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index a6d6cdbc33..f169e54995 100644
@@ -84,37 +84,28 @@ There are faster check-macros for fixnums and nil.
1.3 Convert VALUE into C data
-データタイプがT_NIL, T_FALSE, T_TRUEである時,データはそれぞ
-れnil, false, trueです.このデータタイプのオブジェクトはひと
-構造体は「struct RXxxxx」という名前でruby.hで定義されていま
-す.例えば文字列は「struct RString」です.実際に使う可能性が
-字にしたもの)という名前で提供されています(例: RSTRING()).
+The data for type T_NIL, T_FALSE, T_TRUE are nil, true, false
+respectively. They are singletons for the data type.
+The T_FIXNUM data is the 31bit length fixed integer (63bit length on
+some machines), which can be conver to the C integer by using
+FIX2INT() macro. There also be NUM2INT() which converts any Ruby
+numbers into C integer. The NUM2INT() macro includes type check, so
+the exception will be raised if conversion failed.
+Other data types have corresponding C structures, e.g. struct RArray
+for T_ARRAY etc. VALUE of the type which has corresponding structure
+can be cast to retrieve the pointer to the struct. The casting macro
+RXXXX for each data type like RARRAY(obj). see "ruby.h".
+For example, `RSTRING(size)->len' is the way to get the size of the
+Ruby String object. The allocated region can be accessed by
+`RSTRING(str)->ptr'. For arrays, `RARRAY(ary)->len' and
+`RARRAY(ary)->ptr' respectively.
+Notice: Do not change the value of the structure directly, unless you
+are responsible about the result. It will be the cause of interesting
1.4 Convert C data into VALUE
@@ -150,12 +141,9 @@ INT2NUM()は整数がFIXNUMの範囲に収まらない場合,Bignumに変換
1.5 Manipulate Ruby data
+As I already told, it is not recommended to modify object's internal
+structure. To manipulate objects, use functions supplied by Ruby
+interpreter. Useful functions are listed below (not all):
String funtions
@@ -213,160 +201,148 @@ Rubyで提供されている関数を使えばRubyインタプリタに新しい機能
- * クラス,モジュール
- * メソッド,特異メソッドなど
- * 定数
+ * Classes, Modules
+ * Methods, Singleton Methods
+ * Constants
2.1.1 Class/module definition
+To define class or module, use functions below:
VALUE rb_define_class(char *name, VALUE super)
VALUE rb_define_module(char *name)
+These functions return the newly created class ot module. You may
+want to save this reference into the variable to use later.
2.1.2 Method/singleton method definition
+To define methods or singleton methods, use functions below:
void rb_define_method(VALUE class, char *name,
VALUE (*func)(), int argc)
void rb_define_singleton_method(VALUE object, char *name,
- VALUE (*func)(), int argc)
+ VALUE (*func)(), int argc)
+The `argc' represents the number of the arguments to the C function,
+which must be less than 17. But I believe you don't need that much. :-)
+If `argc' is negative, it specifies calling sequence, not number of
+the arguments.
-これらの関数の argcという引数はCの関数へ渡される引数の数(と
+If argc is -1, the function will be called like:
+ VALUE func(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
+where argc is the actual number of arguments, argv is the C array of
+the arguments, and obj is the receiver.
+if argc is -2, the arguments are passed in Ruby array. The function
+will be called like:
+ VALUE func(VALUE obj, VALUE args)
+where obj is the receiver, and args is the Ruby array containing
+actual arguments.
