path: root/ruby_1_9_3/ext/socket/lib/socket.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_9_3/ext/socket/lib/socket.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 782 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/socket/lib/socket.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/socket/lib/socket.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 66ff548270..0000000000
--- a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/socket/lib/socket.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,782 +0,0 @@
-require ''
-class Addrinfo
- # creates an Addrinfo object from the arguments.
- #
- # The arguments are interpreted as similar to self.
- #
- # Addrinfo.tcp("", 4649).family_addrinfo("", 80)
- # #=> #<Addrinfo: TCP (>
- #
- # Addrinfo.unix("/tmp/sock").family_addrinfo("/tmp/sock2")
- # #=> #<Addrinfo: /tmp/sock2 SOCK_STREAM>
- #
- def family_addrinfo(*args)
- if args.empty?
- raise ArgumentError, "no address specified"
- elsif Addrinfo === args.first
- raise ArgumentError, "too many arguments" if args.length != 1
- elsif self.ip?
- raise ArgumentError, "IP address needs host and port but #{args.length} arguments given" if args.length != 2
- host, port = args
- Addrinfo.getaddrinfo(host, port, self.pfamily, self.socktype, self.protocol)[0]
- elsif self.unix?
- raise ArgumentError, "UNIX socket needs single path argument but #{args.length} arguments given" if args.length != 1
- path, = args
- Addrinfo.unix(path)
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "unexpected family"
- end
- end
- # creates a new Socket connected to the address of +local_addrinfo+.
- #
- # If no arguments are given, the address of the socket is not bound.
- #
- # If a block is given the created socket is yielded for each address.
- #
- def connect_internal(local_addrinfo) # :yields: socket
- sock =, self.socktype, self.protocol)
- begin
- sock.ipv6only! if self.ipv6?
- sock.bind local_addrinfo if local_addrinfo
- sock.connect(self)
- if block_given?
- yield sock
- else
- sock
- end
- ensure
- sock.close if !sock.closed? && (block_given? || $!)
- end
- end
- private :connect_internal
- # creates a socket connected to the address of self.
- #
- # If one or more arguments given as _local_addr_args_,
- # it is used as the local address of the socket.
- # _local_addr_args_ is given for family_addrinfo to obtain actual address.
- #
- # If no arguments given, the local address of the socket is not bound.
- #
- # If a block is given, it is called with the socket and the value of the block is returned.
- # The socket is returned otherwise.
- #
- # Addrinfo.tcp("", 80).connect_from("", 4649) {|s|
- # s.print "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"
- # puts
- # }
- #
- # # Addrinfo object can be taken for the argument.
- # Addrinfo.tcp("", 80).connect_from(Addrinfo.tcp("", 4649)) {|s|
- # s.print "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"
- # puts
- # }
- #
- def connect_from(*local_addr_args, &block)
- connect_internal(family_addrinfo(*local_addr_args), &block)
- end
- # creates a socket connected to the address of self.
- #
- # If a block is given, it is called with the socket and the value of the block is returned.
- # The socket is returned otherwise.
- #
- # Addrinfo.tcp("", 80).connect {|s|
- # s.print "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"
- # puts
- # }
- #
- def connect(&block)
- connect_internal(nil, &block)
- end
- # creates a socket connected to _remote_addr_args_ and bound to self.
- #
- # If a block is given, it is called with the socket and the value of the block is returned.
- # The socket is returned otherwise.
- #
- # Addrinfo.tcp("", 4649).connect_to("", 80) {|s|
- # s.print "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"
- # puts
- # }
- #
- def connect_to(*remote_addr_args, &block)
- remote_addrinfo = family_addrinfo(*remote_addr_args)
- remote_addrinfo.send(:connect_internal, self, &block)
- end
- # creates a socket bound to self.
- #
- # If a block is given, it is called with the socket and the value of the block is returned.
- # The socket is returned otherwise.
- #
- # Addrinfo.udp("", 9981).bind {|s|
- # s.local_address.connect {|s| s.send "hello", 0 }
- # p s.recv(10) #=> "hello"
- # }
- #
- def bind
- sock =, self.socktype, self.protocol)
- begin
- sock.ipv6only! if self.ipv6?
