path: root/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb')
1 files changed, 1782 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9a12a8fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1782 @@
+# This file contains stuff stolen outright from:
+# rtags.rb -
+# ruby-lex.rb - ruby lexcal analyzer
+# ruby-token.rb - ruby tokens
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA (Nippon Rational Inc.)
+require 'rdoc/ruby_token'
+require 'rdoc/ruby_lex'
+require 'rdoc/code_objects'
+require 'rdoc/token_stream'
+require 'rdoc/markup/pre_process'
+require 'rdoc/parser'
+require 'rdoc/parser/ruby_tools'
+$TOKEN_DEBUG ||= nil
+# Extracts code elements from a source file returning a TopLevel object
+# containing the constituent file elements.
+# This file is based on rtags
+# RubyParser understands how to document:
+# * classes
+# * modules
+# * methods
+# * constants
+# * aliases
+# * private, public, protected
+# * private_class_function, public_class_function
+# * module_function
+# * attr, attr_reader, attr_writer, attr_accessor
+# * extra accessors given on the command line
+# * metaprogrammed methods
+# * require
+# * include
+# == Method Arguments
+# NOTE: I don't think this works, needs tests, remove the paragraph following
+# this block when known to work
+# The parser extracts the arguments from the method definition. You can
+# override this with a custom argument definition using the :args: directive:
+# ##
+# # This method tries over and over until it is tired
+# def go_go_go(thing_to_try, tries = 10) # :args: thing_to_try
+# puts thing_to_try
+# go_go_go thing_to_try, tries - 1
+# end
+# If you have a more-complex set of overrides you can use the :call-seq:
+# directive:
+# The parser extracts the arguments from the method definition. You can
+# override this with a custom argument definition using the :call-seq:
+# directive:
+# ##
+# # This method can be called with a range or an offset and length
+# #
+# # :call-seq:
+# # my_method(Range)
+# # my_method(offset, length)
+# def my_method(*args)
+# end
+# The parser extracts +yield+ expressions from method bodies to gather the
+# yielded argument names. If your method manually calls a block instead of
+# yielding or you want to override the discovered argument names use
+# the :yields: directive:
+# ##
+# # My method is awesome
+# def my_method(&block) # :yields: happy, times
+# 1, 2
+# end
+# == Metaprogrammed Methods
+# To pick up a metaprogrammed method, the parser looks for a comment starting
+# with '##' before an identifier:
+# ##
+# # This is a meta-programmed method!
+# add_my_method :meta_method, :arg1, :arg2
+# The parser looks at the token after the identifier to determine the name, in
+# this example, :meta_method. If a name cannot be found, a warning is printed
+# and 'unknown is used.
+# You can force the name of a method using the :method: directive:
+# ##
+# # :method: woo_hoo!
+# By default, meta-methods are instance methods. To indicate that a method is
+# a singleton method instead use the :singleton-method: directive:
+# ##
+# # :singleton-method:
+# You can also use the :singleton-method: directive with a name:
+# ##
+# # :singleton-method: woo_hoo!
+# Additionally you can mark a method as an attribute by
+# using :attr:, :attr_reader:, :attr_writer: or :attr_accessor:. Just like
+# for :method:, the name is optional.
+# ##
+# # :attr_reader: my_attr_name
+# == Hidden methods and attributes
+# You can provide documentation for methods that don't appear using
+# the :method:, :singleton-method: and :attr: directives:
+# ##
+# # :attr_writer: ghost_writer
+# # There is an attribute here, but you can't see it!
+# ##
+# # :method: ghost_method
+# # There is a method here, but you can't see it!
+# ##
+# # this is a comment for a regular method
+# def regular_method() end
+# Note that by default, the :method: directive will be ignored if there is a
+# standard rdocable item following it.
+class RDoc::Parser::Ruby < RDoc::Parser
+ parse_files_matching(/\.rbw?$/)
+ include RDoc::RubyToken
+ include RDoc::TokenStream
+ include RDoc::Parser::RubyTools
+ ##
+ # RDoc::NormalClass type
+ NORMAL = "::"
+ ##
+ # RDoc::SingleClass type
+ SINGLE = "<<"
+ ##
+ # Creates a new Ruby parser.
+ def initialize(top_level, file_name, content, options, stats)
+ super
+ @size = 0
+ @token_listeners = nil
+ @scanner = content, @options
+ @scanner.exception_on_syntax_error = false
+ @prev_seek = nil
+ @encoding = nil
+ @encoding = @options.encoding if Object.const_defined? :Encoding
+ reset
+ end
+ ##
+ # Look for the first comment in a file that isn't a shebang line.
