decode_www_form
- def self.encode_www_form(enum, enc=nil)
- do |k,v|
- if v.nil?
- encode_www_form_component(k, enc)
- elsif v.respond_to?(:to_ary)
- do |w|
- str = encode_www_form_component(k, enc)
- unless w.nil?
- str << '='
- str << encode_www_form_component(w, enc)
- end
- end.join('&')
- else
- str = encode_www_form_component(k, enc)
- str << '='
- str << encode_www_form_component(v, enc)
- end
- end.join('&')
- end
- # Decode URL-encoded form data from given +str+.
- #
- # This decodes application/x-www-form-urlencoded data
- # and returns array of key-value array.
- #
- # This refers ,
- # so this supports only &-separator, don't support ;-separator.
- #
- # ary = URI.decode_www_form("a=1&a=2&b=3")
- # p ary #=> [['a', '1'], ['a', '2'], ['b', '3']]
- # p ary.assoc('a').last #=> '1'
- # p ary.assoc('b').last #=> '3'
- # p ary.rassoc('a').last #=> '2'
- # p Hash[ary] # => {"a"=>"2", "b"=>"3"}
- #
- # See URI.decode_www_form_component, URI.encode_www_form
- def self.decode_www_form(str, enc=Encoding::UTF_8, separator: '&', use__charset_: false, isindex: false)
- raise ArgumentError, "the input of #{}.#{__method__} must be ASCII only string" unless str.ascii_only?
- ary = []
- return ary if str.empty?
- enc = Encoding.find(enc)
- str.b.each_line(separator) do |string|
- string.chomp!(separator)
- key, sep, val = string.partition('=')
- if isindex
- if sep.empty?
- val = key
- key = ''
- end
- isindex = false
- end
- if use__charset_ and key == '_charset_' and e = get_encoding(val)
- enc = e
- use__charset_ = false
- end
- key.gsub!(/\+|%\h\h/, TBLDECWWWCOMP_)
- if val
- val.gsub!(/\+|%\h\h/, TBLDECWWWCOMP_)
- else
- val = ''
- end
- ary << [key, val]
- end
- ary.each do |k, v|
- k.force_encoding(enc)
- k.scrub!
- v.force_encoding(enc)
- v.scrub!
- end
- ary
- end
- private
- # curl|rb -rpp -rjson -e'H={};h={"shift_jis"=>"Windows-31J","euc-jp"=>"cp51932","iso-2022-jp"=>"cp50221","x-mac-cyrillic"=>"macCyrillic"};JSON($<.read).map{|x|x["encodings"]}.flatten.each{|x|Encoding.find(n=h.fetch(n=x["name"],n))rescue next;x["labels"].each{|y|H[y]=n}};pp H'
- "unicode-1-1-utf-8"=>"utf-8",
- "utf-8"=>"utf-8",
- "utf8"=>"utf-8",
- "866"=>"ibm866",
- "cp866"=>"ibm866",
- "csibm866"=>"ibm866",
- "ibm866"=>"ibm866",
- "csisolatin2"=>"iso-8859-2",
- "iso-8859-2"=>"iso-8859-2",
- "iso-ir-101"=>"iso-8859-2",
- "iso8859-2"=>"iso-8859-2",
- "iso88592"=>"iso-8859-2",
- "iso_8859-2"=>"iso-8859-2",
- "iso_8859-2:1987"=>"iso-8859-2",
- "l2"=>"iso-8859-2",
- "latin2"=>"iso-8859-2",
- "csisolatin3"=>"iso-8859-3",
- "iso-8859-3"=>"iso-8859-3",
- "iso-ir-109"=>"iso-8859-3",
- "iso8859-3"=>"iso-8859-3",
- "iso88593"=>"iso-8859-3",
- "iso_8859-3"=>"iso-8859-3",
- "iso_8859-3:1988"=>"iso-8859-3",
- "l3"=>"iso-8859-3",
- "latin3"=>"iso-8859-3",
- "csisolatin4"=>"iso-8859-4",
- "iso-8859-4"=>"iso-8859-4",
- "iso-ir-110"=>"iso-8859-4",
- "iso8859-4"=>"iso-8859-4",
- "iso88594"=>"iso-8859-4",
- "iso_8859-4"=>"iso-8859-4",
- "iso_8859-4:1988"=>"iso-8859-4",
- "l4"=>"iso-8859-4",
- "latin4"=>"iso-8859-4",
- "csisolatincyrillic"=>"iso-8859-5",
- "cyrillic"=>"iso-8859-5",
- "iso-8859-5"=>"iso-8859-5",
- "iso-ir-144"=>"iso-8859-5",
- "iso8859-5"=>"iso-8859-5",
- "iso88595"=>"iso-8859-5",
- "iso_8859-5"=>"iso-8859-5",
- "iso_8859-5:1988"=>"iso-8859-5",
- "arabic"=>"iso-8859-6",
- "asmo-708"=>"iso-8859-6",
- "csiso88596e"=>"iso-8859-6",
- "csiso88596i"=>"iso-8859-6",
- "csisolatinarabic"=>"iso-8859-6",
- "ecma-114"=>"iso-8859-6",
- "iso-8859-6"=>"iso-8859-6",
- "iso-8859-6-e"=>"iso-8859-6",
- "iso-8859-6-i"=>"iso-8859-6",
- "iso-ir-127"=>"iso-8859-6",
- "iso8859-6"=>"iso-8859-6",
- "iso88596"=>"iso-8859-6",
- "iso_8859-6"=>"iso-8859-6",
- "iso_8859-6:1987"=>"iso-8859-6",
- "csisolatingreek"=>"iso-8859-7",
- "ecma-118"=>"iso-8859-7",
- "elot_928"=>"iso-8859-7",
- "greek"=>"iso-8859-7",
- "greek8"=>"iso-8859-7",
- "iso-8859-7"=>"iso-8859-7",
- "iso-ir-126"=>"iso-8859-7",
- "iso8859-7"=>"iso-8859-7",
- "iso88597"=>"iso-8859-7",
- "iso_8859-7"=>"iso-8859-7",
- "iso_8859-7:1987"=>"iso-8859-7",
- "sun_eu_greek"=>"iso-8859-7",
- "csiso88598e"=>"iso-8859-8",
- "csisolatinhebrew"=>"iso-8859-8",
- "hebrew"=>"iso-8859-8",
- "iso-8859-8"=>"iso-8859-8",
- "iso-8859-8-e"=>"iso-8859-8",
- "iso-ir-138"=>"iso-8859-8",
- "iso8859-8"=>"iso-8859-8",
- "iso88598"=>"iso-8859-8",
- "iso_8859-8"=>"iso-8859-8",
- "iso_8859-8:1988"=>"iso-8859-8",
- "visual"=>"iso-8859-8",
- "csisolatin6"=>"iso-8859-10",
- "iso-8859-10"=>"iso-8859-10",
- "iso-ir-157"=>"iso-8859-10",
- "iso8859-10"=>"iso-8859-10",
- "iso885910"=>"iso-8859-10",
- "l6"=>"iso-8859-10",
- "latin6"=>"iso-8859-10",
- "iso-8859-13"=>"iso-8859-13",
- "iso8859-13"=>"iso-8859-13",
- "iso885913"=>"iso-8859-13",
- "iso-8859-14"=>"iso-8859-14",
- "iso8859-14"=>"iso-8859-14",
- "iso885914"=>"iso-8859-14",
- "csisolatin9"=>"iso-8859-15",
- "iso-8859-15"=>"iso-8859-15",
- "iso8859-15"=>"iso-8859-15",
- "iso885915"=>"iso-8859-15",
- "iso_8859-15"=>"iso-8859-15",
- "l9"=>"iso-8859-15",
- "iso-8859-16"=>"iso-8859-16",
- "cskoi8r"=>"koi8-r",
- "koi"=>"koi8-r",
- "koi8"=>"koi8-r",
- "koi8-r"=>"koi8-r",
- "koi8_r"=>"koi8-r",
- "koi8-u"=>"koi8-u",
- "dos-874"=>"windows-874",
- "iso-8859-11"=>"windows-874",
- "iso8859-11"=>"windows-874",
- "iso885911"=>"windows-874",
- "tis-620"=>"windows-874",
- "windows-874"=>"windows-874",
- "cp1250"=>"windows-1250",
- "windows-1250"=>"windows-1250",
- "x-cp1250"=>"windows-1250",
- "cp1251"=>"windows-1251",
- "windows-1251"=>"windows-1251",
- "x-cp1251"=>"windows-1251",
- "ansi_x3.4-1968"=>"windows-1252",
- "ascii"=>"windows-1252",
- "cp1252"=>"windows-1252",
- "cp819"=>"windows-1252",
- "csisolatin1"=>"windows-1252",
- "ibm819"=>"windows-1252",
- "iso-8859-1"=>"windows-1252",
- "iso-ir-100"=>"windows-1252",
- "iso8859-1"=>"windows-1252",
- "iso88591"=>"windows-1252",
- "iso_8859-1"=>"windows-1252",
- "iso_8859-1:1987"=>"windows-1252",
- "l1"=>"windows-1252",
- "latin1"=>"windows-1252",
- "us-ascii"=>"windows-1252",
- "windows-1252"=>"windows-1252",
- "x-cp1252"=>"windows-1252",
- "cp1253"=>"windows-1253",
- "windows-1253"=>"windows-1253",
- "x-cp1253"=>"windows-1253",
- "cp1254"=>"windows-1254",
- "csisolatin5"=>"windows-1254",
- "iso-8859-9"=>"windows-1254",
- "iso-ir-148"=>"windows-1254",
- "iso8859-9"=>"windows-1254",
- "iso88599"=>"windows-1254",
- "iso_8859-9"=>"windows-1254",
- "iso_8859-9:1989"=>"windows-1254",
- "l5"=>"windows-1254",
- "latin5"=>"windows-1254",
- "windows-1254"=>"windows-1254",
- "x-cp1254"=>"windows-1254",
- "cp1255"=>"windows-1255",
- "windows-1255"=>"windows-1255",
- "x-cp1255"=>"windows-1255",
- "cp1256"=>"windows-1256",
- "windows-1256"=>"windows-1256",
- "x-cp1256"=>"windows-1256",
- "cp1257"=>"windows-1257",
- "windows-1257"=>"windows-1257",
- "x-cp1257"=>"windows-1257",
- "cp1258"=>"windows-1258",
- "windows-1258"=>"windows-1258",
- "x-cp1258"=>"windows-1258",
- "x-mac-cyrillic"=>"macCyrillic",
- "x-mac-ukrainian"=>"macCyrillic",
- "chinese"=>"gbk",
- "csgb2312"=>"gbk",
- "csiso58gb231280"=>"gbk",
- "gb2312"=>"gbk",
- "gb_2312"=>"gbk",
- "gb_2312-80"=>"gbk",
- "gbk"=>"gbk",
- "iso-ir-58"=>"gbk",
- "x-gbk"=>"gbk",
- "gb18030"=>"gb18030",
- "big5"=>"big5",
- "big5-hkscs"=>"big5",
- "cn-big5"=>"big5",
- "csbig5"=>"big5",
- "x-x-big5"=>"big5",
- "cseucpkdfmtjapanese"=>"cp51932",
- "euc-jp"=>"cp51932",
- "x-euc-jp"=>"cp51932",
- "csiso2022jp"=>"cp50221",
- "iso-2022-jp"=>"cp50221",
- "csshiftjis"=>"Windows-31J",
- "ms_kanji"=>"Windows-31J",
- "shift-jis"=>"Windows-31J",
- "shift_jis"=>"Windows-31J",
- "sjis"=>"Windows-31J",
- "windows-31j"=>"Windows-31J",
- "x-sjis"=>"Windows-31J",
- "cseuckr"=>"euc-kr",
- "csksc56011987"=>"euc-kr",
- "euc-kr"=>"euc-kr",
- "iso-ir-149"=>"euc-kr",
- "korean"=>"euc-kr",
- "ks_c_5601-1987"=>"euc-kr",
- "ks_c_5601-1989"=>"euc-kr",
- "ksc5601"=>"euc-kr",
- "ksc_5601"=>"euc-kr",
- "windows-949"=>"euc-kr",
- "utf-16be"=>"utf-16be",
- "utf-16"=>"utf-16le",
- "utf-16le"=>"utf-16le"
- } # :nodoc:
- # :nodoc:
- # return encoding or nil
- #
- def self.get_encoding(label)
- Encoding.find(WEB_ENCODINGS_[label.to_str.strip.downcase]) rescue nil
- end
-end # module URI
-module Kernel
- #
- # Returns +uri+ converted to a URI object.
