path: root/ruby_1_9_3/ext/psych/lib/psych.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_9_3/ext/psych/lib/psych.rb')
1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/psych/lib/psych.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/psych/lib/psych.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19d8b2bc12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/psych/lib/psych.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+require ''
+require 'psych/nodes'
+require 'psych/streaming'
+require 'psych/visitors'
+require 'psych/handler'
+require 'psych/tree_builder'
+require 'psych/parser'
+require 'psych/omap'
+require 'psych/set'
+require 'psych/coder'
+require 'psych/core_ext'
+require 'psych/deprecated'
+require 'psych/stream'
+require 'psych/json/tree_builder'
+require 'psych/json/stream'
+require 'psych/handlers/document_stream'
+# = Overview
+# Psych is a YAML parser and emitter. Psych leverages
+# libyaml[] for it's YAML parsing and emitting capabilities.
+# In addition to wrapping libyaml, Psych also knows how to serialize and
+# de-serialize most Ruby objects to and from the YAML format.
+# # Parse some YAML
+# Psych.load("--- foo") # => "foo"
+# # Emit some YAML
+# Psych.dump("foo") # => "--- foo\n...\n"
+# { :a => 'b'}.to_yaml # => "---\n:a: b\n"
+# Got more time on your hands? Keep on reading!
+# == YAML Parsing
+# Psych provides a range of interfaces for parsing a YAML document ranging from
+# low level to high level, depending on your parsing needs. At the lowest
+# level, is an event based parser. Mid level is access to the raw YAML AST,
+# and at the highest level is the ability to unmarshal YAML to ruby objects.
+# === Low level parsing
+# The lowest level parser should be used when the YAML input is already known,
+# and the developer does not want to pay the price of building an AST or
+# automatic detection and conversion to ruby objects. See Psych::Parser for
+# more information on using the event based parser.
+# === Mid level parsing
+# Psych provides access to an AST produced from parsing a YAML document. This
+# tree is built using the Psych::Parser and Psych::TreeBuilder. The AST can
+# be examined and manipulated freely. Please see Psych::parse_stream,
+# Psych::Nodes, and Psych::Nodes::Node for more information on dealing with
+# YAML syntax trees.
+# === High level parsing
+# The high level YAML parser provided by Psych simply takes YAML as input and
+# returns a Ruby data structure. For information on using the high level parser
+# see Psych.load
+# == YAML Emitting
+# Psych provides a range of interfaces ranging from low to high level for
+# producing YAML documents. Very similar to the YAML parsing interfaces, Psych
+# provides at the lowest level, an event based system, mid-level is building
+# a YAML AST, and the highest level is converting a Ruby object straight to
+# a YAML document.
+# === Low level emitting
+# The lowest level emitter is an event based system. Events are sent to a
+# Psych::Emitter object. That object knows how to convert the events to a YAML
+# document. This interface should be used when document format is known in
+# advance or speed is a concern. See Psych::Emitter for more information.
+# === Mid level emitting
+# At the mid level is building an AST. This AST is exactly the same as the AST
+# used when parsing a YAML document. Users can build an AST by hand and the
+# AST knows how to emit itself as a YAML document. See Psych::Nodes,
+# Psych::Nodes::Node, and Psych::TreeBuilder for more information on building
+# a YAML AST.
+# === High level emitting
+# The high level emitter has the easiest interface. Psych simply takes a Ruby
+# data structure and converts it to a YAML document. See Psych.dump for more
+# information on dumping a Ruby data structure.
+module Psych
+ # The version is Psych you're using
+ VERSION = '1.3.4'
+ # The version of libyaml Psych is using
+ LIBYAML_VERSION = Psych.libyaml_version.join '.'
+ class Exception < RuntimeError
+ end
+ class BadAlias < Exception
+ end
+ ###
+ # Load +yaml+ in to a Ruby data structure. If multiple documents are
+ # provided, the object contained in the first document will be returned.
+ # +filename+ will be used in the exception message if any exception is raised
+ # while parsing.
+ #
+ # Raises a Psych::SyntaxError when a YAML syntax error is detected.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # Psych.load("--- a") # => 'a'
+ # Psych.load("---\n - a\n - b") # => ['a', 'b']
+ #
+ # begin
+ # Psych.load("--- `", "file.txt")
+ # rescue Psych::SyntaxError => ex
+ # ex.file # => 'file.txt'
+ # ex.message # => "(foo.txt): found character that cannot start any token"
+ # end
+ def self.load yaml, filename = nil
+ result = parse(yaml, filename)
+ result ? result.to_ruby : result
+ end
+ ###
+ # Parse a YAML string in +yaml+. Returns the first object of a YAML AST.
+ # +filename+ is used in the exception message if a Psych::SyntaxError is
+ # raised.
+ #
+ # Raises a Psych::SyntaxError when a YAML syntax error is detected.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # Psych.parse("---\n - a\n - b") # => #<Psych::Nodes::Sequence:0x00>
+ #
+ # begin
+ # Psych.parse("--- `", "file.txt")
+ # rescue Psych::SyntaxError => ex
+ # ex.file # => 'file.txt'
+ # ex.message # => "(foo.txt): found character that cannot start any token"
+ # end
+ #
+ # See Psych::Nodes for more information about YAML AST.