+ def collect_first_comment
+ skip_tkspace
+ comment = ''
+ comment.force_encoding @encoding if @encoding
+ first_line = true
+ tk = get_tk
+ while TkCOMMENT === tk
+ if first_line and tk.text =~ /\A#!/ then
+ skip_tkspace
+ tk = get_tk
+ elsif first_line and tk.text =~ /\A#\s*-\*-/ then
+ first_line = false
+ skip_tkspace
+ tk = get_tk
+ else
+ first_line = false
+ comment << tk.text << "\n"
+ tk = get_tk
+ if TkNL === tk then
+ skip_tkspace false
+ tk = get_tk
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ unget_tk tk
+ comment
+ end
+ ##
+ # Aborts with +msg+
+ def error(msg)
+ msg = make_message msg
+ abort msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Look for a 'call-seq' in the comment, and override the normal parameter
+ # stuff
+ #--
+ # TODO handle undent
+ def extract_call_seq(comment, meth)
+ if comment.sub!(/:?call-seq:(.*?)(^\s*#?\s*$|\z)/m, '') then
+ seq = $1
+ seq.gsub!(/^\s*\#\s*/, '')
+ meth.call_seq = seq
+ end
+ meth
+ end
+ ##
+ # Looks for a true or false token. Returns false if TkFALSE or TkNIL are
+ # found.
+ def get_bool
+ skip_tkspace
+ tk = get_tk
+ case tk
+ when TkTRUE
+ true
+ when TkFALSE, TkNIL
+ false
+ else
+ unget_tk tk
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Look for the name of a class of module (optionally with a leading :: or
+ # with :: separated named) and return the ultimate name, the associated
+ # container, and the given name (with the ::).
+ def get_class_or_module(container)
+ skip_tkspace
+ name_t = get_tk
+ given_name = ''
+ # class ::A -> A is in the top level
+ case name_t
+ when TkCOLON2, TkCOLON3 then # bug
+ name_t = get_tk
+ container = @top_level
+ given_name << '::'
+ end
+ skip_tkspace false
+ given_name <<
+ while TkCOLON2 === peek_tk do
+ prev_container = container
+ container = container.find_module_named
+ unless container then
+ container = prev_container.add_module RDoc::NormalModule,
+ end
+ get_tk
+ name_t = get_tk
+ given_name << '::' <<
+ end
+ skip_tkspace false
+ return [container, name_t, given_name]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return a superclass, which can be either a constant of an expression
+ def get_class_specification
+ tk = get_tk
+ return "self" if TkSELF === tk
+ res = ""
+ while TkCOLON2 === tk or TkCOLON3 === tk or TkCONSTANT === tk do
+ res +=
+ tk = get_tk
+ end
+ unget_tk(tk)
+ skip_tkspace false
+ get_tkread # empty out read buffer
+ tk = get_tk
+ case tk
+ unget_tk(tk)
+ return res
+ end
+ res += parse_call_parameters(tk)
+ res
+ end
+ ##
+ # Parse a constant, which might be qualified by one or more class or module
+ # names
+ def get_constant
+ res = ""
+ skip_tkspace false
+ tk = get_tk
+ while TkCOLON2 === tk or TkCOLON3 === tk or TkCONSTANT === tk do
+ res +=
+ tk = get_tk
+ end
+# if res.empty?
+# warn("Unexpected token #{tk} in constant")
+# end
+ unget_tk(tk)
+ res
+ end
+ ##
+ # Get a constant that may be surrounded by parens
+ def get_constant_with_optional_parens
+ skip_tkspace false
+ nest = 0
+ while TkLPAREN === (tk = peek_tk) or TkfLPAREN === tk do
+ get_tk
+ skip_tkspace
+ nest += 1
+ end
+ name = get_constant
+ while nest > 0
+ skip_tkspace
+ tk = get_tk
+ nest -= 1 if TkRPAREN === tk
+ end
+ name
+ end
+ ##
+ # Extracts a name or symbol from the token stream.
+ def get_symbol_or_name
+ tk = get_tk
+ case tk
+ when TkSYMBOL then
+ text = tk.text.sub(/^:/, '')
+ if TkASSIGN === peek_tk then
+ get_tk
+ text << '='
+ end
+ text
+ when TkId, TkOp then
+ when TkAMPER,
+ TkSTRING then
+ tk.text
+ else
+ raise RDoc::Error, "Name or symbol expected (got #{tk})"
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Look for directives in a normal comment block:
+ #
+ # # :stopdoc:
+ # # Don't display comment from this point forward
+ #
+ # This routine modifies its +comment+ parameter.
+ def look_for_directives_in context, comment
+ @preprocess.handle comment, context do |directive, param|
+ case directive
+ when 'method', 'singleton-method',
+ 'attr', 'attr_accessor', 'attr_reader', 'attr_writer' then
+ false # handled elsewhere
+ when 'section' then
+ context.set_current_section param, comment
+ comment.replace ''
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ remove_private_comments comment
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds useful info about the parser to +message+
+ def make_message message
+ prefix = "#{@file_name}:"
+ prefix << "#{@scanner.line_no}:#{@scanner.char_no}:" if @scanner
+ "#{prefix} #{message}"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates an RDoc::Attr for the name following +tk+, setting the comment to
+ # +comment+.