- sock.setsockopt(:SOCKET, :REUSEADDR, 1)
- sock.bind(self)
- if block_given?
- yield sock
- else
- sock
- end
- ensure
- sock.close if !sock.closed? && (block_given? || $!)
- end
- end
- # creates a listening socket bound to self.
- def listen(backlog=5)
- sock =, self.socktype, self.protocol)
- begin
- sock.ipv6only! if self.ipv6?
- sock.setsockopt(:SOCKET, :REUSEADDR, 1)
- sock.bind(self)
- sock.listen(backlog)
- if block_given?
- yield sock
- else
- sock
- end
- ensure
- sock.close if !sock.closed? && (block_given? || $!)
- end
- end
- # iterates over the list of Addrinfo objects obtained by Addrinfo.getaddrinfo.
- #
- # Addrinfo.foreach(nil, 80) {|x| p x }
- # #=> #<Addrinfo: TCP (:80)>
- # # #<Addrinfo: UDP (:80)>
- # # #<Addrinfo: [::1]:80 TCP (:80)>
- # # #<Addrinfo: [::1]:80 UDP (:80)>
- #
- def self.foreach(nodename, service, family=nil, socktype=nil, protocol=nil, flags=nil, &block)
- Addrinfo.getaddrinfo(nodename, service, family, socktype, protocol, flags).each(&block)
- end
-class BasicSocket < IO
- # Returns an address of the socket suitable for connect in the local machine.
- #
- # This method returns _self_.local_address, except following condition.
- #
- # - IPv4 unspecified address ( is replaced by IPv4 loopback address (
- # - IPv6 unspecified address (::) is replaced by IPv6 loopback address (::1).
- #
- # If the local address is not suitable for connect, SocketError is raised.
- # IPv4 and IPv6 address which port is 0 is not suitable for connect.
- # Unix domain socket which has no path is not suitable for connect.
- #
- # Addrinfo.tcp("", 0).listen {|serv|
- # p serv.connect_address #=> #<Addrinfo: TCP>
- # serv.connect_address.connect {|c|
- # s, _ = serv.accept
- # p [c, s] #=> [#<Socket:fd 4>, #<Socket:fd 6>]
- # }
- # }
- #
- def connect_address
- addr = local_address
- afamily = addr.afamily
- if afamily == Socket::AF_INET
- raise SocketError, "unbound IPv4 socket" if addr.ip_port == 0
- if addr.ip_address == ""
- addr =["AF_INET", addr.ip_port, nil, ""], addr.pfamily, addr.socktype, addr.protocol)
- end
- elsif defined?(Socket::AF_INET6) && afamily == Socket::AF_INET6
- raise SocketError, "unbound IPv6 socket" if addr.ip_port == 0
- if addr.ip_address == "::"
- addr =["AF_INET6", addr.ip_port, nil, "::1"], addr.pfamily, addr.socktype, addr.protocol)
- elsif addr.ip_address == "" # MacOS X 10.4 returns "a.b.c.d" for IPv4-mapped IPv6 address.
- addr =["AF_INET6", addr.ip_port, nil, "::1"], addr.pfamily, addr.socktype, addr.protocol)
- elsif addr.ip_address == "::ffff:" # MacOS X 10.6 returns "::ffff:a.b.c.d" for IPv4-mapped IPv6 address.
- addr =["AF_INET6", addr.ip_port, nil, "::1"], addr.pfamily, addr.socktype, addr.protocol)
- end
- elsif defined?(Socket::AF_UNIX) && afamily == Socket::AF_UNIX
- raise SocketError, "unbound Unix socket" if addr.unix_path == ""
- end
- addr
- end
-class Socket < BasicSocket
- # enable the socket option IPV6_V6ONLY if IPV6_V6ONLY is available.
- def ipv6only!
- if defined? Socket::IPV6_V6ONLY
- self.setsockopt(:IPV6, :V6ONLY, 1)
- end
- end
- # creates a new socket object connected to host:port using TCP/IP.
