path: root/lib/bundler/resolver.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bundler/resolver.rb')
1 files changed, 373 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bundler/resolver.rb b/lib/bundler/resolver.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..545b4cc88a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bundler/resolver.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Bundler
+ class Resolver
+ require "bundler/vendored_molinillo"
+ require "bundler/resolver/spec_group"
+ # Figures out the best possible configuration of gems that satisfies
+ # the list of passed dependencies and any child dependencies without
+ # causing any gem activation errors.
+ #
+ # ==== Parameters
+ # *dependencies<Gem::Dependency>:: The list of dependencies to resolve
+ #
+ # ==== Returns
+ # <GemBundle>,nil:: If the list of dependencies can be resolved, a
+ # collection of gemspecs is returned. Otherwise, nil is returned.
+ def self.resolve(requirements, index, source_requirements = {}, base = [], gem_version_promoter =, additional_base_requirements = [], platforms = nil)
+ platforms = if platforms
+ base = unless base.is_a?(SpecSet)
+ resolver = new(index, source_requirements, base, gem_version_promoter, additional_base_requirements, platforms)
+ result = resolver.start(requirements)
+ end
+ def initialize(index, source_requirements, base, gem_version_promoter, additional_base_requirements, platforms)
+ @index = index
+ @source_requirements = source_requirements
+ @base = base
+ @resolver =, self)
+ @search_for = {}
+ @base_dg =
+ @base.each do |ls|
+ dep =, ls.version)
+ @base_dg.add_vertex(,, ls.platform), true)
+ end
+ additional_base_requirements.each {|d| @base_dg.add_vertex(, d) }
+ @platforms = platforms
+ @gem_version_promoter = gem_version_promoter
+ @allow_bundler_dependency_conflicts = Bundler.feature_flag.allow_bundler_dependency_conflicts?
+ @lockfile_uses_separate_rubygems_sources = Bundler.feature_flag.lockfile_uses_separate_rubygems_sources?
+ @use_gvp = Bundler.feature_flag.use_gem_version_promoter_for_major_updates? || !@gem_version_promoter.major?
+ end
+ def start(requirements)
+ @gem_version_promoter.prerelease_specified = @prerelease_specified = {}
+ requirements.each {|dep| @prerelease_specified[] ||= dep.prerelease? }
+ verify_gemfile_dependencies_are_found!(requirements)
+ dg = @resolver.resolve(requirements, @base_dg)
+ reject {|sg|"\0") }.
+ map(&:to_specs).flatten
+ rescue Molinillo::VersionConflict => e
+ message = version_conflict_message(e)
+ raise, message)
+ rescue Molinillo::CircularDependencyError => e
+ names = e.dependencies.sort_by(&:name).map {|d| "gem '#{}'" }
+ raise CyclicDependencyError, "Your bundle requires gems that depend" \
+ " on each other, creating an infinite loop. Please remove" \
+ " #{names.count > 1 ? "either " : ""}#{names.join(" or ")}" \
+ " and try again."
+ end
+ include Molinillo::UI
+ # Conveys debug information to the user.
+ #
+ # @param [Integer] depth the current depth of the resolution process.
+ # @return [void]
+ def debug(depth = 0)
+ return unless debug?
+ debug_info = yield
+ debug_info = debug_info.inspect unless debug_info.is_a?(String)
+ STDERR.puts debug_info.split("\n").map {|s| " " * depth + s }
+ end
+ def debug?
+ return @debug_mode if defined?(@debug_mode)
+ @debug_mode = ENV["DEBUG_RESOLVER"] || ENV["DEBUG_RESOLVER_TREE"] || false
+ end
+ def before_resolution
+ "Resolving dependencies...", debug?
+ end
+ def after_resolution
+ ""
+ end
+ def indicate_progress
+ ".", false unless debug?
+ end
+ include Molinillo::SpecificationProvider
+ def dependencies_for(specification)
+ specification.dependencies_for_activated_platforms
+ end
+ def search_for(dependency)
+ platform = dependency.__platform
+ dependency = dependency.dep unless dependency.is_a? Gem::Dependency
+ search = @search_for[dependency] ||= begin
+ index = index_for(dependency)
+ results =, @base[])
+ if vertex = @base_dg.vertex_named(
+ locked_requirement = vertex.payload.requirement
+ end
+ if !@prerelease_specified[] && (!@use_gvp || locked_requirement.nil?)
+ # Move prereleases to the beginning of the list, so they're considered
+ # last during resolution.
+ pre, results = results.partition {|spec| spec.version.prerelease? }
+ results = pre + results
+ end
+ spec_groups = if results.any?
+ nested = []
+ results.each do |spec|
+ version, specs = nested.last
+ if version == spec.version
+ specs << spec
+ else
+ nested << [spec.version, [spec]]
+ end
+ end
+ nested.reduce([]) do |groups, (version, specs)|
+ next groups if locked_requirement && !locked_requirement.satisfied_by?(version)
+ spec_group =
+ spec_group.ignores_bundler_dependencies = @allow_bundler_dependency_conflicts
+ groups << spec_group
+ end
+ else
+ []
+ end
+ # GVP handles major itself, but it's still a bit risky to trust it with it
+ # until we get it settled with new behavior. For 2.x it can take over all cases.
+ if !@use_gvp
+ spec_groups
+ else
+ @gem_version_promoter.sort_versions(dependency, spec_groups)
+ end
+ end
+ {|sg| sg.for?(platform) }.each {|sg| sg.activate_platform!(platform) }
+ end
+ def index_for(dependency)
+ source = @source_requirements[]
+ if source
+ source.specs
+ elsif @lockfile_uses_separate_rubygems_sources
+ do |idx|
+ if dependency.all_sources
+ dependency.all_sources.each {|s| idx.add_source(s.specs) if s }
+ else
+ idx.add_source @source_requirements[:default].specs
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ @index
+ end
+ end
+ def name_for(dependency)
+ end
+ def name_for_explicit_dependency_source
+ Bundler.default_gemfile.basename.to_s
+ rescue
+ "Gemfile"
+ end
+ def name_for_locking_dependency_source
+ Bundler.default_lockfile.basename.to_s
+ rescue
+ "Gemfile.lock"
+ end
+ def requirement_satisfied_by?(requirement, activated, spec)
+ return false unless requirement.matches_spec?(spec) || spec.source.is_a?(Source::Gemspec)
+ spec.activate_platform!(requirement.__platform) if !@platforms || @platforms.include?(requirement.__platform)
+ true
+ end
+ def relevant_sources_for_vertex(vertex)
+ if vertex.root?
+ [@source_requirements[]]
+ elsif @lockfile_uses_separate_rubygems_sources
+ do |v|
+ @source_requirements[]
+ end << @source_requirements[:default]
+ end
+ end
+ def sort_dependencies(dependencies, activated, conflicts)
+ dependencies.sort_by do |dependency|
+ dependency.all_sources = relevant_sources_for_vertex(activated.vertex_named(
+ name = name_for(dependency)
+ vertex = activated.vertex_named(name)
+ [
+ @base_dg.vertex_named(name) ? 0 : 1,
+ vertex.payload ? 0 : 1,
+ vertex.root? ? 0 : 1,
+ amount_constrained(dependency),
+ conflicts[name] ? 0 : 1,
+ vertex.payload ? 0 : search_for(dependency).count,
+ self.class.platform_sort_key(dependency.__platform),
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ # Sort platforms from most general to most specific
+ def self.sort_platforms(platforms)
+ platforms.sort_by do |platform|
+ platform_sort_key(platform)
+ end
+ end
+ def self.platform_sort_key(platform)
+ return ["", "", ""] if Gem::Platform::RUBY == platform
+ {|part| part || "" }
+ end
+ private
+ # returns an integer \in (-\infty, 0]
+ # a number closer to 0 means the dependency is less constraining
+ #
+ # dependencies w/ 0 or 1 possibilities (ignoring version requirements)
+ # are given very negative values, so they _always_ sort first,
+ # before dependencies that are unconstrained
+ def amount_constrained(dependency)
+ @amount_constrained ||= {}
+ @amount_constrained[] ||= begin
+ if (base = @base[]) && !base.empty?
+ dependency.requirement.satisfied_by?(base.first.version) ? 0 : 1
+ else
+ all = index_for(dependency).search(
+ if all <= 1
+ all - 1_000_000
+ else
+ search = search_for(dependency)
+ search = @prerelease_specified[] ? search.count : search.count {|s| !s.version.prerelease? }
+ search - all
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def verify_gemfile_dependencies_are_found!(requirements)
+ requirements.each do |requirement|
+ name =
+ next if name == "bundler"
+ next unless search_for(requirement).empty?
