path: root/lib/net/http.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/net/http.rb')
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/net/http.rb b/lib/net/http.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4847f88bf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/net/http.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+= net/http.rb
+maintained by Minero Aoki <>
+This file is derived from http-access.rb
+This library is distributed under the terms of the Ruby license.
+You can freely distribute/modify this library.
+require 'net/session'
+module Net
+class HTTPError < ProtocolError; end
+class HTTPBadResponse < HTTPError; end
+= HTTP class
+== Class Methods
+: new( address, port = 80 )
+ create new HTTP object.
+: port
+ returns HTTP default port, 80
+: command_type
+ returns Command class, HTTPCommand
+== Methods
+: get( path, header = nil, ret = '' )
+ get data from "path" on connecting host.
+ "header" is a Hash like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... }.
+ The data will be written to "ret" using "<<" method.
+ This method returns response header (Hash) and "ret".
+: head( path, header = nil )
+ get only header from "path" on connecting host.
+ "header" is a Hash like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... }.
+ This method returns header as a Hash like
+ { 'content-length' => 'Content-Length: 2554',
+ 'content-type' => 'Content-Type: text/html',
+ ... }
+ class HTTP < Protocol
+ protocol_param :port, '80'
+ protocol_param :command_type, '::Net::HTTPCommand'
+ def get( path, u_header = nil, ret = '' )
+ header = connecting {
+ @command.get ret, edit_path(path), u_header
+ }
+ return header, ret
+ end
+ def head( path, u_header = nil )
+ connecting {
+ @command.head edit_path(path), u_header
+ }
+ end
+ private
+ def connecting
+ if @socket.closed? then
+ @socket.reopen
+ end
+ header = yield
+ @socket.close unless keep_alive? header
+ header
+ end
+ def keep_alive?( header )
+ if str = header[ 'connection' ] then
+ if /\Aconnection:\s*keep-alive/i === str then
+ return true
+ end
+ else
+ if @http_version == '1.1' then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ false
+ end
+ def do_finish
+ unless @command.error_occured or @socket.closed? then
+ head '/', { 'Connection' => 'Close' }
+ end
+ end
+ def edit_path( path )
+ path
+ end
+ class << self
+ def Proxy( p_addr, p_port )
+ klass = super
+ klass.module_eval %-
+ def edit_path( path )
+ 'http://' + address +
+ (@port == #{self.port} ? '' : ':' + @port.to_s) + path
+ end
+ -
+ klass
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ HTTPSession = HTTP
+ class HTTPCommand < Command
+ HTTPVersion = '1.1'
+ def initialize( sock )
+ @http_version = HTTPVersion
+ @in_header = {}
+ @in_header[ 'Host' ] = sock.addr
+ @in_header[ 'Connection' ] = 'Keep-Alive'
+ @in_header[ 'Accept' ] = '*/*'
+ super sock
+ end
+ attr :http_version
+ def get( ret, path, u_header = nil )
+ header = get_response(
+ sprintf( 'GET %s HTTP/%s', path, HTTPVersion ), u_header )
+ if chunked? header then
+ clen = read_chunked_body( ret )
+ header.delete 'transfer-encoding'
+ header[ 'content-length' ] = "Content-Length: #{clen}"
+ else
+ if clen = content_length( header ) then
+ clen, ret
+ else
+ @socket.read_all ret
+ end
+ end
+ header
+ end
+ def head( path, u_header = nil )
+ get_response sprintf( 'HEAD %s HTTP/%s', path, HTTPVersion ), u_header
+ end
+ # def put
+ # def delete
+ # def trace
+ # def options
+ private
+ def do_quit
+ unless @socket.closed? then
+ @socket.close
+ end
+ end
+ def get_response( line, u_header )
+ @socket.writeline line
+ write_header u_header
+ rep = get_reply
+ header = read_header
+ reply_must rep, SuccessCode
+ header
+ end
+ def get_reply
+ str = @socket.readline
+ unless /\AHTTP\/(\d+\.\d+)?\s+(\d\d\d)\s*(.*)\z/i === str then
+ raise HTTPBadResponse, "wrong status line format: #{str}"
+ end
+ @http_version = $1
+ status = $2
+ discrip = $3
+ klass = case status[0]
+ when ?1 then
+ case status[2]
+ when ?0 then ContinueCode
+ when ?1 then SuccessCode
+ else UnknownCode
+ end
+ when ?2 then SuccessCode
+ when ?3 then RetryCode
+ when ?4 then ServerBusyCode
+ when ?5 then FatalErrorCode
+ else UnknownCode
+ end
+ status, discrip )
+ end
+ def content_length( header )
+ unless str = header[ 'content-length' ] then
+ return nil
+ end
+ unless /\Acontent-length:\s*(\d+)/i === str then
+ raise HTTPBadResponse, "content-length format error"
+ end
+ $1.to_i
+ end
+ def chunked?( header )
+ if str = header[ 'transfer-encoding' ] then
+ if /\Atransfer-encoding:\s*chunked/i === str then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ false
+ end
+ def read_header
+ header = {}
+ while true do
+ line = @socket.readline
+ break if line.empty?
+ /\A[^:]+/ === line
+ nm = $&
+ nm.strip!
+ nm.downcase!
+ header[ nm ] = line
+ end
+ header
+ end
+ def write_header( user )
+ if user then
+ header = @in_header.dup.update user
+ else
+ header = @in_header
+ end
+ header.each do |n,v|
+ @socket.writeline n + ': ' + v
+ end
+ @socket.writeline ''
+ if tmp = header['Connection'] then
+ /close/i === tmp
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ def read_chunked_body( ret )
+ line = nil
+ len = nil
+ total = 0
+ while true do
+ line = @socket.readline
+ unless /[0-9a-hA-H]+/ === line then
+ raise HTTPBadResponse, "chunk size not given"
+ end
+ len = $&.hex
+ break if len == 0
+ len, ret ); total += len
+ 2 # \r\n
+ end
+ while true do
+ line = @socket.readline
+ break if line.empty?
+ end
+ total
+ end
+ end
+end # module Net