path: root/doc/syntax/methods.rdoc
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1 files changed, 130 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/syntax/methods.rdoc b/doc/syntax/methods.rdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c207649264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/syntax/methods.rdoc
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+= Methods
+Methods implement the functionality of your program. Here is a simple method
+ def one_plus_one
+ 1 + 1
+ end
+A method definition consists of the +def+ keyword, a method name, the body of
+the method, then the +end+ keyword. When called the method will execute the
+body of the method. This method returns <tt>2</tt>.
+== Arguments
+A method may accept arguments. The argument list follows the method name:
+ def add_one(value)
+ value + 1
+ end
+When called, the user of the +add_one+ method must provide an argument. The
+argument is a local variable in the method body. The method will then add one
+to this argument and return the value. If given <tt>1</tt> this method will
+return <tt>2</tt>.
+The parentheses around the arguments are optional:
+ def add_one value
+ value + 1
+ end
+Multiple arguments are separated by a comma:
+ def add_values(a, b)
+ a + b
+ end
+When called, the arguments must be provided in the exact order. In other
+words, the arguments are positional.
+=== Default Values
+Arguments may have default values:
+ def add_values(a, b = 1)
+ a + b
+ end
+The default value does not need to appear first, but the must be grouped
+together. This is ok:
+ def add_values(a = 1, b = 2, c)
+ a + b + c
+ end
+This will raise a SyntaxError:
+ def add_values(a = 1, b, c = 1)
+ a + b + c
+ end
+=== Keyword Arguments
+Keyword arguments are similar to positional arguments with default values:
+ def add_values first: 1, second: 2
+ first + second
+ end
+When calling a method with keyword arguments the arguments may appear in any
+order. If an unknown keyword argument is sent by the caller an ArgumentError
+is raised.
+When mixing keyword arguments and positional arguments, all positional
+arguments must appear before any keyword arguments.
+=== Array/Hash Argument
+Prefixing an argument with "*" causes any remaining arguments to be converted
+to an Array:
+ def gather_arguments(*arguments)
+ p arguments
+ end
+ gather_arguments 1, 2, 3 # prints [1, 2, 3]
+The array argument must be the last positional argument, it must appear before
+any keyword arguments.
+The array argument will capture a Hash as the last entry if a hash was sent by
+the caller after all positional arguments.
+ gather_arguments 1, a: 2 # prints [1, {:a=>2}]
+However, this only occurs if the method does not declare any keyword arguments.
+ def gather_arguments_keyword(*positional, keyword: nil)
+ p positinal: positional, keyword: keyword
+ end
+ gather_arguments_keyword 1, 2, three: 3
+ #=> raises: unknown keyword: three (ArgumentError)
+== Exception Handling
+Methods have an implied exception handling block so you do not need to use
++begin+ or +end+ to handle exceptions. This:
+ def my_method
+ begin
+ # code that may raise an exception
+ rescue
+ # handle exception
+ end
+ end
+May be written as:
+ def my_method
+ # code that may raise an exception
+ rescue
+ # handle exception
+ end
+If you wish to rescue an exception for only part of your method use +begin+ and
++end+. For more details see the page on {Exception