+There're two more functions to define method. One is to define
+private method:
void rb_define_private_method(VALUE class, char *name,
VALUE (*func)(), int argc)
+The other is to define module function, which is private AND singleton
+method of the module. For example, sqrt is the module function
+defined in Math module. It can be call in the form like:
include Math
+To define module function
void rb_define_module_function(VALUE module, char *name,
VALUE (*func)(), int argc)
-関数的メソッド(Kernelモジュールのprivaet method)を定義するた
+Oh, in addition, function-like method, which is private method defined
+in Kernel module, can be defined using:
void rb_define_global_function(char *name, VALUE (*func)(), int argc)
2.1.3 Constant definition
+We have 2 functions to define constants:
void rb_define_const(VALUE class, char *name, VALUE val)
void rb_define_global_const(char *name, VALUE val)
+The former is to define constant under specified class/module. The
+latter is to define global constant.
2.2 Use Ruby features from C
-既に『1.5 Rubyのデータを操作する』で一部紹介したような関数を
-# このような関数の一覧表はいまのところありません.ソースを見
-# るしかないですね.
+There are several ways to invoke Ruby's features from C code.
-2.2.1 Rubyのプログラムをevalする
+2.2.1 Evaluate Ruby Program in String
+Easiest way to call Ruby's function from C program is to evaluate the
+string as Ruby program. This function will do the job.
VALUE rb_eval_string(char *str)
+Evaluation is done under current context, thus current local variables
+of the innermost method (which is defined by Ruby) can be accessed.
2.2.2 ID or Symbol
+You can invoke methods directly, without parsing the string. First I
+need to explain about symbols (which data type is ID). ID is the
+integer number to represent Ruby's identifiers such as variable names.
+It can be accessed from Ruby in the form like:
- :識別子
+ :Identifier
+You can get the symbol value from string within C code, by using
rb_intern(char *name)
+In addition, the symbols for one character operators (e.g +) is the
+code for that character.
2.2.3 Invoke Ruby method from C
+To invoke methods directly, you can use the function below
VALUE rb_funcall(VALUE recv, ID mid, int argc, ...)
+This function invokes the method of the recv, which name is specified
+by the symbol mid.
-2.2.4 変数/定数を参照/更新する
+2.2.4 Accessing the variables and constants
+The functions to access/modify instance variables are below:
VALUE rb_ivar_get(VALUE obj, ID id)
VALUE rb_ivar_set(VALUE obj, ID id, VALUE val)
+id must be the symbol, which can be retrieved by rb_intern().
+To access the constants of the class/module:
VALUE rb_const_get(VALUE obj, ID id)
-クラス定数を新しく定義するためには『2.1.3 定数定義』で紹介さ
+See 2.1.3 for defining new constant.
3. Informatin sharing between Ruby and C
@@ -477,7 +453,7 @@ Cの構造体へのポインタは変数svalに代入されます.
4.Example - Create dbm module
@@ -485,39 +461,30 @@ Rubyのextディレクトリにすでに含まれているdbmモジュールを例に
% mkdir ext/dbm
+Make a directory for the extension library under ext directory.
(2) create MANIFEST file
% cd ext/dbm
% touch MANIFEST
+There should be MANIFEST file in the directory for the extension
+library. Make empty file now.
(3) design the library
+You need to design the library features, before making it.
(4) write C code.
@@ -525,22 +492,20 @@ Rubyは拡張モジュールをロードする時に「Init_モジュール名」と
- /* DBMクラスを定義する */
+ /* define DBM class */
cDBM = rb_define_class("DBM", rb_cObject);
- /* DBMはEnumerateモジュールをインクルードする */
+ /* DBM includes Enumerate module */
rb_include_module(cDBM, rb_mEnumerable);
- /* DBMクラスのクラスメソッドopen(): 引数はCの配列で受ける */
+ /* DBM has class method open(): arguments are received as C array */
rb_define_singleton_method(cDBM, "open", fdbm_s_open, -1);
- /* DBMクラスのメソッドclose(): 引数はなし */
+ /* DBM instance method close(): no args */
rb_define_method(cDBM, "close", fdbm_close, 0);
- /* DBMクラスのメソッド[]: 引数は1個 */
+ /* DBM instance method []: 1 argument */
rb_define_method(cDBM, "[]", fdbm_fetch, 1);
- /* DBMデータを格納するインスタンス変数名のためのID */
- id_dbm = rb_intern("dbm");
@@ -646,11 +611,10 @@ fdbm_indexes(obj, args)
らすため struct RArray* で受けていますが,VALUEでも同じこと
-** 注意事項
+** Notice
+GC should know about global variables which refers Ruby's objects, but
+not exported to the Ruby world. You need to protect them by
void rb_global_variable(VALUE *var)
@@ -704,22 +668,22 @@ Rubyのディレクトリでmakeを実行するとMakefileを生成からmake,
-(9) rb_debug
+(9) debug
You may need to rb_debug the module. The modules can be linked
statically by adding directory name in the ext/Setup file,
so that you can inspect the module by the debugger.
