path: root/gc.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gc.c')
1 files changed, 490 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gc.c b/gc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f30206f09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+ gc.c -
+ $Author: matz $
+ $Date: 1994/06/27 15:48:27 $
+ created at: Tue Oct 5 09:44:46 JST 1993
+ Copyright (C) 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto
+#include "ruby.h"
+#include "env.h"
+#include "st.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+void *malloc();
+void *calloc();
+void *realloc();
+struct gc_list *GC_List = Qnil;
+static struct gc_list *Global_List = Qnil;
+static unsigned long bytes_alloc = 0, gc_threshold = 1000000;
+static mark_tbl();
+void *
+ unsigned long size;
+ void *mem;
+ bytes_alloc += size;
+ if (size == 0) size = 1;
+ mem = malloc(size);
+ if (mem == Qnil) {
+ gc();
+ bytes_alloc += size;
+ mem = malloc(size);
+ if (mem == Qnil)
+ Fatal("failed to allocate memory");
+ }
+ return mem;
+void *
+xcalloc(n, size)
+ unsigned long n, size;
+ void *mem;
+ mem = xmalloc(n * size);
+ bzero(mem, n * size);
+ return mem;
+void *
+xrealloc(ptr, size)
+ void *ptr;
+ unsigned long size;
+ void *mem;
+ mem = realloc(ptr, size);
+ if (mem == Qnil) {
+ gc();
+ mem = realloc(ptr, size);
+ if (mem == Qnil)
+ Fatal("failed to allocate memory(realloc)");
+ }
+ return mem;
+ VALUE *var;
+ struct gc_list *tmp;
+ tmp = (struct gc_list*)xmalloc(sizeof(struct gc_list));
+ tmp->next = Global_List;
+ tmp->varptr = var;
+ tmp->n = 1;
+ Global_List = tmp;
+static struct RBasic *object_list = Qnil;
+static struct RBasic *literal_list = Qnil;
+static unsigned long fl_current = FL_MARK;
+static unsigned long fl_old = 0L;
+static int dont_gc;
+ int old = dont_gc;
+ dont_gc = Qnil;
+ return old;
+ int old = dont_gc;
+ dont_gc = TRUE;
+ return old;
+ VALUE obj;
+ return INT2FIX(gc_threshold);
+Fgc_set_threshold(obj, val)
+ VALUE obj, val;
+ int old = gc_threshold;
+ gc_threshold = NUM2INT(val);
+ return INT2FIX(old);
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/times.h>
+static Fgc_begin()
+ return Qnil;
+static Fgc_end()
+ return Qnil;
+static ID start_hook, end_hook;
+struct RBasic *
+ unsigned long size;
+ struct RBasic *obj = Qnil;
+ if (bytes_alloc + size > gc_threshold) {
+ gc();
+ }
+ obj = (struct RBasic*)xmalloc(size);
+ obj->next = object_list;
+ object_list = obj;
+ obj->flags = fl_current;
+ obj->iv_tbl = Qnil;
+ return obj;
+ struct RBasic *obj;
+ struct RBasic *ptr = object_list;
+ if (NIL_P(obj) || FIXNUM_P(obj)) return;
+ if (ptr == obj) {
+ object_list = ptr->next;
+ obj->next = literal_list;
+ literal_list = obj;
+ return;
+ }
+ while (ptr && ptr->next) {
+ if (ptr->next == obj) {
+ ptr->next = obj->next;
+ obj->next = literal_list;
+ literal_list = obj;
+ return;
+ }
+ ptr = ptr->next;
+ }
+ Bug("0x%x is not a object.", obj);
+ struct RBasic *obj;
+ struct RBasic *ptr = literal_list;
+ if (NIL_P(obj) || FIXNUM_P(obj)) return;
+ if (!FL_TEST(obj, FL_LITERAL)) return;
+ if (ptr == obj) {
+ literal_list = ptr->next;
+ goto unlit;
+ }
+ while (ptr->next) {
+ if (ptr->next == obj) {
+ ptr->next = obj->next;
+ }
+ ptr = ptr->next;
+ goto unlit;
+ }
+ Bug("0x%x is not a literal object.", obj);
+ unlit:
+ obj->next = object_list;
+ object_list = obj;
+ obj->flags &= ~FL_MARK;
+ obj->flags |= fl_current;
+ return;
+extern st_table *rb_global_tbl;
+extern st_table *rb_class_tbl;
+ struct gc_list *list;
+ struct ENVIRON *env;
+ int i, max;
+ rb_funcall(M_GC, start_hook, 0, Qnil);
+ if (dont_gc) return;
+ dont_gc++;
+ fl_old = fl_current;
+ fl_current = ~fl_current & FL_MARK;
+ /* mark env stack */
+ for (env = the_env; env; env = env->prev) {
+ mark(env->self);
+ for (i=1, max=env->argc; i<max; i++) {
+ mark(env->argv[i]);
+ }
+ if (env->local_vars) {
+ for (i=0, max=env->local_tbl[0]; i<max; i++)
+ mark(env->local_vars[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ /* mark protected C variables */
+ for (list=GC_List; list; list=list->next) {
+ VALUE *v = list->varptr;
+ for (i=0, max = list->n; i<max; i++) {
+ mark(*v);
+ v++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* mark protected global variables */
+ for (list = Global_List; list; list = list->next) {
+ mark(*list->varptr);
