path: root/lib/net/http.rb
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-= net/http.rb
-Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto
-written & maintained by Minero Aoki <>
-This file is derived from "http-access.rb".
-This program is free software. You can re-distribute and/or
-modify this program under the same terms as Ruby itself,
-Ruby Distribute License or GNU General Public License.
-NOTE: You can find Japanese version of this document in
-the doc/net directory of the standard ruby interpreter package.
-== What is this module?
-This module provide your program the functions to access WWW
-documents via HTTP, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol version 1.1.
-For details of HTTP, refer [RFC2616]
-== Examples
-=== Getting Document From Server
-Be care to ',' (comma) putted after "response".
-This is required for compatibility.
- require 'net/http'
- Net::HTTP.start( 'some.www.server', 80 ) {|http|
- response , = http.get('/index.html')
- puts response.body
- }
-(shorter version)
- require 'net/http'
- Net::HTTP.get_print 'some.www.server', '/index.html'
-=== Posting Form Data
- require 'net/http'
- Net::HTTP.start( 'some.www.server', 80 ) {|http|
- response , = '/cgi-bin/any.rhtml',
- 'querytype=subject&target=ruby' )
- }
-=== Accessing via Proxy
-Net::HTTP.Proxy() creates http proxy class. It has same
-methods of Net::HTTP but its instances always connect to
-proxy, instead of given host.
- require 'net/http'
- $proxy_addr = 'your.proxy.addr'
- $proxy_port = 8080
- :
- Net::HTTP::Proxy($proxy_addr, $proxy_port).start( 'some.www.server' ) {|http|
- # always connect to your.proxy.addr:8080
- :
- }
-Since Net::HTTP.Proxy() returns Net::HTTP itself when $proxy_addr is nil,
-there's no need to change code if there's proxy or not.
-=== Redirect
- require 'net/http'
- Net::HTTP.version_1_1
- host = ''
- path = '/'
- begin
- Net::HTTP.start( host, 80 ) {|http|
- response , = http.get(path)
- print response.body
- }
- rescue Net::ProtoRetriableError => err
- if m = %r<http://([^/]+)>.match( err.response['location'] ) then
- host = m[1].strip
- path = m.post_match
- retry
- end
- end
-NOTE: This code is using ad-hoc way to extract host name, but in future
-URI class will be included in ruby standard library.
-=== Basic Authentication
- require 'net/http'
- Net::HTTP.start( 'auth.some.domain' ) {|http|
- response , = http.get( '/need-auth.cgi',
- 'Authorization' => 'Basic ' + ["#{account}:#{password}"].pack('m').strip )
- print response.body
- }
-In version 1.2 (Ruby 1.7 or later), you can write like this:
- require 'net/http'
- req ='/need-auth.cgi')
- req.basic_auth 'account', 'password'
- Net::HTTP.start( 'auth.some.domain' ) {|http|
- response = http.request(req)
- print response.body
- }
-== Switching Net::HTTP versions
-You can use old Net::HTTP (in Ruby 1.6) features by calling
-HTTP.version_1_1. And calling Net::HTTP.version_1_2 allows
-you to use 1.2 features again.
- # example
- Net::HTTP.start {|http1| ...(http1 has 1.2 features)... }
- Net::HTTP.version_1_1
- Net::HTTP.start {|http2| ...(http2 has 1.1 features)... }
- Net::HTTP.version_1_2
- Net::HTTP.start {|http3| ...(http3 has 1.2 features)... }
-Yes, this is not thread-safe.
-== class Net::HTTP
-=== Class Methods
-: new( address, port = 80, proxy_addr = nil, proxy_port = nil )
- creates a new Net::HTTP object.
- If proxy_addr is given, creates an Net::HTTP object with proxy support.
-: start( address, port = 80, proxy_addr = nil, proxy_port = nil )
-: start( address, port = 80, proxy_addr = nil, proxy_port = nil ) {|http| .... }
- is equals to
-, port, proxy_addr, proxy_port).start(&block)
-: get( address, path, port = 80 )
- gets entity body from path and returns it.