-(10) done, now you have the extension module
+(10) done, now you have the extension library
Appendix A. Rubyのソースコードの分類
@@ -847,54 +811,63 @@ superのサブクラスとして新しいRubyクラスを定義し,moduleの定
-** 大域変数定義
+** Defining Global Variables
void rb_define_variable(char *name, VALUE *var)
-て許されない文字(例えば` ')を含む場合にはRubyプログラムから
+Defines a global variable which is shared between C and Ruby. If name
+contains the character which is not allowed to be part of the symbol,
+it can't be seen from Ruby programs.
void rb_define_readonly_variable(char *name, VALUE *var)
-RubyとCとで共有するread onlyのグローバル変数を定義する.read
+Defines a read-only global variable. Works just like
+rb_define_variable(), except defined variable is read-only.
void rb_define_virtual_variable(char *name,
VALUE (*getter)(), VALUE (*setter)())
+Defines a virtual variable, whose behavior is defined by pair of C
+functions. The getter function is called when the variable is
+referred. The setter function is called when the value is set to the
+variable. The prototype for getter/setter functions are:
+ VALUE getter(ID id)
+ void setter(VALUE val, ID id)
+The getter function must return the value for the access.
void rb_define_hooked_variable(char *name, VALUE *var,
VALUE (*getter)(), VALUE (*setter)())
+Defines hooked variable. It's virtual variable with C variable. The
+getter is called as
+ VALUE getter(ID id, VALUE *var)
+returning new value. The setter is called as
+ void setter(VALUE val, ID id, VALUE *var)
+GC requires to mark the C global variables which hold Ruby values.
void rb_global_variable(VALUE *var)
-GCのため,Rubyプログラムからはアクセスされないが, Rubyオブジェ
+Tells GC to protect these variables.
-** クラス定数
+** Constant Definition
- void rb_define_const(VALUE class, char *name, VALUE val)
+ void rb_define_const(VALUE klass, char *name, VALUE val)
+Defines a new constant under the class/module.
void rb_define_global_const(char *name, VALUE val)
+Defines global contant. This is just work as
rb_define_const(cKernal, name, val)
-** メソッド定義
+** Method Definition
rb_define_method(VALUE class, char *name, VALUE (*func)(), int argc)
@@ -1008,50 +981,46 @@ rb_verbose時に標準エラー出力に警告情報を表示する.引数はprintf()と同じ.
-** Rubyの初期化・実行
+** Initialize and Starts the Interpreter
+The embedding API are below (not needed for extension libraries):
void ruby_init(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
+Initializes the interpreter.
void ruby_run()
+Starts execution of the interpreter.
void ruby_script(char *name)
+Specifies the name of the script ($0).
-Appendix B. extconf.rbで使える関数たち
+Appendix B. Functions Available in extconf.rb
have_library(lib, func)
+Checks whether library which contains specified function exists.
+Returns true if the library exists.
+Checks whether func exists. Returns true if the function exists. To
+check functions in the additional library, you need to check that
+library first using have_library().
+Checks for the header files. Returns true if the header file exists.
+Generates the Makefile for the extension library. If you don't invoke
+this method, the compilation will not be done.
* Local variables: