path: root/ruby_2_2/lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_2_2/lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1497 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb b/ruby_2_2/lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 39064c1384..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1497 +0,0 @@
-require 'abbrev'
-require 'optparse'
- require 'readline'
-rescue LoadError
- require 'win32console'
-rescue LoadError
-require 'rdoc'
-# For RubyGems backwards compatibility
-require 'rdoc/ri/formatter'
-# The RI driver implements the command-line ri tool.
-# The driver supports:
-# * loading RI data from:
-# * Ruby's standard library
-# * RubyGems
-# * ~/.rdoc
-# * A user-supplied directory
-# * Paging output (uses RI_PAGER environment variable, PAGER environment
-# variable or the less, more and pager programs)
-# * Interactive mode with tab-completion
-# * Abbreviated names (ri Zl shows Zlib documentation)
-# * Colorized output
-# * Merging output from multiple RI data sources
-class RDoc::RI::Driver
- ##
- # Base Driver error class
- class Error < RDoc::RI::Error; end
- ##
- # Raised when a name isn't found in the ri data stores
- class NotFoundError < Error
- ##
- # Name that wasn't found
- alias name message
- def message # :nodoc:
- "Nothing known about #{super}"
- end
- end
- ##
- # Show all method documentation following a class or module
- attr_accessor :show_all
- ##
- # An RDoc::RI::Store for each entry in the RI path
- attr_accessor :stores
- ##
- # Controls the user of the pager vs $stdout
- attr_accessor :use_stdout
- ##
- # Default options for ri
- def self.default_options
- options = {}
- options[:interactive] = false
- options[:profile] = false
- options[:show_all] = false
- options[:use_cache] = true
- options[:use_stdout] = !$stdout.tty?
- options[:width] = 72
- # By default all standard paths are used.
- options[:use_system] = true
- options[:use_site] = true
- options[:use_home] = true
- options[:use_gems] = true
- options[:extra_doc_dirs] = []
- return options
- end
- ##
- # Dump +data_path+ using pp
- def self.dump data_path
- require 'pp'
- open data_path, 'rb' do |io|
- pp Marshal.load(
- end
- end
- ##
- # Parses +argv+ and returns a Hash of options
- def self.process_args argv
- options = default_options
- opts = do |opt|
- opt.accept File do |file,|
- File.readable?(file) and not and file
- end
- opt.program_name = File.basename $0
- opt.version = RDoc::VERSION
- opt.release = nil
- opt.summary_indent = ' ' * 4
- opt.banner = <<-EOT
-Usage: #{opt.program_name} [options] [names...]
-Where name can be:
- Class | Module | Module::Class
- Class::method | Class#method | Class.method | method
- gem_name: | gem_name:README | gem_name:History
-All class names may be abbreviated to their minimum unambiguous form. If a name
-is ambiguous, all valid options will be listed.
-A '.' matches either class or instance methods, while #method
-matches only instance and ::method matches only class methods.
-README and other files may be displayed by prefixing them with the gem name
-they're contained in. If the gem name is followed by a ':' all files in the
-gem will be shown. The file name extension may be omitted where it is
-For example:
- #{opt.program_name} Fil
- #{opt.program_name} File
- #{opt.program_name}
- #{opt.program_name} zip
- #{opt.program_name} rdoc:README
-Note that shell quoting or escaping may be required for method names containing
- #{opt.program_name} 'Array.[]'
- #{opt.program_name} compact\\!
-To see the default directories ri will search, run:
- #{opt.program_name} --list-doc-dirs
-Specifying the --system, --site, --home, --gems or --doc-dir options will
-limit ri to searching only the specified directories.
-ri options may be set in the 'RI' environment variable.
-The ri pager can be set with the 'RI_PAGER' environment variable or the
-'PAGER' environment variable.
