path: root/ruby_2_2/lib/net/http/header.rb
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 452 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/lib/net/http/header.rb b/ruby_2_2/lib/net/http/header.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 912419df55..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/lib/net/http/header.rb
+++ /dev/null
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-# The HTTPHeader module defines methods for reading and writing
-# HTTP headers.
-# It is used as a mixin by other classes, to provide hash-like
-# access to HTTP header values. Unlike raw hash access, HTTPHeader
-# provides access via case-insensitive keys. It also provides
-# methods for accessing commonly-used HTTP header values in more
-# convenient formats.
-module Net::HTTPHeader
- def initialize_http_header(initheader)
- @header = {}
- return unless initheader
- initheader.each do |key, value|
- warn "net/http: warning: duplicated HTTP header: #{key}" if key?(key) and $VERBOSE
- @header[key.downcase] = [value.strip]
- end
- end
- def size #:nodoc: obsolete
- @header.size
- end
- alias length size #:nodoc: obsolete
- # Returns the header field corresponding to the case-insensitive key.
- # For example, a key of "Content-Type" might return "text/html"
- def [](key)
- a = @header[key.downcase] or return nil
- a.join(', ')
- end
- # Sets the header field corresponding to the case-insensitive key.
- def []=(key, val)
- unless val
- @header.delete key.downcase
- return val
- end
- @header[key.downcase] = [val]
- end
- # [Ruby 1.8.3]
- # Adds a value to a named header field, instead of replacing its value.
- # Second argument +val+ must be a String.
- # See also #[]=, #[] and #get_fields.
- #
- # request.add_field 'X-My-Header', 'a'
- # p request['X-My-Header'] #=> "a"
- # p request.get_fields('X-My-Header') #=> ["a"]
- # request.add_field 'X-My-Header', 'b'
- # p request['X-My-Header'] #=> "a, b"
- # p request.get_fields('X-My-Header') #=> ["a", "b"]
- # request.add_field 'X-My-Header', 'c'
- # p request['X-My-Header'] #=> "a, b, c"
- # p request.get_fields('X-My-Header') #=> ["a", "b", "c"]
- #
- def add_field(key, val)
- if @header.key?(key.downcase)
- @header[key.downcase].push val
- else
- @header[key.downcase] = [val]
- end
- end
- # [Ruby 1.8.3]
- # Returns an array of header field strings corresponding to the
- # case-insensitive +key+. This method allows you to get duplicated
- # header fields without any processing. See also #[].
- #
- # p response.get_fields('Set-Cookie')
- # #=> ["session=al98axx; expires=Fri, 31-Dec-1999 23:58:23",
- # "query=rubyscript; expires=Fri, 31-Dec-1999 23:58:23"]
- # p response['Set-Cookie']
- # #=> "session=al98axx; expires=Fri, 31-Dec-1999 23:58:23, query=rubyscript; expires=Fri, 31-Dec-1999 23:58:23"
- #
- def get_fields(key)
- return nil unless @header[key.downcase]
- @header[key.downcase].dup
- end
- # Returns the header field corresponding to the case-insensitive key.
- # Returns the default value +args+, or the result of the block, or
- # raises an IndexError if there's no header field named +key+
- # See Hash#fetch
- def fetch(key, *args, &block) #:yield: +key+
- a = @header.fetch(key.downcase, *args, &block)
- a.kind_of?(Array) ? a.join(', ') : a
- end
- # Iterates through the header names and values, passing in the name
- # and value to the code block supplied.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # response.header.each_header {|key,value| puts "#{key} = #{value}" }
- #
- def each_header #:yield: +key+, +value+
- block_given? or return enum_for(__method__)
- @header.each do |k,va|
- yield k, va.join(', ')
- end
- end
- alias each each_header
- # Iterates through the header names in the header, passing
- # each header name to the code block.
- def each_name(&block) #:yield: +key+
- block_given? or return enum_for(__method__)
- @header.each_key(&block)
- end
- alias each_key each_name
- # Iterates through the header names in the header, passing
- # capitalized header names to the code block.
- #
- # Note that header names are capitalized systematically;
- # capitalization may not match that used by the remote HTTP
- # server in its response.
- def each_capitalized_name #:yield: +key+
- block_given? or return enum_for(__method__)
- @header.each_key do |k|
- yield capitalize(k)
- end
- end
- # Iterates through header values, passing each value to the
- # code block.
- def each_value #:yield: +value+
- block_given? or return enum_for(__method__)
- @header.each_value do |va|
- yield va.join(', ')
- end
- end
- # Removes a header field, specified by case-insensitive key.
- def delete(key)
- @header.delete(key.downcase)
- end
- # true if +key+ header exists.
- def key?(key)
- @header.key?(key.downcase)
- end
- # Returns a Hash consisting of header names and array of values.
- # e.g.
- # {"cache-control" => ["private"],
- # "content-type" => ["text/html"],
- # "date" => ["Wed, 22 Jun 2005 22:11:50 GMT"]}
- def to_hash
- @header.dup
- end
- # As for #each_header, except the keys are provided in capitalized form.
- #
- # Note that header names are capitalized systematically;
- # capitalization may not match that used by the remote HTTP
- # server in its response.
- def each_capitalized
- block_given? or return enum_for(__method__)
- @header.each do |k,v|
- yield capitalize(k), v.join(', ')
- end
- end
- alias canonical_each each_capitalized
- def capitalize(name)
- name.split(/-/).map {|s| s.capitalize }.join('-')
- end
- private :capitalize
- # Returns an Array of Range objects which represent the Range:
- # HTTP header field, or +nil+ if there is no such header.
- def range
- return nil unless @header['range']
- value = self['Range']
- # byte-range-set = *( "," OWS ) ( byte-range-spec / suffix-byte-range-spec )
- # *( OWS "," [ OWS ( byte-range-spec / suffix-byte-range-spec ) ] )
- # corrected collected ABNF
- #
- #
- #
- unless /\Abytes=((?:,[ \t]*)*(?:\d+-\d*|-\d+)(?:[ \t]*,(?:[ \t]*\d+-\d*|-\d+)?)*)\z/ =~ value
- raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, "invalid syntax for byte-ranges-specifier: '#{value}'"
- end
- byte_range_set = $1
- result = byte_range_set.split(/,/).map {|spec|
- m = /(\d+)?\s*-\s*(\d+)?/i.match(spec) or
- raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, "invalid byte-range-spec: '#{spec}'"
- d1 = m[1].to_i
- d2 = m[2].to_i
- if m[1] and m[2]
- if d1 > d2
- raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, "last-byte-pos MUST greater than or equal to first-byte-pos but '#{spec}'"
- end
- d1..d2
- elsif m[1]
- d1..-1
- elsif m[2]
- -d2..-1
- else
- raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'range is not specified'
- end
- }
- # if result.empty?
- # byte-range-set must include at least one byte-range-spec or suffix-byte-range-spec
- # but above regexp already denies it.
- if result.size == 1 && result[0].begin == 0 && result[0].end == -1
- raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'only one suffix-byte-range-spec with zero suffix-length'
- end
- result
- end
- # Sets the HTTP Range: header.
- # Accepts either a Range object as a single argument,
- # or a beginning index and a length from that index.
- # Example:
- #
- # req.range = (0..1023)
- # req.set_range 0, 1023
- #
- def set_range(r, e = nil)
- unless r
- @header.delete 'range'
- return r
- end
- r = (r...r+e) if e
- case r
- when Numeric
- n = r.to_i
- rangestr = (n > 0 ? "0-#{n-1}" : "-#{-n}")
- when Range
- first = r.first
- last = r.end
- last -= 1 if r.exclude_end?
- if last == -1
- rangestr = (first > 0 ? "#{first}-" : "-#{-first}")
- else
- raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'range.first is negative' if first < 0
- raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'range.last is negative' if last < 0
- raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'must be .first < .last' if first > last
- rangestr = "#{first}-#{last}"
- end
- else
- raise TypeError, 'Range/Integer is required'
- end
- @header['range'] = ["bytes=#{rangestr}"]
- r
- end
- alias range= set_range
- # Returns an Integer object which represents the HTTP Content-Length:
- # header field, or +nil+ if that field was not provided.
- def content_length
- return nil unless key?('Content-Length')
- len = self['Content-Length'].slice(/\d+/) or
- raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'wrong Content-Length format'
- len.to_i
- end
- def content_length=(len)
- unless len
- @header.delete 'content-length'
- return nil
- end
- @header['content-length'] = [len.to_i.to_s]
- end
- # Returns "true" if the "transfer-encoding" header is present and
- # set to "chunked". This is an HTTP/1.1 feature, allowing the
- # the content to be sent in "chunks" without at the outset
- # stating the entire content length.
- def chunked?
- return false unless @header['transfer-encoding']
- field = self['Transfer-Encoding']
- (/(?:\A|[^\-\w])chunked(?![\-\w])/i =~ field) ? true : false
- end
- # Returns a Range object which represents the value of the Content-Range:
- # header field.
- # For a partial entity body, this indicates where this fragment
- # fits inside the full entity body, as range of byte offsets.
- def content_range
- return nil unless @header['content-range']
- m = %r<bytes\s+(\d+)-(\d+)/(\d+|\*)>i.match(self['Content-Range']) or
- raise Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'wrong Content-Range format'
- m[1].to_i .. m[2].to_i
- end
- # The length of the range represented in Content-Range: header.
- def range_length
- r = content_range() or return nil
- r.end - r.begin + 1
- end
- # Returns a content type string such as "text/html".