+ def parse_attr(context, single, tk, comment)
+ offset =
+ line_no = tk.line_no
+ args = parse_symbol_arg 1
+ if args.size > 0 then
+ name = args[0]
+ rw = "R"
+ skip_tkspace false
+ tk = get_tk
+ if TkCOMMA === tk then
+ rw = "RW" if get_bool
+ else
+ unget_tk tk
+ end
+ att = get_tkread, name, rw, comment, single == SINGLE
+ att.record_location @top_level
+ att.offset = offset
+ att.line = line_no
+ read_documentation_modifiers att, RDoc::ATTR_MODIFIERS
+ context.add_attribute att
+ @stats.add_attribute att
+ else
+ warn "'attr' ignored - looks like a variable"
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates an RDoc::Attr for each attribute listed after +tk+, setting the
+ # comment for each to +comment+.
+ def parse_attr_accessor(context, single, tk, comment)
+ offset =
+ line_no = tk.line_no
+ args = parse_symbol_arg
+ rw = "?"
+ tmp =
+ read_documentation_modifiers tmp, RDoc::ATTR_MODIFIERS
+ # TODO In most other places we let the context keep track of document_self
+ # and add found items appropriately but here we do not. I'm not sure why.
+ return unless tmp.document_self
+ case
+ when "attr_reader" then rw = "R"
+ when "attr_writer" then rw = "W"
+ when "attr_accessor" then rw = "RW"
+ else
+ rw = '?'
+ end
+ for name in args
+ att = get_tkread, name, rw, comment, single == SINGLE
+ att.record_location @top_level
+ att.offset = offset
+ att.line = line_no
+ context.add_attribute att
+ @stats.add_attribute att
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Parses an +alias+ in +context+ with +comment+
+ def parse_alias(context, single, tk, comment)
+ offset =
+ line_no = tk.line_no
+ skip_tkspace
+ if TkLPAREN === peek_tk then
+ get_tk
+ skip_tkspace
+ end
+ new_name = get_symbol_or_name
+ @scanner.instance_eval { @lex_state = EXPR_FNAME }
+ skip_tkspace
+ if TkCOMMA === peek_tk then
+ get_tk
+ skip_tkspace
+ end
+ begin
+ old_name = get_symbol_or_name
+ rescue RDoc::Error
+ return
+ end
+ al =, old_name, new_name, comment,
+ single == SINGLE)
+ al.record_location @top_level
+ al.offset = offset
+ al.line = line_no
+ read_documentation_modifiers al, RDoc::ATTR_MODIFIERS
+ context.add_alias al
+ @stats.add_alias al
+ al
+ end
+ ##
+ # Extracts call parameters from the token stream.
+ def parse_call_parameters(tk)
+ end_token = case tk
+ when TkRPAREN
+ return ""
+ else
+ TkNL
+ end
+ nest = 0
+ loop do
+ case tk
+ break
+ nest += 1
+ when end_token
+ if end_token == TkRPAREN
+ nest -= 1
+ break if @scanner.lex_state == EXPR_END and nest <= 0
+ else
+ break unless @scanner.continue
+ end
+ unget_tk(tk)
+ break
+ when nil then
+ break
+ end
+ tk = get_tk
+ end
+ res ="\n", " ").strip
+ res = "" if res == ";"
+ res
+ end
+ ##
+ # Parses a class in +context+ with +comment+
+ def parse_class(container, single, tk, comment)
+ offset =
+ line_no = tk.line_no
+ declaration_context = container
+ container, name_t, given_name = get_class_or_module container
+ case name_t
+ name =
+ superclass = '::Object'
+ if TkLT === peek_tk then
+ get_tk
+ skip_tkspace
+ superclass = get_class_specification
+ superclass = '(unknown)' if superclass.empty?
+ end
+ cls_type = single == SINGLE ? RDoc::SingleClass : RDoc::NormalClass
+ cls = declaration_context.add_class cls_type, given_name, superclass
+ cls.ignore unless container.document_children
+ read_documentation_modifiers cls, RDoc::CLASS_MODIFIERS
+ cls.record_location @top_level
+ cls.offset = offset
+ cls.line = line_no
+ cls.add_comment comment, @top_level
+ @top_level.add_to_classes_or_modules cls
+ @stats.add_class cls
+ parse_statements cls
+ when TkLSHFT
+ case name = get_class_specification
+ when "self",
+ parse_statements container, SINGLE
+ else
+ other = RDoc::TopLevel.find_class_named name
+ unless other then
+ other = container.add_module RDoc::NormalModule, name
+ other.record_location @top_level
+ other.offset = offset
+ other.line = line_no
+ other.add_comment comment, @top_level
+ end
+ # notify :nodoc: all if not a constant-named class/module
+ # (and remove any comment)
+ unless name =~ /\A(::)?[A-Z]/ then
+ other.document_self = nil
+ other.document_children = false
+ other.clear_comment
+ end
+ @top_level.add_to_classes_or_modules other
+ @stats.add_class other
+ read_documentation_modifiers other, RDoc::CLASS_MODIFIERS
+ parse_statements(other, SINGLE)
+ end
+ else
+ warn("Expected class name or '<<'. Got #{name_t.class}: #{name_t.text.inspect}")
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Parses a constant in +context+ with +comment+
+ def parse_constant container, tk, comment
+ offset =
+ line_no = tk.line_no
+ name =
+ skip_tkspace false
+ return unless name =~ /^\w+$/
+ eq_tk = get_tk
+ unless TkASSIGN === eq_tk then
+ unget_tk eq_tk
+ return false
+ end
+ nest = 0
+ get_tkread
+ tk = get_tk
+ if TkGT === tk then
+ unget_tk tk
+ unget_tk eq_tk
+ return false
+ end
+ rhs_name = ''
+ loop do
+ case tk
+ when TkSEMICOLON then
+ break if nest <= 0
+ nest += 1
+ nest -= 1
+ when TkCOMMENT then
+ if nest <= 0 &&
+ (@scanner.lex_state == EXPR_END || !@scanner.continue) then
+ unget_tk tk
+ break
+ end
+ when TkCONSTANT then
+ rhs_name <<
+ if nest <= 0 and TkNL === peek_tk then
+ mod = if rhs_name =~ /^::/ then
+ RDoc::TopLevel.find_class_or_module rhs_name
+ else
+ container.find_module_named rhs_name
+ end
+ container.add_module_alias mod, name, @top_level if mod
+ break
+ end
+ when TkNL then
+ if nest <= 0 &&
+ (@scanner.lex_state == EXPR_END || !@scanner.continue) then
+ unget_tk tk
+ break
+ end
+ when TkCOLON2, TkCOLON3 then
+ rhs_name << '::'
+ when nil then
+ break
+ end
+ tk = get_tk
+ end
+ res = get_tkread.gsub(/^[ \t]+/, '').strip
+ res = "" if res == ";"
+ con = name, res, comment
+ con.record_location @top_level
+ con.offset = offset
+ con.line = line_no
+ read_documentation_modifiers con, RDoc::CONSTANT_MODIFIERS
+ @stats.add_constant con
+ container.add_constant con
+ true
+ end
+ ##
+ # Generates an RDoc::Method or RDoc::Attr from +comment+ by looking for
+ # :method: or :attr: directives in +comment+.
+ def parse_comment(container, tk, comment)
+ column = tk.char_no
+ offset =
+ line_no = tk.line_no
+ singleton = !!comment.sub!(/(^# +:?)(singleton-)(method:)/, '\1\3')
+ if comment.sub!(/^# +:?method: *(\S*).*?\n/i, '') then
+ name = $1 unless $1.empty?
+ meth = get_tkread, name
+ meth.record_location @top_level
+ meth.singleton = singleton
+ meth.offset = offset
+ meth.line = line_no
+ meth.start_collecting_tokens
+ indent = nil, 1, 1
+ indent.set_text " " * column
+ position_comment = nil, line_no, 1
+ position_comment.set_text "# File #{@top_level.absolute_name}, line #{line_no}"
+ meth.add_tokens [position_comment, NEWLINE_TOKEN, indent]
+ meth.params = ''
+ extract_call_seq comment, meth
+ return unless
+ container.add_method meth
+ meth.comment = comment
+ @stats.add_method meth
+ elsif comment.sub!(/# +:?(attr(_reader|_writer|_accessor)?): *(\S*).*?\n/i, '') then
+ rw = case $1
+ when 'attr_reader' then 'R'
+ when 'attr_writer' then 'W'
+ else 'RW'
+ end
+ name = $3 unless $3.empty?
+ # TODO authorize 'singleton-attr...'?
+ att = get_tkread, name, rw, comment
+ att.record_location @top_level
+ att.offset = offset
+ att.line = line_no
+ container.add_attribute att
+ @stats.add_attribute att
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ ##
+ # Parses an +include+ in +context+ with +comment+
+ def parse_include context, comment
+ loop do
+ skip_tkspace_comment
+ name = get_constant_with_optional_parens
+ unless name.empty? then
+ incl = context.add_include, comment)
+ incl.record_location @top_level
+ end
+ return unless TkCOMMA === peek_tk
+ get_tk
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Parses a meta-programmed attribute and creates an RDoc::Attr.
+ #
+ # To create foo and bar attributes on class C with comment "My attributes":
+ #
+ # class C
+ #
+ # ##
+ # # :attr:
+ # #
+ # # My attributes
+ #
+ # my_attr :foo, :bar
+ #
+ # end
+ #
+ # To create a foo attribute on class C with comment "My attribute":
+ #
+ # class C
+ #
+ # ##
+ # # :attr: foo
+ # #
+ # # My attribute
+ #
+ # my_attr :foo, :bar
+ #
+ # end
+ def parse_meta_attr(context, single, tk, comment)
+ args = parse_symbol_arg
+ rw = "?"
+ # If nodoc is given, don't document any of them
+ tmp =
+ read_documentation_modifiers tmp, RDoc::ATTR_MODIFIERS
+ if comment.sub!(/^# +:?(attr(_reader|_writer|_accessor)?): *(\S*).*?\n/i, '') then
+ rw = case $1
+ when 'attr_reader' then 'R'
+ when 'attr_writer' then 'W'
+ else 'RW'
+ end
+ name = $3 unless $3.empty?