- opt.separator nil
- opt.separator "Options:"
- opt.separator nil
- opt.on("--[no-]interactive", "-i",
- "In interactive mode you can repeatedly",
- "look up methods with autocomplete.") do |interactive|
- options[:interactive] = interactive
- end
- opt.separator nil
- opt.on("--[no-]all", "-a",
- "Show all documentation for a class or",
- "module.") do |show_all|
- options[:show_all] = show_all
- end
- opt.separator nil
- opt.on("--[no-]list", "-l",
- "List classes ri knows about.") do |list|
- options[:list] = list
- end
- opt.separator nil
- opt.on("--[no-]pager",
- "Send output directly to stdout,",
- "rather than to a pager.") do |use_pager|
- options[:use_stdout] = !use_pager
- end
- opt.separator nil
- opt.on("-T",
- "Synonym for --no-pager") do
- options[:use_stdout] = true
- end
- opt.separator nil
- opt.on("--width=WIDTH", "-w", OptionParser::DecimalInteger,
- "Set the width of the output.") do |width|
- options[:width] = width
- end
- opt.separator nil
- opt.on("--server [PORT]", Integer,
- "Run RDoc server on the given port.",
- "The default port is 8214.") do |port|
- options[:server] = port || 8214
- end
- opt.separator nil
- formatters = RDoc::Markup.constants.grep(/^To[A-Z][a-z]+$/).sort
- formatters = do |formatter|
- formatter.to_s.sub('To', '').downcase
- end
- formatters -= %w[html label test] # remove useless output formats
- opt.on("--format=NAME", "-f",
- "Uses the selected formatter. The default",
- "formatter is bs for paged output and ansi",
- "otherwise. Valid formatters are:",
- formatters.join(' '), formatters) do |value|
- options[:formatter] = RDoc::Markup.const_get "To#{value.capitalize}"
- end
- opt.separator nil
- opt.separator "Data source options:"
- opt.separator nil
- opt.on("--[no-]list-doc-dirs",
- "List the directories from which ri will",
- "source documentation on stdout and exit.") do |list_doc_dirs|
- options[:list_doc_dirs] = list_doc_dirs
- end
- opt.separator nil
- opt.on("--doc-dir=DIRNAME", "-d", Array,
- "List of directories from which to source",
- "documentation in addition to the standard",
- "directories. May be repeated.") do |value|
- value.each do |dir|
- unless dir then
- raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "#{dir} is not a directory"
- end
- options[:extra_doc_dirs] << File.expand_path(dir)
- end
- end
- opt.separator nil
- opt.on("--no-standard-docs",
- "Do not include documentation from",
- "the Ruby standard library, site_lib,",
- "installed gems, or ~/.rdoc.",
- "Use with --doc-dir") do
- options[:use_system] = false
- options[:use_site] = false
- options[:use_gems] = false
- options[:use_home] = false
- end
- opt.separator nil
- opt.on("--[no-]system",
- "Include documentation from Ruby's standard",
- "library. Defaults to true.") do |value|
- options[:use_system] = value
- end
- opt.separator nil
- opt.on("--[no-]site",
- "Include documentation from libraries",
- "installed in site_lib.",
- "Defaults to true.") do |value|
- options[:use_site] = value
- end
- opt.separator nil
- opt.on("--[no-]gems",
- "Include documentation from RubyGems.",
- "Defaults to true.") do |value|
- options[:use_gems] = value
- end
- opt.separator nil
- opt.on("--[no-]home",
- "Include documentation stored in ~/.rdoc.",
- "Defaults to true.") do |value|
- options[:use_home] = value
- end
- opt.separator nil
- opt.separator "Debug options:"
- opt.separator nil
- opt.on("--[no-]profile",
- "Run with the ruby profiler") do |value|
- options[:profile] = value
- end
- opt.separator nil
- opt.on("--dump=CACHE", File,
- "Dumps data from an ri cache or data file") do |value|
- options[:dump_path] = value
- end
- end
- argv = ENV['RI'].to_s.split.concat argv
- opts.parse! argv
- options[:names] = argv
- options[:use_stdout] ||= !$stdout.tty?
- options[:use_stdout] ||= options[:interactive]
- options[:width] ||= 72
- options
- rescue OptionParser::InvalidArgument, OptionParser::InvalidOption => e
- puts opts
- puts
- puts e
- exit 1
- end
- ##
- # Runs the ri command line executable using +argv+
- def argv = ARGV
- options = process_args argv
- if options[:dump_path] then
- dump options[:dump_path]
- return
- end
- ri = new options
- end
- ##
- # Creates a new driver using +initial_options+ from ::process_args
- def initialize initial_options = {}
- @paging = false
- @classes = nil
- options = self.class.default_options.update(initial_options)
- @formatter_klass = options[:formatter]
- require 'profile' if options[:profile]
- @names = options[:names]
- @list = options[:list]
- @doc_dirs = []
- @stores = []
- RDoc::RI::Paths.each(options[:use_system], options[:use_site],
- options[:use_home], options[:use_gems],
- *options[:extra_doc_dirs]) do |path, type|
- @doc_dirs << path
- store = path, type
- store.load_cache
- @stores << store
- end
- @list_doc_dirs = options[:list_doc_dirs]
- @interactive = options[:interactive]
- @server = options[:server]
- @use_stdout = options[:use_stdout]
- @show_all = options[:show_all]
- # pager process for jruby
- @jruby_pager_process = nil
- end
- ##
- # Adds paths for undocumented classes +also_in+ to +out+
- def add_also_in out, also_in
- return if also_in.empty?
- out <<
- out <<"Also found in:")
- paths =
- also_in.each do |store|
- store.friendly_path, "\n"
- end
- out << paths
- end
- ##
- # Adds a class header to +out+ for class +name+ which is described in
- # +classes+.
- def add_class out, name, classes
- heading = if classes.all? { |klass| klass.module? } then
- name
- else
- superclass = do |klass|
- klass.superclass unless klass.module?
- end.compact.shift || 'Object'
- superclass = superclass.full_name unless String === superclass
- "#{name} < #{superclass}"
- end
- out <<, heading)
- out <<
- end
- ##
- # Adds "(from ...)" to +out+ for +store+
- def add_from out, store
- out <<"(from #{store.friendly_path})")
- end
- ##
- # Adds +extends+ to +out+
- def add_extends out, extends
- add_extension_modules out, 'Extended by', extends
- end
- ##
- # Adds a list of +extensions+ to this module of the given +type+ to +out+.
- # add_includes and add_extends call this, so you should use those directly.
- def add_extension_modules out, type, extensions
- return if extensions.empty?
- out <<
- out <<, "#{type}:")
- extensions.each do |modules, store|
- if modules.length == 1 then
- add_extension_modules_single out, store, modules.first
- else
- add_extension_modules_multiple out, store, modules
- end
- end
- end
- ##
- # Renders multiple included +modules+ from +store+ to +out+.
- def add_extension_modules_multiple out, store, modules # :nodoc:
- out <<"(from #{store.friendly_path})")
- wout, with = modules.partition { |incl| incl.comment.empty? }
- out << unless with.empty?
- with.each do |incl|
- out <<
- out <<
- out << incl.comment
- end
- unless wout.empty? then
- verb =
- wout.each do |incl|
- verb.push, "\n"
- end
- out << verb
- end
- end
- ##
- # Adds a single extension module +include+ from +store+ to +out+
- def add_extension_modules_single out, store, include # :nodoc:
- name =
- path = store.friendly_path
- out <<"#{name} (from #{path})")
- if include.comment then
- out <<
- out << include.comment
- end
- end
- ##
- # Adds +includes+ to +out+
- def add_includes out, includes
- add_extension_modules out, 'Includes', includes
- end
- ##
- # Looks up the method +name+ and adds it to +out+
- def add_method out, name
- filtered = lookup_method name
- method_out = method_document name, filtered
- out.concat
- end
- ##
- # Adds documentation for all methods in +klass+ to +out+
- def add_method_documentation out, klass
- klass.method_list.each do |method|
- begin
- add_method out, method.full_name
- rescue NotFoundError
- next
- end
- end
- end
- ##
- # Adds a list of +methods+ to +out+ with a heading of +name+
- def add_method_list out, methods, name
- return if methods.empty?
- out <<, "#{name}:")
- out <<
- if @use_stdout and !@interactive then
- out.concat { |method|
- method
- }
- else
- out <<, methods.join(', '))
- end
- out <<
- end
- ##
- # Returns ancestor classes of +klass+
- def ancestors_of klass
- ancestors = []
- unexamined = [klass]
- seen = []
- loop do
- break if unexamined.empty?
- current = unexamined.shift
- seen << current
- stores = classes[current]
- break unless stores and not stores.empty?
- klasses = do |store|
- store.ancestors[current]
- end.flatten.uniq
- klasses = klasses - seen
- ancestors.concat klasses
- unexamined.concat klasses
- end
- ancestors.reverse
- end
- ##
- # For RubyGems backwards compatibility
- def class_cache # :nodoc:
- end
- ##
- # Builds a RDoc::Markup::Document from +found+, +klasess+ and +includes+
- def class_document name, found, klasses, includes, extends
- also_in = []
- out =
- add_class out, name, klasses
- add_includes out, includes
- add_extends out, extends
- found.each do |store, klass|
- render_class out, store, klass, also_in
- end
- add_also_in out, also_in
- out
- end
- ##
- # Adds the class +comment+ to +out+.
- def class_document_comment out, comment # :nodoc:
- unless comment.empty? then
- out <<
- if comment.merged? then
- parts =
- parts = [] * parts.length
- parts.flatten!
- parts.pop
- out.concat parts
- else
- out << comment
- end
- end
- end
- ##
- # Adds the constants from +klass+ to the Document +out+.
- def class_document_constants out, klass # :nodoc:
- return if klass.constants.empty?
- out <<, "Constants:")
- out <<
- list = :NOTE
- constants = klass.constants.sort_by { |constant| }
- list.items.concat { |constant|
- parts = if constant.comment
- parts <<'[not documented]') if
- parts.empty?
-, *parts)
- }
- out << list
- out <<
- end
- ##
- # Hash mapping a known class or module to the stores it can be loaded from
- def classes
- return @classes if @classes
- @classes = {}
- @stores.each do |store|
- store.cache[:modules].each do |mod|
- # using default block causes searched-for modules to be added
- @classes[mod] ||= []
- @classes[mod] << store
- end
- end
- @classes
- end
- ##
- # Returns the stores wherein +name+ is found along with the classes,
- # extends and includes that match it
- def classes_and_includes_and_extends_for name
- klasses = []
- extends = []
- includes = []
- found = do |store|
- begin
- klass = store.load_class name
- klasses << klass
- extends << [klass.extends, store] if klass.extends
- includes << [klass.includes, store] if klass.includes
- [store, klass]
- rescue RDoc::Store::MissingFileError
- end
- end.compact
- extends.reject! do |modules,| modules.empty? end
- includes.reject! do |modules,| modules.empty? end
- [found, klasses, includes, extends]
- end
- ##
- # Completes +name+ based on the caches. For Readline
- def complete name
- completions = []
- klass, selector, method = parse_name name
- complete_klass name, klass, selector, method, completions
- complete_method name, klass, selector, completions
- completions.sort.uniq
- end
- def complete_klass name, klass, selector, method, completions # :nodoc:
- klasses = classes.keys
- # may need to include Foo when given Foo::
- klass_name = method ? name : klass
- if name !~ /#|\./ then
- completions.replace klasses.grep(/^#{Regexp.escape klass_name}[^:]*$/)
- completions.concat klasses.grep(/^#{Regexp.escape name}[^:]*$/) if
- name =~ /::$/
- completions << klass if classes.key? klass # to complete a method name
- elsif selector then
- completions << klass if classes.key? klass
- elsif classes.key? klass_name then
- completions << klass_name
- end
- end
- def complete_method name, klass, selector, completions # :nodoc:
- if completions.include? klass and name =~ /#|\.|::/ then
- methods = list_methods_matching name
- if not methods.empty? then
- # remove Foo if given Foo:: and a method was found
- completions.delete klass
- elsif selector then
- # replace Foo with Foo:: as given
- completions.delete klass
- completions << "#{klass}#{selector}"
- end
- completions.concat methods
- end
- end
- ##
- # Converts +document+ to text and writes it to the pager
- def display document
- page do |io|
- text = document.accept formatter(io)
- io.write text
- end
- end
- ##
- # Outputs formatted RI data for class +name+. Groups undocumented classes
- def display_class name
- return if name =~ /#|\./
- found, klasses, includes, extends =
- classes_and_includes_and_extends_for name
- return if found.empty?
- out = class_document name, found, klasses, includes, extends
- display out
- end
- ##
- # Outputs formatted RI data for method +name+
- def display_method name
- out =
- add_method out, name
- display out
- end
- ##
- # Outputs formatted RI data for the class or method +name+.
- #
- # Returns true if +name+ was found, false if it was not an alternative could
- # be guessed, raises an error if +name+ couldn't be guessed.
- def display_name name
- if name =~ /\w:(\w|$)/ then
- display_page name
- return true
- end
- return true if display_class name
- display_method name if name =~ /::|#|\./
- true
- rescue NotFoundError
- matches = list_methods_matching name if name =~ /::|#|\./
- matches = classes.keys.grep(/^#{Regexp.escape name}/) if matches.empty?
- raise if matches.empty?
- page do |io|
- io.puts "#{name} not found, maybe you meant:"
- io.puts
- io.puts matches.sort.join("\n")
- end
- false
- end
- ##
- # Displays each name in +name+
- def display_names names
- names.each do |name|
- name = expand_name name
- display_name name
- end
- end
- ##
- # Outputs formatted RI data for page +name+.
- def display_page name
- store_name, page_name = name.split ':', 2
- store = @stores.find { |s| s.source == store_name }
- return display_page_list store if page_name.empty?
- pages = store.cache[:pages]
- unless pages.include? page_name then
- found_names = do |n|
- n =~ /#{Regexp.escape page_name}\.[^.]+$/
- end
- if then
- return display_page_list store, pages
- elsif found_names.length > 1 then
- return display_page_list store, found_names, page_name
- end
- page_name = found_names.first
- end
- page = store.load_page page_name
- display page.comment
- end
- ##
- # Outputs a formatted RI page list for the pages in +store+.
- def display_page_list store, pages = store.cache[:pages], search = nil
- out =
- title = if search then
- "#{search} pages"
- else
- 'Pages'
- end
- out <<, "#{title} in #{store.friendly_path}")
- out <<
- list =
- pages.each do |page|
- list <<
- end
- out << list
- display out
- end
- ##
- # Expands abbreviated klass +klass+ into a fully-qualified class. "Zl::Da"
- # will be expanded to Zlib::DataError.
- def expand_class klass
- klass.split('::').inject '' do |expanded, klass_part|
- expanded << '::' unless expanded.empty?
- short = expanded << klass_part
- subset = do |klass_name|
- klass_name =~ /^#{expanded}[^:]*$/
- end
- abbrevs = Abbrev.abbrev subset
- expanded = abbrevs[short]
- raise NotFoundError, short unless expanded
- expanded.dup
- end
- end
- ##
- # Expands the class portion of +name+ into a fully-qualified class. See
- # #expand_class.
- def expand_name name
- klass, selector, method = parse_name name
- return [selector, method].join if klass.empty?
- case selector
- when ':' then
- [find_store(klass), selector, method]
- else
- [expand_class(klass), selector, method]
- end.join
- end
- ##
- # Filters the methods in +found+ trying to find a match for +name+.
- def filter_methods found, name
- regexp = name_regexp name
- filtered = found.find_all do |store, methods|
- methods.any? { |method| method.full_name =~ regexp }
- end
- return filtered unless filtered.empty?
- found
- end
- ##
- # Yields items matching +name+ including the store they were found in, the
- # class being searched for, the class they were found in (an ancestor) the
- # types of methods to look up (from #method_type), and the method name being
- # searched for
- def find_methods name
- klass, selector, method = parse_name name
- types = method_type selector
- klasses = nil
- ambiguous = klass.empty?
- if ambiguous then
- klasses = classes.keys
- else
- klasses = ancestors_of klass
- klasses.unshift klass
- end
- methods = []
- klasses.each do |ancestor|
- ancestors = classes[ancestor]
- next unless ancestors
- klass = ancestor if ambiguous
- ancestors.each do |store|
- methods << [store, klass, ancestor, types, method]
- end
- end
- methods = methods.sort_by do |_, k, a, _, m|
- [k, a, m].compact
- end
- methods.each do |item|
- yield(*item) # :yields: store, klass, ancestor, types, method
- end
- self
- end
- ##
- # Finds the given +pager+ for jruby. Returns an IO if +pager+ was found.
- #
- # Returns false if +pager+ does not exist.
- #
- # Returns nil if the jruby JVM doesn't support ProcessBuilder redirection
- # (1.6 and older).
- def find_pager_jruby pager
- require 'java'
- require 'shellwords'
- return nil unless java.lang.ProcessBuilder.constants.include? :Redirect
- pager = Shellwords.split pager
- pb =*pager)
- pb = pb.redirect_output java.lang.ProcessBuilder::Redirect::INHERIT
- @jruby_pager_process = pb.start
- input = @jruby_pager_process.output_stream
- io = input.to_io
- io.sync = true
- io
- rescue
- false
- end
- ##
- # Finds a store that matches +name+ which can be the name of a gem, "ruby",
- # "home" or "site".
- #
- # See also RDoc::Store#source
- def find_store name
- @stores.each do |store|
- source = store.source
- return source if source == name
- return source if
- store.type == :gem and source =~ /^#{Regexp.escape name}-\d/
- end
- raise RDoc::RI::Driver::NotFoundError, name
- end
- ##
- # Creates a new RDoc::Markup::Formatter. If a formatter is given with -f,
- # use it. If we're outputting to a pager, use bs, otherwise ansi.
- def formatter(io)
- if @formatter_klass then
- elsif paging? or !io.tty? then
- else
- end
- end
- ##
- # Runs ri interactively using Readline if it is available.
- def interactive
- puts "\nEnter the method name you want to look up."
- if defined? Readline then
- Readline.completion_proc = method :complete
- puts "You can use tab to autocomplete."
- end
- puts "Enter a blank line to exit.\n\n"
- loop do
- name = if defined? Readline then
- Readline.readline ">> "
- else
- print ">> "
- $stdin.gets
- end
- return if name.nil? or name.empty?
- name = expand_name name.strip
- begin
- display_name name
- rescue NotFoundError => e
- puts e.message
- end
- end
- rescue Interrupt
- exit
- end
- ##
- # Is +file+ in ENV['PATH']?
- def in_path? file
- return true if file =~ %r%\A/% and File.exist? file
- ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).any? do |path|
- File.exist? File.join(path, file)
- end
- end
- ##
- # Lists classes known to ri starting with +names+. If +names+ is empty all
- # known classes are shown.
- def list_known_classes names = []
- classes = []
- stores.each do |store|
- classes << store.module_names
- end
- classes = classes.flatten.uniq.sort
- unless names.empty? then
- filter = Regexp.union { |name| /^#{name}/ }
- classes = classes.grep filter
- end
- page do |io|
- if paging? or io.tty? then
- if names.empty? then
- io.puts "Classes and Modules known to ri:"
- else
- io.puts "Classes and Modules starting with #{names.join ', '}:"
- end
- io.puts
- end
- io.puts classes.join("\n")
- end
- end
- ##
- # Returns an Array of methods matching +name+
- def list_methods_matching name
- found = []
- find_methods name do |store, klass, ancestor, types, method|
- if types == :instance or types == :both then
- methods = store.instance_methods[ancestor]
- if methods then
- matches = methods.grep(/^#{Regexp.escape method.to_s}/)
- matches = do |match|
- "#{klass}##{match}"
- end
- found.concat matches
- end
- end
- if types == :class or types == :both then
- methods = store.class_methods[ancestor]
- next unless methods
- matches = methods.grep(/^#{Regexp.escape method.to_s}/)
- matches = do |match|
- "#{klass}::#{match}"
- end
- found.concat matches
- end
- end
- found.uniq
- end
- ##
- # Loads RI data for method +name+ on +klass+ from +store+. +type+ and
- # +cache+ indicate if it is a class or instance method.
- def load_method store, cache, klass, type, name
- methods = store.send(cache)[klass]
- return unless methods
- method = methods.find do |method_name|
- method_name == name
- end
- return unless method
- store.load_method klass, "#{type}#{method}"
- rescue RDoc::Store::MissingFileError => e
- comment ="missing documentation at #{e.file}").parse
- method = nil, name
- method.comment = comment
- method
- end
- ##
- # Returns an Array of RI data for methods matching +name+
- def load_methods_matching name
- found = []
- find_methods name do |store, klass, ancestor, types, method|
- methods = []
- methods << load_method(store, :class_methods, ancestor, '::', method) if
- [:class, :both].include? types
- methods << load_method(store, :instance_methods, ancestor, '#', method) if
- [:instance, :both].include? types
- found << [store, methods.compact]
- end
- found.reject do |path, methods| methods.empty? end
- end
- ##
- # Returns a filtered list of methods matching +name+
- def lookup_method name
- found = load_methods_matching name
- raise NotFoundError, name if found.empty?
- filter_methods found, name
- end
- ##
- # Builds a RDoc::Markup::Document from +found+, +klasses+ and +includes+
- def method_document name, filtered
- out =
- out <<, name)
- out <<
- filtered.each do |store, methods|
- methods.each do |method|
- render_method out, store, method, name
- end
- end
- out
- end
- ##
- # Returns the type of method (:both, :instance, :class) for +selector+
- def method_type selector
- case selector
- when '.', nil then :both
- when '#' then :instance
- else :class
- end
- end
- ##
- # Returns a regular expression for +name+ that will match an
- # RDoc::AnyMethod's name.
- def name_regexp name
- klass, type, name = parse_name name
- case type
- when '#', '::' then
- /^#{klass}#{type}#{Regexp.escape name}$/
- else
- /^#{klass}(#|::)#{Regexp.escape name}$/
- end
- end
- ##
- # Paginates output through a pager program.
- def page
- if pager = setup_pager then
- begin
- yield pager
- ensure
- pager.close
- @jruby_pager_process.wait_for if @jruby_pager_process
- end
- else
- yield $stdout
- end
- rescue Errno::EPIPE
- ensure
- @paging = false
- end
- ##
- # Are we using a pager?
- def paging?
- @paging
- end
- ##
- # Extracts the class, selector and method name parts from +name+ like
- # Foo::Bar#baz.
- #
- # NOTE: Given Foo::Bar, Bar is considered a class even though it may be a
- # method
- def parse_name name
- parts = name.split(/(::?|#|\.)/)
- if parts.length == 1 then
- if parts.first =~ /^[a-z]|^([%&*+\/<>^`|~-]|\+@|-@|<<|<=>?|===?|=>|=~|>>|\[\]=?|~@)$/ then
- type = '.'
- meth = parts.pop
- else
- type = nil
- meth = nil
- end
- elsif parts.length == 2 or parts.last =~ /::|#|\./ then
- type = parts.pop
- meth = nil
- elsif parts[1] == ':' then
- klass = parts.shift
- type = parts.shift
- meth = parts.join
- elsif parts[-2] != '::' or parts.last !~ /^[A-Z]/ then
- meth = parts.pop
- type = parts.pop
- end
- klass ||= parts.join
- [klass, type, meth]
- end
- ##
- # Renders the +klass+ from +store+ to +out+. If the klass has no
- # documentable items the class is added to +also_in+ instead.
- def render_class out, store, klass, also_in # :nodoc:
- comment = klass.comment
- # TODO the store's cache should always return an empty Array
- class_methods = store.class_methods[klass.full_name] || []
- instance_methods = store.instance_methods[klass.full_name] || []
- attributes = store.attributes[klass.full_name] || []
- if comment.empty? and
- instance_methods.empty? and class_methods.empty? then
- also_in << store
- return
- end
- add_from out, store
- class_document_comment out, comment
- if class_methods or instance_methods or not klass.constants.empty? then
- out <<
- end
- class_document_constants out, klass
- add_method_list out, class_methods, 'Class methods'
- add_method_list out, instance_methods, 'Instance methods'
- add_method_list out, attributes, 'Attributes'
- add_method_documentation out, klass if @show_all
- end
- def render_method out, store, method, name # :nodoc:
- out <<"(from #{store.friendly_path})")
- unless name =~ /^#{Regexp.escape method.parent_name}/ then
- out <<, "Implementation from #{method.parent_name}")
- end
- out <<
- render_method_arguments out, method.arglists
- render_method_superclass out, method
- render_method_comment out, method
- end
- def render_method_arguments out, arglists # :nodoc:
- return unless arglists
- arglists = arglists.chomp.split "\n"
- arglists = { |line| line + "\n" }
- out <<*arglists)
- out <<
- end
- def render_method_comment out, method # :nodoc:
- out <<
- out << method.comment
- out <<
- end
- def render_method_superclass out, method # :nodoc:
- return unless
- method.respond_to?(:superclass_method) and method.superclass_method
- out <<
- out <<, "(Uses superclass method #{method.superclass_method})")
- out <<
- end
- ##
- # Looks up and displays ri data according to the options given.
- def run
- if @list_doc_dirs then
- puts @doc_dirs
- elsif @list then
- list_known_classes @names
- elsif @server then
- start_server
- elsif @interactive or @names.empty? then
- interactive
- else
- display_names @names
- end
- rescue NotFoundError => e
- abort e.message
- end
- ##
- # Sets up a pager program to pass output through. Tries the RI_PAGER and
- # PAGER environment variables followed by pager, less then more.
- def setup_pager
- return if @use_stdout
- jruby = Object.const_defined?(:RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE == 'jruby'
- pagers = [ENV['RI_PAGER'], ENV['PAGER'], 'pager', 'less', 'more']
- pagers.compact.uniq.each do |pager|
- next unless pager
- pager_cmd = pager.split.first
- next unless in_path? pager_cmd
- if jruby then
- case io = find_pager_jruby(pager)
- when nil then break
- when false then next
- else io
- end
- else
- io = IO.popen(pager, 'w') rescue next
- end
- next if $? and $?.pid == and $?.exited? # pager didn't work
- @paging = true
- return io
- end
- @use_stdout = true
- nil
- end
- ##
- # Starts a WEBrick server for ri.
- def start_server
- require 'webrick'
- server = :Port => @server
- extra_doc_dirs = {|s| s.type == :extra ? s.path : nil}.compact
- server.mount '/', RDoc::Servlet, nil, extra_doc_dirs
- trap 'INT' do server.shutdown end
- trap 'TERM' do server.shutdown end
- server.start
- end