path: root/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/ri/store.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/ri/store.rb')
1 files changed, 358 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/ri/store.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/ri/store.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe4ccc244d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/ri/store.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+require 'rdoc/code_objects'
+require 'fileutils'
+# A set of ri data.
+# The store manages reading and writing ri data for a project (gem, path,
+# etc.) and maintains a cache of methods, classes and ancestors in the
+# store.
+# The store maintains a #cache of its contents for faster lookup. After
+# adding items to the store it must be flushed using #save_cache. The cache
+# contains the following structures:
+# @cache = {
+# :class_methods => {}, # class name => class methods
+# :instance_methods => {}, # class name => instance methods
+# :attributes => {}, # class name => attributes
+# :modules => [], # classes and modules in this store
+# :ancestors => {}, # class name => ancestor names
+# }
+# TODO need to store the list of files and prune classes
+class RDoc::RI::Store
+ ##
+ # If true this Store will not write any files
+ attr_accessor :dry_run
+ ##
+ # Path this store reads or writes
+ attr_accessor :path
+ ##
+ # Type of ri datastore this was loaded from. See RDoc::RI::Driver,
+ # RDoc::RI::Paths.
+ attr_accessor :type
+ ##
+ # The contents of the Store
+ attr_reader :cache
+ ##
+ # The encoding of the contents in the Store
+ attr_accessor :encoding
+ ##
+ # Creates a new Store of +type+ that will load or save to +path+
+ def initialize path, type = nil
+ @dry_run = false
+ @type = type
+ @path = path
+ @encoding = nil
+ @cache = {
+ :ancestors => {},
+ :attributes => {},
+ :class_methods => {},
+ :encoding => @encoding,
+ :instance_methods => {},
+ :modules => [],
+ }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Ancestors cache accessor. Maps a klass name to an Array of its ancestors
+ # in this store. If Foo in this store inherits from Object, Kernel won't be
+ # listed (it will be included from ruby's ri store).
+ def ancestors
+ @cache[:ancestors]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Attributes cache accessor. Maps a class to an Array of its attributes.
+ def attributes
+ @cache[:attributes]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Path to the cache file
+ def cache_path
+ File.join @path, 'cache.ri'
+ end
+ ##
+ # Path to the ri data for +klass_name+
+ def class_file klass_name
+ name = klass_name.split('::').last
+ File.join class_path(klass_name), "cdesc-#{name}.ri"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Class methods cache accessor. Maps a class to an Array of its class
+ # methods (not full name).
+ def class_methods
+ @cache[:class_methods]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Path where data for +klass_name+ will be stored (methods or class data)
+ def class_path klass_name
+ File.join @path, *klass_name.split('::')
+ end
+ ##
+ # Removes empty items and ensures item in each collection are unique and
+ # sorted
+ def clean_cache_collection collection # :nodoc:
+ collection.each do |name, item|
+ if item.empty? then
+ collection.delete name
+ else
+ # HACK mongrel-1.1.5 documents its files twice
+ item.uniq!
+ item.sort!
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Friendly rendition of #path
+ def friendly_path
+ case type
+ when :gem then
+ sep = Regexp.union(*['/', File::ALT_SEPARATOR].compact)
+ @path =~ /#{sep}doc#{sep}(.*?)#{sep}ri$/
+ "gem #{$1}"
+ when :home then '~/.ri'
+ when :site then 'ruby site'
+ when :system then 'ruby core'
+ else @path
+ end
+ end
+ def inspect # :nodoc:
+ "#<%s:0x%x %s %p>" % [self.class, object_id, @path, modules.sort]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Instance methods cache accessor. Maps a class to an Array of its
+ # instance methods (not full name).