+ cache_message = begin
+ " or in gems cached in #{Bundler.settings.app_cache_path}" if Bundler.app_cache.exist?
+ rescue GemfileNotFound
+ nil
+ end
+ if (base = @base[name]) && !base.empty?
+ version = base.first.version
+ message = "You have requested:\n" \
+ " #{name} #{requirement.requirement}\n\n" \
+ "The bundle currently has #{name} locked at #{version}.\n" \
+ "Try running `bundle update #{name}`\n\n" \
+ "If you are updating multiple gems in your Gemfile at once,\n" \
+ "try passing them all to `bundle update`"
+ elsif source = @source_requirements[name]
+ specs = source.specs[name]
+ versions_with_platforms = {|s| [s.version, s.platform] }
+ message ="Could not find gem '#{SharedHelpers.pretty_dependency(requirement)}' in #{source}#{cache_message}.\n")
+ message << if versions_with_platforms.any?
+ "The source contains '#{name}' at: #{formatted_versions_with_platforms(versions_with_platforms)}"
+ else
+ "The source does not contain any versions of '#{name}'"
+ end
+ else
+ message = "Could not find gem '#{requirement}' in any of the gem sources " \
+ "listed in your Gemfile#{cache_message}."
+ end
+ raise GemNotFound, message
+ end
+ end
+ def formatted_versions_with_platforms(versions_with_platforms)
+ version_platform_strs = do |vwp|
+ version = vwp.first
+ platform = vwp.last
+ version_platform_str =
+ version_platform_str << " #{platform}" unless platform.nil? || platform == Gem::Platform::RUBY
+ version_platform_str
+ end
+ version_platform_strs.join(", ")
+ end
+ def version_conflict_message(e)
+ e.message_with_trees(
+ :solver_name => "Bundler",
+ :possibility_type => "gem",
+ :reduce_trees => lambda do |trees|
+ # called first, because we want to reduce the amount of work required to find maximal empty sets
+ trees = trees.uniq {|t| {|dep| [, dep.requirement] } }
+ # bail out if tree size is too big for Array#combination to make any sense
+ return trees if trees.size > 15
+ maximal = 1.upto(trees.size).map do |size|
+ end.flatten(1).select do |deps|
+ Bundler::VersionRanges.empty?(*Bundler::VersionRanges.for_many(
+ end.min_by(&:size)
+ trees.reject! {|t| !maximal.include?(t.last) } if maximal
+ trees = trees.sort_by {|t| }
+ trees.uniq! {|t| {|dep| [, dep.requirement] } }
+ trees.sort_by {|t| }
+ end,
+ :printable_requirement => lambda {|req| SharedHelpers.pretty_dependency(req) },
+ :additional_message_for_conflict => lambda do |o, name, conflict|
+ if name == "bundler"
+ o << %(\n Current Bundler version:\n bundler (#{Bundler::VERSION}))
+ other_bundler_required = !conflict.requirement.requirement.satisfied_by?( Bundler::VERSION)
+ end
+ if name == "bundler" && other_bundler_required
+ o << "\n"
+ o << "This Gemfile requires a different version of Bundler.\n"
+ o << "Perhaps you need to update Bundler by running `gem install bundler`?\n"
+ end
+ if conflict.locked_requirement
+ o << "\n"
+ o << %(Running `bundle update` will rebuild your snapshot from scratch, using only\n)
+ o << %(the gems in your Gemfile, which may resolve the conflict.\n)
+ elsif !conflict.existing
+ o << "\n"
+ relevant_sources = if conflict.requirement.source
+ [conflict.requirement.source]
+ elsif conflict.requirement.all_sources
+ conflict.requirement.all_sources
+ elsif @lockfile_uses_separate_rubygems_sources
+ # every conflict should have an explicit group of sources when we
+ # enforce strict pinning
+ raise "no source set for #{conflict}"
+ else
+ []
+ o << "Could not find gem '#{SharedHelpers.pretty_dependency(conflict.requirement)}'"
+ if conflict.requirement_trees.first.size > 1
+ o << ", which is required by "
+ o << "gem '#{SharedHelpers.pretty_dependency(conflict.requirement_trees.first[-2])}',"
+ end
+ o << " "
+ o << if relevant_sources.empty?
+ "in any of the sources.\n"
+ else
+ "in any of the relevant sources:\n #{relevant_sources * "\n "}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ :version_for_spec => lambda {|spec| spec.version }
+ )
+ end
+ end