path: root/ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.rb')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 154 deletions
diff --git a/ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.rb b/ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.rb
index e711bda39c..3f17f5aa29 100644
--- a/ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.rb
+++ b/ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.rb
@@ -1,154 +1 @@
-= $RCSfile$ -- Ruby-space definitions that completes C-space funcs for X509 and subclasses
-= Info
- 'OpenSSL for Ruby 2' project
- Copyright (C) 2002 Michal Rokos <>
- All rights reserved.
-= Licence
- This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby.
- (See the file 'LICENCE'.)
-= Version
- $Id$
-require "openssl"
-module OpenSSL
- module X509
- class ExtensionFactory
- def create_extension(*arg)
- if arg.size > 1
- create_ext(*arg)
- else
- send("create_ext_from_"+arg[0], arg[0])
- end
- end
- def create_ext_from_array(ary)
- raise ExtensionError, "unexpected array form" if ary.size > 3
- create_ext(ary[0], ary[1], ary[2])
- end
- def create_ext_from_string(str) # "oid = critical, value"
- oid, value = str.split(/=/, 2)
- oid.strip!
- value.strip!
- create_ext(oid, value)
- end
- def create_ext_from_hash(hash)
- create_ext(hash["oid"], hash["value"], hash["critical"])
- end
- end
- class Extension
- def to_s # "oid = critical, value"
- str = self.oid
- str << " = "
- str << "critical, " if self.critical?
- str << self.value.gsub(/\n/, ", ")
- end
- def to_h # {"oid"=>sn|ln, "value"=>value, "critical"=>true|false}
- {"oid"=>self.oid,"value"=>self.value,"critical"=>self.critical?}
- end
- def to_a
- [ self.oid, self.value, self.critical? ]
- end
- end
- class Name
- module RFC2253DN
- Special = ',=+<>#;'
- HexChar = /[0-9a-fA-F]/
- HexPair = /#{HexChar}#{HexChar}/
- HexString = /#{HexPair}+/
- Pair = /\\(?:[#{Special}]|\\|"|#{HexPair})/
- StringChar = /[^#{Special}\\"]/
- QuoteChar = /[^\\"]/
- AttributeType = /[a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]*|[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*/
- AttributeValue = /
- (?!["#])((?:#{StringChar}|#{Pair})*)|
- \#(#{HexString})|
- "((?:#{QuoteChar}|#{Pair})*)"
- /x
- TypeAndValue = /\A(#{AttributeType})=#{AttributeValue}/
- module_function
- def expand_pair(str)
- return nil unless str
- return str.gsub(Pair){|pair|
- case pair.size
- when 2 then pair[1,1]
- when 3 then Integer("0x#{pair[1,2]}").chr
- else raise OpenSSL::X509::NameError, "invalid pair: #{str}"
- end
- }
- end
- def expand_hexstring(str)
- return nil unless str
- der = str.gsub(HexPair){|hex| Integer("0x#{hex}").chr }
- a1 = OpenSSL::ASN1.decode(der)
- return a1.value, a1.tag
- end
- def expand_value(str1, str2, str3)
- value = expand_pair(str1)
- value, tag = expand_hexstring(str2) unless value
- value = expand_pair(str3) unless value
- return value, tag
- end
- def scan(dn)
- str = dn
- ary = []
- while true
- if md = TypeAndValue.match(str)
- matched = md.to_s
- remain = md.post_match
- type = md[1]
- value, tag = expand_value(md[2], md[3], md[4]) rescue nil
- if value
- type_and_value = [type, value]
- type_and_value.push(tag) if tag
- ary.unshift(type_and_value)
- if remain.length > 2 && remain[0] == ?,
- str = remain[1..-1]
- next
- elsif remain.length > 2 && remain[0] == ?+
- raise OpenSSL::X509::NameError,
- "multi-valued RDN is not supported: #{dn}"
- elsif remain.empty?
- break
- end
- end
- end
- msg_dn = dn[0, dn.length - str.length] + " =>" + str
- raise OpenSSL::X509::NameError, "malformed RDN: #{msg_dn}"
- end
- return ary
- end
- end
- class <<self
- def parse_rfc2253(str, template=OBJECT_TYPE_TEMPLATE)
- ary = OpenSSL::X509::Name::RFC2253DN.scan(str)
-, template)
- end
- def parse_openssl(str, template=OBJECT_TYPE_TEMPLATE)
- ary = str.scan(/\s*([^\/,]+)\s*/).collect{|i| i[0].split("=", 2) }
-, template)
- end
- alias parse parse_openssl
- end
- end
- end
+require 'openssl'