- #
- # If local_host:local_port is given,
- # the socket is bound to it.
- #
- # If a block is given, the block is called with the socket.
- # The value of the block is returned.
- # The socket is closed when this method returns.
- #
- # If no block is given, the socket is returned.
- #
- # Socket.tcp("", 80) {|sock|
- # sock.print "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"
- # sock.close_write
- # puts
- # }
- #
- def self.tcp(host, port, local_host=nil, local_port=nil) # :yield: socket
- last_error = nil
- ret = nil
- local_addr_list = nil
- if local_host != nil || local_port != nil
- local_addr_list = Addrinfo.getaddrinfo(local_host, local_port, nil, :STREAM, nil)
- end
- Addrinfo.foreach(host, port, nil, :STREAM) {|ai|
- if local_addr_list
- local_addr = local_addr_list.find {|local_ai| local_ai.afamily == ai.afamily }
- next if !local_addr
- else
- local_addr = nil
- end
- begin
- sock = local_addr ? ai.connect_from(local_addr) : ai.connect
- rescue SystemCallError
- last_error = $!
- next
- end
- ret = sock
- break
- }
- if !ret
- if last_error
- raise last_error
- else
- raise SocketError, "no appropriate local address"
- end
- end
- if block_given?
- begin
- yield ret
- ensure
- ret.close if !ret.closed?
- end
- else
- ret
- end
- end
- # :stopdoc:
- def self.ip_sockets_port0(ai_list, reuseaddr)
- begin
- sockets = []
- port = nil
- ai_list.each {|ai|
- begin
- s =, ai.socktype, ai.protocol)
- rescue SystemCallError
- next
- end
- sockets << s
- s.ipv6only! if ai.ipv6?
- if reuseaddr
- s.setsockopt(:SOCKET, :REUSEADDR, 1)
- end
- if !port
- s.bind(ai)
- port = s.local_address.ip_port
- else
- s.bind(ai.family_addrinfo(ai.ip_address, port))
- end
- }
- rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE
- sockets.each {|s|
- s.close
- }
- retry
- end
- sockets
- ensure
- sockets.each {|s| s.close if !s.closed? } if $!
- end
- class << self
- private :ip_sockets_port0
- end
- def self.tcp_server_sockets_port0(host)
- ai_list = Addrinfo.getaddrinfo(host, 0, nil, :STREAM, nil, Socket::AI_PASSIVE)
- sockets = ip_sockets_port0(ai_list, true)
- sockets.each {|s|
- s.listen(5)
- }
- sockets
- ensure
- sockets.each {|s| s.close if !s.closed? } if $! && sockets
- end
- class << self
- private :tcp_server_sockets_port0
- end
- # :startdoc:
- # creates TCP/IP server sockets for _host_ and _port_.
- # _host_ is optional.
- #
- # If no block given,
- # it returns an array of listening sockets.
- #
- # If a block is given, the block is called with the sockets.
- # The value of the block is returned.
- # The socket is closed when this method returns.
- #
- # If _port_ is 0, actual port number is choosen dynamically.
- # However all sockets in the result has same port number.
- #
- # # tcp_server_sockets returns two sockets.
- # sockets = Socket.tcp_server_sockets(1296)
- # p sockets #=> [#<Socket:fd 3>, #<Socket:fd 4>]
- #
- # # The sockets contains IPv6 and IPv4 sockets.
- # sockets.each {|s| p s.local_address }
- # #=> #<Addrinfo: [::]:1296 TCP>
- # # #<Addrinfo: TCP>
- #
- # # IPv6 and IPv4 socket has same port number, 53114, even if it is choosen dynamically.
- # sockets = Socket.tcp_server_sockets(0)
- # sockets.each {|s| p s.local_address }
- # #=> #<Addrinfo: [::]:53114 TCP>
- # # #<Addrinfo: TCP>
- #
- # # The block is called with the sockets.