- return value is a String.
-: get_print( address, path, port = 80 )
- gets entity body from path and output it to $stdout.
-: Proxy( address, port = 80 )
- creates a HTTP proxy class.
- Arguments are address/port of proxy host.
- You can replace HTTP class with created proxy class.
- If ADDRESS is nil, this method returns self (Net::HTTP).
- # example
- proxy_class = Net::HTTP::Proxy( '', 8080 )
- :
- proxy_class.start( '' ) {|http|
- # connecting
- :
- }
-: proxy_class?
- If self is HTTP, false.
- If self is a class which was created by HTTP::Proxy(), true.
-: port
- default HTTP port (80).
-=== Instance Methods
-: start
-: start {|http| .... }
- creates a new Net::HTTP object and starts HTTP session.
- When this method is called with block, gives a HTTP object to block
- and close the HTTP session after block call finished.
-: active?
- true if HTTP session is started.
-: address
- the address to connect
-: port
- the port number to connect
-: open_timeout
-: open_timeout=(n)
- seconds to wait until connection is opened.
- If HTTP object cannot open a conection in this seconds,
- it raises TimeoutError exception.
-: read_timeout
-: read_timeout=(n)
- seconds to wait until reading one block (by one read(1) call).
- If HTTP object cannot open a conection in this seconds,
- it raises TimeoutError exception.
-: finish
- finishes HTTP session.
- If HTTP session had not started, raises an IOError.
-: proxy?
- true if self is a HTTP proxy class
-: proxy_address
- address of proxy host. If self does not use a proxy, nil.
-: proxy_port
- port number of proxy host. If self does not use a proxy, nil.
-: get( path, header = nil )
-: get( path, header = nil ) {|str| .... }
- gets data from PATH on the connecting host.
- HEADER must be a Hash like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... }.
- In version 1.1, this method returns a pair of objects,
- a Net::HTTPResponse object and entity body string.
- In version 1.2, this method returns a Net::HTTPResponse
- object.
- If called with block, gives entity body string to the block
- little by little.
- In version 1.1, this method might raises exception for also
- 3xx (redirect). On the case you can get a HTTPResponse object
- by "anException.response".
- In version 1.2, this method never raises exception.
- # version 1.1 (bundled with Ruby 1.6)
- response, body = http.get( '/index.html' )
- # version 1.2 (bundled with Ruby 1.7 or later)
- response = http.get( '/index.html' )
- # compatible in both version
- response , = http.get( '/index.html' )
- response.body
- # using block
- 'save.txt', 'w' ) {|f|
- http.get( '/~foo/', nil ) do |str|
- f.write str
- end
- }
-: head( path, header = nil )
- gets only header from PATH on the connecting host.
- HEADER is a Hash like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... }.
- This method returns a Net::HTTPResponse object.
- In version 1.1, this method might raises exception for also
- 3xx (redirect). On the case you can get a HTTPResponse object
- by "anException.response".
- In version 1.2, this method never raises exception.
- response = nil
- Net::HTTP.start( 'some.www.server', 80 ) {|http|
- response = http.head( '/index.html' )
- }
- p response['content-type']
-: post( path, data, header = nil )
-: post( path, data, header = nil ) {|str| .... }
- posts DATA (must be String) to PATH. HEADER must be a Hash
- like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... }.
- In version 1.1, this method returns a pair of objects, a
- Net::HTTPResponse object and an entity body string.
- In version 1.2, this method returns a Net::HTTPReponse object.
- If called with block, gives a part of entity body string.
- In version 1.1, this method might raises exception for also
- 3xx (redirect). On the case you can get a HTTPResponse object
- by "anException.response".
- In version 1.2, this method never raises exception.
