path: root/trunk/ext/tk/lib/tk/optiondb.rb
diff options
authoryugui <yugui@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2008-08-25 15:13:14 +0000
committeryugui <yugui@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2008-08-25 15:13:14 +0000
commitd0233291bc8a5068e52c69c210e5979e5324b5bc (patch)
tree7d9459449c33792c63eeb7baa071e76352e0baab /trunk/ext/tk/lib/tk/optiondb.rb
parent0dc342de848a642ecce8db697b8fecd83a63e117 (diff)
parent72eaacaa15256ab95c3b52ea386f88586fb9da40 (diff)
re-adding tag v1_9_0_4 as an alias of trunk@18848v1_9_0_4
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/ext/tk/lib/tk/optiondb.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 377 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/ext/tk/lib/tk/optiondb.rb b/trunk/ext/tk/lib/tk/optiondb.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 186811d37d..0000000000
--- a/trunk/ext/tk/lib/tk/optiondb.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-# tk/optiondb.rb : treat option database
-require 'tk'
-module TkOptionDB
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- TkCommandNames = ['option'.freeze].freeze
- (CmdClassID = ['CMD_CLASS'.freeze, '00000'.taint]).instance_eval{
- @mutex =
- def mutex; @mutex; end
- freeze
- }
- module Priority
- WidgetDefault = 20
- StartupFile = 40
- UserDefault = 60
- Interactive = 80
- end
- def add(pat, value, pri=None)
- # if $SAFE >= 4
- # fail SecurityError, "can't call 'TkOptionDB.add' at $SAFE >= 4"
- # end
- tk_call('option', 'add', pat, value, pri)
- end
- def clear
- # if $SAFE >= 4
- # fail SecurityError, "can't call 'TkOptionDB.crear' at $SAFE >= 4"
- # end
- tk_call_without_enc('option', 'clear')
- end
- def get(win, name, klass)
- tk_call('option', 'get', win ,name, klass)
- end
- def readfile(file, pri=None)
- tk_call('option', 'readfile', file, pri)
- end
- alias read_file readfile
- module_function :add, :clear, :get, :readfile, :read_file
- def read_entries(file, f_enc=nil)
- if
- fail SecurityError,
- "can't call 'TkOptionDB.read_entries' on a safe interpreter"
- end
- i_enc = ((Tk.encoding)? Tk.encoding : Tk.encoding_system)
- unless f_enc
- f_enc = i_enc
- end
- ent = []
- cline = ''
- open(file, 'r') {|f|
- while line = f.gets
- #cline += line.chomp!
- cline.concat(line.chomp!)
- case cline
- when /\\$/ # continue
- cline.chop!
- next
- when /^\s*(!|#)/ # coment
- cline = ''
- next
- when /^([^:]+):(.*)$/
- pat = $1.strip
- val = $2.lstrip
- p "ResourceDB: #{[pat, val].inspect}" if $DEBUG
- pat = TkCore::INTERP._toUTF8(pat, f_enc)
- pat = TkCore::INTERP._fromUTF8(pat, i_enc)
- val = TkCore::INTERP._toUTF8(val, f_enc)
- val = TkCore::INTERP._fromUTF8(val, i_enc)
- ent << [pat, val]
- cline = ''
- else # unknown --> ignore
- cline = ''
- next
- end
- end
- }
- ent
- end
- module_function :read_entries
- def read_with_encoding(file, f_enc=nil, pri=None)
- # try to read the file as an OptionDB file
- read_entries(file, f_enc).each{|pat, val|
- add(pat, val, pri)
- }
- i_enc = Tk.encoding()
- unless f_enc
- f_enc = i_enc
- end
- cline = ''
- open(file, 'r') {|f|
- while line = f.gets
- cline += line.chomp!
- case cline
- when /\\$/ # continue
- cline.chop!