+ def self.parse yaml, filename = nil
+ parse_stream(yaml, filename) do |node|
+ return node
+ end
+ false
+ end
+ ###
+ # Parse a file at +filename+. Returns the YAML AST.
+ #
+ # Raises a Psych::SyntaxError when a YAML syntax error is detected.
+ def self.parse_file filename
+ filename, 'r:bom|utf-8' do |f|
+ parse f, filename
+ end
+ end
+ ###
+ # Returns a default parser
+ def self.parser
+ end
+ ###
+ # Parse a YAML string in +yaml+. Returns the full AST for the YAML document.
+ # This method can handle multiple YAML documents contained in +yaml+.
+ # +filename+ is used in the exception message if a Psych::SyntaxError is
+ # raised.
+ #
+ # If a block is given, a Psych::Nodes::Document node will be yielded to the
+ # block as it's being parsed.
+ #
+ # Raises a Psych::SyntaxError when a YAML syntax error is detected.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # Psych.parse_stream("---\n - a\n - b") # => #<Psych::Nodes::Stream:0x00>
+ #
+ # Psych.parse_stream("--- a\n--- b") do |node|
+ # node # => #<Psych::Nodes::Document:0x00>
+ # end
+ #
+ # begin
+ # Psych.parse_stream("--- `", "file.txt")
+ # rescue Psych::SyntaxError => ex
+ # ex.file # => 'file.txt'
+ # ex.message # => "(foo.txt): found character that cannot start any token"
+ # end
+ #
+ # See Psych::Nodes for more information about YAML AST.
+ def self.parse_stream yaml, filename = nil, &block
+ if block_given?
+ parser =
+ parser.parse yaml, filename
+ else
+ parser = self.parser
+ parser.parse yaml, filename
+ parser.handler.root
+ end
+ end
+ ###
+ # call-seq:
+ # Psych.dump(o) -> string of yaml
+ # Psych.dump(o, options) -> string of yaml
+ # Psych.dump(o, io) -> io object passed in
+ # Psych.dump(o, io, options) -> io object passed in
+ #
+ # Dump Ruby object +o+ to a YAML string. Optional +options+ may be passed in
+ # to control the output format. If an IO object is passed in, the YAML will
+ # be dumped to that IO object.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # # Dump an array, get back a YAML string
+ # Psych.dump(['a', 'b']) # => "---\n- a\n- b\n"
+ #
+ # # Dump an array to an IO object
+ # Psych.dump(['a', 'b'], # => #<StringIO:0x000001009d0890>
+ #
+ # # Dump an array with indentation set
+ # Psych.dump(['a', ['b']], :indentation => 3) # => "---\n- a\n- - b\n"
+ #
+ # # Dump an array to an IO with indentation set
+ # Psych.dump(['a', ['b']],, :indentation => 3)
+ def self.dump o, io = nil, options = {}
+ if Hash === io
+ options = io
+ io = nil
+ end
+ visitor = options
+ visitor << o
+ visitor.tree.yaml io, options
+ end
+ ###
+ # Dump a list of objects as separate documents to a document stream.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # Psych.dump_stream("foo\n ", {}) # => "--- ! \"foo\\n \"\n--- {}\n"
+ def self.dump_stream *objects
+ visitor = {}
+ objects.each do |o|
+ visitor << o
+ end
+ visitor.tree.yaml
+ end
+ ###
+ # Dump Ruby object +o+ to a JSON string.
+ def self.to_json o
+ visitor =
+ visitor << o
+ visitor.tree.yaml
+ end
+ ###
+ # Load multiple documents given in +yaml+. Returns the parsed documents
+ # as a list. If a block is given, each document will be converted to ruby
+ # and passed to the block during parsing
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # Psych.load_stream("--- foo\n...\n--- bar\n...") # => ['foo', 'bar']
+ #
+ # list = []
+ # Psych.load_stream("--- foo\n...\n--- bar\n...") do |ruby|
+ # list << ruby
+ # end
+ # list # => ['foo', 'bar']
+ #
+ def self.load_stream yaml, filename = nil
+ if block_given?
+ parse_stream(yaml, filename) do |node|
+ yield node.to_ruby
+ end
+ else
+ parse_stream(yaml, filename) { |child| child.to_ruby }
+ end
+ end
+ ###
+ # Load the document contained in +filename+. Returns the yaml contained in
+ # +filename+ as a ruby object
+ def self.load_file filename
+, 'r:bom|utf-8') { |f| self.load f, filename }
+ end
+ # :stopdoc:
+ @domain_types = {}
+ def self.add_domain_type domain, type_tag, &block
+ key = ['tag', domain, type_tag].join ':'
+ @domain_types[key] = [key, block]
+ @domain_types["tag:#{type_tag}"] = [key, block]
+ end
+ def self.add_builtin_type type_tag, &block
+ domain = ',2002'
+ key = ['tag', domain, type_tag].join ':'
+ @domain_types[key] = [key, block]
+ end
+ def self.remove_type type_tag
+ @domain_types.delete type_tag
+ end
+ @load_tags = {}
+ @dump_tags = {}
+ def self.add_tag tag, klass
+ @load_tags[tag] = klass
+ @dump_tags[klass] = tag
+ end
+ class << self
+ attr_accessor :load_tags
+ attr_accessor :dump_tags
+ attr_accessor :domain_types
+ end
+ # :startdoc: