path: root/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/query_command.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/query_command.rb')
1 files changed, 263 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/query_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/query_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..725da8787b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/query_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/local_remote_options'
+require 'rubygems/spec_fetcher'
+require 'rubygems/version_option'
+require 'rubygems/text'
+class Gem::Commands::QueryCommand < Gem::Command
+ include Gem::Text
+ include Gem::LocalRemoteOptions
+ include Gem::VersionOption
+ def initialize(name = 'query',
+ summary = 'Query gem information in local or remote repositories')
+ super name, summary,
+ :name => //, :domain => :local, :details => false, :versions => true,
+ :installed => false, :version => Gem::Requirement.default
+ add_option('-i', '--[no-]installed',
+ 'Check for installed gem') do |value, options|
+ options[:installed] = value
+ end
+ add_version_option command, "for use with --installed"
+ add_option('-n', '--name-matches REGEXP',
+ 'Name of gem(s) to query on matches the',
+ 'provided REGEXP') do |value, options|
+ options[:name] = /#{value}/i
+ end
+ add_option('-d', '--[no-]details',
+ 'Display detailed information of gem(s)') do |value, options|
+ options[:details] = value
+ end
+ add_option( '--[no-]versions',
+ 'Display only gem names') do |value, options|
+ options[:versions] = value
+ options[:details] = false unless value
+ end
+ add_option('-a', '--all',
+ 'Display all gem versions') do |value, options|
+ options[:all] = value
+ end
+ add_option( '--[no-]prerelease',
+ 'Display prerelease versions') do |value, options|
+ options[:prerelease] = value
+ end
+ add_local_remote_options
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--local --name-matches // --no-details --versions --no-installed"
+ end
+ def execute
+ exit_code = 0
+ name = options[:name]
+ prerelease = options[:prerelease]
+ if options[:installed] then
+ if name.source.empty? then
+ alert_error "You must specify a gem name"
+ exit_code |= 4
+ elsif installed? name, options[:version] then
+ say "true"
+ else
+ say "false"
+ exit_code |= 1
+ end
+ terminate_interaction exit_code
+ end
+ req = Gem::Requirement.default
+ # TODO: deprecate for real
+ dep = Gem::Deprecate.skip_during { name, req }
+ if local? then
+ if prerelease and not both? then
+ alert_warning "prereleases are always shown locally"
+ end
+ if ui.outs.tty? or both? then
+ say
+ say "*** LOCAL GEMS ***"
+ say
+ end
+ specs = Gem::Specification.find_all { |s|
+ =~ name and req =~ s.version
+ }
+ spec_tuples = do |spec|
+ [[, spec.version, spec.original_platform, spec], :local]
+ end
+ output_query_results spec_tuples
+ end
+ if remote? then
+ if ui.outs.tty? or both? then
+ say
+ say "*** REMOTE GEMS ***"
+ say
+ end
+ all = options[:all]
+ fetcher = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher
+ spec_tuples = fetcher.find_matching dep, all, false, prerelease
+ spec_tuples += fetcher.find_matching dep, false, false, true if
+ prerelease and all
+ output_query_results spec_tuples
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ ##
+ # Check if gem +name+ version +version+ is installed.
+ def installed?(name, req = Gem::Requirement.default)
+ Gem::Specification.any? { |s| =~ name and req =~ s.version }
+ end
+ def output_query_results(spec_tuples)
+ output = []
+ versions = { |h,name| h[name] = [] }
+ spec_tuples.each do |spec_tuple, source_uri|
+ versions[spec_tuple.first] << [spec_tuple, source_uri]
+ end
+ versions = versions.sort_by do |(name,_),_|
+ name.downcase
+ end
+ versions.each do |gem_name, matching_tuples|
+ matching_tuples = matching_tuples.sort_by do |(_, version,_),_|
+ version
+ end.reverse
+ platforms = { |h,version| h[version] = [] }
+ do |(_, version, platform,_),_|
+ platforms[version] << platform if platform
+ end
+ seen = {}
+ matching_tuples.delete_if do |(_, version,_),_|
+ if seen[version] then
+ true
+ else
+ seen[version] = true
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ entry = gem_name.dup
+ if options[:versions] then
+ list = if platforms.empty? or options[:details] then
+ { |(_, version,_),_| version }.uniq
+ else
+ do |version, pls|
+ if pls == [Gem::Platform::RUBY] then
+ version
+ else
+ ruby = pls.delete Gem::Platform::RUBY
+ platform_list = [ruby, *pls.sort].compact
+ "#{version} #{platform_list.join ' '}"
+ end
+ end
+ end.join ', '
+ entry << " (#{list})"
+ end
+ if options[:details] then
+ detail_tuple = matching_tuples.first
+ spec = if detail_tuple.first.length == 4 then
+ detail_tuple.first.last
+ else
+ uri = URI.parse detail_tuple.last
+ Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher.fetch_spec detail_tuple.first, uri
+ end
+ entry << "\n"
+ non_ruby = platforms.any? do |_, pls|
+ pls.any? { |pl| pl != Gem::Platform::RUBY }
+ end
+ if non_ruby then
+ if platforms.length == 1 then
+ title = platforms.values.length == 1 ? 'Platform' : 'Platforms'
+ entry << " #{title}: #{platforms.values.sort.join ', '}\n"
+ else
+ entry << " Platforms:\n"
+ platforms.sort_by do |version,|
+ version
+ end.each do |version, pls|
+ label = " #{version}: "
+ data = format_text pls.sort.join(', '), 68, label.length
+ data[0, label.length] = label
+ entry << data << "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ authors = "Author#{spec.authors.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}: "
+ authors << spec.authors.join(', ')
+ entry << format_text(authors, 68, 4)
+ if spec.rubyforge_project and not spec.rubyforge_project.empty? then
+ rubyforge = "Rubyforge:{spec.rubyforge_project}"
+ entry << "\n" << format_text(rubyforge, 68, 4)
+ end
+ if spec.homepage and not spec.homepage.empty? then
+ entry << "\n" << format_text("Homepage: #{spec.homepage}", 68, 4)
+ end
+ if spec.license and not spec.license.empty? then
+ licenses = "License#{spec.licenses.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}: "
+ licenses << spec.licenses.join(', ')
+ entry << "\n" << format_text(licenses, 68, 4)
+ end
+ if spec.loaded_from then
+ if matching_tuples.length == 1 then
+ loaded_from = File.dirname File.dirname(spec.loaded_from)
+ entry << "\n" << " Installed at: #{loaded_from}"
+ else
+ label = 'Installed at'
+ matching_tuples.each do |(_,version,_,s),|
+ loaded_from = File.dirname File.dirname(s.loaded_from)
+ entry << "\n" << " #{label} (#{version}): #{loaded_from}"
+ label = ' ' * label.length
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ entry << "\n\n" << format_text(spec.summary, 68, 4)
+ end
+ output << entry
+ end
+ say output.join(options[:details] ? "\n\n" : "\n")
+ end