path: root/lib/xmlrpc/parser.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/xmlrpc/parser.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 642 deletions
diff --git a/lib/xmlrpc/parser.rb b/lib/xmlrpc/parser.rb
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-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 by Michael Neumann (
-# $Id$
-require "date"
-require "xmlrpc/base64"
-require "xmlrpc/datetime"
-module XMLRPC # :nodoc:
- # Raised when the remote procedure returns a fault-structure, which has two
- # accessor-methods +faultCode+ an Integer, and +faultString+ a String.
- class FaultException < StandardError
- attr_reader :faultCode, :faultString
- # Creates a new XMLRPC::FaultException instance.
- #
- # +faultString+ is passed to StandardError as the +msg+ of the Exception.
- def initialize(faultCode, faultString)
- @faultCode = faultCode
- @faultString = faultString
- super(@faultString)
- end
- # The +faultCode+ and +faultString+ of the exception in a Hash.
- def to_h
- {"faultCode" => @faultCode, "faultString" => @faultString}
- end
- end
- # Helper class used to convert types.
- module Convert
- # Converts a String to an Integer
- #
- # See also String.to_i
- def
- str.to_i
- end
- # Converts a String to +true+ or +false+
- #
- # Raises an exception if +str+ is not +0+ or +1+
- def self.boolean(str)
- case str
- when "0" then false
- when "1" then true
- else
- raise "RPC-value of type boolean is wrong"
- end
- end
- # Converts a String to a Float
- #
- # See also String.to_f
- def self.double(str)
- str.to_f
- end
- # Converts a the given +str+ to a +dateTime.iso8601+ formatted date.
- #
- # Raises an exception if the String isn't in +dateTime.iso8601+ format.
- #
- # See also, XMLRPC::DateTime
- def self.dateTime(str)
- case str
- when /^(-?\d\d\d\d)-?(\d\d)-?(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)(?:Z|([+-])(\d\d):?(\d\d))?$/
- a = [$1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6].collect{|i| i.to_i}
- if $7
- ofs = $8.to_i*3600 + $9.to_i*60
- ofs = -ofs if $7=='+'
- utc = Time.utc(*a) + ofs
- a = [ utc.year, utc.month,, utc.hour, utc.min, utc.sec ]
- end
- when /^(-?\d\d)-?(\d\d)-?(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)(Z|([+-]\d\d):(\d\d))?$/
- a = [$1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6].collect{|i| i.to_i}
- if a[0] < 70
- a[0] += 2000
- else
- a[0] += 1900
- end
- if $7
- ofs = $8.to_i*3600 + $9.to_i*60
- ofs = -ofs if $7=='+'
- utc = Time.utc(*a) + ofs
- a = [ utc.year, utc.month,, utc.hour, utc.min, utc.sec ]
- end
- else
- raise "wrong dateTime.iso8601 format " + str
- end
- end
- # Decodes the given +str+ using XMLRPC::Base64.decode
- def self.base64(str)
- XMLRPC::Base64.decode(str)
- end
- # Converts the given +hash+ to a marshalled object.
- #
- # Returns the given +hash+ if an exception occurs.
- def self.struct(hash)
- # convert to marshalled object
- klass = hash["___class___"]
- if klass.nil? or Config::ENABLE_MARSHALLING == false
- hash
- else
- begin
- mod = Module
- klass.split("::").each {|const| mod = mod.const_get(const.strip)}
- obj = mod.allocate
- hash.delete "___class___"
- hash.each {|key, value|
- obj.instance_variable_set("@#{ key }", value) if key =~ /^([a-zA-Z_]\w*)$/
- }
- obj
- rescue
- hash
- end
- end
- end
- # Converts the given +hash+ to an XMLRPC::FaultException object by passing
- # the +faultCode+ and +faultString+ attributes of the Hash to
- #
- #
- # Raises an Exception if the given +hash+ doesn't meet the requirements.
- # Those requirements being:
- # * 2 keys
- # * <code>'faultCode'</code> key is an Integer
- # * <code>'faultString'</code> key is a String
- def self.fault(hash)
- if hash.kind_of? Hash and hash.size == 2 and
- hash.has_key? "faultCode" and hash.has_key? "faultString" and
- hash["faultCode"].kind_of? Integer and hash["faultString"].kind_of? String
-["faultCode"], hash["faultString"])
- else
- raise "wrong fault-structure: #{hash.inspect}"
- end
- end
- end # module Convert
- # Parser for XML-RPC call and response
- module XMLParser
- class AbstractTreeParser
- def parseMethodResponse(str)
- methodResponse_document(createCleanedTree(str))
- end
- def parseMethodCall(str)
- methodCall_document(createCleanedTree(str))
- end
- private
- # Removes all whitespaces but in the tags i4, i8, int, boolean....
- # and all comments
- def removeWhitespacesAndComments(node)
- remove = []
- childs = node.childNodes.to_a
- childs.each do |nd|
- case _nodeType(nd)
- when :TEXT
- # TODO: add nil?
- unless %w(i4 i8 int boolean string double dateTime.iso8601 base64).include? node.nodeName
- if node.nodeName == "value"
- if not node.childNodes.to_a.detect {|n| _nodeType(n) == :ELEMENT}.nil?
- remove << nd if nd.nodeValue.strip == ""
- end
- else
- remove << nd if nd.nodeValue.strip == ""
- end
- end
- when :COMMENT
- remove << nd
- else
- removeWhitespacesAndComments(nd)
- end
- end
- remove.each { |i| node.removeChild(i) }
- end
- def nodeMustBe(node, name)
- cmp = case name
- when Array
- name.include?(node.nodeName)
- when String
- name == node.nodeName
- else
- raise "error"
- end
- if not cmp then
- raise "wrong xml-rpc (name)"
- end
- node
- end
- # Returns, when successfully the only child-node
- def hasOnlyOneChild(node, name=nil)
- if node.childNodes.to_a.size != 1
- raise "wrong xml-rpc (size)"
- end
- if name != nil then
- nodeMustBe(node.firstChild, name)
- end
- end
- def assert(b)
- if not b then
- raise "assert-fail"
- end
- end
- # The node `node` has empty string or string
- def text_zero_one(node)
- nodes = node.childNodes.to_a.size
- if nodes == 1
- text(node.firstChild)
- elsif nodes == 0
- ""
- else
- raise "wrong xml-rpc (size)"
- end
- end
- def integer(node)
- #TODO: check string for float because to_i returnsa
- # 0 when wrong string
- nodeMustBe(node, %w(i4 i8 int))
- hasOnlyOneChild(node)
- end
- def boolean(node)
- nodeMustBe(node, "boolean")
- hasOnlyOneChild(node)
- Convert.boolean(text(node.firstChild))
- end
- def v_nil(node)
- nodeMustBe(node, "nil")
- assert( node.childNodes.to_a.size == 0 )
- nil
- end
- def string(node)
- nodeMustBe(node, "string")
- text_zero_one(node)
- end
- def double(node)
- #TODO: check string for float because to_f returnsa
- # 0.0 when wrong string
- nodeMustBe(node, "double")
- hasOnlyOneChild(node)
- Convert.double(text(node.firstChild))
- end
- def dateTime(node)
- nodeMustBe(node, "dateTime.iso8601")
- hasOnlyOneChild(node)
- Convert.dateTime( text(node.firstChild) )
- end
- def base64(node)
- nodeMustBe(node, "base64")
- #hasOnlyOneChild(node)
- Convert.base64(text_zero_one(node))
- end
- def member(node)
- nodeMustBe(node, "member")
- assert( node.childNodes.to_a.size == 2 )
- [ name(node[0]), value(node[1]) ]
- end
- def name(node)
- nodeMustBe(node, "name")
- #hasOnlyOneChild(node)
- text_zero_one(node)
- end
- def array(node)
- nodeMustBe(node, "array")
- hasOnlyOneChild(node, "data")
- data(node.firstChild)
- end
- def data(node)
- nodeMustBe(node, "data")
- node.childNodes.to_a.collect do |val|
- value(val)
- end
- end
- def param(node)
- nodeMustBe(node, "param")
- hasOnlyOneChild(node, "value")
- value(node.firstChild)
- end
- def methodResponse(node)
- nodeMustBe(node, "methodResponse")
- hasOnlyOneChild(node, %w(params fault))
- child = node.firstChild
- case child.nodeName
- when "params"
- [ true, params(child,false) ]
- when "fault"
- [ false, fault(child) ]
- else
- raise "unexpected error"
- end
- end
- def methodName(node)
- nodeMustBe(node, "methodName")
- hasOnlyOneChild(node)
- text(node.firstChild)
- end
- def params(node, call=true)
- nodeMustBe(node, "params")
- if call
- node.childNodes.to_a.collect do |n|
- param(n)
- end
- else # response (only one param)
- hasOnlyOneChild(node)
- param(node.firstChild)
- end
- end
- def fault(node)
- nodeMustBe(node, "fault")
- hasOnlyOneChild(node, "value")
- f = value(node.firstChild)
- Convert.fault(f)
- end
- # _nodeType is defined in the subclass
- def text(node)
- assert( _nodeType(node) == :TEXT )
- assert( node.hasChildNodes == false )
- assert( node.nodeValue != nil )
- node.nodeValue.to_s
- end
- def struct(node)
- nodeMustBe(node, "struct")
- hash = {}
- node.childNodes.to_a.each do |me|
- n, v = member(me)
- hash[n] = v
- end
- Convert.struct(hash)
- end
- def value(node)
- nodeMustBe(node, "value")
- nodes = node.childNodes.to_a.size
- if nodes == 0
- return ""
- elsif nodes > 1
- raise "wrong xml-rpc (size)"
- end
- child = node.firstChild
- case _nodeType(child)
- when :TEXT
- text_zero_one(node)
- when :ELEMENT
- case child.nodeName
- when "i4", "i8", "int" then integer(child)
- when "boolean" then boolean(child)
- when "string" then string(child)
- when "double" then double(child)
- when "dateTime.iso8601" then dateTime(child)
- when "base64" then base64(child)
- when "struct" then struct(child)
- when "array" then array(child)
- when "nil"
- v_nil(child)
- else
- raise "wrong/unknown XML-RPC type 'nil'"
- end
- else
- raise "wrong/unknown XML-RPC type"
- end
- else
- raise "wrong type of node"
- end
- end
- def methodCall(node)
- nodeMustBe(node, "methodCall")
- assert( (1..2).include?( node.childNodes.to_a.size ) )
- name = methodName(node[0])
- if node.childNodes.to_a.size == 2 then
- pa = params(node[1])
- else # no parameters given
- pa = []
- end
- [name, pa]
- end
- end # module TreeParserMixin
- class AbstractStreamParser
- def parseMethodResponse(str)
- parser =
- parser.parse(str)
- raise "No valid method response!" if parser.method_name != nil
- if parser.fault != nil
- # is a fault structure
- [false, parser.fault]
- else
- # is a normal return value
- raise "Missing return value!" if parser.params.size == 0
- raise "Too many return values. Only one allowed!" if parser.params.size > 1
- [true, parser.params[0]]
- end
- end
- def parseMethodCall(str)
- parser =
- parser.parse(str)
- raise "No valid method call - missing method name!" if parser.method_name.nil?
- [parser.method_name, parser.params]
- end
- end
- module StreamParserMixin
- attr_reader :params
- attr_reader :method_name
- attr_reader :fault
- def initialize(*a)
- super(*a)
- @params = []
- @values = []
- @val_stack = []
- @names = []
- @name = []
- @structs = []
- @struct = {}
- @method_name = nil
- @fault = nil
- @data = nil
- end
- def startElement(name, attrs=[])
- @data = nil
- case name
- when "value"
- @value = nil
- when "nil"
- raise "wrong/unknown XML-RPC type 'nil'" unless Config::ENABLE_NIL_PARSER
- @value = :nil
- when "array"
- @val_stack << @values
- @values = []
- when "struct"
- @names << @name
- @name = []
- @structs << @struct
- @struct = {}
- end
- end
- def endElement(name)
- @data ||= ""
- case name
- when "string"
- @value = @data
- when "i4", "i8", "int"
- @value =
- when "boolean"
- @value = Convert.boolean(@data)
- when "double"
- @value = Convert.double(@data)
- when "dateTime.iso8601"
- @value = Convert.dateTime(@data)
- when "base64"
- @value = Convert.base64(@data)
- when "value"
- @value = @data if @value.nil?
- @values << (@value == :nil ? nil : @value)
- when "array"
- @value = @values
- @values = @val_stack.pop
- when "struct"
- @value = Convert.struct(@struct)
- @name = @names.pop
- @struct = @structs.pop
- when "name"
- @name[0] = @data
- when "member"
- @struct[@name[0]] = @values.pop
- when "param"
- @params << @values[0]
- @values = []
- when "fault"
- @fault = Convert.fault(@values[0])
- when "methodName"
- @method_name = @data
- end
- @data = nil
- end
- def character(data)
- if @data
- @data << data
- else
- @data = data
- end
- end
- end # module StreamParserMixin
- class REXMLStreamParser < AbstractStreamParser
- def initialize
- require "rexml/document"
- @parser_class = StreamListener
- end
- class StreamListener
- include StreamParserMixin
- alias :tag_start :startElement
- alias :tag_end :endElement
- alias :text :character
- alias :cdata :character
- def method_missing(*a)
- # ignore
- end
- def parse(str)
- REXML::Document.parse_stream(str, self)
- end
- end
- end
- class LibXMLStreamParser < AbstractStreamParser
- def initialize
- require 'libxml'
- @parser_class = LibXMLStreamListener
- end
- class LibXMLStreamListener
- include StreamParserMixin
- def on_start_element_ns(name, attributes, prefix, uri, namespaces)
- startElement(name)
- end
- def on_end_element_ns(name, prefix, uri)
- endElement(name)
- end
- alias :on_characters :character
- alias :on_cdata_block :character
- def method_missing(*a)
- end
- def parse(str)
- parser = LibXML::XML::SaxParser.string(str)
- parser.callbacks = self
- parser.parse()
- end
- end
- end
- Classes = [REXMLStreamParser, LibXMLStreamParser]
- # yields an instance of each installed parser
- def self.each_installed_parser
- XMLRPC::XMLParser::Classes.each do |klass|
- begin
- yield
- rescue LoadError
- end
- end
- end
- end # module XMLParser
-end # module XMLRPC