path: root/ruby_1_8_6/ext/socket/extconf.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_8_6/ext/socket/extconf.rb')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_8_6/ext/socket/extconf.rb b/ruby_1_8_6/ext/socket/extconf.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a13ddba73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_8_6/ext/socket/extconf.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+require 'mkmf'
+when /bccwin32/
+ test_func = "WSACleanup"
+ have_library("ws2_32", "WSACleanup")
+when /mswin32|mingw/
+ test_func = "WSACleanup"
+ if with_config("winsock2")
+ have_library("ws2_32", "WSACleanup")
+ else
+ have_library("wsock32", "WSACleanup")
+ end
+when /cygwin/
+ test_func = "socket"
+when /beos/
+ test_func = "socket"
+ have_library("net", "socket")
+ have_func("closesocket")
+when /i386-os2_emx/
+ test_func = "socket"
+ have_library("socket", "socket")
+ test_func = "socket"
+ have_library("nsl", "t_open")
+ have_library("socket", "socket")
+unless $mswin or $bccwin or $mingw
+ headers = %w<sys/types.h netdb.h string.h sys/socket.h netinet/in.h>
+if /solaris/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM and !try_compile("")
+ # bug of gcc 3.0 on Solaris 8 ?
+ headers << "sys/feature_tests.h"
+if have_header("arpa/inet.h")
+ headers << "arpa/inet.h"
+ipv6 = false
+default_ipv6 = /cygwin/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM
+if enable_config("ipv6", default_ipv6)
+ if checking_for("ipv6") {try_link(<<EOF)}
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+ socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+ $defs << "-DENABLE_IPV6" << "-DINET6"
+ ipv6 = true
+ end
+if ipv6
+ ipv6lib = nil
+ class << (fmt = "unknown")
+ def %(s) s || self end
+ end
+ idirs, ldirs = dir_config("inet6", %w[/usr/inet6 /usr/local/v6].find {|d|})
+ checking_for("ipv6 type", fmt) do
+ if have_macro("IPV6_INRIA_VERSION", "netinet/in.h")
+ "inria"
+ elsif have_macro("__KAME__", "netinet/in.h")
+ have_library(ipv6lib = "inet6")
+ "kame"
+ elsif have_macro("_TOSHIBA_INET6", "sys/param.h")
+ have_library(ipv6lib = "inet6") and "toshiba"
+ elsif have_macro("__V6D__", "sys/v6config.h")
+ have_library(ipv6lib = "v6") and "v6d"
+ elsif have_macro("_ZETA_MINAMI_INET6", "sys/param.h")
+ have_library(ipv6lib = "inet6") and "zeta"
+ elsif ipv6lib = with_config("ipv6-lib")
+ warn <<EOS
+--with-ipv6-lib and --with-ipv6-libdir option will be obsolete, use
+--with-inet6lib and --with-inet6-{include,lib} options instead.
+ find_library(ipv6lib, nil, with_config("ipv6-libdir", ldirs)) and
+ ipv6lib
+ elsif have_library("inet6")
+ "inet6"
+ end
+ end or not ipv6lib or abort <<EOS
+Fatal: no #{ipv6lib} library found. cannot continue.
+You need to fetch lib#{ipv6lib}.a from appropriate
+ipv6 kit and compile beforehand.
+if have_struct_member("struct sockaddr_in", "sin_len", headers)
+ $defs[-1] = "-DHAVE_SIN_LEN"
+# doug's fix, NOW add -Dss_family... only if required!
