path: root/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/dialog.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/dialog.rb')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/dialog.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/dialog.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ef7820699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/dialog.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+# tk/dialog.rb : create dialog boxes
+require 'tk'
+require 'tk/variable.rb'
+class TkDialogObj < TkWindow
+ extend Tk
+ TkCommandNames = ['tk_dialog'.freeze].freeze
+ def*args)
+ dlog =*args)
+ dlog
+ end
+ def _set_button_config(configs)
+ set_config = proc{|c,i|
+ if $VERBOSE && (c.has_key?('command') || c.has_key?(:command))
+ STDERR.print("Warning: cannot give a command option " +
+ "to the dialog button#{i}. It was removed.\n")
+ end
+ c.delete('command'); c.delete(:command)
+ # @config << Kernel.format("%s.button%s configure %s; ",
+ # @path, i, hash_kv(c).join(' '))
+ # @config << @path+'.button'+i.to_s+' configure '+hash_kv(c).join(' ')+'; '
+ @config << @path+'.button'+i.to_s+' configure '+
+ array2tk_list(hash_kv(c))+'; '
+ }
+ case configs
+ when Proc
+ @buttons.each_index{|i|
+ if (c =
+ end
+ }
+ when Array
+ @buttons.each_index{|i|
+ if (c = configs[i]).kind_of?(Hash)
+ end
+ }
+ when Hash
+ @buttons.each_with_index{|s,i|
+ if (c = configs[s]).kind_of?(Hash)
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ # @config = 'after idle {' + @config + '};' if @config != ""
+ @config = array2tk_list(['after', 'idle', @config]) << ';' if @config != ""
+ end
+ private :_set_button_config
+ # initialize tk_dialog
+ def create_self(keys)
+ # @var =
+ @val = nil
+ @title = title
+ @message = message
+ @message_config = message_config
+ @msgframe_config = msgframe_config
+ @bitmap = bitmap
+ @bitmap_config = message_config
+ @default_button = default_button
+ @buttons = buttons
+ @button_configs = proc{|num| button_configs(num)}
+ @btnframe_config = btnframe_config
+ #@config = "puts [winfo children .w0000];"
+ @config = ""
+ @command = prev_command
+ if keys.kind_of?(Hash)
+ @title = keys['title'] if keys.key? 'title'
+ @message = keys['message'] if keys.key? 'message'
+ @bitmap = keys['bitmap'] if keys.key? 'bitmap'
+ # @bitmap = '{}' if @bitmap == nil || @bitmap == ""
+ @bitmap = '' unless @bitmap
+ @default_button = keys['default'] if keys.key? 'default'
+ @buttons = keys['buttons'] if keys.key? 'buttons'
+ @command = keys['prev_command'] if keys.key? 'prev_command'
+ @message_config = keys['message_config'] if keys.key? 'message_config'
+ @msgframe_config = keys['msgframe_config'] if keys.key? 'msgframe_config'
+ @bitmap_config = keys['bitmap_config'] if keys.key? 'bitmap_config'
+ @button_configs = keys['button_configs'] if keys.key? 'button_configs'
+ @btnframe_config = keys['btnframe_config'] if keys.key? 'btnframe_config'
+ end
+ #if @title.include? ?\s
+ # @title = '{' + @title + '}'
+ #end
+ if @buttons.kind_of?(Array)
+ _set_button_config(@buttons.collect{|cfg|
+ (cfg.kind_of? Array)? cfg[1]: nil})
+ @buttons = @buttons.collect{|cfg| (cfg.kind_of? Array)? cfg[0]: cfg}
+ end
+ if @buttons.kind_of?(Hash)
+ _set_button_config(@buttons)
+ @buttons = @buttons.keys
+ end
+ @buttons = tk_split_simplelist(@buttons) if @buttons.kind_of?(String)
+ @buttons = [] unless @buttons
+ @buttons = @buttons.collect{|s|
+ if s.kind_of?(Array)
+ s = s.join(' ')
+ end
+ if s.include? ?\s
+ '{' + s + '}'
+ else
+ s
+ end
+ }
+ if @message_config.kind_of?(Hash)
+ # @config << Kernel.format("%s.msg configure %s;",
+ # @path, hash_kv(@message_config).join(' '))
+ # @config << @path+'.msg configure '+hash_kv(@message_config).join(' ')+';'
+ @config << @path+'.msg configure '+
+ array2tk_list(hash_kv(@message_config))+';'
+ end
+ if @msgframe_config.kind_of?(Hash)
+ # @config << Kernel.format(" configure %s;",
+ # @path, hash_kv(@msgframe_config).join(' '))
+ # @config << @path+'.top configure '+hash_kv(@msgframe_config).join(' ')+';'
