path: root/lib/rdoc/markup
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rdoc/markup')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 879 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rdoc/markup/formatter_test_case.rb b/lib/rdoc/markup/formatter_test_case.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f49dd0897..0000000000
--- a/lib/rdoc/markup/formatter_test_case.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,764 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'test/unit'
-# Test case for creating new RDoc::Markup formatters. See
-# test/test_rdoc_markup_to_*.rb for examples.
-# This test case adds a variety of tests to your subclass when
-# #add_visitor_tests is called. Most tests set up a scenario then call a
-# method you will provide to perform the assertion on the output.
-# Your subclass must instantiate a visitor and assign it to <tt>@to</tt>.
-# For example, test_accept_blank_line sets up a RDoc::Markup::BlockLine then
-# calls accept_blank_line on your visitor. You are responsible for asserting
-# that the output is correct.
-# Example:
-# class TestRDocMarkupToNewFormat < RDoc::Markup::FormatterTestCase
-# add_visitor_tests
-# def setup
-# super
-# @to =
-# end
-# def accept_blank_line
-# assert_equal :junk, @to.res.join
-# end
-# # ...
-# end
-class RDoc::Markup::FormatterTestCase < RDoc::TestCase
- ##
- # Call #setup when inheriting from this test case.
- #
- # Provides the following instance variables:
- #
- # +@m+::
- # +@RM+:: RDoc::Markup # to reduce typing
- # +@bullet_list+:: :BULLET, # ...
- # +@label_list+:: :LABEL, # ...
- # +@lalpha_list+:: :LALPHA, # ...
- # +@note_list+:: :NOTE, # ...
- # +@number_list+:: :NUMBER, # ...
- # +@ualpha_list+:: :UALPHA, # ...
- def setup
- super
- @options =
- @m =
- @bullet_list =,
- @label_list =,
-'cat','cats are cool')),
-'dog','dogs are cool too')))
- @lalpha_list =,
- @note_list =,
-'cat','cats are cool')),
-'dog','dogs are cool too')))
- @number_list =,
- @ualpha_list =,
- end
- ##
- # Call to add the visitor tests to your test case
- def self.add_visitor_tests
- class_eval do
- ##
- # Calls start_accepting which needs to verify startup state
- def test_start_accepting
- @to.start_accepting
- start_accepting
- end
- ##
- # Calls end_accepting on your test case which needs to call
- # <tt>@to.end_accepting</tt> and verify document generation
- def test_end_accepting
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.res << 'hi'
- end_accepting
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_blank_line
- def test_accept_blank_line
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_blank_line
- accept_blank_line
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_block_quote
- def test_accept_block_quote
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_block_quote block para 'quote'
- accept_block_quote
- end
- ##
- # Test case that calls <tt>@to.accept_document</tt>
- def test_accept_document
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_document 'hello'
- accept_document
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_heading with a level 5 RDoc::Markup::Heading
- def test_accept_heading
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_heading, 'Hello')
- accept_heading
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_heading_1 with a level 1 RDoc::Markup::Heading
- def test_accept_heading_1
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_heading, 'Hello')
- accept_heading_1
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_heading_2 with a level 2 RDoc::Markup::Heading
- def test_accept_heading_2
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_heading, 'Hello')
- accept_heading_2
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_heading_3 with a level 3 RDoc::Markup::Heading
- def test_accept_heading_3
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_heading, 'Hello')
- accept_heading_3
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_heading_4 with a level 4 RDoc::Markup::Heading
- def test_accept_heading_4
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_heading, 'Hello')
- accept_heading_4
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_heading_b with a bold level 1 RDoc::Markup::Heading
- def test_accept_heading_b
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_heading, '*Hello*')
- accept_heading_b
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_heading_suppressed_crossref with a level 1
- # RDoc::Markup::Heading containing a suppressed crossref
- def test_accept_heading_suppressed_crossref # HACK to_html_crossref test
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_heading, '\\Hello')
- accept_heading_suppressed_crossref
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_paragraph
- def test_accept_paragraph
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_paragraph'hi')
- accept_paragraph
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_paragraph_b with a RDoc::Markup::Paragraph containing
- # bold words
- def test_accept_paragraph_b
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_paragraph'reg <b>bold words</b> reg')
- accept_paragraph_b
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_paragraph_br with a RDoc::Markup::Paragraph containing
- # a \<br>
- def test_accept_paragraph_br
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_paragraph para 'one<br>two'
- accept_paragraph_br
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_paragraph with a Paragraph containing a hard break
- def test_accept_paragraph_break
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_paragraph para('hello', hard_break, 'world')
- accept_paragraph_break
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_paragraph_i with a RDoc::Markup::Paragraph containing
- # emphasized words
- def test_accept_paragraph_i
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_paragraph'reg <em>italic words</em> reg')
- accept_paragraph_i
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_paragraph_plus with a RDoc::Markup::Paragraph containing
- # teletype words
- def test_accept_paragraph_plus
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_paragraph'reg +teletype+ reg')
- accept_paragraph_plus
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_paragraph_star with a RDoc::Markup::Paragraph containing
- # bold words
- def test_accept_paragraph_star
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_paragraph'reg *bold* reg')
- accept_paragraph_star
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_paragraph_underscore with a RDoc::Markup::Paragraph
- # containing emphasized words
- def test_accept_paragraph_underscore
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_paragraph'reg _italic_ reg')
- accept_paragraph_underscore
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_verbatim with a RDoc::Markup::Verbatim
- def test_accept_verbatim
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_verbatim"hi\n", " world\n")
- accept_verbatim
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_raw with a RDoc::Markup::Raw
- def test_accept_raw
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_raw"<table>",
- "<tr><th>Name<th>Count",
- "<tr><td>a<td>1",
- "<tr><td>b<td>2",
- "</table>")
- accept_raw
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_rule with a RDoc::Markup::Rule
- def test_accept_rule
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_rule
- accept_rule
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_item_start_bullet
- def test_accept_list_item_start_bullet
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @bullet_list
- @to.accept_list_item_start @bullet_list.items.first
- accept_list_item_start_bullet
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_item_start_label
- def test_accept_list_item_start_label
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @label_list
- @to.accept_list_item_start @label_list.items.first
- accept_list_item_start_label
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_item_start_lalpha
- def test_accept_list_item_start_lalpha
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @lalpha_list
- @to.accept_list_item_start @lalpha_list.items.first
- accept_list_item_start_lalpha
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_item_start_note
- def test_accept_list_item_start_note
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @note_list
- @to.accept_list_item_start @note_list.items.first
- accept_list_item_start_note
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_item_start_note_2
- def test_accept_list_item_start_note_2
- list = list(:NOTE,
- item('<tt>teletype</tt>',
- para('teletype description')))
- @to.start_accepting
- list.accept @to
- @to.end_accepting
- accept_list_item_start_note_2
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_item_start_note_multi_description
- def test_accept_list_item_start_note_multi_description
- list = list(:NOTE,
- item(%w[label],
- para('description one')),
- item(nil, para('description two')))
- @to.start_accepting
- list.accept @to
- @to.end_accepting
- accept_list_item_start_note_multi_description
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_item_start_note_multi_label
- def test_accept_list_item_start_note_multi_label
- list = list(:NOTE,
- item(%w[one two],
- para('two headers')))
- @to.start_accepting
- list.accept @to
- @to.end_accepting
- accept_list_item_start_note_multi_label
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_item_start_number
- def test_accept_list_item_start_number
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @number_list
- @to.accept_list_item_start @number_list.items.first
- accept_list_item_start_number
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_item_start_ualpha
- def test_accept_list_item_start_ualpha
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @ualpha_list
- @to.accept_list_item_start @ualpha_list.items.first
- accept_list_item_start_ualpha
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_item_end_bullet
- def test_accept_list_item_end_bullet
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @bullet_list
- @to.accept_list_item_start @bullet_list.items.first
- @to.accept_list_item_end @bullet_list.items.first
- accept_list_item_end_bullet
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_item_end_label
- def test_accept_list_item_end_label
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @label_list
- @to.accept_list_item_start @label_list.items.first
- @to.accept_list_item_end @label_list.items.first
- accept_list_item_end_label
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_item_end_lalpha
- def test_accept_list_item_end_lalpha
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @lalpha_list
- @to.accept_list_item_start @lalpha_list.items.first
- @to.accept_list_item_end @lalpha_list.items.first
- accept_list_item_end_lalpha
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_item_end_note
- def test_accept_list_item_end_note
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @note_list
- @to.accept_list_item_start @note_list.items.first
- @to.accept_list_item_end @note_list.items.first
- accept_list_item_end_note
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_item_end_number
- def test_accept_list_item_end_number
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @number_list
- @to.accept_list_item_start @number_list.items.first
- @to.accept_list_item_end @number_list.items.first
- accept_list_item_end_number
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_item_end_ualpha
- def test_accept_list_item_end_ualpha
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @ualpha_list
- @to.accept_list_item_start @ualpha_list.items.first
- @to.accept_list_item_end @ualpha_list.items.first
- accept_list_item_end_ualpha
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_start_bullet
- def test_accept_list_start_bullet
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @bullet_list
- accept_list_start_bullet
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_start_label
- def test_accept_list_start_label
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @label_list
- accept_list_start_label
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_start_lalpha
- def test_accept_list_start_lalpha
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @lalpha_list
- accept_list_start_lalpha
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_start_note
- def test_accept_list_start_note
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @note_list
- accept_list_start_note
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_start_number
- def test_accept_list_start_number
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @number_list
- accept_list_start_number
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_start_ualpha
- def test_accept_list_start_ualpha
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @ualpha_list
- accept_list_start_ualpha
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_end_bullet
- def test_accept_list_end_bullet
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @bullet_list
- @to.accept_list_end @bullet_list
- accept_list_end_bullet
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_end_label
- def test_accept_list_end_label
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @label_list
- @to.accept_list_end @label_list
- accept_list_end_label
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_end_lalpha
- def test_accept_list_end_lalpha
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @lalpha_list
- @to.accept_list_end @lalpha_list
- accept_list_end_lalpha
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_end_number
- def test_accept_list_end_number
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @number_list
- @to.accept_list_end @number_list
- accept_list_end_number
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_end_note
- def test_accept_list_end_note
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @note_list
- @to.accept_list_end @note_list
- accept_list_end_note
- end
- ##
- # Calls accept_list_end_ualpha
- def test_accept_list_end_ualpha
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_list_start @ualpha_list
- @to.accept_list_end @ualpha_list
- accept_list_end_ualpha
- end
- ##
- # Calls list_nested with a two-level list
- def test_list_nested
- doc =
- doc.accept @to
- list_nested
- end
- ##
- # Calls list_verbatim with a list containing a verbatim block
- def test_list_verbatim # HACK overblown
- doc =
- doc(
- list(:BULLET,
- item(nil,
- para('list stuff'),
- blank_line,
- verb("* list\n",
- " with\n",
- "\n",
- " second\n",
- "\n",
- " 1. indented\n",
- " 2. numbered\n",
- "\n",
- " third\n",
- "\n",
- "* second\n"))))
- doc.accept @to
- list_verbatim
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/rdoc/markup/text_formatter_test_case.rb b/lib/rdoc/markup/text_formatter_test_case.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 22a762b5f0..0000000000
--- a/lib/rdoc/markup/text_formatter_test_case.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-# Test case for creating new plain-text RDoc::Markup formatters. See also
-# RDoc::Markup::FormatterTestCase
-# See test_rdoc_markup_to_rdoc.rb for a complete example.
-# Example:
-# class TestRDocMarkupToNewTextFormat < RDoc::Markup::TextFormatterTestCase
-# add_visitor_tests
-# add_text_tests
-# def setup
-# super
-# @to =
-# end
-# def accept_blank_line
-# assert_equal :junk, @to.res.join
-# end
-# # ...
-# end
-class RDoc::Markup::TextFormatterTestCase < RDoc::Markup::FormatterTestCase
- ##
- # Adds test cases to the calling TestCase.
- def self.add_text_tests
- self.class_eval do
- ##
- # Test case that calls <tt>@to.accept_heading</tt>
- def test_accept_heading_indent
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.indent = 3
- @to.accept_heading, 'Hello')
- accept_heading_indent
- end
- ##
- # Test case that calls <tt>@to.accept_rule</tt>
- def test_accept_rule_indent
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.indent = 3
- @to.accept_rule
- accept_rule_indent
- end
- ##
- # Test case that calls <tt>@to.accept_verbatim</tt>
- def test_accept_verbatim_indent
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.indent = 2
- @to.accept_verbatim"hi\n", " world\n")
- accept_verbatim_indent
- end
- ##
- # Test case that calls <tt>@to.accept_verbatim</tt> with a big indent
- def test_accept_verbatim_big_indent
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.indent = 2
- @to.accept_verbatim"hi\n", "world\n")
- accept_verbatim_big_indent
- end
- ##
- # Test case that calls <tt>@to.accept_paragraph</tt> with an indent
- def test_accept_paragraph_indent
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.indent = 3
- @to.accept_paragraph'words ' * 30).strip)
- accept_paragraph_indent
- end
- ##
- # Test case that calls <tt>@to.accept_paragraph</tt> with a long line
- def test_accept_paragraph_wrap
- @to.start_accepting
- @to.accept_paragraph'words ' * 30).strip)
- accept_paragraph_wrap
- end
- ##
- # Test case that calls <tt>@to.attributes</tt> with an escaped
- # cross-reference. If this test doesn't pass something may be very
- # wrong.
- def test_attributes
- assert_equal 'Dog', @to.attributes("\\Dog")
- end
- end
- end