- # version 1.1
- response, body = '/cgi-bin/search.rb', 'query=subject&target=ruby' )
- # version 1.2
- response = '/cgi-bin/search.rb', 'query=subject&target=ruby' )
- # compatible in both version
- response , = '/cgi-bin/search.rb', 'query=subject&target=ruby' )
- # using block
- 'save.html', 'w' ) {|f|
- '/cgi-bin/search.rb',
- 'query=subject&target=ruby' ) do |str|
- f.write str
- end
- }
-: request_get( path, header = nil )
-: request_get( path, header = nil ) {|response| .... }
- gets entity from PATH. This method returns a HTTPResponse object.
- When called with block, keep connection while block is executed
- and gives a HTTPResponse object to the block.
- This method never raises Net::* exceptions.
- # example
- response = http.request_get( '/index.html' )
- p response['content-type']
- puts response.body # body is already read
- # using block
- http.request_get( '/index.html' ) {|response|
- p response['content-type']
- response.read_body do |str| # read body now
- print str
- end
- }
-: request_post( path, data, header = nil )
-: request_post( path, data, header = nil ) {|response| .... }
- posts data to PATH. This method returns a HTTPResponse object.
- When called with block, gives a HTTPResponse object to the block
- before reading entity body, with keeping connection.
- This method never raises Net::* exceptions.
- # example
- response = http.post2( '/cgi-bin/nice.rb', 'datadatadata...' )
- p response.status
- puts response.body # body is already read
- # using block
- http.post2( '/cgi-bin/nice.rb', 'datadatadata...' ) {|response|
- p response.status
- p response['content-type']
- response.read_body do |str| # read body now
- print str
- end
- }
-: request( request [, data] )
-: request( request [, data] ) {|response| .... }
- sends a HTTPRequest object REQUEST to the HTTP server.
- This method also writes DATA string if REQUEST is a post/put request.
- Giving DATA for get/head request causes ArgumentError.
- If called with block, this method passes a HTTPResponse object to
- the block, without reading entity body.
- This method never raises Net::* exceptions.
-== class Net::HTTP::Get, Head, Post
-HTTP request classes. These classes wraps request header and
-entity path. All arguments named "key" is case-insensitive.
-=== Class Methods
-: new
- creats HTTP request object.
-=== Instance Methods
-: self[ key ]
- returns the header field corresponding to the case-insensitive key.
- For example, a key of "Content-Type" might return "text/html"
-: self[ key ] = val
- sets the header field corresponding to the case-insensitive key.
-: each {|name, val| .... }
- iterates for each field name and value pair.
-: basic_auth( account, password )
- set Authorization: header for basic auth.
-: range
- returns a Range object which represents Range: header field.
-: range = r
-: set_range( i, len )
- set Range: header from Range (arg r) or beginning index and
- length from it (arg i&len).
-: content_length
- returns a Integer object which represents Content-Length: header field.
-: content_range
- returns a Range object which represents Content-Range: header field.
-== class Net::HTTPResponse
-HTTP response class. This class wraps response header and entity.
-All arguments named KEY is case-insensitive.
-=== Instance Methods
-: self[ key ]
- returns the header field corresponding to the case-insensitive key.
- For example, a key of "Content-Type" might return "text/html".
- A key of "Content-Length" might do "2045".
- More than one fields which has same names are joined with ','.
-: self[ key ] = val
- sets the header field corresponding to the case-insensitive key.
-: key?( key )
- true if key exists.
- KEY is case insensitive.
-: each {|name,value| .... }
- iterates for each field name and value pair.
-: canonical_each {|name,value| .... }
- iterates for each "canonical" field name and value pair.
-: code
- HTTP result code string. For example, '302'.
-: message
- HTTP result message. For example, 'Not Found'.
-: read_body( dest = '' )
- gets entity body and write it into DEST using "<<" method.
- If this method is called twice or more, nothing will be done
- and returns first DEST.
-: read_body {|str| .... }
- gets entity body little by little and pass it to block.
-: body
- response body. If #read_body has been called, this method returns
- arg of #read_body DEST. Else gets body as String and returns it.
-require 'net/protocol'
-module Net
- class HTTPBadResponse < StandardError; end
- class HTTPHeaderSyntaxError < StandardError; end
- class HTTP < Protocol
- HTTPVersion = '1.1'
- #
- # for backward compatibility
- #
- @@newimpl = true
- def HTTP.version_1_2
- @@newimpl = true
- end
- def HTTP.version_1_1
- @@newimpl = false
- end
- def HTTP.is_version_1_2?
- @@newimpl
- end
- def HTTP.setimplversion( obj )
- f = @@newimpl
- obj.instance_eval { @newimpl = f }
- end
- private_class_method :setimplversion
- #
- # short cut methods
- #
- def HTTP.get( addr, path, port = nil )
- req = path )
- resp = nil
- new( addr, port || HTTP.default_port ).start {|http|
- resp = http.request( req )
- }
- resp.body
- end
- def HTTP.get_print( addr, path, port = nil )
- new( addr, port || HTTP.port ).start {|http|
- http.get path, nil, $stdout
- }
- nil
- end
- #
- # connection
- #
- protocol_param :default_port, '80'
- protocol_param :socket_type, '::Net::InternetMessageIO'
- class << HTTP
- def start( address, port = nil, p_addr = nil, p_port = nil, &block )
- new( address, port, p_addr, p_port ).start( &block )
- end
- alias newobj new
- def new( address, port = nil, p_addr = nil, p_port = nil )
- obj = Proxy(p_addr, p_port).newobj(address, port)
- setimplversion obj
- obj
- end
- end
- def initialize( addr, port = nil )
- super
- @curr_http_version = HTTPVersion
- @seems_1_0_server = false
- end
- private
- def do_start
- conn_socket
- end
- def do_finish
- disconn_socket
- end
- #
- # proxy
- #
- public
- # no proxy
- @is_proxy_class = false
- @proxy_addr = nil
- @proxy_port = nil
- def HTTP.Proxy( p_addr, p_port = nil )
- p_addr or return self
- p_port ||= port()
- delta = ProxyDelta
- proxyclass =
- proxyclass.module_eval {
- include delta
- # with proxy
- @is_proxy_class = true
- @proxy_address = p_addr
- @proxy_port = p_port
- }
- proxyclass
- end
- class << HTTP
- def proxy_class?
- @is_proxy_class
- end
- attr_reader :proxy_address
- attr_reader :proxy_port
- end
- def proxy?
- type.proxy_class?
- end
- def proxy_address
- type.proxy_address
- end
- def proxy_port
- type.proxy_port
- end
- alias proxyaddr proxy_address
- alias proxyport proxy_port
- private
- # no proxy
- def conn_address
- address
- end
- def conn_port
- port
- end
- def edit_path( path )
- path
- end
- module ProxyDelta
- private
- # with proxy
- def conn_address
- proxy_address
- end
- def conn_port
- proxy_port
- end
- def edit_path( path )
- 'http://' + addr_port() + path
- end
- end
- #
- # http operations
- #
- public
- def get( path, initheader = nil, dest = nil, &block )
- res = nil
- request(,initheader) ) {|res|
- res.read_body dest, &block
- }
- unless @newimpl then
- res.value
- return res, res.body
- end
- res
- end
- def head( path, initheader = nil )
- res = request(,initheader) )
- @newimpl or res.value
- res
- end
- def post( path, data, initheader = nil, dest = nil, &block )
- res = nil
- request(,initheader), data ) {|res|
- res.read_body dest, &block
- }
- unless @newimpl then
- res.value
- return res, res.body
- end
- res
- end
- def put( path, data, initheader = nil )
- res = request(,initheader), data )
- @newimpl or res.value
- res
- end
- def request_get( path, initheader = nil, &block )
- request,initheader), &block
- end
- def request_head( path, initheader = nil, &block )
- request,initheader), &block
- end
- def request_post( path, data, initheader = nil, &block )
- request,initheader), data, &block
- end
- def request_put( path, data, initheader = nil, &block )
- request,initheader), data, &block
- end
- alias get2 request_get
- alias head2 request_head
- alias post2 request_post
- alias put2 request_put
- def send_request( name, path, body = nil, header = nil )
- r = name, (body ? true : false), true,
- path, header )
- request r, body
- end
- def request( req, body = nil, &block )
- unless active? then
- start {
- req['connection'] = 'close'
- return request(req, body, &block)
- }
- end
- begin_transport req
- req.__send__(:exec,
- @socket, @curr_http_version, edit_path(req.path), body)
- begin
- res = HTTPResponse.read_new(@socket, req.response_body_permitted?)
- end while HTTPContinue === res
- yield res if block_given?
- end_transport req, res
- res
- end
- private
- def begin_transport( req )
- if @socket.closed? then
- reconn_socket
- end
- if not req.body_exist? or @seems_1_0_server then
- req['connection'] = 'close'
- end
- req['host'] = addr_port()
- end
- def end_transport( req, res )
- res.__send__ :terminate
- @curr_http_version = res.http_version
- if not res.body then
- @socket.close
- elsif keep_alive? req, res then
- D 'Conn keep-alive'
- if @socket.closed? then # (only) read stream had been closed
- D 'Conn (but seems 1.0 server)'
- @seems_1_0_server = true
- @socket.close
- end
- else
- D 'Conn close'
- @socket.close
- end
- end
- def keep_alive?( req, res )
- /close/i === req['connection'].to_s and return false
- @seems_1_0_server and return false
- /keep-alive/i === res['connection'].to_s and return true
- /close/i === res['connection'].to_s and return false
- /keep-alive/i === res['proxy-connection'].to_s and return true
- /close/i === res['proxy-connection'].to_s and return false
- @curr_http_version == '1.1' and return true
- false
- end
- #
- # utils
- #
- private
- def addr_port
- address + (port == HTTP.default_port ? '' : ":#{port}")
- end
- def D( msg )
- if @dout then
- @dout << msg
- @dout << "\n"
- end
- end
- end
- HTTPSession = HTTP
- ###
- ### header
- ###
- module HTTPHeader
- def size
- @header.size
- end
- alias length size
- def []( key )
- @header[ key.downcase ]
- end
- def []=( key, val )
- @header[ key.downcase ] = val
- end
- def each_header( &block )
- @header.each( &block )
- end
- alias each each_header
- def each_key( &block )
- @header.each_key( &block )
- end
- def each_value( &block )
- @header.each_value( &block )
- end
- def delete( key )
- @header.delete key.downcase
- end
- def key?( key )
- @header.key? key.downcase
- end
- def to_hash
- @header.dup
- end
- def canonical_each
- @header.each do |k,v|
- yield canonical(k), v
- end
- end
- def canonical( k )
- k.split('-').collect {|i| i.capitalize }.join('-')
- end
- def range
- s = @header['range'] or return nil
- s.split(',').collect {|spec|
- m = /bytes\s*=\s*(\d+)?\s*-\s*(\d+)?/i.match(spec) or
- raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, "wrong Range: #{spec}"
- d1 = m[1].to_i
- d2 = m[2].to_i
- if m[1] and m[2] then d1..d2
- elsif m[1] then d1..-1
- elsif m[2] then -d2..-1
- else
- raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'range is not specified'
- end
- }
- end
- def range=( r, fin = nil )
- r = (r ... r + fin) if fin
- case r
- when Numeric
- s = r > 0 ? "0-#{r - 1}" : "-#{-r}"
- when Range
- first = r.first
- last = r.last
- if r.exclude_end? then
- last -= 1
- end
- if last == -1 then
- s = first > 0 ? "#{first}-" : "-#{-first}"
- else
- first >= 0 or raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'range.first is negative'
- last > 0 or raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'range.last is negative'
- first < last or raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'must be .first < .last'
- s = "#{first}-#{last}"
- end
- else
- raise TypeError, 'Range/Integer is required'
- end
- @header['range'] = "bytes=#{s}"
- r
- end
- alias set_range range=
- def content_length
- s = @header['content-length']
- s or return nil
- m = /\d+/.match(s)
- m or raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'wrong Content-Length format'
- m[0].to_i
- end
- def chunked?