+ def instance_methods
+ @cache[:instance_methods]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Loads cache file for this store
+ def load_cache
+ #orig_enc = @encoding
+ open cache_path, 'rb' do |io|
+ @cache = Marshal.load
+ end
+ load_enc = @cache[:encoding]
+ # TODO this feature will be time-consuming to add:
+ # a) Encodings may be incompatible but transcodeable
+ # b) Need to warn in the appropriate spots, wherever they may be
+ # c) Need to handle cross-cache differences in encodings
+ # d) Need to warn when generating into a cache with diffent encodings
+ #
+ #if orig_enc and load_enc != orig_enc then
+ # warn "Cached encoding #{load_enc} is incompatible with #{orig_enc}\n" \
+ # "from #{path}/cache.ri" unless
+ # Encoding.compatible? orig_enc, load_enc
+ #end
+ @encoding = load_enc unless @encoding
+ @cache
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ end
+ ##
+ # Loads ri data for +klass_name+
+ def load_class klass_name
+ open class_file(klass_name), 'rb' do |io|
+ Marshal.load
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Loads ri data for +method_name+ in +klass_name+
+ def load_method klass_name, method_name
+ open method_file(klass_name, method_name), 'rb' do |io|
+ Marshal.load
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Path to the ri data for +method_name+ in +klass_name+
+ def method_file klass_name, method_name
+ method_name = method_name.split('::').last
+ method_name =~ /#(.*)/
+ method_type = $1 ? 'i' : 'c'
+ method_name = $1 if $1
+ method_name = if ''.respond_to? :ord then
+ method_name.gsub(/\W/) { "%%%02x" % $&[0].ord }
+ else
+ method_name.gsub(/\W/) { "%%%02x" % $&[0] }
+ end
+ File.join class_path(klass_name), "#{method_name}-#{method_type}.ri"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Modules cache accessor. An Array of all the modules (and classes) in the
+ # store.
+ def modules
+ @cache[:modules]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Writes the cache file for this store
+ def save_cache
+ clean_cache_collection @cache[:ancestors]
+ clean_cache_collection @cache[:attributes]
+ clean_cache_collection @cache[:class_methods]
+ clean_cache_collection @cache[:instance_methods]
+ @cache[:modules].uniq!
+ @cache[:modules].sort!
+ @cache[:encoding] = @encoding # this gets set twice due to assert_cache
+ return if @dry_run
+ marshal = Marshal.dump @cache
+ open cache_path, 'wb' do |io|
+ io.write marshal
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Writes the ri data for +klass+
+ def save_class klass
+ full_name = klass.full_name
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p class_path(full_name) unless @dry_run
+ @cache[:modules] << full_name
+ path = class_file full_name
+ begin
+ disk_klass = load_class full_name
+ klass = disk_klass.merge klass
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ end
+ # BasicObject has no ancestors
+ ancestors = do |ancestor|
+ # HACK for classes we don't know about (class X < RuntimeError)
+ String === ancestor ? ancestor : ancestor.full_name
+ end
+ @cache[:ancestors][full_name] ||= []
+ @cache[:ancestors][full_name].push(*ancestors)
+ attributes = do |attribute|
+ "#{attribute.definition} #{}"
+ end
+ unless attributes.empty? then
+ @cache[:attributes][full_name] ||= []
+ @cache[:attributes][full_name].push(*attributes)
+ end
+ to_delete = []
+ unless klass.method_list.empty? then
+ @cache[:class_methods][full_name] ||= []
+ @cache[:instance_methods][full_name] ||= []
+ class_methods, instance_methods =
+ klass.method_list.partition { |meth| meth.singleton }
+ class_methods = class_methods. map { |method| }
+ instance_methods = { |method| }
+ old = @cache[:class_methods][full_name] - class_methods
+ to_delete.concat { |method|
+ method_file full_name, "#{full_name}::#{method}"
+ }
+ old = @cache[:instance_methods][full_name] - instance_methods
+ to_delete.concat { |method|
+ method_file full_name, "#{full_name}##{method}"
+ }
+ @cache[:class_methods][full_name] = class_methods
+ @cache[:instance_methods][full_name] = instance_methods
+ end
+ return if @dry_run
+ FileUtils.rm_f to_delete
+ marshal = Marshal.dump klass
+ open path, 'wb' do |io|
+ io.write marshal
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Writes the ri data for +method+ on +klass+
+ def save_method klass, method
+ full_name = klass.full_name
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p class_path(full_name) unless @dry_run
+ cache = if method.singleton then
+ @cache[:class_methods]
+ else
+ @cache[:instance_methods]
+ end
+ cache[full_name] ||= []
+ cache[full_name] <<
+ return if @dry_run
+ marshal = Marshal.dump method
+ open method_file(full_name, method.full_name), 'wb' do |io|
+ io.write marshal
+ end
+ end