- next
- when /^\s*!/ # coment
- cline = ''
- next
- when /^([^:]+):\s(.*)$/
- pat = $1
- val = $2
- p "ResourceDB: #{[pat, val].inspect}" if $DEBUG
- pat = TkCore::INTERP._toUTF8(pat, f_enc)
- pat = TkCore::INTERP._fromUTF8(pat, i_enc)
- val = TkCore::INTERP._toUTF8(val, f_enc)
- val = TkCore::INTERP._fromUTF8(val, i_enc)
- add(pat, val, pri)
- cline = ''
- else # unknown --> ignore
- cline = ''
- next
- end
- end
- }
- end
- module_function :read_with_encoding
- # support procs on the resource database
- @@resource_proc_class =
- @@resource_proc_class.const_set(:CARRIER, '.'.freeze)
- @@resource_proc_class.instance_variable_set('@method_tbl',
- TkCore::INTERP.create_table)
- @@resource_proc_class.instance_variable_set('@add_method', false)
- @@resource_proc_class.instance_variable_set('@safe_mode', 4)
- class << @@resource_proc_class
- private :new
- CARRIER = '.'.freeze
- METHOD_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- ADD_METHOD = false
- def __closed_block_check__(str)
- depth = 0
- str.scan(/[{}]/){|x|
- if x == "{"
- depth += 1
- elsif x == "}"
- depth -= 1
- end
- if depth <= 0 && !($' =~ /\A\s*\Z/)
- fail RuntimeError, "bad string for procedure : #{str.inspect}"
- end
- }
- str
- end
- private :__closed_block_check__
- def __check_proc_string__(str)
- # If you want to check the proc_string, do it in this method.
- # Please define this in the block given to 'new_proc_class' method.
- str
- end
- def method_missing(id, *args)
- #res_proc, proc_str = self::METHOD_TBL[id]
- res_proc, proc_str = @method_tbl[id]
- proc_source = TkOptionDB.get(self::CARRIER, id.id2name, '').strip
- res_proc = nil if proc_str != proc_source # resource is changed
- # unless res_proc.kind_of?(Proc)
- unless TkComm._callback_entry?(res_proc)
- #if id == :new || !(self::METHOD_TBL.has_key?(id) || self::ADD_METHOD)
- if id == :new || !(@method_tbl.has_key?(id) || @add_method)
- raise NoMethodError,
- "not support resource-proc '#{id.id2name}' for #{}"
- end
- proc_str = proc_source
- proc_str = '{' + proc_str + '}' unless /\A\{.*\}\Z/ =~ proc_str
- #proc_str = __closed_block_check__(proc_str)
- proc_str = __check_proc_string__(proc_str)
- res_proc = proc{
- begin
- #eval("$SAFE = #{self::SAFE_MODE};\" + proc_str)
- eval("$SAFE = #{@safe_mode};\" + proc_str)
- rescue SyntaxError=>err
- raise SyntaxError,
- TkCore::INTERP._toUTF8(err.message.gsub(/\(eval\):\d:/,
- "(#{id.id2name}):"))
- end
- }.call
- #self::METHOD_TBL[id] = [res_proc, proc_source]
- @method_tbl[id] = [res_proc, proc_source]
- end
- end
- private :__check_proc_string__, :method_missing
- end
- @@resource_proc_class.freeze
- def __create_new_class(klass, func, safe = 4, add = false, parent = nil)
- klass = klass.to_s if klass.kind_of? Symbol
- unless (?A..?Z) === klass[0]
- fail ArgumentError, "bad string '#{klass}' for class name"
- end
- unless func.kind_of? Array
- fail ArgumentError, "method-list must be Array"
- end
- func_str = func.join(' ')
- if parent == nil
- install_win(parent)
- elsif parent <= @@resource_proc_class
- install_win(parent::CARRIER)
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "parent must be Resource-Proc class"
- end
- carrier = Tk.tk_call_without_enc('frame', @path, '-class', klass)
- body = <<-"EOD"
- class #{klass} < TkOptionDB.module_eval('@@resource_proc_class')
- CARRIER = '#{carrier}'.freeze
- METHOD_TBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
- ADD_METHOD = #{add}
- SAFE_MODE = #{safe}
- %w(#{func_str}).each{|f| METHOD_TBL[f.intern] = nil }
- end
- if parent.kind_of?(Class) && parent <= @@resource_proc_class
- parent.class_eval(body)
- eval( + '::' + klass)
- else
- eval(body)
- eval('TkOptionDB::' + klass)
- end
- end
- def __create_new_class(klass, func, safe = 4, add = false, parent = nil)
- if klass.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- carrier = klass.path
- CmdClassID.mutex.synchronize{
- klass = CmdClassID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
- CmdClassID[1].succ!