- s = @header['transfer-encoding']
- (s and /(?:\A|[^\-\w])chunked(?:[^\-\w]|\z)/i === s) ? true : false
- end
- def content_range
- s = @header['content-range']
- s or return nil
- m = %r<bytes\s+(\d+)-(\d+)/(?:\d+|\*)>i.match( s )
- m or raise HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, 'wrong Content-Range format'
- m[1].to_i .. m[2].to_i + 1
- end
- def range_length
- r = content_range
- r and r.length
- end
- def basic_auth( acc, pass )
- @header['authorization'] = 'Basic ' + ["#{acc}:#{pass}"].pack('m').strip
- end
- end
- ###
- ### request
- ###
- class HTTPGenericRequest
- include HTTPHeader
- def initialize( m, reqbody, resbody, path, initheader = nil )
- @method = m
- @request_has_body = reqbody
- @response_has_body = resbody
- @path = path
- @header = tmp = {}
- return unless initheader
- initheader.each do |k,v|
- key = k.downcase
- if tmp.key? key then
- $stderr.puts "WARNING: duplicated HTTP header: #{k}" if $VERBOSE
- end
- tmp[ key ] = v.strip
- end
- tmp['accept'] ||= '*/*'
- end
- attr_reader :method
- attr_reader :path
- def inspect
- "\#<#{self.type} #{@method}>"
- end
- def request_body_permitted?
- @request_has_body
- end
- def response_body_permitted?
- @response_has_body
- end
- alias body_exist? response_body_permitted?
- #
- # write
- #
- private
- def exec( sock, ver, path, body )
- if body then
- check_body_premitted
- send_request_with_body sock, ver, path, body
- else
- request sock, ver, path
- end
- end
- def check_body_premitted
- request_body_permitted? or
- raise ArgumentError, 'HTTP request body is not premitted'
- end
- def send_request_with_body( sock, ver, path, body )
- if block_given? then
- ac =
- yield ac # must be yield, DO NOT USE
- data = ac.terminate
- else
- data = body
- end
- @header['content-length'] = data.size.to_s
- @header.delete 'transfer-encoding'
- unless @header['content-type'] then
- $stderr.puts 'Content-Type did not set; using application/x-www-form-urlencoded' if $VERBOSE
- @header['content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
- end
- request sock, ver, path
- sock.write data
- end
- def request( sock, ver, path )
- sock.writeline sprintf('%s %s HTTP/%s', @method, path, ver)
- canonical_each do |k,v|
- sock.writeline k + ': ' + v
- end
- sock.writeline ''
- end
- end
- class HTTPRequest < HTTPGenericRequest
- def initialize( path, initheader = nil )
- super type::METHOD,
- path, initheader
- end
- end
- class HTTP
- class Get < HTTPRequest
- end
- class Head < HTTPRequest
- end
- class Post < HTTPRequest
- end
- class Put < HTTPRequest
- end
- end
- ###
- ### response
- ###
- class HTTPResponse
- # predefine HTTPResponse class to allow inheritance
- def self.body_permitted?
- self::HAS_BODY
- end
- def self.exception_type
- end
- end
- class HTTPUnknownResponse < HTTPResponse
- HAS_BODY = true
- EXCEPTION_TYPE = ProtocolError
- end
- class HTTPInformation < HTTPResponse
- HAS_BODY = false
- EXCEPTION_TYPE = ProtocolError
- end
- class HTTPSuccess < HTTPResponse
- HAS_BODY = true
- EXCEPTION_TYPE = ProtocolError
- end
- class HTTPRedirection < HTTPResponse
- HAS_BODY = true
- EXCEPTION_TYPE = ProtoRetriableError
- end
- class HTTPClientError < HTTPResponse
- HAS_BODY = true
- EXCEPTION_TYPE = ProtoFatalError
- end
- class HTTPServerError < HTTPResponse
- HAS_BODY = true
- EXCEPTION_TYPE = ProtoServerError
- end
- class HTTPContinue < HTTPInformation
- HAS_BODY = false
- end
- class HTTPSwitchProtocol < HTTPInformation
- HAS_BODY = false
- end
- class HTTPOK < HTTPSuccess
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPCreated < HTTPSuccess
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPAccepted < HTTPSuccess
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation < HTTPSuccess
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPNoContent < HTTPSuccess
- HAS_BODY = false
- end
- class HTTPResetContent < HTTPSuccess
- HAS_BODY = false
- end
- class HTTPPartialContent < HTTPSuccess
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPMultipleChoice < HTTPRedirection
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPMovedPermanently < HTTPRedirection
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPMovedTemporarily < HTTPRedirection
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPNotModified < HTTPRedirection
- HAS_BODY = false
- end
- class HTTPUseProxy < HTTPRedirection
- HAS_BODY = false
- end
- class HTTPBadRequest < HTTPClientError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPUnauthorized < HTTPClientError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPPaymentRequired < HTTPClientError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPForbidden < HTTPClientError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPNotFound < HTTPClientError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPMethodNotAllowed < HTTPClientError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPNotAcceptable < HTTPClientError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired < HTTPClientError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPRequestTimeOut < HTTPClientError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPConflict < HTTPClientError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPGone < HTTPClientError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPLengthRequired < HTTPClientError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPPreconditionFailed < HTTPClientError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge < HTTPClientError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPRequestURITooLarge < HTTPClientError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPUnsupportedMediaType < HTTPClientError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPInternalServerError < HTTPServerError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPNotImplemented < HTTPServerError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPBadGateway < HTTPServerError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPServiceUnavailable < HTTPServerError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPGatewayTimeOut < HTTPServerError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPVersionNotSupported < HTTPServerError
- HAS_BODY = true
- end
- class HTTPResponse # redefine
- '1' => HTTPInformation,
- '2' => HTTPSuccess,
- '3' => HTTPRedirection,
- '4' => HTTPClientError,
- '5' => HTTPServerError
- }
- '100' => HTTPContinue,
- '101' => HTTPSwitchProtocol,
- '200' => HTTPOK,
- '201' => HTTPCreated,
- '202' => HTTPAccepted,
- '203' => HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation,
- '204' => HTTPNoContent,
- '205' => HTTPResetContent,
- '206' => HTTPPartialContent,
- '300' => HTTPMultipleChoice,
- '301' => HTTPMovedPermanently,
- '302' => HTTPMovedTemporarily,
- '304' => HTTPNotModified,
- '305' => HTTPUseProxy,
- '400' => HTTPBadRequest,
- '401' => HTTPUnauthorized,
- '402' => HTTPPaymentRequired,
- '403' => HTTPForbidden,
- '404' => HTTPNotFound,
- '405' => HTTPMethodNotAllowed,
- '406' => HTTPNotAcceptable,
- '407' => HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired,
- '408' => HTTPRequestTimeOut,
- '409' => HTTPConflict,
- '410' => HTTPGone,
- '411' => HTTPLengthRequired,
- '412' => HTTPPreconditionFailed,
- '413' => HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge,
- '414' => HTTPRequestURITooLarge,
- '415' => HTTPUnsupportedMediaType,
- '501' => HTTPInternalServerError,
- '501' => HTTPNotImplemented,
- '502' => HTTPBadGateway,
- '503' => HTTPServiceUnavailable,
- '504' => HTTPGatewayTimeOut,
- '505' => HTTPVersionNotSupported
- }
- class << self
- def read_new( sock, hasbody )
- httpv, code, msg = read_status_line(sock)
- res = response_class(code).new( httpv, code, msg, sock, hasbody )
- each_response_header(sock) do |k,v|
- if res.key? k then
- res[k] << ', ' << v
- else
- res[k] = v
- end
- end
- res
- end
- private
- def read_status_line( sock )
- str = sock.readline
- m = /\AHTTP(?:\/(\d+\.\d+))?\s+(\d\d\d)\s*(.*)\z/in.match(str) or
- raise HTTPBadResponse, "wrong status line: #{str.dump}"
- m.to_a[1,3]
- end
- def response_class( code )
- CODE_TO_OBJ[code] or
- CODE_CLASS_TO_OBJ[code[0,1]] or
- HTTPUnknownResponse
- end
- def each_response_header( sock )
- while true do
- line = sock.readuntil( "\n", true ) # ignore EOF
- line.sub!( /\s+\z/, '' ) # don't use chop!
- break if line.empty?
- m = /\A([^:]+):\s*/.match(line) or
- raise HTTPBadResponse, 'wrong header line format'
- yield m[1], m.post_match
- end
- end
- end
- include HTTPHeader
- def initialize( httpv, code, msg, sock, hasbody )
- @http_version = httpv
- @code = code
- @message = msg
- @socket = sock
- @body_exist = hasbody
- @header = {}
- @body = nil
- @read = false
- end
- attr_reader :http_version
- attr_reader :code
- attr_reader :message
- alias msg message
- def inspect
- "#<#{type} #{@code} readbody=#{@read}>"
- end
- #
- # response <-> exception relationship
- #
- def code_type
- self.type
- end
- def error!
- raise + ' ' + @message.dump, self)
- end
- def error_type
- end
- def value
- HTTPSuccess === self or error!
- end
- #
- # header (for backward compatibility)
- #
- def response
- self
- end
- alias header response
- alias read_header response
- #
- # body
- #
- def read_body( dest = nil, &block )
- if @read then
- (dest or block) and
- raise IOError, "#{type}\#read_body called twice with argument"
- return @body
- end
- to = procdest(dest, block)
- stream_check
- if @body_exist and self.type.body_permitted? then
- read_body_0 to
- @body = to
- else
- @body = nil
- end
- @read = true
- @body
- end
- alias body read_body
- alias entity read_body
- private
- def terminate
- read_body
- end
- def read_body_0( dest )
- if chunked? then
- read_chunked dest
- else
- clen = content_length
- if clen then
- clen, dest, true # ignore EOF
- else
- clen = range_length
- if clen then
- clen, dest
- else
- @socket.read_all dest
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def read_chunked( dest )
- len = nil
- total = 0
- while true do
- line = @socket.readline
- m = /[0-9a-fA-F]+/.match(line)
- m or raise HTTPBadResponse, "wrong chunk size line: #{line}"
- len = m[0].hex
- break if len == 0
- len, dest; total += len
- 2 # \r\n
- end
- until @socket.readline.empty? do
- # none
- end
- end
- def stream_check
- @socket.closed? and raise IOError, 'try to read body out of block'
- end
- def procdest( dest, block )
- (dest and block) and
- raise ArgumentError, 'both of arg and block are given for HTTP method'
- if block then
- else
- dest || ''
- end
- end
- end
- # for backward compatibility
- module NetPrivate
- HTTPResponse = ::Net::HTTPResponse
- HTTPGenericRequest = ::Net::HTTPGenericRequest
- HTTPRequest = ::Net::HTTPRequest
- HTTPHeader = ::Net::HTTPHeader
- end
- HTTPInformationCode = HTTPInformation
- HTTPSuccessCode = HTTPSuccess
- HTTPRedirectionCode = HTTPRedirection
- HTTPRetriableCode = HTTPRedirection
- HTTPClientErrorCode = HTTPClientError
- HTTPFatalErrorCode = HTTPClientError
- HTTPServerErrorCode = HTTPServerError
- HTTPResponceReceiver = HTTPResponse
-end # module Net