- # Socket.tcp_server_sockets(0) {|sockets|
- # p sockets #=> [#<Socket:fd 3>, #<Socket:fd 4>]
- # }
- #
- def self.tcp_server_sockets(host=nil, port)
- if port == 0
- sockets = tcp_server_sockets_port0(host)
- else
- begin
- last_error = nil
- sockets = []
- Addrinfo.foreach(host, port, nil, :STREAM, nil, Socket::AI_PASSIVE) {|ai|
- begin
- s = ai.listen
- rescue SystemCallError
- last_error = $!
- next
- end
- sockets << s
- }
- if sockets.empty?
- raise last_error
- end
- ensure
- sockets.each {|s| s.close if !s.closed? } if $!
- end
- end
- if block_given?
- begin
- yield sockets
- ensure
- sockets.each {|s| s.close if !s.closed? }
- end
- else
- sockets
- end
- end
- # yield socket and client address for each a connection accepted via given sockets.
- #
- # The arguments are a list of sockets.
- # The individual argument should be a socket or an array of sockets.
- #
- # This method yields the block sequentially.
- # It means that the next connection is not accepted until the block returns.
- # So concurrent mechanism, thread for example, should be used to service multiple clients at a time.
- #
- def self.accept_loop(*sockets) # :yield: socket, client_addrinfo
- sockets.flatten!(1)
- if sockets.empty?
- raise ArgumentError, "no sockets"
- end
- loop {
- readable, _, _ =
- readable.each {|r|
- begin
- sock, addr = r.accept_nonblock
- rescue IO::WaitReadable
- next
- end
- yield sock, addr
- }
- }
- end
- # creates a TCP/IP server on _port_ and calls the block for each connection accepted.
- # The block is called with a socket and a client_address as an Addrinfo object.
- #
- # If _host_ is specified, it is used with _port_ to determine the server addresses.
- #
- # The socket is *not* closed when the block returns.
- # So application should close it explicitly.
- #
- # This method calls the block sequentially.
- # It means that the next connection is not accepted until the block returns.
- # So concurrent mechanism, thread for example, should be used to service multiple clients at a time.
- #
- # Note that Addrinfo.getaddrinfo is used to determine the server socket addresses.
- # When Addrinfo.getaddrinfo returns two or more addresses,
- # IPv4 and IPv6 address for example,
- # all of them are used.
- # Socket.tcp_server_loop succeeds if one socket can be used at least.
- #
- # # Sequential echo server.
- # # It services only one client at a time.
- # Socket.tcp_server_loop(16807) {|sock, client_addrinfo|
- # begin
- # IO.copy_stream(sock, sock)
- # ensure
- # sock.close
- # end
- # }
- #
- # # Threaded echo server
- # # It services multiple clients at a time.
- # # Note that it may accept connections too much.
- # Socket.tcp_server_loop(16807) {|sock, client_addrinfo|
- # {
- # begin
- # IO.copy_stream(sock, sock)
- # ensure
- # sock.close
- # end
- # }
- # }
- #
- def self.tcp_server_loop(host=nil, port, &b) # :yield: socket, client_addrinfo
- tcp_server_sockets(host, port) {|sockets|
- accept_loop(sockets, &b)
- }
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # Socket.udp_server_sockets([host, ] port)
- #
- # Creates UDP/IP sockets for a UDP server.
- #
- # If no block given, it returns an array of sockets.
- #
- # If a block is given, the block is called with the sockets.
- # The value of the block is returned.
- # The sockets are closed when this method returns.
- #
- # If _port_ is zero, some port is choosen.
- # But the choosen port is used for the all sockets.
- #
- # # UDP/IP echo server
- # Socket.udp_server_sockets(0) {|sockets|
- # p sockets.first.local_address.ip_port #=> 32963
- # Socket.udp_server_loop_on(sockets) {|msg, msg_src|
- # msg_src.reply msg
- # }
- # }
- #
- def self.udp_server_sockets(host=nil, port)
- last_error = nil
- sockets = []
- ipv6_recvpktinfo = nil
- if defined? Socket::AncillaryData
- if defined? Socket::IPV6_RECVPKTINFO # RFC 3542
- ipv6_recvpktinfo = Socket::IPV6_RECVPKTINFO
- elsif defined? Socket::IPV6_PKTINFO # RFC 2292
- ipv6_recvpktinfo = Socket::IPV6_PKTINFO
- end
- end
- local_addrs = Socket.ip_address_list
- ip_list = []
- Addrinfo.foreach(host, port, nil, :DGRAM, nil, Socket::AI_PASSIVE) {|ai|
- if ai.ipv4? && ai.ip_address == ""
- local_addrs.each {|a|
- next if !a.ipv4?
