path: root/lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/runner.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/runner.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 324 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/runner.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/runner.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b110b8d478..0000000000
--- a/lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/runner.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-require "bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor"
-require "bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/group"
-require "bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/core_ext/io_binary_read"
-require "yaml"
-require "digest"
-require "pathname"
-class Bundler::Thor::Runner < Bundler::Thor #:nodoc: # rubocop:disable ClassLength
- map "-T" => :list, "-i" => :install, "-u" => :update, "-v" => :version
- def self.banner(command, all = false, subcommand = false)
- "thor " + command.formatted_usage(self, all, subcommand)
- end
- def self.exit_on_failure?
- true
- end
- # Override Bundler::Thor#help so it can give information about any class and any method.
- #
- def help(meth = nil)
- if meth && !respond_to?(meth)
- initialize_thorfiles(meth)
- klass, command = Bundler::Thor::Util.find_class_and_command_by_namespace(meth)
- self.class.handle_no_command_error(command, false) if klass.nil?
- klass.start(["-h", command].compact, :shell => shell)
- else
- super
- end
- end
- # If a command is not found on Bundler::Thor::Runner, method missing is invoked and
- # Bundler::Thor::Runner is then responsible for finding the command in all classes.
- #
- def method_missing(meth, *args)
- meth = meth.to_s
- initialize_thorfiles(meth)
- klass, command = Bundler::Thor::Util.find_class_and_command_by_namespace(meth)
- self.class.handle_no_command_error(command, false) if klass.nil?
- args.unshift(command) if command
- klass.start(args, :shell => shell)
- end
- desc "install NAME", "Install an optionally named Bundler::Thor file into your system commands"
- method_options :as => :string, :relative => :boolean, :force => :boolean
- def install(name) # rubocop:disable MethodLength
- initialize_thorfiles
- # If a directory name is provided as the argument, look for a 'main.thor'
- # command in said directory.
- begin
- if
- base = File.join(name, "main.thor")
- package = :directory
- contents = open(base, &:read)
- else
- base = name
- package = :file
- contents = open(name, &:read)
- end
- rescue OpenURI::HTTPError
- raise Error, "Error opening URI '#{name}'"
- rescue Errno::ENOENT
- raise Error, "Error opening file '#{name}'"
- end
- say "Your Bundler::Thorfile contains:"
- say contents
- unless options["force"]
- return false if no?("Do you wish to continue [y/N]?")
- end
- as = options["as"] || begin
- first_line = contents.split("\n")[0]
- (match = first_line.match(/\s*#\s*module:\s*([^\n]*)/)) ? match[1].strip : nil
- end
- unless as
- basename = File.basename(name)
- as = ask("Please specify a name for #{name} in the system repository [#{basename}]:")
- as = basename if as.empty?
- end
- location = if options[:relative] || name =~ %r{^https?://}
- name
- else
- File.expand_path(name)
- end
- thor_yaml[as] = {
- :filename => Digest(:MD5).hexdigest(name + as),
- :location => location,
- :namespaces => Bundler::Thor::Util.namespaces_in_content(contents, base)
- }
- save_yaml(thor_yaml)
- say "Storing thor file in your system repository"
- destination = File.join(thor_root, thor_yaml[as][:filename])
- if package == :file
-, "w") { |f| f.puts contents }
- else
- require "fileutils"
- FileUtils.cp_r(name, destination)
- end
- thor_yaml[as][:filename] # Indicate success
- end
- desc "version", "Show Bundler::Thor version"
- def version
- require "bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/version"
- say "Bundler::Thor #{Bundler::Thor::VERSION}"
- end
- desc "uninstall NAME", "Uninstall a named Bundler::Thor module"
- def uninstall(name)
- raise Error, "Can't find module '#{name}'" unless thor_yaml[name]
- say "Uninstalling #{name}."
- require "fileutils"
- FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(thor_root, (thor_yaml[name][:filename]).to_s))
- thor_yaml.delete(name)
- save_yaml(thor_yaml)
- puts "Done."
- end
- desc "update NAME", "Update a Bundler::Thor file from its original location"
- def update(name)
- raise Error, "Can't find module '#{name}'" if !thor_yaml[name] || !thor_yaml[name][:location]
- say "Updating '#{name}' from #{thor_yaml[name][:location]}"
- old_filename = thor_yaml[name][:filename]
- self.options = options.merge("as" => name)
- if File.expand_path(name)
- require "fileutils"
- FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(thor_root, old_filename))
- thor_yaml.delete(old_filename)
- save_yaml(thor_yaml)
- filename = install(name)
- else
- filename = install(thor_yaml[name][:location])
- end
- File.delete(File.join(thor_root, old_filename)) unless filename == old_filename
- end
- desc "installed", "List the installed Bundler::Thor modules and commands"
- method_options :internal => :boolean
- def installed
- initialize_thorfiles(nil, true)
- display_klasses(true, options["internal"])
- end
- desc "list [SEARCH]", "List the available thor commands (--substring means .*SEARCH)"
- method_options :substring => :boolean, :group => :string, :all => :boolean, :debug => :boolean
- def list(search = "")
- initialize_thorfiles
- search = ".*#{search}" if options["substring"]
- search = /^#{search}.*/i
- group = options[:group] || "standard"
- klasses = do |k|
- (options[:all] || == group) && k.namespace =~ search
- end
- display_klasses(false, false, klasses)
- end
- def thor_root
- Bundler::Thor::Util.thor_root
- end
- def thor_yaml
- @thor_yaml ||= begin
- yaml_file = File.join(thor_root, "thor.yml")
- yaml = YAML.load_file(yaml_file) if File.exist?(yaml_file)
- yaml || {}
- end
- end
- # Save the yaml file. If none exists in thor root, creates one.
- #
- def save_yaml(yaml)
- yaml_file = File.join(thor_root, "thor.yml")
- unless File.exist?(yaml_file)
- require "fileutils"
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(thor_root)
- yaml_file = File.join(thor_root, "thor.yml")
- FileUtils.touch(yaml_file)
- end
-, "w") { |f| f.puts yaml.to_yaml }
- end
- # Load the Bundler::Thorfiles. If relevant_to is supplied, looks for specific files
- # in the thor_root instead of loading them all.
- #
- # By default, it also traverses the current path until find Bundler::Thor files, as
- # described in thorfiles. This look up can be skipped by supplying
- # skip_lookup true.
- #
- def initialize_thorfiles(relevant_to = nil, skip_lookup = false)
- thorfiles(relevant_to, skip_lookup).each do |f|
- Bundler::Thor::Util.load_thorfile(f, nil, options[:debug]) unless Bundler::Thor::Base.subclass_files.keys.include?(File.expand_path(f))
- end
- end
- # Finds Bundler::Thorfiles by traversing from your current directory down to the root
- # directory of your system. If at any time we find a Bundler::Thor file, we stop.
- #
- # We also ensure that system-wide Bundler::Thorfiles are loaded first, so local
- # Bundler::Thorfiles can override them.
- #
- # ==== Example
- #
- # If we start at /Users/wycats/dev/thor ...
- #
- # 1. /Users/wycats/dev/thor
- # 2. /Users/wycats/dev
- # 3. /Users/wycats <-- we find a Bundler::Thorfile here, so we stop
- #
- # Suppose we start at c:\Documents and Settings\james\dev\thor ...
- #
- # 1. c:\Documents and Settings\james\dev\thor
- # 2. c:\Documents and Settings\james\dev
- # 3. c:\Documents and Settings\james
- # 4. c:\Documents and Settings
- # 5. c:\ <-- no Bundler::Thorfiles found!
- #
- def thorfiles(relevant_to = nil, skip_lookup = false)
- thorfiles = []
- unless skip_lookup
- Pathname.pwd.ascend do |path|
- thorfiles = Bundler::Thor::Util.globs_for(path).map { |g| Dir[g] }.flatten
- break unless thorfiles.empty?
- end
- end
- files = (relevant_to ? thorfiles_relevant_to(relevant_to) : Bundler::Thor::Util.thor_root_glob)
- files += thorfiles
- files -= ["#{thor_root}/thor.yml"]
-! do |file|
- ? File.join(file, "main.thor") : file
- end
- end
- # Load Bundler::Thorfiles relevant to the given method. If you provide "foo:bar" it
- # will load all thor files in the thor.yaml that has "foo" e "foo:bar"
- # namespaces registered.
- #
- def thorfiles_relevant_to(meth)
- lookup = [meth, meth.split(":")[0...-1].join(":")]
- files = do |_, v|
- v[:namespaces] && !(v[:namespaces] & lookup).empty?
- end
- { |_, v| File.join(thor_root, (v[:filename]).to_s) }
- end
- # Display information about the given klasses. If with_module is given,
- # it shows a table with information extracted from the yaml file.
- #
- def display_klasses(with_modules = false, show_internal = false, klasses = Bundler::Thor::Base.subclasses)
- klasses -= [Bundler::Thor, Bundler::Thor::Runner, Bundler::Thor::Group] unless show_internal
- raise Error, "No Bundler::Thor commands available" if klasses.empty?
- show_modules if with_modules && !thor_yaml.empty?
- list = { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
- groups = { |k| k.ancestors.include?(Bundler::Thor::Group) }
- # Get classes which inherit from Bundler::Thor
- (klasses - groups).each { |k| list[k.namespace.split(":").first] += k.printable_commands(false) }
- # Get classes which inherit from Bundler::Thor::Base
-! { |k| k.printable_commands(false).first }
- list["root"] = groups
- # Order namespaces with default coming first
- list = list.sort { |a, b| a[0].sub(/^default/, "") <=> b[0].sub(/^default/, "") }
- list.each { |n, commands| display_commands(n, commands) unless commands.empty? }
- end
- def display_commands(namespace, list) #:nodoc:
- list.sort! { |a, b| a[0] <=> b[0] }
- say shell.set_color(namespace, :blue, true)
- say "-" * namespace.size
- print_table(list, :truncate => true)
- say
- end
- alias_method :display_tasks, :display_commands
- def show_modules #:nodoc:
- info = []
- labels = %w(Modules Namespaces)
- info << labels
- info << ["-" * labels[0].size, "-" * labels[1].size]
- thor_yaml.each do |name, hash|
- info << [name, hash[:namespaces].join(", ")]
- end
- print_table info
- say ""
- end