+ end
+ if name then
+ att = get_tkread, name, rw, comment, single == SINGLE
+ att.record_location @top_level
+ context.add_attribute att
+ @stats.add_attribute att
+ else
+ args.each do |attr_name|
+ att =, attr_name, rw, comment,
+ single == SINGLE)
+ att.record_location @top_level
+ context.add_attribute att
+ @stats.add_attribute att
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Parses a meta-programmed method
+ def parse_meta_method(container, single, tk, comment)
+ column = tk.char_no
+ offset =
+ line_no = tk.line_no
+ start_collecting_tokens
+ add_token tk
+ add_token_listener self
+ skip_tkspace false
+ singleton = !!comment.sub!(/(^# +:?)(singleton-)(method:)/, '\1\3')
+ if comment.sub!(/^# +:?method: *(\S*).*?\n/i, '') then
+ name = $1 unless $1.empty?
+ end
+ if name.nil? then
+ name_t = get_tk
+ case name_t
+ when TkSYMBOL then
+ name = name_t.text[1..-1]
+ when TkSTRING then
+ name = name_t.value[1..-2]
+ when TkASSIGN then # ignore
+ remove_token_listener self
+ return
+ else
+ warn "unknown name token #{name_t.inspect} for meta-method '#{}'"
+ name = 'unknown'
+ end
+ end
+ meth = get_tkread, name
+ meth.record_location @top_level
+ meth.offset = offset
+ meth.line = line_no
+ meth.singleton = singleton
+ remove_token_listener self
+ meth.start_collecting_tokens
+ indent = nil, 1, 1
+ indent.set_text " " * column
+ position_comment = nil, line_no, 1
+ position_comment.value = "# File #{@top_level.absolute_name}, line #{line_no}"
+ meth.add_tokens [position_comment, NEWLINE_TOKEN, indent]
+ meth.add_tokens @token_stream
+ token_listener meth do
+ meth.params = ''
+ extract_call_seq comment, meth
+ container.add_method meth
+ last_tk = tk
+ while tk = get_tk do
+ case tk
+ when TkSEMICOLON then
+ break
+ when TkNL then
+ break unless last_tk and TkCOMMA === last_tk
+ when TkSPACE then
+ # expression continues
+ when TkDO then
+ unget_tk tk
+ parse_statements container, single, meth
+ break
+ else
+ last_tk = tk
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ meth.comment = comment
+ @stats.add_method meth
+ end
+ ##
+ # Parses a normal method defined by +def+
+ def parse_method(container, single, tk, comment)
+ added_container = nil
+ meth = nil
+ name = nil
+ column = tk.char_no
+ offset =
+ line_no = tk.line_no
+ start_collecting_tokens
+ add_token tk
+ token_listener self do
+ @scanner.instance_eval do @lex_state = EXPR_FNAME end
+ skip_tkspace
+ name_t = get_tk
+ back_tk = skip_tkspace
+ meth = nil
+ added_container = false
+ dot = get_tk
+ if TkDOT === dot or TkCOLON2 === dot then
+ @scanner.instance_eval do @lex_state = EXPR_FNAME end
+ skip_tkspace
+ name_t2 = get_tk
+ case name_t
+ when TkSELF, TkMOD then
+ name =
+ when TkCONSTANT then
+ name =
+ prev_container = container
+ container = container.find_module_named(
+ unless container then
+ added_container = true
+ obj ="::").inject(Object) do |state, item|
+ state.const_get(item)
+ end rescue nil
+ type = obj.class == Class ? RDoc::NormalClass : RDoc::NormalModule
+ unless [Class, Module].include?(obj.class) then
+ warn("Couldn't find #{}. Assuming it's a module")
+ end
+ if type == RDoc::NormalClass then
+ sclass = obj.superclass ? : nil
+ container = prev_container.add_class type,, sclass
+ else
+ container = prev_container.add_module type,
+ end
+ container.record_location @top_level
+ end
+ dummy =
+ dummy.parent = container
+ skip_method dummy
+ return
+ when TkTRUE, TkFALSE, TkNIL then
+ klass_name = "#{}Class"
+ container = RDoc::TopLevel.find_class_named klass_name
+ container ||= @top_level.add_class RDoc::NormalClass, klass_name
+ name =
+ else
+ warn "unexpected method name token #{name_t.inspect}"
+ # break
+ skip_method container
+ return
+ end
+ meth =, name)
+ meth.singleton = true
+ else
+ unget_tk dot
+ back_tk.reverse_each do |token|
+ unget_tk token
+ end
+ name = case name_t
+ when TkSTAR, TkAMPER then
+ name_t.text
+ else
+ unless name_t.respond_to? :name then
+ warn "expected method name token, . or ::, got #{name_t.inspect}"
+ skip_method container
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ meth = get_tkread, name
+ meth.singleton = (single == SINGLE)
+ end
+ end
+ meth.record_location @top_level
+ meth.offset = offset
+ meth.line = line_no
+ meth.start_collecting_tokens
+ indent = nil, 1, 1
+ indent.set_text " " * column
+ token = nil, line_no, 1
+ token.set_text "# File #{@top_level.absolute_name}, line #{line_no}"
+ meth.add_tokens [token, NEWLINE_TOKEN, indent]
+ meth.add_tokens @token_stream
+ token_listener meth do
+ @scanner.instance_eval do @continue = false end
+ parse_method_parameters meth
+ if meth.document_self then
+ container.add_method meth
+ elsif added_container then
+ container.document_self = false
+ end
+ # Having now read the method parameters and documentation modifiers, we
+ # now know whether we have to rename #initialize to ::new
+ if name == "initialize" && !meth.singleton then
+ if meth.dont_rename_initialize then
+ meth.visibility = :protected
+ else
+ meth.singleton = true
+ = "new"
+ meth.visibility = :public
+ end
+ end
+ parse_statements container, single, meth
+ end
+ extract_call_seq comment, meth
+ meth.comment = comment
+ @stats.add_method meth
+ end
+ ##
+ # Extracts +yield+ parameters from +method+
+ def parse_method_or_yield_parameters(method = nil,
+ modifiers = RDoc::METHOD_MODIFIERS)
+ skip_tkspace false
+ tk = get_tk
+ # Little hack going on here. In the statement
+ # f = 2*(1+yield)
+ # We see the RPAREN as the next token, so we need
+ # to exit early. This still won't catch all cases
+ # (such as "a = yield + 1"
+ end_token = case tk
+ when TkRPAREN
+ return ""
+ else
+ TkNL
+ end
+ nest = 0
+ loop do
+ case tk
+ when TkSEMICOLON then
+ break if nest == 0
+ when TkLBRACE, TkfLBRACE then
+ nest += 1
+ when TkRBRACE then
+ nest -= 1
+ if nest <= 0
+ # we might have a.each { |i| yield i }
+ unget_tk(tk) if nest < 0
+ break
+ end
+ when TkLPAREN, TkfLPAREN then
+ nest += 1
+ when end_token then
+ if end_token == TkRPAREN
+ nest -= 1
+ break if @scanner.lex_state == EXPR_END and nest <= 0
+ else
+ break unless @scanner.continue
+ end
+ when TkRPAREN then
+ nest -= 1
+ when method && method.block_params.nil? && TkCOMMENT then
+ unget_tk tk
+ read_documentation_modifiers method, modifiers
+ @read.pop
+ when TkCOMMENT then
+ @read.pop
+ when nil then
+ break
+ end
+ tk = get_tk
+ end
+ res = get_tkread.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip
+ res = '' if res == ';'
+ res
+ end
+ ##
+ # Capture the method's parameters. Along the way, look for a comment
+ # containing:
+ #
+ # # yields: ....
+ #
+ # and add this as the block_params for the method
+ def parse_method_parameters(method)
+ res = parse_method_or_yield_parameters method
+ res = "(#{res})" unless res =~ /\A\(/
+ method.params = res unless method.params
+ if method.block_params.nil? then
+ skip_tkspace false
+ read_documentation_modifiers method, RDoc::METHOD_MODIFIERS
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Parses an RDoc::NormalModule in +container+ with +comment+
+ def parse_module(container, single, tk, comment)
+ container, name_t, = get_class_or_module container
+ name =
+ mod = container.add_module RDoc::NormalModule, name
+ mod.record_location @top_level
+ read_documentation_modifiers mod, RDoc::CLASS_MODIFIERS
+ mod.add_comment comment, @top_level
+ parse_statements(mod)
+ @top_level.add_to_classes_or_modules mod
+ @stats.add_module mod
+ end
+ ##
+ # Parses an RDoc::Require in +context+ containing +comment+
+ def parse_require(context, comment)
+ skip_tkspace_comment
+ tk = get_tk
+ if TkLPAREN === tk then
+ skip_tkspace_comment
+ tk = get_tk
+ end
+ name = tk.text if TkSTRING === tk
+ if name then
+ @top_level.add_require, comment)
+ else
+ unget_tk tk
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # The core of the ruby parser.
+ def parse_statements(container, single = NORMAL, current_method = nil,
+ comment = '')
+ comment.force_encoding @encoding if @encoding
+ nest = 1
+ save_visibility = container.visibility
+ non_comment_seen = true
+ while tk = get_tk do
+ keep_comment = false
+ try_parse_comment = false
+ non_comment_seen = true unless TkCOMMENT === tk
+ case tk
+ when TkNL then
+ skip_tkspace
+ tk = get_tk
+ if TkCOMMENT === tk then
+ if non_comment_seen then
+ # Look for RDoc in a comment about to be thrown away
+ non_comment_seen = parse_comment container, tk, comment unless
+ comment.empty?
+ comment = ''
+ comment.force_encoding @encoding if @encoding
+ end
+ while TkCOMMENT === tk do
+ comment << tk.text << "\n"
+ tk = get_tk
+ if TkNL === tk then
+ skip_tkspace false # leading spaces
+ tk = get_tk
+ end
+ end
+ unless comment.empty? then
+ look_for_directives_in container, comment
+ if container.done_documenting then
+ container.ongoing_visibility = save_visibility
+ end
+ end
+ keep_comment = true
+ else
+ non_comment_seen = true
+ end
+ unget_tk tk # TODO peek instead of get then unget
+ keep_comment = true
+ when TkCLASS then
+ parse_class container, single, tk, comment
+ when TkMODULE then
+ if container.document_children then
+ parse_module container, single, tk, comment
+ else
+ nest += 1
+ end
+ when TkDEF then
+ parse_method container, single, tk, comment
+ when TkCONSTANT then
+ unless parse_constant container, tk, comment then
+ try_parse_comment = true
+ end
+ when TkALIAS then
+ parse_alias container, single, tk, comment unless current_method
+ when TkYIELD then
+ if current_method.nil? then
+ warn "Warning: yield outside of method" if container.document_self
+ else
+ parse_yield container, single, tk, current_method
+ end
+ # Until and While can have a 'do', which shouldn't increase the nesting.