- #
- def URI(uri)
- if uri.is_a?(URI::Generic)
- uri
- elsif uri = String.try_convert(uri)
- URI.parse(uri)
- else
- raise ArgumentError,
- "bad argument (expected URI object or URI string)"
- end
- end
- module_function :URI
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/ftp.rb b/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/ftp.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 557e1fda33..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/ftp.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-# = uri/ftp.rb
-# Author:: Akira Yamada <>
-# License:: You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same term as Ruby.
-# Revision:: $Id$
-# See URI for general documentation
-require 'uri/generic'
-module URI
- #
- # FTP URI syntax is defined by RFC1738 section 3.2.
- #
- # This class will be redesigned because of difference of implementations;
- # the structure of its path. draft-hoffman-ftp-uri-04 is a draft but it
- # is a good summary about the de facto spec.
- #
- #
- class FTP < Generic
- # A Default port of 21 for URI::FTP
- #
- # An Array of the available components for URI::FTP
- #
- :scheme,
- :userinfo, :host, :port,
- :path, :typecode
- ].freeze
- #
- # Typecode is "a", "i" or "d".
- #
- # * "a" indicates a text file (the FTP command was ASCII)
- # * "i" indicates a binary file (FTP command IMAGE)
- # * "d" indicates the contents of a directory should be displayed
- #
- TYPECODE = ['a', 'i', 'd'].freeze
- # Typecode prefix
- # ';type='
- TYPECODE_PREFIX = ';type='.freeze
- def self.new2(user, password, host, port, path,
- typecode = nil, arg_check = true) # :nodoc:
- # Do not use this method! Not tested. [Bug #7301]
- # This methods remains just for compatibility,
- # Keep it undocumented until the active maintainer is assigned.
- typecode = nil if typecode.size == 0
- if typecode && !TYPECODE.include?(typecode)
- raise ArgumentError,
- "bad typecode is specified: #{typecode}"
- end
- # do escape
- [user, password],
- host, port, nil,
- typecode ? path + TYPECODE_PREFIX + typecode : path,
- nil, nil, nil, arg_check)
- end
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Creates a new URI::FTP object from components, with syntax checking.
- #
- # The components accepted are +userinfo+, +host+, +port+, +path+ and
- # +typecode+.
- #
- # The components should be provided either as an Array, or as a Hash
- # with keys formed by preceding the component names with a colon.
- #
- # If an Array is used, the components must be passed in the order
- # [userinfo, host, port, path, typecode]
- #
- # If the path supplied is absolute, it will be escaped in order to
- # make it absolute in the URI. Examples:
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # uri =['user:password', '', nil,
- # '/path/file.> zip', 'i'])
- # puts uri.to_s ->;type=a
- #
- # uri2 ={:host => '',
- # :path => 'ruby/src'})
- # puts uri2.to_s ->
- #
- def
- # Fix the incoming path to be generic URL syntax
- # FTP path -> URL path
- # foo/bar /foo/bar
- # /foo/bar /%2Ffoo/bar
- #
- if args.kind_of?(Array)
- args[3] = '/' + args[3].sub(/^\//, '%2F')
- else
- args[:path] = '/' + args[:path].sub(/^\//, '%2F')
- end
- tmp = Util::make_components_hash(self, args)
- if tmp[:typecode]
- if tmp[:typecode].size == 1
- tmp[:typecode] = TYPECODE_PREFIX + tmp[:typecode]
- end
- tmp[:path] << tmp[:typecode]
- end
- return super(tmp)
- end
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Creates a new URI::FTP object from generic URL components with no
- # syntax checking.
- #
- # Unlike build(), this method does not escape the path component as
- # required by RFC1738; instead it is treated as per RFC2396.
- #
- # Arguments are +scheme+, +userinfo+, +host+, +port+, +registry+, +path+,
- # +opaque+, +query+ and +fragment+, in that order.
- #
- def initialize(scheme,
- userinfo, host, port, registry,
- path, opaque,
- query,
- fragment,
- parser = nil,
- arg_check = false)
- raise InvalidURIError unless path
- path = path.sub(/^\//,'')
- path.sub!(/^%2F/,'/')
- super(scheme, userinfo, host, port, registry, path, opaque,
- query, fragment, parser, arg_check)
- @typecode = nil
- if tmp = @path.index(TYPECODE_PREFIX)
- typecode = @path[tmp + TYPECODE_PREFIX.size..-1]
- @path = @path[0..tmp - 1]
- if arg_check
- self.typecode = typecode
- else
- self.set_typecode(typecode)
- end
- end
- end
- # typecode accessor
- #
- attr_reader :typecode
- # validates typecode +v+,
- # returns a +true+ or +false+ boolean
- #
- def check_typecode(v)
- if TYPECODE.include?(v)
- return true
- else
- raise InvalidComponentError,
- "bad typecode(expected #{TYPECODE.join(', ')}): #{v}"
- end
- end
- private :check_typecode
- # Private setter for the typecode +v+
- #
- # see also URI::FTP.typecode=
- #
- def set_typecode(v)
- @typecode = v
- end
- protected :set_typecode
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +v+::
- # String
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # public setter for the typecode +v+.
- # (with validation)
- #
- # see also URI::FTP.check_typecode
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # uri = URI.parse("")
- # #=> #<URI::FTP:0x00000000923650 URL:>
- # uri.typecode = "i"
- # # => "i"
- # uri
- # #=> #<URI::FTP:0x00000000923650 URL:;type=i>
- #
- def typecode=(typecode)
- check_typecode(typecode)
- set_typecode(typecode)
- typecode
- end
- def merge(oth) # :nodoc:
- tmp = super(oth)
- if self != tmp
- tmp.set_typecode(oth.typecode)
- end
- return tmp
- end
- # Returns the path from an FTP URI.
- #
- # RFC 1738 specifically states that the path for an FTP URI does not
- # include the / which separates the URI path from the URI host. Example:
- #
- #
- #
- # The above URI indicates that the client should connect to
- # then cd pub/ruby from the initial login directory.
- #
- # If you want to cd to an absolute directory, you must include an
- # escaped / (%2F) in the path. Example:
- #
- #
- #
- # This method will then return "/pub/ruby"
- #
- def path
- return @path.sub(/^\//,'').sub(/^%2F/,'/')
- end
- # Private setter for the path of the URI::FTP
- def set_path(v)
- super("/" + v.sub(/^\//, "%2F"))
- end
- protected :set_path
- # Returns a String representation of the URI::FTP
- def to_s
- save_path = nil
- if @typecode
- save_path = @path
- @path = @path + TYPECODE_PREFIX + @typecode
- end
- str = super
- if @typecode
- @path = save_path
- end
- return str
- end
- end
- @@schemes['FTP'] = FTP
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/generic.rb b/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/generic.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c608f0b045..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/generic.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1557 +0,0 @@
-# = uri/generic.rb
-# Author:: Akira Yamada <>
-# License:: You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same term as Ruby.
-# Revision:: $Id$
-# See URI for general documentation
-require 'uri/common'
-module URI
- #
- # Base class for all URI classes.
- # Implements generic URI syntax as per RFC 2396.
- #
- class Generic
- include URI
- #
- # A Default port of nil for URI::Generic
- #
- #
- # Returns default port
- #
- def self.default_port
- end
- #
- # Returns default port
- #
- def default_port
- self.class.default_port
- end
- #
- # An Array of the available components for URI::Generic
- #
- :scheme,
- :userinfo, :host, :port, :registry,
- :path, :opaque,
- :query,
- :fragment
- ].freeze
- #
- # Components of the URI in the order.
- #
- def self.component
- end
- USE_REGISTRY = false # :nodoc:
- def self.use_registry # :nodoc:
- end
- #
- # == Synopsis
- #
- # See #new
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # At first, tries to create a new URI::Generic instance using
- # URI::Generic::build. But, if exception URI::InvalidComponentError is raised,
- # then it URI::Escape.escape all URI components and tries again.
- #
- #
- def self.build2(args)
- begin
- return
- rescue InvalidComponentError
- if args.kind_of?(Array)
- return{|x|
- if x.is_a?(String)
- DEFAULT_PARSER.escape(x)
- else
- x
- end
- })
- elsif args.kind_of?(Hash)
- tmp = {}
- args.each do |key, value|
- tmp[key] = if value
- DEFAULT_PARSER.escape(value)
- else
- value
- end
- end
- return
- end
- end
- end
- #
- # == Synopsis
- #
- # See #new
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Creates a new URI::Generic instance from components of URI::Generic
- # with check. Components are: scheme, userinfo, host, port, registry, path,
- # opaque, query and fragment. You can provide arguments either by an Array or a Hash.
- # See #new for hash keys to use or for order of array items.
- #
- def
- if args.kind_of?(Array) &&
- args.size == ::URI::Generic::COMPONENT.size
- tmp = args.dup
- elsif args.kind_of?(Hash)
- tmp = ::URI::Generic::COMPONENT.collect do |c|
- if args.include?(c)
- args[c]
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- else
- component = self.class.component rescue ::URI::Generic::COMPONENT
- raise ArgumentError,
- "expected Array of or Hash of components of #{self.class} (#{component.join(', ')})"
- end
- tmp << nil
- tmp << true
- return*tmp)
- end
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +scheme+::
- # Protocol scheme, i.e. 'http','ftp','mailto' and so on.
- # +userinfo+::
- # User name and password, i.e. 'sdmitry:bla'
- # +host+::
- # Server host name
- # +port+::
- # Server port
- # +registry+::
- # Registry of naming authorities.
- # +path+::
- # Path on server
- # +opaque+::
- # Opaque part
- # +query+::
- # Query data
- # +fragment+::
- # A part of URI after '#' sign
- # +parser+::
- # Parser for internal use [URI::DEFAULT_PARSER by default]
- # +arg_check+::
- # Check arguments [false by default]
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Creates a new URI::Generic instance from ``generic'' components without check.
- #
- def initialize(scheme,
- userinfo, host, port, registry,
- path, opaque,
- query,
- fragment,
- parser = DEFAULT_PARSER,
- arg_check = false)
- @scheme = nil
- @user = nil
- @password = nil
- @host = nil
- @port = nil
- @path = nil
- @query = nil
- @opaque = nil
- @fragment = nil
- @parser = parser == DEFAULT_PARSER ? nil : parser
- if arg_check
- self.scheme = scheme
- self.userinfo = userinfo
- self.hostname = host
- self.port = port
- self.path = path
- self.query = query
- self.opaque = opaque
- self.fragment = fragment
- else
- self.set_scheme(scheme)
- self.set_userinfo(userinfo)
- self.set_host(host)
- self.set_port(port)
- self.set_path(path)
- self.query = query
- self.set_opaque(opaque)
- self.fragment=(fragment)
- end
- if registry
- raise InvalidURIError,
- "the scheme #{@scheme} does not accept registry part: #{registry} (or bad hostname?)"
- end
- @scheme.freeze if @scheme
- self.set_path('') if !@path && !@opaque # (see RFC2396 Section 5.2)
- self.set_port(self.default_port) if self.default_port && !@port
- end
- #
- # returns the scheme component of the URI.
