path: root/lib/bundler/shared_helpers.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bundler/shared_helpers.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 366 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bundler/shared_helpers.rb b/lib/bundler/shared_helpers.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5566bc5832..0000000000
--- a/lib/bundler/shared_helpers.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require "bundler/compatibility_guard"
-require "pathname"
-require "rubygems"
-require "bundler/version"
-require "bundler/constants"
-require "bundler/rubygems_integration"
-require "bundler/current_ruby"
-module Gem
- class Dependency
- # This is only needed for RubyGems < 1.4
- unless method_defined? :requirement
- def requirement
- version_requirements
- end
- end
- end
-module Bundler
- module SharedHelpers
- def root
- gemfile = find_gemfile
- raise GemfileNotFound, "Could not locate Gemfile" unless gemfile
- end
- def default_gemfile
- gemfile = find_gemfile(:order_matters)
- raise GemfileNotFound, "Could not locate Gemfile" unless gemfile
- end
- def default_lockfile
- gemfile = default_gemfile
- case gemfile.basename.to_s
- when "gems.rb" then$/, ".locked"))
- else"#{gemfile}.lock")
- end.untaint
- end
- def default_bundle_dir
- bundle_dir = find_directory(".bundle")
- return nil unless bundle_dir
- bundle_dir =
- global_bundle_dir = Bundler.user_home.join(".bundle")
- return nil if bundle_dir == global_bundle_dir
- bundle_dir
- end
- def in_bundle?
- find_gemfile
- end
- def chdir(dir, &blk)
- Bundler.rubygems.ext_lock.synchronize do
- Dir.chdir dir, &blk
- end
- end
- def pwd
- Bundler.rubygems.ext_lock.synchronize do
- Pathname.pwd
- end
- end
- def with_clean_git_env(&block)
- keys = %w[GIT_DIR GIT_WORK_TREE]
- old_env = keys.inject({}) do |h, k|
- h.update(k => ENV[k])
- end
- keys.each {|key| ENV.delete(key) }
- ensure
- keys.each {|key| ENV[key] = old_env[key] }
- end
- def set_bundle_environment
- set_bundle_variables
- set_path
- set_rubyopt
- set_rubylib
- end
- # Rescues permissions errors raised by file system operations
- # (ie. Errno:EACCESS, Errno::EAGAIN) and raises more friendly errors instead.
- #
- # @param path [String] the path that the action will be attempted to
- # @param action [Symbol, #to_s] the type of operation that will be
- # performed. For example: :write, :read, :exec
- #
- # @yield path
- #
- # @raise [Bundler::PermissionError] if Errno:EACCES is raised in the
- # given block
- # @raise [Bundler::TemporaryResourceError] if Errno:EAGAIN is raised in the
- # given block
- #
- # @example
- # filesystem_access("vendor/cache", :write) do
- # FileUtils.mkdir_p("vendor/cache")
- # end
- #
- # @see {Bundler::PermissionError}
- def filesystem_access(path, action = :write, &block)
- # Use instead of yield because of a bug in Ruby 2.2.2
- # See for details
- rescue Errno::EACCES
- raise, action)
- rescue Errno::EAGAIN
- raise, action)
- rescue Errno::EPROTO
- raise
- rescue Errno::ENOSPC
- raise, action)
- rescue *[const_get_safely(:ENOTSUP, Errno)].compact
- raise, action)
- rescue Errno::EEXIST, Errno::ENOENT
- raise
- rescue SystemCallError => e
- raise, "There was an error accessing `#{path}`.")
- end
- def const_get_safely(constant_name, namespace)
- const_in_namespace = namespace.constants.include?(constant_name.to_s) ||
- namespace.constants.include?(constant_name.to_sym)
- return nil unless const_in_namespace
- namespace.const_get(constant_name)
- end
- def major_deprecation(major_version, message)
- if Bundler.bundler_major_version >= major_version
- require "bundler/errors"
- raise DeprecatedError, "[REMOVED FROM #{major_version}.0] #{message}"
- end
- return unless prints_major_deprecations?
- @major_deprecation_ui ||="no-color" => true)
- ui = Bundler.ui.is_a?(@major_deprecation_ui.class) ? Bundler.ui : @major_deprecation_ui
- ui.warn("[DEPRECATED FOR #{major_version}.0] #{message}")
- end
- def print_major_deprecations!
- multiple_gemfiles = search_up(".") do |dir|
- gemfiles = {|gf| File.file? File.expand_path(gf, dir) }
- next if gemfiles.empty?
- break false if gemfiles.size == 1
- end
- if multiple_gemfiles && Bundler.bundler_major_version == 1
- Bundler::SharedHelpers.major_deprecation 2, \
- "gems.rb and gems.locked will be preferred to Gemfile and Gemfile.lock."
- end
- if RUBY_VERSION < "2"
- major_deprecation(2, "Bundler will only support ruby >= 2.0, you are running #{RUBY_VERSION}")
- end
- return if Bundler.rubygems.provides?(">= 2")
- major_deprecation(2, "Bundler will only support rubygems >= 2.0, you are running #{Bundler.rubygems.version}")
- end
- def trap(signal, override = false, &block)
- prior = Signal.trap(signal) do
- unless override
- end
- end
- def ensure_same_dependencies(spec, old_deps, new_deps)
- new_deps = new_deps.reject {|d| d.type == :development }
- old_deps = old_deps.reject {|d| d.type == :development }
- without_type = proc {|d|, d.requirements_list.sort) }
- extra_deps = new_deps - old_deps
- return if extra_deps.empty?