+ # We can't solve the general case, but we can handle most occurrences by
+ # ignoring a do at the end of a line.
+ when TkUNTIL, TkWHILE then
+ nest += 1
+ skip_optional_do_after_expression
+ # 'for' is trickier
+ when TkFOR then
+ nest += 1
+ skip_for_variable
+ skip_optional_do_after_expression
+ when TkCASE, TkDO, TkIF, TkUNLESS, TkBEGIN then
+ nest += 1
+ when TkIDENTIFIER then
+ if nest == 1 and current_method.nil? then
+ case
+ when 'private', 'protected', 'public', 'private_class_method',
+ 'public_class_method', 'module_function' then
+ parse_visibility container, single, tk
+ keep_comment = true
+ when 'attr' then
+ parse_attr container, single, tk, comment
+ when /^attr_(reader|writer|accessor)$/ then
+ parse_attr_accessor container, single, tk, comment
+ when 'alias_method' then
+ parse_alias container, single, tk, comment
+ when 'require', 'include' then
+ # ignore
+ else
+ if comment =~ /\A#\#$/ then
+ case comment
+ when /^# +:?attr(_reader|_writer|_accessor)?:/ then
+ parse_meta_attr container, single, tk, comment
+ else
+ parse_meta_method container, single, tk, comment
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ case
+ when "require" then
+ parse_require container, comment
+ when "include" then
+ parse_include container, comment
+ end
+ when TkEND then
+ nest -= 1
+ if nest == 0 then
+ read_documentation_modifiers container, RDoc::CLASS_MODIFIERS
+ container.ongoing_visibility = save_visibility
+ parse_comment container, tk, comment unless comment.empty?
+ return
+ end
+ else
+ try_parse_comment = nest == 1
+ end
+ if try_parse_comment then
+ non_comment_seen = parse_comment container, tk, comment unless
+ comment.empty?
+ keep_comment = false
+ end
+ unless keep_comment then
+ comment = ''
+ comment.force_encoding @encoding if @encoding
+ end
+ begin
+ get_tkread
+ skip_tkspace false
+ end while peek_tk == TkNL
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Parse up to +no+ symbol arguments
+ def parse_symbol_arg(no = nil)
+ args = []
+ skip_tkspace_comment
+ case tk = get_tk
+ when TkLPAREN
+ loop do
+ skip_tkspace_comment
+ if tk1 = parse_symbol_in_arg
+ args.push tk1
+ break if no and args.size >= no
+ end
+ skip_tkspace_comment
+ case tk2 = get_tk
+ when TkRPAREN
+ break
+ when TkCOMMA
+ else
+ warn("unexpected token: '#{tk2.inspect}'") if $DEBUG_RDOC
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ unget_tk tk
+ if tk = parse_symbol_in_arg
+ args.push tk
+ return args if no and args.size >= no
+ end
+ loop do
+ skip_tkspace false
+ tk1 = get_tk
+ unless TkCOMMA === tk1 then
+ unget_tk tk1
+ break
+ end
+ skip_tkspace_comment
+ if tk = parse_symbol_in_arg
+ args.push tk
+ break if no and args.size >= no
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ args
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns symbol text from the next token
+ def parse_symbol_in_arg
+ case tk = get_tk
+ when TkSYMBOL
+ tk.text.sub(/^:/, '')
+ when TkSTRING
+ eval @read[-1]
+ nil # ignore
+ else
+ warn("Expected symbol or string, got #{tk.inspect}") if $DEBUG_RDOC
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Parses statements in the top-level +container+
+ def parse_top_level_statements container
+ comment = collect_first_comment
+ look_for_directives_in container, comment
+ # HACK move if to RDoc::Context#comment=
+ container.comment = comment if container.document_self unless comment.empty?
+ parse_statements container, NORMAL, nil, comment
+ end
+ ##
+ # Determines the visibility in +container+ from +tk+
+ def parse_visibility(container, single, tk)
+ singleton = (single == SINGLE)
+ vis_type =
+ vis = case vis_type
+ when 'private' then :private
+ when 'protected' then :protected
+ when 'public' then :public
+ when 'private_class_method' then
+ singleton = true
+ :private
+ when 'public_class_method' then
+ singleton = true
+ :public
+ when 'module_function' then
+ singleton = true
+ :public
+ else
+ raise RDoc::Error, "Invalid visibility: #{}"
+ end
+ skip_tkspace_comment false
+ case peek_tk
+ # Ryan Davis suggested the extension to ignore modifiers, because he
+ # often writes
+ #
+ # protected unless $TESTING
+ #
+ container.ongoing_visibility = vis
+ else
+ new_methods = []
+ case vis_type
+ when 'module_function' then
+ args = parse_symbol_arg
+ container.set_visibility_for args, :private, false
+ container.methods_matching args do |m|
+ s_m = m.dup
+ s_m.record_location @top_level
+ s_m.singleton = true
+ new_methods << s_m
+ end
+ when 'public_class_method', 'private_class_method' then
+ args = parse_symbol_arg
+ container.methods_matching args, true do |m|
+ if m.parent != container then
+ m = m.dup
+ m.record_location @top_level
+ new_methods << m
+ end
+ m.visibility = vis
+ end
+ else
+ args = parse_symbol_arg
+ container.set_visibility_for args, vis, singleton
+ end
+ new_methods.each do |method|
+ case method
+ when RDoc::AnyMethod then
+ container.add_method method
+ when RDoc::Attr then
+ container.add_attribute method
+ end
+ method.visibility = vis
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Determines the block parameter for +context+
+ def parse_yield(context, single, tk, method)
+ return if method.block_params
+ get_tkread
+ @scanner.instance_eval { @continue = false }
+ method.block_params = parse_method_or_yield_parameters
+ end
+ ##
+ # Directives are modifier comments that can appear after class, module, or
+ # method names. For example:
+ #
+ # def fred # :yields: a, b
+ #
+ # or:
+ #
+ # class MyClass # :nodoc:
+ #
+ # We return the directive name and any parameters as a two element array
+ def read_directive allowed
+ tk = get_tk
+ if TkCOMMENT === tk then
+ return unless tk.text =~ /\s*:?(\w+):\s*(.*)/
+ directive = $1.downcase
+ return [directive, $2] if allowed.include? directive
+ else
+ unget_tk tk
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Handles the directive for +context+ if the directive is listed in +allow+.
+ # This method is called for directives following a definition.
+ def read_documentation_modifiers context, allow
+ directive, value = read_directive allow
+ return unless directive
+ @preprocess.handle_directive '', directive, value, context do |dir, param|
+ if %w[notnew not_new not-new].include? dir then
+ context.dont_rename_initialize = true
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Removes private comments from +comment+
+ def remove_private_comments(comment)
+ empty = ''
+ empty.force_encoding comment.encoding if Object.const_defined? :Encoding
+ comment.gsub!(/^#--.*?^#\+\+\n?/m, empty)
+ comment.sub!(/^#--.*/m, '')
+ end
+ ##
+ # Scans this ruby file for ruby constructs
+ def scan
+ reset
+ catch :eof do
+ begin
+ parse_top_level_statements @top_level
+ rescue StandardError => e
+ bytes = ''
+ 20.times do @scanner.ungetc end
+ count = 0
+ 60.times do |i|
+ count = i
+ byte = @scanner.getc
+ break unless byte
+ bytes << byte
+ end
+ count -= 20
+ count.times do @scanner.ungetc end
+ $stderr.puts <<-EOF
+#{self.class} failure around line #{@scanner.line_no} of
+ unless bytes.empty? then
+ $stderr.puts
+ $stderr.puts bytes.inspect
+ end
+ raise e
+ end
+ end
+ @top_level
+ end
+ ##
+ # while, until, and for have an optional do
+ def skip_optional_do_after_expression
+ skip_tkspace false
+ tk = get_tk
+ case tk
+ when TkLPAREN, TkfLPAREN then
+ end_token = TkRPAREN
+ else
+ end_token = TkNL
+ end
+ b_nest = 0
+ nest = 0
+ @scanner.instance_eval { @continue = false }
+ loop do
+ case tk
+ when TkSEMICOLON then
+ break if
+ when TkLPAREN, TkfLPAREN then
+ nest += 1
+ when TkBEGIN then
+ b_nest += 1
+ when TkEND then
+ b_nest -= 1
+ when TkDO
+ break if
+ when end_token then
+ if end_token == TkRPAREN
+ nest -= 1
+ break if @scanner.lex_state == EXPR_END and
+ else
+ break unless @scanner.continue
+ end
+ when nil then
+ break
+ end
+ tk = get_tk
+ end
+ skip_tkspace false
+ get_tk if TkDO === peek_tk
+ end
+ ##
+ # skip the var [in] part of a 'for' statement
+ def skip_for_variable
+ skip_tkspace false
+ tk = get_tk
+ skip_tkspace false
+ tk = get_tk
+ unget_tk(tk) unless TkIN === tk
+ end
+ ##
+ # Skips the next method in +container+
+ def skip_method container
+ meth = "", "anon"
+ parse_method_parameters meth
+ parse_statements container, false, meth
+ end
+ ##
+ # Skip spaces until a comment is found
+ def skip_tkspace_comment(skip_nl = true)
+ loop do
+ skip_tkspace skip_nl
+ return unless TkCOMMENT === peek_tk
+ get_tk
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Prints +msg+ to +$stderr+ unless we're being quiet
+ def warn(msg)
+ return if @options.quiet
+ msg = make_message msg
+ $stderr.puts msg
+ end