- #
- # URI("http://foo/bar/baz").scheme #=> "http"
- #
- attr_reader :scheme
- # returns the host component of the URI.
- #
- # URI("http://foo/bar/baz").host #=> "foo"
- #
- # It returns nil if no host component.
- #
- # URI("").host #=> nil
- #
- # The component doesn't contains the port number.
- #
- # URI("http://foo:8080/bar/baz").host #=> "foo"
- #
- # Since IPv6 addresses are wrapped by brackets in URIs,
- # this method returns IPv6 addresses wrapped by brackets.
- # This form is not appropriate to pass socket methods such as
- # If unwrapped host names are required, use "hostname" method.
- #
- # URI("http://[::1]/bar/baz").host #=> "[::1]"
- # URI("http://[::1]/bar/baz").hostname #=> "::1"
- #
- attr_reader :host
- # returns the port component of the URI.
- #
- # URI("http://foo/bar/baz").port #=> "80"
- #
- # URI("http://foo:8080/bar/baz").port #=> "8080"
- #
- attr_reader :port
- def registry # :nodoc:
- nil
- end
- # returns the path component of the URI.
- #
- # URI("http://foo/bar/baz").path #=> "/bar/baz"
- #
- attr_reader :path
- # returns the query component of the URI.
- #
- # URI("http://foo/bar/baz?search=FooBar").query #=> "search=FooBar"
- #
- attr_reader :query
- # returns the opaque part of the URI.
- #
- # URI("").opaque #=> ""
- #
- # Portion of the path that does make use of the slash '/'.
- # The path typically refers to the absolute path and the opaque part.
- # (see RFC2396 Section 3 and 5.2)
- #
- attr_reader :opaque
- # returns the fragment component of the URI.
- #
- # URI("http://foo/bar/baz?search=FooBar#ponies").fragment #=> "ponies"
- #
- attr_reader :fragment
- # returns the parser to be used.
- #
- # Unless a URI::Parser is defined, then DEFAULT_PARSER is used.
- #
- def parser
- if !defined?(@parser) || !@parser
- else
- @parser || DEFAULT_PARSER
- end
- end
- # replace self by other URI object
- def replace!(oth)
- if self.class != oth.class
- raise ArgumentError, "expected #{self.class} object"
- end
- component.each do |c|
- self.__send__("#{c}=", oth.__send__(c))
- end
- end
- private :replace!
- #
- # Components of the URI in the order.
- #
- def component
- self.class.component
- end
- #
- # check the scheme +v+ component against the URI::Parser Regexp for :SCHEME
- #
- def check_scheme(v)
- if v && parser.regexp[:SCHEME] !~ v
- raise InvalidComponentError,
- "bad component(expected scheme component): #{v}"
- end
- return true
- end
- private :check_scheme
- # protected setter for the scheme component +v+
- #
- # see also URI::Generic.scheme=
- #
- def set_scheme(v)
- @scheme = v ? v.downcase : v
- end
- protected :set_scheme
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +v+::
- # String
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # public setter for the scheme component +v+.
- # (with validation)
- #
- # see also URI::Generic.check_scheme
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # uri = URI.parse("")
- # uri.scheme = "https"
- # # => "https"
- # uri
- # #=> #<URI::HTTP:0x000000008e89e8 URL:>
- #
- def scheme=(v)
- check_scheme(v)
- set_scheme(v)
- v
- end
- #
- # check the +user+ and +password+.
- #
- # If +password+ is not provided, then +user+ is
- # split, using URI::Generic.split_userinfo, to
- # pull +user+ and +password.
- #
- # see also URI::Generic.check_user, URI::Generic.check_password
- #
- def check_userinfo(user, password = nil)
- if !password
- user, password = split_userinfo(user)
- end
- check_user(user)
- check_password(password, user)
- return true
- end
- private :check_userinfo
- #
- # check the user +v+ component for RFC2396 compliance
- # and against the URI::Parser Regexp for :USERINFO
- #
- # Can not have a registry or opaque component defined,
- # with a user component defined.
- #
- def check_user(v)
- if @opaque
- raise InvalidURIError,
- "can not set user with opaque"
- end
- return v unless v
- if parser.regexp[:USERINFO] !~ v
- raise InvalidComponentError,
- "bad component(expected userinfo component or user component): #{v}"
- end
- return true
- end
- private :check_user
- #
- # check the password +v+ component for RFC2396 compliance
- # and against the URI::Parser Regexp for :USERINFO
- #
- # Can not have a registry or opaque component defined,
- # with a user component defined.
- #
- def check_password(v, user = @user)
- if @opaque
- raise InvalidURIError,
- "can not set password with opaque"
- end
- return v unless v
- if !user
- raise InvalidURIError,
- "password component depends user component"
- end
- if parser.regexp[:USERINFO] !~ v
- raise InvalidComponentError,
- "bad password component"
- end
- return true
- end
- private :check_password
- #
- # Sets userinfo, argument is string like 'name:pass'
- #
- def userinfo=(userinfo)
- if userinfo.nil?
- return nil
- end
- check_userinfo(*userinfo)
- set_userinfo(*userinfo)
- # returns userinfo
- end
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +v+::
- # String
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # public setter for the +user+ component.
- # (with validation)
- #
- # see also URI::Generic.check_user
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # uri = URI.parse("")
- # uri.user = "sam"
- # # => "sam"
- # uri
- # #=> #<URI::HTTP:0x00000000881d90 URL:>
- #
- def user=(user)
- check_user(user)
- set_user(user)
- # returns user
- end
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +v+::
- # String
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # public setter for the +password+ component.
- # (with validation)
- #
- # see also URI::Generic.check_password
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # uri = URI.parse("")
- # uri.password = "V3ry_S3nsit1ve"
- # # => "V3ry_S3nsit1ve"
- # uri
- # #=> #<URI::HTTP:0x00000000881d90 URL:>
- #
- def password=(password)
- check_password(password)
- set_password(password)
- # returns password
- end
- # protect setter for the +user+ component, and +password+ if available.
- # (with validation)
- #
- # see also URI::Generic.userinfo=
- #
- def set_userinfo(user, password = nil)
- unless password
- user, password = split_userinfo(user)
- end
- @user = user
- @password = password if password
- [@user, @password]
- end
- protected :set_userinfo
- # protected setter for the user component +v+
- #
- # see also URI::Generic.user=
- #
- def set_user(v)
- set_userinfo(v, @password)
- v
- end
- protected :set_user
- # protected setter for the password component +v+
- #
- # see also URI::Generic.password=
- #
- def set_password(v)
- @password = v
- # returns v
- end
- protected :set_password
- # returns the userinfo +ui+ as user, password
- # if properly formatted as 'user:password'
- def split_userinfo(ui)
- return nil, nil unless ui
- user, password = ui.split(':'.freeze, 2)
- return user, password
- end
- private :split_userinfo
- # escapes 'user:password' +v+ based on RFC 1738 section 3.1
- def escape_userpass(v)
- parser.escape(v, /[@:\/]/o) # RFC 1738 section 3.1 #/
- end
- private :escape_userpass
- # returns the userinfo, either as 'user' or 'user:password'
- def userinfo
- if @user.nil?
- nil
- elsif @password.nil?
- @user
- else
- @user + ':' + @password
- end
- end
- # returns the user component
- def user
- @user
- end
- # returns the password component
- def password
- @password
- end
- #
- # check the host +v+ component for RFC2396 compliance
- # and against the URI::Parser Regexp for :HOST
- #
- # Can not have a registry or opaque component defined,
- # with a host component defined.
- #
- def check_host(v)
- return v unless v
- if @opaque
- raise InvalidURIError,
- "can not set host with registry or opaque"
- elsif parser.regexp[:HOST] !~ v
- raise InvalidComponentError,
- "bad component(expected host component): #{v}"
- end
- return true
- end
- private :check_host
- # protected setter for the host component +v+
- #
- # see also
- #
- def set_host(v)
- @host = v
- end
- protected :set_host
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +v+::
- # String
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # public setter for the host component +v+.
- # (with validation)
- #
- # see also URI::Generic.check_host
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # uri = URI.parse("")
- # = ""
- # # => ""
- # uri
- # #=> #<URI::HTTP:0x000000008e89e8 URL:>
- #
- def host=(v)
- check_host(v)
- set_host(v)
- v
- end
- # extract the host part of the URI and unwrap brackets for IPv6 addresses.
- #
- # This method is same as URI::Generic#host except
- # brackets for IPv6 (and future IP) addresses are removed.
- #
- # u = URI("http://[::1]/bar")
- # p u.hostname #=> "::1"
- # p #=> "[::1]"
- #
- def hostname
- v =
- /\A\[(.*)\]\z/ =~ v ? $1 : v
- end
- # set the host part of the URI as the argument with brackets for IPv6 addresses.
- #
- # This method is same as URI::Generic#host= except
- # the argument can be bare IPv6 address.
- #
- # u = URI("http://foo/bar")
- # p u.to_s #=> "http://foo/bar"
- # u.hostname = "::1"
- # p u.to_s #=> "http://[::1]/bar"
- #
- # If the argument seems IPv6 address,
- # it is wrapped by brackets.
- #
- def hostname=(v)
- v = "[#{v}]" if /\A\[.*\]\z/ !~ v && /:/ =~ v
- = v
- end
- #
- # check the port +v+ component for RFC2396 compliance
- # and against the URI::Parser Regexp for :PORT
- #
- # Can not have a registry or opaque component defined,
- # with a port component defined.
- #
- def check_port(v)
- return v unless v
- if @opaque
- raise InvalidURIError,
- "can not set port with registry or opaque"
- elsif !v.kind_of?(Fixnum) && parser.regexp[:PORT] !~ v
- raise InvalidComponentError,
- "bad component(expected port component): #{v.inspect}"
- end
- return true
- end
- private :check_port
- # protected setter for the port component +v+
- #
- # see also URI::Generic.port=
- #
- def set_port(v)
- v = v.empty? ? nil : v.to_i unless !v || v.kind_of?(Fixnum)
- @port = v
- end
- protected :set_port
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +v+::
- # String
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # public setter for the port component +v+.
- # (with validation)
- #
- # see also URI::Generic.check_port
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # uri = URI.parse("")
- # uri.port = 8080
- # # => 8080
- # uri
- # #=> #<URI::HTTP:0x000000008e89e8 URL:>
- #
- def port=(v)
- check_port(v)
- set_port(v)
- port
- end
- def check_registry(v) # :nodoc:
- raise InvalidURIError, "can not set registry"
- end
- private :check_registry
- def set_registry(v) #:nodoc:
- raise InvalidURIError, "can not set registry"
- end
- protected :set_registry
- def registry=(v)
- raise InvalidURIError, "can not set registry"
- end
- #
- # check the path +v+ component for RFC2396 compliance
- # and against the URI::Parser Regexp
- # for :ABS_PATH and :REL_PATH
- #
- # Can not have a opaque component defined,
- # with a path component defined.
- #
- def check_path(v)
- # raise if both hier and opaque are not nil, because:
- # absoluteURI = scheme ":" ( hier_part | opaque_part )
- # hier_part = ( net_path | abs_path ) [ "?" query ]
- if v && @opaque
- raise InvalidURIError,
- "path conflicts with opaque"
- end
- # If scheme is ftp, path may be relative.
- # See RFC 1738 section 3.2.2, and RFC 2396.
- if @scheme && @scheme != "ftp".freeze
- if v && v != ''.freeze && parser.regexp[:ABS_PATH] !~ v
- raise InvalidComponentError,
- "bad component(expected absolute path component): #{v}"
- end
- else
- if v && v != ''.freeze && parser.regexp[:ABS_PATH] !~ v &&
- parser.regexp[:REL_PATH] !~ v
- raise InvalidComponentError,
- "bad component(expected relative path component): #{v}"
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- private :check_path
- # protected setter for the path component +v+
- #
- # see also URI::Generic.path=
- #
- def set_path(v)
- @path = v
- end
- protected :set_path
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +v+::
- # String
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # public setter for the path component +v+.