- }
- parent = nil # ignore parent
- else
- klass = klass.to_s if klass.kind_of?(Symbol)
- unless (?A..?Z) === klass[0]
- fail ArgumentError, "bad string '#{klass}' for class name"
- end
- if parent == nil
- install_win(nil)
- elsif parent.kind_of?(TkWindow)
- install_win(parent.path)
- elsif parent <= @@resource_proc_class
- install_win(parent::CARRIER)
- else
- fail ArgumentError, "parent must be Resource-Proc class"
- end
- carrier = Tk.tk_call_without_enc('frame', @path, '-class', klass)
- end
- unless func.kind_of?(Array)
- fail ArgumentError, "method-list must be Array"
- end
- func_str = func.join(' ')
- if parent.kind_of?(Class) && parent <= @@resource_proc_class
- cmd_klass =
- else
- cmd_klass ='@@resource_proc_class'))
- end
- cmd_klass.const_set(:CARRIER, carrier.dup.freeze)
- cmd_klass.instance_variable_set('@method_tbl', TkCore::INTERP.create_table)
- cmd_klass.instance_variable_set('@add_method', add)
- cmd_klass.instance_variable_set('@safe_mode', safe)
- func.each{|f|
- cmd_klass.instance_variable_get('@method_tbl')[f.to_s.intern] = nil
- }
- cmd_klass.const_set(:METHOD_TBL, TkCore::INTERP.create_table)
- cmd_klass.const_set(:ADD_METHOD, add)
- cmd_klass.const_set(:SAFE_MODE, safe)
- func.each{|f| cmd_klass::METHOD_TBL[f.to_s.intern] = nil }
- cmd_klass
- end
- module_function :__create_new_class
- private_class_method :__create_new_class
- def __remove_methods_of_proc_class(klass)
- # for security, make these methods invalid
- class << klass
- def __null_method(*args); nil; end
- [ :class_eval, :name, :superclass, :clone, :dup, :autoload, :autoload?,
- :ancestors, :const_defined?, :const_get, :const_set, :const_missing,
- :class_variables, :constants, :included_modules, :instance_methods,
- :method_defined?, :module_eval, :private_instance_methods,
- :protected_instance_methods, :public_instance_methods,
- :singleton_methods, :remove_const, :remove_method, :undef_method,
- :to_s, :inspect, :display, :method, :methods, :respond_to?,
- :instance_variable_get, :instance_variable_set, :instance_method,
- :instance_eval, :instance_exec, :instance_variables, :kind_of?, :is_a?,
- :private_methods, :protected_methods, :public_methods ].each{|m|
- alias_method(m, :__null_method)
- }
- end
- end
- module_function :__remove_methods_of_proc_class
- private_class_method :__remove_methods_of_proc_class
- RAND_BASE_CHAR = RAND_BASE_HEAD + 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_'
- def __get_random_basename
- name = '%s%03d' % [RAND_BASE_HEAD[rand(RAND_BASE_HEAD.size),1],
- len = RAND_BASE_CHAR.size
- (6+rand(10)).times{
- name << RAND_BASE_CHAR[rand(len),1]
- }
- name
- end
- module_function :__get_random_basename
- private_class_method :__get_random_basename
- # define new proc class :
- # If you want to modify the new class or create a new subclass,
- # you must do such operation in the block parameter.
- # Because the created class is flozen after evaluating the block.
- def new_proc_class(klass, func, safe = 4, add = false, parent = nil, &b)
- new_klass = __create_new_class(klass, func, safe, add, parent)
- new_klass.class_eval(&b) if block_given?
- __remove_methods_of_proc_class(new_klass)
- new_klass.freeze
- new_klass
- end
- module_function :new_proc_class
- def eval_under_random_base(parent = nil, &b)
- new_klass = __create_new_class(__get_random_basename(),
- [], 4, false, parent)
- ret = new_klass.class_eval(&b) if block_given?
- __remove_methods_of_proc_class(new_klass)
- new_klass.freeze
- ret
- end
- module_function :eval_under_random_base
- def new_proc_class_random(klass, func, safe = 4, add = false, &b)
- eval_under_random_base(){
- TkOptionDB.new_proc_class(klass, func, safe, add, self, &b)
- }
- end
- module_function :new_proc_class_random
-TkOption = TkOptionDB
-TkResourceDB = TkOptionDB