path: root/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/composite.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/composite.rb')
1 files changed, 484 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/composite.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/composite.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e267c7a22b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/composite.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+# tk/composite.rb :
+require 'tk'
+module TkComposite
+ include Tk
+ extend Tk
+ def initialize(parent=nil, *args)
+ @delegates = {}
+ @option_methods = {}
+ @option_setting = {}
+ if parent.kind_of? Hash
+ keys = _symbolkey2str(parent)
+ parent = keys.delete('parent')
+ @frame =
+ @path = @epath = @frame.path
+ initialize_composite(keys)
+ else
+ @frame =
+ @path = @epath = @frame.path
+ initialize_composite(*args)
+ end
+ end
+ def _choice_classname_of_baseframe
+ base_class_name = nil
+ klass = WidgetClassNames[self.class::WidgetClassName]
+ if klass
+ # WidgetClassName is a known class
+ #if klass <= TkFrame || klass < TkComposite
+ if klass <= TkFrame || klass < Tk::Frame || klass < TkComposite
+ # klass is valid for the base frame
+ if self.class <= klass
+ # use my classname
+ base_class_name =
+ if base_class_name == ''
+ # anonymous class -> use ancestor's name
+ base_class_name =
+ end
+ else
+ # not subclass -> use WidgetClassName
+ base_class_name =
+ end
+ else
+ # klass is invalid for the base frame
+ #if self.class < TkFrame || self.class.superclass < TkComposite
+ if self.class < TkFrame || self.class.superclass < Tk::Frame || self.class.superclass < TkComposite
+ # my class name is valid for the base frame -> use my classname
+ base_class_name =
+ if base_class_name == ''
+ # anonymous class -> use TkFrame
+ base_class_name = nil
+ end
+ else
+ # no idea for the base frame -> use TkFrame
+ base_class_name = nil
+ end
+ end
+ elsif self.class::WidgetClassName && ! self.class::WidgetClassName.empty?
+ # unknown WidgetClassName is defined -> use it for the base frame
+ base_class_name = self.class::WidgetClassName
+ else
+ # no valid WidgetClassName
+ #if self.class < TkFrame || self.class.superclass < TkComposite
+ if self.class < TkFrame || self.class.superclass < Tk::Frame || self.class.superclass < TkComposite
+ # my class name is valid for the base frame -> use my classname
+ base_class_name =
+ if base_class_name == ''
+ # anonymous class -> use TkFrame
+ base_class_name = nil
+ end
+ else
+ # no idea for the base frame -> use TkFrame
+ base_class_name = nil
+ end
+ end
+ base_class_name
+ end
+ private :_choice_classname_of_baseframe
+ # def initialize(parent=nil, *args)
+ def initialize(*args)
+ @delegates = {}
+ @option_methods = {}
+ @option_setting = {}
+ if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
+ keys = _symbolkey2str(args.pop)
+ else
+ keys = {}
+ end
+ parent = args.shift
+ parent = keys.delete('parent') if keys.has_key?('parent')
+ if keys.key?('classname')
+ keys['class'] = keys.delete('classname')
+ end
+ if (base_class_name = (keys.delete('class')).to_s).empty?
+ base_class_name = _choice_classname_of_baseframe
+ end
+ if base_class_name
+ # @frame =, :class=>base_class_name)
+ # --> use current TkFrame class
+ @frame =, :class=>base_class_name)
+ else
+ # @frame =
+ # --> use current TkFrame class
+ @frame =
+ end
+ @path = @epath = @frame.path
+ args.push(keys) unless keys.empty?
+ initialize_composite(*args)
+ end
+ def database_classname
+ @frame.database_classname
+ end
+ def database_class
+ @frame.database_class
+ end
+ def epath
+ @epath
+ end
+ def initialize_composite(*args) end
+ private :initialize_composite
+ def inspect
+ str = super
+ str.chop << ' @epath=' << @epath.inspect << '>'
+ end
+ def _get_opt_method_list(arg)
+ m_set, m_cget, m_info = arg
+ m_set = m_set.to_s
+ m_cget = m_set if !m_cget && self.method(m_set).arity == -1
+ m_cget = m_cget.to_s if m_cget
+ m_info = m_info.to_s if m_info
+ [m_set, m_cget, m_info]
+ end
+ private :_get_opt_method_list
+ def option_methods(*opts)
+ if opts.size == 1 && opts[0].kind_of?(Hash)
+ # {name => [m_set, m_cget, m_info], name => method} style
+ opts[0].each{|name, arg|
+ m_set, m_cget, m_info = _get_opt_method_list(arg)
+ @option_methods[name.to_s] = {
+ :set => m_set, :cget => m_cget, :info => m_info
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ # [m_set, m_cget, m_info] or method style
+ opts.each{|arg|
+ m_set, m_cget, m_info = _get_opt_method_list(arg)
+ @option_methods[m_set] = {
+ :set => m_set, :cget => m_cget, :info => m_info
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def delegate_alias(alias_opt, option, *wins)
+ if wins.length == 0
+ fail ArgumentError, "target widgets are not given"
+ end
+ if alias_opt != option && (alias_opt == 'DEFAULT' || option == 'DEFAULT')
+ fail ArgumentError, "cannot alias 'DEFAULT' option"
+ end
+ alias_opt = alias_opt.to_s
+ option = option.to_s
+ if @delegates[alias_opt].kind_of?(Array)
+ if (elem = @delegates[alias_opt].assoc(option))
+ wins.each{|w| elem[1].push(w)}
+ else
+ @delegates[alias_opt] << [option, wins]
+ end
+ else
+ @delegates[alias_opt] = [ [option, wins] ]
+ end
+ end
+ def delegate(option, *wins)
+ delegate_alias(option, option, *wins)
+ end
+ def __cget_delegates(slot)
+ slot = slot.to_s
+ if @option_methods.include?(slot)
+ if @option_methods[slot][:cget]
+ return self.__send__(@option_methods[slot][:cget])
+ else
+ if @option_setting[slot]
+ return @option_setting[slot]
+ else
+ return ''
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ tbl = @delegates[slot]
+ tbl = @delegates['DEFAULT'] unless tbl
+ begin
+ if tbl
+ opt, wins = tbl[-1]
+ opt = slot if opt == 'DEFAULT'
+ if wins && wins[-1]
+ # return wins[-1].cget(opt)
+ return wins[-1].cget_strict(opt)
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ return None
+ end
+ private :__cget_delegates
+ def cget_tkstring(slot)
+ if (ret = __cget_delegates(slot)) == None
+ super(slot)
+ else
+ _get_eval_string(ret)
+ end
+ end
+ def cget(slot)
+ if (ret = __cget_delegates(slot)) == None
+ super(slot)
+ else
+ ret
+ end
+ end
+ def cget_strict(slot)
+ if (ret = __cget_delegates(slot)) == None
+ super(slot)
+ else
+ ret
+ end
+ end
+ def cget(slot)
+ slot = slot.to_s
+ if @option_methods.include?(slot)
+ if @option_methods[slot][:cget]
+ return self.__send__(@option_methods[slot][:cget])
+ else
+ if @option_setting[slot]
+ return @option_setting[slot]
+ else
+ return ''
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ tbl = @delegates[slot]
+ tbl = @delegates['DEFAULT'] unless tbl
+ begin
+ if tbl
+ opt, wins = tbl[-1]
+ opt = slot if opt == 'DEFAULT'
+ if wins && wins[-1]
+ return wins[-1].cget(opt)
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ super(slot)
+ end
+ def configure(slot, value=None)
+ if slot.kind_of? Hash
+ slot.each{|slot,value| configure slot, value}
+ return self
+ end
+ slot = slot.to_s