- # (with validation)
- #
- # see also URI::Generic.check_path
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # uri = URI.parse("")
- # uri.path = "/faq/"
- # # => "/faq/"
- # uri
- # #=> #<URI::HTTP:0x000000008e89e8 URL:>
- #
- def path=(v)
- check_path(v)
- set_path(v)
- v
- end
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +v+::
- # String
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # public setter for the query component +v+.
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # uri = URI.parse("")
- # uri.query = "id=1"
- # # => "id=1"
- # uri
- # #=> #<URI::HTTP:0x000000008e89e8 URL:>
- #
- def query=(v)
- return @query = nil unless v
- raise InvalidURIError, "query conflicts with opaque" if @opaque
- x = v.to_str
- v = x.dup if x.equal? v
- v.encode!(Encoding::UTF_8) rescue nil
- v.delete!("\t\r\n".freeze)
- v.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
- v.gsub!(/(?!%\h\h|[!$-&(-;=?-_a-~])./n.freeze){'%%%02X'.freeze % $&.ord}
- v.force_encoding(Encoding::US_ASCII)
- @query = v
- end
- #
- # check the opaque +v+ component for RFC2396 compliance and
- # against the URI::Parser Regexp for :OPAQUE
- #
- # Can not have a host, port, user or path component defined,
- # with an opaque component defined.
- #
- def check_opaque(v)
- return v unless v
- # raise if both hier and opaque are not nil, because:
- # absoluteURI = scheme ":" ( hier_part | opaque_part )
- # hier_part = ( net_path | abs_path ) [ "?" query ]
- if @host || @port || @user || @path # userinfo = @user + ':' + @password
- raise InvalidURIError,
- "can not set opaque with host, port, userinfo or path"
- elsif v && parser.regexp[:OPAQUE] !~ v
- raise InvalidComponentError,
- "bad component(expected opaque component): #{v}"
- end
- return true
- end
- private :check_opaque
- # protected setter for the opaque component +v+
- #
- # see also URI::Generic.opaque=
- #
- def set_opaque(v)
- @opaque = v
- end
- protected :set_opaque
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +v+::
- # String
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # public setter for the opaque component +v+.
- # (with validation)
- #
- # see also URI::Generic.check_opaque
- #
- def opaque=(v)
- check_opaque(v)
- set_opaque(v)
- v
- end
- #
- # check the fragment +v+ component against the URI::Parser Regexp for :FRAGMENT
- #
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +v+::
- # String
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # public setter for the fragment component +v+.
- # (with validation)
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # uri = URI.parse("")
- # uri.fragment = "time=1305212086"
- # # => "time=1305212086"
- # uri
- # #=> #<URI::HTTP:0x000000007a81f8 URL:>
- #
- def fragment=(v)
- return @fragment = nil unless v
- x = v.to_str
- v = x.dup if x.equal? v
- v.encode!(Encoding::UTF_8) rescue nil
- v.delete!("\t\r\n".freeze)
- v.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
- v.gsub!(/(?!%\h\h|[!-~])./n){'%%%02X'.freeze % $&.ord}
- v.force_encoding(Encoding::US_ASCII)
- @fragment = v
- end
- #
- # Checks if URI has a path
- #
- def hierarchical?
- if @path
- true
- else
- false
- end
- end
- #
- # Checks if URI is an absolute one
- #
- def absolute?
- if @scheme
- true
- else
- false
- end
- end
- alias absolute absolute?
- #
- # Checks if URI is relative
- #
- def relative?
- !absolute?
- end
- #
- # returns an Array of the path split on '/'
- #
- def split_path(path)
- path.split(%r{/+}, -1)
- end
- private :split_path
- #
- # Merges a base path +base+, with relative path +rel+,
- # returns a modified base path.
- #
- def merge_path(base, rel)
- # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 5)
- # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 6)
- base_path = split_path(base)
- rel_path = split_path(rel)
- # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 6), a)
- base_path << '' if base_path.last == '..'
- while i = base_path.index('..')
- base_path.slice!(i - 1, 2)
- end
- if (first = rel_path.first) and first.empty?
- base_path.clear
- rel_path.shift
- end
- # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 6), c)
- # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 6), d)
- rel_path.push('') if rel_path.last == '.' || rel_path.last == '..'
- rel_path.delete('.')
- # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 6), e)
- tmp = []
- rel_path.each do |x|
- if x == '..' &&
- !(tmp.empty? || tmp.last == '..')
- tmp.pop
- else
- tmp << x
- end
- end
- add_trailer_slash = !tmp.empty?
- if base_path.empty?
- base_path = [''] # keep '/' for root directory
- elsif add_trailer_slash
- base_path.pop
- end
- while x = tmp.shift
- if x == '..'
- # RFC2396, Section 4
- # a .. or . in an absolute path has no special meaning
- base_path.pop if base_path.size > 1
- else
- # if x == '..'
- # valid absolute (but abnormal) path "/../..."
- # else
- # valid absolute path
- # end
- base_path << x
- tmp.each {|t| base_path << t}
- add_trailer_slash = false
- break
- end
- end
- base_path.push('') if add_trailer_slash
- return base_path.join('/')
- end
- private :merge_path
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +oth+::
- # URI or String
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Destructive form of #merge
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # uri = URI.parse("")
- # uri.merge!("/main.rbx?page=1")
- # p uri
- # # => #<URI::HTTP:0x2021f3b0 URL:>
- #
- def merge!(oth)
- t = merge(oth)
- if self == t
- nil
- else
- replace!(t)
- self
- end
- end
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +oth+::
- # URI or String
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Merges two URI's.
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # uri = URI.parse("")
- # p uri.merge("/main.rbx?page=1")
- # # => #<URI::HTTP:0x2021f3b0 URL:>
- #
- def merge(oth)
- begin
- base, rel = merge0(oth)
- rescue
- raise $!.class, $!.message
- end
- if base == rel
- return base
- end
- authority = rel.userinfo || || rel.port
- # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 2)
- if (rel.path.nil? || rel.path.empty?) && !authority && !rel.query
- base.fragment=(rel.fragment) if rel.fragment
- return base
- end
- base.query = nil
- base.fragment=(nil)
- # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 4)
- if !authority
- base.set_path(merge_path(base.path, rel.path)) if base.path && rel.path
- else
- # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 4)
- base.set_path(rel.path) if rel.path
- end
- # RFC2396, Section 5.2, 7)
- base.set_userinfo(rel.userinfo) if rel.userinfo
- base.set_host( if
- base.set_port(rel.port) if rel.port
- base.query = rel.query if rel.query
- base.fragment=(rel.fragment) if rel.fragment
- return base
- end # merge
- alias + merge
- # return base and rel.
- # you can modify `base', but can not `rel'.
- def merge0(oth)
- oth = parser.send(:convert_to_uri, oth)
- if self.relative? && oth.relative?
- raise BadURIError,
- "both URI are relative"
- end
- if self.absolute? && oth.absolute?
- #raise BadURIError,
- # "both URI are absolute"
- # hmm... should return oth for usability?
- return oth, oth
- end
- if self.absolute?
- return self.dup, oth
- else
- return oth, oth
- end
- end
- private :merge0
- # :stopdoc:
- def route_from_path(src, dst)
- case dst
- when src
- # RFC2396, Section 4.2
- return ''
- when %r{(?:\A|/)\.\.?(?:/|\z)}
- # dst has abnormal absolute path,
- # like "/./", "/../", "/x/../", ...
- return dst.dup
- end
- src_path = src.scan(%r{(?:\A|[^/]+)/})
- dst_path = dst.scan(%r{(?:\A|[^/]+)/?})
- # discard same parts
- while !dst_path.empty? && dst_path.first == src_path.first
- src_path.shift
- dst_path.shift
- end
- tmp = dst_path.join
- # calculate
- if src_path.empty?
- if tmp.empty?
- return './'
- elsif dst_path.first.include?(':') # (see RFC2396 Section 5)
- return './' + tmp
- else
- return tmp
- end
- end
- return '../' * src_path.size + tmp
- end
- private :route_from_path
- # :startdoc:
- # :stopdoc:
- def route_from0(oth)
- oth = parser.send(:convert_to_uri, oth)
- if self.relative?
- raise BadURIError,
- "relative URI: #{self}"
- end
- if oth.relative?
- raise BadURIError,
- "relative URI: #{oth}"
- end
- if self.scheme != oth.scheme
- return self, self.dup
- end
- rel =, # it is relative URI
- self.userinfo,, self.port,
- nil, self.path, self.opaque,
- self.query, self.fragment, parser)
- if rel.userinfo != oth.userinfo ||
- != ||
- rel.port != oth.port
- if self.userinfo.nil? &&
- return self, self.dup
- end
- rel.set_port(nil) if rel.port == oth.default_port
- return rel, rel
- end
- rel.set_userinfo(nil)
- rel.set_host(nil)
- rel.set_port(nil)
- if rel.path && rel.path == oth.path
- rel.set_path('')
- rel.query = nil if rel.query == oth.query
- return rel, rel
- elsif rel.opaque && rel.opaque == oth.opaque
- rel.set_opaque('')
- rel.query = nil if rel.query == oth.query
- return rel, rel
- end
- # you can modify `rel', but can not `oth'.
- return oth, rel
- end
- private :route_from0
- # :startdoc:
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +oth+::
- # URI or String
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Calculates relative path from oth to self
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # uri = URI.parse('')
- # p uri.route_from('')
- # #=> #<URI::Generic:0x20218858 URL:/main.rbx?page=1>
- #
- def route_from(oth)
- # you can modify `rel', but can not `oth'.
- begin
- oth, rel = route_from0(oth)
- rescue
- raise $!.class, $!.message
- end
- if oth == rel
- return rel
- end
- rel.set_path(route_from_path(oth.path, self.path))
- if rel.path == './' && self.query
- # "./?foo" -> "?foo"
- rel.set_path('')
- end
- return rel
- end
- alias - route_from
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +oth+::
- # URI or String
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Calculates relative path to oth from self
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # uri = URI.parse('')
- # p uri.route_to('')
- # #=> #<URI::Generic:0x2020c2f6 URL:/main.rbx?page=1>
- #
- def route_to(oth)
- parser.send(:convert_to_uri, oth).route_from(self)
- end
- #
- # Returns normalized URI
- #
- def normalize
- uri = dup
- uri.normalize!
- uri
- end
- #
- # Destructive version of #normalize
- #
- def normalize!
- if path && path.empty?