- ip_list <<, :INET, :DGRAM, 0);
- }
- elsif ai.ipv6? && ai.ip_address == "::" && !ipv6_recvpktinfo
- local_addrs.each {|a|
- next if !a.ipv6?
- ip_list <<, :INET6, :DGRAM, 0);
- }
- else
- ip_list << ai
- end
- }
- if port == 0
- sockets = ip_sockets_port0(ip_list, false)
- else
- ip_list.each {|ip|
- ai = Addrinfo.udp(ip.ip_address, port)
- begin
- s = ai.bind
- rescue SystemCallError
- last_error = $!
- next
- end
- sockets << s
- }
- if sockets.empty?
- raise last_error
- end
- end
- sockets.each {|s|
- ai = s.local_address
- if ipv6_recvpktinfo && ai.ipv6? && ai.ip_address == "::"
- s.setsockopt(:IPV6, ipv6_recvpktinfo, 1)
- end
- }
- if block_given?
- begin
- yield sockets
- ensure
- sockets.each {|s| s.close if !s.closed? } if sockets
- end
- else
- sockets
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # Socket.udp_server_recv(sockets) {|msg, msg_src| ... }
- #
- # Receive UDP/IP packets from the given _sockets_.
- # For each packet received, the block is called.
- #
- # The block receives _msg_ and _msg_src_.
- # _msg_ is a string which is the payload of the received packet.
- # _msg_src_ is a Socket::UDPSource object which is used for reply.
- #
- # Socket.udp_server_loop can be implemented using this method as follows.
- #
- # udp_server_sockets(host, port) {|sockets|
- # loop {
- # readable, _, _ =
- # udp_server_recv(readable) {|msg, msg_src| ... }
- # }
- # }
- #
- def self.udp_server_recv(sockets)
- sockets.each {|r|
- begin
- msg, sender_addrinfo, _, *controls = r.recvmsg_nonblock
- rescue IO::WaitReadable
- next
- end
- ai = r.local_address
- if ai.ipv6? and pktinfo = controls.find {|c| c.cmsg_is?(:IPV6, :PKTINFO) }
- ai = Addrinfo.udp(pktinfo.ipv6_pktinfo_addr.ip_address, ai.ip_port)
- yield msg,, ai) {|reply_msg|
- r.sendmsg reply_msg, 0, sender_addrinfo, pktinfo
- }
- else
- yield msg,, ai) {|reply_msg|
- r.send reply_msg, 0, sender_addrinfo
- }
- end
- }
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # Socket.udp_server_loop_on(sockets) {|msg, msg_src| ... }
- #
- # Run UDP/IP server loop on the given sockets.
- #
- # The return value of Socket.udp_server_sockets is appropriate for the argument.
- #
- # It calls the block for each message received.
- #
- def self.udp_server_loop_on(sockets, &b) # :yield: msg, msg_src
- loop {
- readable, _, _ =
- udp_server_recv(readable, &b)
- }
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # Socket.udp_server_loop(port) {|msg, msg_src| ... }
- # Socket.udp_server_loop(host, port) {|msg, msg_src| ... }
- #
- # creates a UDP/IP server on _port_ and calls the block for each message arrived.
- # The block is called with the message and its source information.
- #
- # This method allocates sockets internally using _port_.
- # If _host_ is specified, it is used conjunction with _port_ to determine the server addresses.
- #
- # The _msg_ is a string.
- #
- # The _msg_src_ is a Socket::UDPSource object.
- # It is used for reply.
- #
- # # UDP/IP echo server.
- # Socket.udp_server_loop(9261) {|msg, msg_src|
- # msg_src.reply msg
- # }
- #
- def self.udp_server_loop(host=nil, port, &b) # :yield: message, message_source
- udp_server_sockets(host, port) {|sockets|
- udp_server_loop_on(sockets, &b)
- }
- end
- # UDP/IP address information used by Socket.udp_server_loop.
- class UDPSource
- # +remote_adress+ is an Addrinfo object.
- #
- # +local_adress+ is an Addrinfo object.
- #
- # +reply_proc+ is a Proc used to send reply back to the source.
- def initialize(remote_address, local_address, &reply_proc)
- @remote_address = remote_address
- @local_address = local_address
- @reply_proc = reply_proc
- end
- # Address of the source
- attr_reader :remote_address
- # Local address
- attr_reader :local_address
- def inspect # :nodoc:
- "\#<#{self.class}: #{@remote_address.inspect_sockaddr} to #{@local_address.inspect_sockaddr}>"
- end
- # Sends the String +msg+ to the source
- def reply(msg)
- msg
- end
- end
- # creates a new socket connected to path using UNIX socket socket.
- #
- # If a block is given, the block is called with the socket.
- # The value of the block is returned.
- # The socket is closed when this method returns.
- #
- # If no block is given, the socket is returned.
- #
- # # talk to /tmp/sock socket.
- # Socket.unix("/tmp/sock") {|sock|
- # t = { IO.copy_stream(sock, STDOUT) }
- # IO.copy_stream(STDIN, sock)
- # t.join
- # }
- #
- def self.unix(path) # :yield: socket
- addr = Addrinfo.unix(path)
- sock = addr.connect
- if block_given?
- begin
- yield sock
- ensure
- sock.close if !sock.closed?
- end
- else
- sock
- end
- end
- # creates a UNIX server socket on _path_
- #
- # If no block given, it returns a listening socket.
- #
- # If a block is given, it is called with the socket and the block value is returned.
- # When the block exits, the socket is closed and the socket file is removed.
- #
- # socket = Socket.unix_server_socket("/tmp/s")
- # p socket #=> #<Socket:fd 3>
- # p socket.local_address #=> #<Addrinfo: /tmp/s SOCK_STREAM>
- #
- # Socket.unix_server_socket("/tmp/sock") {|s|
- # p s #=> #<Socket:fd 3>
- # p s.local_address #=> # #<Addrinfo: /tmp/sock SOCK_STREAM>
- # }
- #
- def self.unix_server_socket(path)
- if !unix_socket_abstract_name?(path)
- begin
- st = File.lstat(path)
- rescue Errno::ENOENT
- end
- if st && st.socket? && st.owned?
- File.unlink path
- end
- end
- s = Addrinfo.unix(path).listen
- if block_given?
- begin
- yield s
- ensure
- s.close if !s.closed?
- if !unix_socket_abstract_name?(path)
- File.unlink path
- end
- end
- else
- s
- end
- end
- class << self
- private
- def unix_socket_abstract_name?(path)
- /linux/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM && /\A(\0|\z)/ =~ path
- end
- end
- # creates a UNIX socket server on _path_.
- # It calls the block for each socket accepted.
- #
- # If _host_ is specified, it is used with _port_ to determine the server ports.
- #
- # The socket is *not* closed when the block returns.
- # So application should close it.
- #
- # This method deletes the socket file pointed by _path_ at first if
- # the file is a socket file and it is owned by the user of the application.
- # This is safe only if the directory of _path_ is not changed by a malicious user.
- # So don't use /tmp/malicious-users-directory/socket.
- # Note that /tmp/socket and /tmp/your-private-directory/socket is safe assuming that /tmp has sticky bit.
- #
- # # Sequential echo server.
- # # It services only one client at a time.
- # Socket.unix_server_loop("/tmp/sock") {|sock, client_addrinfo|
- # begin
- # IO.copy_stream(sock, sock)
- # ensure
- # sock.close
- # end
- # }
- #
- def self.unix_server_loop(path, &b) # :yield: socket, client_addrinfo
- unix_server_socket(path) {|serv|
- accept_loop(serv, &b)
- }
- end