+ if @option_methods.include?(slot)
+ unless @option_methods[slot][:cget]
+ if value.kind_of?(Symbol)
+ @option_setting[slot] = value.to_s
+ else
+ @option_setting[slot] = value
+ end
+ end
+ return self.__send__(@option_methods[slot][:set], value)
+ end
+ tbl = @delegates[slot]
+ tbl = @delegates['DEFAULT'] unless tbl
+ begin
+ if tbl
+ last = nil
+ tbl.each{|opt, wins|
+ opt = slot if opt == 'DEFAULT'
+ wins.each{|w| last = w.configure(opt, value)}
+ }
+ return last
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ super(slot, value)
+ end
+ def configinfo(slot = nil)
+ if slot
+ slot = slot.to_s
+ if @option_methods.include?(slot)
+ if @option_methods[slot][:info]
+ return self.__send__(@option_methods[slot][:info])
+ else
+ return [slot, '', '', '', self.cget(slot)]
+ end
+ end
+ tbl = @delegates[slot]
+ tbl = @delegates['DEFAULT'] unless tbl
+ begin
+ if tbl
+ if tbl.length == 1
+ opt, wins = tbl[0]
+ if slot == opt || opt == 'DEFAULT'
+ return wins[-1].configinfo(slot)
+ else
+ info = wins[-1].configinfo(opt)
+ info[0] = slot
+ return info
+ end
+ else
+ opt, wins = tbl[-1]
+ return [slot, '', '', '', wins[-1].cget(opt)]
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ super(slot)
+ else # slot == nil
+ info_list = super(slot)
+ tbl = @delegates['DEFAULT']
+ if tbl
+ wins = tbl[0][1]
+ if wins && wins[-1]
+ wins[-1].configinfo.each{|info|
+ slot = info[0]
+ info_list.delete_if{|i| i[0] == slot} << info
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ @delegates.each{|slot, tbl|
+ next if slot == 'DEFAULT'
+ if tbl.length == 1
+ opt, wins = tbl[0]
+ next unless wins && wins[-1]
+ if slot == opt
+ info_list.delete_if{|i| i[0] == slot} <<
+ wins[-1].configinfo(slot)
+ else
+ info = wins[-1].configinfo(opt)
+ info[0] = slot
+ info_list.delete_if{|i| i[0] == slot} << info
+ end
+ else
+ opt, wins = tbl[-1]
+ info_list.delete_if{|i| i[0] == slot} <<
+ [slot, '', '', '', wins[-1].cget(opt)]
+ end
+ }
+ @option_methods.each{|slot, m|
+ if m[:info]
+ info = self.__send__(m[:info])
+ else
+ info = [slot, '', '', '', self.cget(slot)]
+ end
+ info_list.delete_if{|i| i[0] == slot} << info
+ }
+ info_list
+ end
+ if slot
+ slot = slot.to_s
+ if @option_methods.include?(slot)
+ if @option_methods[slot][:info]
+ return self.__send__(@option_methods[slot][:info])
+ else
+ return {slot => ['', '', '', self.cget(slot)]}
+ end
+ end
+ tbl = @delegates[slot]
+ tbl = @delegates['DEFAULT'] unless tbl
+ begin
+ if tbl
+ if tbl.length == 1
+ opt, wins = tbl[0]
+ if slot == opt || opt == 'DEFAULT'
+ return wins[-1].configinfo(slot)
+ else
+ return {slot => wins[-1].configinfo(opt)[opt]}
+ end
+ else
+ opt, wins = tbl[-1]
+ return {slot => ['', '', '', wins[-1].cget(opt)]}
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ super(slot)
+ else # slot == nil
+ info_list = super(slot)
+ tbl = @delegates['DEFAULT']
+ if tbl
+ wins = tbl[0][1]
+ info_list.update(wins[-1].configinfo) if wins && wins[-1]
+ end
+ @delegates.each{|slot, tbl|
+ next if slot == 'DEFAULT'
+ if tbl.length == 1
+ opt, wins = tbl[0]
+ next unless wins && wins[-1]
+ if slot == opt
+ info_list.update(wins[-1].configinfo(slot))
+ else
+ info_list.update({slot => wins[-1].configinfo(opt)[opt]})
+ end
+ else
+ opt, wins = tbl[-1]
+ info_list.update({slot => ['', '', '', wins[-1].cget(opt)]})
+ end
+ }
+ @option_methods.each{|slot, m|
+ if m[:info]
+ info = self.__send__(m[:info])
+ else
+ info = {slot => ['', '', '', self.cget(slot)]}
+ end
+ info_list.update(info)
+ }
+ info_list
+ end
+ end
+ end