- set_path('/')
- end
- if scheme && scheme != scheme.downcase
- set_scheme(self.scheme.downcase)
- end
- if host && host != host.downcase
- set_host(
- end
- end
- #
- # Constructs String from URI
- #
- def to_s
- str = ''
- if @scheme
- str << @scheme
- str << ':'.freeze
- end
- if @opaque
- str << @opaque
- else
- if @host
- str << '//'.freeze
- end
- if self.userinfo
- str << self.userinfo
- str << '@'.freeze
- end
- if @host
- str << @host
- end
- if @port && @port != self.default_port
- str << ':'.freeze
- str << @port.to_s
- end
- str << @path
- if @query
- str << '?'.freeze
- str << @query
- end
- end
- if @fragment
- str << '#'.freeze
- str << @fragment
- end
- str
- end
- #
- # Compares to URI's
- #
- def ==(oth)
- if self.class == oth.class
- self.normalize.component_ary == oth.normalize.component_ary
- else
- false
- end
- end
- def hash
- self.component_ary.hash
- end
- def eql?(oth)
- self.class == oth.class &&
- parser == oth.parser &&
- self.component_ary.eql?(oth.component_ary)
- end
---- URI::Generic#===(oth)
-# def ===(oth)
-# raise NotImplementedError
-# end
- # returns an Array of the components defined from the COMPONENT Array
- def component_ary
- component.collect do |x|
- self.send(x)
- end
- end
- protected :component_ary
- # == Args
- #
- # +components+::
- # Multiple Symbol arguments defined in URI::HTTP
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Selects specified components from URI
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # uri = URI.parse('')
- # p, :host, :path)
- # # => ["myuser:mypass", "", "/test.rbx"]
- #
- def select(*components)
- components.collect do |c|
- if component.include?(c)
- self.send(c)
- else
- raise ArgumentError,
- "expected of components of #{self.class} (#{self.class.component.join(', ')})"
- end
- end
- end
- def inspect
- "#<#{self.class} #{self}>"
- end
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +v+::
- # URI or String
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # attempt to parse other URI +oth+
- # return [parsed_oth, self]
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # uri = URI.parse("")
- # uri.coerce("")
- # #=> [#<URI::HTTP:0x00000000bcb028 URL:>, #<URI::HTTP:0x00000000d92178 URL:>]
- #
- def coerce(oth)
- case oth
- when String
- oth = parser.parse(oth)
- else
- super
- end
- return oth, self
- end
- # returns a proxy URI.
- # The proxy URI is obtained from environment variables such as http_proxy,
- # ftp_proxy, no_proxy, etc.
- # If there is no proper proxy, nil is returned.
- #
- # Note that capitalized variables (HTTP_PROXY, FTP_PROXY, NO_PROXY, etc.)
- # are examined too.
- #
- # But http_proxy and HTTP_PROXY is treated specially under CGI environment.
- # It's because HTTP_PROXY may be set by Proxy: header.
- # So HTTP_PROXY is not used.
- # http_proxy is not used too if the variable is case insensitive.
- # CGI_HTTP_PROXY can be used instead.
- def find_proxy
- raise BadURIError, "relative URI: #{self}" if self.relative?
- name = self.scheme.downcase + '_proxy'
- proxy_uri = nil
- if name == 'http_proxy' && ENV.include?('REQUEST_METHOD') # CGI?
- # HTTP_PROXY conflicts with *_proxy for proxy settings and
- # HTTP_* for header information in CGI.
- # So it should be careful to use it.
- pairs = ENV.reject {|k, v| /\Ahttp_proxy\z/i !~ k }
- case pairs.length
- when 0 # no proxy setting anyway.
- proxy_uri = nil
- when 1
- k, _ = pairs.shift
- if k == 'http_proxy' && ENV[k.upcase] == nil
- # http_proxy is safe to use because ENV is case sensitive.
- proxy_uri = ENV[name]
- else
- proxy_uri = nil
- end
- else # http_proxy is safe to use because ENV is case sensitive.
- proxy_uri = ENV.to_hash[name]
- end
- if !proxy_uri
- # Use CGI_HTTP_PROXY. cf. libwww-perl.
- proxy_uri = ENV["CGI_#{name.upcase}"]
- end
- elsif name == 'http_proxy'
- unless proxy_uri = ENV[name]
- if proxy_uri = ENV[name.upcase]
- warn 'The environment variable HTTP_PROXY is discouraged. Use http_proxy.'
- end
- end
- else
- proxy_uri = ENV[name] || ENV[name.upcase]
- end
- if proxy_uri.nil? || proxy_uri.empty?
- return nil
- end
- if self.hostname
- require 'socket'
- begin
- addr = IPSocket.getaddress(self.hostname)
- return nil if /\A127\.|\A::1\z/ =~ addr
- rescue SocketError
- end
- end
- name = 'no_proxy'
- if no_proxy = ENV[name] || ENV[name.upcase]
- no_proxy.scan(/([^:,]*)(?::(\d+))?/) {|host, port|
- if /(\A|\.)#{Regexp.quote host}\z/i =~ &&
- (!port || self.port == port.to_i)
- return nil
- end
- }
- end
- URI.parse(proxy_uri)
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/http.rb b/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/http.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 56d29f3432..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/http.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# = uri/http.rb
-# Author:: Akira Yamada <>
-# License:: You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same term as Ruby.
-# Revision:: $Id$
-# See URI for general documentation
-require 'uri/generic'
-module URI
- #
- # The syntax of HTTP URIs is defined in RFC1738 section 3.3.
- #
- # Note that the Ruby URI library allows HTTP URLs containing usernames and
- # passwords. This is not legal as per the RFC, but used to be
- # supported in Internet Explorer 5 and 6, before the MS04-004 security
- # update. See <URL:>.
- #
- class HTTP < Generic
- # A Default port of 80 for URI::HTTP
- # An Array of the available components for URI::HTTP
- :scheme,
- :userinfo, :host, :port,
- :path,
- :query,
- :fragment
- ].freeze
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Create a new URI::HTTP object from components, with syntax checking.
- #
- # The components accepted are userinfo, host, port, path, query and
- # fragment.
- #
- # The components should be provided either as an Array, or as a Hash
- # with keys formed by preceding the component names with a colon.
- #
- # If an Array is used, the components must be passed in the order
- # [userinfo, host, port, path, query, fragment].
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # newuri ={:host => '',
- # :path => '/foo/bar'})
- #
- # newuri =[nil, "", nil, "/path",
- # "query", 'fragment'])
- #
- # Currently, if passed userinfo components this method generates
- # invalid HTTP URIs as per RFC 1738.
- #
- def
- tmp = Util::make_components_hash(self, args)
- return super(tmp)
- end
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Create a new URI::HTTP object from generic URI components as per
- # RFC 2396. No HTTP-specific syntax checking (as per RFC 1738) is
- # performed.
- #
- # Arguments are +scheme+, +userinfo+, +host+, +port+, +registry+, +path+,
- # +opaque+, +query+ and +fragment+, in that order.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # uri ="http", nil, "", nil, nil,
- # "/path", nil, "query", "fragment")
- #
- #
- # See also
- #
- def initialize(*arg)
- super(*arg)
- end
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Returns the full path for an HTTP request, as required by Net::HTTP::Get.
- #
- # If the URI contains a query, the full path is URI#path + '?' + URI#query.
- # Otherwise, the path is simply URI#path.
- #
- def request_uri
- return nil unless @path
- if @path.start_with?(?/.freeze)
- @query ? "#@path?#@query" : @path.dup
- else
- @query ? "/#@path?#@query" : "/#@path"
- end
- end
- end
- @@schemes['HTTP'] = HTTP
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/https.rb b/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/https.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d242e7e79..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/https.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# = uri/https.rb
-# Author:: Akira Yamada <>
-# License:: You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same term as Ruby.
-# Revision:: $Id$
-# See URI for general documentation
-require 'uri/http'
-module URI
- # The default port for HTTPS URIs is 443, and the scheme is 'https:' rather
- # than 'http:'. Other than that, HTTPS URIs are identical to HTTP URIs;
- # see URI::HTTP.
- class HTTPS < HTTP
- # A Default port of 443 for URI::HTTPS
- end
- @@schemes['HTTPS'] = HTTPS
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/ldap.rb b/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/ldap.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 56d748e59e..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/ldap.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-# = uri/ldap.rb
-# Author::
-# Takaaki Tateishi <>
-# Akira Yamada <>
-# License::
-# URI::LDAP is copyrighted free software by Takaaki Tateishi and Akira Yamada.
-# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same term as Ruby.
-# Revision:: $Id$
-# See URI for general documentation
-require 'uri/generic'
-module URI
- #
- # LDAP URI SCHEMA (described in RFC2255)
- # ldap://<host>/<dn>[?<attrs>[?<scope>[?<filter>[?<extensions>]]]]
- #
- class LDAP < Generic
- # A Default port of 389 for URI::LDAP
- # An Array of the available components for URI::LDAP
- :scheme,
- :host, :port,
- :dn,
- :attributes,
- :scope,
- :filter,
- :extensions,
- ].freeze
- # Scopes available for the starting point.
- #
- # * SCOPE_BASE - the Base DN
- # * SCOPE_ONE - one level under the Base DN, not including the base DN and
- # not including any entries under this.
- # * SCOPE_SUB - subtress, all entries at all levels
- #
- SCOPE = [
- SCOPE_ONE = 'one',
- SCOPE_SUB = 'sub',
- SCOPE_BASE = 'base',
- ].freeze
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Create a new URI::LDAP object from components, with syntax checking.
- #
- # The components accepted are host, port, dn, attributes,
- # scope, filter, and extensions.
- #
- # The components should be provided either as an Array, or as a Hash
- # with keys formed by preceding the component names with a colon.
- #
- # If an Array is used, the components must be passed in the order
- # [host, port, dn, attributes, scope, filter, extensions].
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # newuri ={:host => '',
- # :dn> => '/dc=example'})
- #
- # newuri =["", nil,
- # "/dc=example;dc=com", "query", nil, nil, nil])
- #
- def
- tmp = Util::make_components_hash(self, args)
- if tmp[:dn]
- tmp[:path] = tmp[:dn]
- end
- query = []
- [:extensions, :filter, :scope, :attributes].collect do |x|
- next if !tmp[x] && query.size == 0
- query.unshift(tmp[x])
- end
- tmp[:query] = query.join('?')
- return super(tmp)
- end
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Create a new URI::LDAP object from generic URI components as per
- # RFC 2396. No LDAP-specific syntax checking is performed.
- #
- # Arguments are +scheme+, +userinfo+, +host+, +port+, +registry+, +path+,
- # +opaque+, +query+ and +fragment+, in that order.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # uri ="ldap", nil, "", nil,
- # "/dc=example;dc=com", "query", nil, nil, nil, nil)
- #
- #
- # See also
- #
- def initialize(*arg)
- super(*arg)
- if @fragment
- raise InvalidURIError, 'bad LDAP URL'
- end
- parse_dn
- parse_query
- end
- # private method to cleanup +dn+ from using the +path+ component attribute
- def parse_dn
- @dn = @path[1..-1]
- end
- private :parse_dn
- # private method to cleanup +attributes+, +scope+, +filter+ and +extensions+,
- # from using the +query+ component attribute
- def parse_query
- @attributes = nil
- @scope = nil
- @filter = nil
- @extensions = nil
- if @query
- attrs, scope, filter, extensions = @query.split('?')
- @attributes = attrs if attrs && attrs.size > 0
- @scope = scope if scope && scope.size > 0
- @filter = filter if filter && filter.size > 0
- @extensions = extensions if extensions && extensions.size > 0
- end
- end
- private :parse_query
- # private method to assemble +query+ from +attributes+, +scope+, +filter+ and +extensions+.
- def build_path_query
- @path = '/' + @dn
- query = []
- [@extensions, @filter, @scope, @attributes].each do |x|
- next if !x && query.size == 0
- query.unshift(x)
- end
- @query = query.join('?')
- end
- private :build_path_query
- # returns dn.
- def dn
- @dn
- end
- # private setter for dn +val+
- def set_dn(val)
- @dn = val
- build_path_query
- @dn
- end
- protected :set_dn
- # setter for dn +val+
- def dn=(val)
- set_dn(val)
- val
- end
- # returns attributes.
- def attributes
- @attributes
- end
- # private setter for attributes +val+
- def set_attributes(val)
- @attributes = val
- build_path_query
- @attributes
- end
- protected :set_attributes
- # setter for attributes +val+
- def attributes=(val)
- set_attributes(val)
- val
- end
- # returns scope.
- def scope
- @scope
- end
- # private setter for scope +val+
- def set_scope(val)
- @scope = val
- build_path_query
- @scope
- end
- protected :set_scope
- # setter for scope +val+
- def scope=(val)
- set_scope(val)
- val
- end
- # returns filter.
- def filter
- @filter
- end
- # private setter for filter +val+
- def set_filter(val)
- @filter = val
- build_path_query
- @filter
- end
- protected :set_filter
- # setter for filter +val+
- def filter=(val)
- set_filter(val)
- val
- end
- # returns extensions.
- def extensions
- @extensions
- end
- # private setter for extensions +val+
- def set_extensions(val)
- @extensions = val
- build_path_query
- @extensions
- end
- protected :set_extensions
- # setter for extensions +val+
- def extensions=(val)
- set_extensions(val)
- val
- end
- # Checks if URI has a path
- # For URI::LDAP this will return +false+
- def hierarchical?
- false
- end
- end
- @@schemes['LDAP'] = LDAP
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/ldaps.rb b/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/ldaps.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 42bbfe86ba..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/ldaps.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# = uri/ldap.rb
-# License:: You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same term as Ruby.
-# See URI for general documentation
-require 'uri/ldap'
-module URI
- # The default port for LDAPS URIs is 636, and the scheme is 'ldaps:' rather
- # than 'ldap:'. Other than that, LDAPS URIs are identical to LDAP URIs;
- # see URI::LDAP.
- class LDAPS < LDAP
- # A Default port of 636 for URI::LDAPS
- end
- @@schemes['LDAPS'] = LDAPS
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/mailto.rb b/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/mailto.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 282dcbe404..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/mailto.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-# = uri/mailto.rb
-# Author:: Akira Yamada <>
-# License:: You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same term as Ruby.
-# Revision:: $Id$
-# See URI for general documentation
-require 'uri/generic'
-module URI
- #
- # RFC6068, The mailto URL scheme
- #
- class MailTo < Generic
- include REGEXP
- # A Default port of nil for URI::MailTo
- # An Array of the available components for URI::MailTo
- COMPONENT = [ :scheme, :to, :headers ].freeze
- # :stopdoc:
- # "hname" and "hvalue" are encodings of an RFC 822 header name and
- # value, respectively. As with "to", all URL reserved characters must
- # be encoded.
- #
- # "#mailbox" is as specified in RFC 822 [RFC822]. This means that it
- # consists of zero or more comma-separated mail addresses, possibly
- # including "phrase" and "comment" components. Note that all URL
- # reserved characters in "to" must be encoded: in particular,
- # parentheses, commas, and the percent sign ("%"), which commonly occur
- # in the "mailbox" syntax.
- #
- # Within mailto URLs, the characters "?", "=", "&" are reserved.
- # ; RFC 6068
- # hfields = "?" hfield *( "&" hfield )
- # hfield = hfname "=" hfvalue
- # hfname = *qchar
- # hfvalue = *qchar
- # qchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / some-delims
- # some-delims = "!" / "$" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*"
- # / "+" / "," / ";" / ":" / "@"
- #
- # ; RFC3986
- # unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
- # pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
- HEADER_REGEXP = /\A(?<hfield>(?:%\h\h|[!$'-.0-;@-Z_a-z~])*=(?:%\h\h|[!$'-.0-;@-Z_a-z~])*)(?:&\g<hfield>)*\z/
- # practical regexp for email address
- #
- EMAIL_REGEXP = /\A[a-zA-Z0-9.!\#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*\z/
- # :startdoc:
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Creates a new URI::MailTo object from components, with syntax checking.
- #
- # Components can be provided as an Array or Hash. If an Array is used,
- # the components must be supplied as [to, headers].
- #
- # If a Hash is used, the keys are the component names preceded by colons.
- #
- # The headers can be supplied as a pre-encoded string, such as
- # "subject=subscribe&cc=address", or as an Array of Arrays like
- # [['subject', 'subscribe'], ['cc', 'address']]
- #
- # Examples:
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # m1 =['', 'subject=Ruby'])
- # puts m1.to_s ->
- #
- # m2 =['', [['Subject', 'Ruby'], ['Cc', '']]])
- # puts m2.to_s ->
- #
- # m3 ={:to => '', :headers => [['subject', 'subscribe']]})
- # puts m3.to_s ->
- #
- def
- tmp = Util::make_components_hash(self, args)
- case tmp[:to]
- when Array
- tmp[:opaque] = tmp[:to].join(',')
- when String
- tmp[:opaque] = tmp[:to].dup
- else
- tmp[:opaque] = ''
- end
- if tmp[:headers]
- query =
- case tmp[:headers]
- when Array
- tmp[:headers].collect { |x|
- if x.kind_of?(Array)
- x[0] + '=' + x[1..-1].join
- else
- x.to_s
- end
- }.join('&')
- when Hash
- tmp[:headers].collect { |h,v|
- h + '=' + v
- }.join('&')
- else
- tmp[:headers].to_s
- end
- unless query.empty?
- tmp[:opaque] << '?' << query
- end
- end
- return super(tmp)
- end
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Creates a new URI::MailTo object from generic URL components with
- # no syntax checking.
- #
- # This method is usually called from URI::parse, which checks
- # the validity of each component.
- #
- def initialize(*arg)
- super(*arg)
- @to = nil
- @headers = []
- # The RFC3986 parser does not normally populate opaque
- @opaque = "?#{@query}" if @query && !@opaque
- unless @opaque
- raise InvalidComponentError,
- "missing opaque part for mailto URL"
- end
- to, header = @opaque.split('?', 2)
- # allow semicolon as a addr-spec separator
- #
- unless /\A(?:[^@,;]+@[^@,;]+(?:\z|[,;]))*\z/ =~ to
- raise InvalidComponentError,
- "unrecognised opaque part for mailtoURL: #{@opaque}"
- end
- if arg[10] # arg_check
- = to
- self.headers = header
- else
- set_to(to)
- set_headers(header)
- end
- end
- # The primary e-mail address of the URL, as a String
- attr_reader :to
- # E-mail headers set by the URL, as an Array of Arrays
- attr_reader :headers
- # check the to +v+ component
- def check_to(v)
- return true unless v
- return true if v.size == 0
- v.split(/[,;]/).each do |addr|
- # check url safety as path-rootless
- if /\A(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-;=@-Z_a-z~])*\z/ !~ addr
- raise InvalidComponentError,
- "an address in 'to' is invalid as URI #{addr.dump}"
- end
- # check addr-spec
- # don't s/\+/ /g
- addr.gsub!(/%\h\h/, URI::TBLDECWWWCOMP_)
- if EMAIL_REGEXP !~ addr
- raise InvalidComponentError,
- "an address in 'to' is invalid as uri-escaped addr-spec #{addr.dump}"
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- private :check_to
- # private setter for to +v+
- def set_to(v)
- @to = v
- end
- protected :set_to
- # setter for to +v+
- def to=(v)
- check_to(v)
- set_to(v)
- v
- end
- # check the headers +v+ component against either
- def check_headers(v)
- return true unless v
- return true if v.size == 0
- raise InvalidComponentError,
- "bad component(expected opaque component): #{v}"
- end
- return true
- end
- private :check_headers
- # private setter for headers +v+
- def set_headers(v)
- @headers = []
- if v
- v.split('&').each do |x|
- @headers << x.split(/=/, 2)
- end
- end
- end
- protected :set_headers
- # setter for headers +v+
- def headers=(v)
- check_headers(v)
- set_headers(v)
- v
- end
- # Constructs String from URI
- def to_s
- @scheme + ':' +
- if @to
- @to
- else
- ''
- end +
- if @headers.size > 0
- '?' + @headers.collect{|x| x.join('=')}.join('&')
- else
- ''
- end +
- if @fragment
- '#' + @fragment
- else
- ''
- end
- end
- # Returns the RFC822 e-mail text equivalent of the URL, as a String.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # require 'uri'
- #
- # uri = URI.parse("")
- # uri.to_mailtext
- # # => "To:\nSubject: subscribe\nCc: myaddr\n\n\n"
- #
- def to_mailtext
- to = parser.unescape(@to)
- head = ''
- body = ''
- @headers.each do |x|
- case x[0]
- when 'body'
- body = parser.unescape(x[1])
- when 'to'
- to << ', ' + parser.unescape(x[1])
- else
- head << parser.unescape(x[0]).capitalize + ': ' +
- parser.unescape(x[1]) + "\n"
- end
- end
- return "To: #{to}
- end
- alias to_rfc822text to_mailtext
- end
- @@schemes['MAILTO'] = MailTo
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/rfc2396_parser.rb b/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/rfc2396_parser.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c192f65ec1..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/rfc2396_parser.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
-# = uri/common.rb
-# Author:: Akira Yamada <>
-# Revision:: $Id$
-# License::
-# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same term as Ruby.
-# See URI for general documentation
-module URI
- #
- #
- module RFC2396_REGEXP
- #
- # Patterns used to parse URI's
- #
- module PATTERN
- # :stopdoc:
- # RFC 2396 (URI Generic Syntax)
- # RFC 2732 (IPv6 Literal Addresses in URL's)
- # RFC 2373 (IPv6 Addressing Architecture)
- # alpha = lowalpha | upalpha
- ALPHA = "a-zA-Z"
- # alphanum = alpha | digit
- ALNUM = "#{ALPHA}\\d"
- # hex = digit | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" |
- # "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f"
- HEX = "a-fA-F\\d"
- # escaped = "%" hex hex
- ESCAPED = "%[#{HEX}]{2}"
- # mark = "-" | "_" | "." | "!" | "~" | "*" | "'" |
- # "(" | ")"
- # unreserved = alphanum | mark
- UNRESERVED = "\\-_.!~*'()#{ALNUM}"
- # reserved = ";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" |
- # "$" | ","
- # reserved = ";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" |
- # "$" | "," | "[" | "]" (RFC 2732)
- RESERVED = ";/?:@&=+$,\\[\\]"
- # domainlabel = alphanum | alphanum *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
- DOMLABEL = "(?:[#{ALNUM}](?:[-#{ALNUM}]*[#{ALNUM}])?)"
- # toplabel = alpha | alpha *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
- TOPLABEL = "(?:[#{ALPHA}](?:[-#{ALNUM}]*[#{ALNUM}])?)"
- # hostname = *( domainlabel "." ) toplabel [ "." ]
- HOSTNAME = "(?:#{DOMLABEL}\\.)*#{TOPLABEL}\\.?"
- # :startdoc:
- end # PATTERN
- # :startdoc:
- end # REGEXP
- # class that Parses String's into URI's
- #
- # It contains a Hash set of patterns and Regexp's that match and validate.
- #
- class RFC2396_Parser
- include RFC2396_REGEXP
- #
- # == Synopsis
- #
- #[opts])
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # The constructor accepts a hash as options for parser.
- # Keys of options are pattern names of URI components
- # and values of options are pattern strings.
- # The constructor generates set of regexps for parsing URIs.
- #
- # You can use the following keys:
- #
- # * :ESCAPED (URI::PATTERN::ESCAPED in default)
- #
- # == Examples
- #
- # p = => "(?:%[a-fA-F0-9]{2}|%u[a-fA-F0-9]{4})")
- # u = p.parse("") #=> #<URI::HTTP:0xb78cf4f8 URL:>
- # URI.parse(u.to_s) #=> raises URI::InvalidURIError
- #
- # s = ""
- # u1 = p.parse(s) #=> #<URI::HTTP:0xb78c3220 URL:>
- # u2 = URI.parse(s) #=> #<URI::HTTP:0xb78b6d54 URL:>
- # u1 == u2 #=> true
- # u1.eql?(u2) #=> false
- #
- def initialize(opts = {})
- @pattern = initialize_pattern(opts)
- @pattern.each_value(&:freeze)
- @pattern.freeze
- @regexp = initialize_regexp(@pattern)
- @regexp.each_value(&:freeze)
- @regexp.freeze
- end
- # The Hash of patterns.
- #
- # see also URI::Parser.initialize_pattern
- attr_reader :pattern
- # The Hash of Regexp
- #
- # see also URI::Parser.initialize_regexp
- attr_reader :regexp
- # Returns a split URI against regexp[:ABS_URI]
- def split(uri)
- case uri
- when ''
- # null uri
- when @regexp[:ABS_URI]
- scheme, opaque, userinfo, host, port,
- registry, path, query, fragment = $~[1..-1]
- # URI-reference = [ absoluteURI | relativeURI ] [ "#" fragment ]
- # absoluteURI = scheme ":" ( hier_part | opaque_part )
- # hier_part = ( net_path | abs_path ) [ "?" query ]
- # opaque_part = uric_no_slash *uric
- # abs_path = "/" path_segments
- # net_path = "//" authority [ abs_path ]
- # authority = server | reg_name
- # server = [ [ userinfo "@" ] hostport ]
- if !scheme
- raise InvalidURIError,
- "bad URI(absolute but no scheme): #{uri}"
- end
- if !opaque && (!path && (!host && !registry))
- raise InvalidURIError,
- "bad URI(absolute but no path): #{uri}"
- end
- when @regexp[:REL_URI]
- scheme = nil
- opaque = nil
- userinfo, host, port, registry,
- rel_segment, abs_path, query, fragment = $~[1..-1]
- if rel_segment && abs_path
- path = rel_segment + abs_path
- elsif rel_segment
- path = rel_segment
- elsif abs_path
- path = abs_path
- end
- # URI-reference = [ absoluteURI | relativeURI ] [ "#" fragment ]
- # relativeURI = ( net_path | abs_path | rel_path ) [ "?" query ]
- # net_path = "//" authority [ abs_path ]
- # abs_path = "/" path_segments
- # rel_path = rel_segment [ abs_path ]
- # authority = server | reg_name
- # server = [ [ userinfo "@" ] hostport ]
- else
- raise InvalidURIError, "bad URI(is not URI?): #{uri}"
- end
- path = '' if !path && !opaque # (see RFC2396 Section 5.2)
- ret = [
- scheme,
- userinfo, host, port, # X
- registry, # X
- path, # Y
- opaque, # Y
- query,
- fragment
- ]
- return ret
- end
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +uri+::
- # String
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # parses +uri+ and constructs either matching URI scheme object
- # (FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, LDAP, LDAPS, or MailTo) or URI::Generic
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # p =
- # p.parse("ldap://")
- # #=> #<URI::LDAP:0x00000000b9e7e8 URL:ldap://>
- #
- def parse(uri)
- scheme, userinfo, host, port,
- registry, path, opaque, query, fragment = self.split(uri)
- if scheme && URI.scheme_list.include?(scheme.upcase)
- URI.scheme_list[scheme.upcase].new(scheme, userinfo, host, port,
- registry, path, opaque, query,
- fragment, self)
- else
-, userinfo, host, port,
- registry, path, opaque, query,
- fragment, self)
- end
- end
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +uris+::
- # an Array of Strings
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Attempts to parse and merge a set of URIs
- #
- def join(*uris)
- uris[0] = convert_to_uri(uris[0])
- uris.inject :merge
- end
- #
- # :call-seq:
- # extract( str )
- # extract( str, schemes )
- # extract( str, schemes ) {|item| block }
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +str+::
- # String to search
- # +schemes+::
- # Patterns to apply to +str+
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Attempts to parse and merge a set of URIs
- # If no +block+ given , then returns the result,
- # else it calls +block+ for each element in result.
- #
- # see also URI::Parser.make_regexp
- #
- def extract(str, schemes = nil)
- if block_given?
- str.scan(make_regexp(schemes)) { yield $& }
- nil
- else
- result = []
- str.scan(make_regexp(schemes)) { result.push $& }
- result
- end
- end
- # returns Regexp that is default self.regexp[:ABS_URI_REF],
- # unless +schemes+ is provided. Then it is a Regexp.union with self.pattern[:X_ABS_URI]
- def make_regexp(schemes = nil)
- unless schemes
- @regexp[:ABS_URI_REF]
- else
- /(?=#{Regexp.union(*schemes)}:)#{@pattern[:X_ABS_URI]}/x
- end
- end
- #
- # :call-seq:
- # escape( str )
- # escape( str, unsafe )
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +str+::
- # String to make safe
- # +unsafe+::
- # Regexp to apply. Defaults to self.regexp[:UNSAFE]
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # constructs a safe String from +str+, removing unsafe characters,
- # replacing them with codes.
- #
- def escape(str, unsafe = @regexp[:UNSAFE])
- unless unsafe.kind_of?(Regexp)
- # perhaps unsafe is String object
- unsafe ="[#{Regexp.quote(unsafe)}]", false)
- end
- str.gsub(unsafe) do
- us = $&
- tmp = ''
- us.each_byte do |uc|
- tmp << sprintf('%%%02X', uc)
- end
- tmp
- end.force_encoding(Encoding::US_ASCII)
- end
- #
- # :call-seq:
- # unescape( str )
- # unescape( str, unsafe )
- #
- # == Args
- #
- # +str+::
- # String to remove escapes from
- # +unsafe+::
- # Regexp to apply. Defaults to self.regexp[:ESCAPED]
- #
- # == Description
- #
- # Removes escapes from +str+
- #
- def unescape(str, escaped = @regexp[:ESCAPED])
- str.gsub(escaped) { [$&[1, 2].hex].pack('C') }.force_encoding(str.encoding)
- end
- @@to_s = Kernel.instance_method(:to_s)
- def inspect
- @@to_s.bind(self).call
- end
- private
- # Constructs the default Hash of patterns
- def initialize_pattern(opts = {})
- ret = {}
- ret[:ESCAPED] = escaped = (opts.delete(:ESCAPED) || PATTERN::ESCAPED)
- ret[:UNRESERVED] = unreserved = opts.delete(:UNRESERVED) || PATTERN::UNRESERVED
- ret[:RESERVED] = reserved = opts.delete(:RESERVED) || PATTERN::RESERVED
- ret[:DOMLABEL] = opts.delete(:DOMLABEL) || PATTERN::DOMLABEL
- ret[:TOPLABEL] = opts.delete(:TOPLABEL) || PATTERN::TOPLABEL
- ret[:HOSTNAME] = hostname = opts.delete(:HOSTNAME)
- # RFC 2396 (URI Generic Syntax)
- # RFC 2732 (IPv6 Literal Addresses in URL's)
- # RFC 2373 (IPv6 Addressing Architecture)
- # uric = reserved | unreserved | escaped
- ret[:URIC] = uric = "(?:[#{unreserved}#{reserved}]|#{escaped})"
- # uric_no_slash = unreserved | escaped | ";" | "?" | ":" | "@" |
- # "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | ","
- ret[:URIC_NO_SLASH] = uric_no_slash = "(?:[#{unreserved};?:@&=+$,]|#{escaped})"
- # query = *uric
- ret[:QUERY] = query = "#{uric}*"
- # fragment = *uric
- ret[:FRAGMENT] = fragment = "#{uric}*"
- # hostname = *( domainlabel "." ) toplabel [ "." ]
- # reg-name = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims ) # RFC3986
- unless hostname
- ret[:HOSTNAME] = hostname = "(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\\-.]|%\\h\\h)+"
- end
- # RFC 2373, APPENDIX B:
- # IPv6address = hexpart [ ":" IPv4address ]
- # IPv4address = 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT
- # hexpart = hexseq | hexseq "::" [ hexseq ] | "::" [ hexseq ]
- # hexseq = hex4 *( ":" hex4)
- # hex4 = 1*4HEXDIG
- #
- # XXX: This definition has a flaw. "::" + IPv4address must be
- # allowed too. Here is a replacement.
- #
- # IPv4address = 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT
- ret[:IPV4ADDR] = ipv4addr = "\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}"
- # hex4 = 1*4HEXDIG
- hex4 = "[#{PATTERN::HEX}]{1,4}"
- # lastpart = hex4 | IPv4address
- lastpart = "(?:#{hex4}|#{ipv4addr})"
- # hexseq1 = *( hex4 ":" ) hex4
- hexseq1 = "(?:#{hex4}:)*#{hex4}"
- # hexseq2 = *( hex4 ":" ) lastpart
- hexseq2 = "(?:#{hex4}:)*#{lastpart}"
- # IPv6address = hexseq2 | [ hexseq1 ] "::" [ hexseq2 ]
- ret[:IPV6ADDR] = ipv6addr = "(?:#{hexseq2}|(?:#{hexseq1})?::(?:#{hexseq2})?)"
- # IPv6prefix = ( hexseq1 | [ hexseq1 ] "::" [ hexseq1 ] ) "/" 1*2DIGIT
- # unused
- # ipv6reference = "[" IPv6address "]" (RFC 2732)
- ret[:IPV6REF] = ipv6ref = "\\[#{ipv6addr}\\]"
- # host = hostname | IPv4address
- # host = hostname | IPv4address | IPv6reference (RFC 2732)
- ret[:HOST] = host = "(?:#{hostname}|#{ipv4addr}|#{ipv6ref})"
- # port = *digit
- port = '\d*'
- # hostport = host [ ":" port ]
- ret[:HOSTPORT] = hostport = "#{host}(?::#{port})?"
- # userinfo = *( unreserved | escaped |
- # ";" | ":" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | "," )
- ret[:USERINFO] = userinfo = "(?:[#{unreserved};:&=+$,]|#{escaped})*"
- # pchar = unreserved | escaped |
- # ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | ","
- pchar = "(?:[#{unreserved}:@&=+$,]|#{escaped})"
- # param = *pchar
- param = "#{pchar}*"
- # segment = *pchar *( ";" param )
- segment = "#{pchar}*(?:;#{param})*"
- # path_segments = segment *( "/" segment )
- ret[:PATH_SEGMENTS] = path_segments = "#{segment}(?:/#{segment})*"
- # server = [ [ userinfo "@" ] hostport ]
- server = "(?:#{userinfo}@)?#{hostport}"
- # reg_name = 1*( unreserved | escaped | "$" | "," |
- # ";" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" )
- ret[:REG_NAME] = reg_name = "(?:[#{unreserved}$,;:@&=+]|#{escaped})+"
- # authority = server | reg_name
- authority = "(?:#{server}|#{reg_name})"
- # rel_segment = 1*( unreserved | escaped |
- # ";" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | "," )
- ret[:REL_SEGMENT] = rel_segment = "(?:[#{unreserved};@&=+$,]|#{escaped})+"
- # scheme = alpha *( alpha | digit | "+" | "-" | "." )
- ret[:SCHEME] = scheme = "[#{PATTERN::ALPHA}][\\-+.#{PATTERN::ALPHA}\\d]*"
- # abs_path = "/" path_segments
- ret[:ABS_PATH] = abs_path = "/#{path_segments}"
- # rel_path = rel_segment [ abs_path ]
- ret[:REL_PATH] = rel_path = "#{rel_segment}(?:#{abs_path})?"
- # net_path = "//" authority [ abs_path ]
- ret[:NET_PATH] = net_path = "//#{authority}(?:#{abs_path})?"
- # hier_part = ( net_path | abs_path ) [ "?" query ]
- ret[:HIER_PART] = hier_part = "(?:#{net_path}|#{abs_path})(?:\\?(?:#{query}))?"
- # opaque_part = uric_no_slash *uric
- ret[:OPAQUE_PART] = opaque_part = "#{uric_no_slash}#{uric}*"
- # absoluteURI = scheme ":" ( hier_part | opaque_part )
- ret[:ABS_URI] = abs_uri = "#{scheme}:(?:#{hier_part}|#{opaque_part})"
- # relativeURI = ( net_path | abs_path | rel_path ) [ "?" query ]
- ret[:REL_URI] = rel_uri = "(?:#{net_path}|#{abs_path}|#{rel_path})(?:\\?#{query})?"
- # URI-reference = [ absoluteURI | relativeURI ] [ "#" fragment ]
- ret[:URI_REF] = "(?:#{abs_uri}|#{rel_uri})?(?:##{fragment})?"