+[nil, " -Dss_family=__ss_family -Dss_len=__ss_len"].each do |flags|
+ if flags
+ cppflags = $CPPFLAGS
+ $CPPFLAGS += flags
+ end
+ if have_struct_member("struct sockaddr_storage", "ss_family", headers)
+ break
+ elsif flags
+ $CPPFLAGS = cppflags
+ end
+if have_struct_member("struct sockaddr", "sa_len", headers)
+ $defs[-1] = "-DHAVE_SA_LEN "
+have_header("netinet/tcp.h") if not /cygwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM # for cygwin 1.1.5
+if have_func("sendmsg") | have_func("recvmsg")
+ have_struct_member('struct msghdr', 'msg_control', ['sys/types.h', 'sys/socket.h'])
+ have_struct_member('struct msghdr', 'msg_accrights', ['sys/types.h', 'sys/socket.h'])
+getaddr_info_ok = enable_config("wide-getaddrinfo") do
+ checking_for("wide getaddrinfo") {try_run(<<EOF)}
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
+#define EXIT_FAILURE 1
+#ifndef AF_LOCAL
+ int passive, gaierr, inet4 = 0, inet6 = 0;
+ struct addrinfo hints, *ai, *aitop;
+ char straddr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN], strport[16];
+ for (passive = 0; passive <= 1; passive++) {
+ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
+ hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
+ hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
+ hints.ai_flags = passive ? AI_PASSIVE : 0;
+ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
+ if ((gaierr = getaddrinfo(NULL, "54321", &hints, &aitop)) != 0) {
+ (void)gai_strerror(gaierr);
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ for (ai = aitop; ai; ai = ai->ai_next) {
+ if (ai->ai_family == AF_LOCAL) continue;
+ if (ai->ai_addr == NULL)
+ goto bad;
+#if defined(_AIX)
+ if (ai->ai_family == AF_INET6 && passive) {
+ inet6++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ ai->ai_addr->sa_len = ai->ai_addrlen;
+ ai->ai_addr->sa_family = ai->ai_family;
+ if (ai->ai_addrlen == 0 ||
+ getnameinfo(ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen,
+ straddr, sizeof(straddr), strport, sizeof(strport),
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(strport, "54321") != 0) {
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ switch (ai->ai_family) {
+ case AF_INET:
+ if (passive) {
+ if (strcmp(straddr, "") != 0) {
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (strcmp(straddr, "") != 0) {
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ }
+ inet4++;
+ break;
+ case AF_INET6:
+ if (passive) {
+ if (strcmp(straddr, "::") != 0) {
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (strcmp(straddr, "::1") != 0) {
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ }
+ inet6++;
+ break;
+ case AF_UNSPEC:
+ goto bad;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* another family support? */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!(inet4 == 0 || inet4 == 2))
+ goto bad;
+ if (!(inet6 == 0 || inet6 == 2))
+ goto bad;
+ if (aitop)
+ freeaddrinfo(aitop);
+ bad:
+ if (aitop)
+ freeaddrinfo(aitop);
+if ipv6 and not getaddr_info_ok
+ abort <<EOS
+Fatal: --enable-ipv6 is specified, and your OS seems to support IPv6 feature.
+But your getaddrinfo() and getnameinfo() are appeared to be broken. Sorry,
+you cannot compile IPv6 socket classes with broken these functions.
+You can try --enable-wide-getaddrinfo.
+case with_config("lookup-order-hack", "UNSPEC")
+when "INET"
+when "INET6"
+when "UNSPEC"
+ # nothing special
+ abort <<EOS
+Fatal: invalid value for --with-lookup-order-hack (expected INET, INET6 or UNSPEC)
+$objs = ["socket.#{$OBJEXT}"]
+unless getaddr_info_ok and have_func("getnameinfo", "netdb.h") and have_func("getaddrinfo", "netdb.h")
+ if have_struct_member("struct in6_addr", "s6_addr8", headers)
+ $defs[-1] = "-DHAVE_ADDR8"
+ end
+ $objs += ["getaddrinfo.#{$OBJEXT}"]
+ $objs += ["getnameinfo.#{$OBJEXT}"]
+ have_func("inet_ntop") or have_func("inet_ntoa")
+ have_func("inet_pton") or have_func("inet_aton")
+ have_func("getservbyport")
+ have_header("arpa/nameser.h")
+ have_header("resolv.h")
+unless have_type("socklen_t", headers)
+ $defs << "-Dsocklen_t=int"
+if have_func(test_func)
+ have_func("hsterror")
+ have_func("getipnodebyname") or have_func("gethostbyname2")
+ have_func("socketpair")
+ unless have_func("gethostname")
+ have_func("uname")
+ end
+ if enable_config("socks", ENV["SOCKS_SERVER"])
+ if have_library("socks5", "SOCKSinit")
+ $defs << "-DSOCKS5" << "-DSOCKS"
+ elsif have_library("socks", "Rconnect")
+ $defs << "-DSOCKS"
+ end
+ end
+ create_makefile("socket")