- # This method returns nil if Content-Type: header field does not exist.
- def content_type
- return nil unless main_type()
- if sub_type()
- then "#{main_type()}/#{sub_type()}"
- else main_type()
- end
- end
- # Returns a content type string such as "text".
- # This method returns nil if Content-Type: header field does not exist.
- def main_type
- return nil unless @header['content-type']
- self['Content-Type'].split(';').first.to_s.split('/')[0].to_s.strip
- end
- # Returns a content type string such as "html".
- # This method returns nil if Content-Type: header field does not exist
- # or sub-type is not given (e.g. "Content-Type: text").
- def sub_type
- return nil unless @header['content-type']
- _, sub = *self['Content-Type'].split(';').first.to_s.split('/')
- return nil unless sub
- sub.strip
- end
- # Any parameters specified for the content type, returned as a Hash.
- # For example, a header of Content-Type: text/html; charset=EUC-JP
- # would result in type_params returning {'charset' => 'EUC-JP'}
- def type_params
- result = {}
- list = self['Content-Type'].to_s.split(';')
- list.shift
- list.each do |param|
- k, v = *param.split('=', 2)
- result[k.strip] = v.strip
- end
- result
- end
- # Sets the content type in an HTTP header.
- # The +type+ should be a full HTTP content type, e.g. "text/html".
- # The +params+ are an optional Hash of parameters to add after the
- # content type, e.g. {'charset' => 'iso-8859-1'}
- def set_content_type(type, params = {})
- @header['content-type'] = [type +{|k,v|"; #{k}=#{v}"}.join('')]
- end
- alias content_type= set_content_type
- # Set header fields and a body from HTML form data.
- # +params+ should be an Array of Arrays or
- # a Hash containing HTML form data.
- # Optional argument +sep+ means data record separator.
- #
- # Values are URL encoded as necessary and the content-type is set to
- # application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- #
- # Example:
- # http.form_data = {"q" => "ruby", "lang" => "en"}
- # http.form_data = {"q" => ["ruby", "perl"], "lang" => "en"}
- # http.set_form_data({"q" => "ruby", "lang" => "en"}, ';')
- #
- def set_form_data(params, sep = '&')
- query = URI.encode_www_form(params)
- query.gsub!(/&/, sep) if sep != '&'
- self.body = query
- self.content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
- end
- alias form_data= set_form_data
- # Set a HTML form data set.
- # +params+ is the form data set; it is an Array of Arrays or a Hash
- # +enctype is the type to encode the form data set.
- # It is application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data.
- # +formpot+ is an optional hash to specify the detail.
- #
- # boundary:: the boundary of the multipart message
- # charset:: the charset of the message. All names and the values of
- # non-file fields are encoded as the charset.
- #
- # Each item of params is an array and contains following items:
- # +name+:: the name of the field
- # +value+:: the value of the field, it should be a String or a File
- # +opt+:: an optional hash to specify additional information
- #
- # Each item is a file field or a normal field.
- # If +value+ is a File object or the +opt+ have a filename key,
- # the item is treated as a file field.
- #
- # If Transfer-Encoding is set as chunked, this send the request in
- # chunked encoding. Because chunked encoding is HTTP/1.1 feature,
- # you must confirm the server to support HTTP/1.1 before sending it.
- #
- # Example:
- # http.set_form([["q", "ruby"], ["lang", "en"]])
- #
- # See also RFC 2388, RFC 2616, HTML 4.01, and HTML5
- #
- def set_form(params, enctype='application/x-www-form-urlencoded', formopt={})
- @body_data = params
- @body = nil
- @body_stream = nil
- @form_option = formopt
- case enctype
- when /\Aapplication\/x-www-form-urlencoded\z/i,
- /\Amultipart\/form-data\z/i
- self.content_type = enctype
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "invalid enctype: #{enctype}"
- end
- end
- # Set the Authorization: header for "Basic" authorization.
- def basic_auth(account, password)
- @header['authorization'] = [basic_encode(account, password)]
- end
- # Set Proxy-Authorization: header for "Basic" authorization.
- def proxy_basic_auth(account, password)
- @header['proxy-authorization'] = [basic_encode(account, password)]
- end
- def basic_encode(account, password)
- 'Basic ' + ["#{account}:#{password}"].pack('m').delete("\r\n")
- end
- private :basic_encode
- def connection_close?
- tokens(@header['connection']).include?('close') or
- tokens(@header['proxy-connection']).include?('close')
- end
- def connection_keep_alive?
- tokens(@header['connection']).include?('keep-alive') or
- tokens(@header['proxy-connection']).include?('keep-alive')
- end
- def tokens(vals)
- return [] unless vals
- {|v| v.split(',') }.flatten\
- .reject {|str| str.strip.empty? }\
- .map {|tok| tok.strip.downcase }
- end
- private :tokens