path: root/ruby_1_8_5/ext/extmk.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_8_5/ext/extmk.rb')
1 files changed, 500 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_8_5/ext/extmk.rb b/ruby_1_8_5/ext/extmk.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbcb3c09b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_8_5/ext/extmk.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/ruby
+# -*- ruby -*-
+$force_static = nil
+$install = nil
+$destdir = nil
+$clean = nil
+$nodynamic = nil
+$extinit = nil
+$extobjs = nil
+$ignore = nil
+$message = nil
+$progname = $0
+alias $PROGRAM_NAME $0
+alias $0 $progname
+$extlist = []
+$compiled = {}
+require 'rbconfig'
+srcdir = File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))
+$:.unshift(srcdir, File.expand_path("lib", srcdir))
+$topdir = "."
+$top_srcdir = srcdir
+require 'mkmf'
+require 'optparse/shellwords'
+def sysquote(x)
+ @quote ||= /human|os2|macos/ =~ (CROSS_COMPILING || RUBY_PLATFORM)
+ @quote ? x.quote : x
+def relative_from(path, base)
+ dir = File.join(path, "")
+ if File.expand_path(dir) == File.expand_path(dir, base)
+ path
+ else
+ File.join(base, path)
+ end
+def extract_makefile(makefile, keep = true)
+ m =
+ if !(target = m[/^TARGET[ \t]*=[ \t]*(\S*)/, 1])
+ return keep
+ end
+ installrb = {}
+ m.scan(/^install-rb-default:[ \t]*(\S+)\n\1:[ \t]*(\S+)/) {installrb[$2] = $1}
+ oldrb = installrb.keys.sort
+ newrb = install_rb(nil, "").collect {|d, *f| f}.flatten.sort
+ if target_prefix = m[/^target_prefix[ \t]*=[ \t]*\/(.*)/, 1]
+ target = "#{target_prefix}/#{target}"
+ end
+ unless oldrb == newrb
+ if $extout
+ newrb.each {|f| installrb.delete(f)}
+ unless installrb.empty?
+ config = CONFIG.dup
+ install_dirs(target_prefix).each {|var, val| config[var] = val}
+ FileUtils.rm_f(installrb.values.collect {|f| Config.expand(f, config)}, :verbose => true)
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ $target = target
+ $extconf_h = m[/^RUBY_EXTCONF_H[ \t]*=[ \t]*(\S+)/, 1]
+ $static ||= m[/^EXTSTATIC[ \t]*=[ \t]*(\S+)/, 1] || false
+ /^STATIC_LIB[ \t]*=[ \t]*\S+/ =~ m or $static = nil
+ $preload = Shellwords.shellwords(m[/^preload[ \t]*=[ \t]*(.*)/, 1] || "")
+ $DLDFLAGS += " " + (m[/^DLDFLAGS[ \t]*=[ \t]*(.*)/, 1] || "")
+ if s = m[/^LIBS[ \t]*=[ \t]*(.*)/, 1]
+ s.sub!(/^#{Regexp.quote($LIBRUBYARG)} */, "")
+ s.sub!(/ *#{Regexp.quote($LIBS)}$/, "")
+ $libs = s
+ end
+ $LOCAL_LIBS = m[/^LOCAL_LIBS[ \t]*=[ \t]*(.*)/, 1] || ""
+ $LIBPATH = Shellwords.shellwords(m[/^libpath[ \t]*=[ \t]*(.*)/, 1] || "") - %w[$(libdir) $(topdir)]
+ true
+def extmake(target)
+ print "#{$message} #{target}\n"
+ $stdout.flush
+ if $force_static or $static_ext[target]
+ $static = target
+ else
+ $static = false
+ end
+ unless $ignore
+ return true if $nodynamic and not $static
+ end
+ FileUtils.mkpath target unless
+ begin
+ dir = Dir.pwd
+ FileUtils.mkpath target unless
+ Dir.chdir target
+ top_srcdir = $top_srcdir
+ topdir = $topdir
+ mk_srcdir = CONFIG["srcdir"]
+ mk_topdir = CONFIG["topdir"]
+ prefix = "../" * (target.count("/")+1)
+ $hdrdir = $top_srcdir = relative_from(top_srcdir, prefix)
+ $topdir = prefix + $topdir
+ $target = target
+ $mdir = target
+ $srcdir = File.join($top_srcdir, "ext", $mdir)
+ $preload = nil
+ $compiled[target] = false
+ makefile = "./Makefile"
+ ok = File.exist?(makefile)
+ unless $ignore
+ Config::CONFIG["hdrdir"] = $hdrdir
+ Config::CONFIG["srcdir"] = $srcdir
+ Config::CONFIG["topdir"] = $topdir
+ CONFIG["hdrdir"] = ($hdrdir == top_srcdir) ? top_srcdir : "$(topdir)"+top_srcdir[2..-1]
+ CONFIG["srcdir"] = "$(hdrdir)/ext/#{$mdir}"
+ CONFIG["topdir"] = $topdir
+ begin
+ $extconf_h = nil
+ ok &&= extract_makefile(makefile)
+ if (($extconf_h && !File.exist?($extconf_h)) ||
+ !(t = modified?(makefile, MTIMES)) ||
+ %W"#{$srcdir}/makefile.rb #{$srcdir}/extconf.rb #{$srcdir}/depend".any? {|f| modified?(f, [t])})
+ then
+ ok = false
+ init_mkmf
+ Logging::logfile 'mkmf.log'
+ rm_f makefile
+ if File.exist?($0 = "#{$srcdir}/makefile.rb")
+ load $0
+ elsif File.exist?($0 = "#{$srcdir}/extconf.rb")
+ load $0
+ else
+ create_makefile(target)
+ end
+ $defs << "-DRUBY_EXPORT" if $static
+ ok = File.exist?(makefile)
+ end
+ rescue SystemExit
+ # ignore
+ ensure
+ rm_f "conftest*"
+ config = $0
+ end
+ end
+ ok = yield(ok) if block_given?
+ unless ok
+ open(makefile, "w") do |f|
+ f.print dummy_makefile(CONFIG["srcdir"])
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ args = sysquote($mflags)
+ unless $destdir.to_s.empty? or $mflags.include?("DESTDIR")
+ args += [sysquote("DESTDIR=" + relative_from($destdir, "../"+prefix))]
+ end
+ if $static
+ args += ["static"] unless $clean
+ $extlist.push [$static, $target, File.basename($target), $preload]
+ end
+ unless system($make, *args)
+ $ignore or $continue or return false
+ end
+ $compiled[target] = true
+ if $clean and $clean != true
+ File.unlink(makefile) rescue nil
+ end
+ if $static
+ $extflags ||= ""
+ $extlibs ||= []
+ $extpath ||= []
+ unless $mswin
+ $extflags = ($extflags.split | $DLDFLAGS.split | $LDFLAGS.split).join(" ")
+ end
+ $extlibs = merge_libs($extlibs, $libs.split, $LOCAL_LIBS.split)
+ $extpath |= $LIBPATH
+ end
+ ensure
+ Config::CONFIG["srcdir"] = $top_srcdir
+ Config::CONFIG["topdir"] = topdir
+ CONFIG["srcdir"] = mk_srcdir
+ CONFIG["topdir"] = mk_topdir
+ CONFIG.delete("hdrdir")
+ $hdrdir = $top_srcdir = top_srcdir
+ $topdir = topdir
+ Dir.chdir dir
+ end
+ begin
+ Dir.rmdir target
+ target = File.dirname(target)
+ rescue SystemCallError
+ break
+ end while true
+ true
+def compiled?(target)
+ $compiled[target]
+def parse_args()
+ $mflags = []
+ opts = nil
+ $optparser ||= do |opts|
+ opts.on('-n') {$dryrun = true}
+ opts.on('--[no-]extension [EXTS]', Array) do |v|
+ $extension = (v == false ? [] : v)
+ end
+ opts.on('--[no-]extstatic [STATIC]', Array) do |v|
+ if ($extstatic = v) == false
+ $extstatic = []
+ elsif v
+ $force_static = true if $extstatic.delete("static")
+ $extstatic = nil if $extstatic.empty?
+ end
+ end
+ opts.on('--dest-dir=DIR') do |v|
+ $destdir = v
+ end
+ opts.on('--extout=DIR') do |v|
+ $extout = (v unless v.empty?)
+ end
+ opts.on('--make=MAKE') do |v|
+ $make = v || 'make'
+ end
+ opts.on('--make-flags=FLAGS', '--mflags', Shellwords) do |v|
+ v.grep(/\A([-\w]+)=(.*)/) {$configure_args["--#{$1}"] = $2}
+ if arg = v.first
+ arg.insert(0, '-') if /\A[^-][^=]*\Z/ =~ arg
+ end
+ $mflags.concat(v)
+ end
+ opts.on('--message [MESSAGE]', String) do |v|
+ $message = v
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ $optparser.parse!(ARGV)
+ rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e
+ retry if /^--/ =~ e.args[0]
+ $optparser.warn(e)
+ abort opts.to_s
+ end
+ $destdir ||= ''
+ $make, *rest = Shellwords.shellwords($make)
+ $mflags.unshift(*rest) unless rest.empty?
+ def $mflags.set?(flag)
+ grep(/\A-(?!-).*#{'%c' % flag}/i) { return true }
+ false
+ end
+ def $mflags.defined?(var)
+ grep(/\A#{var}=(.*)/) {return $1}
+ false
+ end
+ if $mflags.set?(?n)
+ $dryrun = true
+ else
+ $mflags.unshift '-n' if $dryrun
+ end
+ $continue = $mflags.set?(?k)
+ if $extout
+ $extout = '$(topdir)/'+$extout
+ $extout_prefix = $extout ? "$(extout)$(target_prefix)/" : ""
+ $mflags << "extout=#$extout" << "extout_prefix=#$extout_prefix"
+ end
+if target = ARGV.shift and /^[a-z-]+$/ =~ target
+ $mflags.push(target)
+ target = target.sub(/^(dist|real)(?=(?:clean)?$)/, '')
+ case target
+ when /clean/
+ $ignore ||= true
+ $clean = $1 ? $1[0] : true
+ when /^install\b/
+ $install = true
+ $ignore ||= true
+ $mflags.unshift("INSTALL_PROG=install -c -p -m 0755",
+ "INSTALL_DATA=install -c -p -m 0644",
+ "MAKEDIRS=mkdir -p") if $dryrun
+ end
+unless $message
+ if target
+ $message = target.sub(/^(\w+)e?\b/, '\1ing').tr('-', ' ')
+ else
+ $message = "compiling"
+ end
+ $ruby = CONFIG['MINIRUBY']
+elsif sep = config_string('BUILD_FILE_SEPARATOR')
+ $ruby = "$(topdir:/=#{sep})#{sep}miniruby" + EXEEXT
+ $ruby = '$(topdir)/miniruby' + EXEEXT
+$ruby << " -I'$(topdir)' -I'$(hdrdir)/lib'"
+$config_h = '$(topdir)/config.h'
+MTIMES = [__FILE__, 'rbconfig.rb', srcdir+'/lib/mkmf.rb'].collect {|f| File.mtime(f)}
+# get static-link modules
+$static_ext = {}
+if $extstatic
+ $extstatic.each do |target|
+ target = target.downcase if /mswin32|bccwin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
+ $static_ext[target] = $static_ext.size
+ end
+for dir in ["ext", File::join($top_srcdir, "ext")]
+ setup = File::join(dir, CONFIG['setup'])
+ if File.file? setup
+ f = open(setup)
+ while line = f.gets()
+ line.chomp!
+ line.sub!(/#.*$/, '')
+ next if /^\s*$/ =~ line
+ target, opt = line.split(nil, 3)
+ if target == 'option'
+ case opt
+ when 'nodynamic'
+ $nodynamic = true
+ end
+ next
+ end
+ target = target.downcase if /mswin32|bccwin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
+ $static_ext[target] = $static_ext.size
+ end
+ MTIMES << f.mtime
+ $setup = setup
+ f.close
+ break
+ end
+end unless $extstatic
+ext_prefix = "#{$top_srcdir}/ext"
+exts = $static_ext.sort_by {|t, i| i}.collect {|t, i| t}
+if $extension
+ exts |= $ {|d|"#{ext_prefix}/#{d}")}
+ withes, withouts = %w[--with --without].collect {|w|
+ if not (w = %w[-extensions -ext].collect {|opt|arg_config(w+opt)}).any?
+ proc {false}
+ elsif (w = w.grep(String)).empty?
+ proc {true}
+ else
+ w.collect {|opt| opt.split(/,/)}.flatten.method(:any?)
+ end
+ }
+ cond = proc {|ext|
+ cond1 = proc {|n| File.fnmatch(n, ext, File::FNM_PATHNAME)}
+ or !
+ }
+ exts |= Dir.glob("#{ext_prefix}/*/**/extconf.rb").collect {|d|
+ d = File.dirname(d)
+ d.slice!(0, ext_prefix.length + 1)
+ d
+ }.find_all {|ext|
+ with_config(ext, &cond)
+ }.sort
+if $extout
+ Config.expand(extout = "#$extout", Config::CONFIG.merge("topdir"=>$topdir))
+ if $install
+ dest = Config.expand($rubylibdir.dup)
+ unless $destdir.empty?
+ dest.sub!($dest_prefix_pattern, Config.expand($destdir.dup))
+ end
+ FileUtils.cp_r(extout+"/.", dest, :verbose => true, :noop => $dryrun)
+ exit
+ end
+ unless $ignore
+ FileUtils.mkpath(extout)
+ end
+dir = Dir.pwd
+$hdrdir = $top_srcdir = relative_from(srcdir, $topdir = "..")
+exts.each do |d|
+ extmake(d) or abort
+$hdrdir = $top_srcdir = srcdir
+$topdir = "."
+extinit =, :o) {
+ def initialize(src)
+ super("#{src}.c", "#{src}.#{$OBJEXT}")
+ end
+if $ignore
+ FileUtils.rm_f(extinit.to_a) if $clean
+ Dir.chdir ".."
+ if $clean
+ Dir.rmdir('ext') rescue nil
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(extout) if $extout
+ end
+ exit
+if $extlist.size > 0
+ $extinit ||= ""
+ $extobjs ||= ""
+ list = $extlist.dup
+ built = []
+ while e = list.shift
+ s,t,i,r = e
+ if r and !(r -= built).empty?
+ l = list.size
+ if (while l > 0; break true if r.include?(list[l-=1][1]) end)
+ list.insert(l + 1, e)
+ end
+ next
+ end
+ f = format("%s/%s.%s", s, i, $LIBEXT)
+ if File.exist?(f)
+ $extinit += "\tinit(Init_#{i}, \"#{t}.so\");\n"
+ $extobjs += "ext/#{f} "
+ built << t
+ end
+ end
+ src = %{\
+extern char *ruby_sourcefile, *rb_source_filename();
+#define init(func, name) (ruby_sourcefile = src = rb_source_filename(name), func(), rb_provide(src))
+void Init_ext() {\n\tchar* src;\n#$extinit}
+ if !modified?(extinit.c, MTIMES) || != src
+ open(extinit.c, "w") {|f| f.print src}
+ end
+ $extobjs = "ext/#{extinit.o} " + $extobjs
+ if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /m68k-human|beos/
+ $extflags.delete("-L/usr/local/lib")
+ end
+ $extpath.delete("$(topdir)")
+ $extflags = libpathflag($extpath) << " " << $extflags.strip
+ conf = [
+ ['SETUP', $setup],
+ [enable_config("shared", $enable_shared) ? 'DLDOBJS' : 'EXTOBJS', $extobjs],
+ ['EXTLIBS', $extlibs.join(' ')], ['EXTLDFLAGS', $extflags]
+ ].map {|n, v|
+ "#{n}=#{v}" if v and !(v = v.strip).empty?
+ }.compact
+ puts conf
+ $stdout.flush
+ $mflags.concat(conf)
+ FileUtils.rm_f(extinit.to_a)
+rubies = []
+ n = r
+ if r = arg_config("--"+r.downcase) || config_string(r+"_INSTALL_NAME")
+ rubies << r+EXEEXT
+ $mflags << "#{n}=#{r}"
+ end
+Dir.chdir ".."
+unless $destdir.to_s.empty?
+ $mflags.defined?("DESTDIR") or $mflags << "DESTDIR=#{$destdir}"
+unless $extlist.empty?
+ rm_f(Config::CONFIG["LIBRUBY_SO"])
+puts "making #{rubies.join(', ')}"
+if $nmake == ?b
+ $mflags.collect {|flag| flag.sub!(/\A(?=\w+=)/, "-D")}
+system($make, *sysquote($mflags)) or exit($?.exitstatus)
+#Local variables:
+# mode: ruby