- ret[:X_ABS_URI] = "
- (#{scheme}): (?# 1: scheme)
- (?:
- (#{opaque_part}) (?# 2: opaque)
- |
- (?:(?:
- //(?:
- (?:(?:(#{userinfo})@)? (?# 3: userinfo)
- (?:(#{host})(?::(\\d*))?))? (?# 4: host, 5: port)
- |
- (#{reg_name}) (?# 6: registry)
- )
- |
- (?!//)) (?# XXX: '//' is the mark for hostport)
- (#{abs_path})? (?# 7: path)
- )(?:\\?(#{query}))? (?# 8: query)
- )
- (?:\\#(#{fragment}))? (?# 9: fragment)
- "
- ret[:X_REL_URI] = "
- (?:
- (?:
- //
- (?:
- (?:(#{userinfo})@)? (?# 1: userinfo)
- (#{host})?(?::(\\d*))? (?# 2: host, 3: port)
- |
- (#{reg_name}) (?# 4: registry)
- )
- )
- |
- (#{rel_segment}) (?# 5: rel_segment)
- )?
- (#{abs_path})? (?# 6: abs_path)
- (?:\\?(#{query}))? (?# 7: query)
- (?:\\#(#{fragment}))? (?# 8: fragment)
- "
- ret
- end
- # Constructs the default Hash of Regexp's
- def initialize_regexp(pattern)
- ret = {}
- # for URI::split
- ret[:ABS_URI] ='\A\s*' + pattern[:X_ABS_URI] + '\s*\z', Regexp::EXTENDED)
- ret[:REL_URI] ='\A\s*' + pattern[:X_REL_URI] + '\s*\z', Regexp::EXTENDED)
- # for URI::extract
- ret[:URI_REF] =[:URI_REF])
- ret[:ABS_URI_REF] =[:X_ABS_URI], Regexp::EXTENDED)
- ret[:REL_URI_REF] =[:X_REL_URI], Regexp::EXTENDED)
- # for URI::escape/unescape
- ret[:ESCAPED] =[:ESCAPED])
- ret[:UNSAFE] ="[^#{pattern[:UNRESERVED]}#{pattern[:RESERVED]}]")
- # for Generic#initialize
- ret[:SCHEME] ="\\A#{pattern[:SCHEME]}\\z")
- ret[:USERINFO] ="\\A#{pattern[:USERINFO]}\\z")
- ret[:HOST] ="\\A#{pattern[:HOST]}\\z")
- ret[:PORT] ="\\A#{pattern[:PORT]}\\z")
- ret[:OPAQUE] ="\\A#{pattern[:OPAQUE_PART]}\\z")
- ret[:REGISTRY] ="\\A#{pattern[:REG_NAME]}\\z")
- ret[:ABS_PATH] ="\\A#{pattern[:ABS_PATH]}\\z")
- ret[:REL_PATH] ="\\A#{pattern[:REL_PATH]}\\z")
- ret[:QUERY] ="\\A#{pattern[:QUERY]}\\z")
- ret[:FRAGMENT] ="\\A#{pattern[:FRAGMENT]}\\z")
- ret
- end
- def convert_to_uri(uri)
- if uri.is_a?(URI::Generic)
- uri
- elsif uri = String.try_convert(uri)
- parse(uri)
- else
- raise ArgumentError,
- "bad argument (expected URI object or URI string)"
- end
- end
- end # class Parser
-end # module URI
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/rfc3986_parser.rb b/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/rfc3986_parser.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3923b0699c..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/lib/uri/rfc3986_parser.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-module URI
- class RFC3986_Parser # :nodoc:
- # URI defined in RFC3986
- # this regexp is modified not to host is not empty string
- RFC3986_URI = /\A(?<URI>(?<scheme>[A-Za-z][+\-.0-9A-Za-z]*):(?<hier-part>\/\/(?<authority>(?:(?<userinfo>(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-;=A-Z_a-z~])*)@)?(?<host>(?<IP-literal>\[(?:(?<IPv6address>(?:\h{1,4}:){6}(?<ls32>\h{1,4}:\h{1,4}|(?<IPv4address>(?<dec-octet>[1-9]\d|1\d{2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]|\d)\.\g<dec-octet>\.\g<dec-octet>\.\g<dec-octet>))|::(?:\h{1,4}:){5}\g<ls32>|\h{1,4}?::(?:\h{1,4}:){4}\g<ls32>|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:)?\h{1,4})?::(?:\h{1,4}:){3}\g<ls32>|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,2}\h{1,4})?::(?:\h{1,4}:){2}\g<ls32>|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,3}\h{1,4})?::\h{1,4}:\g<ls32>|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,4}\h{1,4})?::\g<ls32>|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,5}\h{1,4})?::\h{1,4}|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,6}\h{1,4})?::)|(?<IPvFuture>v\h+\.[!$&-.0-;=A-Z_a-z~]+))\])|\g<IPv4address>|(?<reg-name>(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-9;=A-Z_a-z~])+))?(?::(?<port>\d*))?)(?<path-abempty>(?:\/(?<segment>(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-;=@-Z_a-z~])*))*)|(?<path-absolute>\/(?:(?<segment-nz>(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-;=@-Z_a-z~])+)(?:\/\g<segment>)*)?)|(?<path-rootless>\g<segment-nz>(?:\/\g<segment>)*)|(?<path-empty>))(?:\?(?<query>[^#]*))?(?:\#(?<fragment>(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-;=@-Z_a-z~\/?])*))?)\z/
- RFC3986_relative_ref = /\A(?<relative-ref>(?<relative-part>\/\/(?<authority>(?:(?<userinfo>(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-;=A-Z_a-z~])*)@)?(?<host>(?<IP-literal>\[(?<IPv6address>(?:\h{1,4}:){6}(?<ls32>\h{1,4}:\h{1,4}|(?<IPv4address>(?<dec-octet>[1-9]\d|1\d{2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]|\d)\.\g<dec-octet>\.\g<dec-octet>\.\g<dec-octet>))|::(?:\h{1,4}:){5}\g<ls32>|\h{1,4}?::(?:\h{1,4}:){4}\g<ls32>|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,1}\h{1,4})?::(?:\h{1,4}:){3}\g<ls32>|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,2}\h{1,4})?::(?:\h{1,4}:){2}\g<ls32>|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,3}\h{1,4})?::\h{1,4}:\g<ls32>|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,4}\h{1,4})?::\g<ls32>|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,5}\h{1,4})?::\h{1,4}|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,6}\h{1,4})?::)|(?<IPvFuture>v\h+\.[!$&-.0-;=A-Z_a-z~]+)\])|\g<IPv4address>|(?<reg-name>(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-9;=A-Z_a-z~])+))?(?::(?<port>\d*))?)(?<path-abempty>(?:\/(?<segment>(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-;=@-Z_a-z~])*))*)|(?<path-absolute>\/(?:(?<segment-nz>(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-;=@-Z_a-z~])+)(?:\/\g<segment>)*)?)|(?<path-noscheme>(?<segment-nz-nc>(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-9;=@-Z_a-z~])+)(?:\/\g<segment>)*)|(?<path-empty>))(?:\?(?<query>[^#]*))?(?:\#(?<fragment>(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-;=@-Z_a-z~\/?])*))?)\z/
- attr_reader :regexp
- def initialize
- @regexp = default_regexp.each_value(&:freeze).freeze
- end
- def split(uri) #:nodoc:
- begin
- uri = uri.to_str
- rescue NoMethodError
- raise InvalidURIError, "bad URI(is not URI?): #{uri}"
- end
- uri.ascii_only? or
- raise InvalidURIError, "URI must be ascii only #{uri.dump}"
- if m = RFC3986_URI.match(uri)
- query = m["query".freeze]
- scheme = m["scheme".freeze]
- opaque = m["path-rootless".freeze]
- if opaque
- opaque << "?#{query}" if query
- [ scheme,
- nil, # userinfo
- nil, # host
- nil, # port
- nil, # registry
- nil, # path
- opaque,
- nil, # query
- m["fragment".freeze]
- ]
- else # normal
- [ scheme,
- m["userinfo".freeze],
- m["host".freeze],
- m["port".freeze],
- nil, # registry
- (m["path-abempty".freeze] ||
- m["path-absolute".freeze] ||
- m["path-empty".freeze]),
- nil, # opaque
- query,
- m["fragment".freeze]
- ]
- end
- elsif m = RFC3986_relative_ref.match(uri)
- [ nil, # scheme
- m["userinfo".freeze],
- m["host".freeze],
- m["port".freeze],
- nil, # registry,
- (m["path-abempty".freeze] ||
- m["path-absolute".freeze] ||
- m["path-noscheme".freeze] ||
- m["path-empty".freeze]),
- nil, # opaque
- m["query".freeze],
- m["fragment".freeze]
- ]
- else
- raise InvalidURIError, "bad URI(is not URI?): #{uri}"
- end
- end
- def parse(uri) # :nodoc:
- scheme, userinfo, host, port,
- registry, path, opaque, query, fragment = self.split(uri)
- scheme_list = URI.scheme_list
- if scheme && scheme_list.include?(uc = scheme.upcase)
- scheme_list[uc].new(scheme, userinfo, host, port,
- registry, path, opaque, query,
- fragment, self)
- else
-, userinfo, host, port,
- registry, path, opaque, query,
- fragment, self)
- end
- end
- def join(*uris) # :nodoc:
- uris[0] = convert_to_uri(uris[0])
- uris.inject :merge
- end
- @@to_s = Kernel.instance_method(:to_s)
- def inspect
- @@to_s.bind(self).call
- end
- private
- def default_regexp # :nodoc:
- {
- SCHEME: /\A[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+\-.]*\z/,
- USERINFO: /\A(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-;=A-Z_a-z~])*\z/,
- HOST: /\A(?:(?<IP-literal>\[(?:(?<IPv6address>(?:\h{1,4}:){6}(?<ls32>\h{1,4}:\h{1,4}|(?<IPv4address>(?<dec-octet>[1-9]\d|1\d{2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]|\d)\.\g<dec-octet>\.\g<dec-octet>\.\g<dec-octet>))|::(?:\h{1,4}:){5}\g<ls32>|\h{,4}::(?:\h{1,4}:){4}\g<ls32>|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:)?\h{1,4})?::(?:\h{1,4}:){3}\g<ls32>|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,2}\h{1,4})?::(?:\h{1,4}:){2}\g<ls32>|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,3}\h{1,4})?::\h{1,4}:\g<ls32>|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,4}\h{1,4})?::\g<ls32>|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,5}\h{1,4})?::\h{1,4}|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,6}\h{1,4})?::)|(?<IPvFuture>v\h+\.[!$&-.0-;=A-Z_a-z~]+))\])|\g<IPv4address>|(?<reg-name>(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-9;=A-Z_a-z~])*))\z/,
- ABS_PATH: /\A\/(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-;=@-Z_a-z~])*(?:\/(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-;=@-Z_a-z~])*)*\z/,
- REL_PATH: /\A(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-;=@-Z_a-z~])+(?:\/(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-;=@-Z_a-z~])*)*\z/,
- QUERY: /\A(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-;=@-Z_a-z~\/?])*\z/,
- FRAGMENT: /\A(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-;=@-Z_a-z~\/?])*\z/,
- OPAQUE: /\A(?:[^\/].*)?\z/,
- PORT: /\A[\x09\x0a\x0c\x0d ]*\d*[\x09\x0a\x0c\x0d ]*\z/,
- }
- end
- def convert_to_uri(uri)
- if uri.is_a?(URI::Generic)
- uri
- elsif uri = String.try_convert(uri)
- parse(uri)
- else
- raise ArgumentError,
- "bad argument (expected URI object or URI string)"
- end
- end
- end # class Parser
-end # module URI