+ @config << @path+'.top configure '+
+ array2tk_list(hash_kv(@msgframe_config))+';'
+ end
+ if @btnframe_config.kind_of?(Hash)
+ # @config << Kernel.format(" configure %s;",
+ # @path, hash_kv(@btnframe_config).join(' '))
+ # @config << @path+'.bot configure '+hash_kv(@btnframe_config).join(' ')+';'
+ @config << @path+'.bot configure '+
+ array2tk_list(hash_kv(@btnframe_config))+';'
+ end
+ if @bitmap_config.kind_of?(Hash)
+ # @config << Kernel.format("%s.bitmap configure %s;",
+ # @path, hash_kv(@bitmap_config).join(' '))
+ # @config << @path+'.bitmap configure '+hash_kv(@bitmap_config).join(' ')+';'
+ @config << @path+'.bitmap configure '+
+ array2tk_list(hash_kv(@bitmap_config))+';'
+ end
+ _set_button_config(@button_configs) if @button_configs
+ end
+ private :create_self
+ def show
+ # if @command.kind_of?(Proc)
+ if TkComm._callback_entry?(@command)
+ end
+ if @default_button.kind_of?(String)
+ default_button = @buttons.index(@default_button)
+ else
+ default_button = @default_button
+ end
+ # default_button = '{}' if default_button == nil
+ default_button = '' if default_button == nil
+ #Tk.ip_eval('eval {global '';'+@config+
+ # 'set '' [tk_dialog '+
+ # @path+" "+@title+" {#{@message}} "+@bitmap+" "+
+ # String(default_button)+" "+@buttons.join(' ')+']}')
+ Tk.ip_eval(@config)
+ # @val = Tk.ip_eval('tk_dialog ' + @path + ' ' + @title +
+ # ' {' + @message + '} ' + @bitmap + ' ' +
+ # String(default_button) + ' ' + @buttons.join(' ')).to_i
+ # @val = Tk.ip_eval(self.class::TkCommandNames[0] + ' ' + @path + ' ' +
+ # @title + ' {' + @message + '} ' + @bitmap + ' ' +
+ # String(default_button) + ' ' + @buttons.join(' ')).to_i
+ @val = Tk.ip_eval(array2tk_list([
+ self.class::TkCommandNames[0],
+ @path, @title, @message, @bitmap,
+ String(default_button)
+ ].concat(@buttons))).to_i
+ end
+ def value
+ # @var.value.to_i
+ @val
+ end
+ def name
+ (@val)? @buttons[@val]: nil
+ end
+ ############################################################
+ # #
+ # following methods should be overridden for each dialog #
+ # #
+ ############################################################
+ private
+ def title
+ # returns a title string of the dialog window
+ return "DIALOG"
+ end
+ def message
+ # returns a message text to display on the dialog
+ return "MESSAGE"
+ end
+ def message_config
+ # returns a Hash {option=>value, ...} for the message text
+ return nil
+ end
+ def msgframe_config
+ # returns a Hash {option=>value, ...} for the message text frame
+ return nil
+ end
+ def bitmap
+ # returns a bitmap name or a bitmap file path
+ # (@ + path ; e.g. '@/usr/share/bitmap/sample.xbm')
+ return "info"
+ end
+ def bitmap_config
+ # returns nil or a Hash {option=>value, ...} for the bitmap
+ return nil
+ end
+ def default_button
+ # returns a default button's number or name
+ # if nil or null string, set no-default
+ return 0
+ end
+ def buttons
+ #return "BUTTON1 BUTTON2"
+ return ["BUTTON1", "BUTTON2"]
+ end
+ def button_configs(num)
+ # returns nil / Proc / Array or Hash (see _set_button_config)
+ return nil
+ end
+ def btnframe_config
+ # returns nil or a Hash {option=>value, ...} for the button frame
+ return nil
+ end
+ def prev_command
+ # returns nil or a Proc
+ return nil
+ end
+TkDialog2 = TkDialogObj
+# TkDialog : with showing at initialize
+class TkDialog < TkDialogObj
+ def*args)
+ end
+ def initialize(*args)
+ super(*args)
+ show
+ end
+# dialog for warning
+class TkWarningObj < TkDialogObj
+ def initialize(parent = nil, mes = nil)
+ if !mes
+ if parent.kind_of?(TkWindow)
+ mes = ""
+ else
+ mes = parent.to_s
+ parent = nil
+ end
+ end
+ super(parent, :message=>mes)
+ end
+ def show(mes = nil)
+ mes_bup = @message
+ @message = mes if mes
+ ret = super()
+ @message = mes_bup
+ ret
+ end
+ #######
+ private
+ def title
+ return "WARNING";
+ end
+ def bitmap
+ return "warning";
+ end
+ def default_button
+ return 0;
+ end
+ def buttons
+ return "OK";
+ end
+TkWarning2 = TkWarningObj
+class TkWarning < TkWarningObj
+ def*args)
+ end
+ def initialize(*args)
+ super(*args)
+ show
+ end