+ }
+ mark_global_tbl();
+ mark_tbl(rb_class_tbl);
+ mark_trap_list();
+ sweep();
+ bytes_alloc = 0;
+ dont_gc--;
+ rb_funcall(M_GC, end_hook, 0, Qnil);
+mark_entry(key, value)
+ ID key;
+ VALUE value;
+ mark(value);
+ return ST_CONTINUE;
+ st_table *tbl;
+ st_foreach(tbl, mark_entry, 0);
+mark_dicentry(key, value)
+ ID key;
+ VALUE value;
+ mark(key);
+ mark(value);
+ return ST_CONTINUE;
+ st_table *tbl;
+ st_foreach(tbl, mark_dicentry, 0);
+ register struct RBasic *obj;
+ if (obj == Qnil) return;
+ if (FIXNUM_P(obj)) return;
+ if ((obj->flags & FL_MARK) == fl_current) return;
+ obj->flags &= ~FL_MARK;
+ obj->flags |= fl_current;
+ switch (obj->flags & T_MASK) {
+ case T_NIL:
+ case T_FIXNUM:
+ Bug("mark() called for broken object");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (obj->iv_tbl) mark_tbl(obj->iv_tbl);
+ switch (obj->flags & T_MASK) {
+ case T_OBJECT:
+ mark(obj->class);
+ break;
+ case T_ICLASS:
+ mark(RCLASS(obj)->super);
+ if (RCLASS(obj)->c_tbl) mark_tbl(RCLASS(obj)->c_tbl);
+ mark_tbl(RCLASS(obj)->m_tbl);
+ break;
+ case T_CLASS:
+ mark(RCLASS(obj)->super);
+ case T_MODULE:
+ if (RCLASS(obj)->c_tbl) mark_tbl(RCLASS(obj)->c_tbl);
+ mark_tbl(RCLASS(obj)->m_tbl);
+ mark(RBASIC(obj)->class);
+ break;
+ case T_ARRAY:
+ {
+ int i, len = RARRAY(obj)->len;
+ VALUE *ptr = RARRAY(obj)->ptr;
+ for (i=0; i < len; i++)
+ mark(ptr[i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case T_DICT:
+ mark_dict(RDICT(obj)->tbl);
+ break;
+ case T_STRING:
+ if (RSTRING(obj)->orig) mark(RSTRING(obj)->orig);
+ break;
+ case T_DATA:
+ if (RDATA(obj)->dmark) (*RDATA(obj)->dmark)(DATA_PTR(obj));
+ break;
+ case T_REGEXP:
+ case T_FLOAT:
+ case T_METHOD:
+ case T_BIGNUM:
+ break;
+ case T_STRUCT:
+ {
+ int i, len = RSTRUCT(obj)->len;
+ struct kv_pair *ptr = RSTRUCT(obj)->tbl;
+ for (i=0; i < len; i++)
+ mark(ptr[i].value);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ Bug("mark(): unknown data type %d", obj->flags & T_MASK);
+ }
+ register struct RBasic *link = object_list;
+ register struct RBasic *next;
+ if (link && (link->flags & FL_MARK) == fl_old) {
+ object_list = object_list->next;
+ obj_free(link);
+ link = object_list;
+ }
+ while (link && link->next) {
+ if ((link->next->flags & FL_MARK) == fl_old) {
+ next = link->next->next;
+ obj_free(link->next);
+ link->next = next;
+ continue;
+ }
+ link = link->next;
+ }
+freemethod(key, body)
+ ID key;
+ char *body;
+ freenode(body);
+ return ST_CONTINUE;
+ struct RBasic *obj;
+ switch (obj->flags & T_MASK) {
+ case T_NIL:
+ case T_FIXNUM:
+ Bug("obj_free() called for broken object");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (obj->iv_tbl) st_free_table(obj->iv_tbl);
+ switch (obj->flags & T_MASK) {
+ case T_OBJECT:
+ break;
+ case T_MODULE:
+ case T_CLASS:
+ st_foreach(RCLASS(obj)->m_tbl, freemethod);
+ st_free_table(RCLASS(obj)->m_tbl);
+ if (RCLASS(obj)->c_tbl)
+ st_free_table(RCLASS(obj)->c_tbl);
+ break;
+ case T_STRING:
+ if (RSTRING(obj)->orig == Qnil) free(RSTRING(obj)->ptr);
+ break;
+ case T_ARRAY:
+ free(RARRAY(obj)->ptr);
+ break;
+ case T_DICT:
+ st_free_table(RDICT(obj)->tbl);
+ break;
+ case T_REGEXP:
+ reg_free(RREGEXP(obj)->ptr);
+ free(RREGEXP(obj)->str);
+ break;
+ case T_DATA:
+ if (RDATA(obj)->dfree) (*RDATA(obj)->dfree)(DATA_PTR(obj));
+ break;
+ case T_ICLASS:
+ /* iClass shares table with the module */
+ case T_FLOAT:
+ break;
+ case T_METHOD:
+ freenode(RMETHOD(obj)->node);
+ break;
+ case T_STRUCT:
+ free(RSTRUCT(obj)->name);
+ free(RSTRUCT(obj)->tbl);
+ break;
+ case T_BIGNUM:
+ free(RBIGNUM(obj)->digits);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Bug("sweep(): unknown data type %d", obj->flags & T_MASK);
+ }
+ free(obj);
+ M_GC = rb_define_module("GC");
+ rb_define_single_method(M_GC, "start", gc, 0);
+ rb_define_single_method(M_GC, "enable", Fgc_enable, 0);
+ rb_define_single_method(M_GC, "disable", Fgc_disable, 0);
+ rb_define_single_method(M_GC, "threshold", Fgc_threshold, 0);
+ rb_define_single_method(M_GC, "threshold=", Fgc_set_threshold, 1);
+ rb_define_single_method(M_GC, "start_hook", Fgc_begin, 0);
+ rb_define_single_method(M_GC, "end_hook", Fgc_end, 0);
+ rb_define_func(M_GC, "garbage_collect", gc, 0);
+ start_hook = rb_intern("start_hook");
+ end_hook = rb_intern("end_hook");