- Bundler.ui.debug "#{spec.full_name} from #{spec.remote} has either corrupted API or lockfile dependencies" \
- " (was expecting #{}, but the real spec has #{})"
- raise APIResponseMismatchError,
- "Downloading #{spec.full_name} revealed dependencies not in the API or the lockfile (#{extra_deps.join(", ")})." \
- "\nEither installing with `--full-index` or running `bundle update #{}` should fix the problem."
- end
- def pretty_dependency(dep, print_source = false)
- msg =
- msg << " (#{dep.requirement})" unless dep.requirement == Gem::Requirement.default
- if dep.is_a?(Bundler::Dependency)
- platform_string = dep.platforms.join(", ")
- msg << " " << platform_string if !platform_string.empty? && platform_string != Gem::Platform::RUBY
- end
- msg << " from the `#{dep.source}` source" if print_source && dep.source
- msg
- end
- def md5_available?
- return @md5_available if defined?(@md5_available)
- @md5_available = begin
- require "openssl"
- OpenSSL::Digest::MD5.digest("")
- true
- rescue LoadError
- true
- rescue OpenSSL::Digest::DigestError
- false
- end
- end
- def digest(name)
- require "digest"
- Digest(name)
- end
- private
- def validate_bundle_path
- path_separator = Bundler.rubygems.path_separator
- return unless Bundler.bundle_path.to_s.split(path_separator).size > 1
- message = "Your bundle path contains text matching #{path_separator.inspect}, " \
- "which is the path separator for your system. Bundler cannot " \
- "function correctly when the Bundle path contains the " \
- "system's PATH separator. Please change your " \
- "bundle path to not match #{path_separator.inspect}." \
- "\nYour current bundle path is '#{Bundler.bundle_path}'."
- raise Bundler::PathError, message
- end
- def find_gemfile(order_matters = false)
- return given if given && !given.empty?
- names = gemfile_names
- names.reverse! if order_matters && Bundler.feature_flag.prefer_gems_rb?
- find_file(*names)
- end
- def gemfile_names
- ["Gemfile", "gems.rb"]
- end
- def find_file(*names)
- search_up(*names) do |filename|
- return filename if File.file?(filename)
- end
- end
- def find_directory(*names)
- search_up(*names) do |dirname|
- return dirname if
- end
- end
- def search_up(*names)
- previous = nil
- current = File.expand_path(SharedHelpers.pwd).untaint
- until ! || current == previous
- # avoid stepping above the tmp directory when testing
- # for Ruby Core
- gemspec = "lib/bundler.gemspec"
- else
- gemspec = "bundler.gemspec"
- end
- return nil if File.file?(File.join(current, gemspec))
- end
- names.each do |name|
- filename = File.join(current, name)
- yield filename
- end
- previous = current
- current = File.expand_path("..", current)
- end
- end
- def set_env(key, value)
- raise ArgumentError, "new key #{key}" unless EnvironmentPreserver::BUNDLER_KEYS.include?(key)
- orig_key = "#{EnvironmentPreserver::BUNDLER_PREFIX}#{key}"
- orig = ENV[key]
- orig ||= EnvironmentPreserver::INTENTIONALLY_NIL
- ENV[orig_key] ||= orig
- ENV[key] = value
- end
- public :set_env
- def set_bundle_variables
- begin
- Bundler::SharedHelpers.set_env "BUNDLE_BIN_PATH", Bundler.rubygems.bin_path("bundler", "bundle", VERSION)
- rescue Gem::GemNotFoundException
- if File.exist?(File.expand_path("../../../exe/bundle", __FILE__))
- Bundler::SharedHelpers.set_env "BUNDLE_BIN_PATH", File.expand_path("../../../exe/bundle", __FILE__)
- else
- Bundler::SharedHelpers.set_env "BUNDLE_BIN_PATH", File.expand_path("../../../../bin/bundle", __FILE__)
- end
- end
- Bundler::SharedHelpers.set_env "BUNDLE_GEMFILE", find_gemfile(:order_matters).to_s
- Bundler::SharedHelpers.set_env "BUNDLER_VERSION", Bundler::VERSION
- end
- def set_path
- validate_bundle_path
- paths = (ENV["PATH"] || "").split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
- paths.unshift "#{Bundler.bundle_path}/bin"
- Bundler::SharedHelpers.set_env "PATH", paths.uniq.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
- end
- def set_rubyopt
- rubyopt = [ENV["RUBYOPT"]].compact
- return if !rubyopt.empty? && rubyopt.first =~ %r{-rbundler/setup}
- rubyopt.unshift %(-rbundler/setup)
- Bundler::SharedHelpers.set_env "RUBYOPT", rubyopt.join(" ")
- end
- def set_rubylib
- rubylib = (ENV["RUBYLIB"] || "").split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
- rubylib.unshift bundler_ruby_lib
- Bundler::SharedHelpers.set_env "RUBYLIB", rubylib.uniq.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
- end
- def bundler_ruby_lib
- File.expand_path("../..", __FILE__)
- end
- def clean_load_path
- # handle 1.9 where system gems are always on the load path
- return unless defined?(::Gem)
- bundler_lib = bundler_ruby_lib
- loaded_gem_paths = Bundler.rubygems.loaded_gem_paths
- $LOAD_PATH.reject! do |p|
- next if File.expand_path(p).start_with?(bundler_lib)
- loaded_gem_paths.delete(p)
- end
- $LOAD_PATH.uniq!
- end
- def prints_major_deprecations?
- require "bundler"
- deprecation_release = Bundler::VERSION.split(".").drop(1).include?("99")
- return false if !deprecation_release && !Bundler.settings[:major_deprecations]
- require "bundler/deprecate"
- return false if Bundler::Deprecate.skip
- true
- end
- extend self
- end